corepds chhattisgarh final 291012

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  • 7/27/2019 COREPDS Chhattisgarh Final 291012



  • 7/27/2019 COREPDS Chhattisgarh Final 291012


    Legal reforms

    Structural reforms

    Financial reforms

    Use of IT and End-to-End computerization ofTPDS

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    1. Ration card database.

    2. Computerization of supply chain


    3. Computerization of FPS - COREPDS

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    Computerized Online Real-time Electronic PDS


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    To reduce Diversion.

    To make the FPS accountable to beneficiary.

    By Providing Power of Choice to the Beneficiaries.

    To improve Service Delivery by incentivizing

    better performance - weed out nonperforming FPS.

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    Non-availability of sales transaction data atthe FPS. Problems at FPS

    Under-weighment. Overcharging.

    Multiple trips 1 for each commodity.

    Shop is not regularly open.

    Behavior of the FPS salesman

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    Every FPS has a Point of Sales (PoS) device.

    Every beneficiary has a\an

    Smart Ration Card non-biometric (on\offline)

    Mobile phone non biometric (online)

    RSBY smart card biometric (in on\offline mode) Aadhar number biometric (only online mode).

    Ration Card (on\offline)

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    The whole system design,software development andproof of concept has beendone by NIC Chhattisgarh.

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    All sales transactions at the FPS to be recorded

    through PoS device only. Physical verification of distribution.

    Monthly sales statement of any FPS to begenerated only from the server (for the purposeof calculating entitlements for next month)

    All stock receipts to be acknowledged by FPSthrough PoS device only. Physical verification of receipts.

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    Multiple instruments.

    Works on mobile GPRS connectivity.

    Works in online as well as offline mode.

    Step-by-step, menu driven user friendlyinterface in local language in PoS device

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    Portability - Beneficiary has the choice to pickup her rations from the shop of her choice.

    Introduced competition among FPS for market

    share of RC holders (customers). Negotiating position of the beneficiary becomes

    much stronger vs FPS.

    Beneficiary gets a printed receipt for cash

    paid by her for purchases.

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    Functional in 151 FPS in Raipur city since July01st, 2012. Total cost Rs. 98 lakhs. (Rs 60000

    per FPS) with smart ration cards.

    Live status at (in public domain)

    4.80 lakh transactions as on 24/10/2012.

    - 1.10 lakh transactions per month (avg).

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    Improvement in beneficiary satisfaction 1. 24.37 % migration to other shops more


    1. Reduction in number of trips per month from 4-5to 1.8 (avg).

    Incentivizing better performing FPS

    1. 60/151 FPS sold rations to > 105% beneficiaries.

    2. 18 shops tendered resignations.

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    Reduction in leakages

    1. Distribution reduced. Savings Foodgrains 5 % in BPL, 40% in APL

    30% in Kerosene

    2. Physical verification of distribution

    directly with ration card holder.

    3. Physical verification of receipts

  • 7/27/2019 COREPDS Chhattisgarh Final 291012


    Government of Chhattisgarh has decided to universalize

    health insurance. Every family in the State is hence goingto have a biometric RSBY\MSBY smart card. Hence, Food

    Department has decided to use RSBY cards as smartration cards.

    This is the first successful experiment in the country that

    provides for synthesis between the efforts of the twodepartments of the government to provide services tocommon beneficiaries through a common instrument.

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    A separate Secure space has been created inChip ofRSBY card for PDS.

    NIC HQ modified PDS Key Management System

    (KMS) so that it can insert PDS keys throughapplication loader cards in RSBY Cards.

    Health department agreed to load PDSapplication also on the card at the time ofenrolment in RSBY.

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    Biometrics are available which are collected by RSBY for

    each beneficiary.

    Savings in cost of the Smart cards . Cost of COREPDScomes down to Rs 25000 per FPS (60% saving).

    Work even in Offline environment without real-timeconnectivity

    Saving in time parallel collection of biometrics notrequired. We can wait for saturation of Aadhar and

    Connectivity (essential) for Aadhar.

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    Coverage shall be more as the card becomes moreuseful enables the beneficiary to take advantageof the most successful scheme in Chhattisgarh i.e.


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    Relieved from the burden of carrying two cards (andhopefully multiple cards).

    Enables the beneficiary to use portability feature.

    Biometric verification will ensure that Nobody else

    can take Ration of the beneficiary from the FairPrice Shop

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    Rollout of COREPDS in -

    Rajnandgaon & Durg cities 01.11.2012 RSBY

    Mahasamund block 01.12.2012 Aadhar

    Bilaspur & Bhilai cities 01.01.2013 RSBY

    All the remaining 6 cities 01.04.2013 RSBY

    All FPS in the State 31.03.2015 RSBY\Aadhar

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    [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 COREPDS Chhattisgarh Final 291012


    1. De-Privatization

    Cancellation of privately run 2,872 FPS.

    Shops to be run only by PRIs, SHGs,

    PACS\LAMPS, FPCs or urban local bodies.

    New PDS Control Order issued in December,


    . BACK

  • 7/27/2019 COREPDS Chhattisgarh Final 291012


    1. Outreach increased 1 shop per Panchayat.

    2. Improved upward linkages DCP of rice.3. Doorstep delivery CGSCSC to transport

    directly to all FPS. Elimination of middle level

    lead agencies.4. Strengthening of PDS infrastructure

    1. Rural areas through various schemes and RIDF.2. Urban areas through State Budget.

    . BACK

  • 7/27/2019 COREPDS Chhattisgarh Final 291012


    1. Improving viability of FPS

    1. Interest-free loan of Rs 75000 for workingcapital. Payable in 20 years in EMIs.

    2. 1 month stock on credit (except kerosene).

    3. Commission on foodgrains and keroseneincreased.

    2. Strengthening of SCSC

    1. Working capital loan of Rs 500 crore.

    2. All incidentals are reimbursed by the State

    Government. . BACK

  • 7/27/2019 COREPDS Chhattisgarh Final 291012


    Database prepared in 2007.

    Only cards printed from the database (withhologram & barcode) are recognized as valid

    cards. Beneficiary selection and card distribution by

    Gram Sabha\Local Body. Database is updated (new cards, corrections,

    cancellations etc.) at the district\block level

    through web enabled application.

    . BACK

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    1. Shop-wise allocation on the basis of data in

    ration card database and distribution norms.

    2. All receipts and dispatches in\fromprocurement\distribution centers through

    online web based application.

    3. Collection and data entry of sales data for

    each shop by 15th of previous month.

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    4. Generation of delivery orders and truck

    challans for each shop.

    5. 2 months buffer stock at each distributioncenter.

    6. All information in public domain SMS alerts, stock position, movement data etc.

    Call center.. BACK