corrected indemnity bonds


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Page 2: Corrected Indemnity Bonds

By, On/Through: William Morris Risby, Principal Private Offset Account No. 454046743

KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, only fial money exists in circulalion for the discharge of debt:

NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned Creditog being ofsound mind and honorable intentions, for the purposes ofprotecting securedinterests, reserving rights ofrecourse, remedy and subrogatioru and maintaining the honor ofthe named Account Holders andAccounts, does hereby necessarily issue this Private Discharging and Indemnity Bond to wit. In my righlful Sui Juris status, theCreditor does here by knowingly and with full disclosure hold, bind, and obligate himselfjointly and severally by this instrument asvoluntar'' sureties for all ofthe above-noted Accounl Holders and Accounts, each severally', including without limitatioq SocialSecurily Accounl No. 454-04-6743, for any amounl up to and including Three Hundred Million United States Dollars($300,000,000.00), insuring, underwriting, identi$ing and discharging the said Account Holders and Accounts against any and allpre-existing, current a:ld future losses, costs, debts, taxes, encumbrances, deficits, deficiencies, liens, judgments, True Bills,obligations of contract or performance, defaults, charges, and any and all other obligations as may exist or come to exist during theterm ofthis Bond (ointly and severally "Liabilities"), thereby honorably discharging and vacating dollar for dollar all such obligationsuntil the sum or the term ofthis Bond is exhausted. The Fiduciary shall have thirty (30) days fiom presentrnent to dishonor tlre Bondby retuming it to the Principal by certified mail at the location below-noted. Failure to return will stipulate acceptance and honor.


1. The Fiduciary shall discharge and vacale all pre-existing and current Liabilities as may exist without excepion for, against and onbehalfofany and all ofthe above-noted Account Holders and Accounts, each severally, including without limiration, Social SecurityAccount 454-04-6743, dollar for dollar t}rough the above noted Private Offset Accounts up to and including the full Face Valueamount ofthis Bond.

2. Each ofthe above-noted Account Holders and Accounts shall be severally insured underrryritten and indemnified against any andall future Liabilities as may come to exis! discharging and vacating all such obligations dollar for dollar without excepion through theabove-noted Private Offset Accounts up to and including the full Iace Value amount ofthis Bond.

3. TheFiduciaryshallhave(30)daysfromtheDateofDeliveryspecifiedonUnitedStatesPostalServiceFormNo.38lltodishonorthis Elond by retuming it to the Principal with all associated transactions armexed there to by United States Certifred Mail at themailing localion identified hereunder. The Fiduciary's failure to retum the Bord as indicated will stipulate the Fiduciary's acceptanceand honoring ofthis instrument and all terms and provisions herein as an operation oflaw.

4. All communication shall be sent by United States Certified Mail directly to the Principal at the localion noted hereunder exactly asshown. Service in any other manner will be defective. The Principal will accept post al the said postal localion only.

5. This Bond shall be ledgered as an asset to the benefit ofthe United States Department ofthe Treasury.

6. This Bond expires at I l:59:59 PM, June L5,2045.

Executed by the undersigned on this the of June in The Year of Our Lo,rd Two Thousand Fifteen.

Private Offsel Account No. 454046743non-assumpsi/TDC: clo2939 King Cole Circle

Dallas [75216] republic state ofTexasnon-domestic without the U. S.

6,// *,


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Page 4: Corrected Indemnity Bonds

Bond No. 701428700001 1869/E0E


Face Value: $300,000,000.00 (USD) Three Hundred Million United States DollarsIssue Date: May 30,2015

Expiration Date: June 15, 2045To: Jacob J. Lew, hereinafter "Fiduciary"

Secretary ofthe U.S. Treasury, Department ofthe Treasury1500 Pennsylvania Ave NWWashington, D.C.20220

For: William Morris Risby.... .......Account HolderWILLIAM MORRIS RISBY [sic]..... ..................Accounr HolderSTATE OF TEXAS V. WILLIAM MORRIS RISBY; IN THE LTNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTNORTHERN DISTRICT OFTEXAS, DALLAS DI\iISION: Criminal Case/Cause No.'s 3:00-CR-442-1, 3:98-CR-094-H (01), 4:l l-CR-00100-Y; Including butno1 limited to, Any andlor all Case Accounts in any and/or all DISTRICT/SUPERIOR/SUPREME COURTS, and the instrumentspertaining thereto or derived there{iom in any way. shape, or Form whatsoever . . . . .... Account HolderTEXAS DEPT. OF CRIMINAL JLTSTICE v. WILLIAM MORRIS RISBY; CUSIP/ ID No. 31495077, All D.R. Log/Reports and alttheinstrumentspertainingtheretoorderivedtherefrominanyway, ShapeorForn!whatsoever...... ..AccountHolderJacob J. Lew, dba Secretary of the U.S. Treasury: Govemor ofthe IMF/WORLD BANK .............................Account HolderIvlelba Acosta dba Secretary of the U.S. Treasury..... . .. . ... ....Account HolderJohn Doe. dba President: INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (Private Sector Arm of WBG)...............Account Hclder-{ll Officers. Agents. and Employees of The Government Finance Offrcers Association (GFOAT)... ......... ...... ... .....Account Holder-\llOfficers..{gents.andEmployeesofTheFederalDepositlnsuranceCompany(FDIC)....................................AccountHolder-\ll OfIicers. .A.gents. and Employees of The DepositoryTrustCorporation (DTC)....... .................Account Holder.{ll Officers. .{gents. and Emplo.vees of INTERPOL, The lntemational Criminal Police Organization... ......... .........Account HolderGene Dordaro et al.. dba Comptroller General ofthe U.S. Government Accountability Oflice...............................Account Holder.I. Russell George et al.. dba Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)... ....... ......Account HolderDouglas Shulman dba Internal Revenue Service Comissioner...... ....... . ......Aecount Holder.A.ll Officers. Agenrs. and Employees of the INTERNAL RLVENL,'E SERVICE (IRS) . ......... ......... Account Holder.\ll Officers. .{gents, and Employees of the OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET (OMB).......................Accounl Holder.{ll Officers. -A.genls. and Employees of The LI.S. Department of Agriculture and Urban Development... .. . . . . . .. .........Account HolderRa1mondH.taHoodetal.,dbaU.S.SecretaryofTransportation.................. .......AccountHolder.IohnKerryetal..dbaSecretaryU.S.DepartmentofSta1e........... ...AccountHolder.fanet \apolitano et al.. dba tT.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). . ...... .....Account HolderEricHolderetal..dbaAttorneyGeneral:U.S.DepartmentofJustice (USDOJ)......... ..................AccountHolder-{ll Direclors. Officers, and Agents offhe U.S. Office of The Maritime Administration.. .................Account Holder.{ll Judges. Agents, and Clerks of The U.S. Supreme Court. - . . . . . . .... Account Holder.\ll .ludges. Agents, and Clerks of The Administrative Office ofthe U.S.A Courts... ..Account Holder-{ll .ludges. Agents. and Clerks of The Hague, World Court..... .. .. . . . . . . .. ... ...... ......Account Holder.{ll Judges. Agents. andClerks ofThe International Court ofJustice flCI).............. ....................Account HolderPhl llis J. P1'les et al.. dba Director; and all Officers and Clerks of The Torts Branch, Civil Divisior; D.C... .. ....... ......Account Holder.{ll Officers and Agents of The State of Texas Department of Financial Services, Division of Tort and Civil Risk ManagementBureau of Propertv and Liability Claims, State Risk Management Trust Fund.... ......Account Holder.{l I Officers. .{gents. and Employees of the Texas Bureau of Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Account Holder.{ll Judges..{gents. andClerks ofThe SupremeCourtforThe State ofTexas.......... Account HolderRickPerryetal..dbaGovernoroftheStateofTexas.......... ..........Accounl Holder\andita Berry et al.. dba Secretarl- ofthe State ofTexas... . . . ... .. . . .. Accounl HolderCrreg Abbott et al.. dba.{ttorney General ofThe State ofTexas... ....Accounl HolderAll Assistant -{ttomeyGeneral's in The Stale of Texas... ..............Ae-count HolderAll Stateand County Auditors Located in The State ofTexas.......... ....................{cL-ount Hold3rAll Accounting Specialists and County Attomeys ( Bexar County) in The Ll. S. Courts of Texas . . . . . . .....{ccounl HtrlderTerry R. Means e1 al.. dba Judge for The United States District Court, Northem District of Texas ........{cr-oun Ht'lderKaren N,fitchell etal., dbaDistrictClerk for The Llnited States District Court. NorthernDistrict of Texas .................,...\c-couil Hrrlder

Michael Deleon et al.. dba Attorney for The United States District Court. Northem District of Texas . . . . ...{ccounr H.rlderShamoil T. Shipchandler et al., dba U.S. Attorney for Northern District of Texas ........\ccounl Ht lderJane Doe, dba Division Chief, Records and Finance for The Llnited States District Court, Northem District of Texas.....q,ccounl HoldcrBradLivingstonetal.,dbaDirectoroftheTexasDepartmentof CriminalJustice............ ..............AccountHolder.{ll Wardens, Direotors, Inspeotors, Olficers, Agents, and Employees of The Texas Department of Criminal Justice....Account Hoid.rLupe Valdez et al., dba Dallas Counly Sherriffs OIfice.. ....... . ........Account HolderAllSherriflsandDeputySherriffsintheSlateofTexas... .............\ccountHolder.{llState/CityPoliceDepartmentPersonnelintheStateofTexas......... ................AccountHolderRobertMuelleretal.,dbaDirectorofTheFederalBureauoflnvestigations(FBI)............. ............AccountHolderStaciaHyltanetal.,dbaDirectoroftheUnitedStatesMarshalService........... .........\ccountHolder.{ll Liniled States Marshalls in the Stale ofTexas.......... ..\ccount HolderInlernal Revenue Service Accounl 454-04-6743.... .{ccount He'lder.

Each selerallr


Page 5: Corrected Indemnity Bonds

By, Or/Through: William Morris Risby, Principal Private Offset Account No. 454046743

KNOWN ALL MEN RY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, only fiat money exists in circulalion for the discharge of debt:

NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned Creditor, being ofsound mind and honorable intentions, for the purposes ofprotecting securedinterests, reserving rights ofrecourse, remedy and subrogatiorq and maintaining the honor ofthe named Account Holders andAccounts, does hereby necessarily issue this Private Discharging and Indemnity Bond to wit. In my rightful Sui Juris status, theCreditor does here by knowingly and with full disclosure hold, bind, and obligate himselfjointly and severally by this instrument asvolunlar)' sureties for all ofthe above-noted Account Holders and Accounts, each severally, including without limitatiorL SocialSecurity Account No. 454-04-6743, for any amount up to and including Three Hundred Million United States Dollars[$300,000,000.00), insuring, underwriting, identifuing and discharging the said Account Holders and Accounts against any and allpre-existing, current and future losses, costs, debts, taxes, encumbrances, deficits, deficiencies, liens, judgments, True Bills,obligalions of contract or performance, defaults, charges, and any and all other obligations as may exist or come to exist during theterm ofthis Bond (ointly and severally "Liabilities"), thereby honorably discharging and vacating dollar for dollar all such obligationsuntil the sum or the term ofthis Bond is exhausted. The Fiduciary shall have thirty (30) days from presentnent to dishonor the Bondby retuming it to the Principal by certified mail at the location below-noted. Failure to return will stipulate acceptance and honor.


1. The Fiduciary shall discharge and vacate all pre-edsting and current Liabilities as may exist wilhout exception for, against and onbehalfofany and all oflhe above-noted Account Holders and Accounts, each severally, including without limitation, Social SecurityAccount 454-04-6743, dollar for dollar through the above noted Private Offset Accounts up to and including the full Face Valueamount ofthis Bond.

2. Each ofthe above-noted Account Holders and Accounts shall be severally insured, underwritten and indemnified against any andall future Liabilities as may come to exis! discharging and vacating all such obligations dollar for dollar without excepion through theabove-noted Private Offset Accounts up to and including the full Face Value amount ofthis Bond.

3. TheFiduciaryshallhave(30)daysfromtheDateofDeliveryspecifiedonUnitedStatesPostalserviceFormNo.3Slltodishonorthis Bond by retuming it to the Principal with all associated transactions annexed there to by United States Certified Mail at themailing location identified hereunder. The Fiduciary's failure to retum the Bond as indicated will stipulate the Fiduciary's acceptanceand honoring ofthis instsument and all terms and provisions herein as an operation oflaw.

4. All communication shall be sent by United States Certified Mail directly to the Principal at the location noted hereunder exactly asshown. Service in any other manner will be defective. The Principal will accept post at the said postal location only.

5. This Bond shall be ledgered as an asset to the benefit ofthe United States Department ofthe Treasury.

6. This Bond expires at I I :59:59 PM, June 15, 2045.

,/ J//'Executedbytheundersignedonthisthe ?/ // dayofJuneinTheyearofourLordTwoThousandFifteen.

Private Offset Account No. 4540216743

non-assumpsit/IDC: clo 2939 King Cole CircleDallas [75216] republic state ofTexas

non-domestic without the U.S.

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