copyright © 2007. revised 2011, by lucia m. claborn, www...


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  • Copyright © 2007. Revised 2011, by Lucia M. Claborn, Muscle Shoals, Alabama, USA. All rights reserved.

    [email protected]

    “This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are be-hind, and reaching forth unto those things which are be-

    fore, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

  • f you’re going to live the victorious life, you must have hope to anchor your faith onto. Where there’s no

    hope or faith in your future, there’s no power in the present. True faith is deaf, dumb, and blind. It’s deaf to doubt; dumb to discouragement; and blind to impossibilities. True faith sees the invisible; touches the intan-

    gible; and accomplishes the impossible. All growth in your life requires change, and change always requires faith. Do you know your only problem, many times, is that you believe your doubts, and doubt your beliefs.

    In Eric Hoffer’s book, The Ordeal of Change, he says “most people will cling to an unsatisfactory way of life rather than change in order to get something better for fear of getting something worse.” You can rise to a higher level and change your life, by disciplining your-self everyday to do what you know you need to do so you can live the life you were created to live. There’s a lot of great information available today to help you grow to excellence in whatever area of your life you want to change. However, if you just become a listener and not a doer of what you hear, you become self-deceived and self-diluted; the great truths you hear that could change your life in a great way become a mute point. You’ve just become an auditor, a listener, a big ear! So, if you’re going to be a great person, you must put what you hear into practice without excuses. I like the old saying, “winners make things happen and losers make excuses why things don’t happen.”

    With that being said, has it been a while since you’ve just basked in the sunlight of God’s victory in your life? Have you been struggling to find a way out of the valley of despair and defeat?

    If the answer’s yes, it’s time to put on your boots, tie them up, pull up your courage, and get ready for a hiking trip! It’s time to take God at His Word and act like it true! It’s time to activate God’s power by using your measure of faith in God’s Word to blast away every obstacle blocking your path so you can find your way out of the valley you’re in to-day! It’s time to find a clear path into the high places of God’s blessings that He has specifically created for you. It’s time to get on the road to victorious living.

    Where you are right now, and what you believe are the results of what you’ve been thinking. If you think wrong, you’ll believe wrong and then you’ll find yourself in a valley. However, meditating on God’s Word will straight-en out your thinking and get you on the mountaintops of life. As you dig into God’s Word you’ll discover how to tap into a powerful connection of thinking, believing and confessing that will get you out of your valleys onto the moun-taintops of life. You’ll learn how to renew your mind; line up your thinking with the Word of God; distinguish the source of your thoughts; make the right confessions to defeat the devil; and follow scriptural steps to walk in victory

    in every area of your life so you can get to the top of the mountains.

    irst John 5:1 in The Message reads, “Every person who believes that Jesus is, in fact, the Messiah, is God-begotten. If we love the One who conceives the child, we'll surely love the child who was con-

    ceived.” There are hundreds of “religions,” in the world as well as differences of opinions, but these differ-ences will wither away, and there will be a perfect oneness and divine union through the Word of God. It’s God

    Himself portrayed in the Word. God can manifest Himself through the Word until you become a living factor of that truth because God is light and in Him there is no darkness. God is life and He is revelation. He’s manifestation and He’s operation. So, God truly wants to bring you into a place where you have the clearest revelation. There may be many convictions through the revelation, but you want the clearest of revelation from where you stand. So, where are you standing? Are you in a valley, or on a mountaintop? Think about all the beautiful mountaintops you’ve seen. I’ve been blessed to be on a road that on a map looks very much like a short cut from West Virginia into Virginia. However, in reality, it’s a narrow winding road that took us

    right over the top of the Smokey Mountains. Once we reached the pinnacle, it was a breathtakingly beautiful sight to look out over the Smokey Moun-tains and realize God’s words actually created the scene stretching out before us. I’ve also had the opportunity to stand atop the Continental Divide in the Rocky Mountains and look out over the vast spans of land in the valleys below. However, my

    most favorite mountains are the majestic Sawtooth Mountains in central Idaho. They’re rugged, jagged peaks carved up out of the earth’s surface that makes me think of God’s awesome power when I look at them.

    Imagine yourself standing atop any one of these mountain ranges and picture the amazing scenery stretch- ing out before your eyes. From where you are, you can see for miles; wide-open spaces of range land, farmland, 1

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  • cities, rivers and meadows. It’s an amazing site! Now, imagine yourself in the valley at the base of one of these massive mountains looking up to the tallest peak.

    It gives you an all together different perspective when you’re in the shadow of a mountainous range trying to get to the top!

    eep the image of these mountains and valleys in the back of your mind as you read through this book. I’d say you know what it’s like to go “through” and the key word here is “through,” valley experiences or times of trou-ble and hardship in your life. You find yourself standing at the bottom of a

    mountain, wondering if it’s possible to get out of the valley onto the mountaintop of God’s victory! If you’re in a valley today, start praising the Lord as it’s time to get up, put on your hiking boots and change your position! If you’re on the upside of the mountain, read this, remember it, and then pass it on to someone who needs en-couragement. You must come out of your valley if you’re going to experience the abundant life God intends for you to live. He’s provided all the tools – the boots, the road map, the rope, the shovel – everything you’ll need to come out of the valley, but He’s not going to do it for you! You have to get yourself out of the valley by first deciding you want to come out! The second step to coming out of your valley is to come in line with God’s Word, and make confessions over your situations based on what God’s

    Word has to say about it.

    oday’s your day! Today’s the day to decide God’s Word is true; decide that it will work for you in your particular situation – make it the final authority in your

    life – and then do what it says to do! Let’s take a look at the first valley you must come out of so you can receive from God. You may have tromped around

    in the valley of sin longer than you wanted before you decided to climb out onto the mountaintop of freedom and forgiveness! Have you been bogged down in the muck and mire of sin and couldn’t find a mountain pass to get out of this valley? Have you ever been tired of scaling the same steep, rugged heights, only to fall back into the valley, and fail over and over again? Remember how you purposed in your heart not to do the same sins that kept you bound before you were saved, and you tried and tried to climb up the mountain by your own strength and willpower? Then you heard about Jesus and what He did for you on the cross, so you took God at His Word, exercised your faith, confessed Jesus as your Lord according to Romans 10:10, and all of a sudden, the mountain became easy to climb. You found your way out of the valley of sin and walked with God onto the mountaintop of a new life in Jesus Christ!

    As you’re reading this, if you haven’t asked Jesus Christ into your heart so you can be born again and know that if you died today, you would spend eternity in heaven, I’d like to take this opportunity to help you invite Jesus to come into your heart and be your personal Savior so you can get out of the valley of sin! I invite you to pray this pray-er right now, “Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the Name of Jesus. In John 3:37, Your Word says “…the one who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out. So I know You won’t cast me out, but You will take me in.” You said in your Word in Romans 10:13 that “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” I am calling on your name, so I know You have saved me now. You also said in Romans 10: 9 and 10 “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe that He was raised from the dead for my justification. And I confess Him now as my Lord. Because Your Word says, “with the heart man believeth unto righteousness…” and I do believe with my heart, I have now become the right- eousness of God in Christ Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 5:21, and I am saved. Thank You


    f you just prayed that prayer you’ve come out of the valley of sin onto the mountaintop of freedom, and a new life full of hope and promises. Please email me at [email protected] so I can send you infor-

    mation to help you get started in your walk with Jesus. Now that you’ve blasted your way out of the valley of sin onto the mountaintop of salvation, just think

    about all the fertile land that’s stretched out before you! Doesn’t it make you awestruck to just think about the beauti-ful view of all God’s done for your eye to behold, and what He has in store for you now? It’s similar to that of looking down from atop the Smokey Mountains or Rocky Mountains to the scenery below. As you stop and think about the valley of sin, do you realize you were so used to being trapped and bogged down in the mire, that you could hardly see the sunshine while you were in the valley, but now you’re standing on the mountaintop looking at all the beau- 2

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  • tiful blessings God has provided for you! Do you realize these blessings have been available all the time; but you didn’t know how to get out of the valley so you could enjoy God’s abundant life! Although God has provided salva-tion for everyone, you have to believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord and Sav- ior. That’s the only way to come out of the valley of sin onto the mountaintop of freedom!

    nce you get on the mountaintop of salvation, you see the scenery is so totally awesome; however, it’s not

    a stopping point! You’re only beginning your journey and you can go higher and higher! You need to know that It’s not going to be an easy climb; just as it takes effort to climb a natural mountain, it takes effort to climb

    spiritual mountains. Satan won’t give up easily once you are born again. He’ll throw obstacles and problems at you to see if he can get you trapped in another valley. For example, if he can’t keep you enslaved in sin, he’ll try to defeat you by holding you in the valley of past mistakes, bogging you down with guilt and condem-nation. To live a victorious life, you must come out of this dark valley, too! It doesn’t matter how tough it may seem to let go of your past, you’ve got to do it if you want to live on the mountaintop of God’s victory! A good example of a person in the Bible with past mistakes is Paul. He had to forget a gob of past mistakes, because he was responsible for putting many Chris-tians to death, as well as being one of the main instigators of having Stephen stoned, before his transformation from Saul to Paul. You know the devil threw Paul’s past up at him, and he does the same with us today. However, Paul knew that he had to for-get his past to come out of the valley of past mistakes because he wrote in Philippi-ans 3:13-14, “…this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” You come out of the valley of past mistakes by asking God to forgive you of past sins and you can be assured that He will not remember those sins against you again because the Bible promises you in Micah 7:18-19 in The Message Bible, “Where is the god who can compare with you - wiping the slate clean of guilt, turning a blind eye, a deaf ear, to the past sins of your purged and precious people? You don't nurse your anger and don't stay angry long, for mercy is your specialty. That's what you love most. And compassion is on its way to

    us. You'll stamp out our wrongdoing. You'll sink our sins to the bot-tom of the ocean.”

    salm 103:12 reminds you that “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he [God] removed our transgressions from us.”

    To come out of the valley of past mistakes, simply ask God to forgive you and then forget your past! It’s in the past and you can’t change it. You can forget it and go forward because you’re a new creation in Christ Jesus. Once you confess your sin, the Word tells you in Romans 8:1 that “There is therefore now no con-demnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” That’s great news! Now, tighten up your bootlaces and get ready to start hiking because you don’t have to remain in the valley of past mistakes! Stand on the verses I just shared with you, and never let the devil pull you back down into the valley of past mistakes again! Today’s the day to make the choice to refuse to live in the guilt and condemnation the devil has tried to hold you in. Pray this prayer, “Father God, it’s in the Name of Jesus that I ask you to forgive me of my past mistakes. Your Word says that when I ask for forgiveness, You forgive me and according to Psalm 103:12, You put my sins “As far as the east is from the west,” away from me and according to Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation to me because I’m in Christ Jesus, and I’m not walking after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Glory to God! You can now go on

    down the road of your life experiencing freedom and liberty from past mistakes.

    re you ready to come out of the valley of lack onto the mountaintop of financial prosperity? This is a valley many have walked in at one time or another, and it may seem like you’ve been knee-deep or even up to your eyeballs in the muck and mire in this valley wondering if you’ll ever get free.

    Many people make, or have made, the mistake of thinking that humility means living in poverty or lack. Many think they’re being humble by staying in the valley of financial despair, but nowhere in the Bible does it say that a man is any more spiritual because he lives in lack on Barely-Get-Along-Street! 3

  • Some people read the Word and think its spiritual and a sign of true humility to live in financial lack, but that’s not what God’s Word says. Some people say, “Yes, but the Bible says that money is the root of all evil.” No, that’s not what the Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:10. It says that the “Love” of money is the root of all evil. You may be broke as Kooter Brown, not having one penny to your name and love money. The good news is that you can come out of

    the valley of financial despair onto the mountaintop of financial prosperity simply by getting in line with what the Word of God has to say about finances.

    good example of standing on God’s Word is found in Philippians 4:19 that says, “…my God SHALL supply all your needs according to his riches in glory…” Some people say “God will supply all my need someway, somehow, someday,

    and we’ll make it.” But that Scripture doesn’t say God will help you just barely scrape by! It says God will supply all your needs “according to His riches in glory.” That means He wants to give you an abundant supply – more than enough! A lavish supply! One of God promises is that He will abundantly supply your every need.

    How many people do you know sit in their big easy chair, prop their feet up, lean back and say, “I’m going to live by faith! Thank you for meeting my needs, Lord.” Then they wait for a truckload of money to fall at their door! Everyone who’s ever filled out a Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes and mailed it in has done just that!! God isn’t going to supply people’s needs when they aren’t doing what He’s told them to do in His Word. God didn’t say He’d prosper whatever you thought about or desired! In Deuteronomy 28:8 He said, “He would prosper whatever you put your hand to.” No matter who you are, you’ve got to put your hand to something to get yourself out of the valley of financial despair. You can’t just sit around and say, “God’s going to meet my needs” when the bills are overdue and there’s no food in the house! Look at what God’s put in your hands, and then step out in faith to put it to work! If you’re scared to try some-thing new, force yourself to do it anyway. Pull up your courage and step out in faith. If you’re scared, do it in fear if you have to. Do it scared until you are comfortable with it. Do it until you’ve overcome your fear and have complete confidence that God has directed you to move ahead toward getting out of the valley of financial despair onto the mountaintop of financial freedom.

    Attack your fear with your actions. In James 2:17-18 we read “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”

    he children of Israel had to do whatever God told them to do before they could be blessed. If they didn’t obey

    God, they didn’t receive His blessings. In Exodus 12:1-11, God told the Israelites that in order for the death an-gel to pass over their firstborn children, they had to put the blood of a lamb on the door posts and eat the Passo-

    ver meal just as He instructed them. In Exodus 16:16-19, while the Israelites were in the wilderness, the Lord told them to gather manna to eat every day and not to store any because it would spoil. He then told them to gather extra for the Sabbath because manna wouldn’t fall on that day. God took care of them in fine fashion as long as they did what He told them to do.

    God will supply your needs too, as long as you walk by faith and obey His Word! If you’re not getting your needs supplied and you feel like you’re bogged down in the mire of poverty and lack, do a check up on yourself - see if you’re slack in obeying God. Are you doing everything God has told you to do in his Word, including bringing the tithe into the storehouse as referenced in Malachi 3:10. This simple act puts you in covenant with God when it comes to finances. Get in line with His Word in every area of your life, not just finances. Then believe in your heart

    and confess what God’s Word says about prosperity then you’ll come out of the valley of financial des-pair! Don’t be moved by what you see or don’t see. Just know that God’s Word - or your words - will not return unto Him void but will accomplish what you send them out to do! Are you ready to climb another mountain? Look at coming out onto the Mountaintop of Health. One of Satan’s favorite strategies against you is to try and put sickness on you to keep you in the valley

    of sickness, but you can’t stay in that valley. You have to get your road map and supplies ready to come out of the shadows and work your way onto the mountaintop of health where the sunshine can splash on our face! Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “When does the enemy attack me the hardest in my life?” He usually likes to hit you the hardest with temptations and problems when you’re not feeling well physically. The truth is, he knows if he can get you down physically, it’s easier to get you down spiritually, so you must learn how to come out 5

  • of the valley of sickness onto the mountaintop of health. any people say “God brought this sickness on me to teach me a lesson,” but that doesn’t make any sense!

    If sickness is the way God teaches His children lessons, why do people take medicine to make them better? Would you want anything to do with that kind of a Father? Let me assure you, God and the devil don’t work

    together and they’re not on the same team! God doesn’t put sickness on you to turn around and heal you! If God wants to teach you something He’ll do it with His Word and by the Holy Spirit! As a parent, it hurts you to see your children sick and suffering, yet many Christians have been taught that God, our Heavenly Father teaches His children lessons by putting cancer, sickness, or some other horrible disease on them. Some people talk about how good and loving God is until it comes to sickness and disease, and then God changes from a good God to a bad God who puts sickness on people because He wants them to learn something! That’s just not scriptural! God doesn’t get glory from you being pressed down in despair in the valley of sickness with mounting medical bills. If you’ll get a hold of God’s Word regarding healing and start shouting praises to God, you can run out of the valley of sickness onto the mountaintop where the sunshine is bright. To come out of this valley, again you must find out what God’s Word says about healing. You must realize that it’s God’s will for you to be healed according to 1 Peter 2:24, and then appropriate His healing power for yourself. God is interested in setting His children completely free. He’s not interested in watching them suffer in the shadows of the valley of sickness. He wants you to be healthy and enjoy life. If you who have sickness and disease attacking you or your chil-dren and robbing your families of money, joy, and peace, I’d like you to think about John 10:10, the dividing line of the Bible. “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.” Is your sickness bring life or

    death? By answering that question you will know who is at the source of your sickness or situation.

    od didn’t send His only Son, Jesus, to destroy people. He sent Jesus to de-stroy the works of the devil according to 1 John 3:8. God sent His Son to seek

    and save the lost as He tells us in Luke 19:10. He sent Jesus to deliver people and set them free from sickness, despondency, and despair. You must believe and confess what God says in the Old Testament in Isaiah 53:4-5 in the Message Bible, “But the fact is, it was our pains he carried - our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us. We thought he brought it on himself, that God was punishing him for his own failures. But it was our sins that did that to him, that ripped and tore and crushed him - our sins! He took the punishment, and that made us whole. Through his bruises we get healed. We're all like sheep who've wandered off and gotten lost. We've all done our own thing, gone our own way. And God has piled all our sins, everything we've done wrong, on him, on him.” Since we are not longer under the Law (Old Covenant) we need to bring that verse through the Cross of Calvary into the New Testament (New Covenant) to get confirmation, which is found in 1 Peter 2:24, “He used his servant body to carry our sins to the Cross so we could be rid of sin, free to live the right way. His wounds became your healing.” It’s that simple to come out of the valley of sickness! Believe the Word and act like its true! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and He’ll be the same tomorrow. He’ll freely give you whatever you need. Jesus is always ready and willing to minister to you, but He’s only going to minister as you come to Him. You can’t sit down, complain, and focus on the sickness attacking you or your family. Instead you have to come boldly into the throne room of grace

    and accept what Jesus has already done for you by using your faith to receive it. Are you ready to blast your way up onto the mountain-top of victory? You can be around Jesus all the time in casual situations, but if you never reach out and touch Him with the “touch of faith,” as the woman with the issue of blood did, the power’s not going to come forth from Him to meet your need.

    You come out of the valley of sickness by expecting your needs will be met when you press into God’s Word, and reach out and “touch” Him in faith! The woman with the issue of blood blasted her way out of the valley of sickness by receiving the dunamis power of God by faith. She was using the same faith principles Jesus speaks of in Mark 11:23 to blast her way out 7

  • of the valley of sickness. Mark 11:23 in the New Living Translation says, “I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.” The law of faith Jesus is talking about here is to believe in your

    heart what God says, confess it with your mouth, then act on what you believe.

    he woman with the issue of blood believed in her heart that Jesus could heal her, she said it with her mouth, and then she did something about it. She pressed in and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment in faith and re-

    ceived what was already hers. That’s how you get your needs met – be-lieve, confess, act.

    Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God according to Romans 10:17. The only way to make your faith grow is by reading and hear-ing the Word. You’ve been given a measure of faith according to Romans 12:3, and you don’t get more faith by praying for it. You develop the faith you’ve already been given. You exercised your God-given measure of faith when you asked Jesus to save you, and you can use that same measure to receive every blessing God’s promised you in the His Word.

    Imagine a blasting cap and the effect it has on dynamite. You can drop or throw dynamite on the ground without a blasting cap and nothing will hap-pen. However, once the blasting cap is in place, the dynamite will explode when it makes contact with the ground. This is a great example of using your faith according to Mark 11:23. Your faith becomes the blasting cap to the du-namis, or dynamite power of God. It will blast you out of whatever valley the enemy tries to hold you in!

    When I was in the military I had the opportunity to install blasting caps into dynamite packs, run the wire, and push the switch to explode the side of a mountain. It was awesome to see the power manifested before me! This is a natural example of how the spiritual law of faith works in your life. The power of God, which is like the power of a dy-

    namite blast, is available to you. You just need to ignite it with your faith and you do that by believing God’s Word in your heart and confessing it with your mouth.

    od hasn’t put you in a valley and you don’t need to say there! It’s the devil who tries to defeat you and en-tangle you with his snares and storms to make you feel overwhelmed on every side. He’s the one who tries

    to hold you away from the sunshine and keep you in the shadows, as the mountains teem over you seeming so high and unconquerable. However, there’s no reason to wallow in the muck and mire of sin, condemnation from past mistakes, poverty, or sickness when you can blast your way out of your valley by believing and confessing God’s Word. Today, you can choose if you’re going to continue walking in valley experiences the rest of your life, or if you’re going to choose to come out of the shadows and climb up onto the mountaintop where the sun’s shining. God wants you on the mountaintop living a life of victory, not in a valley of defeat. I like what Joyce Meyers says: “You can be powerful or pitiful! But not both!” It’s time to make a decision to be powerful women and men for God and your families! As you’re confessing and believing God’s Word, you’re like the woman with the issue of blood that pressed in and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. The dunamis power of God is on the inside of you because the Holy Spirit lives inside you. It’s the same Holy Spirit that filled and empowered the people in the upper room on the day of Pen-tecost. In John 4:14 and 7:37, Jesus predicted the Holy Spirit would dwell in you like a well of water and cause rivers of living water to flow from your innermost being …not one river, but rivers of living water would flow from you! You can draw upon those rivers – the power of the Holy Spirit inside you – to blast your way out of any valley you find yourself in.

    The power of God is real and He wants you using it to defeat the enemy. According to Revelations 3:5, Jesus isn’t coming back for a sick, broken, or defeated Bride. He’s coming back for a Church that is spotless; a Bride who’s

    overcome the enemy’s tactics and strategies. Jesus is coming back for a body of believers who’s blasted their way out of Satan’s valleys by the power of God, so they can climb onto the highest mountaintops of victory. He’s coming for you because you’ll fit that description. You may be laughing right now, telling yourself that that doesn’t describe you so let me give you an example of how you can blast your way out of a valley. I’ll use sickness as an example because most people deal with this valley on a consistent basis.

    The Word tells you that you have authority over the devil and all his demons by using the Name of Jesus ac-cording to Luke 10:19. When you mix your faith with your authority and say, “Sickness, (name whatever sickness is coming against you) it’s in the authority of the Name of Jesus that I rebuke you from my body and command you 4

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  • to die at the root. I bind you and loose you from your assignment against me in the Authority of the Name of Jesus. I loose the Healing Spirit of the Holy Ghost into my body and believe I receive my healing right now.”

    ou may not feel anything different in your body, but the

    command has gone forth. As a King who gives the command to his servants and they carry it out, your command will be

    carried out for you and you’ll be changing your position from the valley of sickness to the mountaintop of health!

    It’s now time to conquer another mountain. It’s time to come up onto the mountaintop of right thinking. Jesus said in Mark 7:20-23, The Living Bible, “It’s the thought-life that pollutes. From within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts of lust, theft, murder, adultery, wanting what belongs to others, [covetousness], wick-edness, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, pride, and all other folly. All these vile things come from within; they are what pollute [people] and make [them] unfit for God.” The secular world as it is today was re-created by men whose hearts were apart from the Spirit of God. These men were subject to satanic influence, so when they spoke what was in their hearts, Satan’s influence permeated the world. What you see around you isn’t what God created it to be, but rather, the result of man’s influence by the words he speaks. The words you speak come from your heart. Whatever is in a person’s heart, whatever is in their thought-life, will come out in words. No wonder God says in Matthew 12:36 that “He will call every person to account for every ‘idle word’ spoken.” When the Spirit of Jesus is in you, God gives you His thought life through His Word. Reading God’s Word is-n’t a contest for time or length, it’s taking in the very life of God through His Word. God gives you the “mind of Christ” in and through the Bible. As you begin to think God’s thoughts, you’ll begin to speak God’s words. As you speak God’s words, your world is re-created. You find the ingredients of heaven in Galatians 5:22-23, which are the fruit of the spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance or self-control. These are the “Fruit of the Spirit.” These “fruit” within you come out through your words and are reflected in your world. Because of the indwell-ing of the Spirit of God, the kingdom of God is within you, and the very Word of God becomes your thought life. The Spirit of God becomes the anointing – the life of God within you. When you stand strong in faith for thirty days, and then step out of faith, that one lapse could nullify thirty days of believing God. The devil knows that, so he is constantly trying to get you out of faith. When you’re standing in faith for something you want, you can’t afford to think negative thoughts. We must always anticipate that God will take care of us and if we want our faith in God and His Word to work, you can’t allow the pressures of the world that

    constantly bombard your ears, eyes, and mind to affect you.

    hat you believe is a result of your thinking. If you’re thinking wrong thoughts, you’ll be believing wrong which leads to wrong confessions. You won’t be able to make the right confession until your thinking is right and in

    line with God’s Word since you can’t believe beyond your actual knowledge base of the Bible. In 2 Corinthians 2:16 you’re told to “have the mind of Christ” and the only way to do this is by studying

    God’s Word, believing it in your heart, and acting on it. The Word also teaches you in Philippians 4:8, “to think on whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of

    good report, or whatever has virtue or praise.” You must realize that thoughts can come into your minds from two different sources. The devil puts thoughts into your minds from outside yourself; however God’s thoughts come from inside -- from your spirit man into your minds.

    As you stay in close fellowship with God through prayer, meditation, and studying His Word, you’ll learn to distinguish the source of your thoughts. As you are aware, evil thoughts are form the devil; however, on the other hand, God is love, and love thinks no evil, and sees no evil.

    Although many scriptures referring to the mind confuse people, scriptures referring to believing causes people to think they believe, and they do with their minds, but not in their hearts. You must focus on positive confessions instead of negative con-fessions. When you get a clear understanding of the power of pos-itive confession, it’ll make a great improvement in your life and in your thinking.

    Hebrews 3:1 says you should consider the Apostle and High Priest of your “profession” or “confession “. The dictionary defines confession – as affirming something you believe; testifying to something you know; and witnessing to a truth that you have embraced.

    It’s important you do what Hebrews 4:14 tells you to do, “Hold fast your profession [confession] of 6

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  • faith.” It’s necessary that you have a continual confession of redemption from Satan’s dominion and a confession of the fact that he no longer rules you with condemnation, doubt, fear, sickness, or disease. You are to “hold fast” to

    your confession because your confession is Satan’s defeat. Jesus defeated Satan over 2000 years ago, but what Jesus did for you legally must become a vital, living reality in your life.

    n example of the legal side of redemption. People pray “God, save this man or heal this woman.” However, in God’s mind, He’s already saved them and healed them.

    God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself; therefore, Je-sus doesn’t have to die again to save anyone. He died once, and He doesn’t need to shed His blood again. Legally, God has already done everything He needs to do to provide your redemption!

    When people deal exclusively with the legal side of redemp-tion, they don’t actually experience the power of God in their lives because they become cold, dead and formal. Under the New Covenant, you have much more than your sins forgiv-en; you have the New Birth and are new creatures in Christ Jesus. If you sin after you’re born again, you don’t have to be born again to be forgiven because 1 John 1:9 says “If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to for-give you your sins.” As you confess your sins this thinking is in line with God’s Word, and believing what the Bible says. Confession creates a reality of salvation in your spirit.

    Think back to the way you were presented the Gospel message of salvation. If your thinking was straight-ened in the beginning, and your believing and confessing were made right, it’ll be much easier for you to stand strong and not waver in your Christian walk. However, if you weren’t given sufficient instructions, the devil will take ad-vantage of what you don’t know. He’ll rob and defeat you of what God’s already done for you because you don’t know what God’s Word says, and you don’t know how to hold fast to your confession of faith. The devil will camou-flage situations and try to make you feel you’re not saved when you make mistakes. The same is true with healing. Remember, your confession is Satan’s defeat. Hebrews 4:14 says, “Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.” Jesus is your great High Priest who’s seated in heaven and represents you to Father God saying “I died for you. I took your sins, I re-deemed you. I became sin for your sin so you can become the righteousness of God in Me. I took your infirmities, bore your sicknesses. I delivered you from the authority of darkness. I created you as new creatures.”

    In the Greek translation of this verse it says “Let us hold fast to saying the same thing.” Your confession will either imprison you or set you free and is the result of your right or wrong thinking.

    ou must know what God’s done for you in Jesus, believe it and confess it because your confession is what creates the reality in your lives. You must know what God has done in you though the Word and the Holy

    Spirit. You must know what Jesus is doing for you now in His present day ministry at the right hand of Father God, plus you need to know what the Word of God will do for you through your lips or what God can do through

    you by the help of the Holy Spirit. When your thinking is not in line with God’s Word, your believing will be wrong, your talking will be wrong, and

    you’ll be confused and defeated. You must realize what the Word can do through your lips. It’s not only what you know personally about Jesus that counts; it’s what the Word says you already are “in Christ” that counts.

    Have you read something in the Bible and know what it says is true concerning Christians, but the promise doesn’t seem real to you? It may be healing, prosperity, or revelation knowledge. Have you ever acted as if it were real? Have you ever told someone that it’s real? Have you ever confessed it to be real in your life? If you’ve an-swered no to any one of these questions, do you think the Bible has lied to you?

    If you want the promise to become a reality in your life, you must confess it into reality before it manifested in your life. According to the Word, it’s already so, but make it a reality by confessing whatever promise you want mani-

    fested in your life. When you confess what and who you are in Christ, claim it, and walk in it, you are appropriating the reality of what is legally yours. You should be God minded and the only way you can achieve this is to think God’s thoughts, think His Word, and con-fess it’s true by putting it in your mouth on a daily basis. To come up onto the mountaintop of right believing, believing with your heart is the only way you can receive anything from God other than through a manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; however, they are only in operation as the Spirit wills.

    Jesus told you to hold fast to what you believe because He knew there’s power arrayed against you that would endeavor to rob and defeat you, and keep you in the valley of wrong believing. Your faith is like love, it’s


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  • revealed only in your actions and words! There’s no faith without confession and faith will grow with your con-fession.

    onfession does several things for you such as giv-ing you direction and fixing landmarks in your

    lives. You can’t receive from God without believing and having the right confession. When you understand this, you’ll begin getting somewhere with God.

    Just as the twelve spies went into Canaan and ten determined by their confessions they couldn’t take the land and wandered in the wilderness for 40 year; two spies, Joshua and Caleb, believed they could conquer the Promised Land and entered into Canaan.

    God doesn’t like some people better than others, He loves everyone the same. He didn’t love Joshua and Caleb more than the others who didn’t enter the Promised Land, because He was willing to have all of Israel enter in. However, they couldn’t go in because of their unbelief and wrong confessing.

    One of the Greek words for unbelief is translated “failure to be persuaded”. The Israelites could have entered into the Promised Land, but they couldn’t be persuaded to act on God’s Word. There’s two kinds of unbelief; the first being that some doubt God’s Word because they don’t know it. This unbelief is based on a lack of knowledge of God’s Word that comes as a result of not hearing the Word. As you read earlier, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

    The second type of unbelief is failure to be persuaded. The Israelites knew they were to take the Promised Land because God had said He had given it to them, but they couldn’t be persuaded to act on His Word. Many be-lievers today are informed about God’s Word, but they can’t be persuaded to act on it. The cure for this kind of unbe-

    lief is obedience.

    any Christians are sincere, earnest, and honest but they are weak, and it’s because they never dared to con-fess what they have and who they are in Jesus. You can know who you are and what you have in Christ be-cause He tells you in His Word. You can act on the Word and get your answer. As you dig into the New Tes-

    tament Epistles, you’ll live in victory because Paul tells you how to handle things you’ll face as Christians, and then he tells you you’re more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.

    The Bible tells you several things about your mind that you can stand on beginning with Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee…”, and Philippians 2:5 tells you to “have the mind of Christ.” Sometimes it’s hard to make your mind give up what men say and go with what God says, but you can change your minds by meditating and thinking on God’s Word as well as believe it in your heart.

    An example of this is when you go to the doctor and get a bad report; instead of listening to him, you choose to believe what God’s Word says and what He’s done for you in the finished work of Jesus Christ. It’s easy to listen to the doctors, your friends, and what your physical symptoms are telling you, but, in order to see healing manifested in your body, you have to realize that God loves you and wants the best of everything for you. You must stand on His

    Word, believe it’s true and confess with your mouth, “…by His stripes I’m healed,” as it says in 1 Peter 2:24. To build a solid faith life, you have to believe what God is to you, what Jesus is doing for you now that He’s at the right hand of Father God, and what the Holy Spirit is doing in you now. Then you’ll grow to a place where you’ll not be afraid of circumstances, disease or conditions. Instead, you’ll face them fearlessly and overcome all things according to Romans 8:37 that says “we are more than conquerors in all things.” You’ll never be a conqueror until you confess that you’re one.

    To come up onto the mountaintop of right confessions, you’re confessions must line up with the Word of God. A wrong confession is a confession of defeat, failure, and the supremacy of Satan. Some people are always talking about their combat with the devil, and they magnify the devil by doing this. Anytime someone talks about how the devil is holding them in bondage, making them sick, causing pain, or keeping them from success – it’s a confession of defeat and failure. On the other hand, when a believer confesses the good things of God and what God’s done in

    their lives, that’s a victory confession that glorifies Jesus. nce you’ve prayed your prayer and know God’s heard you, don’t go back to it again. Don’t be moved by what you do or don’t see, feel, hear, or think. Hang onto your faith with bulldog tenacity and don’t turn

    loose. Do what Jesus said, and hold fast your confession of faith. Don’t let the devil maneuver you out of 9

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  • your firm position, or persuasion of faith.

    ew Christians realize their confessions imprison them in a valley of despair and that only the right kind of con-fession will bring them out onto the mountaintop of freedom. It’s not only your thinking, and believing, but it’s

    your confessing that builds power or weakness in your life. Your words snare you and hold you in captivity, or they set

    you free. They become powerful in the lives of others as well as dominate your inner being.

    If you talk about sickness, it’s because you believe in sickness. If you talk about weakness and failure, it’s because you believe in weakness and failure. You sub-consciously con-fess what you believe because according to Mathew 12:34, “out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks.”

    Everyone has been hurt by people; however, God can take that hurt and changed it into an opportunity to minister to others. If you talk about a situation that caused you pain after not thinking about for a long time, you’ll re-alize that you’ve resurrect the emotional pain of that situation. You’ll have to control your thoughts and your tongue or you’ll speak words that revived the entire situation along with the pain and feelings that go along with it! When you’re faced with that type of situation, the best thing to do is repent of your words and attitudes and begin confessing what God has done for you, how He’d purified you from the situation and then your perception of your life will began to change. You create an atmosphere absent from God by saying what you want to say according to emotions, feelings, ego, pride and old attitudes. Speaking in obedience to God’s Word, instead of your own thoughts change situations and restore you to a position of victory. It’s easy to say you believe and make a positive confession; however, sometimes you find yourself saying something contrary or negative, therefore, you should be sure to have faith-filled words and not doubt-filled words coming out of your mouth.

    It’s important you use your measure of faith and believe in the right things. When people confess lack, they build a sense of lack and inadequacy into their lives, and then these deficiencies gain the upper hand. However, Je-sus is Lord and when you hold fast your confession of faith you gain the upper hand in your life which leads you to success. You’ll never rise above your level of confession.

    When you make faith confessions from your heart, you’ll defeat the devil in every situation. However, if you don’t believe in your heart that the confessions you’re making are true, it won’t work. And if you confesses Satan’s abilities to hinder you and to keep you from success, Satan will gain domination over you. However, Colossians 2:15 says, “And having spoiled principalities and power, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” If Jesus defeated the devil for you, then you shouldn’t allow the devil to do so many things against you!

    Many think it’s up to God to change their situations and troubles but God is waiting on you to take the respon-sibility and say something to change your circumstances because He’s given you the power and the authority in His Word to do so. You use your faith-filled words to remind the devil he’s under your feet so you can posses your Prom-ised Land!

    He way you talk to the devil is simple. Say, “Devil, God’s Word says Jesus defeated you. You are a defeated foe, and I exercise my authority over you in the Name of Jesus. It gives me great pleasure to tell you to get

    your hands off my stuff!” This confession will defeat the devil when you mix it with your faith. After you make your faith confession, remember to resist the devil and he will flee from you. If you don’t see him fleeing, check up

    on your belief, or faith, level compared to any unbelief that may creep into your thought life. It’s unbelief that hinders Jesus from working for and through you. If you’re not making your confessions in line with God’s Word, then they glorify the devil and fill your heart with a spirit of fear and weakness. However, you’ll rise above all Satan’s influences when you decide to act on 1 John 4:4 that says “greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world.” Jesus is greater than any force coming against you. Your confession is one of the battlefields on which you fight and it’s here that you deter-mine whether you succeed or fail. On the other side of this, when you confess doubts and fears, this denies the grace and

    ability of God into your life. When people are constantly saying “I can’t” or “I don’t know” they are automatically hook-ing up with the anti-anointing because “God has given us a spirit of power, love, and sound mind,” according to 2 Timothy 1:7, and you should never allow doubt and fear in your life because they’re the devil’s tools. Instead, 10

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  • you should confess God’s Words so your faith will grow stronger and stronger as you maintain your confession.

    hen you speak in doubt, unbelief, lack and weakness or glorify sickness and diseases, you’re openly telling God His Word isn’t true, and that He’s

    failed to make His Word good for you. There are scriptures throughout the Old and New Testaments to confirm that God wants you healed, wealthy, and

    victorious. Confessing aches and pains, diseases, unbelief, lack and poverty, is like signing for a package that FedEx has delivered. Satan then has the receipt – your confession – showing that you’ve accepted his package. Don’t accept anything sent by the devil.” When you confess weakness, sickness, disease, lack and poverty in-stead of confessing that Jesus bore all sicknesses and diseases and put them away from you, you are confessing you still have them.

    It takes believing prayer to change things; however, many Christians pray without activating their believing and it doesn’t accomplish anything in their lives. Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus or anyone else say that prayer alone will get the job done, but in Mark 11:24 Jesus tells us, “…when you pray believe that you re-ceive them, and you shall have them.” He also said in Matthew 21:22, “…all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing you shall receive.” Simply believe the Word when it tells you to act on the Word when we pray. You should pray, forget about it, and begin to act as if you received your an-swer the minute you prayed! When you pray, believe you receive the desires of your heart when you ask God to give it to you. If you’re not receiving the desires of your heart, check up on what you’re confessing and make sure it’s in line with what you’re praying.

    As you’re making your faith confessions know that you’re “fighting the good fight of faith” as the Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:12. Because Satan doesn’t want to give up his dominion in your life, you’ll have to “resist the devil steadfast in faith,” according to 1 Peter 5:8 and then he’ll go. Both these verses let you know that you’ll exert stren-uous effort in defeating the devil because “we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” ac-cording to Ephesians 6:12. It’s not physical effort, but it’s wrestling, resisting, and putting forth an effort against forc-es in the spiritual realm by using your faith. This is why you hold fast to your confession of faith so you’ll receive from God exactly what you’re believing and confessing.

    It’s time to stop listening to, and confessing what your five senses are telling you and hold fast your confes-sion of faith which is God’s Word in action. It’s time to get accustomed to acting on the Word by believing that it’s true.

    roverbs 4:20-22 says, “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find

    them, and health to all their flesh.” When you go to the doctor and he gives you a prescription for symptoms in your body, you get it filled and

    then place it on your counter when you get home. Instead of taking it, you just sit in your chair and look at it. It won’t help you unless you take it, and you have to act on the doctor’s orders to see a change in your symptoms. Not only that, but in order for it to work correctly, you have to take it according to his directions.

    To come out of the valley of wrong confessions and begin making right confessions, it’s like taking your medi-cine according to the directions I’ve just given you! Get soaked in God’s Word regarding your circumstances until you’re so full that that’s all you think about. While others are talking about everything else, you’ll be talking about what the Word says. Your right confession will become reality and then you’ll have whatever you need from God so

    you can live the victorious life you were created to live. We are changed from Glory to Glory; from revelation to revelation. God wants to give you something new, but He can’t because many times you cling to old ways of thinking, believ-ing, and confessing. You’ve become so conditioned in your mind to believe things won’t get any better; or that this is the way things will always be. Today is the day to let go of the past

    – the old ways – open your hands and receive new life from Jesus. Are you ready to make a decision to come out of the muck and mire that has held you in the valley? Are you

    ready to come out onto the mountaintop of victory in your life? You are the only one who can make that decision for you. No one can do it for you. But the good news is the Holy Spirit and God’s Word can help you. If you’re ready to ‘arise and change your position’, make this faith confession with me right now, “I’ll not let the enemy lord this shadow over me any longer and keep me in this valley of defeat. I’ll come out of this valley, now! I’ll arise, and 11

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  • change my position. I’ll ascend to the mountaintop’s highest peak and I’ll bask in the glow of Jesus, Himself! I receive my deliverance and victory today in Jesus Name!” Hallelujah!

    rom now on praise God for your victory, steadfastly resist the devil when he comes to tell you it won’t work

    for you or you didn’t get what you just prayed, believed, and confessed, then stand with bulldog tenacity until you see your desire manifested in your life!

    Now it’s time to be doers of the Word, and not just hearers. My prayer and hope is that you’ll take what you’ve just read and put it into action in your life today so you can live the victorious life you were created to live! As you face new valleys in your life, remember the fullness of the God-head bodily - Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit - lives inside you with all their power available to you. No matter what the devil tries to make you think, believe, or con-fess, you have everything within you to blast your way out of the valley to reach your mountaintop. You can walk through valleys with the Lord and come out shouting the victory as you reach the mountaintop because 2 Corinthians 2:14 tells you. “Now thanks be to God who always causes me to triumph in Christ Je-sus.” And I like the Message Bible version that reads, “In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade.” 12

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    Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21). I am calling on You. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10. “Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation.” (Amplified Bible) I do that now, I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead.

    I am now reborn! I am a Christian – a child of Almighty God! I am saved! You also said in Your Word, “If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good gifts [gifts that are to their advantage] to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him!” (Luke 11:13) I’m also ask-ing You to fill me with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, rise up within me as I praise God. I fully expect to speak with other tongues as You give me the utterance (Acts 2:4). In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

    Begin to praise God for filling you with the Holy Spirit. Speak those words and syllables you receive – not in your own language, but the language given to you by the Holy Spirit. You have to use your own sounds. It is a heav-enly language! Continue with the blessing God has given you and pray in the spirit every day.

    You are a born-again, Spirit-filled believer. You’ll never be the same!

    Find a good church that boldly preaches God’s Word and obeys it. Become a part of a church family who will love and care for you as you love and care for them. You need to be connected to each other because it increases your strength in God and it’s God’s plan for you.
