costume, props and planning


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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Media A2 Film trailer and marketing campeign


Page 1: Costume, props and planning

By Matthew Pangratiou

Page 2: Costume, props and planning

We intend to use a few different suits in our trailer to portray Ralph (top dog, rich, top of the food chain). The suits can be used to show off his wealth but also to contrast with the other characters that will be shown in the trailer. The suits give a sense of superiority and control and you often associate them with mob leaders in various crime thrillers.

These are items often associated with the younger generation in crime/thrillers. It is a stereotype that has been around for years. The use of these items will present these characters to be less wealthy but making there way up the food chain in the game. They would be used on drug dealers and people working for the don. It will allow for a major contrast between Ralph and his ‘employees’. They need to look normal like the average person but give enough by there presentation so the audience no who and what they are.

Page 3: Costume, props and planning

These are the sort of items you would see on the more modern gangsters, as expensive jewellery is major part of their persona. Possessions that they can show off. Watches go back generations and old school gangsters loved there watches. Louis vuitton and Gucci belts are modern product used by a lot of drug dealers etc. Many people wearing rings and they help to provide extra assurance of the persons wealth. All of these items can be used create a characters image and where they stand in the story line.

Page 4: Costume, props and planning

These items will be used in our trailer and marketing campaigns . Trilbies were worn by the old school gangsters and create a stern tense image of control, power and possession. Trilbies will contrast nicely from Ralphs character and will show the difference in generations idea of fashion. Snapbacks are worn by many people in this present day and will back up the stereotype.

Page 5: Costume, props and planning

These are some of the shoes common with the two different generations. You will clearly be able to see the difference in wealth between Ralph and his workers as the wealthier characters usually wear designer cloths however this stereotype is dying out as designer brands are getting easier and easier to buy and get hold of.

Page 6: Costume, props and planning

As two of these products are strictly illegal we will use flour instead of cocaine which then be put in small bags and filmed for our trailer. Ralph is a major drug dealer so this is a necessary part for our props. Drugs are a major part of society in the present day and have been for a long time with most of the money made on the black market coming from this , so i think its important to add something like this into our trailer.As Ralph is also a money lender we need to have cash on hand however as getting a load of money like this is extremely difficult we will print them on paper , cut it out and use them for our scenes. In the editing process we will make it as realistic as possible. We will also try to purchase a couple bb guns so that we can use them as pretend replicas throughout as guns are commonly associated with drug dealers and money lenders.

Page 7: Costume, props and planning

Makeup is an important aspect in film and always has been it is needed to enhance the character and to run alongside a story line that might of left the person scarred . Although it is usually left to the professionals I believe that we could use it to some extent whether to create a black eye, facial scar and body grazes. This would give a better effect on certain characters in the trailer and leave it up to the audiences imagination to wonder why that has happened and how. So to some extent using makeup would enhance are trailer visually.

Page 8: Costume, props and planning

During the trailer we hope to use either the Bmw X6 or the Range Rover Over finch. (courtesy of a family member). As most people know that in a film trailer under our chosen genre there are always car scenes and shots within a car, so by not having one it might make it seem a little less realistic and edgy. The use of a car makes the character using it or involved with the car seem a lot wealthier and professional. In addition to that a car will hopefully make this amateur film trailer look more professional and break away from a cheesy trailer.