costume ideas

Costume Ideas The girls in my band are going to be wearing a costume that reflects their fun and outgoing star image. They will wear bright colours such as red, pink, yellow, green, purple and blue. This will reflect their cheerful and happy personality, and also how they will be bringing a burst of happiness to the pop world. The colours they wear will reflect their personality. For example, if someone is more outgoing and loud, they could wear red, whereas if someone is more brigh t and joyful, they could wear yellow. The girls will be wearing different costumes, however, they will all match and share a similar feel. This represents their uniqueness, but also their togetherness as a group. For example, they could all be wearing the same dress, but in different colours, and with different accessories, like in the picture of the Saturdays above, or Little Mix below. They will wear fun and lively costumes, such as dresses, shorts and playsuits. For the models in my band, they would wear matching colours, but different costumes so they look different but still co- ordinated. If they wore heels, this could show their confidence and femininity. This will shows their youth, but also the fact that they are exciting and new on the scene. These costumes will also show their femininity, and the fact that they are confident girls.

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Costume ideas

Costume Ideas

The girls in my band are going to be wearing a costume that reflects their fun and outgoing star

image. They will wear bright colours such as red, pink, yellow, green, purple and blue. This will

reflect their cheerful and happy personality, and also how they will be bringing a burst of happiness

to the pop world. The colours they wear will reflect their personality. For example, if someone is

more outgoing and loud, they could wear red, whereas if someone is more bright and joyful, they

could wear yellow.

The girls will be wearing different costumes, however, they will all match and share a similar feel.

This represents their uniqueness, but also their togetherness as a group. For example, they could all

be wearing the same dress, but in different colours, and with different accessories, like in the picture

of the Saturdays above, or Little Mix below.

They will wear fun and lively costumes, such as dresses, shorts and playsuits. For the models in my

band, they would wear matching colours, but different costumes so they look different but still co-

ordinated. If they wore heels, this could show their confidence and femininity. This will shows their

youth, but also the fact that they are exciting and new on the scene. These costumes will also show

their femininity, and the fact that they are confident girls.