corriedoo lmp revision analysis and concept map showing ......concept: enhancement or establishment...

Corriedoo LMP Revision Analysis and Concept Map showing existing woodland structure Scale @ A2: Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database right [2020]. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number [100021242]. © Getmapping Plc and Bluesky International Limited 2020. 1:13,800 Author: Lena Boukelia Date: 20/11/2020 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0.125 Km ± Core Paths Watercourses Forest Roads Alternative Conifer Blocks Felled Roadside High Visibility Blackcraig windfarm Ash Beech Birch Oak Other Broadleaves Other Conifers Douglas Fir Larch Lodgepole Pine Norway Spruce Scots Pine Sitka Spruce No Species Current Species Potential Public Access Analysis: Core path runs through the block. Concept: Ensure path remains accessible to the public. Increasing species diversity and age structure will improve walkers experience Long Term Retention Analysis: Two areas of established mixed conifer or broadleaf plantation create valuable habitat for feeding and nesting Concept: Intention to instigate areas of long- term retention for established plantation that offers wide benefits of habitat provision and continuity of food source, for raptor species and red squirrel Riparian network Analysis: Extensive networks of watercourse, tributaries of Garple Burn, an important habitat within the forest block Concept: Continue to develop permanent habitat network of broadleaf woodland and open habitat within the riparian zone. Garple Burn shows high erosion along river banks, supplementary broadleaf planting will increase stability Habitat Diversity Analysis: Open water bodies would benefit from mixed native broadleaf and / or adjacent areas of open space. Concept: Enhancement or establishment of native mixed broadleaf / conifer plantations adjacent to open water bodies within the block to improve habitat diversity. Local Landscape Analysis: High visibility corridor parallel's the A702 Concept: Increase species diversity along this corridor. Use first thinnings to initiate a move to continuous forest cover. Proposed Main Objectives 1. 2. Timber Production: optimise productive potential and timber quality Increasing resilience to wind damage by avoiding elevated exposed edges and implementing low density windbreaks where appropriate during restock 3. 4. Increasing species diversity and age structure within the block Protection and enhancement of habitats within the riparian corridor and adjacent to lochs 5. Initiate areas of long-term retention for nesting and food supply (predatory birds, grouse and squirrels) with intention to be managed under minimum intervention in the future Productive Forest Analysis: Core plantation area of upland Sitka Spruce Concept: Commercial clear-fell, restock, road construction and maintenance as required Forest Resilience and Age Analysis: Increase forest resilience by age restructuring and species diversification on suitable soil types Concept: Restructure the existing even-aged Sitka Spruce plantation to reduce future coupe size and increase structural diversity. Extend or advance fell dates to limit the number of concurrent fellings. Optimise use of alternative tree species and open space to meet UKFS guidelines

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  • Corriedoo LMP RevisionAnalysis and Concept Map showing existing woodland structureScale @ A2:

    Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalfof HMSO. © Crown copyright and database right [2020]. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number [100021242].© Getmapping Plc and Bluesky International Limited 2020.

    1:13,800Author: Lena Boukelia

    Date: 20/11/2020

    0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10.125 Km ±

    Core PathsWatercoursesForest RoadsAlternative ConiferBlocks FelledRoadside High Visibility Blackcraig windfarm

    AshBeechBirchOakOther Broadleaves Other Conifers Douglas FirLarchLodgepole Pine Norway SpruceScots PineSitka SpruceNo Species

    Current Species


    Public Access

    Analysis: Core path runs through the block.Concept: Ensure path remains accessible to the public. Increasing species diversity and age structure will improve walkers experience

    Long Term Retention

    Analysis: Two areas of established mixed conifer or broadleaf plantation create valuable habitat for feeding and nestingConcept: Intention to instigate areas of long-term retention for established plantation that offers wide benefits of habitat provision and continuity of food source, for raptor species and red squirrel

    Riparian network

    Analysis: Extensive networks of watercourse, tributaries of Garple Burn, an important habitat within the forest blockConcept: Continue to develop permanent habitat network of broadleaf woodland and open habitat within the riparian zone. Garple Burn shows high erosion along river banks, supplementary broadleaf planting will increase stability

    Habitat Diversity

    Analysis: Open water bodies would benefit from mixed native broadleaf and / or adjacent areas of open space. Concept: Enhancement or establishment of native mixed broadleaf / conifer plantations adjacent to open water bodies within the block to improve habitat diversity.

    Local Landscape

    Analysis: High visibility corridor parallel's the A702Concept: Increase species diversity along this corridor. Use first thinnings to initiate a move to continuous forest cover.

    Proposed Main Objectives1.


    Timber Production: optimise productive potential and timber quality

    Increasing resilience to wind damage by avoiding elevatedexposed edges and implementing low density windbreaks where appropriate during restock3.


    Increasing species diversity and age structure within the block

    Protection and enhancement of habitats within the ripariancorridor and adjacent to lochs5. Initiate areas of long-term retention for nesting and food supply (predatory birds, grouse and squirrels) with intention to be managed under minimum intervention in the future

    Productive Forest

    Analysis: Core plantation area of upland Sitka SpruceConcept: Commercial clear-fell, restock, road construction and maintenance as required

    Forest Resilience and Age

    Analysis: Increase forest resilience by age restructuring and species diversification on suitable soil typesConcept: Restructure the existing even-aged Sitka Spruce plantation to reduce future coupe size and increase structural diversity. Extend or advance fell dates to limit the number of concurrent fellings. Optimise use of alternative tree species and open space to meet UKFS guidelines