copyright and permissions...week one: decluttering your home !...


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Copyright and Permissions    

©                                                          Simplify  Course   2  

Copyright  ©  2016  by  Christina  Tiplea.  All  rights  reserved.    

You  are  welcome  to  print  a  copy  of  this  document  for  your  personal  use.  Other  than  that,  no  part  of  this  publication  may  be  reproduced,  stored,  or  transmitted  in  any  form  or  by  any  means,  electronic,  mechanical,  photocopying,  recording,  scanning,  or  otherwise,  except  as  permitted  under  Section  107  or  108  of  the  1976  United  States  Copyright  Act,  without  the  prior  written  permission  of  the  author.  Requests  to  the  author  and  publisher  for  permission  should  be  addressed  to  the  following  email:  [email protected].    Limitation  of  liability/disclaimer  of  warranty:  While  the  publisher  and  author  have  used  their  best  efforts  in  preparing  this  course  and  eBook,  they  make  no  representations  or  warranties  with  respect  to  the  accuracy  or  completeness  of  the  contents  of  this  document  and  specifically  disclaim  any  implied  warranties  of  merchantability  or  fitness  for  particular  purpose.  No  warranty  may  be  created  or  extended  by  sales  representatives,  promoters,  or  written  sales  materials.      Disclosure:  This  document  contains  affiliate  links,  which  means  that  if  a  purchase  is  made  through  the  provided  link,  the  author  may  receive  a  portion  of  the  sale  at  no  additional  cost  to  you.    The  advice  and  strategies  contained  herein  may  not  be  suitable  for  your  situation.  You  should  consult  with  a  professional  where  appropriate.  Neither  the  publisher  nor  the  author  shall  be  liable  for  any  personal  damages,  including  but  not  limited  to  special,  incidental,  consequential,  or  other  damages.                                  

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Introduction to the Simplify Course    Welcome  to  the  Simplify  Course!    Do  you  feel  completely  frazzled  and  overwhelmed  by  your  life  lately?  Perhaps  you’ve  had  the  desire  to  simplify  but  have  no  idea  where  to  start?  If  so,  this  4-­‐week  course  is  for  you!    I’m  sharing  methods  that  will  help  you  to  simplify  and  curb  the  chaos  in  your  life,  so  that  you  can  enjoy  living  with  more  intention  and  less  stress.  The  goal  of  this  course  is  to  assist  you  in  simplifying  your  home,  your  mind,  and  your  schedule.    I  know  from  experience  that  it  can  be  difficult  to  streamline  your  life  if  you  don’t  have  a  guide  to  help  you  through  the  process.  I  hope  to  be  that  guide  for  you  and  help  you  create  the  simplified  and  purposeful  life  you  desire.  If  you  are  struggling  at  all  during  this  course,  please  email  me  at  [email protected],  as  I’d  love  to  help  you  work  through  it.  


• Having  more  time  to  spend  on  the  activities  that  you  love  and  to  nourish  the  relationships  that  are  most  important  to  you.  

• Being  more  fully  present  and  feeling  more  at  peace  in  your  day-­‐to-­‐day  life.  • Using  your  time  more  efficiently  and  being  more  productive  as  a  result.  

Cheers  to  living  a  chaos-­‐free  life  that  is  filled  with  more  joy!    XOXO,  Christina  Tiplea    

   About  Me:  I  am  an  author  who  is  passionate  about  helping  others  create  a  life  they  love.  


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The Schedule

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Below  is  a  suggested  schedule  of  how  you  might  complete  the  lessons  in  this  course.  I  recommend  taking  the  full  week  allotted  to  complete  each  lesson  in  its  entirety  before  moving  onto  the  next.    TABLE  OF  CONTENTS    WEEK  ONE  Decluttering  Your  Home………5    WEEK  TWO  Improving  Your  Relationship  with  Technology………10    WEEK  THREE  Putting  an  End  to  Busyness………14    WEEK  FOUR  Managing  Your  Time  Wisely………17    FINAL  THOUGHTS………21      

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Week One: Decluttering Your Home  

©                                                          Simplify  Course   5  

The  clutter  that  is  present  in  our  homes  can  often  manifest  itself  into  mental  clutter  as  well.  It  is  difficult  to  focus  on  the  amazing  things  you  are  meant  to  do  when  you  are  constantly  feeling  overwhelmed  by  your  physical  surroundings.    Not  only  does  having  a  clutter-­‐free  home  make  our  daily  lives  a  whole  lot  simpler,  but  it  also  frees  up  our  time  and  mental  energy  (our  most  valuable  resources)  from  being  consumed  by  an  excess  of  possessions.    If  you’re  serious  about  streamlining  and  simplifying  your  life,  decluttering  your  home  is  the  best  place  to  start.  Once  you  get  the  physical  clutter  under  control,  it  will  be  a  lot  easier  to  simplify  the  other  areas  of  your  life  as  well.    When  it  comes  down  to  the  actual  reasons  that  we  hold  onto  unnecessary  items  and  clutter  in  our  lives,  those  reasons  look  different  for  every  single  person.  We  all  have  varying  reasons  or  rationales  as  to  why  we  keep  certain  items  in  our  home  long  after  they  have  served  their  purpose,  or  why  we  accumulate  items  that  we  never  really  needed  to  begin  with.    SOME  OF  THE  REASONS  WE  HAVE  CLUTTER  MIGHT  INCLUDE:    • We  are  holding  onto  sentimental  items  that  we  can’t  bear  to  part  with.  • We  are  saving  items  for  “just  in  case”  we  could  potentially  use  them  in  the  future.  • Beginning  the  process  of  decluttering  feels  overwhelming  to  us.    • We  are  finding  fleeting  joy  in  shopping  or  mindless  consumption.  • We  have  multiples  of  an  item  when  just  one  will  do.  • We  are  holding  onto  items  out  of  guilt.  

 To  begin  the  process  of  effectively  decluttering  your  home,  it’s  important  to  identify  your  personal  reasons  for  accumulating  and  holding  onto  items  over  the  years.  Getting  to  the  root  of  clutter  and  over-­‐accumulation  allows  us  to  then  be  ruthless  in  letting  go  of  those  items.    

“Have  nothing  in  your  house  that  you  do  not  know  to  be  useful,  or  believe  to  be  beautiful.”  -­‐  William  Morris  

 The  decluttering  process  can  be  a  tough  one  to  go  through  if  you  aren’t  armed  with  the  tools  you  need  to  help  you  get  to  your  end  goal  of  a  clutter-­‐free  and  simplified  home.    To  help  you  through  this  process,  I’ve  complied  some  decluttering  strategies  that  you  might  find  helpful  in  implementing  as  you  sort  through  your  possessions.          

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Week One: Decluttering Your Home  

©                                                          Simplify  Course   6  


• Set  a  timer  for  15  minutes  every  day.  If  you  feel  overwhelmed  by  the  prospect  of  decluttering  your  entire  home,  it  can  really  help  to  know  that  after  15  minutes  you  can  take  a  break.  While  having  a  time  challenge  can  add  some  fun  to  the  process,  it  also  helps  in  being  able  to  make  quick  decisions,  which  means  logic  will  usually  prevail  over  your  emotional  attachment  to  items.  

• Donate  items  you  are  parting  with.  You’ll  get  the  warm  fuzzies  knowing  that  someone  else  will  enjoy  your  things  even  more  than  you  did!  

• Take  a  photo  of  sentimental  items.  If  you  are  keeping  items  purely  because  of  the  memories  associated  with  them,  taking  a  photo  to  keep  instead  is  a  great  compromise.  This  way  the  memory  can  stay,  but  the  item  can  go.  

• Get  your  family  or  roommate  involved.  It  takes  everyone  living  in  your  home  to  be  on  board  with  the  decluttering  process  for  it  to  have  lasting  effects.  Make  it  a  fun  project  for  everyone  to  participate  in,  and  you’ll  likely  be  very  pleased  with  the  results.  

• Use  4  boxes  to  help  you  sort.  Name  them  keep,  donate,  trash,  and  maybe.  Proceed  to  fill  them  up  accordingly,  while  trying  to  drastically  limit  the  amount  of  items  going  into  the  “keep”  box.  See  below  for  what  to  do  with  the  “maybe”  box.  

• Create  a  “maybe”  box.  This  is  to  put  the  items  that  you  tell  yourself  maybe  I’ll  wear  or  use  this  if  a  particular  situation  arises.  Chances  are,  you’ve  probably  been  telling  yourself  this  for  quite  some  time.  Put  all  of  these  “maybe”  items  into  a  box  and  put  it  away  on  a  shelf  or  in  a  closet  out  of  sight,  and  then  check  back  in  a  year.  If  throughout  the  course  of  an  entire  year  you  haven’t  once  thought  about  any  of  the  items  in  the  box,  donate  the  entire  box  without  even  looking  at  the  contents  inside.  This  way  you  won’t  become  tempted  to  reintroduce  anything  into  your  home.  

• If  you  haven’t  worn  an  article  of  clothing  in  a  year,  it  goes.  A  great  trick  is  to  turn  all  of  the  hangers  in  your  closet  backwards,  and  then  turn  them  around  as  you  wear  each  item.  At  the  end  of  the  year,  you  closet  will  tell  you  exactly  what  you  need  to  donate  with  whichever  hangers  are  still  facing  backwards.  No  need  to  put  any  thought  into  when  the  last  time  you  wore  the  article  of  clothing  was,  because  it  was  clearly  a  long  time  ago!  

• Try  to  leave  emotions  out  of  the  decision.  It  can  be  so  easy  to  listen  to  our  emotional  attachment  to  items  instead  of  using  logic  to  figure  out  what  should  stay  or  go.  Use  logic  over  emotions  to  make  your  decisions  as  much  as  possible  through  the  decluttering  process.    

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Week One: Decluttering Your Home  

©                                                          Simplify  Course   7  


• Enlist  a  friend.  Having  help  from  someone  who  has  an  untainted  view  of  your  stuff  can  add  a  fresh  perspective  and  force  you  to  answer  the  tough  questions  –  such  as,  “do  you  really  need  to  keep  that  pair  of  shoes  that  you  haven’t  worn  in  3  years?”.  It  also  adds  an  element  of  fun  and  helps  you  push  through  with  your  challenge!  

• Get  paper  clutter  under  control.  My  favorite  resource  for  eliminating  the  paper  clutter  throughout  my  home  and  in  my  office  is  The  Paperless  Home.  This  program  walks  you  step-­‐by-­‐step  through  the  entire  process  of  going  paperless  by  using  immediately  actionable  strategies.  It  turned  the  process  of  going  paperless  for  me  from  something  completely  overwhelming,  to  very  simplified  and  easy.    

• Take  it  one  room  at  a  time.  Declutter  one  entire  room  before  you  move  on  to  the  next.  Having  a  room  to  enjoy  and  reap  the  benefits  of  your  simplifying  efforts  is  great  motivation  to  keep  you  going  throughout  the  rest  of  the  house.  

• Figure  out  what  works  for  you.  Maybe  it’s  dividing  your  decluttering  process  up  into  15-­‐minute  segments  so  that  you  don’t  get  overwhelmed.  Or  maybe  you’re  like  me,  and  thrive  off  momentum  you’ve  created  and  would  be  more  successful  by  taking  an  entire  afternoon  or  weekend  to  dedicate  to  your  decluttering  mission.  Customize  this  simplifying  process  to  fit  you  and  your  unique  work  style!  

In  addition  to  utilizing  some  of  the  decluttering  strategies  list  above,  there  are  also  several  questions  you  can  ask  yourself  that  should  help  you  as  you  sort  through  your  possessions.  These  questions  really  help  you  to  instill  a  no-­‐nonsense  approach  to  getting  rid  of  items  and  will  allow  you  to  be  more  ruthless  in  determining  what  you  should  keep  and  what  you  should  toss.    

As  you  go  through  each  item  in  your  home,  ask  yourself  the  questions  listed  below.  Your  answers  to  these  questions  should  help  you  work  through  your  thought  process  and  provide  you  with  some  clarity  as  to  why  you  may  be  keeping  items  around  your  home  when  you  haven’t  used  them  in  quite  some  time.  


1. Is  this  item  something  I’m  currently  using?  If  not,  have  I  used  this  item  in  the  past  year?  If  your  answer  is  no,  then  this  item  should  automatically  go.      

2. Is  this  something  that  I  would  buy  right  now  if  I  saw  it  in  a  store?  If  you  wouldn’t  spend  your  hard  earned  money  on  purchasing  that  item  again,  it  obviously  isn’t  something  that  means  much  to  you  or  brings  great  value  or  use  to  your  life.      

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Week One: Decluttering Your Home  

©                                                          Simplify  Course   8  


3. Is  the  thought  of  wasting  money  keeping  me  from  getting  rid  of  this  item?  Keeping  an  unused  item  around  your  home  out  of  guilt  doesn’t  change  the  fact  that  you  purchased  it  to  begin  with.  Move  on  and  free  yourself  from  feeling  guilty  so  that  you  can  enjoy  a  clutter-­‐free  home  instead!    

4. Is  this  something  I  love?  No?  Then  it  goes!    

5. Am  I  holding  onto  this  for  sentimental  reasons?  If  you’re  struggling  to  get  rid  of  items  because  they  hold  so  much  meaning  to  you,  yet  you  never  actually  use  them,  consider  taking  a  picture  instead  and  then  donating  them  to  someone  who  can  serve  those  items  justice  by  actually  using  and  enjoying  them.    

6. Do  I  have  future  plans  for  this  item  that  never  seem  to  happen  or  am  I  saving  it  “just  in  case”?  This  is  probably  one  of  the  hardest  aspects  of  decluttering  for  many  people.  The  fear  of  needing  something  after  you’ve  thrown  away  or  donated  it  tends  to  keep  us  from  getting  rid  of  the  item  at  all.  The  truth  is,  it’s  only  taking  up  precious  space  in  your  home  and  is  requiring  your  energy  to  clean  and  maintain  it.  If  you’ve  been  telling  yourself  for  years  that  you’re  going  to  use  a  particular  item,  but  haven’t  acted  on  it  yet,  then  it’s  time  to  get  rid  of  it.    

7. Do  I  have  multiples  of  this  item?  If  you  have  similar  items  that  serve  the  same  purpose,  then  get  rid  of  one  of  them.    

8. Could  someone  else  use  this  more  than  I  do?  If  you  haven’t  used  the  item  in  quite  some  time,  but  know  that  someone  else  could  really  benefit  from  having  it,  donate  it!  Think  about  how  that  item  could  enrich  someone  else’s  life.  It’s  a  lot  easier  to  part  with  items  when  you  know  that  someone  else  can  truly  enjoy  and  use  them  long  after  they  have  been  useful  to  you.    

9. If  I  were  moving  to  a  new  home,  would  I  want  to  pack  this  item  and  make  the  effort  to  bring  it  with  me?  If  you  wouldn’t  want  to  go  through  the  trouble  of  carefully  packing  up  the  item  and  potentially  paying  a  mover  to  bring  it  to  a  new  home  someday,  you  should  really  reevaluate  keeping  it  and  letting  it  take  up  space  in  your  current  home.    

10. Is  this  item  worth  the  time  I  spend  maintaining/cleaning/storing  it?  Your  time  is  your  most  valuable  resource.  If  you  are  spending  it  cleaning  and  maintaining  things  around  your  home  that  you  don’t  love  or  even  need,  then  it  is  not  time  well  spent.    

11. Could  I  make  money  by  selling  this  item?  If  donating  or  giving  items  away  doesn’t  appeal  to  you,  considering  selling  them  instead.  If  you  could  make  a  decent  profit  and  think  it  would  be  worth  the  time  spent  listing  it  online,  try  selling  it  on  eBay  or  

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Week One: Decluttering Your Home  

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Craigslist!  The  opportunity  to  make  a  few  extra  bucks  might  be  the  motivation  you  need  to  finally  get  rid  of  some  of  your  unneeded  possessions  for  good.  

Once  you  have  done  a  full  round  of  decluttering  in  your  home,  it’s  important  to  change  your  habits  to  make  sure  that  you  aren’t  inviting  clutter  back  into  your  space.      HERE  ARE  A  FEW  TIPS  TO  HELP  YOU  STAY  CLUTTER-­‐FREE:    • Stop  buying  stuff  you  don’t  need.  Seriously,  stop  the  insanity.  Do  you  really  need  to  

be  perusing  the  clearance  rack  every  time  you  go  to  Target?  I  know,  that  shirt  would  look  adorable  on  you,  but  you  really  don’t  need  it.  Bringing  more  crap  you  don’t  need  into  your  house  is  not  enriching  your  life,  it  is  only  cluttering  up  your  space.    

• Implement  the  “one  in,  two  out”  rule.  Every  time  you  bring  a  new  item  into  your  home,  you  must  donate  or  throw  away  two  others.  This  is  essential  to  keep  your  decluttering  efforts  in  tact  for  the  long  term.    

• Remind  yourself  how  great  having  a  decluttered  space  feels.  This  especially  applies  if  you  are  out  shopping  and  spot  a  non-­‐essential  item  you  are  thinking  about  buying.  If  you  decide  you  really  want  to  buy  this  item,  then  at  least  follow  the  “one  In,  two  out”  rule.  

 ACTION  STEPS  THIS  WEEK:    1. Identify  why  you  currently  have  clutter  in  your  home.  Are  there  certain  habits  or  

beliefs  you  have  that  are  encouraging  you  to  bring  in  and  keep  clutter?  It’s  very  important  to  determine  this  before  moving  onto  the  physical  process  of  decluttering  your  possessions.    

2. Make  a  plan  for  how  you  are  going  to  tackle  the  clutter  in  your  home.  Are  you  going  to  spend  an  entire  weekend  doing  a  mass  purging  session?  Or  perhaps  you  want  to  spend  just  15-­‐30  minutes  each  day  speed  decluttering.  Find  a  system  that  works  for  you  and  then  take  action  by  following  through  with  it!    

3. Find  a  solution  to  deal  with  the  paper  clutter  in  your  life.  Consider  utilizing  a  resource  such  as  The  Paperless  Home  to  walk  you  through  the  process  of  eliminating  the  paper  clutter  throughout  your  home  and  workspace.  


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Week Two: Improving Your Relationship with Technology

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Do  you  have  a  tough  time  setting  boundaries  when  it  comes  to  the  role  that  technology  plays  in  your  life?      Technology  is  a  gift,  as  well  as  a  curse  in  today’s  world.  While  it  allows  for  us  to  accomplish  more  in  less  time  and  creates  career  options  that  allow  people  like  myself  to  work  from  home,  that  luxury  doesn’t  come  without  a  price  tag.    All  too  often  we  allow  technology  to  take  over  our  lives  and  impede  upon  our  happiness….sometimes  not  even  realizing  the  negative  impact  it’s  having  on  our  relationships  and  our  well-­‐being.    Many  of  us  have  a  strong  compulsion  and  almost  physical  craving  to  need  to  check  our  emails,  social  media,  and  text  messages  throughout  the  day.  It  can  feel  almost  like  an  itch  that  needs  to  be  scratched,  and  that  you  can’t  relax  until  you’ve  plugged  back  into  technology  for  a  little  bit.      Our  goal  this  week  is  to  get  rid  of  that  compulsion  to  feel  like  you  constantly  need  to  have  your  phone  in  your  hand  or  to  be  checking  social  media  and  your  emails  all  the  time.  If  you  aren’t  convinced  enough  as  to  why  taking  breaks  from  technology  can  be  a  wonderful  thing,  you  might  find  the  reasons  below  to  make  an  extremely  compelling  case  for  unplugging  on  a  regular  basis.    REASONS  WHY  YOU  SHOULD  UNPLUG  FROM  TECHNOLOGY:    1.  It  gives  your  brain  a  break  

How  many  times  during  the  day  do  you  find  yourself  checking  your  phone  for  missed  text  messages  or  calls?  

Pew  Research  Center  found  that  67%  of  cell  phone  owners  check  their  phone  even  when  they  don’t  hear  it  ringing  or  vibrating  (source).  It  must  be  so  hard  for  our  brains  to  be  constantly  fretting  that  we  missed  something.  Gives  yours  a  break  by  completely  turning  your  phone  off  and  reveling  in  how  freeing  it  feels.  

2.  You  will  feel  more  content  and  happy  with  your  life  

Social  media  can  play  a  big  role  when  it  comes  to  experiencing  feelings  of  jealousy  or  envy.  Regular  use  of  social  media  sites  such  as  Facebook  are  proven  to  have  a  profound  negative  impact  on  your  mental  health.  

Researchers  at  the  University  of  Missouri  have  found  that  Facebook  use  can  lead  to  symptoms  of  depression  if  the  social  networking  site  triggers  feelings  of  envy  among  its  users  (source).  

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Week Two: Improving Your Relationship with Technology

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If  you  find  yourself  regularly  feeling  envious  when  you  see  awesome  vacations  that  some  of  your  acquaintances  are  taking,  or  pangs  of  jealously  upon  seeing  the  close  relationships  that  others  appear  to  have  on  social  media,  know  that  it’s  normal  to  have  these  feelings.    

It’s  funny  the  types  of  feelings  that  can  present  themselves  when  you  get  a  glimpse  into  the  lives  of  others.  It  can  sometimes  be  difficult  to  remember  that  people  only  put  the  best  on  social  media,  to  perhaps  paint  a  picture  of  their  life  that  is  better  than  the  reality  of  it.  

The  best  way  to  avoid  these  feelings  of  envy  and  depression  that  can  come  from  the  social  media  trap  is  to  unplug  and  give  yourself  a  break.  Focus  on  your  own  life  and  the  great  things  you  have  going  for  you  instead  of  perusing  the  lives  of  others.  It’s  easy  to  miss  the  great  things  happening  right  in  front  of  you  if  you’re  too  fixated  on  what  others  have  going  on  for  them.  

3.  You  will  have  more  time  to  soak  up  quietness  

Solitude  and  just  being  with  your  own  thoughts  for  a  bit  can  be  really  good  for  you.    

A  study  done  by  the  University  of  the  Philippines  Diliman  found  that  solitude  can  be  extremely  important  to  our  overall  well-­‐being  and  has  been  shown  to  increase  happiness  and  stress  management  abilities  (source).  It’s  crucial  to  be  left  with  your  own  thoughts  for  at  least  a  small  amount  of  time  each  day,  as  it  allows  you  to  better  process  the  events  happening  around  you.  

4.  You  will  improve  your  “real  life”  relationships  

The  next  time  you’re  out  in  public,  whether  eating  at  a  restaurant  or  even  just  running  errands,  take  some  time  to  look  around  and  see  how  many  people  have  their  face  buried  into  a  smart  phone.  

You  may  be  shocked  by  how  much  you  notice  this  behavior  when  you  begin  to  pay  more  attention  to  it.  It’s  almost  the  norm  these  days  for  people  to  be  checking  Facebook  or  text  messaging  someone  else  when  they  are  out  to  a  meal  with  friends.  What  message  is  this  sending  to  those  who  you  are  currently  spending  time  with?  It’s  almost  like  telling  them  you’d  rather  be  elsewhere  and  that  their  company  alone  isn’t  enough  to  entertain  you.    

It’s  very  difficult  to  have  an  engaging,  meaningful  conversation  and  spend  quality  time  with  someone  when  you  aren’t  fully  present  in  that  moment  with  them.  Unplugging  from  technology  can  have  profound  effects  on  our  “real  life”  relationships,  and  the  biggest  benefit  of  that  is  being  fully  present  with  our  loved  ones  when  we  are  spending  time  with  them.    

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Week Two: Improving Your Relationship with Technology

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5.  You  will  get  the  sleep  you  desperately  need  

Have  you  ever  spent  hours  on  your  phone,  computer,  or  watching  TV  at  night  to  then  discover  that  you  couldn’t  fall  asleep  later  on  when  you  wanted  to?  

As  it  turns  out,  two  hours  of  screen  time  at  night  could  end  up  majorly  disturbing  your  ability  to  sleep  (source).  Blue  light  that  is  emitted  from  bright  screens  can  alter  your  body’s  melatonin  production.  Melatonin  is  the  hormone  produced  by  our  bodies  that  helps  set  our  biological  clocks.  Without  it,  it  can  be  nearly  impossible  to  fall  asleep  when  you  need  to.    

To  help  your  body  fall  asleep  when  it  needs  to,  try  to  stay  away  from  bright  screens  2-­‐3  hours  before  bedtime.  Even  unplugging  just  an  hour  before  bedtime  can  be  extremely  helpful  in  allowing  your  body  to  fall  asleep  right  away.  Try  it  out  yourself!  

6.  You  will  feel  less  stressed  

If  you’re  feeling  really  stressed  out  lately,  your  smartphone  might  be  a  big  contributor.  You  might  find  yourself  feeling  stressed  when  you’re  expected  to  immediately  text  someone  back,  return  a  call,  or  respond  to  an  email.  

Unplugging  from  your  smartphone  is  a  great  way  to  reduce  the  stress  that  being  “on”  can  bring  into  our  lives.  If  you  can  turn  off  your  phone  or  even  just  ignore  it  for  large  blocks  of  time  throughout  the  day,  you  will  likely  feel  a  lot  less  anxious  and  more  at  peace.  

Life  is  so  much  more  enjoyable  when  your  face  isn’t  inside  buried  into  a  screen  all  the  time.  When  we  allow  technology  to  take  up  such  a  large  portion  of  our  day,  we  are  taking  away  from  other  precious  moments.  Things  like  playing  with  our  children,  having  deep  and  meaningful  conversations  with  those  we  love,  and  enjoying  the  simple  things  in  life  like  curling  up  on  the  couch  with  a  good  book.    While  technology  in  itself  isn’t  a  bad  thing,  it’s  the  way  we  abuse  it  and  become  consumed  by  it  that  allows  it  to  have  a  negative  impact  on  our  lives.  Unplugging  from  technology  on  a  regular  basis  can  serve  as  a  great  reminder  to  us  that  the  recipe  for  happiness  in  this  life  can’t  be  found  within  a  screen.                

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Week Two: Improving Your Relationship with Technology

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1. Start  small  -­‐  curb  your  use  of  technology  by  unplugging  from  just  one  device  at  a  time  if  you  find  unplugging  from  everything  at  once  to  be  too  difficult.    

2. Remove  unnecessary  social  media  and  game  apps  from  your  phone,  and  move  the  apps  that  remain  away  from  your  home  screen  so  that  you  aren’t  enticed  to  use  them  every  time  you  look  at  your  phone.    

3. Set  designated  times  to  engage  in  social  media  so  that  you  don’t  find  yourself  checking  in  on  sites  like  Facebook  or  Twitter  more  than  once  or  twice  per  day.    

4. Turn  off  notifications  from  apps  and  email  that  automatically  pop  up  on  your  phone  or  computer.  

ACTION  STEPS  THIS  WEEK:    1. Unplug  from  all  technology  at  least  one  hour  prior  to  bedtime.  Use  this  time  

instead  to  do  some  reading,  tidy  up  your  house,  or  get  organized  for  the  next  day  to  make  your  morning  easier.    

2. Make  a  habit  of  turning  your  phone  off  or  putting  it  on  silent  whenever  you  are  spending  time  with  your  friends  or  family.  The  ones  you  love  deserve  your  undivided  attention  when  you  are  with  them.  Focus  on  having  a  great  conversation  and  building  your  relationship  with  them  instead  of  becoming  distracted  by  your  phone.    

3. Remove  unnecessary  apps  from  your  phone  and  turn  off  all  notifications  on  both  your  phone  and  your  computer.  This  will  help  you  stay  focused  at  the  task  at  hand  so  that  you’re  not  becoming  easily  distracted  and  will  also  reduce  your  stress  levels  when  it  comes  to  being  “on”.  


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Week Three: Putting an End to Busyness

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Are  you  tired  of  feeling  exhausted  and  like  you’re  stuck  on  a  hamster  wheel  -­‐  constantly  running  but  not  really  getting  anywhere?    In  our  culture,  we  often  mistake  busyness  as  a  sign  of  success.  Many  of  us  brag  about  the  fact  that  we  are  busy  and  wear  it  like  it’s  some  badge  of  honor,  a  sign  that  we  have  “made  it”  and  are  doing  well  for  ourselves.    The  truth  is,  there  are  many  dangers  that  can  come  from  making  ourselves  so  darn  busy  all  of  the  time.  Having  a  calendar  filled  to  the  brim  with  commitments  shouldn’t  be  something  we  view  as  a  sign  of  success.    Instead,  we  should  focus  on  getting  back  to  the  basics  and  focusing  on  what  truly  matters.  We  should  focus  on  being  more  intentional  with  our  time  and  living  a  life  that  is  full  of  mindfulness  and  purpose.  Making  time  for  relaxation  isn’t  a  sign  of  weakness;  it’s  actually  essential  to  make  sure  you’re  taking  care  of  yourself!    THESE  ARE  THE  DANGERS  THAT  CAN  COME  FROM  PURSUING  A  LIFE  A  BUSYNESS:  

1.  When  you  say  “yes”  to  everything,  you  are  saying  “no”  to  what  matters  most  

When  you  say  “yes”  to  plans  that  you  are  less  than  excited  about,  not  only  are  you  stuck  with  a  commitment  to  something  you  really  don’t  want  to  do,  but  you  are  losing  out  on  an  opportunity  for  something  that  you  would  love  to  spend  your  time  on.  

Make  sure  you  make  time  for  the  important  things  –  even  if  that’s  having  lazy  Sunday  afternoons  with  your  family.  If  having  uninterrupted  quality  time  with  your  family  is  something  you  look  forward  to,  make  that  a  priority  in  your  schedule!  

You  can  even  go  so  far  as  to  actually  put  this  time  in  your  calendar  to  ensure  you  don’t  make  any  other  plans  during  that  time.  This  strategy  has  worked  well  for  me  personally,  and  I  highly  suggest  it!  It’s  easier  to  say  “no”  to  other  plans  when  you’ve  already  allocated  that  time  in  your  calendar  for  your  top  priorities.  

2.  Not  enough  time  to  pursue  your  passions  

We  have  such  limited  time  in  our  lives  that  we  should  be  spending  as  much  of  it  as  we  can  on  doing  the  things  we  really  want  to  do.  If  we  spend  a  lot  of  our  time  and  energy  on  every  little  opportunity  that  comes  our  way,  it  makes  it  impossible  to  carve  out  the  time  necessary  to  pursue  our  true  passions.  There  are  simply  not  enough  hours  in  the  day.  

When  we  fill  our  calendars  to  the  brim  with  plans  and  commitments  of  all  sorts,  we  can  forget  to  spend  time  on  what  we  enjoy  most.  Our  passions  shouldn’t  be  an  afterthought  

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Week Three: Putting an End to Busyness

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that  we  try  to  stick  somewhere  into  our  schedule;  our  schedule  should  in  fact  be  planned  so  that  these  activities  remain  a  priority  in  the  way  we  plan  our  time.  

3.  Mistaking  being  busy  for  being  successful  

These  days,  busyness  seems  to  be  worn  like  a  badge  of  honor.  Ask  almost  anyone  how  they’re  doing  and  they  will  proudly  tell  you,  “I’m  busy,  so  very  busy”.    

Let’s  stop  glorifying  busy  schedules.  Leading  a  life  with  a  schedule  full  of  commitments  that  make  us  appear  to  be  important  or  successful,  but  don’t  make  us  feel  fulfilled,  makes  it  extremely  difficult  to  live  a  happy  life.  

Happiness  is  what’s  important;  a  jam-­‐packed  schedule  is  most  certainly  not.  Don’t  be  afraid  to  have  empty  chunks  of  time  on  your  calendar,  or  feel  as  though  you  aren’t  making  the  most  of  your  time  because  your  day  isn’t  packed  with  activities  from  sunrise  to  sundown.  Having  downtime  doesn’t  mean  you  are  lazy.  It’s  important  to  have  some  unscheduled  time  to  be  able  to  reflect  and  unwind  a  bit.  Stop  being  busy  for  the  sake  of  being  busy!  

4.  We  allocate  our  time  to  commitments  that  will  satisfy  others  

Allocating  our  time  to  things  not  important  to  us  because  we  only  want  to  satisfy  others  is  so  easy  to  do.  I  used  to  be  an  innate  people  pleaser.  Then  I  realized  that  as  hard  as  you  may  try,  you  cannot  please  100%  of  people  100%  of  the  time.  It’s  impossible.  Someone  will  always  disapprove  of  your  actions  for  some  reason  or  other.  

Reclaim  your  time  as  your  own.  You  don’t  have  to  do  anything  you  aren’t  completely  excited  about  doing.  Life  is  too  short  to  try  to  meet  the  expectations  of  others  instead  of  living  for  yourself.  Perhaps  that  is  perceived  as  selfishness,  but  if  we  aren’t  going  to  be  the  guardians  of  our  time  and  energy,  then  it  becomes  too  easy  to  just  give  it  up  freely.  

Of  course  this  doesn’t  mean  you  should  lose  your  manners  or  stop  trying  to  be  a  good  person,  but  it  does  mean  to  be  true  to  yourself  and  your  desires  first,  and  that  those  who  care  about  you  the  most  will  accept  the  ways  in  which  you  choose  to  spend  your  time.  


• Delegate.  If  there’s  something  a  family  member  or  friend  is  able  and  willing  to  help  you  with,  don’t  be  afraid  to  ask  for  help  if  you  find  yourself  feeling  overwhelmed.  Life  is  so  much  easier  and  less  stressful  when  you  accept  help  as  you  need  it!    

• Prioritize.  Figure  out  which  things  you  would  like  to  spend  less  of  your  time  doing,  and  which  you  would  love  to  spend  more  time  doing.  Use  this  as  your  guide  to  help  

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Week Three: Putting an End to Busyness

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determine  what  is  a  good  use  of  your  time.  Life  is  short;  don’t  waste  it  on  things  that  don’t  bring  you  joy  or  excitement.    

• Learn  to  say  “no”.  If  something  doesn’t  align  with  your  priorities  in  life,  don’t  feel  guilty  about  saying  “no”  to  it.  You  aren’t  obligated  to  do  everything  that  is  asked  of  you.  You  are  the  keeper  of  your  time,  so  it  is  up  to  you  to  not  let  others  dictate  how  you  are  spending  it.  When  we  allow  ourselves  to  become  caught  up  in  activities  and  perceived  obligations  that  we  don’t  enjoy,  it  doesn’t  leave  much  time  to  spend  on  what  we  actually  want  to  do.  


1. Create  a  list  of  your  priorities,  such  as  your  favorite  activities  or  people  to  spend  time  with.  Then  create  a  separate  list  of  your  current  obligations.      

2. Say  “no”  to  at  least  one  thing  that  doesn’t  excite  you  this  week.  Reference  your  list  of  current  obligations  you  created  and  find  just  one  thing  that  you  no  longer  enjoy  doing  and  do  your  best  at  eliminating  this  obligation  from  your  life.  While  this  is  certainly  easier  said  than  done  in  most  cases,  it’s  the  only  way  to  free  your  schedule  up  to  pursue  the  things  that  you  truly  love  doing!    

3. Schedule  downtime  in  your  calendar  in  the  week  and  months  to  come.  It  might  sound  counterproductive,  but  it’s  a  wonderful  way  to  make  sure  that  you  aren’t  over-­‐scheduling  yourself  and  to  give  yourself  some  time  to  unwind  and  relax  a  bit.  It  also  forces  you  to  sit  down  and  prioritize  to  curb  your  busyness.  Scheduling  downtime  could  be  as  simple  as  creating  “no  plan”  Sundays  where  you  spend  each  Sunday  relaxing  and  doing  leisurely  activities  you  otherwise  wouldn’t  have  time  for.  


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Week Four: Managing Your Time Wisely

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Do  you  often  feel  overwhelmed?  Like  you  will  never  be  able  to  tackle  your  to-­‐do  list,  much  less  find  the  time  to  spend  on  the  activities  you  actually  enjoy?    The  solution  for  managing  your  time  wisely  may  be  a  lot  simpler  than  you  imagined.      THE  TWO-­‐STEP  FORMULA  FOR  EFFECTIVE  TIME  MANAGEMENT:    Step  1:  Prioritize  the  things  that  truly  need  to  get  done.  It’s  so  easy  to  create  a  to-­‐do  list  of  10-­‐15  things  you  want  to  get  done  during  the  course  of  a  day,  but  for  most  of  us,  it  will  be  impossible  to  get  them  all  done  and  we  will  feel  defeated  when  we  unsuccessfully  try  to  complete  all  of  them.      Instead  of  making  your  to-­‐do  list  a  mile  long,  focus  on  the  top  2-­‐3  priority  tasks  that  are  absolutely  essential  to  complete.  Allocate  your  time  to  make  sure  those  2-­‐3  tasks  are  completed,  and  then  view  anything  completed  in  addition  to  those  tasks  as  just  a  nice  bonus.    Step  2:  Become  more  efficient  with  the  time  that  you  do  have  to  get  things  done.  We  are  going  to  discuss  some  productivity  habits  to  help  you  make  the  most  of  the  time  you  spend  on  your  to-­‐dos,  so  that  you  can  allocate  more  time  to  your  love-­‐to-­‐do  list  J      By  cutting  out  a  lot  of  the  unnecessary  in  your  life  and  decreasing  how  much  time  you  need  to  spend  on  your  to-­‐dos,  you’ll  be  left  with  a  lot  more  time  and  energy  to  devote  to  what  you  truly  love  and  enjoy  doing.    HERE  ARE  SOME  TIPS  FOR  MANAGING  YOUR  TIME  MORE  EFFECTIVELY:    1. Identify  your  time  sucks  and  stop  engaging  in  them  

Stop  engaging  in  time  sucks  that  take  you  away  from  the  task  at  hand  or  make  it  more  difficult  to  work  in  an  efficient  manner.  Where  are  you  wasting  your  time  each  day?  Perhaps  it’s  that  hour  or  two  of  TV  you  watch  every  night,  or  the  hour  you  spend  aimlessly  surfing  the  internet  and  perusing  social  media.  Make  it  a  point  to  allocate  some  of  that  time  to  be  productive  instead  of  engaging  in  mindless  activities  for  several  hours  each  day.  

While  sometimes  it  can  be  nice  to  unwind  with  some  passive  form  of  entertainment  at  the  end  of  a  long  day,  it  can  also  be  so  easy  to  have  a  planned  thirty  minutes  of  TV  time  turn  into  a  three  hour  binge  session  of  your  favorite  show  that  keeps  you  up  well  past  midnight.    

If  you  know  that  sitting  down  for  thirty  minutes  of  TV  time  is  likely  going  to  turn  into  a  three  hour  TV  binge  session,  you’ll  probably  choose  to  avoid  engaging  in  TV  time  at  all  if  you  have  other  things  you  really  need  to  get  done.  Being  aware  of  your  potential  time  

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Week Four: Managing Your Time Wisely

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sucks  is  crucial  so  that  you  can  purposefully  avoid  them  when  you  really  want  to  focus  on  being  productive  

2. Track  your  time  spent  on  specific  tasks  

It  can  be  surprising  to  see  how  much  time  you  are  spending  on  tasks  that  you  think  are  only  taking  you  a  minute  or  two  to  complete.  Start  tracking  your  time  using  a  free  software  like  Harvest  to  see  how  much  is  spent  on  each  task  you  complete.  It  will  give  you  a  better  picture  of  how  that  time  adds  up  over  the  course  of  a  few  weeks  and  will  provide  you  with  some  great  insight  as  to  how  you  can  streamline  your  time  a  bit  more  to  work  more  efficiently.    

 3. Get  a  better  picture  of  how  you  are  actually  using  your  computer  time    

 Sometimes  while  we  are  on  our  computers,  we  really  have  no  idea  how  much  time  we  are  wasting  on  things  like  social  media  or  YouTube.  RescueTime  is  another  great  free  resource  to  help  you  get  a  better  picture  of  your  habits  while  on  your  computer,  and  how  much  of  your  time  is  actually  being  spent  doing  productive  tasks.      It’s  a  cool  app  that  tracks  your  time  spent  on  applications  and  various  websites  and  then  sends  you  a  report  to  give  you  a  more  accurate  version  of  how  your  computer  time  was  spent.  RescueTime  is  different  than  Harvest  because  RescueTime  tracks  overall  usage  of  programs,  whereas  you  can  use  Harvest  to  track  time  spent  on  specific,  individual  tasks.  Using  both  of  these  programs  simultaneously  is  an  incredible  way  to  keep  yourself  on  track  and  giving  you  a  complete  picture  of  how  effective  you  are  with  your  working  time.    4. Stop  multitasking  

Do  you  find  yourself  haphazardly  jumping  from  one  task  to  another?  Responding  to  an  email  quickly,  tidying  up  the  papers  on  your  desk,  starting  a  brainstorm  session,  calling  a  client  to  discuss  an  upcoming  project….and  then  realizing  that  20  minutes  have  gone  by  and  you  haven’t  really  accomplished  much  of  anything?  

Focus  on  the  one  task  at  hand  instead  of  trying  to  juggle  your  entire  to-­‐do  list  at  once.  Not  only  does  it  help  with  becoming  more  productive,  but  you’ll  find  the  quality  of  your  work  to  improve  as  well.  

5. Batch  similar  tasks  

Once  you  stop  multitasking,  you’ll  find  that  grouping  together  similar  tasks  really  maximizes  your  time  efficiently.  When  your  mind  is  all  over  the  place  trying  to  get  everything  done  at  once,  you  might  feel  like  you’re  being  productive,  but  in  reality  you  aren’t  really  getting  as  much  done  as  you  could  be.  When  you  aimlessly  respond  to  an  

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email  here,  make  a  phone  call  there,  and  then  try  to  sprinkle  in  any  tasks  that  require  a  lot  of  brain  power  into  the  mix,  you  are  constantly  battling  to  focus.  

Try  to  block  out  your  schedule  to  dedicate  chunks  of  time  to  certain  tasks.  For  example,  stick  to  checking  your  emails  only  at  9:00a,  1:00p,  and  4:00p  during  the  day  instead  of  responding  as  they  come  in.  Likewise,  return  all  of  your  phone  calls  at  once  if  possible.  Being  in  the  same  frame  of  thought  to  run  through  similar  tasks  can  be  a  huge  time  saver  since  you’re  not  struggling  to  refocus  every  few  minutes.  

6. Prioritize  your  top  2-­‐3  tasks  

As  we  talked  about  earlier  in  this  lesson,  it’s  easy  to  get  caught  up  in  completing  tasks  that  aren’t  exactly  crucial  for  the  day.  I  used  to  hate  when  someone  told  me  to  prioritize  because  I  always  thought,  “well,  everything  is  important.”  I  was  very  wrong.  If  we  think  of  everything  as  being  important,  then  it’s  basically  saying  that  nothing  is  because  we  are  unable  to  differentiate  the  must-­‐dos  from  the  nice-­‐to-­‐dos.  Having  that  mindset  makes  it  difficult  to  reach  your  goals  when  you  can’t  determine  what  you  actually  need  to  do  to  get  there.  

Figure  out  your  top  two  or  three  tasks  that  you  must  accomplish  for  the  day,  and  then  everything  else  you  get  done  after  that  should  just  be  considered  a  bonus.  This  way  you’re  not  spinning  your  wheels  all  day  on  low  priority  tasks,  and  instead  can  focus  on  getting  your  most  important  tasks  completed.  

7. Take  advantage  of  your  peak  times  of  alertness  

If  you  are  a  natural  morning  person,  take  advantage  of  those  early  morning  hours  to  do  your  most  creative  work  first  when  your  brain  is  at  its  peak.  If  you  are  a  night  owl,  then  perhaps  you  will  complete  some  easier  tasks  during  the  morning  and  save  your  work  that  requires  a  bit  more  thought  for  later  in  the  afternoon  or  at  night.  I  think  that  we  all  work  more  efficiently  and  productively  when  we  listen  to  our  body’s  natural  times  of  alertness  and  take  advantage  of  those  times  to  do  the  work  that  requires  the  most  brain  power  from  us.  

8. Stop  procrastinating  

We  all  have  things  we  need  to  do  that  we  don’t  necessarily  want  to  do.  Either  because  we’re  dreading  the  task  itself,  or  we  are  worried  about  not  doing  a  good  enough  job  on  it.  Just  get  started  and  stop  dragging  your  feet  or  putting  it  off!  The  sooner  you  get  it  done,  the  more  time  you’ll  have  on  your  hands  to  be  able  to  do  what  you  want  to  do.  



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Week Four: Managing Your Time Wisely

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9. Set  time  limits  for  each  task  

This  is  a  great  strategy  for  powering  through  every  task  you  have  in  a  more  efficient  and  purposeful  way.  It  can  be  so  easy  to  spend  hours  upon  hours  “perfecting”  something  you’re  working  on  if  you  know  that  you  have  unlimited  time  to  complete  it.  I  encourage  you  to  try  to  set  time  limits  for  each  task  you  need  to  complete.  Not  only  will  it  force  you  to  hunker  down  and  stop  dilly-­‐dallying,  but  you’ll  likely  find  that  you  ended  up  needing  only  a  fraction  of  the  time  you  originally  thought  you  would  to  finish  that  task  and  do  a  great  job  at  it  too!  

10. Minimize  potential  distractions  

There  are  so  many  distractions  that  can  interrupt  us  throughout  the  day  if  we  let  them.  IM  pop-­‐ups,  Facebook  and  Twitter  notifications,  phone  calls,  text  messages,  email  alerts,  co-­‐workers  stopping  by  to  chat….the  list  goes  on  and  on.  It  has  been  said  that  it  takes  more  than  25  minutes  to  resume  a  task  after  being  interrupted  (source).  That  is  a  lot  of  wasted  time.  

When  you  really  need  to  hunker  down  and  get  work  done,  try  turning  off  your  phone,  closing  all  browser  tabs  or  programs  on  your  computer  that  you  aren’t  currently  using,  and  if  you  work  in  an  open  office  environment  –  put  headphones  on  to  let  your  co-­‐workers  know  you  are  unavailable  to  talk  at  the  moment.  Eliminating  distractions  can  be  a  huge  way  to  save  yourself  time  throughout  the  day.  


1. Identify  your  time  sucks.  Identifying  the  activities  that  are  encouraging  you  to  waste  time  throughout  the  day  and  finding  creative  ways  to  disengage  from  those  distractions  will  provide  you  with  a  lot  more  free  time  throughout  the  day.    

2. Start  tracking  your  time.  Use  Harvest  to  track  your  time  spent  on  individual  tasks,  and  RescueTime  to  track  your  overall  time  spent  on  your  computer.  Utilizing  these  free  tools  will  help  give  you  a  better  picture  of  where  your  time  is  going  and  how  you  can  make  adjustments  to  increase  your  efficiency.    

3. Minimize  distractions.  Limit  yourself  to  checking  email,  social  media,  and  your  phone  to  only  a  few  times  per  day.  Also,  close  out  all  extra  tabs  and  programs  on  your  computer  to  minimize  the  potential  for  losing  your  focus  on  the  task  at  hand.

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Final Thoughts

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I  hope  you  found  this  course  to  be  helpful  in  simplifying  and  curbing  the  chaos  in  your  life!  

If  you  weren’t  able  to  adopt  all  of  these  habits  over  the  course  of  four  weeks,  don’t  fret.  Continue  working  through  each  of  the  action  steps  and  applying  them  in  a  way  that  makes  sense  for  you  and  your  own  life.  Remember  that  baby  steps  to  progress  is  better  than  no  progress  at  all  J.    

If  you  felt  this  course  made  a  positive  difference  in  your  life,  I  would  love  to  hear  how  the  lessons  impacted  you  and  what  you  learned  from  them.  Also,  if  you  have  any  suggestions  for  improvements  to  this  course,  or  future  courses  you  would  like  to  see,  please  email  me  (Christina)  at  [email protected].  I  would  be  honored  to  hear  from  you!  

If  you  enjoyed  this  course,  I  would  so  appreciate  if  you  shared  it  with  your  friends  and  family  who  you  think  would  benefit  from  it  too.  You  can  invite  them  to  sign  up  for  this  course  by  sending  them  to  


If  you  would  like  to  subscribe  to  receive  new  blog  posts  in  your  inbox  that  are  packed  with  more  tips  to  help  you  further  simplify  your  life,  you  can  subscribe  at  embracingsimpleblog/subscribe.  

You  can  also  connect  with  me  on  social  media:  

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