copywriting- a career coach can change your life!

Get a Career Coach! Do you get frustrated when you apply for a position using your resume and never get a phone call back? Do you go through the interview process and just can't seem to get the follow-up interview? Are you extremely nervous and thus performing poorly during one-on-one interviews? Don't you what to know why or what keeps you from getting the your dream job? A Career Coach has the sole purpose to explain to you what Human Resources won't be telling you. HR scouts call this process "thinning the herd" because it makes their choosing process easier to find the best candidate. What if you are the best candidate, but you just don't know how to present yourself on paper or in the interview? A Career Coach is your best solution for success because they will be honest. A Career Coach will point out the flaws in your resume, your mistakes in your phone calls, and your problems in your one-on-one interviews. Know your vulnerabilities and make a positive change today. Get a Career Coach to jump start your career! There three reasons that prevent us from our dream career. There are three reasons on why you can't make a change in your life. Take ownership on which reason reminds you of yourself. Recognize the fear and move forward with a Career Coach. The Stagnant Situation. Have you been stuck in a job for the last ten years and finally realized "I don't want to do this anymore!" Are you too afraid to change your career and to find a better job that you will enjoy? Are you working just to pay your bills and barely getting by? This happens to everyone. Whether it is a low point in your life, an excuse that you keep telling yourself, or that your just not motivated, procrastination stops us from being happy and successful. The main problem is that many people just don't know where to start. Well, a Career Coach is exactly where you should start!

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Post on 16-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Copywriting- A Career Coach can change your life!

Get a Career Coach!

Do you get frustrated when you apply for a position using your resume and never get a phone call back? Do you go through the interview process and just can't seem to get the follow-up interview? Are you extremely nervous and thus performing poorly during one-on-one interviews? Don't you what to know why or what keeps you from getting the your dream job?

A Career Coach has the sole purpose to explain to you what Human Resources won't be telling you. HR scouts call this process "thinning the herd" because it makes their choosing process easier to find the best candidate.  What if you are the best candidate, but you just don't know how to present yourself on paper or in the interview? A Career Coach is your best solution for success because they will be honest.  A Career Coach will point out the flaws in your resume, your mistakes in your phone calls, and your problems in your one-on-one interviews. Know your vulnerabilities and make a positive change today. Get a Career Coach to jump start your career!

There three reasons that prevent us from our dream career.

There are three reasons on why you can't make a change in your life. Take ownership on which reason reminds you of yourself. Recognize the fear and move forward with a Career Coach.

The Stagnant Situation.

Have you been stuck in a job for the last ten years and finally realized "I don't want to do this anymore!" Are you too afraid to change your career and to find a better job that you will enjoy? Are you working just to pay your bills and barely getting by? This happens to everyone. Whether it is a low point in your life, an excuse that you keep telling yourself, or that your just not motivated, procrastination stops us from being happy and successful.

The main problem is that many people just don't know where to start. Well, a Career Coach is exactly where you should start!  You don't have to feel trapped because of your situation. Think of a Career Coach like your best friend. Someone that will tell you like it is even if its painful. A Career Coach will provide constructive criticism followed with techniques to improve so that you can get back on track. Just like your best friend would do. It's never to late to start and there's always room for improvement when trying to get that dream job. Stop just "getting by" and seek advice from a Career Coach.

The Crisis Situation.

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Did you just lose your job and home? Or are you dodging your landlord because you can't pay rent?  Have you "fallen off the boat" and now drowning financially because you're income doesn't cut it anymore? Does this seem like your life? You need help and you need it now! A Career Coach has the life preserver and can save you. Some people wait too long that their job and quit because they are beyond frustrated and doing something they hate. A Career Coach is meant to be your support during these desperate times.

Our Career Coaches understands how a crisis situation can affect your family and financial sustainability. A Career Coach knows what "keywords" HR talents scouts are looking for in your resume and how to handle the random phone calls that PR agents make. A Career Coach will address the crisis at hand and focus on ways to make you less nervous and more confident in one-on-one interviews. Finally, a Career Coach will provide constructive criticism to make all the elements connected to getting you're dream job a reality including social media platforms. Don't stress out and let our Super Career Coaches save the day so that you're happier in your career. Stop panicking and get help today with a Career Coach!

Lacking an Action Plan.

Congratulations! You just graduated and got yourself a degree! Your hard work, dedication, and late nights studying have finally paid off. You just walked the stage, grabbed your degree, shook your principle's hand, and took a picture with the family. You're proud and you should be. Only now you have this nagging feeling that you have been thinking about. You just realized that you don't what to do next to get that dream career. This happens to lots of people after they graduate and the fear is real. You know that you have little to no experience in your related field and you're scared.

What you need is an Action Plan. A Career Coach uses what you know from your degree and applies it to jobs so that you can get yourself experience. A Career Coach will point you in the direction of internships that will build your experience and get attention from dream jobs that requires three years experience. A Career Coach will list the opportunities that you're degree offers and the different alternatives you can choose to get that dream job.  Education is extremely important, but without proper direction from a Career Coach, it's just a piece of paper if you can't represent it accordingly. Make an Action Plan now with our counseling from a Career Coach.

Our Career Coaches at will help you:

Get your resume to the professional level that the recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in employees.

Increase your chances of responses back from employers.

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Give constructive feedback on your interview skills. Provide training on what recruiters are looking for from employees.

Some individuals might only need small changes in their resumes and interviews skills. Others might need an complete overhaul of improvement to make the difference because they lack experience in the job hiring process. No matter what the circumstance is for you, our Career Coaches can mean the difference of someone getting passed over to someone getting hired for the position.

A Career Coach is the solution!

When you were young, you probably were asked the famous question of what do you want to be when you grow-up. The teacher would ask the class to draw a picture of yourself in that dream job and doing whatever you always wanted to do.  The teacher made you create a vision and a Career Coach can make that vision come true. Your vision was very important to you when you were younger, and for some reason, you lost track of how to make that dream job a reality.

A Career Coach is meant to be your personal mentor that steers you in the right direction for success during a crisis. A Career Coach is an important stepping stone to bridge the gap between education and the job market. A Career Coach enables you to stop settling for anything less than you deserve. The finish line is in your sight, you just need to keep pushing yourself forward. Don't do it alone and get a Career Coach today.

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