cosgallon assignment1 online lesson on big6 process


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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. S A R A C O S G A L L O N Big 6 Process
  2. 2. Objective The objective to learning the Big6 process is that you, the student, will be able to complete a research project using the 6 process skills provided in the Big6 process to complete your research project using the rubric provided to you by your teacher. Dont forget to pay close attention, for you will be tested on your knowledge of the presentation.
  3. 3. 1. Task Definition Here you will define the information in which you the student are researching about. What is your question? And what information is needed to answer your question?
  4. 4. 2. Information seeking strategies Decide on all possible sources where you can find the information needed to complete your research project. This would include the internet, books found in our library, or asking an experienced adult.
  5. 5. 3. Location and Access Locating the information is accessing it. In what part of the library would I find the books needed to complete my project. And what are good resources that are appropriate and able to access here at school.
  6. 6. 4. Use of information How will I engage in the information, will I read it for myself, listen to the information through videos and or audio books, use images in books or the web. Will I print the resources, copy, or redraw them.
  7. 7. 5. Synthesis How will you organize all the information you found from the multiple sources. How will you present the information to others including your peers and teachers.
  8. 8. 6. Evaluation How will I be graded. Use the rubric provided by your teacher.
  9. 9. State Standards State Standard: 23A&B, 24A-E. Common Core Standard: Research to Build and Present Knowledge #7. ISTE Standard: #3 a-d AASL Standard: 2.1 Skills 2.1.1
  10. 10. References overview.php _big6.pdf