copyright fair use kilgallon

Mrs. K

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Mrs. K

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Image: “FBI Anti- Piracy Warning”Screen Shot By Kilgallon

Have you seen this?

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•I will be able to define copyright.

•I will understand and apply fair use using critical thinking to evaluate and create original work.

Learning Goals

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What is good about Copyright?

Image: “Scales of Justice - Frankfurt Version”By” flickr user mikecoghCC license Attribution-ShareAlike

• Protects the rights of creators and their work

• Provides motivation for people to create

• These protections can promote advances

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What is bad about copyright?

• Almost everything is copyrightable

• Technological advances have limited and changed copyright protection

• Could also prevent expansion of ideas

• Could stifle creativity

• Legal costs to defend oneself – Law Suits

• DisneyImage: “Locks”By” flickr user Trevor BlakeCC license;Attribution-ShareAlike

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Ability to use copyrighted works without permission or payment

Image: “Mona Lisa Caricature” By: flickr user DonkeyHoleyCC license attribution-sharealike

What is Fair Use?

Center for Social Media. (2013). Code of best practices in fair use for media literacy education. Retrieved from

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Image: “Alcatraz - Exercise Yard Exit Door Sailing Away” By: flickr user David Paul OhmerCC license Attribution

•Promotes more creative work•Facilitates education in every sector• It has been an important part of copyright law for more than 170 years•It is a right, not a mere privilege•Supreme Court asserts that fair use keeps copyright from violating the First Amendment

What is good about fair use?

Center for Social Media. (2013). Code of best practices in fair use for media literacy education. Retrieved from

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Image: “Day 222 (Or is this Day 1 now?) - Oops!”By: flickr user ktpuppCC license Attribution-SNonCommercial

• Lack of understanding leads to underuse• Misuse of Fair Use leads to legal battles•Misuse of Fair Use leads to more Copyright restrictions

What is bad about fair use?

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Judges ask these two questions

1. Did the unlicensed use “transform” the material by using it for a different purpose, or did it just repeat the work for the same value as the original?

2. Was the material used in kind and amount, considering the nature of the copyrighted work and the use

Image: “Gravel” By: flickr user walknbostonCC license Attribution

Center for Social Media. (2013). Code of best practices in fair use for media literacy education. Retrieved from

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1. Transformation and Purpose

Purpose•commenting on or critiquing•Illustration or example•launching a discussion

Transformation•recombine elements to make a new work •mashup, remixes, new expression, subtitles, images, sound effects or animation

Did I transform or just copy it?

Image: “20090119 - Clint - Obamicon - using AE's funny face to end all funny faces pic”By: flickr user Rev Xanatos Satnicos Bombasticos (Clint/CL)CC license Attribution-NonCommercial_SahreAlike

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2. Amount

•song used in its entirety

•content reproduced in amountsdisproportionate to your purpose

•The use satisfies the audience’s taste for the work. The new work replaces the original work.

•Not derivative - a new, original product that includes aspects of a preexisting, already copyrighted work

Image: “Gravel” By: flickr user stu_spivackCC license Attribution_ShareAlike

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Is this fair use

If I’m not making any money off it, it’s fair use.


Image: “copyright”Screen Shot by Kilgallon

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# 1 Thing you can do to help with fair use…..

Give the artist credit

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Your Creative Work

»Edit one of the pictures to create a work

»Justify your fair use

• Transformation

• Purpose

»You work will be placed on Mr. ___ Edmodo page

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I used fair use based on transformation. I recombine elements to make a new work.

“Life of Pi” movie was more entertaining than the book.

I did not change the image but it is fair use based on the purpose of commenting on the movie vs. the book.

Danica Patrick illustrates that woman are still working to changing stereo types.

I did not change the image but it is fair use based on the purpose of using the image as an illustration.

Do you think Popes should be able to resign?

I did not change the image but it is fair use based on the purpose of launching a discussion.

Image: “Mona Lisa Caricature” By: flickr user DonkeyHoleyCC license attribution-sharealike

Martel , Yann. (Director). Life of Pi. (2003). [Motion picture] .

Downey, Mike. (2013). Special to CNN.

Vincenzo Pinto/Getty Images. (n.d.)

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Center for Social Media. (2013). Code of best practices in fair use for media literacy education. Retrieved from

Edenza. (2007). Let’s go crazy. Retrieved from

Judsonlaippy. (2006). Evolution of dance – by judsonlaipply. Retrieved from

Merriam-Webster online student dictionary. (2007). Copyright. Retrieved from

PatrickBoivin. (2008). Evolution of dance. Retrieved from

Rebelliouspixels. (2010). Donald duck meets gleen beck in right wing radio duck. Retrieved from

Robobos. (2006). Shining. Retrieved from

Thesacrement. (2006). Steve Irwin tribute. Retrieved from

United States Copyright Office. (n.d.). Frequently asked questions about copyright. Retrieved from