copy_paste migrating eigrp to ospf

 Junos® Networking T echnologies Series Day One: Migrating EIGRP to OSPF By Jack W Parks, IV SPECIA E!ITI"N  The s#ecial e $ition o% Day One: Migrating EIGRP to OSPF  is &eant %or easy co#ying an$ #asting o% the auto&ation scri#ts an$ con'gurations( )*+s are use$ to lank out &uch o% the co#yrighte$ &aterial, an$ whate-er re&ains is le%t %or you to 'n$ your #lace in the &aterial( By using this s#ecial e$ition, you agree to use the &aterial in this $ocu&ent at your own risk( Juni#er Networks assu&es no res#onsiility whatsoe-er %or any inaccuracies in this $ocu&ent( . /011 y Juni#er Networks, Inc( All rights reser-e$( Juni#er Networks, the Juni#er Networks logo, Junos, NetScreen, an$ Screen"S are registere$ tra$e&arks o% Juni#er Networks, Inc( in the 2nite$ States an$ other countries( Junose is a tra$e&ark o% Juni#er Networks, Inc( All other tra$e&arks, ser-ice &arks, registere$ tra$e&arks, or registere$ ser-ice &arks are the #ro#erty o% their res#ecti-e owners(Juni#er Networks assu&es no res#onsiility %or any inaccuracies in this $ocu&ent( Juni#er Networks reser-es the right to change, &o$i%y, trans%er, or otherwise re-ise this #ulication without notice( Pro$ucts &a$e or sol$ y Juni#er Networks or co&#onents thereo% &ight e co-ere$ y one or &ore o% the %ollowing #atents that are owne$ y or license$ to Juni#er Networks3 2(S( Patent Nos( 4,567,488, 4,804,6/4, 4,808,550, 9,18/,041, 9,777,940, 9,748,568, 9,509,71/, 9,5/8,609, 9,548,468, 9,587,756, 9,47:,41:, 9,47:,:88, 9,44/,81:, 9,496,80/, 9,46:,1:9, an$ 9,480,6:4(

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 Junos® Networking Technologies Series

Day One: Migrating EIGRP to OSPF

By Jack W Parks, IV


 The s#ecial e$ition o% Day One: Migrating EIGRP to OSPF  is

&eant %or easy co#ying an$ #asting o% the auto&ation

scri#ts an$ con'gurations( )*+s are use$ to lank out

&uch o% the co#yrighte$ &aterial, an$ whate-er re&ains

is le%t %or you to 'n$ your #lace in the &aterial(

By using this s#ecial e$ition, you agree to use the

&aterial in this $ocu&ent at your own risk( Juni#er

Networks assu&es no res#onsiility whatsoe-er %or any

inaccuracies in this $ocu&ent(

. /011 y Juni#er Networks, Inc( All rights reser-e$( Juni#er Networks, the Juni#er Networks logo, Junos,NetScreen, an$ Screen"S are registere$ tra$e&arks o% Juni#er Networks, Inc( in the 2nite$ States an$ othercountries( Junose is a tra$e&ark o% Juni#er Networks, Inc( All other tra$e&arks, ser-ice &arks, registere$tra$e&arks, or registere$ ser-ice &arks are the #ro#erty o% their res#ecti-e owners(Juni#er Networks assu&es nores#onsiility %or any inaccuracies in this $ocu&ent( Juni#er Networks reser-es the right to change, &o$i%y, trans%er,or otherwise re-ise this #ulication without notice( Pro$ucts &a$e or sol$ y Juni#er Networks or co&#onentsthereo% &ight e co-ere$ y one or &ore o% the %ollowing #atents that are owne$ y or license$ to Juni#er

Networks3 2(S( Patent Nos( 4,567,488, 4,804,6/4, 4,808,550, 9,18/,041, 9,777,940, 9,748,568, 9,509,71/,9,5/8,609, 9,548,468, 9,587,756, 9,47:,41:, 9,47:,:88, 9,44/,81:, 9,496,80/, 9,46:,1:9, an$ 9,480,6:4(

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Cha#ter 1NetworkPre#aration

Understanding OSPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Comparing EIGRP and OSPF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Migration Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Do!"ment t#e $et%or&. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '4

S"mmary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4

Changing the Interior ;ateway Protocol <I;P= on a #ro$uction network&ay see& like a $aunting task, ut goo$ #re>#lanning an$ a&etho$ical i&#le&entation #lan will &ake the &igration go s&oothlyan$ without inci$ent( ?ore than likely, your current I;P has een in#lace since the 'rst router was installe$ &any, &any &oons ago(While the selecte$ I;P ha$ se-eral ene'ts o-er the other I;P o@eringso% the ti&e, it &ay no longer e the est I;P o#tion %or the networkto$ay(

I;P &igrations ha-e taken #lace in the #ast( Protocols such as IP<outing In%or&ation Protocol= an$ I;P <Interior ;ateway outingProtocol= were once wi$ely $e#loye$ in the s&all IP networks( Theirli&itations ga-e way to a new set o% I;Ps that su##ort &ore #re'*es,allow greater network $ia&eters, an$ #ro-i$e uicker con-ergenceti&es( <IP an$ I;P routing #rotocols only su##orte$ class%ulnetworks, a li&itation that was the #ri&ary reason %or &ass &igrationsin the 1880s(=

?igrations &ay occur to su##ort o#en stan$ar$s or a$-ance$ %eatureslike Trac Engineering <TE=( An$ i% you are rea$ing this ook, yournetwork is aout to un$ergo a new &igration D a &igration %ro& EI;Pto "SP( ela*( WeFll show you how(

2n$erstan$ing "SP

"SP is the &ost uiuitous I;P in use y Enter#rise networks(Su##orte$ y e-ery &anu%acturing network eui#&ent #ro-i$er to$ay,"SP #ro-i$es the est len$ o% knowle$geale engineers, eui#&entintero#eraility, an$ networking scale( Al&ost e-ery traine$ network

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engineer, CCNA, JNCIA, etc(, has so&e e*#osure to the asic theoryan$ o#eration o% "SP(

?"EG  The ne*t cou#le o% sections will co-er the asics o% "SP ut are y no&eans a co&#rehensi-e gui$e(  )"nos Enterprise Ro"ting, y ?arschkeH eynol$s, "Feilly ?e$ia, has a goo$ #ri&er on "SP( or &ore in%osee www(uni#er(netooks(

So&e %olks $onFt know that there are a cou#le o% -ersions o% "SP(When engineers talk aout "SP, they are actually re%erring to "SP-ersion / <"SP-/=( The original C %or "SP-1 is C1171 #ulishe$in "ctoer 18:8( C1/56 u#$ate$ "SP to -ersion / in July 1881 an$the current C $escriing "SP is C/7/:( There ha-e een s&allu#$ates to "SP to kee# u# with changing network tren$s D like tracengineering e*tensions <C5/07=( The takeaway is that "SP has#ro-en to e a$a#tale an$ Ke*ile o-er the years(

N"TE Along with "SP-1 an$ "SP-/, another -ersion o% "SP was$e-elo#e$ to han$le IP-9 #re'*es throughout the network3 "SP-7( Ithas si&ilar Junos con'guration stanLas as "SP-/ ut itFs containe$ in

the #rotocols M os#%7 hierarchy un$er the #rotocols stanLa(

SP Algorith&

At the heart o% "SP is the SP D or shortest #ath 'rst D calculation,which is where "SP $eri-es &ost o% its na&e( In 1848 E$sger !ikstracreate$ the !ikstra algorith&, which is res#onsile %or $eter&ining theshortest #ath etween two #oints( This algorith& is use$ y "SP an$ISIS to calculate the pat# !ost  etween two #re'*es in a network(

All routers in an autono&ous syste&, &eaning all routers running"SP, run SP calculations to 'n$ the est #ath %or e-ery a-ailale$estination #re'* in the network( Each router $eter&ines the est#ath with itsel% as the root o% the SP tree(

A$acency or&ation

When &ore than one router running "SP is connecte$, an$ "SP isenale$ on the link share$ etween the routers, the "SP routers will%or& an a$acency( This a$acency is %or&e$ an$ &aintaine$ whenhello #ackets are e*change$ etween the routers( The a$acency isi$irectional in nature an$ is the %oun$ation %or a$$itional #rotocolco&&unication etween the routers(

ello #ackets are #erio$ically sent out o% the routerFs inter%aces ats#eci'c inter-als( The ty#e o% inter%ace on which "SP has eencon'gure$ $eter&ines the hello inter-al %reuency( The ty#e o%

inter%ace also $eter&ines the &etho$ y which the routersco&&unicate(

 There are so&e co&&on inter%ace network ty#es with "SP(

n The Oroa$cast network $o&inates the Ethernet e-erywherenetworks o% to$ay(

n ra&e>elay an$ AT? networks are known in "SP as Non>Broa$cast ?ulti>Access <NB?A= networks D ut con'gure$ with#oint>to>#oint PVCs or !CIs they eco&e #oint>to>&ulti#oint

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n The #oint>to>#oint network ty#e re#resents true #oint>to>#ointcircuits, like T!? or S"NET(

 Tale 1(1 lists these -arious network ty#es an$ their associate$ -alueswhile Tale 1(/ lists "SPFs a$acency states(

Table 1.1  "SP ello ?atri*

 TIP  Junos only recogniLes three o% the %our "SP network ty#es $escrie$in Tale 1(13 Point>to>Point, Point>to>?ulti#oint, an$ N?BA( The i&#actis &ini&al as oth I"S an$ Junos correctly set the a##ro#riate networkty#e y $e%ault %or e-ery inter%ace ty#e <Junos will e&ulate the CiscoOBroa$cast "SP network ty#e on Ethernet Inter%aces=(

Table 1.2 "SP A$acency States

ink State A$-ertise&ents

A%ter the "SP routers %or& a$acencies with each other, they eginco&&unicating i&#ortant in%or&ation aout the to#ology o% thenetwork( This in%or&ation is share$ using link state a$-ertise&ents

<SA= that are grou#e$ into categories calle$ SA ty#es( The SA ty#es$escrie network in%or&ation such as "SP routers, networka$$ressing, an$ e*ternal routing knowle$ge as liste$ in Tale 1(7(

Table 1.3 "SP SA ?atri*

N"TE  There are a$$itional SA ty#es ut their sco#e is outsi$e this ook(

ink State !ataase

A%ter the routers %or& a$acencies using hello #ackets an$ sharerouting in%or&ation etween one another with SA #ackets, therenee$s to e a #lace to store all o% that in%or&ation( That #lace is thelink state $ataase <S!B= an$ its %unction is to kee# the collecti-enetwork knowle$ge o% all "SP routers( The SP algorith& runs againstthe in%or&ation containe$ in the S!B an$ the routing tale is create$(

N"TE  The S!B is i&#ortant $uring the network -ali$ation #hase o% the

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EI;P to "SP &igration in this ook(


While this ook $oesnFt $e&onstrate the use o% &ulti#le "SP areas,un$erstan$ing how areas hel# the network scale is i&#ortant %or you to

know( ?ost Enter#rise networks only nee$ to use a single area(Si&#ly state$, "SP areas are use$ to #artition the network intos&aller #ieces( Partitioning li&its the sco#e o% the routing in%or&ationcontaine$ within each area, which in turn allows "SP to scale in &ost&assi-ely large networks( <The co&#uting #ower o% routers has growne*#onentially o-er the #ast %ew years an$ !ikstra is less o% a ur$enon the CP2 than was in the #astQ still, scaling is critical(=

 TIP  The area nu&er is actually re#resente$ in $otte$ $eci&al notation,ut it is co&&on to use the shorthan$ re#resentation( Area 0 isactually area 0(0(0(0

 There &ay e situations in Enter#rise networks where hu>an$>s#okeWi$e Area Network <WAN= aggregation #oints coul$ warrant the use o%a $e$icate$ area, or areas, to li&it the #ro#agation o% to#ologyin%or&ation o-er low>s#ee$ links( <Branch routers an$ S&all "ceo&e "ce <S""= routers ha-e li&ite$ scaling ca#acity an$ &ini&alco&#uting #ower(= The s#okes on a WAN network are y $esign a one>way in an$ out stu network so re&ote stu networks warrant little&ore than the #ro#agation o% a single $e%ault route rather than theentire network to#ology( But the 'nite resources o% s&aller routers, thesi&#listic to#ology o% re&ote networks, an$ the centraliLe$aggregation o% ranch oces o%ten eco&e #ri&e can$i$ates %or theuse o% "SP areas(

 This ook uses a single area $uring the &igration( There is a s#eci'crule, howe-er, that &ust e a$here$ to when working with &ulti#le

"SP areas3 there is ut a single ackone area in "SP an$ that areais area 0( ?ulti>area $e#loy&ents &ust use area 0 an$ area 0 &ay note seg&ente$ in a $iscontiguous %ashion in the network( As the ter&ackone i&#lies, all other areas &ust connect to an$ transit area 0( Two areas &ay only connect through area 0(

!i@erent Area ty#es to e aware o% are also liste$ in Tale 1(5(!i@erent area ty#es a@ect the Koo$ing sco#e o% the SAs an$suseuently a@ect the routing tales o% the routes the&sel-es(

Table 1.4  "SP Area ?atri*

N"TE  Tale 1(5 o@ers ut a uick o-er-iew o% the $i@erent area ty#es( Again,this ook will not e using a &ulti>area $esign(

Co&#aring EI;P an$ "SP

unctionally, oth EI;P an$ "SP #ro-i$e co&#arale $yna&ic routelearning ca#ailities %or the network( "SP is the #ri&ary o#en

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stan$ar$s I;P %or Enter#rise networks to$ay( EI;P is a #o#ular#ro#rietary Cisco I;P that is co&&on in Cisco>only networks( It is the#ro#rietary nature o% EI;P that $ecreases its usiness -alue to thenetwork since integrating est>o%>ree$ or &ore cost>e@ecti-e -en$orsis li&ite$(

N"TE In all %airness, EI;P is a &ulti#rotocol I;P su##orting legacy #rotocols

such as A##leTalk an$ IP)( 2n%ortunately, oth No-ell an$ A##le nowrely on IP as the network trans#ort so the &ulti#rotocol ca#ailities o%EI;P are &ore o% a liaility than a ene't(

Co&&on Characteristics

EI;P an$ "SP share co&&on characteristics with each other e-enthough EI;P at its core is a !istance Vector #rotocol an$ "SP is aink>State #rotocol( 2n$er the co-ers, each #rotocol is %un$a&entally$i@erent %ro& the other, ut the e@ect o% oth #rotocols is si&ilar %orthe $istriution o% routing in%or&ation throughout the network( Thissection %ocuses on the si&ilarities etween EI;P an$ "SP in or$er tori$ge your e*isting un$erstan$ing o% #rotocol o#eration whilehighlighting any signi'cant $i@erences etween the two(

N"TE EI;P has een re%erre$ to as a hyri$ I;P that contains !istanceVector #rotocol an$ ink States #rotocol #ro#erties( This is notaccurate( ink State #rotocols use a to#ology $ataase to $eri-ereachaility in%or&ation( EI;P relies on -ector calculations to uil$routing in%or&ation( Since no to#ology $ataase e*ists, EI;P cannote or contain ink State in%or&ation(

Classless Inter$o&ain outing

Classless Inter$o&ain outing <CI!= is the aility o% a routing #rotocolto su##ort -ariale length sunet &asks <VS?=( "l$er I;Ps $i$ notsu##ort this %unctionality an$ reuire$ the use o% class%ul sunetting on

the s#eci'c it oun$aries( CI! is the current &etho$ %or sunettingan$ allows #re'* lengths like 70, 1:, an$ 14, regar$less o% thelea$ing its o% the IP a$$ress( Be%ore CI!, sunetting was '*e$ an$ase$ on the Oclass o% the IP a$$ress range( Because o% the '*e$#re'* length reuire&ent, #oint>to>#oint WAN links ha$ to use /5Fs ata &ini&u&R Tale 1(4, The Class%ul A$$ress Tale, is shown here %or alittle tri# ack in history(

Table 1.5 Class%ul A$$ress Tale

elloFs an$ Neighors

Both I;Ps use hello #ackets to %or& relationshi#s with neighoringrouters, a hel#%ul &echanis& %or $etecting that a neighor is a-ailalean$ acti-e( When the neighor eco&es inacti-e, routing u#$ates aresent out noti%ying the rest o% the network aout a to#ology change(Neighor $etection #lays an i&#ort role in EI;P an$ "SP as it s#ee$scon-ergence ti&es an$ #re-ents routing lack holes in the network(

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Packets sent etween EI;P an$ "SP neighors ha-e a si&ilar look,too, as liste$ in Tale 1(9 <which is not &eant to e a one>to>oneco&#arison o% #acket ty#es ut is instea$ inten$e$ to show aco&#arison o% %unctionality=(

Table 1.6  Packet Ty#es

Path ?etrics an$ Selection

While two $i@erent algorith&s $eter&ine the &etric calculation o%EI;P an$ "SP, the %act is that they oth use a &etric to $eter&ine aloo# %ree to#ology an$ calculate the est #ath to a #articular$estination( The inter%ace &etric o% each #ath is a$$e$ to the #re'*escost as the u#$ate is #ro#agate$ across the neighoring routers, which$eter&ines the collecti-e &etric to that $estination(

Conce#ts such as Eual Cost ?ulti#ath <EC?P= are #resent in oth#rotocols( When two #aths to a s#eci'c $estination ha-e the sa&e

cost, then oth #aths &ay e use$ si&ultaneously in the %orwar$ing o%trac(

?etric an$ Path Selection !i@erences

 There are &aor $i@erences etween EI;P an$ "SP %or $eter&ining#ath cost( irst letFs co-er EI;P &etrics an$ #ath selection, an$ thenweFll co&#are "SP against it(

EI;P ?etric an$ Path Selection

"n the %ace o% things, EI;P has si* $i@erent -alues to $eter&ine theo-erall &etric %or a gi-en $estination(

n Ban$wi$th

n oa$

n !elay

n eliaility

n ?T2

n o# Count

While the rea$th o% these -alues see&s to e a &aor ene't to EI;P%or granular control o-er routing u#$ates, the $e%ault &etric calculationonly uses two o% the ao-e -alues, an$wi$th an$ $elay3

&etric an$wi$th $elay

?"EG or &ore in%o on the &etric calculation, see3htt#3www(cisco(co&en2Stechtk794technologiesUwhiteU#a#er081:9a00:0085c6(sht&l(

EI;P #ath selection uses a conce#t o% the successor an$ %easilesuccessor an$ the relate$ conce#ts o% re#orte$ $istance an$ %easile$istance( Essentially, the successor is the est ne*t>ho# router %or agi-en $estination( The $ownstrea& ne*t>ho# router re#orts the$istance to a gi-en $estination as the re#orte$ $istance( The recei-ing

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EI;P router takes the recei-e$ re#orte$ $istance an$ a$$s itsinter%ace &etric to $eri-e the %easile $istance( All o% the a-ailale#aths to a $estination are e-aluate$ against each other an$ the est#ath is selecte$( The %easile successor re#resents the alternate estne*t>ho# router to a gi-en $estination(

N"TE EI;PFs %easile successor route has always een a nice #lus %or the

$e#loy&ent o% EI;P( The %easile successor route %acilitates the %ast%ailo-er to an alternate #ath in the e-ent o% a #ri&ary #ath %ailure(C4/:9, *asi! Spe!i+!ation ,or IP Fast Rero"te: -oopFree /0ternates,$e'nes a &etho$ %or o@ering %ast %ailo-er #rotection to #ri&ary #athsin the network( Cisco uses the ter& IP>( Junos su##orts oo# reeAlternates on "SP, ISIS, an$ !P(

"SP ?etrics an$ Path Selection

"SP uses si&#le #ath cost to $eter&ine the &etric %or a gi-en #re'*$estination( The #ath cost is calculate$ %ro& the re%erence an$wi$th$i-i$e$ y the inter%ace an$wi$th( The $e%ault re%erence an$wi$th is10: which euates to 100?itssec(

 TIP In to$ayFs networks, that -alue is e*tre&ely low as e-ery inter%aceao-e 100?#s will ha-e a cost o% one <1=( The re%erence an$wi$th%or "SP shoul$ e a$uste$ %or e-ery router in a &o$ern network to a-alue &ore than 100;itssec(

An$ "SP #ath selection is #retty si&#le, since each inter%ace has acost that is $eri-e$ through a si&#le calculation( The lowest cost #athis selecte$ as the est #ath %or a gi-en $estination, howe-er, there areso&e conce#ts that &ust e taken into consi$eration when$eter&ining the est #ath, such as "SP Areas that a@ect the #athselection #rocess(

"SP selects the #ath in the %ollowing or$er3

1(IntraArea outes3 outes that were learne$ insi$e the area(/(InterArea outes3 outes that were learne$ %ro& outsi$e the area(

7(E*ternal outes3 outes that were learne$ %ro& outsi$e the "SPautono&ous syste&(

"SP Areas -s( EI;P Stus

 There is no conce#t o% areas in EI;P( EI;P $oes ha-e a &echanis&to create stu networks that hel# re$uce the resources reuire$ onre&ote routers( This &ight rese&le an "SP stu area, ut the twoare not eual, y any &eans(

 This ookFs network consists o% a single EI;P AS without stus an$ a

single area "SP AS(

?igration Strategies

Now that the asic conce#ts o% EI;P an$ "SP ha-e een co-ere$,letFs $iscuss &igration strategies( There are se-eral co&&ona##roaches %or &igrating a network %ro& one I;P to another, an$ thisook %ocuses on three &o$els( While these &o$els share co&&ontechniues, they re#resent $istinct ways to &igrate the network( The

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three &igration &o$els are3

n "-erlay ?o$el

n e$istriution ?o$el

n Integrate$ ?o$el

?"EG or the #ros an$ cons to each a##roach, seewww(uni#er(netsolutionsliteraturewhiteU#a#ers740047(#$%(

"-erlay ?o$el

 The o-erlay &o$el works e*actly as its title suggests( EI;P an$ "SPrun si&ultaneously on all routers in the network, an$ "SP isessentially o-erlai$ on to# o% EI;P, as shown in igure 1(1( Whatkee#s the #rotocols se#arate is the a$&inistrati-e $istance -alues o%each #rotocol(  /dministratie distan!e is a Cisco ter& %or $escriingroute #re%erence( <Juni#er uses the ter& pre,eren!e to $escrie thesa&e %unction=(

igure 1(1  The "-erlay ?o$el

 TIP A$&inistrati-e $istance an$ #re%erence are locally signi'cant to therouter( These -alues only a@ect which routes the local router #re%ersan$ &akes acti-e in the routing tale, a@ecting which routes the routera$-ertises to its neighors(

A$&inistrati-e $istance is a weighting #rocess that $escries the#re%erence %or how a route is learne$( I% a route is learne$ %ro& a#rotocol like "SP, an$ is also statically con'gure$ on the router, thenthe static route is #re%erre$ %or that $estination ecause thea$&inistrati-e $istance %or a static route is 4 an$ "SP is 110( ower

route #re%erence winsR Tale 1(6 is a uick co&#arison o% thea$&inistrati-e $istance <Cisco= an$ #re%erence <Juni#er= %or the#rotocols this ook co-ers(

Table 1.7  oute Pre%erence Values

 The o-erlay &o$el is the si&#lest &etho$ to &igrate a network %ro&one I;P to another( ?igration o% the network takes #lace in a single

stage( The new I;P is con'gure$ to &irror the e*isting I;P( "nce otho% the I;Ps are o#erating i$entically, the ol$er I;P is re&o-e$ an$ onlythe new I;P re&ains(

N"TE ItFs i&#ortant to check the CP2 an$ &e&ory utiliLation o% the routerson the network e%ore eginning an o-erlay &igration( E@ecti-elye-ery router will ha-e two co#ies o% each route #resent in the networkD one route %ro& each I;P( S&all routers, like ranch or S"" routers,&ay not ha-e enough a-ailale control #lane resources to %acilitate theo-erlay &o$el(

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e$istriution ?o$el

 The re$istriution &o$el is a little &ore co&#le* than the o-erlay&o$el using the &o$ern networks natural re$istriution #oints, whichare the result o% hierarchical network $esign in which the core layerinterconnects the $istriution layers, an$ the $istriution layerinterconnects the access layers( It is at these #oints that the two I;Ps

can e re$istriute$ into one another as shown in igure 1(/(

igure 1(/  The e$istriution ?o$el

 This a##roach reuires a strong un$erstan$ing o% re$istriution an$ thee@ects o% &utual re$istriution etween #rotocols in a networkecause the &o$el allows the network to e &igrate$ in seg&ents(Each #ortion o% the access layer can e con-erte$, a #ortion at a ti&e,with the $istriution layer acting as the re$istriution #oint( "nce the

access layer con-ersion is co&#lete, then the &igration an$re$istriution #oint is &o-e$ towar$ the core o% the network(

 TIP  The use o% route tags can e e*tre&ely hel#%ul in &ost re$istriutionscenarios( A tag can e assign to "SP routes <like O11= an$ a$i@erent tag is assigne$ to EI;P <like O/1=( outing #olicy is thencreate$ to #re-ent routes with the sa&e tag %ro& eing re$istriute$ack into the sourcing I;P(

Integrate$ ?o$el

 The integrate$ &o$el is a hyri$ &igration &o$el consisting o% one#art new network uil$ out an$ one #art #rotocol &igration( A newnetwork is #urchase$ an$ installe$ in #arallel to the legacy network(

 The core layer o% the new network an$ the legacy network<s= areinterconnecte$( The links etween the core routers eco&e the$e&arcation etween oth networks an$ their associate$ I;Ps( ?utualre$istriution o% routes is #er%or&e$ at the core etween the legacycore routers an$ the new core routers, as shown in igure 1(7(

igure 1(7 Integrate$ ?o$el

In$i-i$ual sections o% the legacy network are &igrate$ to the new core(At the ti&e o% &igration, the I;P is con-erte$ on the relocate$ sectionto integrate with the new core( Care &ust e taken so that the#re-ious I;P routing con'guration is re&o-e$ %ro& the &igrate$

eui#&ent an$ %ro& the re&aining routers in the legacy network orelse routing #role&s, such as lackholes an$ routing loo#s, will occur(

!ocu&ent the Network

Be%ore un$ertaking a large network change, such as &igrating the I;P%ro& EI;P to "SP, it is i&#erati-e to ha-e an e*#ert un$erstan$ingo% the network to#ology, IP a$$ressing, an$ routing #olicy o% thenetwork( ailure to $o so will result in outages, routing lack holes,

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an$or an inco&#lete &igration( Now is a goo$ ti&e to u#$atenetwork $rawings an$ IP a$$ress assign&ent recor$s, an$ to clean u#the routerFs con'gurations(

An$ thatFs what weFre going to $o on our ookFs teste$ network(

 This ookFs si&#le to#ology is use$ as the asis %or the &igration

tasks( The !ay "ne network consists o% %our Cisco routers an$ a Ciscoayer / switch as shown in igure 1(5( All o% the routers are runningEI;P as the I;P(

igure 1(5  Base Network To#ology

 I?P"TANT N"TE It is critical that you create working 'les to assist you in the &igrationo% the network, to ha-e as %all>ack 'les i% things go wrong, an$ toser-e as a general #a#er trail( In this !ay "ne ook, tales willre#resent what are nor&ally your working s#rea$sheets, 'gures willre#resent your Visio $rawings, an$ the router CI out#ut will e sourceo% all the rele-ant in%or&ation(

Inter%aces an$ A$acencies

etFs start our $isco-ery #rocess with the asic uil$ing locks o% thenetwork an$ -eri%y the inter%ace na&es an$ IP a$$ressing sche&es toun$erstan$ router connecti-ity( ooking at the con'gure$ inter%aceson each router re-eals which inter%aces are acti-e an$ what theassigne$ IP a$$resses are( WeFll use the I"S show i# inter%ace rie%  co&&an$(

outer 1 <1=

r1Xshow ip interface brief | exclude downInter%ace IP>A$$ress "YG ?etho$ Status ProtocolastEthernet00 18/(19:(17(1 ZES &anual u# u#

astEthernet01 18/(19:(1/(1 ZES &anual u# u#Virtual>Access1 unassigne$ ZES unset u# u#oo#ack0 18/(19:(1(1 ZES &anual u# u#r1X

outer / </=

r/Xshow ip interface brief | exclude down Inter%ace IP>A$$ress "YG ?etho$ Status ProtocolastEthernet00 18/(19:(/5(1 ZES NVA? u# u#astEthernet01 18/(19:(1/(/ ZES NVA? u# u#oo#ack0 18/(19:(/(/ ZES NVA? u# u#r/X

outer 7 <7=

r7Xshow ip interface brief | exclude downInter%ace IP>A$$ress "YG ?etho$ Status ProtocolastEthernet00 18/(19:(17(/ ZES &anual u# u#astEthernet01 18/(19:(/00(1:0 ZES &anual u# u#astEthernet01(70 18/(19:(70(/ ZES &anual u# u#astEthernet01(50 18/(19:(50(/ ZES &anual u# u#astEthernet01(40 18/(19:(40(/ ZES &anual u# u#oo#ack0 18/(19:(7(7 ZES &anual u# u#r7X

outer 5 <5=

r5Xshow ip interface brief | exclude down Inter%ace IP>A$$ress "YG ?etho$ Status Protocol

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astEthernet00 18/(19:(/5(/ ZES &anual u# u#astEthernet01 18/(19:(/00(1:/ ZES NVA? u# u#astEthernet01(70 18/(19:(70(7 ZES NVA? u# u#astEthernet01(50 18/(19:(50(7 ZES NVA? u# u#astEthernet01(40 18/(19:(40(7 ZES NVA? u# u#oo#ack0 18/(19:(5(5 ZES &anual u# u#r5X

Co&#iling this in%or&ation into a tale or s#rea$sheet #resents a -iewo% $e-ice interconnection an$ a$$ressing as shown in Tale 1(:(

I?P"TANT  Tales <your s#rea$sheets= are instru&ental to the 'nal -eri'cation#rocess to ensure that all inter%aces are still con'gure$ with the correct#rotocols an$ #olicies(

Table 1.8  Baseline Inter%ace Tale

Ne*t, EI;P a$acencies &ust e -eri'e$ an$ $ocu&ente$( This ste#is hel#%ul to #ro-i$e un$erstan$ing o% how the #rotocol is con'gure$

an$ %unctioning in the network( It is #ossile to $etect con'gurationano&alies y looking at the out#ut D &issing or e*tra a$acenciesshoul$ e $etecte$ $uring this #hase( 2se the I"S show i# eirgr# inter%aces co&&an$(

outer 1 <1=

r1Xshow ip eigrp interfacesIP>EI;P inter%aces %or #rocess 1

  )&it [ueue ?ean Pacing Ti&e ?ulticast Pen$ingInter%ace Peers 2neliale STT 2neliale low Ti&er outesa00 1 00 44 010 /69 0a01 1 00 1 010 40 0o0 0 00 0 010 0 0r1show ip eigrp neighborsIP>EI;P neighors %or #rocess 1 A$$ress Inter%ace ol$ 2#ti&e STT T" [ Se Ty#e  <sec= <&s= Cnt Nu&1 18/(19:(1/(/ a01 1/ 013773/7 1 /00 0 60 18/(19:(17(/ a00 17 0/35931/ 44 770 0 14r1X

outer / </=

r/Xshow ip eigrp interfacesIP>EI;P inter%aces %or #rocess 1

  )&it [ueue ?ean Pacing Ti&e ?ulticast Pen$ingInter%ace Peers 2neliale STT 2neliale low Ti&er outesa00 1 00 0 010 40 0a01 1 00 1 010 40 0o0 0 00 0 010 0 0r2show ip eigrp neighborsIP>EI;P neighors %or #rocess 1 A$$ress Inter%ace ol$ 2#ti&e STT T" [ Se  <sec= <&s= Cnt Nu&1 18/(19:(/5(/ a00 17 0137/354 1 4000 0 90 18/(19:(1/(1 a01 10 0137/340 1 /00 0 /0r/X

outer 7 <7=

r7Xshow ip eigrp interfacesIP>EI;P inter%aces %or #rocess 1

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  )&it [ueue ?ean Pacing Ti&e ?ulticast Pen$ingInter%ace Peers 2neliale STT 2neliale low Ti&er outesa00 1 00 1 010 40 0r7Xshow ip eigrp neighborsIP>EI;P neighors %or #rocess 1 A$$ress Inter%ace ol$ 2#ti&e STT T" [ Se  <sec= <&s= Cnt Nu&

0 18/(19:(17(1 a00 1/ 0/359358 1 /00 0 18r7X

outer 5 <5=

r5Xshow ip eigrp interfacesIP>EI;P inter%aces %or #rocess 1

  )&it [ueue ?ean Pacing Ti&e ?ulticast Pen$ingInter%ace Peers 2neliale STT 2neliale low Ti&er outesa00 1 00 5 010 40 0r4show ip eigrp neighbors IP>EI;P neighors %or #rocess 1 A$$ress Inter%ace ol$ 2#ti&e STT T" [ Se  <sec= <&s= Cnt Nu&0 18/(19:(/5(1 a00 11 0137/314 5 /00 0 9r5X

 The EI;P inter%ace an$ a$acency in%or&ation collecte$ in this ste#shoul$ e &atche$ against the to#ology $rawing an$ the inter%acetale to ensure all inter%aces are #resent in the I;PFs con'guration an$all e*#ecte$ neighor relationshi#s are %or&e$ an$ acti-e( I% any$is#arities are oser-e$, now is a goo$ ti&e to look %or con'guration orconnecti-ity #role&s(

outing Tale Sna#shot

Ne*t on our $isco-ery #rocess is taking a sna#shot o% the routing tale%ro& each router to ensure that all network in%or&ation is #resent an$carrie$ y "SP( The I"S co&&an$ show i# route su&&ary #ro-i$es auick sna#shot o% the routes in the network an$ their origin I;P %ro&

the each routerFs #ers#ecti-e(

outer 1 <1=

r1Xshow ip route su!!ar"IP routing tale na&e is !e%ault>IP>outing>Tale<0=oute Source Networks Sunets "-erhea$ ?e&ory <ytes=connecte$ / 1 18/ 549static 0 0 0 0eigr# 1 4 5 469 179:internal 4 4:90

 Total 1/ 4 69: 69:5r1Xshow ip route Co$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/, ia > IS>IS inter area  \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route, o > "!  P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

C 18/(19:(1/(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01C 18/(19:(17(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00! E) 18/(19:(70(0/5 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 003/4304, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(/5(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 003/9316, astEthernet01! E) 18/(19:(50(0/5 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 003/4304, astEthernet00

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  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 16/(19(/00(0 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00307300, astEthernet00! E) 18/(19:(/00(0/5 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 003/4304, astEthernet00  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 18/(19:(5(5 ]16014:6/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 003/43/7, astEthernet01! E) 18/(19:(40(0/5 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 003/4304, astEthernet00  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunetsC 18/(19:(1(1 is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0

  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(/(/ ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 003/93/0, astEthernet01  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 18/(19:(7(7 ]160149190^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 003/4306, astEthernet00r1X

outer / </=

r/Xshow ip route su!!ar"IP routing tale na&e is !e%ault>IP>outing>Tale<0=IP routing tale &a*i&u&>#aths is 19oute Source Networks Sunets "-erhea$ ?e&ory <ytes=connecte$ / 1 /19 50:static 0 0 0 0eigr# 1 4 5 95: 1//5internal 4 46:0

 Total 1/ 4 :95 651/r/Xshow ip route Co$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, su > IS>IS su&&ary, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/  ia > IS>IS inter area, \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route  o > "!, P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

C 18/(19:(1/(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01! 18/(19:(17(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(1, 003/43/9, astEthernet01! E) 18/(19:(70(0/5 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(/, 003/5315, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(/5(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00

! E) 18/(19:(50(0/5 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(/, 003/5315, astEthernet00  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 16/(19(/00(0 ]16077/:0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(1, 0030/308, astEthernet01! E) 18/(19:(/00(0/5 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(/, 003/5314, astEthernet00  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 18/(19:(5(5 ]160149190^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(/, 003/537/, astEthernet00! E) 18/(19:(40(0/5 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(/, 003/5314, astEthernet00  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(1(1 ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(1, 003/43/6, astEthernet01  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunetsC 18/(19:(/(/ is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 18/(19:(7(7 ]16014:6/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(1, 003/5314, astEthernet01r/X

outer 7 <7=

r7Xshow ip route su!!ar"IP routing tale na&e is !e%ault>IP>outing>Tale<0=oute Source Networks Sunets "-erhea$ ?e&ory <ytes=connecte$ 4 1 7:5 81/static 0 1 95 14/eigr# 1 / 7 7/0 690internal 4 4:90

 Total 1/ 4 69: 69:5r7Xshow i# routeCo$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

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  N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, su > IS>IS su&&ary, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/  ia > IS>IS inter area, \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route  o > "!, P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

! 18/(19:(1/(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(1, 003//344, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(17(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(70(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01(70! 18/(19:(/5(0/5 ]8077/:0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(1, 003//344, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(50(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01(50  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunetsS 16/(19(/00(0 ]10^ -ia 18/(19:(/00(1C 18/(19:(/00(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 18/(19:(5(5 ]160191/:0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(1, 003//344, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(40(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01(40  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(1(1 ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(17(1, 003//344, astEthernet00  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(/(/ ]8014:6/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(1, 003//346, astEthernet00  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets

C 18/(19:(7(7 is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0r7X

outer 5 <5=

r5Xshow ip route su!!ar"IP routing tale na&e is !e%ault>IP>outing>Tale<0=oute Source Networks Sunets "-erhea$ ?e&ory <ytes=connecte$ 4 1 7:5 81/static 0 0 0 0eigr# 1 / 5 7:5 81/internal 4 4:90

 Total 1/ 4 69: 69:5r5Xshow i# routeCo$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, su > IS>IS su&&ary, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/  ia > IS>IS inter area, \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route  o > "!, P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

! 18/(19:(1/(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003/931:, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(17(0/5 ]8077/:0^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003/931:, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(70(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01(70C 18/(19:(/5(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(50(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01(50  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 16/(19(/00(0 ]16074:50^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 00307344, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(/00(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunetsC 18/(19:(5(5 is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0C 18/(19:(40(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01(40  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(1(1 ]8014:6/0^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003/931:, astEthernet00  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(/(/ ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003/9318, astEthernet00  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 18/(19:(7(7 ]160191/:0^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003/9301, astEthernet00r5X

 There a##ear to e se-eral EI;P routes that are learne$ e*ternal tothe EI;P AS that are showing u# in the route tale( These routes

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show in the tale #rece$e$ y the $esignator co$e O! E)( This coul$cause #role&s $uring the &igration( When using the "-erlay ?o$el%or &igration, the &igration #rocess uses the $i@erences o%A$&inistrati-e !istance <A!= -alues to ensure EI;P is the only#re%erre$ routing #rotocol until the #rotocol cuto-er( EI;P e*ternalroutes ha-e an A! that is less #re%erre$ than "SP learne$ #re'*es(

 This &ust e re&e$ie$ e%ore "SP is o-erlai$ on the network(All EI;P routes &ust use an A! o% 80 to #re-ent the "SP routes %ro&eing #re%erre$( ere, e*ternal EI;P routes ha-e an A! o% 160 D wellao-e "SPFs A! o% 110 D so itFs necessary to e-aluate these e*ternalroutes e%ore eginning the &igration(

 TIP ?ost o% the routing tale out#ut can e co#ie$ $irectly %ro& the TENET win$ow an$ then #aste$ into a s#rea$sheet a##lication or ate*t 'le( This sa-es ti&e an$ e@ort when collecting an$ sorting largeroute tales(

ro& the routing tale out#ut, a tale o% routes can e co&#ile$ %oruse $uring the -eri'cation #hase a%ter the co&#lete$ "SP &igrationas shown in Tale 1(8(

 Tale 1(8  Network outing In%or&ation

Co&#lete$ To#ology

 The 'nal ste# in the $isco-ery #rocess is to create or u#$ate a -isualre#resentation o% the network in%or&ation that has een collecte$ u#to this #oint( igure 1(4 is a co&#ilation o% the in%or&ation collecte$ to$ocu&ent this ookFs network(

igure 1(4  This BookFs Network To#ology

N"TE While it &ay see& a it e*cessi-e to collect so &uch in%or&ation %ro&such a s&all network, itFs necessary( The i$ea here is to $iscuss thetasks reuire$ to &igrate a network %ro& EI;P to "SP an$ to stayaway %ro& the o-erloa$ o% 1000Fs o% routes an$ $oLens o% routers inthe #rocess( "ur s&all>scale la shoul$ $e&onstrate the &igrationste#s that are critical %or &ore large>scale en$ea-orsQ youFll ust ha-eto e*tra#olate the nu&ers(


 The syste&atic $isco-ery o% the network will #resent you with thein%or&ation necessary to ha-e a success%ul &igration o% your network(Each #iece o% in%or&ation #ro-i$es a sna#shot o% the inter%ace state,I;P con'guration, an$ routing in%or&ation( Veri%ying inter%aces,u#$ating $rawings, an$ checking route tales #ro-i$e the necessaryinsight an$ co&#rehension %or the actual state o% the network( Stalein%or&ation an$ #oorly i&#le&ente$ #olicy will only create #role&swith the #rotocol &igration going %orwar$( The in%or&ation collecte$ inthe $isco-ery #hase is critical in the -eri'cation #rocess an$ $e'nesthe success criteria %or the &igration %ro& EI;P to "SP(

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 There can ne-er e too &uch collecte$ in%or&ation( This is a case o%too &uch eing a goo$ thingR

36 !ay "ne3 ?igrating EI;P to "SP

Cha#ter /3 Network ?igration 37

Cha#ter /


$orma0i2ing EIGRP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3

Con+g"ring OSPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

Remoing EIGRP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fina0 5eri+!ation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

S"mmary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

 This is the cha#ter o% the ook where the ruer &eets the roa$( ZouF-e sat through the conce#ts o% "SP, en$ure$ the rie%co&#arisons o% EI;P to "SP, an$ e-en watche$ as the teste$network was -eri'e$ an$ $ocu&ente$ in its e*isting state to #re#are%or the &igration(

Now all thatFs le%t is eginning the &igration #rocess( ItFs $ay one an$weF-e got a o to $o(

Nor&aliLing EI;P

In the $isco-ery #hase o% our &igration #rocess, se-eral routes wereoser-e$ as eing learne$ e*ternally to the EI;P autono&oussyste&( The e*isting con'guration o% each routerFs EI;P #rocessnee$s to e e-aluate$( ZouF-e #roaly e*#erience$ that o-er ti&e,router con'gurations egin to $e-iate %ro& one anotherQ uick '*es are#ut in #lace $uring trouleshooting sessions, an$ routing #olicy e-ol-esto incor#orate new or u#$ate$ est #ractices( Well, an e-aluation is

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reuire$ to check %or con%or&ity etween current network est#ractices, stan$ar$ con'guration styles, an$ routing #olicy e%ore westart the &igration(

When looking at the out#ut o% I"S o#erational co&&an$s, only thee@ects o% the con'guration an$ routing #olicy can e seen( So therouterFs actual con'guration &ust e re-iewe$ to $eter&ine what the

routing #olicy looks like an$ how the #rotocols are con'gure$ too#erate( In this section, each routerFs I;P con'guration will ee-aluate$ an$ nor&aliLe$ in #re#aration %or the &igration(

N"TE An autono&ous syste& <AS= is si&#ly a collection o% network $e-icesun$er a single real& o% control that re#resents a co&&on an$ clearly$e'ne$ routing #olicy( B;P is a well>known e*ternal re#resentation o%the autono&ous syste& that uses an actual AS nu&er( The I;Pre#resents the internal #ortion o% the AS( Zour autono&ous syste& isyour network(

outer 1 <r1= EI;P E-aluation

r1Xshow run | begin router eigrprouter eigr# 1 network 18/(19:(0(0 0(0(/44(/44 no auto>su&&aryR

1Fs EI;P con'guration is si&#le an$ straight%orwar$( The networkstate&ent enales all inter%aces in the 18/(19:(0(019 range to einclu$e$ in EI;P( 2sing the inter%ace an$ IP a$$ress tale %ro& the$isco-ery #rocess, all inter%aces on outer 1 %all within the18/(19:(0(019 range( The only thing that shoul$ e change$ is tocon'gure the loo#ack inter%ace in the EI;P #rocess as a #assi-einter%ace( Currently, the router is sen$ing EI;P hello #ackets onloo#ack 0( Con'guring oo#ack 0 as a #assi-e inter%ace will #re>-ent EI;P %ro& sen$ing EI;P helloFs out o% the loo#ack inter%ace(

BEST PACTICE ItFs a$-isale to con'gure stu inter%aces, %or e*a&#le loo#ackinter%aces, as #assi-e un$er the I;P( Sen$ing hello #ackets on theloo#ack inter%ace is a waste o% router resources(

r1Xshow run | begin router eigrprouter eigr# 1 #assi-e>inter%ace oo#ack0 network 18/(19:(0(0 0(0(/44(/44 no auto>su&&aryR

 The reco&&en$e$ changes %or outer 1 ha-e een co&#lete$( Theloo#ack0 inter%ace is now con'gure$ as #assi-e un$er EI;P(

outer / <r/= EI;P E-aluationr/Xshow run | begin router eigrp router eigr# 1 network 18/(19:(0(0 0(0(/44(/44 no auto>su&&aryR

/Fs con'guration is also si&#le an$ straight%orwar$( Just like outer1Fs con'guration, EI;P helloFs are eing sent out o% the loo#ack0inter%ace( The EI;P con'guration shoul$ e u#$ate$ to &ake the

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loo#ack inter%ace #assi-e(

r/Xshow run | begin router eigrp router eigr# 1 #assi-e>inter%ace oo#ack0 network 18/(19:(0(0 0(0(/44(/44 no auto>su&&aryR

outer /Fs con'guration has een u#$ate$( The loo#ack0 inter%ace isnow con'gure$ as #assi-e un$er EI;P(

outer 7 <r7= EI;P E-aluation

r7Xshow run | begin router eigrp router eigr# 1 re$istriute connecte$ re$istriute static network 18/(19:(17(/ 0(0(0(0 no auto>su&&aryR

N"TE e$istriute connecte$ #laces local inter%aces into the I;P as an e*ternal

route( With I"S, EI;P uses two $i@erent a$&inistrati-e $istances %oroth internal an$ e*ternal routes( "SP un$er I"S $oes not ha-e thisa$&inistrati-e $istance $istinction %or e*ternal an$ internal routes like%or EI;P( This $i@erence will cause route selection #role&s an$ &uste taken into consi$eration $uring the &igration(

A %ew con'guration state&ents nee$ to e e-aluate$ on outer 73

n re$istriute connecte$

n re$istriute static

n an$ the network state&ent

e$istriute connecte$ shoul$ ne-er <al&ost ne-er, the author a$&its= e

use$( e$istriute connecte$ will cause the inter%ace routes to e a$$e$ tothe routing tale as e*ternal EI;P routes instea$ o% internally learne$EI;P routes, thus a@ecting the a$&inistrati-e $istance associate$with that route( All local router inter%aces shoul$ e a$$e$ to the I;P%or reachaility, using the network state&ent( To #re-ent a$acency%or&ation an$or su##ress helloFs on stu inter%aces, i% so $esire$, the#assi-e>inter%ace co&&an$ shoul$ e con'gure$ %or that inter%ace un$erthe I;PFs con'guration( The ene't o% the #assi-e>inter%ace co&&an$ isthat e-en though a$acencies will not e %or&e$ on the inter%ace, theinter%aceFs network a$$ress is a$$e$ to the route tale as a nati-einternal EI;P route( e$istriute connecte$ nee$s to e re&o-e$%ro& outer 7Fs con'guration(

 The re$istriute static state&ent shoul$ inclu$e #olicy controls( While the

aility to re$istriute static routes into EI;P is a uick an$ $irty#rocess, reuiring ust two keywor$s, the #otential risk o% unin> ten$e$routing #role&s can e #role&atic without the a##lication o% routing#olicy( A si&#le access>list can e use$ as an e@ecti-e constraint to li&itnetwork outages $ue to a &iscon'gure$ static route(

A si&#le #olicy to curtail the risks associate$ with the re$istriuteco&&an$ is &a$e here with an access>list &atching the static routecon'gure$ an$ a##lie$ with the re$istriute static co&&an$3

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r7Xshow run | begin ip route i# route 16/(19(/00(0 /44(/44(/44(0 18/(19:(/00(1Rr7Xshow run | begin access#listaccess>list 44 #er&it 16/(19(/00(0 0(0(0(/44Rroute>&a# statics #er&it 10 &atch i# a$$ress 44

Rroute>&a# statics $eny /0R

 The new a$&inistrati-e #olicy o% a$$ing oth a static route an$ a newentry to access>list 44 shoul$ encourage network engineers to think aoutstatic route con'gurations an$ &ini&iLe the #otential threat o% thenetwork outages $ue to i&#ro#er static route con'guration(

BEST PACTICES  The i&#ortance o% $ocu&enting #olicies an$ #roce$ures cannot estresse$ enough( When a #role& or inconsistency is $isco-ere$ onthe network, the creation o% a written gui$e an$or #olicy is a -alualetraining tool an$ gui$eline %or setting stan$ar$s a##licale %or yourco&#any(

 The last EI;P change that shoul$ e &a$e to outer 7 is u#$ating thenetwork state&ent to e &ore inclusi-e o% connecte$ inter%aces(

 The u#$ate$ con'guration %or outer 7 now inclu$es the $iscusse$changes, yet r7Fs EI;P con'guration retains the sa&e essential%unctionality with a$$e$ re$istriution controls while re&o-ing thee*ternal EI;P routes %ro& the routing tale( ocally connecte$inter%aces now a##ear as internal EI;P routes3

r7Xshow run | begin router eigrp router eigr# 1 re$istriute static route>&a# statics #assi-e>inter%ace astEthernet01 #assi-e>inter%ace astEthernet01(70 #assi-e>inter%ace astEthernet01(50

 #assi-e>inter%ace astEthernet01(40 #assi-e>inter%ace oo#ack0 network 18/(19:(0(0 0(0(/44(/44 no auto>su&&aryR

outer 5 <r5= EI;P E-aluation

r5Xshow run | begin router eigrp router eigr# 1 re$istriute connecte$ network 18/(19:(/5(0 no auto>su&&aryR

outer 5 $oes not ha-e any static routes, ut it is using re$istriuteconnecte$ to a$-ertise the local users inter%aces, ust like r7 was#re-iously con'gure$( The sa&e &etho$ology %or con'guring r7 wille a##lie$ to r5Fs con'guration( outer 5Fs EI;P con'guration will eu#$ate$ to re&o-e unwante$ e*ternal EI;P routes an$ #assi-ely a$$the user an$ stu networks to the I;P3

r5Xshow run | begin router eigrp router eigr# 1 #assi-e>inter%ace astEthernet01 #assi-e>inter%ace astEthernet01(70

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 #assi-e>inter%ace astEthernet01(50 #assi-e>inter%ace astEthernet01(40 #assi-e>inter%ace oo#ack0 network 18/(19:(0(0 0(0(/44(/44 no auto>su&&aryR

Su&&ary The EI;P con'gurations on the %our routers are nor&aliLe$(A$$itional routing #olicies ha-e een #ut in #lace %or static routing to&itigate #otential risks %ro& &iscon'guration( The routing tale has asingle route that is e*ternal to the EI;P autono&ous syste& D16/(19(/00(0/5( A uick check o% r1Fs routing tale -eri'es thee@ects o% the EI;P u#$ates an$ con'guration changes3

r1Xshow ip route Co$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/, ia > IS>IS inter area

  \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route, o > "!  P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

C 18/(19:(1/(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01C 18/(19:(17(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(70(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 0030/307, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(/5(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 0/31/307, astEthernet01! 18/(19:(50(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 0030/307, astEthernet00  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 16/(19(/00(0 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00318379, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(/00(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 0030/307, astEthernet00  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(5(5 ]8014:6/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 0030/305, astEthernet01! 18/(19:(40(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 0030/305, astEthernet00  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets

C 18/(19:(1(1 is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(/(/ ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 0/31/309, astEthernet01  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(7(7 ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00310355, astEthernet00r1X

Con'guring "SP

"kay, e-erything acco&#lishe$ u# to this #oint has een in #re#aration%or the con'guration o% "SP on to# o% the e*isting network to#ologyusing the o-erlay &o$el <see igure 1(1=( The network has eenthoroughly $ocu&ente$( outing #olicy has een u#$ate$( Baseline

in%or&ation has een collecte$ an$ $ocu&ente$(

CA2TI"N Backing u# the routerFs con'guration is highly reco&&en$e$ e%orecon'guring "SP(

A$&inistrati-e !istance

Be%ore "SP is enale$ on the network, a uick re-isit o% a$&inistrati-e$istance <A!= is calle$ %or( EI;P uses the A! -alue o% 80 %or routesinternal to the EI;P AS an$ an A! -alue o% 160 %or routes e*ternal to

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 22/49

the AS( "SP uses a -alue o% 110 %or all #re'*es un$er Cisco I"S(

 The $i@erence o% the A! etween the internal an$ e*ternal EI;Proutes coul$ cause reachaility #role&s with the current static routingcon'gure$ on the network( Turning on the "SP #rocess an$re$istriuting the static routing into "SP will cause the static routes toe #re%erre$ y "SP routers( "nce the static route is #re%erre$, it

eco&es the acti-e route an$ it ceases to e a$-ertise$ y u#strea&routers with oth EI;P an$ "SP #rocesses enale$(

"nce the "SP #rocess is enale$ on the routers, ut e%ore theinter%aces are con'gure$ %or a$acencies, the a$&inistrati-e $istance%or "SP e*ternal routes &ust e a$uste$( The e*ternala$&inistrati-e $istance %or e*ternal "SP routes &ust e higher thanthe -alue %or e*ternal EI;P routes at 160( The co&&an$ $istance os#%

e*ternal 164 un$er the routerFs "SP #rocess shoul$ correct this #otential#role&3

r1<con'g=Xrouter ospf 1r1<con'g>router=Xdistance ospf $e*ternal E*ternal ty#e 4 an$ ty#e 6 routes

  inter>area Inter>area routes

  intra>area Intra>area routes

WANIN; Eery  router in the network &ust use the $istance os#% e*ternal co&&an$7e,ore a$$ing any inter%aces to the #rotocol(

orgetting the $istance co&&an$ will create the %ollowing #role& inthe routing tale <see the ol$ te*t in the show i# route out#ut=3

r1Xshow ip route Co$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/, ia > IS>IS inter area  \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route, o > "!  P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

C 18/(19:(1/(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01C 18/(19:(17(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(70(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00308351, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(/5(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 00308351, astEthernet01! 18/(19:(50(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00308351, astEthernet00  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunets% &2 172.16.2''.' (11')2'* +ia 1, ''''11- /ast&thernet')'! 18/(19:(/00(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00308351, astEthernet00  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(5(5 ]8014:6/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 0030835/, astEthernet01! 18/(19:(40(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 0030835/, astEthernet00  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunetsC 18/(19:(1(1 is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0

  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(/(/ ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 00308355, astEthernet01  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(7(7 ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00308355, astEthernet00r1X

 The 16/(19(/00(0/5 route is learne$ -ia "SP only an$ only "SPenale$ routers can reach this $estination( EI;P only routers will notha-e a route %or that $estination, thus creating a lack hole %or this#re'* in the network(

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Enaling the "SP Process

Enaling the "SP #rocess on the routers ha##ens in three #hases3

1( The 'rst #hase consists o% turning on the #rocess an$ setting thee*ternal A! -alue(

/( Ne*t, the inter%aces are a$$e$ to the "SP #rocess on each routerstarting %ro& the core an$ &o-ing towar$ the e$ge o% thenetwork(

7( inally, the #olicy reuire$ to a$$ e*ternal routes to "SP iscon'gure$(

CA2TI"N Cisco I"S acti-ates con'guration co&&an$s u#on a carriage return(So the or$er o% o#erations is i&#ortant when con'guring Cisco I"S$e-ices(

When enaling the "SP #rocess, it is reco&&en$e$ to $o so startingat the core o% the network an$ &o-ing towar$ the e$ge, since the coreo% the network is res#onsile %or interconnecting all other $e-ices inthe network( As &ore routers are rought online with the "SP#rocess, the routing in%or&ation is ale to #ro#agate throughout thenetwork to other "SP s#eakers(

Phase "ne

Enale the "SP #rocess %ro& core to e$ge an$ set the e*ternal "SPa$&inistrati-e $istance( E*#licit con'guration o% the router>i$ isreco&&en$e$ to a-oi$ a&iguity in the con'guration an$ to assist introuleshooting "SP( The router I! shoul$ &atch the #ri&aryloo#ack IP a$$ress o% the router <see Tale 1(8, $et%or& Ro"tingIn,ormation=(

Con'guration egins with the core routers, r1 an$ r/( As $iscusse$#re-iously, the a$&inistrati-e $istance %or e*ternal "SP #re'*es will

e change$ to a -alue o% 164( The e*ternal "SP A! -alue &ust egreater than the A! -alue %or EI;P e*ternal #re'*es at 160(

outer 1 <r1=

r1Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r1<con'g=Xrouter os#% 1r1<con'g>router=X$istance os#% e*ternal 164r1<con'g>router=Xrouter>i$ 18/(19:(1(1r1<con'g>router=X_r1X

outer / <r/=

r/Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(

r/<con'g=Xrouter os#% 1r/<con'g>router=X$istance os#% e*ternal 164r/<con'g>router=Xrouter>i$ 18/(19:(/(/r/<con'g>router=X_r/X

 The access routers, r7 an$ r5, are con'gure$ with the sa&e aseco&&an$s to enale the "SP #rocess an$ change the A! %or e*ternal#re'*es(

outer 7 <r7=

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r7Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r7<con'g=Xrouter os#% 1r7<con'g>router=X$istance os#% e*ternal 164r7<con'g>router=Xrouter>i$ 18/(19:(7(7r7<con'g>router=X_r7X

outer 5 <r5=r5Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r5<con'g=Xrouter os#% 1r5<con'g>router=X$istance os#% e*ternal 164r5<con'g>router=Xrouter>i$ 18/(19:(5(5r5<con'g>router=X_r5X

Phase Two

A$$ the routerFs inter%aces to "SP to re#licate the con'guration o% theEI;P #rocess( An inclusi-e network state&ent un$er the "SP#rocess allows %or &ulti#le inter%aces to e enale$ %or "SPco&&unication( Again, this ste# shoul$ e acco&#lishe$ &o-ing %ro&

the core to e$ge(

N"TE  This ook uses a single "SP area( To allow %uture e*tensiility, anysingle area "SP network shoul$ always use the area nu&er o%0(0(0(0 <area 0=(

outer 1 <r1=

1Fs inter%aces are a$$e$ to "SP( The loo#ack 0 inter%ace is set to#assi-e, which allows it to e a$-ertise$ as a nati-e "SP inter%acewithout sen$ing hello #ackets3

r1Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r1<con'g=Xrouter os#% 1r1<con'g>router=Xnetwork 18/(19:(0(0 0(0(/44(/44 area 0

r1<con'g>router=X#assi-e>inter%ace lo0r1<con'g>router=X_r1X

outer / <r/=

/Fs inter%aces are a$$e$ to "SP( I$entical to r1, the loo#ack 0inter%ace is set to #assi-e, which allows it to e a$-ertise$ as a nati-e"SP inter%ace without sen$ing hello #ackets3

r/Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r/<con'g=Xrouter os#% 1r/<con'g>router=Xnetwork 18/(19:(0(0 0(0(/44(/44 area 0r/<con'g>router=X#assi-e>inter%ace lo0r/<con'g>router=X_


outer 7 <r7=

7Fs inter%aces are a$$e$ to "SP( The loo#ack 0 an$ user networkinter%aces are set to #assi-e, which allows these inter%aces to ea$-ertise$ as a nati-e "SP inter%ace without sen$ing hello #acketsout o% the inter%aces( The user networks nee$ to e inclu$e$ in the"SP con'guration %or reachaility( No "SP a$acencies will e%or&e$ o-er these inter%aces so the #assi-e>inter%ace co&&an$ isa##ro#riate3

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 25/49

r7Xconf t Enter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r7<con'g=Xrouter os#% 1r7<con'g>router=Xnetwork 18/(19:(0(0 0(0(/44(/44 area 0r7<con'g>router=X#assi-e>inter%ace lo0r7<con'g>router=X#assi-e>inter%ace %a01r7<con'g>router=X#assi-e>inter%ace %a01(70r7<con'g>router=X#assi-e>inter%ace %a01(50

r7<con'g>router=X#assi-e>inter%ace %a01(40r7<con'g>router=X_r7X

outer 5 <r5=

5Fs inter%aces are a$$e$ to "SP in the sa&e &anner as r7( Theloo#ack 0 an$ user network inter%aces are set to #assi-e, whichallows these inter%aces to e a$-ertise$ as a nati-e "SP inter%acewithout sen$ing hello #ackets out o% the inter%aces( The user networksnee$ to e inclu$e$ in the "SP con'guration %or reachaility( No "SPa$acencies will e %or&e$ o-er these inter%aces so the #assi-e>inter%ace co&&an$ is a##ro#riate3

r5Xconf t Enter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r5<con'g=Xrouter ospf 1r5<con'g>router=Xnetwor0 1,2.168.'.' '.'.255.255 area 'r5<con'g>router=Xpassi+e#interface lo'r5<con'g>router=Xpassi+e#interface fa')1r5<con'g>router=Xpassi+e#interface fa')1.3'r5<con'g>router=Xpassi+e#interface fa')1.4'r5<con'g>router=Xpassi+e#interface fa')1.5'r5<con'g>router=Xr5X

Phase Three

A%ter all a$acencies ha-e een con'gure$ an$ estalishe$, itFs ti&e tocon'gure the routing #olicy res#onsile %or ringing e*ternal #re'*esinto "SP( The nor&aliLation o% the e*isting EI;P #rocess $uring the

#re>&igration tasks #ro$uce$ a generic routing #olicy %or re$istriutingstatic routes into I;Ps( outer 7 has a single e*ternal route in the %or&o% a static route that is e*ternal to the network(

 This e*isting static route #olicy is still use%ul %or re$istriuting the staticroute into "SP on outer 7( The route>&a# statics was create$ inconunction with the access>list 44 to su##ort this #olicy( "SP will&ake use o% this #olicy to ensure the sa&e #rotection that was #ut in#lace %or EI;P is e*ten$e$ to "SP(

ereFs a reca# o% the rele-ant #olicy con'guration use$ with EI;P3

r7Xshow run | begin ip route i# route 16/(19(/00(0 /44(/44(/44(0 18/(19:(/00(1RR

access>list 44 #er&it 16/(19(/00(0 0(0(0(/44Rroute>&a# statics #er&it 10 &atch i# a$$ress 44Rroute>&a# statics $eny /0R

 The route>&a# statics is a##lie$ with the re$istriute state&ent un$er"SP( There is no nee$ to con'gure a new #olicy s#eci'cally %or "SP(

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N"TE An a$$itional keywor$ &ust e use$ un$er the "SP re$istriute statics

co&&an$( The keywor$ sunets $enotes those networks that are CI!co&#liant, an$ without it the router woul$ only re$istriute a class%ulroute3

r7Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(

r7<con'g=Xrouter ospf 1r7<con'g>router=Xredistribute static subnets route-map staticsr7<con'g>router=Xr7X

"SP Veri'cation

"SP is now con'gure$ an$ o-erlai$ on the e*isting network( !onecorrectly there shoul$nFt e any "SP routes in the routing tale( Zourea$ that right D there shoul$nFt e any acti-e "SP routes in therouting tale( EI;PFs etter a$&inistrati-e $istance ensures that allo% the acti-e network routes are learne$ only -ia EI;P( "SP an$EI;P are acting as #assing shi#s in the night at this #oint, eacho#erating without in-ol-ing the other(

etFs look at the route tale on a core network router, which shoul$-eri%y that all #re'*es are still eing learne$ through EI;P(

N"TE It is i&#ortant at this #hase o% the &igration that EI;P is still the#re%erre$ I;P( "nly $uring the EI;P re&o-al #hase will "SP routeseco&e acti-e in the routing tale(

r1Xshow ip route Co$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/, ia > IS>IS inter area  \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route, o > "!  P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

C 18/(19:(1/(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01C 18/(19:(17(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(70(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00300358, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(/5(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 00346346, astEthernet01! 18/(19:(50(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00300358, astEthernet00  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 16/(19(/00(0 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 003573/1, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(/00(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00300358, astEthernet00  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(5(5 ]8014:6/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 00300340, astEthernet01! 18/(19:(40(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00300340, astEthernet00  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunetsC 18/(19:(1(1 is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0

  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(/(/ ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 00346348, astEthernet01  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(7(7 ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00346348, astEthernet00r1X

"SP an$ EI;P A$acencies

 The o-erlay &o$el utiliLes two I;Ps o#erating on the network at thesa&e ti&e( Success using this &o$el reuires that oth I;Ps e

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 27/49

con'gure$ as &irror i&ages( Inter%aces that ha$ EI;P a$acenciesshoul$ also ha-e &atching "SP a$acencies( A uick check o% theneighor status con'r&s &atching a$acencies %or oth EI;P an$"SP(

 The %ollowing out#ut $is#lays the EI;P an$ "SP neighor in%or&ationin a seuential %ashion, allowing a #ro#er e-aluation o% the out#ut to

check %or inconsistencies an$ e*cessi-e a$acencies3

outer 1 <r1=

r1Xshow ip eigrp neighborIP>EI;P neighors %or #rocess 1 A$$ress Inter%ace ol$ 2#ti&e STT T" [ Se Ty#e  <sec= <&s= Cnt Nu&1 18/(19:(17(/ a00 15 07349355 1 /00 0 160 18/(19:(1/(/ a01 10 043//3/9 1 /00 0 97r1Xshow ip ospf neighbor

Neighor I! Pri State !ea$ Ti&e A$$ress Inter%ace18/(19:(/(/ 1 2B! 00300379 18/(19:(1/(/ astEthernet0118/(19:(7(7 1 2B! 00300379 18/(19:(17(/ astEthernet00r1X

outer / <r/=

r/Xshow ip eigrp neighborIP>EI;P neighors %or #rocess 1 A$$ress Inter%ace ol$ 2#ti&e STT T" [ Se  <sec= <&s= Cnt Nu&1 18/(19:(/5(/ a00 15 003/73/5 11/9 4000 0 50 18/(19:(1/(1 a01 1/ 043/7318 1 /00 0 45r/Xshow ip ospf neighbor

Neighor I! Pri State !ea$ Ti&e A$$ress Inter%ace18/(19:(1(1 1 2! 00300371 18/(19:(1/(1 astEthernet0118/(19:(5(5 1 2B! 00300378 18/(19:(/5(/ astEthernet00r/X

outer 7 <r7=

r7Xshow ip eigrp neighbor IP>EI;P neighors %or #rocess 1 A$$ress Inter%ace ol$ 2#ti&e STT T" [ Se  <sec= <&s= Cnt Nu&0 18/(19:(17(1 a00 11 0734:3/0 105 9/5 0 44r7Xshow ip ospf neighbor

Neighor I! Pri State !ea$ Ti&e A$$ress Inter%ace18/(19:(1(1 1 2! 00300378 18/(19:(17(1 astEthernet00r7X

outer 5 <r5=

r5Xshow ip eigrp neighborIP>EI;P neighors %or #rocess 1 A$$ress Inter%ace ol$ 2#ti&e STT T" [ Se

  <sec= <&s= Cnt Nu&0 18/(19:(/5(1 a00 17 003/5350 5 /00 0 9/r5Xshow ip ospf neighbor

Neighor I! Pri State !ea$ Ti&e A$$ress Inter%ace18/(19:(/(/ 1 2! 0030037/ 18/(19:(/5(1 astEthernet00r5X

"SP !ataase

A$$itional -eri'cation is still reuire$ e%ore e*ecuting the 'nal

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 28/49

&igration task o% re&o-ing EI;P( The asence o% "SP routes in therouting tale is a goo$ sign, ut there is still &ore to -eri%y( "% course,$eco&&issioning EI;P without -eri%ying that the "SP $ataasecontains all the network routing in%or&ation woul$ cause reachaility#role&s or a network outage(

 The "SP $ataase nee$s to e checke$ against the routing aseline

in%or&ation that was $ocu&ente$ in Tale 1(1( The "SP $ataaseentries eco&e the acti-e #re'*es in the route tale as EI;P isre&o-e$ %ro& each o% the routers, so i% a #re'* is &issing %ro& the"SP $ataase now, then that route will not e #resent in our %utureroute tale3

r1Xshow ip ospf database

  "SP outer with I! <18/(19:(1(1= <Process I! 1=

  outer ink States <Area 0=

ink I! A!V outer Age SeX Checksu& ink count18/(19:(1(1 18/(19:(1(1 // 0*:0000005 0*000BE4 718/(19:(/(/ 18/(19:(/(/ 1:14 0*:0000007 0*001!B6 718/(19:(7(7 18/(19:(7(7 :/ 0*:0000009 0*001E87 918/(19:(5(5 18/(19:(5(5 1694 0*:0000004 0*00:B0! 9

  Net ink States <Area 0=

ink I! A!V outer Age SeX Checksu&18/(19:(1/(1 18/(19:(1(1 /65 0*:000000/ 0*005:7918/(19:(17(1 18/(19:(1(1 // 0*:000000/ 0*004:/718/(19:(/5(1 18/(19:(/(/ 1:14 0*:0000001 0*000/98

  Ty#e>4 AS E*ternal ink States

ink I! A!V outer Age SeX Checksu& Tag16/(19(/00(0 18/(19:(7(7 806 0*:0000001 0*00:E1! 0r1X

"ser-e$ %ro& the out#ut o% the show i# os#% $ataase, there are three SAty#es3

n outer SA <Ty#e 1=

n Network SA <Ty#e /=

n an$ E*ternal SA <Ty#e 4=

outer SAs $escrie the inter%aces attache$ to a router, ut there isnot a lot o% in%or&ation in the ase out#ut o% the show i# os#% $ataase

co&&an$, so &ore in%or&ation is unco-ere$ y a$$ing a$$itional Kagsto the co&&an$( To -iew a$$itional in%or&ation aout outer SAs<Ty#e 1=, issue the show i# os#% $ataase router co&&an$3

r1Xshow ip ospf database router 

"SP outer with I! <18/(19:(1(1= <Process I! 1=

  outer ink States <Area 0=

  S age3 75:  "#tions3 <No T"S>ca#aility, !C=  S Ty#e3 outer inks  ink State I!3 18/(19:(1(1  A$-ertising outer3 18/(19:(1(1  S Se Nu&er3 :0000005

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 29/49

  Checksu&3 0*BE4  ength3 90  Nu&er o% inks3 7

  ink connecte$ to3 a Stu Network  <ink I!= Networksunet nu&er3 18/(19:(1(1  <ink !ata= Network ?ask3 /44(/44(/44(/44  Nu&er o% T"S &etrics3 0

  T"S 0 ?etrics3 1

  ink connecte$ to3 a Transit Network  <ink I!= !esignate$ outer a$$ress3 18/(19:(1/(1  <ink !ata= outer Inter%ace a$$ress3 18/(19:(1/(1  Nu&er o% T"S &etrics3 0  T"S 0 ?etrics3 1

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"ut#ut Truncate$>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

 This truncate$ out#ut shows outer 1 <18/(19:(1(1= has at least twointer%aces attache$3 the loo#ack <18/(19:(1(1= an$ a transit network<18/(19:(1/(1=(

Network SAs $escrie the Broa$cast an$ NB?A network attache$ to arouter( To -iew a$$itional in%or&ation aout Network SAs <Ty#e /=,issue the show i# os#% $ataase network co&&an$3

r1Xshow ip ospf database networ0  

"SP outer with I! <18/(19:(1(1= <Process I! 1=

  Net ink States <Area 0=

  outing Bit Set on this SA  S age3 659  "#tions3 <No T"S>ca#aility, !C=  S Ty#e3 Network inks  ink State I!3 18/(19:(1/(1 <a$$ress o% !esignate$ outer=  A$-ertising outer3 18/(19:(1(1  S Se Nu&er3 :000000/  Checksu&3 0*5:79

  ength3 7/  Network ?ask3 /5  Attache$ outer3 18/(19:(1(1  Attache$ outer3 18/(19:(/(/

  outing Bit Set on this SA  S age3 587  "#tions3 <No T"S>ca#aility, !C=  S Ty#e3 Network inks  ink State I!3 18/(19:(17(1 <a$$ress o% !esignate$ outer=  A$-ertising outer3 18/(19:(1(1  S Se Nu&er3 :000000/  Checksu&3 0*4:/7  ength3 7/  Network ?ask3 /5  Attache$ outer3 18/(19:(1(1

  Attache$ outer3 18/(19:(7(7>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"ut#ut Truncate$>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

 The truncate$ out#ut shows at least two roa$cast networks,18/(19:(1/(0/5 an$ 18/(19:(17/5, an$ the other routers attache$ tothe roa$cast seg&ent(

E*ternal SAs $escrie those routes that are e*ternal to the "SPautono&ous syste&( To -iew a$$itional in%or&ation aout the E*ternalSAs issue the show i# os#% $ataase e*ternal co&&an$(

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 30/49

r1Xshow ip ospf database external 

"SP outer with I! <18/(19:(1(1= <Process I! 1=

  Ty#e>4 AS E*ternal ink States

  outing Bit Set on this SA  S age3 1477

  "#tions3 <No T"S>ca#aility, !C=  S Ty#e3 AS E*ternal ink  ink State I!3 16/(19(/00(0 <E*ternal Network Nu&er =  A$-ertising outer3 18/(19:(7(7  S Se Nu&er3 :0000001  Checksu&3 0*:E1!  ength3 79  Network ?ask3 /5  ?etric Ty#e3 / <arger than any link state #ath=  T"S3 0

?etric3 /0orwar$ A$$ress3 0(0(0(0

  E*ternal oute Tag3 0

 There is a single e*ternal #re'* in the "SP $ataase( The static routeon r7 that was re$istriute$ into "SP is $is#laye$ as a Ty#e 4 SA(

Viewing the "SP $ataase is an i&#ortant ste# to a success%ul&igration( When the re&o-al o% EI;P egins, the routes learne$through "SP will eco&e acti-e in the routing tale( I% a route is notin the "SP $ataase, then that route will $isa##ear %ro& the routingtale( The $etaile$ -iew o% the "SP SA $ataase shows those#re'*es that will eco&e acti-e in the routing tale(

Ping Test

It is a goo$ i$ea to #er%or& an acti-e test to check connecti-ity(Veri%ying neighor relationshi#s, the route tale, an$ the "SP$ataase is i&#ortant, ut sen$ing #ings can i$enti%y networkreachaility #role&s that &ay e &isse$ while re-iewing the other

$etails( Buil$ing a #ing &atri* like the one liste$ in Tale /(1, that wille re#eate$ in the 'nal con'r&ation a%ter EI;P is re&o-e$, isreco&&en$e$(

BEST PACTICE In a$$ition to uil$ing a #ing &atri*, est #ractices suggest usingtraceroute etween $istant network locations to ensure that theo#ti&al #aths are taken e%ore an$ a%ter the &igration(

Table 2.1  Ping ?atri*

E*ecute the #ing test on each router to -eri%y connecti-ity3

r5Xping 172.16.2''.1

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 16/(19(/00(1, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 555 &sr5Xping 172.16.2''.1

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 16/(19(/00(1, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRR

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 31/49

Success rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 1/5 &sr5Xping 1,

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 18/(19:(1(1, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 115 &sr5Xping 1,

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 18/(19:(/(/, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 115 &sr5Xping 1,

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 18/(19:(7(7, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 1/5 &s

N"TE  To sa-e so&e #a#er, or e#a#er i% youFre rea$ing this on your iPa$, the#ing test out#ut in this ook was only ca#ture$ %ro& a single router( Allrouters in the to#ology nee$ to e teste$(

e&o-ing EI;P

"SP was enale$ on the routers in a &ultiste# #rocess, starting withthe core routers an$ &o-ing towar$ the access layer( EI;P shoul$ ere&o-e$ in the o##osite $irection, &o-ing %ro& the e$ge o% thenetwork to the core, ecause the core %acilitates connecti-ity etween$istriution an$ access $e-ices an$ ties the network together( Itshoul$ e the last #ortion o% the network to ha-e EI;P re&o-e$(

CA2TI"N Backing u# the routerFs con'guration e%ore re&o-ing EI;P is highlyreco&&en$e$(

E$ge outers irst

Beginning with outer 5, EI;P is re&o-e$ y issuing the no router eigr# 1


r5Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r5<con'g=Xno router eigrp 1r5<con'g=Xr5X

outer 5Fs routing tale a%ter the re&o-al o% EI;P3

r5Xshow ip routeCo$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, su > IS>IS su&&ary, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/  ia > IS>IS inter area, \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route  o > "!, P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

" 18/(19:(1/(0/5 ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003003/1, astEthernet00" 18/(19:(17(0/5 ]1107^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003003/1, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(70(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01(70

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 32/49

C 18/(19:(/5(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(50(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01(50  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunets" E/ 16/(19(/00(0 ]164/0^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003003/1, astEthernet00C 18/(19:(/00(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunetsC 18/(19:(5(5 is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0C 18/(19:(40(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01(40

  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets" 18/(19:(1(1 ]1107^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003003/1, astEthernet00  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets" 18/(19:(/(/ ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003003/7, astEthernet00  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets" 18/(19:(7(7 ]1105^ -ia 18/(19:(/5(1, 003003/7, astEthernet00r5X

"nly "SP routes are #resent on r5( E*ecute the #ing test $ocu&ente$in Tale /(1 to ensure there are no connecti-ity #role&s %or r5(

r5Xping 172.16.2''.1

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 16/(19(/00(1, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRR

Success rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 1/5 &sr5Xping 1, 

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 18/(19:(1(1, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 115 &sr5Xping 1,

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 18/(19:(/(/, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 115 &sr5Xping 1,

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 18/(19:(7(7, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 1/5 &sr5X

ooking at outer 1Fs route tale, EI;P learne$ routes are eingre#lace$ with "SP learne$ routes( In the show ip route out#ut o%outer 1, the loo#ack o% r5 is now learne$ -ia "SP(

r1Xshow ip route Co$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/, ia > IS>IS inter area  \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route, o > "!  P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

C 18/(19:(1/(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01C 18/(19:(17(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(70(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00341376, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(/5(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 0135:354, astEthernet01! 18/(19:(50(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00341376, astEthernet00  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunets! E) 16/(19(/00(0 ]160706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 01375308, astEthernet00! 18/(19:(/00(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00341376, astEthernet00

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 33/49

  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets" 18/(19:(5(5 ]1107^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 003043/7, astEthernet01! 18/(19:(40(0/5 ]80706/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 0034137:, astEthernet00  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunetsC 18/(19:(1(1 is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets! 18/(19:(/(/ ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 0135:356, astEthernet01  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets

! 18/(19:(7(7 ]80149190^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 0135:356, astEthernet00r1X

outer 7 <r7=

e&o-e EI;P y issuing the no router eigr# 1 co&&an$3

r7Xconf t Enter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r7<con'g=Xno router eigrp 1r7<con'g=Xr7X

View the route tale o% outer 7 to ensure all e*#ecte$ routes are-isile( E*ecute the #ing test $ocu&ente$ in Tale /(1 to ensure there

are no connecti-ity #role&s %or r7(

N"TE ooking at the route tale is a goo$ i$ea at e-ery ste# o% the EI;Pre&o-al #rocess, ut the out#ut has een o&itte$ in this ook(

r7Xping 172.16.2''.1

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 16/(19(/00(1, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 1/5 &sr7Xping 1,

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 18/(19:(1(1, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRR

Success rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 115 &sr7Xping 1,

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 18/(19:(/(/, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 115 &sr7Xping 1,

 Ty#e esca#e seuence to aort(Sen$ing 4, 100>yte IC?P Echos to 18/(19:(5(5, ti&eout is / secon$s3RRRRRSuccess rate is 100 #ercent <44=, roun$>tri# &ina-g&a* 1/5 &sr7X

Now the Core outers

 The core routers are the last to ha-e EI;P re&o-e$ %ro& theircon'gurations(

outer 1 <r1= H outer / <r/=

e&o-e EI;P y issuing the no router eigr# 1 co&&an$ as e%ore utnow %or r1 an$ r/3

r1Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 34/49

r1<con'g=Xno router eigrp 1r1<con'g=Xr1X

r/Xconf tEnter con'guration co&&an$s, one #er line( En$ with CNT_(r/<con'g=Xno router eigrp 1


View the route tale o% 1 an$ / to ensure all e*#ecte$ routes are-isile an$ acti-e( E*ecute the #ing test $ocu&ente$ in Tale /(1 toensure there are no connecti-ity #role&s %or the core routers <y thisti&e weFre ho#ing you can $o that without showing our test out#ut=(

View the route tale o% the core routers( Now that EI;P is re&o-e$,only "SP routes shoul$ e -isile( or s#ace consi$eration, onlyouter 1Fs route tale is shown <an$ outer /Fs route tale out#ut iso&itte$=(

r1Xshow ip route Co$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/, ia > IS>IS inter area  \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route, o > "!  P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

C 18/(19:(1/(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet01C 18/(19:(17(0/5 is $irectly connecte$, astEthernet00" 18/(19:(70(0/5 ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00301340, astEthernet00" 18/(19:(/5(0/5 ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 00301340, astEthernet01" 18/(19:(50(0/5 ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00301340, astEthernet00  16/(19(0(0/5 is sunette$, 1 sunets" E/ 16/(19(/00(0 ]164/0^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00301340, astEthernet00" 18/(19:(/00(0/5 ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00301340, astEthernet00

  18/(19:(5(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets" 18/(19:(5(5 ]1107^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 00301341, astEthernet01" 18/(19:(40(0/5 ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00301341, astEthernet00  18/(19:(1(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunetsC 18/(19:(1(1 is $irectly connecte$, oo#ack0  18/(19:(/(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets" 18/(19:(/(/ ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(1/(/, 00301341, astEthernet01  18/(19:(7(07/ is sunette$, 1 sunets" 18/(19:(7(7 ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 00301341, astEthernet00r1X

inal Veri'cation

 The network $isco-ery #hase #ro$uce$ se-eral tales showing

inter%ace in%or&ation, I;P a$acencies, an$ acti-e routes $uring the&igration with the #ri&ary %ocus eing that each router was &igrate$success%ully( Networks, howe-er, are not a single router( The entirenetwork shoul$ e checke$ as a co&#lete syste& to &ake certain thate-ery route is accounte$ %or an$ e-ery router is #artici#ating in "SP(WeFll not $o that here, again assu&ing this is a task you nee$ not eshown(

2se your network $rawings an$ other $isco-ery #hase $ocu&ents as astarting #oint, an$ syste&atically re-iew the con'guration an$ rele-ant

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 35/49

co&&an$ out#ut o% each router( It &ay e te$ious, ut think how &uch&ore te$ious it woul$ e i% the network was interru#te$(


A success%ul &igration %ro& EI;P to "SP $oes not reuire s#ecial

skills, &erely attention to $etail( A thorough a##roach to collecting therele-ant in%or&ation is, in the en$, the 'nal success criteria, ecause&any con'gurations ten$ to ha-e een neglecte$ o-er the #ast %ew&onths, or e-en years, an$ they will e u#$ate$ an$ nor&aliLe$ in the&igration #rocess( igorous testing through each ste# o% the &igration#rocess will i$enti%y #otential troules right away while &ini&iLing thee@ect to the network(

So&eone %a&ous once sai$, OIt is the &inutia that se#arates success%ro& %ailure( That #erson &ust ha-e een a networking engineer(

62 !ay "ne3 ?igrating EI;P to "SP

Cha#ter 73 A$$ing Junos !e-ices 63

Cha#ter 7

A$$ing Junos!e-ices

 )"nos OSPF Con+g"ration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3'

 )"nos Po0i!y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

?igrating a network %ro& a #ro#rietary #rotocol to an o#en stan$ar$s#rotocol has great ene'ts that eco&e a##arent al&ost i&&e$iately( The aility to e*#an$ the network with a $ual -en$or strategy is

e*tre&ely ene'cial an$ the %easiility o% incre&ental u#gra$es is aco&&on solution %or out$ate$ an$ un$ersiLe$ eui#&ent( le*iilityenales s&art usiness $ecisions while a-oi$ing the higher costsassociate$ with lock in(

I% youF-e rea$ this %ar youFre rea$y to rea# the ene'ts o% &igratingyour network to "SP( etFs assu&e that itFs ti&e to e*#an$ thenetwork to acco&&o$ate increase$ usiness growth reuire&ents an$#ort count nu&ers( Juni#er Networks has een chosen as the newnetwork -en$or %or the network(

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 36/49

Well, this ookFs teste$ network is in a goo$ #osition to incor#oratenew -en$ors( The "SP conce#ts #resente$ in the 'rst cha#ter are asrele-ant to I"S as they are to Junos( Si&#le CI synta* $i@erences areall that ha-e change$(

 Junos "SP Con'guration

 To acco&&o$ate the &ulti>-en$or e*#ansion, our !ay "ne to#ologyhas een u#$ate$ with the a$$ition o% a new router an$ a new ayer 7switch as shown in igure 7(1( The new router, J4, is a Juni#erNetworks J/740, an$ the new switch, SW>E), is an E)7/00( Both$e-ices use Junos an$ the co&&onality o% the so%tware &akes thecon'guration o% oth the switch an$ the router i$entical(

As igure 7(1 shows, outer J4 is connecte$ to 1 an$ switch E)>SW isconnecte$ to J4(

 To a$$ the $e-ices to the network, "SP will e con'gure$ using Junosan$ the "SP con'gurations will e co&#are$ against the I"Scon'guration to show the synta* si&ilarities an$ $i@erences(

our new inter%aces an$ their associate$ networks are a$$e$ to ourinter%ace list, with Tale 7(1 $ocu&enting the interconnections o% thenew Junos $e-ices(

 Tale 7(1 Inter%ace ist E*#an$e$

Con'gure "SP

Sticking with this ookFs single area "SP $esign <see Cha#ter 1=, thenew Junos $e-ices will e a$$e$ to the ackone area( outer J4 isa$$e$ to the network 'rst, %ollowe$ y the switch SW>E)(

outer J4

 The con'guration o% "SP on a Junos $e-ice is co&#lete$ un$er the#rotocols stanLa(

 #arks`4 congure 

Entering con'guration &o$e

]e$it^ #arks`4X edit protocols 

]e$it #rotocols^ #arks`4X set ospf area ' interface ge#')')' 

]e$it #rotocols^ #arks`4X set ospf area ' interface ge#')')1 

]e$it #rotocols^

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 37/49

 #arks`4X set ospf area ' interface lo'.' passi+e 

]e$it #rotocols^ #arks`4X show os#% b  area 0(0(0(0 b  inter%ace ge>000(0Q  inter%ace ge>001(0Q

  inter%ace lo0(0 b  #assi-eQ   

]e$it #rotocols^ #arks`4X top 

]e$it^ #arks`4X co!!it co&&it co&#lete

]e$it^ #arks`4X exit E*iting con'guration &o$e

 #arks`4Check the neighor status to ensure that the neighor a$acency is%or&e$ with router 13

 #arks`4 show ospf neighbor A$$ress Inter%ace State I! Pri !ea$18/(19:(14(1 ge>000(0 ull 18/(19:(1(1 1 77

"nce the "SP neighor relationshi# is estalishe$, the route tale %or J4 can e -iewe$ to ensure that it is recei-ing the routes %ro& the resto% the network3

 #arks`4 show route 

inet(03 1: $estinations, 1: routes <1: acti-e, 0 hol$$own, 0 hi$$en= Acti-e oute, > ast Acti-e, \ Both

16/(19(/00(0/5 \]"SP140^ 00301377, &etric /0, tag 0  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(1(17/ \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric /  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(/(/7/ \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(7(77/ \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(5(57/ \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric 5  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(4(47/ \]!irect0^ 00371356  -ia lo0(018/(19:(1/(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric /  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(17(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric /  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(14(0/5 \]!irect0^ 0037135:  -ia ge>000(018/(19:(14(/7/ \]ocal0^ 0037135:  ocal -ia ge>000(018/(19:(/5(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(70(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(50(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(40(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric 7

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 38/49

  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(4/(0/5 \]!irect0^ 00371356  -ia ge>001(018/(19:(4/(17/ \]ocal0^ 00371356  ocal -ia ge>001(018/(19:(/00(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00301377, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(0//5(0(0(47/ \]"SP10^ 00301357, &etric 1



outer J4 is connecte$ to the network an$ recei-ing all o% the routes%ro& the legacy network( Switch SW>E) is a$$e$ to the network ne*t,an$ thanks to oth $e-ices running the sa&e Junos so%tware, the ste#sare the sa&e(

Switch SW>E)

 The con'guration o% "SP on the switch is co&#lete$, again, un$er the#rotocols stanLa3

 #arks`SW>E) congure Entering con'guration &o$e

]e$it^ #arks`SW>E)X edit protocols 

]e$it #rotocols^ #arks`SW>E)X set ospf area '.'.'.' interface all 

]e$it #rotocols^ #arks`SW>E)X set ospf area '.'.'.' interface lo'.' passi+e 

]e$it #rotocols^ #arks`SW>E)X set ospf area '.'.'.' interface !e'.' disable 

]e$it #rotocols^ #arks`SW>E)X show os#% b

  area 0(0(0(0 b  inter%ace allQ  inter%ace lo0(0 b  #assi-eQ    inter%ace &e0(0 b  $isaleQ   

]e$it #rotocols^ #arks`SW>E)X top 

]e$it^ #arks`SW>E)X co!!it 

co&&it co&#lete]e$it^ #arks`SW>E)X exit E*iting con'guration &o$e


Check neighor status to ensure that the neighor a$acency is %or&e$with router J43

 #arks`SW>E) show ospf neighborA$$ress Inter%ace State I! Pri !ea$

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 39/49

18/(19:(4/(1 ge>000(0 ull 18/(19:(4(4 1/: 76

"nce the "SP neighor relationshi# is estalishe$, letFs -iew the routetale %or SW>E) to ensure that it is recei-ing the routes %ro& outer J4,an$ the rest o% the legacy network3

 #arks`SW>E) show route 

inet(03 // $estinations, // routes <// acti-e, 0 hol$$own, 0 hi$$en= Acti-e oute, > ast Acti-e, \ Both

16/(19(/00(0/5 \]"SP140^ 00307306, &etric /0, tag 0  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(1(17/ \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(/(/7/ \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 5  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(7(77/ \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 5  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(5(57/ \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 4  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(4(47/ \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 1  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(1/(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 7

  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(17(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(14(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric /  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(/0(/07/ \]!irect0^ 003/8350  -ia lo0(018/(19:(/5(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 5  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(70(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 5  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(50(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 5  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(40(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 5  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(4/(0/5 \]!irect0^ 003/8350

  -ia ge>000(018/(19:(4/(/7/ \]ocal0^ 003/8350  ocal -ia ge>000(018/(19:(90(0/5 \]!irect0^ 003/6315  -ia -lan(9018/(19:(90(17/ \]ocal0^ 003/6315  ocal -ia -lan(9018/(19:(60(0/5 \]!irect0^ 003/6315  -ia -lan(6018/(19:(60(17/ \]ocal0^ 003/6315  ocal -ia -lan(6018/(19:(/00(0/5 \]"SP10^ 00307306, &etric 5  to 18/(19:(4/(1 -ia ge>000(0//5(0(0(47/ \]"SP10^ 00307316, &etric 1  ?ultiec-


Con'gure "SP Su&&ary

 The new Juni#er router an$ switch ha-e een success%ully integrate$into the network using a co&&on con'guration that &a$e the taskuite si&#le( Juni#er an$ CiscoFs i&#le&entation o% o#en stan$ar$#rotocol "SP intero#erates without #role&s(

 Junos Policy

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 40/49

etFs assu&e that continue$ growth o% the network has reuire$connecti-ity to a re&ote ranch oce, an$ the circuit %or the re&oteranch has een attache$ to outer J4( It has een $eci$e$ thatsi&#le static routing is a$euate %or connecti-ity an$ outer J4 iscon'gure$ with static route #ointing to the re&ote ranch( Now, thestatic route &ust e a$$e$ to "SP to #ro-i$e reachaility to the rest

o% the network(Protocol in$e#en$ent routing in%or&ation, like static routing, iscon'gure$ un$er the ro"tingoptions stanLa( The re&ote ranchnetwork is 16/(19(101(0/5 an$ a static route is con'gure$ with the#re'* an$ a##ro#riate ne*t>ho# a$$ress o% the re&ote router(

 #arks`4 congure Entering con'guration &o$e

]e$it^ #arks`4X edit routing#options

]e$it routing>o#tions^ #arks`4X set static route 172.16.1'1.')24 next#hop 1,2.168.1'1.2  

]e$it routing>o#tions^ #arks`4X top 

]e$it^ #arks`4X co!!it and#uit co&&it co&#leteE*iting con'guration &o$e


etFs -iew the route to &ake sure it is acti-e in the routing tale on J43

 #arks`4 show route 16/(19(101(0/5

inet(03 /5 $estinations, /5 routes </5 acti-e, 0 hol$$own, 0 hi$$en= Acti-e oute, > ast Acti-e, \ Both

16/(19(101(0/5 \]Static4^ 0030030/  to 18/(19:(101(/ -ia ge>00/(0

 The route is acti-e in J4Fs routing tale so routing #olicy can econ'gure$ to a$-ertise the static route to J4Fs "SP neighors(

E@ecti-e routing #olicy is reuire$ to control route re$istriution( Junosrouting #olicy is the only way to re$istriute routes learne$ %ro& one#rotocol to another( Policy con'guration coul$ e as si&#le as a I"Sroute>&a#, ut Junos #olicy also o@ers roust o#tions well eyon$ theca#ailities o% I"S( Junos #olicy is con'gure$ un$er the polic"#optionsstanLa(

ooking &ore like a roust route>&a#, Junos #olicy rea$s like an i%thenstate&ent3 i% the O%ro& criteria is &atche$, Othen $o the liste$actions( The ter&s in Junos #olicy are si&ilar to the O#er&it 10seuencing o% an I"S route>&a#( etFs show it3

 #arks`4 congure Entering con'guration &o$e

]e$it^ #arks`4X edit polic"#options

]e$it #olicy>o#tions^ #arks`4X edit polic"#state!ent ospf#export 

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 41/49

]e$it #olicy>o#tions #olicy>state&ent os#%>e*#ort^ #arks`4X set ter! statics fro! protocol static 

]e$it #olicy>o#tions #olicy>state&ent os#%>e*#ort^ #arks`4X set ter! statics fro! route#lter 172.16.1'1.')24 exact 

]e$it #olicy>o#tions #olicy>state&ent os#%>e*#ort^

 #arks`4X set ter! statics then accept 

]e$it #olicy>o#tions #olicy>state&ent os#%>e*#ort^ #arks`4X show ter& statics b  %ro& b  #rotocol staticQ  route>'lter 16/(19(101(0/5 e*actQ    then acce#tQ

]e$it #olicy>o#tions #olicy>state&ent os#%>e*#ort^ #arks`4X top



 The Junos #olicy osp,eport  can e rea$ as %ollows( I% the route is astatic route an$ &atches the #re'* 16/(19(100(0/5 e*actly, thenacce#t the route to e a$-ertise$ into "SP( Pretty si&#le an$straight%orwar$R ?ost o% Junos con'guration is hu&an>rea$ale thanksto its logical Kow an$ out#ut whites#ace %or&atting(

"nce the #olicy is con'gure$ in Junos, a##ly the #olicy osp,eport  tothe "SP #rotocol con'guration as an e*#ort #olicy( The $irection towhich that #olicy is a##lie$ is i&#ortant D "SP su##orts only e*#ort#olicies3

]e$it^ #arks`4X edit protocols ospf  

]e$it #rotocols os#%^ #arks`4X set export ospf#export 

]e$it #rotocols os#%^ #arks`4X show e*#ort os#%>e*#ortQarea 0(0(0(0 b  inter%ace ge>000(0Q  inter%ace ge>001(0Q  inter%ace lo0(0 b  #assi-eQ 

]e$it #rotocols os#%^ #arks`4X top 

]e$it^ #arks`4X co!!it and#uit co&&it co&#leteE*iting con'guration &o$e


A%ter the e*#ort #olicy is a##lie$ to "SP, a uick check o% the routetale on other routers -eri'es the route is eing share$ y "SP( Theroute tale %or router 1 shows the 16/(19(101(0/5 route as a-ailale

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 42/49

an$ acti-e3

r1Xshow ip route 172.16.1'1.' outing entry %or 16/(19(101(0/5  Ynown -ia Oos#% 1, $istance 164, &etric 0, ty#e e*tern /, %orwar$ &etric 1  ast u#$ate %ro& 18/(19:(14(/ on astEthernet10, 0030131: ago  outing !escri#tor Blocks3

  \ 18/(19:(14(/, %ro& 18/(19:(4(4, 0030131: ago, -ia astEthernet10  oute &etric is 0, trac share count is 1


?"E or &ore aout Junos #olicy con'guration, try the )"nos Coo&7oo&  <yA-i-a ;arrett, /009, "Feilly ?e$ia= or )"nos Enterprise Ro"ting <y?arschke H eynol$s, /006, "Feilly ?e$ia=, at www(uni#er(netooks( Junos #olicy is so roust in ca#aility that there coul$ e an entire !ay"ne series written solely on that to#ic(

igure 7(1  The New Network To#ology A$$s Junos !e-ices

74 !ay "ne3 ?igrating EI;P to "SP

Cha#ter 53 I"S to Junos Co&#arison 75

Cha#ter 5

I"S to JunosCo&#arison

Proto!o0 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Po0i!y Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

OSPF Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

S"mmary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 43/49

While the con'guration synta* etween Junos an$ I"S is $i@erent, thenet e@ect is the sa&e( An$ i% the "SP con'guration on Junos $oesnFtsee& that $i@erent co&#are$ to I"S, thatFs ecause it isnFt( There areonly so &any ways to re#resent the sa&e conce#t(

etFs o@er a %ew &ore si$e>y>si$e co&#arisons o% Junos an$ I"Ssynta* %or those rea$ers who &ay yet e uncon-ince$ aout &o-ing

%or& EI;P to "SP(

Protocol Co&#arison

At 'rst, con'guring "SP in Junos an$ in I"S &ight see& to reuire two$i@erent style$ con'gurations( Zet here the si&ilarities are e-i$entsi$e>y>si$e(

 The &aor $i@erence is how the areas are re#resente$( Junos uses thearea i$ as a container %or the inter%aces that elong to the area( I"S

co&ines the network state&ent with the area i$( The e@ect is thesa&e %or oth -en$ors( The #assi-e state&ent is a##lie$ on a #erinter%ace asis un$er Junos( I"S uses a se#arate co&&an$ to &ake aninter%ace #assi-e(

Policy Co&#arison

 Junos #olicy can e $escrie$ as I"S route>&a#s on steroi$s( oute>&a#s co&ine$ with access>lists create$ a nice generic 'ltering #olicy%or this ook( Co&#are$ to Junos #olicy, the two o@er i$entical%unctionality with neither eing o-erly co&#le*(

 Junos uses an i%then Kow to #olicy( The O%ro& state&ent estalishesthe &atch con$ition an$ the Othen state&ent $e'nes the action(oute>&a#s use the seuence to $eter&ine the action an$ the &atchcriteria is containe$ within the seuence(

"SP Co&#arison

 The o#erational co&&an$s o% "SP are the sa&e in Junos as they arein I"S( The #ri&ary $i@erence is the use o% the keywor$ ip in I"S( Thisis a legacy synta* le%t o-er %ro& early &ulti#rotocol su##ort in I"S,when it su##orte$ non>i# #rotocols like SNA an$ IP)( Juni#er %ocuses on

IP routing %ro& the eginning an$ thus assu&es the keywor$(

"SP Inter%ace

Viewing "SP enales inter%aces #ro$uces si&ilar out#uts3 theinter%ace na&e is $is#laye$, an$ the nu&er o% neighors $isco-ere$on each inter%ace, as well as the state o% the local router, is liste$(Since the out#ut is longer here, youFll ha-e to $o an u# an$ $ownco&#arison, 'rst is Junos, then I"S(

8/16/2019 Copy_Paste Migrating EIGRP to OSPF 44/49

 #arks`4 show ospf interface Inter%ace State Area ! I! B! I! Nrsge>000(0 B! 0(0(0(0 18/(19:(1(1 18/(19:(4(4 1ge>001(0 ! 0(0(0(0 18/(19:(4(4 18/(19:(/0(/0 1lo0(0 !other 0(0(0(0 0(0(0(0 0(0(0(0 0

r1Xshow ip ospf interface brief 

Inter%ace PI! Area IP A$$ress?ask Cost State Nrs Ca10 1 0 18/(19:(14(1/5 1 ! 11o0 1 0 18/(19:(1(17/ 1 ""P 00a01 1 0 18/(19:(1/(1/5 1 B! 11a00 1 0 18/(19:(17(1/5 1 B! 11r1X

Note that I"S reuire$ the brief  keywor$ to generate an out#ut si&ilarto Junos(

"SP A$acencies

Checking %or "SP neighors is co&#arale etween Junos an$ I"S D ust o&it the i# keywor$ %ro& the Junos co&&an$3

 #arks`4 show ospf neighbor A$$ress Inter%ace State I! Pri !ea$18/(19:(14(1 ge>000(0 ull 18/(19:(1(1 1 7118/(19:(4/(/ ge>001(0 ull 18/(19:(/0(/0 1/: 76

r1Xshow ip ospf neighbor Neighor I! Pri State !ea$ Ti&e A$$ress Inter%ace18/(19:(4(4 1/: 2B! 0030037/ 18/(19:(14(/ astEthernet1018/(19:(/(/ 1 2! 00300378 18/(19:(1/(/ astEthernet0118/(19:(7(7 1 2! 00300371 18/(19:(17(/ astEthernet00r1X

"SP !ataase

 The "SP $ataase contains the SAs that re#resent the #re'*in%or&ation #resent on the network( "ther than the out#ut $is#lay,oth Junos an$ I"S #resent the sa&e in%or&ation <a$$itional keywor$sare reuire$ y each -en$or to $is#lay &ore $etaile$ SA in%or&ation,so e*#lore the co&&an$ y using the G #ro&#t=3

 #arks`4 show ospf database 

"SP $ataase, Area 0(0(0(0 Ty#e I! A$- tr Se Age "#t Cksu& enouter 18/(19:(1(1 18/(19:(1(1 0*:000001a 651 0*// 0*99a 6/outer 18/(19:(/(/ 18/(19:(/(/ 0*:000001% 11:/ 0*// 0*1$88 90outer 18/(19:(7(7 18/(19:(7(7 0*:0000016 1096 0*// 0*7c97 89outer 18/(19:(5(5 18/(19:(5(5 0*:000000e 449 0*// 0*5$51 89outer \18/(19:(4(4 18/(19:(4(4 0*:000000a 57/ 0*// 0*85e6 90outer 18/(19:(/0(/0 18/(19:(/0(/0 0*:0000005 1794 0*// 0*:%c 6/

Network 18/(19:(1/(/ 18/(19:(/(/ 0*:0000005 11:/ 0*// 0*/445 7/Network 18/(19:(17(/ 18/(19:(7(7 0*:0000009 1096 0*// 0*1c49 7/Network 18/(19:(14(1 18/(19:(1(1 0*:0000007 651 0*// 0*69%$ 7/Network 18/(19:(/5(/ 18/(19:(5(5 0*:0000004 449 0*// 0*c48c 7/Network \18/(19:(4/(1 18/(19:(4(4 0*:000000/ 1507 0*// 0*:e87 7/  "SP AS SC"PE link state $ataase Ty#e I! A$- tr Se Age "#t Cksu& enE*tern \16/(19(101(0 18/(19:(4(4 0*:0000001 57/ 0*// 0*$/5a 79E*tern 16/(19(/00(0 18/(19:(7(7 0*:0000008 1096 0*/0 0*6e/4 79

r1Xshow ip ospf database 

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  "SP outer with I! <18/(19:(1(1= <Process I! 1=

  outer ink States <Area 0=

ink I! A!V outer Age SeX Checksu& ink count18/(19:(1(1 18/(19:(1(1 6:0 0*:000001A 0*009B9A 518/(19:(/(/ 18/(19:(/(/ 1//1 0*:000001 0*001!88 7

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  Net ink States <Area 0=

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  Ty#e>4 AS E*ternal ink States

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oute Tale

 To show the route tales o% our ookFs teste$ routers, whether a Junosor I"S router, is al&ost i$entical(

 #arks`4 show route 

inet(03 /5 $estinations, /5 routes </5 acti-e, 0 hol$$own, 0 hi$$en= Acti-e oute, > ast Acti-e, \ Both

16/(19(101(0/5 \]Static4^ 0031937:

  to 18/(19:(101(/ -ia ge>00/(016/(19(/00(0/5 \]"SP140^ 013/534/, &etric /0, tag 0  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(1(17/ \]"SP10^ 013/534/, &etric /  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(/(/7/ \]"SP10^ 013/534/, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(7(77/ \]"SP10^ 013/534/, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(5(57/ \]"SP10^ 013/534/, &etric 5  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(4(47/ \]!irect0^ 01344309  -ia lo0(018/(19:(1/(0/5 \]"SP10^ 013/534/, &etric /  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(17(0/5 \]"SP10^ 013/534/, &etric /

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  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(40(0/5 \]"SP10^ 013/534/, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(018/(19:(4/(0/5 \]!irect0^ 01344309  -ia ge>001(018/(19:(4/(17/ \]ocal0^ 01344309  ocal -ia ge>001(018/(19:(90(0/5 \]"SP10^ 0131:375, &etric /

  to 18/(19:(4/(/ -ia ge>001(018/(19:(60(0/5 \]"SP10^ 0131:375, &etric /  to 18/(19:(4/(/ -ia ge>001(018/(19:(101(0/5 \]!irect0^ 003/0301  -ia ge>00/(018/(19:(101(17/ \]ocal0^ 003/0301  ocal -ia ge>00/(018/(19:(/00(0/5 \]"SP10^ 013/534/, &etric 7  to 18/(19:(14(1 -ia ge>000(0//5(0(0(47/ \]"SP10^ 013/430/, &etric 1  ?ultiec-


r1Xshow ip routeCo$es3 C > connecte$, S > static, > IP, ? > &oile, B > B;P  ! > EI;P, E) > EI;P e*ternal, " > "SP, IA > "SP inter area

N1 > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e 1, N/ > "SP NSSA e*ternal ty#e /  E1 > "SP e*ternal ty#e 1, E/ > "SP e*ternal ty#e /  i > IS>IS, su > IS>IS su&&ary, 1 > IS>IS le-el>1, / > IS>IS le-el>/  ia > IS>IS inter area, \ > can$i$ate $e%ault, 2 > #er>user static route  o > "!, P > #erio$ic $ownloa$e$ static route

;ateway o% last resort is not set

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" 18/(19:(7(7 ]110/^ -ia 18/(19:(17(/, 0031/349, astEthernet00r1X


Network engineers are creatures o% hait( An$ thatFs a goo$ thingR Itkee#s networks u# an$ running, &ini&iLes $ownti&e, an$ #ro-i$es auni%or& $e#loy&ent o% gear that is highly &anageale(

 The thought o% learning a new CI is o%ten &et with resistance, an$

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&igrating %ro& EI;P to "SP &ay e #ut o@ ecause o% the CIi&#lications( o#e%ully, this ook has shown you that when co&#aringI"S an$ Junos out#uts, there are only so &any ways to $is#laystan$ar$ in%or&ation(

 The -ery o#en nature o% "SP len$s the con'guration an$ #rotocolout#uts to ren$er in a si&ilar %ashion( An$ so there are %ewer an$ %ewer

reasons not to &igrate(

 There is no great &agic to a #rotocol &igration( What &ay see&initially like a $aunting task can e &anage$, an$ e-en conuere$,with #lanning an$ soli$ e*ecution( 2sing the &etho$s $escrie$ in thisook shoul$ hel# enale any network engineer to un$ertake a #roecto% this ty#e(

inally, this ook en$s with a ti#(

 TIP  The la use$ to $e&onstrate the &igration in this ook was #ur#oselyuilt with &ini&al gear so that you, the rea$er, woul$ e encourage$to try a O$ry run e%ore atte&#ting a network &igration(


I% you ha-e a goo$ a##reciation %or oth EI;P an$ "SP, the i$ea o%&igrating %ro& one #rotocol to another is less o% a &ystery an$ &ore o% an intellectual e*ercise(

Planning is crucial %or a success%ul &igration( The &ore #lanning youcan acco&#lish an$ in%or&ation you can collect #rior to the &igration,the s&oother the &igration #rocess an$ the etter the outco&e o% the&igration( e&e&er, once the &igration egins, the o##ortunity tocollect a$$itional in%or&ation that &ay e nee$e$ %or the &igration or-eri'cation will e lost(

2#$ating or creating a network architecture $rawing shoul$ e a to##riority as $rawings hel# you to -isualiLe the network( A$$itionally,$ocu&enting the inter%aces an$ their associate$ IP a$$ressing iscrucial( It is the inter%aces that #ro-i$e the links etween the routers,an$ those links are how the I;P co&&unicates the routing in%or&ation%ro& router to router( Also, a stea$y state sna#shot o% the routing taleensures that all networks are accounte$ %or a%ter the &igration isco&#lete(

 There is no such thing as too &uch in%or&ation %or an I;P &igration( The &ore in%or&ation you can collect e%ore the &igration egins&eans the &ore in%or&ation you can -eri%y a%ter the &igration isco&#lete( e&e&er the 4 OPFs D #ro#er #lanning #re-ents #oor#er%or&ance(

!uring the &igration, it is crucial to %ollow the #lan lai$ out in the initial#re#arations( The &ost i&#ortant thing to $o $uring the actual&igration is to s#ot check the state o% the network $uring each ste#(

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When o-erlaying a new #rotocol re&e&er to start at the core an$work out to the e$ge( The core hol$s the network together an$ is thea#e* o% the network hierarchy( When re&o-ing the legacy #rotocol,work %ro& the e$ge o% the network ack to the core( ?etho$ically%ollow the #lan an$ -eri%y the state o% the network an$ the &igrationwill go s&oothly( The 'nal ste# is to co&#are the eginning state o%

the network with the en$ result( The two states shoul$ eco&#li&entary to each other(

So, how $o &igrate a networkG Care%ully( "ne ste# at a ti&e(


What to !oNe*t HWhere to;o


I% youFre rea$ing a #rint -ersion o% this ooklet, go here to $ownloa$the P! -ersion or 'n$ out what other !ay "ne ooklets are currentlya-ailale( ollow on Twitter `!ay1Junos to recei-e announce&entsaout new ooks(


E-erything you nee$ %or Junos a$o#tion an$ e$ucation(htt#3%oru&s(uni#er(netnet

 The Juni#er>s#onsore$ J>Net Co&&unities %oru& is $e$icate$ to sharingin%or&ation, est #ractices, an$ uestions aout Juni#er #ro$ucts,technologies, an$ solutions( egister to #artici#ate in this %ree %oru&an$ get access to all the eooks in the !ay "ne series %or %ree(


All Juni#er>$e-elo#e$ #ro$uct $ocu&entation is %reely accessile at thissite( in$ what you nee$ to know aout the Junos o#erating syste&un$er each #ro$uct line(


 Juni#er works with &ulti#le ook #ulishers to author an$ #ulishtechnical ooks on to#ics essential to network a$&inistrators( Checkout this e-er>e*#an$ing list o% newly #ulishe$ ooks(


 Take courses online, on location, or at one o% the #artner trainingcenters aroun$ the worl$( The Juni#er Network Technical Certi'cationProgra& <JNTCP= allows you to earn certi'cations y $e&onstrating

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co&#etence in con'guration an$ trouleshooting o% Juni#er #ro$ucts( I% you want the %ast track to earning your certi'cations in enter#riserouting, switching, or security use the a-ailale online courses, stu$entgui$es, an$ la gui$es(