cooperative communications with outage-optimal opportunistic relaying

 3450 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICA TIONS, VOL. 6, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2007 Cooperative Communications with Outage-Optimal Opportunistic Relaying Aggelo s Bletsas,  Member, IEEE , Hyundong Shin,  Member, IEEE , and Moe Z. Win,  Fellow, IEEE  AbstractIn thi s pap er , we pre sent simple  opportunistic  re- laying with decode-and-forward (DaF) and amplify-and-forward (AaF) strategies under an aggregate power constraint. In partic- ular, we consider distributed relay-selection algorithms requiring only  local  channel knowledge. We show that opportunistic DaF re lay ing is out age -optimal, that is, it is equiv ale nt in out age behavior to the optimal DaF strategy that employs all potential re lay s. We fur the r sho w that oppor tunist ic AaF re lay ing is outa ge-o ptima l amon g singl e-re lay selec tion methods and sig- nicantly out per fo rms an AaF strategy based on  equal-power multiple-relay transmissions with local channel knowledge. These nding s rev eal that cooperation offers diversit y benet s eve n when cooperative relays choose not to transmit but rather choose to cooperatively listen; they act as  passive  relays and give priority to the transmission of a single opportunistic relay. Numerical and simulation results are presented to verify our analysis.  Index T ermsCoo per ati ve div ers ity , fading re lay cha nne l, outage probability, wireless networks. I. I NTRODUCTION U TILIZATION of terminals distributed in space can sig- nicant ly improv e the performan ce of wireless networks [1]–[3]. For example, a pair of neighb oring nodes with channel state information (CSI) can cooperatively  beamform  towards the nal destination to increase total capacity [2]. Even when CSI is not available or when radio hardware cannot support beamforming, coop erat ion between the source and a sin gle rela y provides improved rob ust nes s to wire less fading [3]. Basic resu lts for cooperation are pres ente d in [4]– [6] and references therein. Scaling cooperation to more than one relay is still an open area of rese arch, des pite the rece nt int eres t in coopera tiv e communica ti on. One possible app roach is the use of dis- trib uted spa ce–time coding among part icip atin g nod es [7]. Manu scrip t recei ved Febru ary 28, 2006; rev ised July 31, 2006; accep ted August 21, 2006. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was A. Conti. This research was supported in part by the Kyung Hee University Research Fund in 2007 (KHU-20070773), the Ofce of Naval Research Y oung Investigator Award N00014-03-1-0 489, the National Sci enc e Fou nda ti on und er Gra nts ANI -03 352 56 and ECS- 063651 9, DoCoMo USA Labs, and the Cha rle s Sta rk Dra per Labora tor y Robust Distributed Sensor Networks Program. A. Bletsas was with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Labo rator y . He is now with the Radio commun icati ons Labor ator y (RCL), Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (email: [email protected]). H. Shin was with the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. He is now wit h the Schoo l of Ele ctr oni cs and Infor mat ion , Ky ung Hee Unive rsity, 1 Seocheon, Kihung, Yo ngin, Kyungki 446-701, Korea (e-mail: [email protected]). M. Wi n is wit h the Labora tor y for Inf ormati on and Dec isi on Sys tems (LIDS) , Massac huse tts Institute of T echn olog y , 77 Massac huse tts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TWC.2007.06020050. In pra ctice, such cod e desi gn is quit e dif cult due to the distributed  and  ad-hoc nature of cooperat ive links, as opposed to codes des igned for co-l oca ted mul tiple-i npu t mul tiple- output (MIMO) systems [8]–[10]. The need and availability of global CSI is fundamental in distributed environments. For example, additional communication is needed for each relay to acquire CSI about other relays (as needed in [11]) or for the destination to acquire CSI between the source and  all  relays (as needed in [12]). Moreover, the number of  useful  antennas (distributed relays) for cooperation is generally unknown and varying. Therefore, coordination among the cooperating nodes is neede d pri or to the use of a speci c space–time codi ng scheme, typica lly design ed for a xe d number of tran smi t antennas. Furt hermore, it is ofte n ass umed in the literat ure that the superposition of signals transmitted by several relays is  always constructive. 1 Such ass umption requires distributed phased-array tech - niques (beamforming) and unconventional radios, thereby in- creasing complexity and cost of each transmitter. Finally,  co- herent  reception of multiple-relay (MR) transmissions requires tracking of carrier-phase differences among  several  transmit- receive pairs, which increases the cost of the receiver. Therefore, simplication of radio hardware in cooperative diversity setups is important. Antenna selection, invented for classical multiple-antenna communications [14]–[18], is one approach to minimize the required  cooperation overhead  and to simultaneously realize the potential benets of cooperation between multiple relays. In particular, a simple, distributed, single -relay selection algorithm was propos ed for slow fading wireless relay channels [19]. This single-relay  opportunistic selection provides no performance loss from the perspective of div ersity– multip lexing gain tradeof f, compared to schemes that rely on distributed space–time coding. In this paper, we present single-selection—opportunisticrela ying with deco de-a nd- forward (DaF) and amplify -and- forward (AaF) strategies and analyze their outage probability under an aggregate power constraint. 2 The moti vati on behind imposi ng the agg regat e po wer const rai nt is three fold: (i) transmission power is a network resource that affects both the lifetime of the network with battery-ope rated terminal s and the scalability of the network; (ii) regulatory agencies may limit total transmiss ion power due to the fact that each transmiss ion can cause  interference  to the others in the network; and (iii) coop erat iv e di ver sit y benet s can be exp loited ev en whe n relays  do not  transmit (and therefore, do not add transmission 1 This case includes Gaussian relay channels where propagation coefcients are assumed to be real numbers [13]. 2 The DaF strategy is also known as regenerative processing. 1536-1276/07$25.00  c  2007 IEEE

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    Cooperative Communications withOutage-Optimal Opportunistic Relaying

    Aggelos Bletsas, Member, IEEE, Hyundong Shin, Member, IEEE, and Moe Z. Win, Fellow, IEEE

    Abstract In this paper, we present simple opportunistic re-laying with decode-and-forward (DaF) and amplify-and-forward(AaF) strategies under an aggregate power constraint. In partic-ular, we consider distributed relay-selection algorithms requiringonly local channel knowledge. We show that opportunistic DaFrelaying is outage-optimal, that is, it is equivalent in outagebehavior to the optimal DaF strategy that employs all potentialrelays. We further show that opportunistic AaF relaying isoutage-optimal among single-relay selection methods and sig-nificantly outperforms an AaF strategy based on equal-powermultiple-relay transmissions with local channel knowledge. Thesefindings reveal that cooperation offers diversity benefits evenwhen cooperative relays choose not to transmit but rather chooseto cooperatively listen; they act as passive relays and give priorityto the transmission of a single opportunistic relay. Numerical andsimulation results are presented to verify our analysis.

    Index Terms Cooperative diversity, fading relay channel,outage probability, wireless networks.


    UTILIZATION of terminals distributed in space can sig-nificantly improve the performance of wireless networks[1][3]. For example, a pair of neighboring nodes with channelstate information (CSI) can cooperatively beamform towardsthe final destination to increase total capacity [2]. Even whenCSI is not available or when radio hardware cannot supportbeamforming, cooperation between the source and a singlerelay provides improved robustness to wireless fading [3].Basic results for cooperation are presented in [4][6] andreferences therein.

    Scaling cooperation to more than one relay is still an openarea of research, despite the recent interest in cooperativecommunication. One possible approach is the use of dis-tributed spacetime coding among participating nodes [7].

    Manuscript received February 28, 2006; revised July 31, 2006; acceptedAugust 21, 2006. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paperand approving it for publication was A. Conti. This research was supported inpart by the Kyung Hee University Research Fund in 2007 (KHU-20070773),the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award N00014-03-1-0489,the National Science Foundation under Grants ANI-0335256 and ECS-0636519, DoCoMo USA Labs, and the Charles Stark Draper LaboratoryRobust Distributed Sensor Networks Program.

    A. Bletsas was with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MediaLaboratory. He is now with the Radiocommunications Laboratory (RCL),Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (email:[email protected]).

    H. Shin was with the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems(LIDS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.He is now with the School of Electronics and Information, Kyung HeeUniversity, 1 Seocheon, Kihung, Yongin, Kyungki 446-701, Korea (e-mail:[email protected]).

    M. Win is with the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems(LIDS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TWC.2007.06020050.

    In practice, such code design is quite difficult due to thedistributed and ad-hoc nature of cooperative links, as opposedto codes designed for co-located multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems [8][10]. The need and availabilityof global CSI is fundamental in distributed environments. Forexample, additional communication is needed for each relayto acquire CSI about other relays (as needed in [11]) or for thedestination to acquire CSI between the source and all relays(as needed in [12]). Moreover, the number of useful antennas(distributed relays) for cooperation is generally unknown andvarying. Therefore, coordination among the cooperating nodesis needed prior to the use of a specific spacetime codingscheme, typically designed for a fixed number of transmitantennas. Furthermore, it is often assumed in the literaturethat the superposition of signals transmitted by several relaysis always constructive.1

    Such assumption requires distributed phased-array tech-niques (beamforming) and unconventional radios, thereby in-creasing complexity and cost of each transmitter. Finally, co-herent reception of multiple-relay (MR) transmissions requirestracking of carrier-phase differences among several transmit-receive pairs, which increases the cost of the receiver.

    Therefore, simplification of radio hardware in cooperativediversity setups is important. Antenna selection, invented forclassical multiple-antenna communications [14][18], is oneapproach to minimize the required cooperation overhead andto simultaneously realize the potential benefits of cooperationbetween multiple relays. In particular, a simple, distributed,single-relay selection algorithm was proposed for slow fadingwireless relay channels [19]. This single-relay opportunisticselection provides no performance loss from the perspectiveof diversitymultiplexing gain tradeoff, compared to schemesthat rely on distributed spacetime coding.

    In this paper, we present single-selectionopportunisticrelaying with decode-and-forward (DaF) and amplify-and-forward (AaF) strategies and analyze their outage probabilityunder an aggregate power constraint.2 The motivation behindimposing the aggregate power constraint is threefold: (i)transmission power is a network resource that affects both thelifetime of the network with battery-operated terminals and thescalability of the network; (ii) regulatory agencies may limittotal transmission power due to the fact that each transmissioncan cause interference to the others in the network; and (iii)cooperative diversity benefits can be exploited even whenrelays do not transmit (and therefore, do not add transmission

    1This case includes Gaussian relay channels where propagation coefficientsare assumed to be real numbers [13].

    2The DaF strategy is also known as regenerative processing.

    1536-1276/07$25.00 c 2007 IEEE


    Source tr ansmits N symbols

    Source tr ansmits N / 2 symbols Best relay transmits N / 2 symbols

    Source transmits N / 2 symbols Best relay transmits N / 2 symbols

    Phase I Phase II

    Direct communicat ion(no relaying)

    Reactive relay selection

    Proactive relay selection

    K Relays







    K Relays







    Be relay

    K Relays








    K Relays









    Fig. 1. A half-duplex dual-hop communication scenario: the source and destination are blocked or have poor connection. Opportunistic relay selection canbe performed proactively before the source transmission or reactively after the source transmission. The shaded band indicates when relay selection occurs.

    energy into the network). We consider both reactive andproactive relay selection depending on whether the relayselection is performed after or before the source transmission.

    The contributions of this paper are as follows. We propose simple opportunistic relaying schemes with

    DaF and AaF strategies, which can be performed in adistributed manner without requiring global CSI at eachrelay or at a central controller in the network, therebyreducing the required cooperation overhead.

    We show that both reactive and proactive opportunisticDaF relaying are outage-optimal, that is, they are equiv-alent in outage behavior to the optimal DaF strategy thatemploys all potential relays.

    We show that opportunistic AaF relaying is outage-optimal among single-relay selection methods. Addition-ally, opportunistic AaF significantly outperforms an AaFstrategy based on equal-power MR transmissions whenonly local CSI is available.

    Proactive opportunistic relay selection allows all relays,except a single opportunistic relay, to enter an idle modeduring the source transmission, thereby reducing thereception energy cost in the network.

    These results reveal that relays are useful even when theydo not actively transmit, provided that they adhere to theopportunistic" cooperation rule and give priority to the bestavailable relay. The simplicity of our protocol allows imme-diate implementation in a custom radio hardware.3

    The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. InSection II, we present the basic protocols examined in thiswork and in Sections III and IV, we analyze DaF andAaF strategies, respectively. Finally, conclusions are given inSection VI.

    3An implementation example can be found in [19].


    We consider a half-duplex dual-hop communication sce-nario in a cluttered environment depicted in Fig. 1, where thedirect path between the source and destination is blocked by anintermediate wall, while relays are located at the periphery ofthe obstacle (around-the-corner). The relays can communicatewith both endpoints (source and destination). During the firsthop, the source (without exploiting any CSI) transmits N/2symbols and the relays listen, while during the second hop,the relays forward a version of the received signal using thesame number of symbols.4 The channel is assumed to remainconstant during the two hops (at least N -symbol coherencetime) with Rayleigh fading. We further consider a sourcepower constraint

    Psource = Ptot (1)and an aggregate relay power constraint

    Prelay =K


    Pk = (1 )Ptot (2)

    where K is the number of relays, Ptot is the total end-to-end(i.e., source-relay-destination) transmission power, Psource isthe transmission power of the source, Pk, k = 1, 2, . . . ,K , isthe transmission power of the kth relay, and Prelay is the ag-gregate relay power allocated to the set Srelay = {1, 2, . . . ,K}of K relays. Note that if the kth relay does not participatein relaying, Pk is equal to zero. Also, (0, 1] and(1 ) [0, 1) denote the fractions of the total end-to-end

    4If the source is allowed to transmit different symbols during the secondhop, one channel degree of freedom would not be wasted and the spectralefficiency can be improved [4], [20]. However, in this paper, we are interestedin finding the optimal strategy for relay transmissions and hence, simplify theiroperation.


    power Ptot allocated to the source transmission and overallrelay transmission, respectively.

    It should be noted that the optimal power allocation acrossthe source and relays depends on CSI knowledge and canbe Psource = Prelay [21]. However, this is feasible only whenglobal CSI about the whole network (including channel statesbetween the relays and destination) is available at the source.In this work, we do not assume CSI at the source. Furthermore,optimal power allocation becomes more important when thereis a good link between the source and final destination. Noneof these conditions are applicable to our study. In fact, ourmain focus is not just optimal power allocation but a moregeneral question of what relays should do optimallyre-transmit or not.

    We now provide the model for the received signal in a link(A B) between two nodes A" and B":

    yB = AB xA + nB (3)where xA is the signal transmitted at the node A, AB CN (0,AB) is the channel gain between the link A B,and nB CN (0, N0) is the additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN) at the node B.5 For each link, let AB |AB|2 bethe instantaneous squared channel strength, which obeys anexponential distribution with hazard rate 1/AB, denoted byAB (1/AB). The probability density function (p.d.f.) ofAB is given by

    pAB (x) =1

    ABexp (x/AB) , x 0. (4)

    If the node A is the source, then E{|xA|2} = Psource.

    Similarly, if the node A is the kth relay, then E{|xA|2} = Pk.

    Specifically, for each relay k Srelay, we designate a link fromthe source to the kth relay by S k and a link from the kthrelay to the destination by k D. For the links S k andk D, the received average signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs)are equal to Sk SkPsource/N0 and kD kDPk/N0,respectively.6

    To reduce overhead and simplify protocol implementation,cooperation is coordinated only every N symbols. As shownin Fig. 1, we consider two modes of coordination: (i) reactivecoordination among DaF relays and (ii) proactive coordinationamong DaF or AaF relays. In a reactive mode, relays thatsuccessfully decode the message participate in cooperation,whereas in a proactive mode, specific relays that are selectedprior to the source transmission participate in cooperation.

    Relay selection can be performed without requiring globalCSI at each relay or at a central controller in the network. Onepossible approach is to use the method of distributed timersproposed in [19], where each relay estimates its own instan-taneous channel paths towards the source and the destination.

    5CN , 2 denotes a complex circularly symmetric Gaussian distributionwith mean and variance 2 . Similarly, Nm (,) denotes a complex m-variate Gaussian distribution with a mean vector Cm and a covariancematrix Cmm. Note that a specific time index is dropped in (3).

    6We consider a scenario in which the channel gains for all links arestatistically independent. In addition, since we consider a different averagechannel gain E {AB} = AB for each link, the noise variances at all nodesare normalized to N0 without loss of generality. Throughout the paper, weuse the term SNR to refer to instantaneous SNR. The term average SNRis explicitly used to describe the SNR averaged over the fading ensemble.

    Tb Ds




    flag packet

    dt t




    d2 d2 d3


    Fig. 2. Distributed relay selection: Upon reception of CTS from destination,each relay starts its own timer Tk with a metric of its own channel conditions.The relay with the highest metric will have its timer Tb expire first andbroadcast a flag packet, notifying its availability for relaying to the rest ofthe terminals.

    This can be accomplished by listening pilot signals transmittedfrom the source (Ready-To-Send or RTS) and transmitted fromthe destination (Clear-to-Send or CTS). Upon receiving CTS,each relay k then starts a timer Tk whose duration is inverselyproportional to a metric depending only on its own channelgains towards source |Sk| and destination |kD| (see Fig. 2).The timer Tb of the best relay b expires first and a flagpacket with duration Df notifies the rest of the network aboutits availability.7

    Since all cooperative relays compete to access the wirelessmedium according to their own channel conditions, there is afinite probability that any two relays have their timer expirewithin the same time interval dt and transmit their flag packets(Fig. 2). In that case, the destination can assess that more thanone relays are possible candidates. Such probability dependson 1) the propagation delays d1, d3 from destination to relays,82) propagation delays d2 between the relays, 3) radio listen-to-transmit switch time Ds and 4) duration Df of the flag packetwhen relays cannot listen to each other (the case of hiddenrelay terminals). That probability was analytically calculatedfor any type of wireless fading statistics in [19] and [22]. Itwas shown that opportunistic relay selection can be completedwithin a fraction of the channel coherence time. Additionaldetails regarding the above distributed relay selection protocolwithout global CSI and implementation examples with low-cost radios can be found in [19].


    1) Reactive Multiple-Relay DaF: In a reactive MR schemewith DaF strategy, the relays that successfully receive themessage during the first phase regenerate and transmit itduring the second phase, possibly through a distributed spacetime code [7]. The transmissions during the second phase areperformed only by a subset D of K relays, defined by

    D {k Srelay : 12 log2

    (1 + Sk


    ) R


    7Note that no explicit time-synchronization protocol is required among therelays.

    8d1 is one-way propagation delay and d3 includes round-trip propagationdelay.


    where R denotes the end-to-end spectral efficiency in bps/Hz.In (5), the decoding at relay k is assumed to be successful if12 log2 (1 + SkPtot/N0) R, i.e., no outage event happensduring the first phase [3], [7]. Since communication happens intwo half-duplex hops, the required spectral efficiency per hopis equal to 2R so that the end-to-end spectral efficiency is R,which is comparable to direct non-cooperative communication.

    Let D Srelay be a decoding subset with relays (i.e.,cardinality |D| = ). Then, we have

    Pr {D} =iD

    Pr {Si 1}

    j /DPr {Sj 1}



    j /D

    (1 e1/Sj


    where 1 = 22R1

    Ptot/N0 . The outage probability for reactive MRtransmissions with DaF strategy can be written as

    P(react)MR-DaF (outage) =




    outage| D}

    Pr {D} (7)

    where the second summation is over all(K

    )different decoding

    subsets with exactly successfully decodable relays.9 In (7),the conditional outage probability is given by


    outage| D}

    = Pr



    (1 +



    )< R



    kD Pk = Prelay.

    Let {i (D)}i=1 = {kD}kD andAAA (D) = diag (1 (D) , 2 (D) , . . . , (D)) .

    Then, using Theorem 2 in Appendix A, we obtain the condi-tional outage probability Pr {outage| D} as (9), shown at thebottom of the page, where (AAA (D)) is the number of distinctdiagonal elements of AAA (D), 1 (D) > 2 (D) >. . . > (AAA(D)) (D) are the distinct diagonal elements indecreasing order, i (AAA (D)) is the multiplicity of i (D),and Xi,j (AAA (D)) is the (i, j)th characteristic coefficient of

    9The equality in (7) is due to the total probability theorem over disjoint setsD that partition the sample space. Note that there are 2K possible decodingsubsets for K relays, including D0, i.e., the set with no decodable relayduring the first hop of the protocol.

    AAA (D) [23]. Combining (6), (7), and (9) gives (10), shown atthe bottom of the page.

    2) Reactive Opportunistic DaF: The following theoremestablishes the fact that opportunistic DaF relaying is outage-optimal, that is, it is equivalent in outage behavior to theoptimal DaF strategy that employs all potential relays.

    Theorem 1: For a reactive DaF relaying scheme with theaggregate power constraint (2), choosing the best relaybreact-DaF that maximizes the instantaneous channel strengthbetween the links k D for all k D, that is,

    breact-DaF = arg maxkD

    kD (11)is outage-optimal.

    Proof: For any reactive DaF relaying scheme withthe aggregate power constraint (2), the received SNR at thedestination is upper bounded as







    = (1 ) maxkD


    . (12)Therefore, the conditional outage probability in (8) for anyreactive DaF relaying scheme is lower bounded as follows:


    outage| D}



    log2(1 + (1 ) max



    )< R



    kDPr {kD < 2} (14)

    where 2 = 22R1

    (1)Ptot/N0 . Since the maximum received SNRin (12) and the minimum conditional outage probability in theright-hand side of (13) are achieved by the single opportunisticrelay-selection rule (11), we complete the proof of its outageoptimality.

    Note that (14) states simply that if the best relay fails,then all relays in D fail because the best" relay has thestrongest path breact-DaFD between the links k D for all k D. We remark that the minimization of (14) holds for anypower allocation . For quasi-static fading environments, asimple method can be devised to select the relay with themaximum channel strength breact-DaFD in a distributed mannersimilar to the work in [19] and [22].


    outage| D}

    = 1(AAA(D))




    [Xi,j (AAA (D))


    (22R 1i (D)


    ( 2

    2R 1i (D)


    P(react)MR-DaF (outage) =




    j /D

    (1 e1/Sj







    Xi,j (AAA (D))k!

    (22R 1i (D)


    ( 2

    2R 1i (D)

    )} (10)


    Using (6) and (7) in conjunction with (14) for the op-portunistic relay-selection rule (11), we obtain the outageprobability for reactive opportunistic DaF relaying as

    P(react)Opp-DaF (outage)




    [ iD

    e 1Si

    (1 e


    ) j /D

    (1 e





    [1 exp


    2R 1Ptot/N0



    1(1 ) kD


    where the last equality follows from the multinomial equalityK


    (1 akbk) =K


    [ak (1 bk) + (1 ak)






    iSai (1 bi)

    j /S

    (1 aj) . (16)

    Note that (15) implies that opportunistic DaF relaying is inoutage only when all of the relays are in outage. In thiscase, no other schemes can communicate reliably at rate R.Hence, the reactive opportunistic DaF relaying is optimalunder the aggregate relay power constraint (2) in a sense thatit minimizes the end-to-end outage probability.

    In contrast to our single-relay opportunistic rule, one mayconsider selection of the relay that maximizes the averageforward channel gain among the decoding set (see, e.g., [24],[25]):

    breact-DaF = arg maxkD

    E {kD}= arg max

    kDkD . (17)

    B. Proactive DaFIt might seem that selecting a single relay before informa-

    tion is transmitted from the source, could potentially result indegraded performance. On the other hand, selecting a singlerelay for information forwarding simplifies the receiver designand the overall network operation, since proactive selectionis equivalent to routing. In what follows, we show that suchchoice on protocol design incurs no performance loss.

    1) Proactive Opportunistic DaF: In proactive opportunisticrelaying, the best relay bproact-DaF is chosen prior to thesource transmission among a collection of K possible candi-dates in a distributed fashion that requires each relay to knowits own instantaneous signal strength (but not phase) betweenthe links S k and k D, for each relay k Srelay.10 Thebest relay bproact-DaF is chosen to maximize the minimum ofthe weighted channel strengths between the links S k andk D for all k Srelay:11

    bproact-DaF = arg maxkSrelay

    W (DaF)k (18)

    10Relay selection can be accomplished using a method of distributed timersdescribed in Section II, without requiring global CSI.

    11Instead of the minimum, the harmonic mean of two path strengths hasbeen also considered in [19].

    where W (DaF)k = min {Sk, (1 ) kD}.In this case, communication through the best opportunis-

    tic relay fails due to outage when either of the two hops(from the source to the best relay or from the best relay todestination) fail. Recall that

    W (DaF)k (



    (1 )kD


    which follows from the fact that the minimum of two in-dependent exponential random variables (r.v.s) is again anexponential r.v. with a hazard rate equal to the sum ofthe two hazard rates. From (18) and (19), we obtain theoutage probability for proactive opportunistic DaF relayingas follows:

    P proactOpp-DaF (outage)

    = Pr{W (DaF)bproact-DaF (AAA)are the distinct diagonal elements in decreasing order, i (AAA)is the multiplicity of i, and Xi,j (AAA) is the (i, j)th char-acteristic coefficient of AAA [23].13 The cumulative distributionfunction (c.d.f.) of X is given by

    FX (x) = 1(AAA)i=1



    Xi,j (AAA)k!



    )kex/i , x 0.

    (30)Proof: Since Y1, Y2, . . . , YN are statistically indepen-

    dent, the characteristic function (c.f.) of X is

    X (jw) E{ejwX



    (1 jwn)1 . (31)

    Using a partial fraction decomposition of (31) with the13Let be an nn Hermitian matrix with the eigenvalues 1, 2, . . . , n

    in any order, () be the number of distinct eigenvalues, 1 > 2 >. . . > () be the distinct eigenvalues in decreasing order, and i () bethe multiplicity of i . Then, the (i, j)th characteristic coefficient Xi,j (),i = 1, 2, . . . , (), j = 1, 2, . . . , i (), is defined as a partial fractionexpansion coefficient of det (In + )1 such that

    det (In + )1 =



    1 + ii()

    characteristic coefficients, we obtain the p.d.f. of X as

    pX (x) =12

    ejwxX (jw) dw


    ejwx det (IN + jwAAA)1 dw



    Xi,j (AAA)2

    ejwx(1 + jwi




    Xi,j (AAA)ji

    (j 1)! xj1ex/iu (x)

    (32)where IN denotes the N N identity matrix and u (x) is theHeaviside step function.

    From (32), we obtain the c.d.f. of X as

    FX (x) =(AAA)i=1


    Xi,j (AAA)ji

    (j 1)! x0




    Xi,j (AAA){1 1

    (j 1)! (j,




    = 1(AAA)i=1


    Xi,j (AAA)(j 1)!





    where the last equality follows from the fact that the sum of allthe characteristic coefficients is equal to one [23], and (n, z)is the incomplete gamma function defined by

    (n, z)


    tn1etdt. (34)

    Finally, using the identity [26, eq. (8.352.2)]

    (n, z) = (n 1)! ezn1k=0


    k!, n positive integer (35)

    yields the desired result (30).The following corollaries are two extreme cases of Theo-

    rem 2, i.e., the cases of all distinct ns and all equal ns.Corollary 1: If all of ns are distinct ( (AAA) = N and

    i (AAA) = 1 in Theorem 2), then we have

    pX (x) =N


    Nj=1j =i

    (1 j




    i, x 0 (36)






    Xi,j ()

    1 + ij

    where is a scalar constant such that In + is nonsingular and Xi,j ()can be determined by

    Xi,j () = 1i,j !




    1 + ii() det (In + )


    = 1i

    with i,j = i () j.



    FX (x) = 1N


    Nj=1j =i

    (1 j


    )1 e

    x/i , x 0.

    (37)Proof: When all of ns are distinct, the characteristic

    coefficients of AAA become [23]

    Xi,1 (AAA) =N

    j=1j =i

    (1 j


    )1, i = 1, 2, . . . , N. (38)

    The proof follows immediately from Theorem 2 and (38).Corollary 2: If n = , n = 1, 2, . . . , N ( (AAA) = 1 and

    1 (AAA) = N in Theorem 2), then we have

    pX (x) =N

    (N 1)! xN1ex/, x 0 (39)


    FX (x) = 1N1k=0



    )kex/, x 0. (40)

    Proof: When all of ns are equal, the characteristiccoefficients of AAA become [23]

    X1,j (AAA) ={

    0, j = 1, 2, . . . , N 11, j = N.


    The proof follows immediately from Theorem 2 and (41).We remark that Corollary 2 agrees with the well-known

    fact that a sum of N i.i.d. exponential r.v.s has a central chi-squared distribution with 2N degrees of freedom.

    B. A Product-Ratio DistributionTheorem 3 (Product-Ratio Distribution): Let

    Y1 (1/1)

    Y2 (1/2)be statistically i.n.i.d. exponential r.v.s. Suppose a product-ratio X of the form

    X =Y1Y2

    a1 + Y2, a > 0. (42)

    Then, we have

    pX (x) =1



    a1 + zz

    exp{x (a1 + z)

    1z z




    FX (x) = 1 12


    exp{x (a1 + z)

    1z z


    }dz (44)

    where x 0.

    Proof: Note that

    FX (x) = Pr{

    Y1Y2a1 + Y2


    = EY2{FX|Y2 (x)

    }= EY2

    {1 exp

    [x (a1 + Y2)



    = 1 12


    exp{x (a1 + z)

    1z z


    }dz (45)

    as desired. The p.d.f. of X in (43) follows immediately fromdifferentiating (44) with respect to x.

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    Aggelos Bletsas (S03M05) received with excel-lence his diploma degree in Electrical and ComputerEngineering from Aristotle University of Thessa-loniki, Greece in 1998. He worked as a ResearchAssistant from 1999 to 2005 at the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT) Media Laboratory,where he earned the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees in 2001and 2005, respectively. He worked at MitsubishiElectric Research Laboratories (MERL) as an internduring the summer of 2004 and as a PostdoctoralFellow from fall of 2005 to fall of 2006, when he

    returned to Greece to serve in the Greek Army. Upon completion of hismilitary service in May 2007, he joined the Radio Communications Labora-tory (RCL), Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, asa visiting scientist.

    His research interests span the broad area of scalable wireless communica-tion and networking, with emphasis on relay techniques, signal processingfor communication, radio hardware/software implementations for wirelesstransceivers and low cost sensor networks, time/frequency metrology andnanotechnology. He is currently researching and developing detection andsignal processing techniques for the long-range backscatter wireless channel.

    He received best thesis award in 1999 from Ericsson, for the developmentof the first, complete and publicly available Hellenic text-to-speech system(called Esopos). He earned several awards for academic excellence fromthe National Scholarship Foundation, Greece and the Technical Chamber ofGreece. He was a recipient of a BT Fellowship Award and a Nortel NetworksFellowship Award from 2000 to 2005, during his graduate studies at MIT.

    Hyundong Shin (S01M04) received the in Electronics Engineering from Kyung HeeUniversity, Korea, in 1999, and the M.S. and Ph.D.degrees in Electrical Engineering from Seoul Na-tional University, Seoul, Korea, in 2001 and 2004,respectively.

    From September 2004 to February 2006, Dr. Shinwas a Postdoctoral Associate at the Laboratory forInformation and Decision Systems (LIDS), Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge,MA, USA. In March 2006, he joined the faculty of

    the School of Electronics and Information, Kyung Hee University, Korea,where he is now an Assistant Professor at the Department of Radio Commu-nication Engineering. His research interests include wireless communications,information and coding theory, cooperative/collaborative communications, andmultiple-antenna wireless communication systems and networks.

    Prof. Shin served on the Technical Program Committees for the 2006IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC06) and the 2006IEEE International Conference on Ultra Wideband (ICUWB06). He currentlyserves as an Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNI-CATIONS. He is a Guest Editor for the 2007 EURASIP Journal on Advancesin Signal Processing (Special Issue on Wireless Cooperative Networks).

    Moe Z. Win (S85-M87-SM97-F04) received theB.S. degree (magna cum laude) from Texas A&MUniversity, College Station, in 1987 and the from the University of Southern California(USC), Los Angeles, in 1989, both in ElectricalEngineering. As a Presidential Fellow at USC, hereceived both an M.S. degree in Applied Mathemat-ics and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineeringin 1998.

    Dr. Win is an Associate Professor at the Labora-tory for Information & Decision Systems (LIDS),

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Prior to joining MIT, hespent five years at AT&T Research Laboratories and seven years at theJet Propulsion Laboratory. His main research interests are the applicationsof mathematical and statistical theories to communication, detection, andestimation problems. Specific current research topics include measurementand modeling of time-varying channels, design and analysis of multipleantenna systems, ultra-wide bandwidth (UWB) systems, optical transmissionsystems, and space communications systems.

    Professor Win has been actively involved in organizing and chairing anumber of international conferences. He served as the Technical ProgramChair for the IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband in 2006, the IEEECommunication Theory Symposia of ICC-2004 and Globecom-2000, and theIEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies in 2002;Technical Program Vice-Chair for the IEEE International Conference onCommunications in 2002; and the Tutorial Chair for the IEEE SemiannualInternational Vehicular Technology Conference in Fall 2001. He served as achair (2004-2006) and secretary (2002-2004) for the Radio CommunicationsCommittee of the IEEE Communications Society. Dr. Win is currently anEditor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Heserved as Area Editor for Modulation and Signal Design (2003-2006),Editor for Wideband Wireless and Diversity (2003-2006), and Editor forEqualization and Diversity (1998-2003), all for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ONCOMMUNICATIONS. He was Guest-Editor for the 2002 IEEE JOURNAL ONSELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS (Special Issue on Ultra -WidebandRadio in Multiaccess Wireless Communications).

    Professor Win received the International Telecommunications InnovationAward from Korea Electronics Technology Institute in 2002, a Young In-vestigator Award from the Office of Naval Research in 2003, and the IEEEAntennas and Propagation Society Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions PrizePaper Award in 2003. In 2004, Dr. Win was named Young AerospaceEngineer of the Year by AIAA, and garnered the Fulbright Foundation SeniorScholar Lecturing and Research Fellowship, the Institute of Advanced StudyNatural Sciences and Technology Fellowship, the Outstanding InternationalCollaboration Award from the Industrial Technology Research Institute ofTaiwan, and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineersfrom the United States White House. He was honored with the 2006 IEEEEric E. Sumner Award for pioneering contributions to ultra-wide band com-munications science and technology. Professor Win is an IEEE DistinguishedLecturer and elected Fellow of the IEEE, cited for contributions to widebandwireless transmission.