corn- a gift from the ancient people of the americas

Corn- A Gift from the Ancient People of the Americas

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Corn- A Gift from the Ancient People of the Americas. Today there are many kinds of foods and grains to eat. But long, long ago, before there were cities and farms, people stayed alive by following and hunting animals. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Corn- A Gift from the Ancient People of the Americas

Corn- A Gift from the Ancient People of the Americas

Page 2: Corn- A Gift from the Ancient People of the Americas

Today there are many kinds of foods and grains to eat.

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But long, long ago, before there were cities and farms, people stayed alive by following and hunting animals.

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Then some people found a plant called teosite. They planted it to eat and became farmers. They called it the "grain of the gods”. Over 1000’s of years it changed. It is now corn.

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A teosinte ear was only 2 to 3 inches long with five to 12 kernels. Each kernel had a very hard covering.

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Teosinte and early corn called maize.

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Corn was so important that the Aztecs believed there was a god of corn.

Centeotl was The Corn God of the Aztecs.

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Hun-Hunahpu, was called theFirst Fatherand Maize God of the Mayan.

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The Aztec had great cities and a great culture.

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An Aztec home

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corn. They

called it maize.

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Maize was the staple crop of the Aztecs. Aztec women ground the dried maize into flour on a stone slab with a stone roller.

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It was then made into flour and patted into a kind of pancake called a tortilla. Tortillas are still made this way today.

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Aztec women cooked on a clay disc called a comal, which stood on stones above a fire. People still cook this way today.

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Today, tortillas can be made by hand or by machine.

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Maize was made into a kind of porridge called atole.

People still make it today.

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The Aztecs ate 'envelopes' of steamed maize called tamales. Corn husks were stuffed with vegetables, meat or eggs. They are still eaten today.

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There are so many ways to eat corn. It is a gift that feeds us to this day.

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Many kinds of corn are grown and eaten all over the world.

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Now let’s make tortillas!