cosmopolitanism and global politics view online (2016...

07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics (2016-17) View Online 370 items Week 1: Introducing Cosmopolitanism (28 items) Required Reading: (2 items) Cosmopolitanism as Imagined Communities of Global Risk - Ulrich Beck, 2011 Article The One and Many Faces of Cosmopolitanism - Catherine Lu, 2000 Article Further Reading (26 items) Cosmopolitanism: ethics in a world of strangers - Anthony Appiah, 2007 Book Cosmopolitanism and international relations theory - Richard Beardsworth, 2011 Book | Available in library and as an e-book The cosmopolitan manifesto. - Ulrich Beck, 1998 Article Toward a New Critical Theory with a Cosmopolitan Intent - Ulrich Beck, 2003 Article The Cosmopolitan Condition: Why Methodological Nationalism Fails - U. Beck, 2007 Article The cosmopolitan perspective: sociology of the second age of modernity* - Ulrich Beck, 2000 Article Varieties of second modernity: the cosmopolitan turn in social and political theory and research - Ulrich Beck, Edgar Grande, 2010 Article Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda - Ulrich Beck, Natan Sznaider, 2010 Article Cosmopolitanism versus non-cosmopolitanism: critiques, defenses, reconceptualizations - Gillian Brock, 2013 1/27

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07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics(2016-17)

View Online

370 items

Week 1: Introducing Cosmopolitanism (28 items)

Required Reading: (2 items)

Cosmopolitanism as Imagined Communities of Global Risk - Ulrich Beck, 2011Article

The One and Many Faces of Cosmopolitanism - Catherine Lu, 2000Article

Further Reading (26 items)

Cosmopolitanism: ethics in a world of strangers - Anthony Appiah, 2007Book

Cosmopolitanism and international relations theory - Richard Beardsworth, 2011Book | Available in library and as an e-book

The cosmopolitan manifesto. - Ulrich Beck, 1998Article

Toward a New Critical Theory with a Cosmopolitan Intent - Ulrich Beck, 2003Article

The Cosmopolitan Condition: Why Methodological Nationalism Fails - U. Beck, 2007Article

The cosmopolitan perspective: sociology of the second age of modernity* - Ulrich Beck,2000


Varieties of second modernity: the cosmopolitan turn in social and political theory andresearch - Ulrich Beck, Edgar Grande, 2010


Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda - Ulrich Beck, NatanSznaider, 2010


Cosmopolitanism versus non-cosmopolitanism: critiques, defenses, reconceptualizations -Gillian Brock, 2013


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Book | Available in library and as an e-book

The Class Consciousness of Frequent Travelers: Toward a Critique of Actually ExistingCosmopolitanism. - Calhoun, Craig, 2002


Cosmopolitanism in the Modern Social Imaginary - Craig Calhoun, 2008Article

Cosmopolitanism - Simon CaneyChapter

Cosmopolitanism: Moral and Political - Fred Dallmayr, 2003Article

Cosmopolitanism: in search of cosmos - Fred Dallmayr, 2012Article

The cosmopolitan imagination: critical cosmopolitanism and social theory - Gerard Delanty, 2006


Cosmopolitanism: Ancient, Modern, Postmodern - Costas DouzinasChapter | pp. 151-176

Four Cosmopolitan Moments - Robert Fine, Robin CohenChapter

‘Empire’ versus ‘Cosmopolis’: The clash of globalizations - Barry K. Gills, 2005Article

Cosmopolitanism Past and Present - Patrick HaydenChapter | pp. 43-62

World citizenship: cosmopolitan thinking and its opponents - Derek Heater, 2002Book

Cosmopolitanism: ideals and realities - David Held, 2010Book

Cosmopolitanism - Pauline Kleingeld, Eric BrownChapter

Cosmopolitanism and Global Citizenship - Bhikhu Parekh, 2003Article

Cosmopolitanism - Thomas PoggeChapter | Available in library and as an e-book. pp.312-331.

Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism - Samuel Scheffler, 1999Article


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

What is Cosmopolitan? - Jeremy Waldron, 2000Article

Week 2: Classical Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism (27 items)

Required Reading: (11 items)

On duties - Marcus Tullius Cicero, Miriam T. Griffin (ed.), E. M. Atkins (ed.), 1991Book | Book I (sect. 49-60) and Book III (sect. 47, 69).

The republic: and, The laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero, Niall Rudd (trans.), 1998Book | The Republic, Book III (sect. 33); The Laws, Book I (sect. 16-51).

Lives of eminent philosophers - Diogenes Laertius, Tiziano Dorandi (ed.), 2013Book | Book VI, chapter 2.

Discourses: Book I - Epictetus, Robert F. Dobbin (trans.), 1998Book | Chapter 9.

The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - Marcus Aurelius, A. S. L. Farquharson(trans.), 1998

Book | Book IV (sect. 4).

The above titles are also all available online via the Loeb Classical Library, published byHarvard University Press:

De officiis [On Duties] - Cicero, trans. Walter Miller, 2014Book | Book I (sect. 49-60) and Book III (sect. 47, 69)

De re publica; De legibus [The Republic; The Laws] - Cicero, trans. Clinton Walker Keyes,2014

Book | The Republic, Book III (sect. 33); The Laws, Book I (sect. 16-51).

Lives of eminent philosophers - Diogenes Laertius, trans. R. D. Hicks, 2014Book | Book VI, chapter 2.

Discourses, Book 1 - EpictetusBook | Chapter 9

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius, 2014Book | Book IV (sect. 4).

Further Reading (16 items)

The unity of mankind in Greek thought - H. C. Baldry, 1965Book

The Emergence of Natural Law and the Cosmopolis - Eric BrownChapter | pp. 331-363


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Hellenistic Cosmopolitanism - Eric BrownChapter | pp. 549-558

The Greek Origins of the Idea of Cosmopolitanism - Hugh Harris, 1927Article

The Two Republicae of the Roman Stoics: Can a Cosmopolite be a Patriot? - Lisa Hill, 2000Article

The Concept of the Cosmopolitan in Greek & Roman Thought - A. A. Long, 2008Article

Stoicism: Ethics (ancient fragments) - A. A. Long, D. N. SedleyChapter | Read chapters 56-67

Cynic Cosmopolitanism - J. L. MolesChapter | pp. 105-120

Duties of Justice, Duties of Material Aid: Cicero's Problematic Legacy. - Nussbaum, MarthaC., 2000


Socratic Cosmopolitanism: Cicero's Critique and Transformation of the Stoic Ideal - ThomasL. Pangle, 1998


Diogenes' Cosmopolitanism - Malcolm SchofieldChapter | pp. 141-145

Alexander the Great and the Unity of Mankind - W. W. TarnChapter

Alexander the Great and the Unity of Mankind - W. W. TarnChapter | Selections from Proceedings of the British Academy are reprinted in this book

Humanitas: Romans and Non-Romans - Paul VeyneChapter | pp. 342-369

World-Empire and the Unity of Mankind - Eric Voegelin, 1962Article

Law, Reason, and the Cosmic City - Katja Maria Vogt, 2008Book

Week 3: Kant and Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism (25 items)

Required Reading: (1 items)

Toward Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch - Immanuel KantChapter | Digitised.


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Further Reading (24 items)

Grounding cosmopolitanism: from Kant to the idea of a cosmopolitan constitution - GarrettWallace Brown, c2009


The European Union and Kant's idea of cosmopolitan right: Why the EU is not cosmopolitan- G. W. Brown, 2014


‘The Great Society of the Human Species’: Volney and the Global Politics of RevolutionaryFrance - Alexander Cook, 2013


Sovereignty and Freedom: Immanuel Kant's Liberal Internationalist 'Legacy' - AntonioFranceschet, 2001


Kant and liberal internationalism: sovereignty, justice, and global reform - AntonioFranceschet, 2002


Cosmopolitanism in German Romantic Thought - Kuno Francke, 1927Article

This too a Philosophy of History for the Formation of Mankind - Johann Gottfried von HerderChapter

Kant's Idea of Perpetual Peace, with the Benefit of Two Hundred Years' Hindsight - JürgenHabermas

Chapter | pp. 113-154

Six Varieties of Cosmopolitanism in Late Eighteenth-Century Germany - Pauline Kleingeld,1999


Approaching Perpetual Peace: Kant's Defence of a League of States and his Ideal of aWorld Federation - Pauline Kleingeld, 2004


Kant's Cosmopolitan Law: World Citizenship for a Global Order - Pauline KleingeldWebpage

Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship - Pauline Kleingeld,2011


Kant on Justice and the Law of Nations - Pierre LabergeChapter | pp. 82-102

The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Samuel Moore, David McLellan,2008


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews


The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, E. J. Hobsbawm, 1998Book | Chapters 1 and 2

Manifesto of the Communist Party - Karl Marx, Friedrich EngelsWebpage | Chapters 1 and 2

Enlightenment Against Empire - Sankar Muthu, 2003Book

Kant and Cosmopolitanism - Martha NussbaumChapter | pp. 25-57

Narratives of enlightenment: cosmopolitan history from Voltaire to Gibbon - Karen O'Brien,1997


On the Writings of the Abbé de Saint-Pierre - Jean- Jacques RousseauChapter

The cosmopolitan ideal in Enlightenment thought: its form and function in the ideas ofFranklin, Hume and Voltaire, 1694-1970 - Thomas John Schlereth, 1977


Cosmopolis: the hidden agenda of modernity - Stephen Toulmin, 1992Book

The Kantian Idea of Europe: Critical and Cosmopolitan Perspectives - James TullyChapter

Kant's Project for Perpetual Peace - Allen WoodChapter | pp. 59-76

Week 4: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Patriotism (53 items)

Required Reading: (4 items)

Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism - Craig Calhoun, 2008Article

Three Essays on Cosmopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment - Giuseppe MazziniChapter | Digitised.

Toward a Globally Sensitive Patriotism - Martha C. Nussbaum, 2008Article

From Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism to Liberal Nationalism - Will KymlickaChapter | Available in the Library and as an e-book.


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Further Reading (49 items)

Rooted Cosmopolitanism - Bruce Ackerman, 1994Article

Imagined communities: reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism - Benedict R.O'G. Anderson, 2006


Cosmopolitan Patriots - Kwame Anthony Appiah, 1997Article

Rooted Cosmopolitanism - Kwame Anthony AppiahChapter | pp. 213-272

Do Patriotic Ties Limit Global Justice Duties? - Richard J. Arneson, 2005Article

The State Made Me Do It: How Anti-cosmopolitanism is Created by the State - David V.Axelsen, 2013


Cosmopolitanized Nations: Re-imagining Collectivity in World Risk Society - Ulrich Beck,Daniel Levy, 2013


Cosmopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment - Charles R. Beitz, 1983Article

Citizenship Denationalized - Linda Bosniak, 2000Article

Nationalism and cosmopolitanism: irreconcilable differences or possible bedfellows?* -Brett Bowden, 2003


Cosmopolitan nationalism: ordinary people making sense of diversity - Judith Brett,Anthony Moran, 2011


What's So Special About Nations? - Alan BuchananChapter | pp. 283-309

Imagining Solidarity: Cosmopolitanism, Constitutional Patriotism, and the Public Sphere -Craig J. Calhoun, 2002


Nationhood and political theory - Margaret Canovan, 1996Book

The Cosmopolitan Language of the State: Post-national Citizenship and the Integration ofNon-nationals - I. E. Carvalhais, 2007-02-01


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The Idea of a Cosmopolitan Europe: On the Cultural Significance of Europeanization -Gerard Delanty, 2005


Cosmopolitan Citizenship and the Post-Sovereign State - Gerard DelantyChapter

Thick Cosmopolitanism - A. Dobson, 2006Article

Supranational citizenship - Lynn Dobson, 2006Book

'Citizen of Nowhere' or 'The Point Where Circles Intersect'? Impartialist and EmbeddedCosmopolitanisms - Toni Erskine, 2002


The Making of Global Citizenship - Richard FalkChapter | On order

An Emerging Matrix of Citizenship: Complex, Uneven and Fluid - Richard FalkChapter | pp. 15-29

Nationalism versus Cosmopolitanism: a comparative approach - Montserrat Guibernau,2013


Citizenship and National Identity - Jürgen HabermasChapter

The European Nation-State: On the Past and Future of Sovereignty and Citizenship - J.Habermas, C. Cronin, 1998


The Postnational Constellation: political essays - Jürgen Habermas, Max Pensky, 2001Book

Toward a Cosmopolitan Europe - Jurgen Habermas, 2003Article

Political Belonging in a World of Multiple Identities - Stuart HallChapter | pp. 25-31

Constitutional patriotism - A. Ingram, 1996Article

The transformation of political community: ethical foundations of the post-Westphalian era- Andrew Linklater, 1997



07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Critical theory and world politics: citizenship, sovereignty and humanity - Andrew Linklater,2007


Citizenship and social class, and other essays - T. H. Marshall, 1950Book

On Reconciling Cosmopolitan Unity and National Diversity - T. McCarthy, 1999Article

Cosmopolitanism and Citizenship: Kant Against Habermas - Thomas Mertens, 1996Article

In Defence of Nationality - David Miller, 1993Article

Bounded Citizenship - David MillerChapter

Cosmopolitanism and Political Communities. - Margaret Moore, 2006Article

Constitutional Patriotism - Jan-Werner Müller, 2007Book

Cosmopolitan Nationalism - Kai Nielsen, 1999Article

Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism - Martha C. NussbaumChapter | pp. 3-17

Reply - Martha C. NussbaumChapter | pp. 131-144

Cosmopolitanism and the Experience of Nationality - Jonathan ReéChapter | pp. 77-90

Toward a Postnational Model of Membership - Yasemin SoysalChapter

The Cosmopolitan Ideal in the Age of Revolution and Reaction: 1776-1832 - Michael HenryScrivener, 2007


Justice without borders: cosmopolitanism, nationalism, and patriotism - Kok-Chor Tan,2004


The Demands of Justice and National Allegiances - Kok-Chor TanChapter

Constitutional patriotism, migration and the post-national dilemma - Katherine Tonkiss,


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews


Cosmopolitan Virtue, Globalization and Patriotism - Bryan S. Turner, 2002Article

Cosmopolitanism and nationalism in a globalized world - Meyda Yeĝenoĝlu, 2005Article

Week 5: Cosmopolitanism, Human Rights and the Dilemma ofSovereignty (31 items)

Required Reading: (4 items)

The Legitimacy of Human Rights - Seyla Benhabib, 2008Article

Human Rights as Metaphor for Political Community beyond the Nation State - BenjaminGregg, 2016


Sovereignty Transformed: A Sociology of Human Rights - Daniel Levy, Natan Sznaider,2006


Universal Declaration of Human Rights - United Nations General Assembly, 1948Webpage | United Nations General Assembly Resolution 217A (III) of 10 December 1948.

Further Reading (27 items)

Beyond Human Rights - Giorgio AgambenChapter | pp. 159-165

The Perplexities of the Rights of Man - Hannah ArendtChapter | Digitised.

World Borders, Political Borders - Etienne BalibarChapter | pp. 101-114

Statism and Nationalism: A Cosmopolitan Critique - Brian BarryChapter | pp. 12-66

Human Rights as a Model for Cosmopolitan Democracy - David BeethamChapter | pp. 58-71

Human Rights as a Common Concern - Charles R. Beitz, 2001Article

The Right to Have Rights: Hannah Arendt and the Contradictions of the Nation-State -


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Seyla BenhabibChapter

Twilight of Sovereignty or the Emergence of Cosmopolitan Norms? Rethinking Citizenshipin Volatile Times - Seyla Benhabib, 2007


Claiming Rights across Borders: International Human Rights and Democratic Sovereignty Original text - Seyla Benhabib, 2009


New Rights for Old? Cosmopolitan Citizenship and the Critique of State Sovereignty - DavidChandler, 2003


The Possibility of a Cosmopolitan Ethical Order Based on the Idea of Universal HumanRights - John Charvet


Sovereign Violence and the Domain of the Political - Partha ChatterjeeChapter | pp. 82-100

Necessary Strangers: Law’s Hospitality in the Age of Global Migration - Pheng CheahChapter | pp. 23-64

The Complexity of Sovereignty - William E. ConnollyChapter

Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights: Radicalism in a Global Age - Robert Fine, 2009Article

Making claims for migrant workers: human rights and citizenship - Judy Fudge, 2014Article

Human rights and moral cosmopolitanism - Charles Jones, 2010Article

Human Rights and Cosmopolitan Liberalism - Anthony J. Langlois, 2007Article

Human(e) Rights and the Cosmopolitan Imagination: Questions of Human Dignity andCultural Identity - Nick Stevenson, 2014


The institutionalization of cosmopolitan morality: the Holocaust and human rights - DanielLevy, Natan Sznaider, 2004


Sovereignty transformed: a sociology of human rights - Daniel Levy, Natan Sznaider, 2006Article


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Constituting Political Community: Globalisation, Citizenship, and Human Rights - RonnieLipschutz

Chapter | pp. 29-51

Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Original text - Thomas W. Pogge, 1992


Human Rights and Human Responsibilities - Thomas W. PoggeChapter | pp. 3-36

Who Is the Subject of the Rights of Man? - Rancière, Jacques, 2004Article

Struggles for Individual Rights and the Expansion of the International System Original text - Christian Reus-Smit, 2011


Human Rights and the Challenge of Cosmopolitanism - Anthony Woodiwiss, 2002Article

Week 6: Cosmopolitan Democracy and Global Governance (38 items)

Required Reading: (4 items)

Cosmopolitan Democracy: Paths and Agents - Daniele Archibugi, David Held, 2011Article

Toward Global Parliament - Richard Falk, Andrew Strauss, 2001Article

Global democracy: in the beginning - Robert E. Goodin, 2010Article

Cosmopolitan justice and the league of democracies - Avia Pasternak, 2012Article

Further Reading (34 items)

Why democracy must be global: self-founding and democratic intervention - Hans Agné,2010


Cosmopolitical Democracy - Danielle Archibugi, 2000Article

Cosmopolitan Democracy and its Critics: A Review - D. Archibugi, 2004


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews


The global commonwealth of citizens: toward cosmopolitan democracy - Daniele Archibugi,2008


Cosmopolitan democracy: a restatement - Daniele Archibugi, 2012Article

Re-imagining political community: studies in cosmopolitan democracy - Daniele Archibugi,David Held, Martin Köhler, 1998


Towards a General Assembly of Peoples: Notes for Conversion - Upendra Baxi, 2007Article | pp. 401-418

Deliberation and global civil society: agency, arena, affect - James Brassett, William Smith,2010


Cosmopolitanism, world citizenship and global civil society - Chris Brown, 2000Article

Bringing the State Back into Cosmopolitanism: The Idea of Responsible CosmopolitanStates - Garrett Wallace Brown, 2011


A Democratic Critique of Cosmopolitan Democracy: Pragmatism from the Bottom-up - M.Cochran, 2002


From Cosmopolitan Nationalism to Cosmopolitan Democracy - Robyn Eckersley, 2007Article

(Re)imagining humane governance - Richard A. Falk, 2014Book

On the Creation of a Global Peoples Assembly: Legitimacy and the Power of PopularSovereignty - Falk, R.; Strauss, A., 2000


Popular Sovereignty or Cosmopolitan Democracy? - A. Franceschet, 2000Article

Experiments in global democracy: The cases of UNITAID and the FAO Committee on WorldFood Security - Markus Fraundorfer, 2015


Human Rights and Global Democracy - Michael Goodhart, 2008Article

Accountability and Abuses of Power in World Politics


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Original text - Ruth W. Grant, Robert O. Keohane, 2005


Toward a Cosmopolitan Europe - Jurgen Habermas, 2003Article

A Political Constitution For The Pluralist World Society? - Jürgen Habermas, 2007Article

Democracy and the global order: from the modern state to cosmopolitan governance -David Held, 1995


Restructuring Global Governance: Cosmopolitanism, Democracy and the Global Order -David Held, 2009


Principles of Cosmpolitan Order - David HeldChapter

World Governance: Beyond Utopia Original text - Stanley Hoffmann, 2003


Global democracy: key debates - Barry Holden, 2000Book | Available in the library and as an e-book.

On Infeasibilities of Cosmopolitan Democracy - Lessons from the European Union -Thorsten Hüller, 2012


Global Governance and Democratic Accountability - Robert KeohaneChapter

Is global democracy possible? - Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, 2011Article

World rule: accountability, legitimacy, and the design of global governance - Jonathan G. S.Koppell, 2010


Democracy beyond borders: justice and representation in global institutions - AndrewKuper, 2004

Book | Available in the library and as an e-book.

Global governance or world federalism? A cosmopolitan dispute on institutional models -Raffaele Marchetti


Rethinking Global Parliament: Beyond the Indeterminacy of International Law - Heikki


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Patomaki, 2007Article

Prospects for Transnational Citizenship and Democracy - Daniel M. Weinstock, 2001Article

Rethinking Global Governance? Complexity, Authority, Power, Change - Thomas G. Weiss,Rorden Wilkinson, 2014


Week 7: Cosmopolitanism and Global Distributive Justice (48 items)

Required Reading: (5 items)

More Than Charity: Cosmopolitan Alternatives to the “Singer Solution” - Andrew Kuper,2002


A Cosmopolitan Perspective on the Global Economic Order - Thomas PoggeChapter

Resisting ‘Global Justice’: disrupting the colonial ‘emancipatory’ logic of the West - AndrewRobinson, Simon Tormey, 2009


Famine, Affluence, and Morality - Peter Singer, 1972Article

The Singer Solution To World Poverty - Peter Singer, 05 September 1999Article

Further Reading (43 items)

Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Brief for a global resources dividend - Thomas W. Pogge,2001


Is There a Genuine Tension between Cosmopolitan Egalitarianism and SpecialResponsibilities? Original text - Arash Abizadeh and Pablo Gilabert, 2008


International Society from a Cosmopolitan Perspective - Brian BarryChapter

Global institutions and responsibilities: achieving global justice - Christian Barry, ThomasPogge, 2005



07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Justice and International Relations - Charles R. Beitz, 1975Article

Political theory and international relations - Charles R. Beitz, 1999Book

Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice - Charles R. Beitz, 2005Article

Global Justice: A cosmopolitan Account - Gillian Brock, 2009Book

Global Equality of Opportunity as an Institutional Standard of Distributive Justice - DanielButt


Justice beyond borders: a global political theory - Simon Caney, 2005Book | Available in the library and as an e-book.

Cosmopolitan Justice and Institutional Design: An Egalitarian Liberal Conception of GlobalGovernance. - Simon Caney, 2006


Global justice: From theory to practice - Simon Caney, 2006Article

Humanity, Associations, and Global Justice: In Defence of Humanity-Centred CosmopolitanEgalitarianism - Gillian Brock Richard W. Miller Kok-Chor Tan Simon Caney Darrel Moellendorf Michael Blake Andrea Sangiovanni Pablo Gilabert


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Rekha Nath Patti Tamara Lenard and Margaret Moore, 2011


Justice, Morality and Power in the Global Context - Rainer ForstChapter

What is So Special about Our Fellow Countrymen? Original text - Robert E. Goodin, 1988


The Justification of Nationalist Priority - Thomas HurkaChapter

Global Inequality and International Institustions - Andrew HurrellChapter

Global justice: defending cosmopolitanism - Charles Jones, 1999Book | Available in the library and as an ebook.

Postcolonialism and global justice - Margaret Kohn, 2013Article

The Mirage of Global Justice - Chandran Kukathas, 2006Article

Democracy beyond borders: justice and representation in global institutions - AndrewKuper, 2004

Book | Available in the library and as an ebook.

Global justice - Jon Mandle, 2006Book

Justice and Global Inequality - David MillerChapter

Social Justice Versus Global Justice - David MillerChapter

Globalizing Justice - Richard W. Miller, 2010Book

Cosmopolitan Justice - Darrel Moellendorf, 2002Book

Global inequality and injustice - Darrel Moellendorf, 2009Article

The Problem of Global Justice - Thomas Nagel, 2005


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews


Should We Stop Thinking about Poverty in Terms of Helping the Poor? - Alan Patten, 2005Article

Priorities of Global Justice - Thomas Pogge, 2001Article

A Cosmopolitan Perspective on the Global Economic Order - Thomas PoggeChapter

World poverty and human rights: cosmopolitan responsibilities and reforms - ThomasWinfried Menko Pogge, 2008


World poverty and human rights: cosmopolitan responsibilities and reforms - ThomasWinfried Menko Pogge, 2008


The law of peoples: with "The idea of public reason revisited" - John Rawls, 1999Book

Poverty, negative duties and the global institutional order - M. Reitberger, 2008Article

How Does the Global Order Harm the Poor? - Mathias Risse, 2005Article

On Global Justice - Mathias Risse, 2012Book

International Economic Justice - Debra SatzChapter

Justice Across Borders - Amartya SenChapter

Reconsidering institutional cosmopolitanism: global poverty and the importance of thestate in international political theory - Steven Slaughter, 2009-02


The Demands of Justice and National Allegiances - Kok-Chor TanChapter

Against shallow ponds: an argument against Singer's approach to global poverty - ScottWisor, 2011


Responsibility and Global Justice: A Social Connection Model - Iris Marion Young, 2006Article


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Week 8: Forced Migration, Asylum and Cosmopolitan Hospitality (37items)

Required Reading: (4 items)

On Cosmopolitanism - Jacques DerridaChapter | Digitised.

Fronteras Compasivas and the Ethics of Unconditional Hospitality - Roxanne Lynn Doty,2006


Abject Cosmopolitanism: The Politics of Protection in the Anti-Deportation Movement -Peter Nyers, 2003


From Community Cohesion to Mobile Solidarities: The City of Sanctuary Network and theStrangers into Citizens Campaign - Vicki Squire, 2011


Further Reading (33 items)

The Politics of Hospitality: Sovereignty and Ethics in Political Community - Gideon BakerChapter

Hospitality and world politics - Gideon Baker, 2013Book

The 'Double Law' of Hospitality: Rethinking Cosmopolitan Ethics in HumanitarianIntervention - G. Baker, 2010


Citizens, Residents, and Aliens in a Changing World: Political Membership in the Global Era- Seyla Benhabib, 1999


On Hospitality: Rereading Kant's Cosmopolitan Doctrine - Seyla BenhabibChapter

Climate Change, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Dilemma - David Held, 2016Article

Another cosmopolitanism - Seyla Benhabib, 2006Book

The Laws of Hospitality, Asylum Seekers and Cosmopolitan Right - Garrett W. Brown,2010-07


People out of place: globalization, human rights, and the citizenship gap - Alison Brysk,Gershon Shafir, 2004


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Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders - Joseph H. Carens, 1987Article

Immigration, Political Community, and Cosmopolitanism - T. Christiano, 2008Article

City of Sanctuary -- a UK initiative for hospitality. - Jonathan Darling, 2010Article

Making people illegal: what globalization means for migration and law - CatherineDauvergne, 2008


Hostipitality - Jacques DerridaArticle

Of hospitality - Jacques Derrida, Anne Dufourmantelle, 2000Book

On cosmopolitanism and forgiveness - Jacques Derrida, 2001Book

The Principle of Hospitality - Jacques Derrida, 2005Article

Fronteras Compasivas and the Ethics of Unconditional Hospitality - Roxanne Lynn Doty,2006


The Refugee: The Individual between Sovereigns - Emma Haddad, 2003Article

Refugees: a Special Case for Cosmopolitan Citizenship? - Pierre HassnerChapter

Between nationalism and humanitarianism: the glocal discourse on refugees - Ben Herzog,2009


Toward Cities of Safety and Sanctuary - Helen Hintjens, Ahmed Pouri, 2014Article

Democracy and the foreigner - Bonnie Honig, 2001Book

Should a Cosmopolitan Worry about the “Brain Drain”? - Devesh Kapur, John McHale, 2006Article

Sanctuary practices in international perspectives: migration, citizenship and socialmovements - Randy K. Lippert, Sean Rehaag, 2014


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews


Who Has a Right to Rights? Citizenship's Exclusions in an Age of Migration - Kristen HillMaher


An emergent cosmopolitan paradigm? Asylum, welfare and human rights1 - Lydia Morris,2009


Rethinking asylum: history, purpose, and limits - Matthew E. Price, 2009Book

Cities of Refuge: Immigration Enforcement, Police, and the Insurgent Genealogies ofCitizenship in U.S. Sanctuary Cities - Jennifer Ridgley, 2008


The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum - Vicki Squire, 2009Book

Derrida and hospitality: theory and practice - Judith Still, 2010Book | Available in the library and as an e-book.

Coming and Going: On the State Monopolization of the Legitimate "Means of Movement" -John Torpey, 1998


The invention of the passport: surveillance, citizenship, and the state - John C. Torpey,2000

Book | Available in the library and as an e-book.

Week 9: Cosmopolitanism, Harm and Intervention (44 items)

Required Reading: (4 items)

Cosmopolitan Guidelines for Humanitarian Intervention - Daniele Archibugi, 2004Article

Introducing Jus ante Bellum as a cosmopolitan approach to humanitarian intervention - G.W. Brown, A. Bohm, 2016


Distant Suffering and Cosmopolitan Obligations - Andrew Linklater, 2007Article

Humanitarian Intervention and a Cosmopolitan UN Force’ - James Pattison, 2008Article

Further Reading (40 items)


07/15/18 Cosmopolitanism and Global Politics | University of St Andrews

Humanitarian Intervention, Cosmopolitanism and Pacifism - Iain AtackChapter | pp. 125-140

The Preventive Use of Force: A Cosmopolitan Institutional Proposal - Allen Buchanan,Robert O. Keohane, 2004


Humanitarianism in question: politics, power, ethics - Michael N. Barnett, Thomas GeorgeWeiss, 2008


Justice beyond borders: a global political theory - Simon Caney, 2005Book | Available in the library and as an e-book. Read Chapter 7.

War for Humanity: A Critique - C. A. J. CodyChapter

Human rights and empire: the political philosophy of cosmopolitanism - Costas Douzinas,2007


International Ethics and the Responsibility to Protect - Michael W. Doyle, 2011Article

Humanitarianism, humanity, human - Jenny Edkins, 2003Article

Cosmopolitan Militaries and Cosmopolitan Force - Lorraine ElliottChapter | pp. 279-302

Embedded Cosmopolitanism and the Case of War: Restraint, Discrimination andOverlapping Communities - Toni Erskine, 2000


Cosmopolitanism, Just War Theory and Legitimate Authority - Cecile Fabre, 2008Article

Cosmopolitan war - Cécile Fabre, 2012Book

Cosmopolitanism and violence: difficulties of judgment - Robert Fine, 2006Article

Kant, International Law, and the Problem of Humanitarian Intervention - AntonioFranceschet, 2010


Protecting the Other: Considering the process and practice of cosmopolitanism - J. Gilmore,2014


Protecting Strangers: Reflections on a Cosmopolitan Peacekeeping Capacity - Jonathan


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GilmoreChapter | pp.7-25

Bestiality and Humanity: A War on the Border between Legality and Morality - JurgenHabermas, 1999


Security Beyond the State: Cosmopolitanism, Peace, and the Role of Just War Theory -Patrick Hayden


Cosmopolitanism after 9/11 - David Held, 2010Article

Intervening in the Name of Humanity: R2P and the Power of Ideas - P. Hilpold, 2012Article

Responsibility to Protect, The: Report of the International Commission on Intervention andState Sovereignty - International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty


A cosmopolitan response to new wars. - Mary KaldorArticle

Global civil society: an answer to war - Mary Kaldor, 2003Book

Citizenship, Humanity, and Cosmopolitan Harm Conventions - Andrew Linklater, 2001Article

The harm principle and global ethics - Andrew Linklater, 2006Article

Cosmopolitan Humanitarianism and the Use of Force - Catherine LuChapter | pp. 135-155

Cosmopolitan Political Community: Why Does It Feel So Right? - Kate Nash, 2003-12Article

Reading humanitarian intervention: human rights and the use of force in international law- Anne Orford, 2003


Why common humanity? Framing the responsibility to protect as a common response -Andeas Papamichail, Hannah Partis-Jennings, 2016


Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility To Protect - James Pattison, 2010Book

Cosmopolitan Pacifism - Soran Reader, 2007Article


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Anticipating a Cosmopolitan Future: The Case of Humanitarian Military Intervention -William Smith, 2007


Law and (Global) Order: Towards a Theory of Cosmopolitan Policing - William Smith, 2016Article

Enforcing Cosmopolitan Justice : The Problem of Intervention - Kok-Chor TanChapter | pp. 155-176

Cosmopolitan Legitimacy and UN Collective Security - Nicholas TsagouriasChapter

Lines of Insecurity: International, Imperial, Exceptional - R. B. J. Walker, 2006Article

Saving strangers: humanitarian intervention in international society - Nicholas J. Wheeler,2000


Cosmopolitan peacekeeping and the globalization of security - Tom Woodhouse, OliverRamsbotham, 2005


Global Justice: Is Interventionalism Desirable? - Véronique Zanetti, 2001-01Article

Invoking humanity: war, law and global order - Danilo Zolo, 2002Book

Week 10: Cosmopolitanism and the Global Environment (39 items)

Required Reading: (4 items)

Cosmopolitan Justice, Responsibility, and Global Climate Change - Simon CaneyChapter

Cosmopolitan Environmental Harm Conventions - Lorraine Elliott, 2006Article

Environmental Ethics, Livelihood, and Human Rights: Subaltern-Driven Cosmopolitanism? -Ravi K. Raman, 2008


Globalisation, Cosmopolitanism and Ecological Citizenship - Angel Valencia Sáiz, 2005Article

Further Reading (35 items)


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Climate for Change, Or How to Create a Green Modernity? - Ulrich Beck, 2010Article

Cosmopolitan communities of climate risk: conceptual and empirical suggestions for a newresearch agenda - Ulrich Beck, Anders Blok, David Tyfield, Joy Y. Zhang, 2013


Reforming Global Environmental Governance: The Case for a UN Environment Organisation- Frank Biermann, 2011


Environmental Cosmopolitans - Ben Campbell, 2008Article

Cosmopolitan Justice, Rights and Global Climate Change - S. Caney, 2006Article

Justice and the Environment - Andrew Dobson, 1998Book

Citizenship and the Environment - Andrew Dobson, 2003Book

Globalization, Cosmopolitanism and the Environment - Andrew Dobson, 2005Article

Moral Responsibility for Environmental Problems—Individual or Institutional? - JessicaNihlén Fahlquist, 2009


Wishful sinking: Disappearing islands, climate refugees and cosmopolitan experimentation- Carol Farbotko, 2010


Ethics and Global Climate Change - Stephen M. Gardiner, 2004Article

Climate ethics: essential readings - Stephen Mark Gardiner, 2010Book

Cosmopolitan Luck Egalitarianism and the Greenhouse Effect - Axel Gosseries, 2005Article

World ethics and climate change: from international to global justice - Paul G. Harris, 2010Book

Cosmopolitan Diplomacy and the Climate Change Regime: Moving Beyond InternationalDoctrine - Paul G. Harris


Justice in adaptation to climate change: cosmopolitan implications for internationalinstitutions - Paul G. Harris, Jonathan Symons, 2010


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The Environment, Global Justice and World and World Environmental Citizenship - PatrickHayden

Chapter | pp. 351-372

International Political Theory and the Global Environment: Some Critical Questions forLiberal Cosmopolitans - Tim Hayward, 2009


Sense of place and sense of planet: the environmental imagination of the global - Ursula K.Heise, 2008

Book | Available in the library and as an ebook.

Deterritorialization and Eco-Cosmopolitanism - Ursula K. HeiseChapter | pp. 157-170

The human right to a green future: environmental rights and intergenerational justice -Richard P. Hiskes, 2009


Cosmopolitan Climates: Hybridity, Foresight and Meaning - Mike Hulme, 2010Article

Norms, interests and environment NGOs: The limits of cosmopolitanism - Aynsley Kellow,2000


Community and the ecological self - Freya Mathews, 1995Article

Global Justice and Vlimate Change: How Should Responsibilities be Distributed? - DavidMiller, 2008


Justice and the Assignment of the Intergenerational Costs of Climate Change - DarrelMoellendorf, 2009


Climate change, justice and future generations - Edward Page, 2006Book

Poverty, Climate Change, and Overpopulation - Pogge, T., 2010Article

Environmental dialogue in online communities: negotiating ecological citizenship amongglobal travellers - Joonas Rokka, Johanna Moisander, 2009


Global Environment and International Inequality - Henry Shue, 1999Article


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Global Environment and International Inequality - Henry Shue, 1999Article

Climate ethics: essential readings - Stephen Mark Gardiner, 2010Book

One Atmosphere - Peter SingerChapter | pp. 181-199

Atmospheric Justice - Steve Vanderheiden, 2008Book

Towards a Global Ecological Citizen - Bart Van StenbergenChapter
