cop3502: introduction to computer science yashas shankar lecture #2

COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

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Page 1: COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science

Yashas Shankar

Lecture #2

Page 2: COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

Welcome to COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Instructor: Yashas Shankar Email: [email protected]

All e-mails must be from your CS account (except for the first week)

All e-mails must start with “COP3502:” in the subject line

All e-mails must contain your full name Office: TBA Office hours: T,R 11:00AM-12:30PM

Page 3: COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

Acknowledgement Parts of slides presentations used in this

course are copied from slides presentations from previous instructors of this course Mr. Daniel Chang Dr. Sara Stoecklin

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Basic knowledge about computers To utilize computers you need both hardware

and software


Operating system


HardwareDesktop, laptop.

Operating systemsWindows XP, Vista,Unix, Linux,MaxOS

SoftwareOffice, Photoshop

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Your first software for this course SSH (Secure shell)

You will need this software to do your class material + homework

CS computer lab and ACNS computer lab have SSH You can download SSH and install into your

computer by visiting “” Click on “New user info” Click on “SSH how to” Read instructions and download the file Install SSH You will need SSH to create your CS account and you

must have your CS account before Wednesday next week

Page 6: COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

Your first real homework Get a CS account

You can start doing it this Friday (after the end of drop/add period, when the system group have the final roaster of CS students)

Send e-mail to me ([email protected]) with your CS account by 11:59pm next Thursday This is all or nothing homework: you either get full

score or zero You may have around 20 homeworks, so this will be

approximately 2.5% of your final grade. Start working on it this Friday.

E-mail subject COP3502: Assignment#1 submission

E-mail body your full name

Page 7: COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

How to send e-mails Obtain your CS account first

SSH to Type ‘pine’

Pine is an e-mailing program that you will be using throughout this course

Page 8: COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

Basic UNIX commands ls – list files and directories (folders) pwd – tells what directory you are in mkdir – make new directory cd – change directory cp – copy a file mv – rename a file or directory rm – remove directory

Page 9: COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

Basic UNIX commands Type 12-enter to go to command prompt ls list files and directories (folders) in your

current directory pwd tell you where you are

Garnet root directory

ppp2131 home directory


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Basic UNIX commands mkdir make directory

mkdir COP3502 Try ls now

Garnet root directory

ppp2131 home directory

Public_html COP3502

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Basic UNIX commands cd change directory

cd COP3502 Try pwd now cd .. move you up one directory (purple to red, red to

grey) Try pwd now

Garnet root directory

ppp2131 home directory

Public_html COP3502

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Basic UNIX commands Create a file

emacs ppp2131.txt Type “hello this is my first text file in this course” Type CTRL-X-S to save hold down CTRL then X,

release X, then S while still holding CTRL Type CTRL-X-C to exit Try ls now Garnet higher


ppp2131 home directory

Public_html COP3502


Page 13: COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

Basic UNIX commands Copy a file

cp ppp2131.txt temp.txt cp “source” “destination”

Try ls now

Garnet higher directory

ppp2131 home directory

Public_html COP3502


Page 14: COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Lecture #2

Basic UNIX commands display a file

Try cat ppp2131.txt Try cat temp.txt

Remove a file rm temp.txt Try ls now Garnet higher


ppp2131 home directory

Public_html COP3502


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Basic UNIX commands See handouts including homework (due next


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Reminder Asg#1 due next Thursday at 11:59PM

Get your CS account and send me an e-mails Asg#2 due next Thursday at 5:15PM in class

Basic UNIX commands

You may expect a quiz on basic UNIX commands next Thursday it will be easy