corruption in the catholic church · 2014-10-22 · catholic church, the church became immensely...

Corruption in the Catholic Church The Reasons behind the Reformation

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Page 1: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

Corruption in the Catholic Church

The Reasons behind the Reformation

Page 2: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

In what ways could the Church’s practice of collecting money from its followers lead to corruption?

What do you see here?

What visual clues do you see in the picture that this is a church?

What are the people in the lower right corner doing?

The man seated at the table is a banker. Why would a banker be working in a church?

Page 3: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

The Middle Ages are sometimes referred to as the “Age of Faith”. It was a time when most members of European society believed not only in the Christian concept of God, but in the notion that the only way to heaven was through the Church. At this time, there was only one Christian Church, the Roman Catholic Church.


Page 4: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

Traditionally, the Pope led the Catholic

Church from the Vatican, which is based in Vatican

City, a separate city-state from Rome.

This is to keep the Pope from being

influenced by politics.

Page 5: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

In addition, during the Middle Ages, approximately 80 –90% of the population could NOT read.

So think about it. Most Europeans were Christian. The only way to heaven was through the Catholic Church.

What do you think happened?

Page 6: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

Because the notion that the path to heaven relied only with the Roman Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation, or eternal damnation.

Something changed, however.

Page 7: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

As feudalism declined, and the power of monarchs increased, the Church was careful to insure that its power was not reduced by the hands of monarchs.

One method of controlling monarchs: excommunication.This led to the most dramatic and damaging clash between church and state.

Page 8: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

In 1296 (before the Plague and the Hundred Years War), Philip IV, King of France, needed money. So he wanted to tax the French clergy.

How do you think the Poperesponded?

Babylonian Captivity

Page 9: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

The pope, Boniface VIII, responded by threatening to excommunicate Philip. Philip then sent troops to kidnap the Pope. Although he was soon released, this was so traumatic to the 86 year old pope, he died within the month.A new pope needed to be elected.

Page 10: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

Philip used his influence to have a Frenchman, Clement V, elected pope. But, instead of going to Rome, Clement set up his court in Avignon.

What do you think? Should the Pope be allowed to live wherever he’d like? Why or why not?

Page 11: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

From 1305 to 1375, seven Popes led the Church from Avignon. This period is called the Babylonian Captivity. During this time, many Christians lost respect for the position of Pope because they felt that the Pope was a puppet of the French monarch.

What 2 things started during the “Babylonian Captivity”? Why would many Christians start to question the Church during this time?

Page 12: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

NOTES: Corruption in the Catholic Church

Babylonian Captivity (1305 – 1375)• Philip IV of France quarreled with the Pope

over his power to tax the clergy• Philip was threatened with excommunication• Pope Boniface was kidnapped and replaced

with a new French Pope• 7 Popes ruled the Church from Avignon,


Page 13: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

In 1376, Pope Gregory XI moved the papal court back to Vatican City, Rome. He died in 1378 and a new pope, an Italian, was hastily elected. This pope, Urban VI, was unorthodox.

Urban VI upset the cardinals by denying them the usual benefits of their positions. Fearing that he had gone mad, these cardinals held a separate election and chose Clement VII, a Frenchman, to be pope. Clement set up a rival papacy in Avignon.

At this point in history, how many Popes are leading the Church at one time?Why would having two Popes be a problem?

Page 14: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

This period of time when there were 2 Popes caused many people to question the Church. How could people consider the pope as leader of the Church when there were two Popes?

Page 15: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,


The Great Schism (1378 – 1417)• In 1376, the Pope moved back to Rome• French cardinals elected a new French

pope• Two Popes, Urban VI and Clement VII

claimed to be the rightful Pope• Many Christians questioned the authority

of the Pope

Page 16: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

Other Problems within the Church:

Literacy: Clergy members were supposed to be the educated elite, but many parish priests were illiterate – not only in Latin, the language of the Church, but also in their common language. Because of this, some clergy members hardly knew how to perform ordinary religious services!

Why is this a problem?

Page 17: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

Wealth: Many bishops and abbots used their high positions in the Church to lead lives of luxury and leisure. Cardinals lived in palaces in Rome, wore jewel-encrusted robes and feasted on elaborate meals. When Giovanni de Medici was elected as Pope Leo X in 1513, he reportedly said, “God has givenus the papacy; now let us

enjoy it.”

Page 18: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

How did the Church pay for these extravagant lifestyles?

Holy Relics: Tradition taught that pilgrimages to sites of relics or holy places were acceptable forms of penance. This would allow one to return to God’s grace after sinning. Some clergy took it upon themselves to charge people to see the holy remains and objects.

What do you think about this practice? Is it a good idea? Why or why not?

Page 19: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

Simony: Simony was another practice that brought in money. It allowed Church offices to go to the highest bidder, regardless of the buyer’s background or training.

Page 20: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,


Corruption in the Church:• Popes used excommunication to force monarchs

to obey the Church• Many priests were illiterate• Some officials led lives of luxury and leisure• Some of the clergy:

Charged repentant Christians to see holy remains and objects

Sold church offices to the highest bidder (simony)

Sold indulgences

Page 21: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

And the most profitable of all practices, the selling of INDULGENCES!

The selling of indulgences was the most profitable and controversial practice. During the 13th century, indulgences were based on the idea that a truly repentant sinner could work to reduce his or her years in purgatory. The notion was that the Pope had control over a treasury of merit that could be dispensed to the faithful for the remission of sins.

Page 22: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

When a Christian was deemed to have sinned, he or she could confess the sin and perform good deeds, or pay a certain amount of money to the local church in place of doing standard penance, to work off the time in purgatory.How could this practice become a problem?

Page 23: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,

This practice also became corrupted. Leo X wanted to raise money to rebuild St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. So, he not only allowed indulgences to be sold after a person had sinned, but BEFORE a sin had been committed. Do you see a problem with that?

Page 24: Corruption in the Catholic Church · 2014-10-22 · Catholic Church, the Church became immensely powerful. Few Europeans would dare question the Church which could grant them salvation,


Indulgences:• Indulgences were “forgiveness” of a sin• The practice first started with forgiveness

coming ONLY from the Pope• As time went on, more clergy sold indulgences• Pope Leo X decided that he could raise money

for St. Peter’s cathedral by selling indulgences – FOR SINS THAT HADN’T BEEN COMMITTED YET!