cooperation! theme3! …cooperation! theme3! ict!–!information!and!communications!technologies!!!!...

COOPERATION THEME 3 ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Proposal full title: Future Internet Impact Assurance Proposal acronym: FIMPACT Project number: 632840 Type of Funding Scheme: Support Action (SA) Work programme objective addressed: FI.ICT2013.1.9 Title: D3.2 Data collection requirements and format Contractors: Part No. Participant Organisation Name Part. Short Name Country 1(Co) International Data Corporation Italia IDC IT 2 International Data Group UK IDG UK 3 Bluegreen Strategy BGS IT 4 Sustainable Finance Consulting SFC DE 5 IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd IIMC IRL 6 Jozef Stefan Institute JSI SLO

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Proposal  full  title:     Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  Proposal  acronym:   FIMPACT  Project  number:     632840  

Type  of  Funding  Scheme:  Support  Action  (SA)  Work  programme  objective  addressed:  FI.ICT-­‐2013.1.9  

Title:  D3.2  Data  collection  requirements  and  format  


Contractors:  Part  No.  

Participant  Organisation  Name   Part.   Short  Name  


1(Co)   International  Data  Corporation  Italia   IDC   IT  2   International  Data  Group  UK   IDG   UK  3   Bluegreen  Strategy   BGS   IT  4   Sustainable  Finance  Consulting   SFC   DE  5   IIMC   International   Information  

Management  Corporation  Ltd  IIMC   IRL  

6   Jozef  Stefan  Institute   JSI   SLO  


Page 2: COOPERATION! THEME3! …COOPERATION! THEME3! ICT!–!INFORMATION!AND!COMMUNICATIONS!TECHNOLOGIES!!!! !!!!! ! Proposalfulltitle:! FutureInternet!Impact!Assurance! Proposal!acronym:!FIMPACT

FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

Deliverable  D3.2  Data  collection  requirements  and  format  


07/04/2015     Version  1.0     Page  2  of  72    


Executive  Summary  This   document   describes   the   scope   and   the   activities   of   the   Deliverable   D3.2   –   Data  collection  requirements  and  format,  in  relation  with  the  Deliverables  of  WP2  and  WP4.  The   document   contains   a   description   of   the   data   collection   requirements   and   the  organization   of   the   Accelerators   procedures   and   of   their   submitted   and   selected  proposals.   It  describes  the  internal  FI-­‐Impact  allocation  of  a  number  of  Accelerators  to  each   partner   and   the   planning   and   harmonization   of   the   relationship   the   FI-­‐Impact  partner  was  expected  to  have  with  the  Accelerator.   It  describes  the  direct  and  indirect  methods   of   communication,   the   identification   of   data   sources   and   the   mapping   of  Accelerators  and  their  proposals.  All  questionnaires  and  templates   for  reports  and  documents  used  or   to  be  used  by  FI-­‐Impact  are  available  in  this  Deliverable  as  a  guide  for  the  data  collection  phase.  Finally,   it  shows  the  current  status  of  data  collection,  the  different  approaches  used  by  Accelerators,   the   upcoming   FI-­‐Impact   activities   to   complete   the   global   database,   the  KPIs  to  calculate  the  proposals’  impact  and  the  monitoring  actions.    









This   document   may   contain   material,   which   is   the   intellectual   property   of   a   FI-­‐Impact  contractor.   It   cannot   be   reproduced   or   copied   without   permission.   All   FI-­‐Impact  consortium  partners  have  agreed  to  the  full  publication  of  this  document.  The  commercial  use  of  any  information  contained  in  this  document  may  require  a  license  from  the  owner  of  that  information.  The  information  in  this  document  is  provided  “as  is”  and  no  guarantee  or  warranty   is  given  that  the   information   is   fit   for  any  particular  purpose.  The  user  thereof  uses  the  information  at  their  sole  risk  and  liability.  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

Deliverable  D3.2  Data  collection  requirements  and  format  


07/04/2015     Version  1.0     Page  3  of  72    


Index  1.   Introduction  .................................................................................................................................................  5  

1.1.   Scope  of  the  Deliverable  .................................................................................................................  5  1.2.   Intended  Audience  and  Reading  Suggestions  .......................................................................  5  

1.3.   Interaction  with  other  Deliverable  ............................................................................................  6  

2.   Data  collection  requirements  and  Accelerator  information  formats  ..................................  8  2.1.   Allocation  of  Accelerators  to  FI-­‐Impact  partners  ................................................................  8  

2.2.   Identification  of  accelerators  data  sources  .........................................................................  12  

2.3.   Accelerators’  call  schedules  and  funnel  approach  ...........................................................  13  2.4.   Mapping  template  for  Accelerator  call  processes  ............................................................  15  

3.   Coordination  with  Accelerators  projects:  direct  and  indirect  methods  ..........................  19  3.1.   Suggested  Indicators  .....................................................................................................................  20  

3.2.   Validation  questionnaire  .............................................................................................................  21  

3.3.   Communication  on  Basecamp  ...................................................................................................  22  3.4.   Letters/formal  communications  and  NDAs  ........................................................................  23  

3.5.   FI-­‐Impact  presentation  and  partecipation  to  Accelerators  events  ...........................  31  3.6.   Direct  contacts  .................................................................................................................................  32  

4.   Data  collection  requirements  and  format  of  proposals  ..........................................................  33  

4.1.   Proposals  template  on  F6S/FundingBox  platform  ..........................................................  33  4.2.   Identification  of  proposals  data  sources  ..............................................................................  34  

4.3.   Mapping  template  of  submitted  and  selected  proposals  ..............................................  34  

5.   Current  status  of  Data  collection  ......................................................................................................  36  5.1.   Current  status  of  Data  collection  of  proposals  ...................................................................  36  

5.2.   Overview  of  results:  Infographic  and  duplicates  ..............................................................  39  6.   Information  collection  for  Impact  Analysis  .................................................................................  40  

6.1.   The  Self  Assessment  Tool  and  KPI  Questionnaire  ............................................................  40  

6.2.   The  Accelerators’  Questionnaire  .............................................................................................  56  7.   Data  collection  methodology  .............................................................................................................  61  

7.1.   Process  for  Data  collection  .........................................................................................................  61  

7.2.   Planning  of  the  FI-­‐Impact  future  activities  of  Data  collection  .....................................  63  8.   Monitoring  the  progress  ......................................................................................................................  69  

9.   Conclusions  and  next  steps  .................................................................................................................  70      

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

Deliverable  D3.2  Data  collection  requirements  and  format  


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List  of    Figure  Figure  1:  Relationship  between  Deliverables  ........................................................................................  6  

Figure  2:  Accelerator  allocation  to  FI-­‐Impact  partners  .....................................................................  8  Figure  3:  Coordination  with  Accelerators  –  direct  and  indirect  methods  ..............................  19  

Figure  4:  Mapping  template  of  proposals  .............................................................................................  36  

 List  of  Tables  

Table  1:  Accelerators’  contact  details  .....................................................................................................  12  

Table  2:    Accelerator  number  of  calls  .....................................................................................................  13  Table  3:  Accelerator  call  schedule  ............................................................................................................  14  

Table  4:  Accelerators’  data  collected  and  the  data  sources  ...........................................................  16  Table  5:    Mapping  template  of  Accelerators’  calls  roadmap  .........................................................  18  

Table  6:  Suggested  indicators  ....................................................................................................................  21  

Table  7:  Validation  questionnaire  ............................................................................................................  22  Table  8:  NDAs  requested  by  Accelerators  .............................................................................................  31  

Table  9:  Current  status  of  WP  ....................................................................................................................  37  Table  10:  Open  and  close  date  of  the  first  Call  ....................................................................................  38  

Table  11:  Current  status  of  Accelerators’  proposals  sent  to  FI-­‐Impact  Coordinator  .........  39  

Table  12:  Accelerators’  Questionnaire  ...................................................................................................  57  Table  13:  Timing  of  Data  Collection  ........................................................................................................  63        


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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

Deliverable  D3.2  Data  collection  requirements  and  format  


07/04/2015     Version  1.0     Page  5  of  72    


1. Introduction  In  the  context  of  Work  Package  Three,   this  deliverable   is  an   initial  step  to  describe  FI-­‐Impact’s  interaction  with  Accelerators.  It  describes  our  approach  to  characterizing  their  procedures   and   to   ensuring   Accelerators   have   and   will   provide   us   with   information  regarding   their   calls,   their   proposal   evaluation   process   and   the   results   they   are  achieving.   This   deliverable   additionally   attests   to   our   commitment   in   providing  continuous  support  and  feedback  regarding  the  results  of  the  data  collection.  Finally   it  describes   the   key   elements   we   used   in   building   the   data   collection  methodology   and  proposal  database.  

1.1. Scope  of  the  Deliverable  The  main  objectives  of  the  Deliverable  3.2  are:  

-­‐ To   gather   relevant   data   and   information   for   the   assessment   of   IA   Framework  Indicators,  as  defined  in  WP2;  

-­‐ To   manage   the   communication   with   the   Accelerator   projects,   maintaining  contact  and  collecting  data  and  information;  

-­‐ To   create   a   data   collection   format   to  harmonize   information   coming   from   the  Accelerators  calls  and  organization  as  well  as  providing  a  unique  data  collection  format  to  record  information  regarding  submitted  and  selected  proposals;  

-­‐ To  elaborate  and  describe  the  data  collected,  describing  the  distribution  of  the  proposals   by   type   and   characteristics,   their   market   segment,   their   main  business   ideas,   their  geographical  distribution  across  the  EU  and  the  FI-­‐WARE  technologies  they  intend  to  use;    

-­‐ To  check   the  progress,   results  and   impact  achieved   throughout   the   lifetime  of  the   selected   projects,   carrying   out   a   more   in-­‐depth   statistical   analysis   of  selected  funded  proposals.      

The   data   collection   methodology   will   be   assessed   and   modified   where   necessary,  interacting  with  WP2  and  WP4.  

1.2. Intended  Audience  and  Reading  Suggestions  This  document  is  mainly  intended  for  two  categories  of  users:  

-­‐ FI-­‐Impact   partners,   who   should   find   a   reference   about   the   data   collection  methodology.  This  deliverable  is  useful  to  understand  how  to  interact  with  the  accelerators   allocated,  which   information   to   request   to   them,  when   to   collect  data,  how  to  monitor  the  Accelerators’  progress  and  plan  future  activities.  

-­‐ Accelerators,  to  have  a  complete  view  of  all  the  accelerators'  call  program.  The  first  step  of  FI-­‐Impact  was  active  engagement  with  the  16  Accelerators  projects  and   with   the   other   Coordination   and   Support   Measures   to   coordinate  monitoring  of  their  main  plans  and  activities.  The  main  goal  of  this  activity  is  to  organise  an  ongoing   flow  of  data  and   information   from  all   the  Accelerators   to  FI-­‐Impact   to   collect   the   evidence   needed   for   our   assessments.   It   is   not   FI-­‐Impact’s   responsibility   to   benchmark   the   Accelerators   or   to   judge   their  comparative   performance.   Our   goal   is   to   cooperate   with   them   and   provide  support  in  order  to  better  assess  the  results  of  their  calls  for  proposals.  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

Deliverable  D3.2  Data  collection  requirements  and  format  


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1.3. Interaction  with  other  Deliverable  The   figure   below   shows   the   deliverables   already   presented   (M6-­‐december   2014)   and  the  deliverables  to  be  presented  soon  (M9-­‐march  2015  and  M10-­‐april  2015).    The   arrows   indicate   the   relationship   between   deliverables   and   the   red   boxes   the  WP  activities,  before  and  after  the  deliverable.    

 Figure  1:  Relationship  between  Deliverables  

The  deliverables  D3.1,  D2.1  and  D4.1  were  completed  in  December  2014.  D2.1  provided  a  description  of  the  analytical  methodology  and  tools,  which  will  be  used  to  perform  the  ex  ante  Socio  Economic  Impact  Analysis  and  market  forecast  during  the  course  of  the  project.  It  described  how  to  use  and  apply  the  methodology,  processes  and  tools  and  will  be  available  to  all  Phase  III  stakeholders  with  an  interest  in  understanding  the   relationship   between   particular   FI   PPP   actions   and  wider   ICT  market   trends   and  potential  in  Europe.  Moreover  it  described  the  Methodological  Framework  including  the  Key  Performance  Indicators  used  during  the  course  of  the  project  to  measure  economic,  social  and  scientific  and  knowledge  impact,  as  well  as  potential  end-­‐user  benefits.  The   other   sections   of   the   Deliverable   have   described   how   the   Impact   Assessment  Methodology   is   implemented,   how   quality   control   validation   and   risk   management  issues  are  addressed.  Finally  it  describes  the  Self  Assessment  Tools  that  any  internal  or  external   initiative   can  use   to  measure   their   performance,   benchmark   against   industry  standards  or  monitor  their  own  performance  over  time.    D3.1   provided   an   explanation   of   the  motivations,  mapping   and   assessment   templates,  which  are  required  to  demonstrate  qualitative  and   quantitative  assessment  to   identify  the   potential   technological,   deployment   and   business   practices   that   could   lead   to   the  highest   potential   impact   of   the   FI-­‐PPP   program.   The   main   activity   has   been   gather  relevant  data  and  information  on  Accelerators.    WP4,   in  D4.1,   provided   an   online   library   to   collect   information   relative   to   the   project  and   for   involved   Accelerators   to   offer   services   and   documentation   which   is  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

Deliverable  D3.2  Data  collection  requirements  and  format  


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standardised,  well  recognized,  and  comparable.    The  results  of  these  three  deliverables  are  the  inputs  for  the  deliverable  D2.2,  D3.2  and  D4.2,  currently  in  progress.  The   overall   mapping   of   Accelerators   about   number   of   calls,   thematic   domain,  geographical   area,   FI-­‐WARE   technology,   number   of   proposal   selected,   size   of   funding,  timing  and  a  draft  of  KPI  indicators  are  at  the  basis  of  the  following  deliverables.    The  deliverable  D2.2  will   focus  on   the  KPIs   indicators:   innovation   focus,  market   focus,  feasibility  and  potential  benefits,  based  on  a  semantic  scale  (low,  medium,  high).    WP2  for  each  KPI  indicator  will  define  the  segmentation  and  elaboration  criteria  and  the  mapping  questions,  useful  also  for  D3.2  and  D4.2.  Based  on  this  deliverable  D3.2  WP3  will  define  the  data  sources  and  will  plan  a  standard  data  collection  methodology.    If  some  indicators  are  not  available   in  call   texts,   templates,  DoWs  or  other  Accelerator  documents,  the  information  will  be  asked  directly  to  Accelerators.  Deliverable  D4.2  will  make  a  set  of  web-­‐based  instruments  available  for  definition  and  validation   of   Future   Internet   products   and   business  models   available   to   target   users,  starting  from  the  online  library.      

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

Deliverable  D3.2  Data  collection  requirements  and  format  


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2. Data   collection   requirements   and   Accelerator   information  formats  

The  Accelerators’  data  collection  is  useful  to  plan  and  quantify  the  FI-­‐Impact  activities  in  particular  the  timing  and  the  resources  to  be  dedicated  to  the  data  collection  activity.  Knowing   the  number  of   the  expected  proposals,   the  number  of   the   started,   submitted  and  selected  proposals,  the  timing  and  funding  for  each  step  of  selection  and  monitoring,  allows  FI-­‐Impact  to  define  a  standard  approach  of  data  collection.  

2.1. Allocation  of  Accelerators  to  FI-­‐Impact  partners  

As   a   first   step   WP3   allocated   the   16   Accelerators   to   different   FI-­‐Impact   partners  according  to  thematic  domain,  nationality  of  coordinator  and  knowledge  of  the  contacts.  In  this  way  the  FI-­‐Impact  partners  became  the  supervisors  of  the  Accelerators’  activities  and   their   point   of   contact   for   the   data   collection.   Each   partner   has   provided   and  will  provide   to  WP3  all   the   information   collected   from   their  Accelerators   according   to   the  defined  data  collection  methodology.    

 Figure  2:  Accelerator  allocation  to  FI-­‐Impact  partners  






•  SmartAgriFood2-•  EuropeanPioneers-

•  FI6C3-•  CEED6Tech-•  FInish-•  SpeedUp-Europe-


•  Fi6Adopt-•  FRACTALS-

•  SOUL6FI-•  FABulous-•  FronBerCiBes-•  FINODEX-

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

Deliverable  D3.2  Data  collection  requirements  and  format  


07/04/2015     Version  1.0     Page  9  of  72    


Accelerators   Project  Coordinator  

Nationality   Coordinator  contact  details    

Second  contact  person  

Second  contact  person  details  

CEED  Tech   Grete  Gutmann  

Estonian   [email protected]    

Riivo  Anton   [email protected]  

CreatiFi   Pieter  Ballon    

Belgian   [email protected]    

Ingrid  Willems   [email protected]  

EuropeanPioneers   Laura  Kohler  

German   [email protected]  

Christian  Lüdke  

[email protected]    

FABulous   Francisco  Buján  

Spanish   [email protected]   Lena  Arndal;  Leonardo  Ronald  Satria  

[email protected];  [email protected]  

FI-­‐Adopt   Antonis  Ramfos  

Belgian   antonis.ramfos@intrasoft-­‐    

Raimund  Broechler;  Theodore  Zahariadis  

Raimund.broechler@intrasoft-­‐;  [email protected]  

FI-­‐C3   Gaël  Maugis  

France   gmaugis@images-­‐et-­‐  

Pierre  François   pfrancois@images-­‐et-­‐  

FICHe   Satu  Väinämö  

Finnish   [email protected]    

Paul  Pelsmaeker  

[email protected]  

FInish   Harald  Sundmaeker  

German   sundmaeker@atb-­‐    

Robert  Reiche   [email protected]  

FINODEX   Miguel  García  González  

Spanish   [email protected]    

Myrna  Rodriguez  


FRACTALS   Goran  Hodoba    

Serbian   [email protected]    

Grigoris  Chatzikostas  

[email protected]    

frontierCities   Seán   J.  Burke  

Belgian   [email protected]  


INCENSe   Luciano  Tommasi  

Italian   [email protected]  


IMpaCT   Simona  Torre  

Italian   [email protected]  

Pilar  Anadon  Marco  

[email protected]  

SmartAgriFood2   Sjaak  Wolfert    

Dutch   [email protected]  

Siobhan  McQuaid  

[email protected]  

SOUL-­‐FI   Nuno  Varandas  

Portugese   [email protected]            

SpeedUp_Europe   Olaf-­‐Gerd  Gemein  

German   [email protected]  

Stefan  Stengel   [email protected]  

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Accelerators   Consortium  Members   All  points  of  contact  

CEED  Tech   Advisio  Ou,  Startup  Yard  Limited,  Digital  Factory,  The  Spot,  Wise  Guys,  OCC.  

Grete  Gutmann  ([email protected]),  Riivo  Anton  ([email protected]),  Age  Laine  ([email protected]),  Nikola  Rafaj  ([email protected]),  Szabolcs  Valner  ([email protected]),  Eva  Havašova  ([email protected]),  Maris  Prii  ([email protected]),  Rokas  Tamosiunas  ([email protected])  

CreatiFi   iMinds,  FVH,  i2CAT,  CREATE-­‐NET,  Trentino  Sviluppo  Spa,  EBN,  ENoLL  IVZW,  ICUB.  

Pieter  Ballon  ([email protected]),  Ingrid  Willems  ([email protected]),  Hanna  Niemi  Hugaerts  (hanna.niemi-­‐[email protected]),  Sergi  Fernandez  ([email protected]),  Fabio  Antonelli  (fabio.antonelli@create-­‐  


ETV,  FhG,  TB,  WL,  FS.     Laura  Kohler  ([email protected]),  Christian  Lüdtke  ([email protected]),Thomas  Winkler  ([email protected]),  Cristina  Luminea  ([email protected]),  Lukasz  Luczak  ([email protected]),  Perttu  Tynkkynen  (perttu.tynkkynen@f-­‐  

FABulous   CKO,  INNOVALIA,  bwcon,  Bizkaia  talent,  Engineering,  CARSA.  

Francisco  Buján  ([email protected]),  Lena  Arndal  ([email protected]),  Leonardo  Ronald  Satria  ([email protected]),  Silvia  de  la  Maza  ([email protected]),  Ilse  Roelants  ([email protected]),  Corinna  Voss  ([email protected]),  Usua  Arriola  ([email protected]),  Stefano  De  Panfilis    

FI-­‐Adopt   ISOFT,  ISOFT-­‐LU,  EMC2,  ATOS,  UPM,  SYN,  EAI,  EUN,  PLAYGEN.    

Antonis  Ramfos  (antonis.ramfos@intrasoft-­‐,  Raimund  Broechler  (raimund.broechler@intrasoft-­‐,  Paul  Moore  (john-­‐[email protected]),  Federico  Alvarez  ([email protected]),  Assaf  Mendelson  ([email protected]),  Stevens  William  (william@e-­‐,  Theodore  Zahariadis  ([email protected]),  Kam  Star  ([email protected]),  Qianni  Zhang  (gianni.zhang@emc-­‐    

FI-­‐C3   I&R,  IMINDS,  MAC,  GAR,  YMLP.  

Gaël  Maugis  (gmaugis@images-­‐et-­‐,  Pierre  François  (pfrancois@images-­‐et-­‐,  Jan  Coppens  ([email protected]),  Ciro  Acedo  Boria  ([email protected]),  Carmen  Mac  Williams  (carmen@grassroots-­‐,  Yves-­‐Marie  Le  Pannérer  (yves-­‐marie.le-­‐[email protected])  

FICHe   OUL,  DEH,  TBM,  SMS,  BOU,  SDZ,  ZIC,  AEB,  TNO.  

Satu  Väinämö  ([email protected]),  Paul  Pelsmaeker  ([email protected]),  Oscar  van  Dijk,  Myriam  Martin,  Gorka  Sanchez,  Mari  Koskinen,  Gijs  van  Rijn,  Saskia  Müller,  Marian  Schoone  

FInish   ATB,  DLO,  EPS,  CentMa,  IMINDS,  CBHU,  

Harald  Sundmaeker  (sundmaeker@atb-­‐,  Robert  Reiche  ([email protected]),  Davor  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Democenter,  EBILTEM.   Meersman  ([email protected]),  Katalin  Viola  ([email protected]),  Gerhard  Schiefer  (schiefer@uni-­‐,  Massimo  Garuti  ([email protected]),  Cor  Verdouw  ([email protected]),  Reha  S.  Şentürk  ([email protected]).  


Miguel  García  González  ([email protected]  ),  Myrna  Rodriguez  (myrna@e-­‐,  Codrina  Lauth  ([email protected]),  Albert  Alonso  ([email protected]),  Rasmus  Pedersen  ([email protected]),  Paolo  Lombardi  ([email protected]),  Youssef  Sabbah  (youssef@e-­‐,  Francesca  de  Chiara  ([email protected]),  Stefano  de  Panfilis  ([email protected]),  Manrique  López  de  la  Fuente  ([email protected])  

FRACTALS   Razvojni  Fond  Vojvodine  D.O.O,  ATOS,  UoA,  DLO,  Univerzitet  U  Novom  Sadu,  SEPVE,  VOICT,  YASAD,  BASCOM.  

Goran  Hodoba  ([email protected]),  Grigoris  Chatzikostas  ([email protected]),  Mladen  Radisic  ([email protected]),  Spyros  Ignatiadis  ([email protected]),  Bulent  Erbas  ([email protected]),  Verka  Ilieva  ([email protected])  

frontierCities   NFS,  Engineering  -­‐  Ingegneria  Informatica  SPA,  University  of  Surrey,  EBN,  INNOVA  BIC,  ENERGAP,  Università  degli  studi  di  Messina.  

Seán  J.  Burke  ([email protected]),  Bernardita  Cárdenas  ([email protected]),  Robbie  Stakelum  ([email protected]),  Roberto  di  Bernardo  ([email protected]),  Klaus  Moessner  ([email protected]),  Bill  Headley  ([email protected]),  Robert  Sanders  ([email protected]),  Ronan  Breen  ([email protected]),  Chiara  Davalli  ([email protected]),  Alberto  Soraci  ([email protected]),  Andreana  Casaramona  ([email protected]),  Vlasta  Kremjl  (Vlasta.kremlj.gosak@energap.  si),  Petra  Gosak  ([email protected]),  Massimo  Villari  ([email protected])  

INCENSe   ENEL,  ENDESA,  Accelerace,  FBOX.  

Luciano  Tommasi  ([email protected]),  Adrian  Ferrero  Fernandez  (­‐,  Sandoval  Cuervo  Fernando  ([email protected]),  Brian  List  ([email protected]).  

IMpaCT   Buongiorno  Spa,  ISDI,  Seaya,  Teknologiudvikling  ApS  

Simona  Torre  ([email protected]),  Ignacio  Pinedo  ([email protected]),  Michael  Kleindl  ([email protected]),  Pilar  Anadón  ([email protected])  


DLO,  EBN,  DASTI,  PSNC,  AU,  PULS,  TV,  Bic  Euronova,  S.A.,  SEBIC.  

Sjaak  Wolfert  ([email protected]),  Siobhan  McQuaid  ([email protected]),  Iver  Thysen  ([email protected]),  Cezary  Mazurek  ([email protected]),  Claus  Aage  Grøn  Sørensen  ([email protected]),  Jerzy  Weres  ([email protected]),  Charlotte  Blottiere  ([email protected];  [email protected]),  Sandra  García  Torres  ([email protected]),  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Carole  Thurston  ([email protected])  

SOUL-­‐FI   IPN,  FRI,  Mymicroinvest,  ADE,  TU,  Deft,  TII    

Nuno  Varandas  ([email protected]  ),  Carlos  Cerqueira  ([email protected]),  Carlos  Bento  ([email protected]),  Alessandro  Monti  ([email protected]),  Roland  Nobels  ([email protected]),  Jorge  Izquierdo  ([email protected]),  Frank  van  der  Hoeven  ([email protected]),  Christine  Robison  ([email protected]).  


Glocal  consult  e.K.,  Accelerace  Management  AS,  WEBclusive,  ECN,  EU,  ABP,  Social  Impact  GGMBH,  Fachhochschule  Lubeck,  Universiteit  Van  Amsterdam,  StockholmInnovation&GrowthAB  

Olaf-­‐Gerd  Gemein  ([email protected]  or  olaf-­‐[email protected]),  Stefan  Stengel  ([email protected]),  Youssef  Sabbah  (youssef@e-­‐  

Table  1:  Accelerators’  contact  details  

Source:  Basecamp  and  Accelerators’  documents  

2.2. Identification  of  accelerators  data  sources    Each   of   the   Accelerators’   information   was   initially   collected   by   examining   their  Descriptions  of  Work  which  included  the  concept  and  objectives  of  the  project,  the  list  of  members  of  consortium,  their  roles,  the  implementation  of  the  project,  the  resources  to  be   committed   and   the   strategic   impact   they   expected   to   have.   This   was   the   first  document   analyzed   and   used   by   FI-­‐Impact   partners   to   understand   the   Accelerators’  scopes  and  implementation  plans.  Further   information   became   available   when   the   Accelerators   created   their   websites,  with   the   most   important   information   about   their   projects,   the   investors,   the  participation   requisites,   the   funding   available,   the   timing,   the   service   offered   to  applicants   and   where   applicable   the   link   to   the   funding   proposal   submission   service  (like  the  application  template  on  the  F6S  /  FundingBox  platforms).  From   the   website   the   applicants   were   in   most   cases   able   to   download   the   call  documents,  more   comprehensive   and   useful   for   the   submission   of   proposals   than   the  other  documents  because  they  describe  all  call  details,   the  requirements  to  participate  and  to  submit  the  proposals.  

Summarizing,  the  sources  identified  to  find  and  collect  the  data  are:  

-­‐ Accelerators’  DoWs;  -­‐ Accelerators’  websites;  -­‐ Accelerators’  Call  documents:  Call  text,  Guide  for  applicant,  FAQ  document,  etc.  

If   some   information   was   not   available   in   these   sources,   they   were   collected   through  direct  contact  with  the  accelerator  including    email,  skype  call,  interview,  questionnaires  etc.  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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2.3.  Accelerators’  call  schedules  and  funnel  approach  The   Accelerators   distribute   a   portion   of   their   total   resources   to   Start-­‐ups,   Web-­‐entrepreneurs,   SMEs   and   others   actors   through   an   open   call   procedure.   Each   of   the  Accelerators  has  its  own  timing  and  planned  number  of  open  calls.  

The  tables  below  shows  the  number  of  calls  for  each  Accelerator  and  their  opening  and  closing  time  (that  can  change  over  time):    Number  of  calls   List  of  Accelerators  

1  Call   FICHe,  FRACTALS,  frontierCities,  SmartAgriFood2,  SpeedUp_Europe  

2  Calls   Ceed   Tech,   CREAtiFi,   EuropeanPioneers,   FABulous,   Finish,   FINODEX,   INCENSe,  SOUL-­‐FI  

3  Calls   FI-­‐Adopt,  FI-­‐C3,  ImpaCT  

Table  2:    Accelerator  number  of  calls  


  1st  Call   2nd  Call   3rd  Call  Accelerators   open   close   open   close   open   close  CEED  Tech   Septeber  

16,  2014  December  15,  2014  

July  2015   October  2015  

-­‐   -­‐  

CreatiFi   October  01,  2014  

November  30,  2014  

August  01,  2015  

September  30,  2015  

-­‐   -­‐  

EuropeanPioneers   September  01,  2014  

October  31,  2014  

March  30,  2015  

June  22,  2015  

-­‐   -­‐  

FABulous   November  03,  2014  

December  17,  2014  

June  02,  2015  

August  2015  

-­‐   -­‐  

FI-­‐Adopt   September  15,  2014  

October  30,  2014  

December  15,  2014  

January  30,  2015  

March  15,  2015  

April  30,  2015  

FI-­‐C3   November  02,  2014  

November  30,  2014  

June  01,  2015  

June  30,  2015  

January  01,  2016  

January  30,  2016  

FICHe   September  15  ,  2014  

October  31,  2014  

-­‐   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  

FInish   October  29,  2014  

December  10,  2014  

March  17,  2015  

May  12,  2015  

-­‐   -­‐  

FINODEX   October  07,  2014  

December  19,  2014  

April  08,  2015  

June  17,  2015  

-­‐   -­‐  

FRACTALS   November  30,  2014  

February  28,  2015  

-­‐   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  

FrontierCities   November  20,  2014  

February  16,  2015  (Concept  note);  April  30,  2015  (Full  


-­‐   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  

INCENSe   October  14,   January  15,   June  15,   September   -­‐   -­‐  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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2014   2015   2015   15,  2015  IMpaCT   September  

29,  2014  November  07,  2014  

April  01,  2015  

April  30,  2015  

September  2015  

October  2015  

SmartAgriFood2   September  15,  2014  

November  15,  2014  

-­‐   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  

SOUL-­‐FI   RA1,  RB1:  September  04,  2014  

RA1:  October  31,  2014;  RB1:  April  30,  2015  

RA2:  January  01,  2015;  RB2:  June  01,  2015  

RA2:  March  31,  2015;  RB2:  August  31,  2015  

-­‐   -­‐  

SpeedUp_Europe   September  10,  2014  

December  10,  2014  

-­‐   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  

Table  3:  Accelerator  call  schedule  

Source:  Basecamp  and  Accelerators’  website  

After  the  submission  deadline,  Accelerators  take  a  period  (generally  one  or  two  months)  for  the  first  step  of  proposals  selection.  After  the  selected  proposals  sign  the  contract  the  program  starts.    However,  once   the  program  starts  not  all  Accelerators  proceed   in   the   same  way.    The  exact  procedure  is  performed  differently  in  each  Accelerator,  however  we  have  defined  two  macro-­‐types:    

I.  Several  steps  of  selection,    restricting  the  group  step  by  step    II.  one  step  of  selection,    same  group  reviewed  step  by  step.    

Several  steps  of  selection  -­‐  restricted  group  step  by  step:  Some   Accelerators   (as   CEED   Tech,   FINODEX,   FABulous,   SmartAgriFood2   and   FICHe)  have   planned   a   base   funding  with   a   distribution   of   additional   resources   if   the   funded  initiative   completes   successive  milestone  monitoring   steps.   It  means   that  Accelerators  give  a  fixed  amount  for  each  milestone  achieved  and  the  number  of  successful  initiatives  is  reduced  step  by  step.  One  step  of  selection  –  same  group  reviewed  step  by  step:  All  other  Accelerators  instead  have  only  one  step  of  selection  and  several  steps  of  review  based  on  the  milestones  defined  before.  It  means  that  the  winning  projects  selected  at  the  beginning  generally  arrive  at  the  end  of   the  process.  Parts  of   the  total   funding  are  given  at  each  step  of  review  (at   the  start,  when  milestones  are  achieved,  and  at  the  end).    In   both   process,   the   Accelerators   support   their   applicants   in   different   ways:   with  acceleration   programs,   FIWARE   technologies   support,   Business   innovation   support,  business   development,   financial   support,   matchmaking   and   networking,   mentoring,  training   and   coaching.   Each   of   the   Accelerators   is   organizing   workshops,   bootcamps,  Testing  infrastructures  and  living  labs  spaces.  Some  Accelerators  are  providing  financial    services  and  Introduction  to  investment  and  venture  capital  funds.  Since  Accelerators  have  different  timing,  different  approaches  to  selection  and  different  ways  to  support  the  initiatives,  the  knowledge  of  these  data  is  essential  to  plan  how  and  when  collect  data.    FI-­‐Impact  has  dedicated  significant  resources  to  standardising  and  harmonize  the  data  for  aggregation  so  as  to  ensure  comparability  where  possible.  

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2.4. Mapping  template  for  Accelerator  call  processes  

Accelerator  data  collection  includes  three  main  types  of  information:      

1. Generic  Information,  which  includes:    o Description  of  Accelerators;  o Scope  of  Accelerator;  o Criteria  for  applying;  o Selection  criteria;  o Services  offered;  o Consortium  members;    o Main  point  of  contact;  o Accelerator  websites.  

2. Value  Proposition  and  Main  Objectives,  which  includes:    o Target  markets;  o FIWARE  technologies  addressed;  o Expected  benefits.      

3. Call  Monitoring,  which  includes:    o Number  of  calls  planned;    o Total  funding  expected;  o Funding  per  proposal;  o Opening  and  closing  date  of  calls;  o Proposals  expected;    o Number  of  step  of  selection;  o Review  process;  o Timing  of  intermediate  steps;  o Number  of  selected  proposals.  

This  data   is  not  being  used   to   evaluate   the  Accelerators   and   compare   them  with  each  other,  but  simply  to  guide  the  elaboration  and  aggregation  of  the  results.    This  data  is  being  collected  for  each  Accelerator  and  then  aggregated,  providing  a  map  of  the  Accelerators  collective  coverage  of  target  markets,  geographies,  and  main  selection  criteria.  According  to  preliminary  elaborations,  the  16  Accelerators  expected  to  receive  a  total  of  approximately  6700  proposals  and  plan  to  fund  approximately  1200  projects  for  all  calls  (c.18%  of  total).      The  first  call  results  show  that  the  number  of  the  submitted  proposals  has  exceeded  the  number  of  proposals  expected.    

 The  table  below  shows  the  Accelerators  data  collected  and  the  data  sources:

Type  of  information   Data  collected   Sources  

 Generic  information   Description  of  Accelerators   DoW,  Website,  Call  Docs  

Scope  of  Accelerator   DoW,  Website,  Call  Docs  

Criteria  for  applying   DoW,  Website,  Call  Docs  

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Selection  criteria   DoW,  Website,  Call  Docs  

Services  offered   DoW,  Website,  Call  Docs  

Consortium  members     DoW,  Website,  Call  Docs  

Main  point  of  contact   DoW,   Website,   Call   Docs,  Basecamp  

Accelerator  websites   DoW,  Call  Docs  

Value  proposition  




Target  market   DoW,   Website,   Call   Docs,   Direct  contact  

FI-­‐WARE  technologies  addressed   Direct  contact,  Presentations  

Expected  benefit   Guide   for   applicants,   Direct  contact  

Call  roadmap   Total  number  of  calls   DoW,   Website,   Call   Docs,   Direct  contact  

Total  funding   DoW,   Website,   Call   Docs,   Direct  contact  

Funding  per  proposal   DoW,  Website,  Call  Docs  

Start  date  and  end  date  of  call   DoW,  Website,  Call  Docs  

Proposals  expected   Direct  contact  

N°  step  of  selection   Call  Docs  

N°  step  of  reviews   Call  Docs  

Timing  of  each  step   Call  Docs  

Docs  requested   Call  Docs  

N°  selected  and  funded  proposals   Website,  Call  Docs  

Table  4:  Accelerators’  data  collected  and  the  data  sources  

The   template   to   collect  Accelerators’  data   is   composed  of   two  parts:   the   first  with   the  generic   information   and   the   value   proposition,   the   second  with   the   call   roadmap   and  funnel  approach.  Generic   information   is   being   collected   in   textual   or   numeric   format,   while   the   data  regarding  value  propositions  was  collected  in  a  multiple  choice  format.    

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As  mentioned  earlier  there  was  no  obliged  process  that  the  accelerators  were  expected  to  follow  when  implementing  calls.  Each  accelerator  made  their  own  proposal,  having  a  particular  process.  The  tables  below  highlight  the  steps  carried  out  by  each  accelerator,  in  particular:  

-­‐ Proposals  submission  deadline;  -­‐ First  step  of  selection;  -­‐ Acceleration  program;  -­‐ First,  second,  third  check  points;  -­‐ Second,  third,  fourth  step  of  selection.  

For  each  of  these  steps  the  following  information  were  collected,  periodically  updated:  -­‐ Timing:  when  the  step  starts;  -­‐ Target   nr   of   proposals   –   Min.   and  Max   :   this   indicator   shows   over   time   if   the  

number  of  proposals  falls  as  a  result  of  selection  steps,  or  remains  the  same  as  a  result  of  step  of  review;  

-­‐ Selection   Criteria:   criteria   to   overcome   the   phase   and   to   get   ahead   with   the  Acceleration  program;  

-­‐ Funding  for  proposal  -­‐  Min.  and  Max.    -­‐ Docs   required:   each   step   requires   different   documents,   for   example   at   the  

beginning  the  Pitch  is  needed  while  at  the  end  it  is  required  to  provide  a  Business  Plan,  Business  Model  etc.      

AcceleratorsTotal number of calls

Total Funding

Funding per proposal Timing

Target nr of proposals - Min.

Target nr of proposals - Max.

Selection Criteria

Funding for proposal - Min.

Funding for proposal - Max.

Docs required Timing

Target nr of applications - Min.

Target nr of applications - Max.

Selection Criteria

Funding for application - Min.

Funding for application - Max.

Docs required

Start date

End date

















Proposals submission deadline (Call1) First step of selection (Call1) programACCELERATOR CALL 1


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TimingTarget nr of applications - Min.

Target nr of applications - Max.

Selection Criteria

Funding for application - Min.

Funding for application - Max.

Docs required TimingTarget nr of applications - Min.

Target nr of applications - Max.

Selection Criteria

Funding for application - Min.

Funding for application - Max.

Docs required

Second check point (Call1)First check point (Call1)

 Table  5:    Mapping  template  of  Accelerators’  calls  roadmap  

The  same  format  is  currently  being  used  for  Call  2  and  will  be  used  in  Call  3.  Furthermore,  several  Accelerators  have  indicated  that  the  acceleration  process  is  not  the  same   even  within   the   single  Accelerator.   The   initiatives   do   not   have   the   same   timing,  technology   readiness   or   go   to  market   needs   and   strategies.   The   company   that   needs    technology  support  will  take  advantage  of  opportunities  available  to  the  program,  on  the  contrary   the   company   that   has   a   good   understanding   of   FIWARE,   a   well   developed  technological   proposal  might   only   need    marketing   support   and  may   skip   some   steps  and  will  go  to  market  faster.      

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3. Coordination   with   Accelerators   projects:   direct   and   indirect  methods  

The  overall  activities  for  FI-­‐Impact  to  communicate  with  Accelerators  are  represented  in  the  figure  below:  


 Figure  3:  Coordination  with  Accelerators  –  direct  and  indirect  methods  


Communica)ons+on+Basecamp+ Suggested+indicators+ Valida)on+Ques)onnaire+

Le8ers/formal+communica)ons/NDAs+ Accelerators’+events+

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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3.1.  Suggested  Indicators  FI-­‐Impact  and  FI-­‐BUSINESS  have   jointly  provided  Accelerators  with  a   list  of   suggested  questions   that   might   be   included   in   call   templates   to   evaluate   the   potential   of   the  proposals.  As  you  can  see   from  the   table  below,   the   indicators   include  measure  of   the  innovation   potential   and   maturity   of   proposals,   the   team   and   the   organization  proposers,  the  technology  used  and  technology  experience,  the  market  orientation,  the  financial  aspects  and  the  benefits  expected  based  on  multiple  choice  answers.  FI-­‐Impact   and   FI-­‐BUSINESS   have   directly   contacted   the   Project   Managers   of   the  Accelerators   and   shared   with   them   these   indicators   to   explore   their   opinions   on   the  questions  and  on  the  multiple  choice  answers  hypothesized.    Each   Accelerator   gave   feedback   on   the   usefulness   of   these   questions   and   on   the  possibility  to  use  them  in  their  templates.  Most   of   Accelerators   have   used   these   indicators,   some   in   the   same   multiple   choice  format,  others  in  the  free  text  question  format.  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Description Measurement

1 Proposal Originality Is there a baseline or is this a new initiative Choose from the drop down list

2 Proposal Maturity At what stage of readiness is the initiative? Select the highest degree of readiness from the list. Choose from the drop down list

3 Position in the FI-PPP value-chain How does the applicant see its position in the ecosystem Choose from the drop down list

4 Innovation Idea Where do the needs and/or requirements come from. Select all that apply. select all relevant from list

5 Organisation Size Number of people employed in the organisation Choose from the drop down list

6 Patents / Licenses Does the proposer hold patents or licenses in the proposal domain? Choose from the drop down list

7 Types of Staff Select the staff types that are currently present in your organisation select all relevant from list

8 Years of Operation Number of years the proposer's organisation has existed Number

9 Principal Market Focus Orgainsation's current principal market Choose from the drop down list

10 Years of management expertise Indicate the combined number of years of management experience Number

11 Years of technology experience Indicate the combined number of years of technical experience in the target domain of your proposal Number

12 Realistion of technology Are you able to develop and market the technology internally? select all relevant from list

13 Market sector Market sector addressed by the proposal. Select all relevant sectors. Choose from the drop down list

14 Market type Type of customer that will use the product or service. Select all relevant answers. select all relevant from list

15 Geographical Scope Select target geographic areas for the proposed product or service Choose from the drop down list

16 Competition Describe the current competitive situation of your target market. Choose from the drop down list

17 Expected Yearly Growth Rate of Users Please indicate the projected increase in users/clients on a yearly basis Number

18 Business model What is the maturity level of your business model? select all relevant from list

19 Cash Flow Have you prepared a cash flow analysis? Choose from the drop down list

20 NPV, ROI, Breakeven Have you calculated the potential NPV, ROI and breakeven for your initiative? Choose from the drop down list

21 Potential User Benefits Select the most important benefits of your product / service select all relevant from list

22 Potential Economic Benefits Select the most important benefits of your product / service select all relevant from list

23 Potential Societal and Environmental Benefits Select the most important benefits of your product / service select all relevant from list

Financial aspects


ElementInnovation Potential and Maturity

Team and Organisation


Market orientation


Table  6:  Suggested  indicators  

3.2. Validation  questionnaire  FI-­‐Impact  created  a  validation  questionnaire   to   interview   face-­‐to-­‐face   the  Accelerators  at  the  ECFI  Conference  in  Munich  in  September.  This  was   the   first  meeting  with  Accelerators   and  was   very   useful   to   confirm   the   data  already  collected  on  Accelerators’  target  sectors,  FI-­‐WARE  technology  privileged,  date  of  calls,  funding  available  per  call  and  benefits  for  EU,  and  to  collect  new  data.  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Each  FI-­‐Impact  partner  has  interviewed  its  Accelerators  with  this  questionnaire  and  all  data  collected  have  contributed  to  the  current  mapping  of  accelerators.    

Interviewed*person: Interviewer:

# Question Description1 Target'sectors

Answer NotesSector'1 pick'from'listSector'2 pick'from'listSector'3 pick'from'list

2 FI'Technologies

Answer NotesTechnology'1 pick'from'listTechnology'2 pick'from'listTechnology'3 pick'from'list

3 CallsAnswer Opening*date Closing*date NotesCall'1Call'2Call'3

4 Call'TargetsAnswer Total*budget Funded*projects NotesCall'1Call'2Call'3

5 Benefits'for'EUAnswer Total*budget Funded*projects NotesBenefit'1 pick'from'listBenefit'2 pick'from'listBenefit'3 pick'from'list












 Table  7:  Validation  questionnaire  

3.3. Communication  on  Basecamp    

Basecamp   is   a   system   for   the   management   of   small   and   large   projects   that   involve  numerous  people  in  them,  even  physically  distant,  improving  the  development  process.  It  is,  therefore,  an  online  tool  that  allows  to  manage  a  project  by  creating  events,  notes,  lists,   giving   a   place   to   store   all   files   of   interest,   exchange   messages   between   project  members  and  much  more.  Basecamp  allows  to:  

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-­‐ browse  every  discussion;  -­‐ review  all  open  “to  do  lists”;  -­‐ see  every  single  file;  -­‐ read  all  text  documents;  -­‐ show  all  forwarded  emails;  -­‐ see  event  calendar;  -­‐ see  all  deleted  items.  

The  Accelerators  use  this  system  to:  -­‐ describe  the  concept  and  the  objectives  of  FI-­‐WARE;  -­‐ share  all  their  call  information  and  call  documents;  -­‐ promote  their  activities  and  their  events;  -­‐ discuss  with  other  Accelerators  to  plan  common  events;  -­‐ compare  the  call  results  and  the  next  steps.  

FI-­‐Impact  partners  use  it  to:  -­‐ communicate  with  all  Accelerators  in  the  same  time;  -­‐ confirm  the  data  collected  directly  from  them;  -­‐ update  the  data  already  collected  and  collect  new  data;  -­‐ provide  to  Accelerators  aggregate  results;  -­‐ support  Accelerators  in  case  of  doubts  or  problems.  

3.4. Letters/formal  communications  and  NDAs  

Internally,   FI-­‐Impact   partners   have   planned   a   skype   call   per   month,   supported   by  written  reports  of  work  performed  and  planned  in  each  Work  Package.  Moreover,   when   a   partner   participates   in   an   event,   it   is   usual   to   inform   and   update  others  via  report  and  planning  the  future  activities  and  the  partners  involved.  

The  letter  below  was  sent  at  the  end  of  September  2014  by  the  FI-­‐Impact  Coordinator  to  FI-­‐Impact  partners  to  inform  them  about  next  steps  in  the  FI-­‐PPP  and  FIWARE  Phase  III  evaluation  process:  As  we   discussed   in   our  meeting   in   ECFI   2   and   in   subsequent   conversations,   FI-­‐Impact   is  collecting   information  and  mapping  the  FI-­‐PPP  /  FIWARE  ecosystem.  We  already  have  a  good  collection  of  data-­‐points  from  our  interactions  with  you.  So  far  it  looks  like  everyone  is  living  up  to  if  not  exceeding  expectations!  But  that  is  mainly  about  you  guys,  your  calls,  and  your  place  in  the  FI-­‐PPP  ecosystem.    Right   now   there   is   a  wealth   of   data  being  generated.  A   large  number   of   proposals   have  been  generated  for  a  number  of  different  activities  to  be  funded;  in  many  cases  far  in  excess  of   possible   funding.   In   FI-­‐Impact,   like   in   all   of   your   activities,   we   cannot   hope   to   map  potential   impact  of  all   of   the  proposals   to  growth  potential  market  data  and  existing   IT  spending  (but   that  was  expected)  and  will,  as  you  might   imagine,   focus  on  the  “winners”  once  the  dust  settles.  However  given  budget  constraints  the  successful  proposals  will  be  a  fraction  of  our  potential  as  a  group.  It  would  be  a  pity  to  lose  the  opportunity  to  map  the  entire  community  out  there:  who  is  proposing   (and  maybe  double   or   triple  proposing),  which   communities  we  have   reached  and   those   we   might   have   missed.   We   think   it   is   important   to   know   which   FIWARE  technologies  and  Enablers  are  most  interesting  to  the  larger  “business  community”  around  us.  We  need  to  do  this  across  all  accelerators  if  it  is  to  be  useful.  […]  

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Some   formal   communications   were   sent   also   between   FI-­‐Impact   Coordinator   and  Commission   to   communicate   the   progress   of   FI-­‐Impact   activities   and   the   interaction  with  the  Accelerators.    The  letter  below  was  sent  by  the  FI-­‐Impact  Coordinator  to  Accelerators  to  inform  them  on  the  FI-­‐Impact  role  and  the  partner  involved:  

Dear  X,  

We  are  contacting  you  as   representatives  of   the  FI-­‐Impact  Support  Action.  As  you  know,  under   the   FI-­‐PPP   Phase   3   Programme,   FI-­‐Impact   has   the   role   of   measuring   for   the  Commission  the  impact  achieved  through  the  various  accelerators.    

At  this  stage  of  the  project,  we  are  launching  the  data  collection  of  the  proposals  submitted  to   the  accelerators   through   the  application   forms  on   the  F6S/FundingBox  platform.  The  data  collected  will  be  used  to  assess  the  aggregated  potential  impact  of  the  proposals.    

For  this  purpose,  we  kindly  request  your  collaboration  by  sharing  with  us  the  applications  you  are  going  to  receive  after  the  call  submission  deadline.    

Mr/Mrs  X,  representing  our  partner  Xx  in  the  consortium,  will  be  your  main  contact  person  in  this  phase,  so  please  expect  Mr/Mrs  X  to  directly  contact  you  in  the  upcoming  days.    


 FI  IMPACT  must  respect  the  confidentiality  requirements  posed  by  the  Accelerators  and  clarify  how  the  data  will  be  shared  and  disseminated  within  the  FI  PPP  community  and  beyond.   A  NDA  template  is  available  to  Accelerators  to  define  the  data  sharing:  when  and  under  what   process   the   Accelerators   delivered   their   datasets,   how   the   confidentiality   issues  where  managed,  which  were  the  structure  of  the  datasets  and  their  content  (i.e.,  the  type  of   data   collected   on   proposals   and   whether   it   was   coherent   with   the   indicators  suggested  by  FI   IMPACT).  This  data  will   not  be  used   to   evaluate   the  Accelerators,   but  simply  to  guide  the  elaboration  and  aggregation  of  the  results.      NDA  template:    IDC,   Viale   Monza,   18   20127   Milano,   Italia   VAT   and   Buinsess   Registration   Number  06541750151   represented   by   Mr.   Robert   White   and   representing   the   FI-­‐Impact  Consortium    


XXXX,  Adress,  represented  by  _________,  VAT  ID  Nr.  xxxxxx,  Reg.  Nr.  xxxxx    

shall  conclude  following  




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A. WHEREAS   Contracting   parties   ascertain   that   a   mutual   agreement   on   achieving  common  goals  under   the  FI-­‐PPP  Programme,   that   each  has   concluded  a   contract  with  the  European  Commission  under  that  contract  and  that  therefore,  the  parties  need  to  exchange  certain  information  


B. WHEREAS   in   this   Agreement   the   party   disclosing   certain   information   shall   be  called   the   »Disclosing   Party«   and   the   party   receiving   information   the   »Receiving  Party«.  


The  Parties  agree  to  the  following:  




Article  1  


Under   this   Agreement   confidential   information   means   any   information   marked   by   the  Disclosing  party  as  confindential  of  commercial,  financial  and  technical  nature  as  well  as  any   other   information   the   Disclosing   Party   considers   as   such   (or   are   to   be   regarded   as  such)  and  is  prepared  or  is  recieved  by  Recieving  party  in  any  form  (tangible  or  intangible)  including   software,   analyses,   tables,   data,   studies   and   other   documents   or   is   provided  oraly.   Furthermore,   confidential   information   also   means   any   other   documents   the  Receiving   Party   prepares   on   the   basis   of   foregoing   information   or   documents  wholly   or  partly  prepared  on  the  basis  of  such  information.  




Article  2  


Parties   to   this   Agreement   shall   agree   upon   that   all   confidential   information   is  communicated  between   them  within   the   scope  necessary   to  achieve   their  mutual  proejct  objectivea.   The   Parties   hereby   agree   that   such   information   shall   not   be   given   for   any  reason   or   purpose   whatsoever   to   third   persons   beyond   the   direct   contractors   in   the  respective  consortiums  and  with  the  European  Comission.  

The  Parties  may  communicate  confidential  information  to  their  employees  and  employees  working   in   the  partner   companies   in   their   consortiums.  Only   information   relevant   to  FI-­‐PPP  line  of  work  on  the  need-­‐to-­‐know  basis  may  be  communicated  to  such  employees.  All  employees  shall  be   informed  on  the  Agreement  here   to  and  shall  be   informed  and  aware  that  they  are  subject  to  its  binding  legal  obligations  and  consequences.  

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In  addition,  the  Parties  agree  that  confidential   information  may  be  communicated  to  the  European   Commission   and   their   expert   advisors,   agents   and   counsellors   only   under  condition   that   they   sign  a   statement   on   safeguarding   confidential   information   following  the  terms  defined  under  the  Agreement  hereto.  

The   Parties   shall   agree   that   no   confidential   information   received   is   disclosed  without   a  prior  written  consent  of  the  Disclosing  Party  except  for  purposes  of  achieving  their  mutual  business  objectives.    

The  Receiving  Party  shall  allow  their  employees  an  access  to  confidential  information  only  on   the   need-­‐to-­‐know   basis   and   shall   not   communicate   such   information   to   any   other  persons  unless  so  explicitly  agreed  upon  by  the  Agreement  hereto.  




Article  3  


The  Receiving  Party  shall  consent  that  all  confidential  information  of  the  Disclosing  Party  is   considered  proprietary   to   the   latter.  Communicating   such   information  does  not   in  any  way  grant  the  Receiving  Party  any  rights  relating  to  such  information.  


Article  4  


The  Parties  shall  agree  to  provide  the  same  standard  of  care  as  they  use   in  protection  of  their  own  confidential   information  and  to  handle  and  use  confidential   information  under  the  Agreement  hereto  in  a  manner  preventing  any  unauthorised  disclosure.  



Article  5  


The   Disclosing   Party   may   at   any   time   submit   a   written   request   for   return   of   any  confidential   information,   as   well   as   for   return   of   any   eventual   copies,   communicated,  prepared   or  made   pursuant   to   the   terms   of   this   Agreement.   Such   return   of   confidential  information  shall  be  accompanied  by  a  written   statement  of   the  Receiving  Party   that  no  such  information  has  been  consciously  kept  in  its  possession  or  under  its  direct  or  indirect  controll.   The  Receiving  Party   shall   fulfil   its   obligation   to   return   confidential   information  within  7  (seven)  days  after  such  request  has  been  received.  

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Confidential   information   consisting   of   analyses,   studies,   tables   and   other   documents  prepared  for  the  Receiving  Party  and  not  returned  to  the  Disclosing  Party  pursuant  to  the  Agreement  hereto  shall  be  destroyed  at   the  request  of   the   latter  and  the  Receiving  Party  shall  inform  in  writing  the  Disclosing  Party  accordingly.    



Article  6  


Obligations  provided  by  the  Agreement  hereto  do  not  relate  to  the   following  confidential  information:  


§ information  possessed  by  the  Receiving  Party  prior  to  acceptance  of  such  from  the  Disclosing  Party,  

§ information  being  or  becoming  public  due   to  any   reason  except   for  breach  of   the  Agreement  hereto,  

§ information  independently  developed  by  the  Receiving  Party  on  its  own,  § information  communicated  by  the  Receiving  Party  at  the  request  of  the  competent  

Court  or  other  state  authorities.  In  such  cases  the  Receiving  Party  shall  inform  the  other   party   prior   to   communicating   such   information   as   to   allow   the   Disclosing  Party   to   take   necessary   measures   to   protect   its   rights   relating   to   subject  confidential   information.   The   Receiving   Party   shall   in   any   case   communicate   to  state  authorities  only  legally  requested  information  and  take  maximum  effort  as  to  obtain  the  statement  on  protection  of  business  information  or  any  other  guarantee  as  to  handle  such  information  in  a  confidential  manner  from  the  recipient,  

§ information  which   the  Receiving  Party  may   communicate   to   third  persons  on   the  basis  of  written  consent  of  the  Disclosing  Party,  

§ information  received  from  the  third  party  without  similar  limitations  and  without  breach  of  the  Agreement  hereto.  



Article  7  


Each   party   confirms   and   guarantees   to   the   other   party   that   it   was   established   and  operates   in  accordance  with  the  governing  rules  of  the  country  where   it  was  established.  Each  party  confirms  that  it  enters  into  and  is  legally  bound  by  the  Agreement  hereto  and  that  takes  all  steps  necessary  to  execute  and  implement  it.  The  Disclosing  Party  guarantees  that  its  diclosure  of  confidential  information  does  not  breach  any  other  agreement  entered  into  with  third  parties.  


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Article  8  


§ This   Agreement   contains   all   items   referring   to   subject   of   this   Agreement   and  replaces   any   other   previous  written   or   oral   agreements   related   to   subject   of   this  Agreement  concluded  between  the  parties  hereto,  

§ If  any  provision  in  this  Agreement  is  found  or  held  to  be  invalid  or  unenforceable  or  illegal  in  any  way,  such  illegality,  unenforceability  or  invalidity  shall  not  effect  any  other   provision   under   this   Agreement   and   shall   not   be   seen   as   part   of   this  Agreement.   The   Agreement   shall   be   implemented,   to   the   extent   possible,   in  accordance  with  its  initial  terms  and  purposes.  


Article  9  


Any   notice   to   be   given   pursuant   to   this   Agreement   shall   be   submitted   in   writing   and  handed   in   person   or   by   registered   mail   and   addressed   to   the   address   stated   under   the  heading  of   the  Agreement  hereto  or   communicated  by   the   relevant  party  by   facsimile   to  the  number  provided  by   the  parties  hereto.  The  notice   thereof   is  deemed  received  within  seven  (7)  days  after  sending  through  mail  and  confirmed  by  postal  stamp.  



Article  10  

Both   parties   to   the   Agreement   here   to   shall   submit   documents   and   carry   out   activities  necessary  for  the  enforcement  of  terms,  provisions  and  objective  of  this  Agreement.  

Any  amendments,  modifications  and  detailed  explanations   to   the  Agreement  hereto  shall  be  deemed  valid  only  if  made  in  writing  and  signed  by  both  parties.  

In   case   that   provisions   of   this   Agreement   shall   not   be   implemented   or   in   case   such  implementation   is  not   requested   such  omission  of   request   or   implementation  will   not  be  interpreted  as  termination  of  those  provisions  and  will  not  in  any  way  effect  the  validity  of  this  Agreement  either  in  part  or  as  the  whole  and  will  not  terminate  the  rights  of  any  party  arising  out  of  this  Agreement.  

Headings   and   paragraphs   used   in   the   Agreement   hereto   are   applied   in   order   of   easy  reference  and  do  not  effect  the  importance  or  contents  of  this  Agreement.  


Article  11  

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Both  parties  shall  agree  upon  that  the  party  breaching  the  Agreement  hereto   is   liable  to  compensate   the   other   party   for   any   proved   damage   resulting   from   the   breach   of   this  Agreement   .  The  Disclosing  Party  shall  have  a  right  to  issue  a  statement  of  damage  to  be  compensated  by   the  other  party.  The  Receiving  Party  shall  be   liable   to  pay  such  damage  within  15  days  after  such  calculations  have  been  issued.    


The  request  for  compensations  is  valid  if  accompanied  by  relevant  evidence  showing  that  the  Receiving  Party  breached  the  provisions  of  the  Agreement  hereto  and  that  the  damage  results  from  such  breach..    




Article  12  


Both  parties  agree  that  the  provisions  of  the  Agreement  hereto  are  subject  to  the  law  of  the  Republic  of  Italy  and  that  any  disputes  arising  out  of  this  Agreement  shall  only  be  settled  by  the  competent  court  in  Milan.  

 TERM  AND  SURVIVAL  OF  OBLIGATIONS,  Confidentiality  period  


Article  13  

This  Agreement   shall   be   effective   as   from   the  date  when   signed  by   both  parties   shall   be  valid   for   indefinite   period   Each   party  may,   at   any   time,   terminate   this   Agreement   with  written  notice  to  the  other  Party.  

Condifentiality   period   for   any   Confidential   information   is   five   (5)   years   from   the   day   of  disclosure  of  such  Confidential  infromation  

Notwithstanding   possible   suspension,   expiration   or   termination   of   this   Agreement,   for  whatever   reason   by   whichever   Party,   the   Recieving   party   shall   REMAIN   bound   by  obligations  set  forth  in  this  Agreement  –  especially  by  obligations  set  foth  in  Articles  2,  3,  4  and  5  of  this  Agreement  until  the  expiration  of  the  Confidentiality  period.  




Article  14  


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This  Agreement  is  signed  in  two  (2)  identical  counterparts  of  which  each  Party  hereto  shall  receive  one  (1)  counterpart.  




Place,  Date,    

Declaration  of  no  conflict  of  interest  template:    

I  undertake  to  abide  by  the  code  of  conduct  for   independent  experts  acting  as  evaluators  covered  in  Annex  (Code  of  conduct).    

I  undertake  to  inform  the  evaluation  organiser  immediately  if  I  discover  any  disqualifying  or  potential  conflict  of  interest  with  any  proposal  that  I  am  asked  to  evaluate  or  which  is  the  subject  of  discussion  in  any  evaluation  meeting  in  which  I  participate  (Declaration  of  no  conflict  of  interest).    

Please  check  one  of  the  two  boxes  below  

-­‐     In  particular,  I  declare  that  I  have  not  submitted,  nor  am  I,  to  my  knowledge  involved  in   any   proposal   currently   under   evaluation   or   submitted   for   evaluation,   under   the  _______  Open  Call  for  Proposals.  

-­‐     In   particular,   I   declare   that   my   participation   in   the   evaluation   of   the   following  proposal(s)  could  create  a  conflict  of  interest:    


I  undertake  not  to  reveal  any  detail  of  the  evaluation  process  and  its  outcomes  or  of  any  proposal  submitted  for  evaluation  without  the  express  written  approval  of  the  evaluation  organiser.   In   case   of   evaluations   carried   out   outside   evaluation   organisers   controlled  premises,   I   understand   that   I   will   be   held   personally   responsible   for   maintaining   the  confidentiality   of   any   documents   or   electronic   files   sent   and   for   returning,   erasing   or  destroying   all   confidential   documents   or   files   upon   completing   the   evaluation,   unless  otherwise  instructed    


Full  Name  of  the  Expert:    



Signature:               Place,  Date:    


 The   table   below   shows   the   current   situation   of   the   number   of   NDAs   required   by  

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Accelerators   and   the   ones   signed   by   IDC   for   the   first   Call.   FI-­‐ADOPT   is   the   only  Accelerator  that  required  a  Declaration  of  no  conflict  of  interest.      Accelerators   NDA   Signature  Date  CEED  Tech   Yes   Signed  by  IDC  on  Dec  19,  2014  CreatiFi   Yes   Signed  by  IDC  on  Dec  19,  2014  EuropeanPioneers   Yes   Signed  by  IDC  on  Dec  19,  2014  FABulous   Required    FI-­‐Adopt   No  NDA   required.   FI-­‐ADOPT  has  

required  only  a  Declaration  of  no  conflict  of  interests.  

Signed   by   Richard   on   Nov   24,  2014  

FI-­‐C3   Yes   Signed  by  IDC  on  Dec  19,  2014  FICHe   Yes   Signed  by  IDC  on  Dec  19,  2014  FInish   Yes   Signed  by  IDC  on  Dec  19,  2014  FINODEX   No    FRACTALS   No    FrontierCities   Template   sent   to   the  accelerator  

on   Feb   24,   2015.   Not   yet  returned.  


INCENSe   No    IMpaCT   Yes   Signed  by  IDC  on  Nov  25,  2014  SmartAgriFood2   Yes   Signed  by  IDC  on  Feb  6,  2015  SOUL-­‐FI   No    SpeedUp_Europe   No    

Table  8:  NDAs  requested  by  Accelerators  

3.5. FI-­‐Impact  presentation  and  partecipation  to  Accelerators  events  

Why   does   FI-­‐Impact   partecipate   to   Accelerators   events?   And  why   do  we   believe   that  these  events  are  important?  Because  for  FI-­‐Impact  these  are  a  way  to:  

-­‐ inform  Accelerators  on  the  FI-­‐Impact  objectives,  role  and  partners  involved;  -­‐ validate  information  collected  and  collect  new  data;  -­‐ coordinate  session  groups  to  plan  next  activities;  -­‐ be  periodically  updated  on  Accelerators  proposals;  -­‐ support  Accelerators  in  decision  making.  

Past  events:  

-­‐ IDC  participated   in   the  Programme  Coordination  meeting   in  Barcelona   (Giorgio  Micheletti)  and  in  Brussels  (Richard  Stevens  and  Gabriella  Cattaneo)  (July  2014);    

-­‐ IIMC  (Paul  Cunningham)  represented  the  consortium  in  the  Accelerator  meeting  in  Berlin  (July  2014);  

-­‐ Programme   for   joint   Workshop   with   FI-­‐Business   during   ECFI2   agreed   (17-­‐18  September   2014).   Consortium   agreed   that   it   would   be   more   productive   to  undertake  direct   engagement  with  each  partner  during  ECFI2   rather   than  have  one   group  meeting.   IDC   (Richard   Stevens),   IIMC   (Paul  Cunningham),  Bluegreen  (Paolo  Paganelli,  Caterina  Bissoni),  JSI  (Gaber  Cerle)  and  SFC  (Jens  Schumacher)  

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participated   in   ECFI2   to   raise   awareness   of   FI-­‐Impact,   participate   in   joint  Workshop   with   FI-­‐Business   and   engage   directly   with   Accelerators.   IIMC   also  interviewed  FINESCE,  CONCORDE  and  FI-­‐CORE  during  ECFI2  to  identify  success  stories;  

-­‐ IIMC   represented   FI-­‐Impact   at   FINESCE   Open   Day   at   Trial   Site   in   Ireland   (22  September  2014);  

-­‐ IDC  (Richard  Stevens)  presented  FI-­‐PPP  and  FI-­‐Impact  during  eChallenges  (29  -­‐  30  October  2014);  

-­‐ IIMC  (Paul  Cunningham)  represented  FI-­‐Impact  during  Web  Summit,  Dublin  (04  -­‐  07  November  2014);  

-­‐ Bluegreen   (Paolo   Paganelli)   represented   the   consortium   in   the   Accelerator  meeting  in  Portugal  in  November  (26-­‐28  November  2014);  

-­‐ JSI   (Gaber   Cerle)   represented   FI-­‐Impact   during   Fractals   event   in   Ljubljana  (December  2014);  

-­‐ IDC   (Richard   Stevens)   shared   FI-­‐Impact   results   during   “Start   and   grow   your  business  with  FIWARE”  session.  (25-­‐26  March  2015).  

Upcoming  events:  

-­‐ ESWC2015  -­‐  JSI  will  follow  up  re  presentation  to  share  results  and  show  data  visualisation  in  relevant  session  in  the  Programme  (May  2015).  

3.6. Direct  contacts  Whenever  information  were  not  available  from  the  call  documents  or  data  sources,  they  were  collected  in  another  way,  for  example  email,  skype  call,  interviews  face  by  face  etc.  In   this   case   a   good   interaction  with   accelerators   and   their   availability   in  providing  us  information  are  essential.          

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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4. Data  collection  requirements  and  format  of  proposals  

4.1. Proposals  template  on  F6S/FundingBox  platform  

As  previously  said,  the  Accelerators  provide  to  Start-­‐ups,  Web-­‐entrepreneurs,  SMEs  and  others  actors  a  grant  fund  for  the  innovative  proposals  in  the  Future  Internet  field.  The   applications   may   only   be   submitted   via   F6S   platform,   FundingBox   platform   or  Accelerators  Website  and  have  to  use  the  FI-­‐WARE  technologies.  To  submit  a  proposal,  the  needed  steps  are:  

-­‐ Registration  of  the  Applicants  in  the  F6S/FundingBox  platform  portal  which  will  process  the  applications  and  be  the  central   interface  for  managing  the  SME  projects  for  the  remainder  of  the  open  calls;  

-­‐ Submission  of  the  proposal  before  the  closing  deadline.  An  example  proposal  template   is   available   on   the   Accelerators   section   on   the   platform,   where   the  participants   should   detail   and   justify   their   projects.   The   evaluation   criteria   are  different   from  Accelerator   to  Accelerator  and  are  properly  explained   in   the  call  guideline.  It   is  mandatory  that  applicants  carefully  complete  the  cover  page,  the  summary  page,   the   “Declaration  of  honour  on  exclusion  criteria  and  absence  of  conflict  of  interest”  form  and  the  Ethical/Security  check  list.  

Usually  the  questions  asked  to  applicants  on  their  project  cover  the  following  aspects:  -­‐ Specific  objectives;  -­‐ Applicants’  solution  in  terms  of  technology  or  service;  -­‐ FI-­‐WARE  technologies  used  by  applicants;  -­‐ The  target  market;  -­‐ The  team.  

Each  accelerator  may  require  this  information  to  applicants  with  a  number  of  questions  and/or  documents  to  be  included  in  the  format  they  prefer.  Some  Accelerators  have  used  the  indicators  suggested  by  FI-­‐Impact  and  FI-­‐BUSINESS  in  the  questionnaire  described  in  Section  4.1,  other  did  not.  This  aspect  on  the  one  hand  complicates  the  data  collection  because  it  is  not  easy  to  find  a  standard  format,  and  on  the  other  hand  the  applicants  cannot  participate  to  more  calls  of   the   same   sector   with   the   same   documents   but   they   have   to   restart   or   modify   the  proposal  every  time.  In  any  case  in  the  documents  it  is  specified  that  an  applicant  cannot  submit  its  proposal  to  more  than  three  accelerators  during  the  same  call  and  cannot  be  funded  by  multiple  accelerators.  When  the  calls  close  the  next  steps  are:  

-­‐ Evaluate  the  proposals  by  independent  expert  evaluators,  including  experts  from  technological  and  financial  sector;  

-­‐ Consolidate  the  expert  evaluations;  -­‐ Notify   the   successful   applicants,   financial   and   legal   validation   of   the  

proposers   and   signature   of   a   binding   agreement   for   the   realisation   of   the  application/related  technology.  

However,   before   signing   the   contract   and   starting   the   acceleration   program,   the  Accelerators  want  to  be  sure  that  the  proposals  have  not  been  selected  and/or  funded  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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by  other  Accelerators.  In  this  phase  FI-­‐Impact  collects  all  the  data  of  the  submitted  and  selected  proposals  and  provide  these  information.  

4.2. Identification  of  proposals  data  sources    The   only   data   source   on   the   submitted   and   selected   proposals   are   the   Accelerators  because  all  data  are  legally  protected.  Provided   that   all   Accelerators   were   already   aware   and   agreed   on   FI-­‐Impact   role   and  support  activity  since  the  Accelerators  meeting  in  Coimbra,  each  FI-­‐Impact  partner  has  contacted  its  Accelerators,  at  the  close  of  their  call,  to  inform  them  about  the  importance  to   collect   and   analyse   the   proposals   data   as   soon   as   possible   to   provide   aggregate  results.  The  email  below  was  used  as  template  to  contact  the  Accelerators:    Dear  X,      as   agreed   in   Coimbra   FI-­‐Impact   will   receive   all   data   information  about   the   proposals,  including   the   full   application   texts   (not   an   extraction   of   data)  in   whatever   format   as  required  to  prepare  the  analytics  on  the  16  accelerators.  You  should  export  the  entire  lot  as  a  single  CSV  or  other  excel  format  and  encrypt  with  a  open  /modify  password.  If  you  are  on  the  other  hand  using  single  files,  DOCs,  scans,  .PPTs  or  other  weird  formats  just  1)  group  2)  Zip  and  3)  password  protect  the  zip  file.  Send  everything  to  our  coordinator,  Richard  Stevens,  cc  to  this  mail.  Please  have  the  password  sent  by  text  to  cell  XXX.  The  sender  should  ask  for  confirmation.   Each  FI-­‐Impact  partner  knows  the  dates  of  the  several  steps  of  its  Accelerators  and  the  progress   of   the   selection   process.   Based   on   these   information   each   partner   has  contacted  its  Accelerators  to  receive  their  full  text  applications.  Most  of  Accelerators  have  requested  a  NDA  -­‐  Not  Disclosure  Agreements-­‐  before  sending  the   proposals.   Once   received   it   and   signed   by   IDC,   they   have   sent   to   the   Coordinator  (Richard   Stevens)   the   application   texts   of   submitted   proposals   (according   to   the  procedure)  and  after  more  or   less  a  month   the   list  of   selected  proposals.  This  process  will  be  the  same  for  the  next  calls.  WP2   and   WP3   have   collaborated   to   collect   the   proposals   information   in   a   standard  template.    

4.3. Mapping  template  of  submitted  and  selected  proposals    

First  of  all  WP2  and  WP3  have  created  a  database  in  MS  Excel  format  where  each  sheet  is  dedicated  to  each  single  Accelerator  and  to   its  proposals.  No  change  has  been  made  and  no  decision  on  information  to  collect  was  taken  before  having  a  significant  number  of  proposals.  When  most  of  Accelerators  have  closed  the   first  call  and  most  of   them  have  sent   their  submitted   proposals   in   whatever   format   they   prefer,   a   cross-­‐check   between  Accelerators  information  was  done.    The   aim  was   to   identify  which   data   they   had   in   common   and  which   data  were   to   be  asked   again   to   Accelerators   or   searched  within   the   abstract   or   free   text   questions   of  proposals.  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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The   classification   of   the   data   received   from   Accelerators,   the   identification   of   the  information   in   common  between   the   proposals   and   the   check   of   the  missing   data   are  very  important  to  complete  the  database  with  significant  information  and  to  have  a  good  data  collection.  

Problems  found:  

-­‐ Not   all   Accelerators   have   sent   the   full   text   applications:   some   an   extraction   of  data,  other  only  statistical  data;  

-­‐ Not  all  Accelerators  have  sent   the  proposals  directly   to   the  Coordinators:   some  published  the  data  on  a  google  docs  linked  to  Basecamp  or  on  their  own  website,  accessible  only  by  password;  

-­‐ Data   missing:   sometimes   project   name,   in   other   case   the   company   name   or  coordinators  name;  

-­‐ Unclear  names:  difficulty  in  finding  selected  proposals  in  the  list  of  the  submitted  proposals  due  to  unclear  names;  

-­‐ Not   homogeneous   answers:   for   example   some   Accelerators   classify   the  companies  as  Micro,  small,  not-­‐registered  company,  instead  other  as  SMEs,  Web-­‐entrepreneurs,  Start-­‐up  etc.  


-­‐ The  FI-­‐Impact  coordinator  had  to  contact  again  the  accelerators  to  have  the  full  text  applications  and  the  missing  details  of  proposals;  

-­‐ The   information   on   the   proposals,   that   have   not   been   sent   directly   from  accelerators   but   that   FI-­‐Impact   has   downloaded   from   their   websites   or  Basecamp,   were   confirmed   directly   by   the   related   Accelerators   before   being  used;  

-­‐ The  unclear  names  were  resolved  thanks  to  a  data  cleaning;  -­‐ About   the   not   homogeneous   answers,   the   best   way   was   to   extrapolate   the  

information  scratch  from  the  proposals  abstract.  The   information   collected   and   to   be   collected   in   the   next   calls   for   a   good   analysis   of  proposals  are  the  following:  

-­‐ Country;  -­‐ Organization  name;  -­‐ Project  name;  -­‐ Address;  -­‐ Number  of  team  members;  -­‐ Fund  requested;    -­‐ Verticals  Target;  -­‐ FI-­‐WARE  Chapter;  -­‐ FI-­‐WARE  Enablers;  -­‐ Selected  (YES/NO);  -­‐ Solution  type;  -­‐ Name  of  coordinator  and  name  of  the  team  members;  -­‐ Abstract;  -­‐ Brief  description;  -­‐ Company  years  of  experience.  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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All   these   information  are  represented   in   the   following  mapping   template  of  submitted  proposals.  The  selected  proposals  are  a  sub-­‐group  of   the  submitted  proposals  and  are  identified  with  the  field  “Selected:YES/NO”.    


 Figure  4:  Mapping  template  of  proposals  

5. Current  status  of  Data  collection  5.1. Current  status  of  Data  collection  of  proposals  

The  WPs  tasks  and  their  current  status  in  the  FI-­‐Impact  project  are  represented  in  the  table   below.   It   is   important   to   highlight   that   the   Engagement   preparation   and   the  Quantitative  and  qualitative  data   collection  phases  of  WP3  were   started   in  September  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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and   October,   before   of   the   timing   stated   in   the   table   because   the   relationship   with  Accelerators  has  required  more  time  than  expected.  Each  WP  has  periodically  written  reports  on  its  own  current  status  of  data  collection  and  relationship  with  Accelerators  to  inform  the  other  WPs  and  the  Coordinator.      Project(Planning(for(FI1MPACT !1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26































D1.10Report0on0Communication0and0Dissemination RD1.20Report0on0Communication0and0Dissemination RD1.30Impact0Assessment0and0Success0Stories0Communication OT



D2.10Impact0Assessment0Guidebook RD2.20Mapping0and0Initial0KPIs0Measurement RD2.30Ex!ante0Impact0Assessment0and0Forecast RD2.40Update0of0Impact0Assessment0and0Forecast R



D3.10Assessment0Approach0Presentation00 OTD3.20Data0Collection0Requirements0and0Format RD3.30Assessment0Report R



D4.10Initial0Online0Library0of0Templates0and0Services OTD4.20Future0Internet0Validation0Web!Based0Instruments0 OTD4.30Report0on0online0Assessment0environment R



D5.10Periodic0Progress0report0!0Period01 RD5.20Periodic0Progress0report0!0Period02 RD5.30Final0Report R

2014 2015 2016

 Table  9:  Current  status  of  WP  

Source:  FI-­‐MPACT  activities  task  level    About   the  Accelerators’   calls,   the   table  below  shows   that   in  May  2015  all  Accelerators  have   closed   the   first   call   (although  not   all   have   evaluated   the  proposals)   and   some  of  them  have  opened  the  second  call.  Only  IMPACT  has  already  close  the  second  call  and  FI-­‐ADOPT  has  closed  the  second  call  and  the  third  call.        

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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  1st  Call   2nd  Call   3rd  Call  Accelerators   open   close   open   close   open   close  CEED  Tech              CreatiFi              EuropeanPioneers              FABulous              FI-­‐Adopt              FI-­‐C3                FICHe              FInish              FINODEX                FRACTALS              FrontierCities              INCENSe              IMpaCT              SmartAgriFood2              SOUL-­‐FI              SpeedUp_Europe              Table  10:  Open  and  close  date  of  the  first  Call  

Legend:  Call  in  progress  Call  open  soon  (1  month)  Call  open  late  (more  than  1  month)  Call  closed    The   following   table   is   very   useful   for   the   FI-­‐Impact   partners   to   know   who   of   their  Accelerators  has  sent  the  submitted  and  selected  proposals  to  the  FI-­‐Impact  Coordinator  and  to  plan  the  next  data  collection  activities.    Accelerators   Submitted  proposals  

-­‐  Call  1  Selected  proposals  

-­‐  Call  1  Proposals  sent  to  FI-­‐Impact  Coordinator  

CEED  Tech   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  CreatiFi   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  EuropeanPioneers   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  FABulous   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  FI-­‐Adopt   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  FI-­‐C3   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  FICHe   No   Yes   No/Yes  FInish   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  FINODEX   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  FRACTALS   No   (in   March   the  

proposals   were  No   No/No  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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under  evaluation)  FrontierCities   No  (in  March  the  

full  text  of  proposals  was  not  available)  

No   No/No  

INCENSe   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  IMpaCT   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  SmartAgriFood2   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  SOUL-­‐FI   Yes  (only  Round  

A1)  Yes  (only  Round  A1)   Yes/Yes  

SpeedUp_Europe   Yes   Yes   Yes/Yes  Table  11:  Current  status  of  Accelerators’  proposals  sent  to  FI-­‐Impact  Coordinator  

In  the  first  call  the  data  information  of  proposals  were  collected  asking  to  Accelerators  the  full  application  texts  of  proposals  (not  an  extraction  of  data)  in  whatever  format  they  preferred,  within  the  March  31st.  In   the  case  of  delay   in  delivery  of  proposals’   information,   the  FI-­‐Impact  partners  have  contacted  again  the  Accelerators  asking  them  to  send  at  least  the  following  basic  data  of  proposals:  

-­‐ Country  of  origin;  -­‐ Organization  name;  -­‐ Project  name;  -­‐ Organization  Address;  -­‐ Number  of  team  members;  -­‐ Targeted  sector;  -­‐ FI-­‐WARE  Chapters;  -­‐ FI-­‐FARE  Enablers;  -­‐ Name  of  Project  Coordinator;  -­‐ Abstract;  -­‐ Organization  years  of  experience;  -­‐ Project  website.  

5.2. Overview  of  results:  Infographic  and  duplicates  FI-­‐Impact   has   provided   overall   results   to   Accelerators   in   a   infographic   format,  periodically  updated.  In  particular  it  provides  the  following  data:  

- Total   expected   applications,   number   of   proposals   started,   number   of   proposals  submitted  and  number  of  proposals  selected;  

- Number  of  proposals  by  accelerators  and  their  geographical  distribution;  - The  top  5  Countries  of  proposals'  origin  by  accelerator;  - Team  composition:  how  they  team  up  (one  person-­‐business,  2  members,  3   to  5  

members,  >5  members);  - Percentage  of  FI-­‐WARE  Enablers  used;  - Market  target  by  proposals:  B2B,  B2C,  B2B/B2C.  

These  data  were  obtained  aggregating  the  information  of  all  the  proposals  coming  from  Accelerators  and  the  results  will  be  available  in  the  Deliverable  2.2.  

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FI-­‐Impact  has  worked  and  is  working  also  on  the  duplicates  of  submitted  proposals  and  selected  proposals.  The  aim   is   to  understand   if   a  proposal   is   selected   from  more   than  one  Accelerator  because  one  proposal  cannot  be  financed  twice.    FI-­‐Impact  considers  for  each  Accelerator  the  following  three  fields:  

- Project  name;  - Company  name;  - Name  of  coordinator.  

and  it  provides  to  Accelerators:  

- The  name  of   submitted   and   selected  proposals   in  different  Accelerators  during  the  same  call;    

- The  name  of  companies  that  have  submitted  more  than  one  project  (in  the  same  or  different  Accelerators);    

- The  name  of  coordinators  involved  in  different  project.    

6. Information  collection  for  Impact  Analysis  

6.1. The  Self  Assessment  Tool  and  KPI  Questionnaire  

The   online   Self   Assessment   Tool,   developed   by   FI-­‐Impact,   is   a   web-­‐based   instrument  mainly  dedicated   to   the  SMEs  and  Web  Entrepreneurs  with   the  purpose   to  determine  strengths   and   weaknesses   through   assessing   their   initiative   on   several   key   impact  parameters  and  learn  about  ways  to  improve  and  increase  their  impact.  It  is  also  dedicate  to  the  general  FI-­‐PPP  /  FI-­‐WARE  community  to  generate  insights  into  strengths  and  weaknesses  of  Future   Internet  Public-­‐Private-­‐  Partnerships  (FI  PPPs)   to  detect   which   aspects   of   the   FIWARE   offering   offer   the   highest   potential   and   how  initiatives  are  configured  to  exploit  them.    The  Self  Assessment  Tool   is  made  up  of   four  distinct  web-­‐based  sections  (registration,  questionnaire,  scoring  and  improvement)  and  will  be  used  in  particular  by:  

-­‐ Accelerators  acting  on  behalf  of  the  single  initiatives;  -­‐ single  Initiatives  already  being  financed;  -­‐ new  external  initiatives  willing  to  complete  the  questionnaire.  

to:  -­‐ compare  their  potential  performance  to  successful   initiatives  based  on   industry  

proven  high-­‐level  indicators;    -­‐ see   how   their   initiatives   are   changing   and  what   effect   that  may   have   on   their  

potential;  -­‐ indicate  on  any  given  axis  which   initiatives  have  scored   the  highest   in   terms  of  

potential   and   allow   them   to   share   their   experiences   (if   willing)   with   other  projects  and  interested  stakeholders.    

The  Self  Assessment  Tool  is  developed  on  the  basis  of  the  KPIs  and  analysis  framework,  to  analyse  and  calculate  the  impact  of  individual  proposals.  The  KPI  questionnaire  consists  of  six  indicators:  

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-­‐ Profile  indicator:   quali-­‐quantitative   description   of   the   profile   of   the   projects  selected  and  funded  by  the  Accelerators  

-­‐ Innovation  Focus:  level  of  innovation  and  positioning  in  the  go-­‐to-­‐market  process  of  the  suggested  solution;    

-­‐ Market   Focus:   describing   in   detail   the   type   of   customers,   markets   and  geographies   targeted   by   each   project,   as  well   as   type   of   revenue   and   business  models;  

-­‐ Feasibility:  level  of  development  of  the  business  and  financial  plan  of  the  funded  proposals;    

-­‐ Potential  user  benefits:  potential  benefits  that  the  funded  project  plan  to  provide  to  the  target  user;    

-­‐ Potential   social   impacts:   potential   social   impacts   potentially   achieved   by   the  funded  projects.    

Each   of   the   six   indicators   is   turned   into   separate   Self   Assessment   questionnaire,   is  composed  by  a  list  of  questions  and  available  answers  (that  can  be  free  text,  one  choice  or  multiple  choice)  and  includes  an  explanation  of  how  measurement  is  performed  and  why  the  specific  parameter  is  important  to  achieve  impact.  The  Accelerators  will  suggest  to   their   selected   proposals   to   complete   the   questions   listed   below,   of   the   Self  Assessment  Tool.    

Profile  indicator:  

1. Which  Accelerator  is  funding  you?  Choose  one:  

A. Ceedtech  B. Creatifi    

C. European  Pioneers  

D. Fabulous    E. FI-­‐Adopt    

F. FI-­‐C3    G. Fiche    

H. Finish    

I. Finodex    J. Fractals    

K. FrontierCities    

L. Impact    M. Incense    

N. Smart  Agri-­‐food  O. Soul-­‐fi    

P. Speedup  Europe  

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2. In  which  country  is  your  organisation  headquartered?  Choose  one  (list  of  countries)  

3. What  is  the  name  of  your  organisation?  Free  text    

4. What  is  the  name  of  your  proposal?  

Free  text  5. What  is  the  mailing  address  of  your  organisation?  

Free  text  

6. Type  of  organisation?  Choose  one:  

A. SME:  Enterprises  qualify  as  micro,  small  and  medium-­‐sized  enterprises  (SMEs)  if   they   fulfil   the   following   criteria:   headcount   <250,   turnover   ≤  €  50  million   or  Balance  sheet  total  ≤  €  43  million  

B. Large  Enterprise:  headcount  >250,   turnover  >  €  50  million  or  Balance   sheet  total  >  €  43  million  

C. Web   Entrepreneur:   entrepreneur   of   an   Internet-­‐based   business.   Web  entrepreneurs   constitute   a   specific   category   of   entrepreneurs,  who   create   new  digital  services  and  products  that  use  the  web  as  an  indispensable  component  of  their  business  (source  FI-­‐PPP  call  document  by  EC)  

7. How  many  people  are  in  the  proposal  team?  


8. How  many  FTE  employees  are  in  your  organization?  Integer  

9. What  was  the  organisation's  annual  turnover  in  the  last  complete  financial  year?  Euro  value  

10.  Does  your  proposal  sell/offer  an  IT  solution  or  a  service?  

Choose  one:  A. Tech   provider   (you   sell   or   offer   a   software   and/or   an   IT   device   -­‐   e.g.   cloud  solutions,  apps,  IoT  sensors  and  tools,  analytics  or  content  management  software,  etc.)    B. Service   provider   (through   an   IT   solution,   you   provide   a   service   such   as   a  marketplace  or  a  booking  website  -­‐  e.g.,  netflix,  amazon,  tripadvisor,  etc.)  

11.  Does   your   IT   solution   is   purely   software   or   does   it   include   also   a   hardware  component?  Choose  one:  

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A. Purely  software    B. Software  and  Hardware  

12.  Which  FIWARE  enablers  are  being  used  or  planned  to  be  used  in  the  project?  Select  all  appropriate  from  list:  

-­‐ Big  Data  Analysis    

-­‐ Complex  Event  Processing  (CEP)    -­‐ Publish/Subscribe  Context  Broker    

-­‐ Stream-­‐oriented    

-­‐ Backend  Device  Management    

-­‐ Configuration  Manager-­‐IoT  Discovery    -­‐ Configuration  Manager-­‐Orion  Context  Broker    

-­‐ Gateway  Data  Handling  GE    

-­‐ IoT  Broker    -­‐ Protocol  Adapter    

-­‐ 2D/3D  Capture    

-­‐ 2D-­‐UI      

-­‐ 3D-­‐UI-­‐WebTundra    -­‐ 3D-­‐UI-­‐XML3D    

-­‐ Augmented  Reality    

-­‐ Cloud  Rendering    

-­‐ GIS  Data  Provider    -­‐ Interface  Designer    

-­‐ POI  Data  Provider    

-­‐ Real  Virtual  Interaction    -­‐ Synchronization    

-­‐ Virtual  Characters    

-­‐ Authorization  PDP    

-­‐ Identity  Management    -­‐ PEP  Proxy    

-­‐ Security  Monitoring    

-­‐ Network  Information  and  Control    -­‐ Repository    

-­‐ Marketplace    

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-­‐ Store  -­‐ Revenue  Settlement  and  Sharing  System    

-­‐ Application  Mashup    

-­‐ IaaS  Resource  Management  GE    -­‐ Monitoring  GE    

-­‐ Object  Storage  GE    

-­‐ PaaS  Manager    

-­‐ Policy  Manager    -­‐ Self-­‐Service  Interfaces    

-­‐ Software  Deployment  and  Configuration  

13. How  much  funding  has  been  received  from  the  accelerator?  Euro  value  

14. What  is  the  name  of  the  coordinator  of  your  proposal?  

Free  text  (Name,  Surname…)  15. Please  provide  up  to  300  word  abstract  of  your  project?  

Free  text  16. How  many  years  has  your  organisation  been  active?  


The  information  collected  in  the  Profile  section  will  be  aggregated  and  displayed  to  the  respondent  at  the  end  of  the  self-­‐assessment  process  in  the  form  of  a  descriptive  text.    

 Innovation  Focus:  

1. How  near  is  your  concept  to  being  commercially  exploitable?  Choose  one:  

TRL  1.  basic  principles  observed  TRL  2.  technology  concept  formulated  

TRL  3.  experimental  proof  of  concept  

TRL  4.  product/service  validated  in  lab  TRL  5.  product/service  validated  in  operational  environment    

TRL  6.  product/service  demonstrated  in  operational  environment    TRL  7.  product/service  prototype  demonstration  in  operational  environment  to  client  

TRL  8.  product/service  market  ready  TRL  9.  product/service  sold  in  marketplace  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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2. Does   your   concept   provide   an   Incremental   Improvement   or   radically   change  existing  products  or  services?  

Choose  one:  A. No   foreseen   improvement:   The   concept   does   not   involve   improvement   to  existing  products  and  services  

B. Incremental   improvement:   it   involves   modest   changes   to   existing   products  and  services.  These  are  enhancements  that  keep  a  business  competitive,  such  as  new  product  features  and  service  improvements  

C. Disruptive   improvement:   it   radically   changes   existing   products   and   services  and   creates   new   markets   by   discovering   new   categories   of   customers.  Disruptive   improvements   do   this   partly   by   harnessing   new   technologies   but  also   by   developing   new   business   models   and   exploiting   old   technologies   in  new  ways  

3. Does  a  similar  solution  already  exist  in  the  marketplace?  Choose  one:  

A.  Yes  B.  No  

4. Is  the  original  concept  developed  by  a  single  person  or  is  it  a  group  effort  

Choose  one:  A.  Single  

B.  Multiple  

5. Is  the  concept  a  standalone  developement  or  is  it  part  of  a  larger  organisational  strategy?  

Choose  one:  A.  Standalone  

B.  Strategy  

6. Have  you  validated  the  concept  with  potential  Investors  or  Customers?  Select  all  appropriate:  

A.  None  

B.  Potential  Investors  C.  Potential  Clients  

The  information  collected  in  the  Innovation  section  will  be  aggregated  and  displayed  to  the  user  as  simple  five  point  categories  which  go  from  low,  to  medium  low,  to  medium,  to  medium  high,  to  high.  

Market  Focus:  1. Select  the  Business  Model  that  best  reflects  your  idea?  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Select  all  appropriate  from  list:  -­‐ Production   model   (you   produce   the   product/service   and   you   sell   it   to  customers  who  pay  for  it  on  a  one-­‐time  sale  -­‐  e.g.  manufacturing  companies)  

-­‐ Markup   model   (you   buy   a   product   from   producers   and   you   re-­‐sell   it   to  customers  -­‐  e.g.  retail  shops)  

-­‐ Subscription  model   (your  customers  have   to  pay   for  your  product/service  at  contracted  periods  of  time  -­‐  e.g.  software-­‐as-­‐a-­‐service,  cloud  services,  but  also  newspapers,  gyms,  Netflix,  mobile  carriers)  

-­‐ Usage  fees  model  (your  customers  pay  for  the  amount  of  product/service  they  use  -­‐  e.g.  electricity,  water,  and  gas)  

-­‐ Rental  model  (you  rent  your  assets  to  customers  -­‐  e.g.  car  sharing)  

-­‐ License   model   (you   keep   copyright   of   your   product/service   while   selling  licenses  to  customers  with  an  up-­‐front  cost-­‐  e.g.  many  software  but  also  movie  producers)  

-­‐ Advertising  model  (you  get  revenues  from  advertisements  appearing  on  your  product/service  -­‐  e.g.  television,  magazines)  

-­‐ Transactions/Intermediation  model  (you  get  a  fee  being  the  intermediate  in  a  transaction  between  two  parties  -­‐  e.g.  

-­‐ Freemium  model   (you   offer   your   product/service   for   free,   while   charging   a  premium  for  full/extended  version  -­‐  e.g.  many  mobile  applications)  

-­‐ Customer   analysis  model   (you   get   revenues   selling   aggregated   data   on   your  customers/users  of  your  product/service)  

2. Where  will  your  revenues  come  from,  in  %?  

Select  all  appropriate  from  list:  -­‐ Revenues  from  %  licenses      

-­‐ Revenues  from  %  subscriptions  

-­‐ Revenues  from  %  project  fees  

3. In  which  market  sector(s)  do  you  plan  to  sell  your  product  or  service?  Select  all  appropriate  from  list:  

-­‐ ACCOMMODATION   AND   FOOD   SERVICE   ACTIVITIES   (hotels,   restaurants,  cafès,  etc.)  

-­‐ FINANCIAL  SERVICES  (banks,  insurance,  etc.)    

-­‐ AGRICULTURE,  FORESTRY  AND  FISHING  (farms,  fishermen,  etc.)    

-­‐ ARTS,   ENTERTAINMENT   AND   RECREATION   (cinemas,   theatres,   museums,  etc.)  

-­‐ BUSINESS   SERVICES   (lawyers,   engineers,   consultants,   software   developers,  advertising  and  marketing  agencies,  etc.)    

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-­‐ EDUCATION  (schools,  universities,  etc.)    

-­‐ UTILITIES  (energy,  gas,  water  providers,  etc.)    -­‐ HORIZONTAL  (solutions  suitable  for  every  verticals)    

-­‐ HEALTHCARE  (hospitals,  doctors,  practicioners  and  physicians,  etc.)    


-­‐ MINING  AND  QUARRYING    -­‐ GOVERNMENT  (municipalities,  local  and  central  institutions,  etc.)    

-­‐ TELECOM  AND  MEDIA  (telco  companies,  broadcasting,  etc.)    


4. Through  which  Channel  do  you  expect  to  sell  your  product/service?  

Select  all  appropriate  from  list:  -­‐ Sales  agents    

-­‐ Shops    

-­‐ App-­‐stores    

-­‐ Personal  website    -­‐ Other  external  websites    

-­‐ Public  tenders  notices    

-­‐ E-­‐mail/Phone-­‐call  marketing  5. In  which  geographical  area  you  would  like  to  sell  your  product/service?  

Select  all  appropriate  from  list:  

A. Local  B. Regional  

C. National  (if  chosen  multiple  select  EU  countries  list  should  open)  

D. European  E. Global    

List  of  possible  answers:  Worldwide,   Africa,   Asia,   Europe,   North   America   ,   South   America,   Australia,  Austria,   Belgium,   Bulgaria,   Croatia,   Cyprus,   Czech   Republic,   Denmark,   Estonia,  Finland,   France,   Germany,   Greece,   Hungary,   Ireland,   Italy,   Latvia,   Lithuania,  Luxembourg,  Malta,  Netherlands,  Poland,  Portugal,  Romania,   Slovakia,   Slovenia,  Spain,  Sweden,  United  Kingdom.  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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6. When  will  (did)  your  Product/Service  enter  the  open  market?  Year  

7. What  is  the  level  of  competition  in  your  target  market?  Choose  one:  

A. No  competition  

B. Medium  competition  C. High  competition  

8. Have  you  verified  your  value  proposition  with  the  target  customers?  

Choose  one:  A. No,  value  proposition  based  on  vision  and  internal  discussion  

B. Value  proposition  validated  through  surveys  and  market  studies  C. Value  proposition  validated  through  interviews  and  meetings  with  customers  

9. Have   you   verified   the   channels   and   means   you   will   acquire   customers   on   the  market?  Choose  one:  

A. Preparing  sales  materials  and  channels  B. Sales  materials  available  and  channels  activated  

C. First  customers  acquired  through  established  channels  

10. Have   you   defined   a   strategy   and   plan   to   create   demand   on   the   new   market  defined  by  your  product?  

Choose  one:  

A. Defining  an  innovation  strategy  B. Started  promoting  the  vision  

C. Early  adopter  customers  acquired  11. Have  you  defined  a   strategy   and  plan   to  position  your   company  on   the  market  

where  no  dominant  player  has  emerged  yet?  

Choose  one:  A. Defining  the  position  on  the  market      

B. Company  positioned  and  sales  strategy  defined  

C. Executing  sales  strategy  to  gain  market  share  12. Have   you   defined   a   strategy   and   plan   to   differentiate   and   acquire   shares   from  

incumbent  competitors?  Choose  one:  

A. Defining  a  differentiation  strategy      

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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B. Differentiation  and  sales  strategy  defined  C. Executing  sales  strategy  to  gain  market  share  

The  information  collected  in  the  Market  Focus  section  will  be  aggregated  and  displayed  to   the   user   as   simple   five   point   categories   which   go   from   low,   to   medium   low,   to  medium,  to  medium  high,  to  high.  

Feasibility:  1. Have   you   estimated   and   provided   for   the   capital   investments   required   until  

revenues  can  sustain  your  business?  

Choose  one:  A. In  the  process  of  estimating  the  investment  required  

B. Capital  requirements  estimated  and  investors  contacted  C. Capital  requirements  covered  until  self-­‐sustainable  

2. Have  you  estimated  how  much  your  sales  will  grow  on  a  yearly  basis?  

Choose  one:  A. Evaluating  what  the  potential  growth  rate  could  be  

B. Committed  to  a  growth  rate  in  the  business  plan  C. Validated  growth  rate  with  sales  and  market  data  

3. What  is  your  average  expected  growth  rate  for  the  next  four  years  

Percentage  4. Have  you  estimated  the  cost  and  time  required  to  acquire  a  new  customer  in  your  

target  market?  

Choose  one:  A. Not  yet  analyzed  the  customer  acquisition  process  

B. Estimated  customer  acquisition  cost  and  time  C. Verified  customer  acquisition  cost  and  time  through  real  sales  

5. Have   you   planned   for   expanding   your   sales   force   and   marketing   activities   to  match  the  expected  growth  rate?  Choose  one:  

A. No  plans  for  sales  force  hiring  and  increased  marketing  activities  

B. Scale-­‐up  plans  defined  but  not  yet  launched    C. Scale-­‐up  plans  launched  or  set  to  start  at  a  definite  date,  including  hiring  plan  

for  salespeople  6. %  of  total  funding  needed  already  secured  


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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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The  information  collected  in  the  Feasibility  section  will  be  aggregated  and  displayed  to  the  user  as  simple  five  point  categories  which  go  from  low,  to  medium  low,  to  medium,  to  medium  high,  to  high.  Market  needs  -­‐  Business  and  Public  sector  (B2B/B2G):  

1. Which  are   the  main  expected  benefits  your  solution  will  provide   in  your   target  market(s)?  When  answering  this  question  you  should  completely  distribute  a  total  of  exactly  6  points  (stars)  across  the  following  proposed  benefits:  

A. Reducing  operational  costs  B. Improving  sales  performance  

C. Improving  marketing  effectiveness  D. Enhancing  customer  (citizen  for  public  sector,  patient  for  healthcare)  care  

E. Innovating  the  product  or  service  companies  sell/provide  

F. Strenghtening  multi-­‐channel  delivery  strategy  G. Simplifying  regulatory  tasks  and  complying  with  regulations  

H. Improving  data  protection  I. Increasing  use  and  distribution  of  open  data  and  transparency  

J. Improving  scalability  of  existing  tools  

K. Improving  operational  efficiency  Market  needs  -­‐  Consumer  (B2C):  

1. Which  are   the  main  expected  benefits  your  solution  will  provide   in  your   target  market(s)?  When  answering  this  question  you  should  completely  distribute  a  total  of  exactly  6  points  (stars)  across  the  following  proposed  benefits:  A. Answering  communication/collaboration  needs  

B. Providing  better  entertainment  

C. Improving  quality  of  life  D. Simplifying  daily  tasks  

E. Reducing/Saving  time  

F. Having  easier  and  faster  access  to  information/services  G. Saving  money  

For   each   of   the   distributed   "stars"   in   the   User   benefits   section,   IDC  will   compare   the  answers  the  respondents  expressed  with  IDC’s  sources  and  will  apply  the  weights  then  will  make  the  sum  of  them.  The  final  sum  that  we  get  will  be  normalized  in  order  to  get  a  final  score  in  a  range  that  goes  from  1  to  10.  Social  Impact  -­‐  Citizens  involvement  in  Open  Government:  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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1. Do   your   projects   deal   with   the   involvement   of   citizens   in   Open   Government?  (Open  Government  might  concern  any  tools  or  services  which  target  citizens  of  the  EU,  countries,  or  municipalities.)  Choose  one:  

A. Yes  

B. No  If  yes:  

2. Which  projects  have  open  government  as  their  sole  background?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  Open  Government?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  Social   Impact   -­‐   Demand   and   use   of   green,   sustainable   people   transportation  solutions:  

1. Does  your  projects  deal  with  people  transportation  solutions?  Choose  one:  

A. Yes  B. No  

If  Yes:  

2. Which  projects  have  people  transportation  as  their  sole  background?  Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

3. Which  funded  projects  partially  deal  with  people  transportation?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  4. Which  projects  are  dealing  with  green  and  sustainable  technologies?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  Social   Impact   -­‐   Improvement   of   quality   of   life   via   contextualisation   and   live  information:  

1. Do  your  projects  deal  with  contextualisation  and  live  information?  Choose  one:  

C. Yes  

D. No  If  Yes:  

2. Which  projects  have  this  field  as  their  sole  background?  Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  this  field?  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  4. Which  projects  tackle  this  field  for  improvement  of  Quality  of  Life?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  5. Which  projects  tackle  this  field  for  other  purposes  (e.g.  marketing)?  

Please  specify  which  projects  tackle  this  field  for  other  purposes  (e.g.  marketing)  

Social   Impact   -­‐   Acceptance   and   use   of   E-­‐Learning,   innovative   learning  methodologies  and  platforms  for  quality  and  higher  education:  

1. Do  your  projects  deal  with  topics  concerning  education?  

Choose  one:  A. Yes  

B. No  If  Yes:  

2. Which  projects  have  this  field  as  their  sole  background?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  this  field?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  4. Which  of  the  beforehand  mentioned  projects  are  dealing  with  E-­‐Learning?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

5. Which  of  the  beforehand  mentioned  projects  are  dealing  with  innovative  learning  methods?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

6. Which   of   the   beforehand   mentioned   projects   are   dealing   with   platforms   for  quality  and  higher  education?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  Social  Impact  -­‐  Perceived  security  of  communities,  neighbourhoods,  and  housing:  

1. Do  your  projects  deal  with  tackling  security  of  property?  

Choose  one:  A. Yes  

B. No  

If  Yes:  2. Which  projects  have  this  field  as  their  sole  background?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  this  field?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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4. Which   of   the   beforehand   mentioned   projects   are   dealing   with   security   of  communities  or  neighbourhoods?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  5. Which   of   the   beforehand   mentioned   projects   are   dealing   with   security   of  


Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  Social  Impact  -­‐  Perceived  quality  of  life  in  urban  areas:  

1. Do  your  projects  deal  with  topics  concerning  cities  or  urban  areas?  

Choose  one:  A. Yes  

B. No  If  Yes:  

2. Which  projects  have  this  field  as  their  sole  background?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  this  field?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  4. Which   of   the   beforehand   mentioned   projects   are   directly   focusing   on   the  

improvement  of  citizens  in  urban  areas?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  Social  Impact  -­‐  Overall  fitness  of  the  European  citizen:  

1. Do  your  projects  deal  with  fitness?  

Choose  one:  A. Yes  

B. No  If  Yes:  

2. Which  projects  have  this  field  as  their  sole  background?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  this  field?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

4. Which   of   the   beforehand   mentioned   projects   are   targeting   fitness   as   leisure  activity?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  5. Which  of  the  beforehand  mentioned  projects  are  targeting  fitness  with  a  medical  


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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  Social  Impact  -­‐  Social  inclusion  of  minorities:  

1. Do  your  projects  deal  topics  concerning  minorities?  Choose  one:  

A. Yes  

B. No  If  Yes:  

2. Which  projects  have  this  field  as  their  sole  background?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  this  field?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  Social  Impact-­‐  Social  inclusion  of  the  elderly:  

1. Do  your  projects  deal  topics  concerning  the  elderly?  

Choose  one:  C. Yes  

D. No  If  Yes:  

2. Which  projects  have  this  field  as  their  sole  background?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  this  field?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

Social  Impact  -­‐  Overall  healthiness  of  the  European  citizen:  1. Do  your  projects  deal  with  the  healthiness  of  the  European  citizen?  

Choose  one:  A. Yes  

B. No  

If  Yes:  2. Which  projects  have  this  field  as  their  sole  background?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  this  field?  Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

4. Which   of   the   beforehand   mentioned   projects   are   targeting   healthiness   with  changes  in  life-­‐style  (e.g.    gamification  of  sport  activities,  information  apps,  etc.)?  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  5. Which   of   the   beforehand   mentioned   projects   are   targeting   healthiness   with   a  

medical  background?  Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  

Social   Impact   -­‐   Impact   on   families   (from   Quality   of   life   to   single-­‐parent  households):  

1. Do   your   projects   deal   with   topics   concerning   families   (including   single-­‐parent  households)?  

Choose  one:  A. Yes  

B. No  If  Yes:  

2. Which  projects  have  this  field  as  their  sole  background?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  3. Which  projects  partially  deal  with  this  field?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  4. Which   of   the   beforehand   mentioned   projects   are   potentially   targeting   single-­‐

parents  (e.g.  childcare,  crèches,  etc.)?  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Checkboxes  on  accelerator's  projects  Social  Impact  -­‐  Number  of  public  community  groups  addressed:  

1. Please  specify  the  public  community  groups  addressed  by  your  funded  projects  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Select  all  appropriate  from  list:  -­‐ Elderly      

-­‐ Children  

-­‐ Families  -­‐ Minorities  

-­‐ Disabled  people  

-­‐ Mentally  ill  people  -­‐ Ill  people  

-­‐ Commuters    

-­‐ Students  /  Pupils  

-­‐ <Other:  please  specify>  -­‐ <Other:  please  specify>  

-­‐ <Other:  please  specify>  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Social  Impact  -­‐  Number  of  private  community  groups  addressed:  1. Please  specify  the  public  community  groups  addressed  by  your  funded  projects  

Multiple  choices  -­‐  Select  all  appropriate  from  list:  -­‐ NGOs  

-­‐ Industry  

-­‐ SMEs  

-­‐ Service  providers  -­‐ <Other:  please  specify>  

-­‐ <Other:  please  specify>  

-­‐ <Other:  please  specify>  Social   Impact   -­‐   Number   of   national   social   challenges   (i.e.   on   a   policy   level)  addressed:  

1. Please  specify  any  national  social  challenges  addressed  by  your  funded  projects  (i.e.  on  a  policy  level,  or  on  a  general  level  if  they  are  country  specific)  

Free  text  

The  Social  benefits  section  has  YES/NO  questions.  Then,  if  the  respondent  selects  yes,  an  additional  set  of  questions  is  opened.  The  data  retrieved  with  the  measurements  will  be  aggregated   into   a   high   –   medium   –   low   –   none   (H-­‐M-­‐L-­‐N)   scoring,   indicating   the  potential  impact  for  a  specific  social  impacts  group  and  the  overall  performance  over  all  groups.    

6.2. The  Accelerators’  Questionnaire  In   the   first   call   the  Accelerators   have   sent   the   full   set   of   application  data   in  whatever  format   they   preferred   instead   in   the   next   two   calls   FI-­‐Impact   Partners   will   ask   their  Accelerators   to  answer  a   subset  of   core  questions  essential   to  profile  and   forecast   the  target  market  of  the  Accelerator's  sub-­‐granted  initiatives.  They  will   request  also   their  Accelerators   to   integrate   their   first  calls  data  according  to  the  Data  Collection  Process  defined  in  the  next  chapter.  

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 Table  12:  Accelerators’  Questionnaire  

Subset  of  Core  questions  and  available  answers:  Q1:  Name  of  the  funded  project  

Free  text  Q2:  Which  FIWARE  enablers  are  being  used  or  planned  to  be  used  in  the  project?  

Multiple  choises  -­‐  Please  use  the  drop-­‐down  list  to  answer.  -­‐ BigData  Analysis  

-­‐ Complex  Event  Processing  (CEP)  -­‐ Publish/Subscribe  Context  Broker  

Date%of%receipt: to#be#precompiled#by#the#sender

Respondent%Name: to#be#compiled#by#the#respondent

Accelerator: to#be#compiled#by#the#respondent

Please%return%to: to#be#precompiled#by#the#sender

Delivery%Date: to#be#precompiled#by#the#sender

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Please&do&not&edit&the&fields&in&this&column































Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8In#which#geographical#area#does#the#













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-­‐ Stream-­‐oriented  -­‐ Backend  Device  Management  -­‐ Configuration  Manager  -­‐  IoT  Discovery  -­‐ Configuration  Manager  -­‐  Orion  Context  Broker  -­‐ Gateway  Data  Handling  GE  -­‐ IoT  Broker  -­‐ Protocol  Adapter  -­‐ 2D/3D  Capture  -­‐ 2D-­‐UI  -­‐ 3D-­‐UI-­‐  WebTundra  -­‐ 3D-­‐UI-­‐XML3D  -­‐ Augmented  Reality  -­‐ Cloud  Rendering  -­‐ GIS  Data  Provider  -­‐ Interface  Designer  -­‐ POI  Data  Provider  -­‐ Real  Virtual  Interaction  -­‐ Synchronization  -­‐ Virtual  Characters  -­‐ Authorization  PDP  -­‐ Identity  Management  -­‐ PEP  Proxy  -­‐ Security  Monitoring  -­‐ Network  Information  and  Control  -­‐ Repository  -­‐ Marketplace  -­‐ Store  -­‐ Revenue  Settlement  and  Sharing  System  -­‐ Application  Mashup  -­‐ IaaS  Resource  Management  GE  -­‐ Monitoring  GE  -­‐ Object  Storage  GE  -­‐ PaaS  Manager  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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-­‐ Policy  Manager  -­‐ Self-­‐Service  Interfaces  -­‐ Software  Deployment  and  Configuration  -­‐ NA  

Q3:  What  is  the  business  model  that  best  reflects  the  project's  idea?  Multiple  choises  -­‐  Please  use  the  drop-­‐down  list  to  answer.  -­‐ Production  model  

-­‐ Markup  model  -­‐ Subscription  model  -­‐ Usage  fees  model  -­‐ Rental  model  -­‐ License  model  -­‐ Advertising  model  -­‐ Transactions/Intermediation  model  -­‐ Freemium  model  -­‐ Customer  analysis  model  -­‐ NA  

Q4:  Which  type  of  customer  does  the  project's  product/service  target?  Multiple  choises  -­‐  Please  use  the  drop-­‐down  list  to  answer.  -­‐ Business  company  

-­‐ Consumer  -­‐ Public  sector  -­‐ NA  

Q5:  In  which  geographical  area  does  the  project  plan  to  sell  its  product/service?  

Multiple  choises  -­‐  Please  use  the  drop-­‐down  list  to  answer.  -­‐ Worldwide  

-­‐ Africa  -­‐ Asia  -­‐ Europe  -­‐ North  America  -­‐ South  America  -­‐ Australia  -­‐ Austria  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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-­‐ Belgium  -­‐ Bulgaria  

-­‐ Croatia  

-­‐ Cyprus  -­‐ CzechRepublic  -­‐ Denmark  -­‐ Estonia  -­‐ Finland  -­‐ France  -­‐ Germany  

-­‐ Greece  

-­‐ Hungary  -­‐ Ireland  

-­‐ Italy  

-­‐ Latvia  

-­‐ Lithuania  -­‐ Luxembourg  -­‐ Malta  -­‐ Netherlands  -­‐ Poland  -­‐ Portugal  -­‐ Romania  -­‐ Slovakia  -­‐ Slovenia  -­‐ Spain  -­‐ Sweden  -­‐ UnitedKingdom  -­‐ NA  

Q6:  In  which  year  does  the  project  plan  to  enter  the  open  market?  

Please  indicate  the  estimated  year  (format  aaaa).  NA  =  Information  Not  Available  Q7:  What  is  the  average  expected  growth  rate  of  the  project  in  the  next  4  years?  

Format  %.  NA  =  Information  Not  Available  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Q8:   At   this   stage   of   your   acceleration   programme,   do   you   consider   this   project   as   a  potential  success  story?  Why?  Why  not?  

Please   select   up   to   5   potential   success   stories   (Free   text).   NA   =   Information   Not  Available  

7. Data  collection  methodology    

7.1. Process  for  Data  collection  FI-­‐Impact   has   defined   a  Data   Collection  Methodology   to   collect   information   regarding  the  proposals  and  selected  initiatives.  Data  collected  consists  of:    

A) Information   collected   from   the   Accelerator   which   is   essential   to   performing  market  analytics  and  forecast.  Accelerators  will  be  asked  to:  I. Provide  Data  from  proposals  like  call  1  from  F6S,  FundingBox  or  own  

system  II. Provide  information  regarding  of  each  of  the  single  initiatives  they  are  

financing:  1. Business  model    2. Geographical  target    3. Market  entry  year    4. Expected  revenue  growth  rate  next  4  years  

III. Provide  opinion  and  identify  Accelerators  potential  success  stories    

B) Information  needed   to  calculate   the  KPIs   in   the   impact  analysis   framework,   for  individual  proposals.  Single  funded  Initiatives  and  external  entities  will  be  asked  to  access  an  on-­‐line  Survey  (self  Assessment)  

Data  in  method  A  is  collected  from  Accelerators  as  follows:  

1. Interview   guidelines   are   prepared   by   Workpackage   III,   discussed   and  distributed  to  all  FI-­‐Impact  partners.  

2. Each  Partner   contacts   the  Accelerators   for  which  are   responsible   (Figure  2:  Accelerator  allocation  to  FI-­‐Impact  partners)  by  telephone  or  email  and  sets  up  a  preliminary  interview  (to  include  also  the  discussion  for  B1  below);    

3. Each  Partner  contacts  the  Accelerator  at  the  agreed  time/date  and  describes  our  intentions  and  needs  and  describing  value  and  benefits  of  market  insights  they  will  receive  if  they  participate,  and  outlines  the  schedule  

4. Send   the   questionnaire,   pre-­‐compiled   Accelerator   data   and   instructions  requesting  that  the  Accelerator  completes  the  questionnaire  in  two  weeks.    

5. The   partner   is   responsible   to   carry   out   a   quality   control   procedure   of   the  questionnaire.   The  Partner  waits   14  days   and   checks   the   completeness   and  quality  of  the  questionnaire.  a) If   collaboration   is   excellent   and   questionnaire   is   complete,   thank  

accelerator  and  forward  to  Stefania  Aguzzi  a  IDC;  b) If  there  are  problems:  

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i. If   after   14   days   questionnaire   is   still   missing   information   send  reminder;  

ii. If   after   7   days   from   first   follow-­‐up,   collaboration   is   weak   and   the  questionnaire   is   not   complete,   send   persuasive   reminder   asking   if  there   is   a   problem   and   if   you   can   be   of   assistance   and   recall  contractual  obligations  of  article  42  see  Annex  I;  

iii. After  a  reminder  and  direct  contact  via  telephone,  If  collaboration  is  unsuccessful   notify   coordinator   sending   all   copies   of   original  communication.  Coordinator  will  notify  the  European  Commission,  

iv. Forward  any  data  to  Stefania  Aguzzi  from  IDC.  6. Each   partner  must   repeat   this   process   at  month   20   to   be   used   in   the   final  

Impact  Analysis.    All  data  will  be  harmonised  where  necessary  and  updated  by  IDC.    For  Data  Collection  B    1. A   self-­‐assessment   value   proposition   and   contact/interview   guidelines   are  

prepared   by   Workpackage   III,   discussed   and   distributed   to   all   FI-­‐Impact  partners.  

2. Each   Partner   contacts   the   accelerators   for   which   they   are   responsible   if  reasonable  at  the  same  time  as  contact  for  Data  Collection  A;    

3. Each   Partner   works   with   the   Accelerator   at   the   agreed   time/date   and  requests  to  either  1)  have  direct  contact  with  the  sub-­‐grantees  to  send  them  a  link   to   on-­‐line   self-­‐assessment   questionnaire   and   follow   up   or   (checking   to  see  which  emails  we  have  and  which  we  need)  2)  that  the  Accelerator  himself  sends  an  email  urging  the  sub-­‐grantees  to  fill  out  the  Self  –Assessment  survey.    

4. The  Partner  will  wait  two  weeks  from  the  date  of  contacting  the  Accelerator    in  Case  2  and  from  the  date  of  sending  the  email  to  the  Sub-­‐Grantees  in  Case  1  at  which  they  will  check  the  rate  of  Sub-­‐Grantee  replies  rate.    a) If  reply  rate  is  over  90%  go  to  point  5;  b) If  collaboration  is  good  and  significant  surveys  are  complete  send  gentile  

reminder;  c) If   after   15   days,   collaboration   is   weak   and   the   questionnaire   is   not  

complete,  send  persuasive  reminder  asking  if  there  is  a  problem  and  if  you  can   be   of   assistance   and   recall   contractual   obligations   of   article   42   see  Annex  I.  

5. Referring   to   table   (Table   3:   Accelerator   call   schedule)   each   partner   must  repeat   this   process   as   the   Accelerators   close   their   ensuing   calls,   sending  invitations   to   complete   in   the   self-­‐assessment   survey   to   the   newly   entered  Sub-­‐Grantees  (case  1)  or  asking  the  Accelerator  to  do  it  for  them  (case  2).  

 Alternative  Approach:  

Each   partner   attends   specific   development   events   organised   by   the   accelerator   and  makes  direct  contact  with  the  single  initiatives  and  directly  carries  out  the  survey  with  a  significant   number   of   Initiatives   (pre   notification   and   appointment   at   event   are  suggested).  

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Timing    The  timing  of  these  actions  is  planned  in  table  below:        Action   Who   Deadline    Self  Assessment  Tool  Set-­‐up   JSI   May  25th  2015  Self  Assessment  Report  Mock-­‐up   IDC   May  20th  2015  Accelerator  Questionnaire  Template   IDC   May  21st  2015  Accelerator  Interview  Guideline   IDC   May  21st  2015  Self  Assessment  Value  Proposition  Description  

BlueGreen   May  19th  2015  

Invitation  mail  to  accelerators/sub-­‐grantees  

BlueGreen   May  21st  2015  

Validation  of  Survey  Materials  with  FI-­‐Impact  consortium  

IDC/BlueGreen  to  circulate  

May  21st  2015  

Validation  Call   all  partners   May  25th  2015  Finalization  Survey  Materials     IDC   May  26th  2015  Data  Collection  A  (to  accelerators  for  the  market  analysis)  

Who   Deadline    

Contact  mail  to  Accelerators   all  partners   June  1st  2015  Launch  of  data  collection   all  partners   June  1st  2015  1st  Followup  (after  15  days)   all  partners   June  16th  2015  2nd  Followup  (after  1  week  from  first  followup)  

all  partners   June  23th  2015  

Notification  to  FI-­‐Impact  coordinator   all  partners   June  25th  2015  Closing  data  collection   all  partners   July  4th  2015  Send  data  to  IDC   all  partners   By  July  4th  2015    Data  Collection  B  (self-­‐assessment)   Who   Deadline    Contact  mail  to  Accelerators   all  partners   June  1st  2015  Launch  of  data  collection   all  partners   June  1st  2015  1st  Followup  (after  15  days)   all  partners   June  16th  2015  2nd  Followup  (after  1  week  from  first  followup)  

all  partners   June  23th  2015  

Collection  of  results  and  data  harmonization  

IDC   Periodically  (first  round  on  July  5th)  

Table  13:  Timing  of  Data  Collection    

 7.2. Planning  of  the  FI-­‐Impact  future  activities  of  Data  collection    

 Referring  to  the  Figure  2  page  11,  each  FI-­‐Impact  partner  have  a  number  of  Accelerators  assigned.    

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Despite   the   first   call   is   already   closed   and  most   accelerators   have   already   sent   their  selected  proposals   to   the  FI-­‐Impact  Coordinator,   the  FI-­‐Impact  partners   should   ask   to  their  Accelerators  to  compile  the  FIWARE  Assessment  Tool  with  the  proposals  selected  in  the  first  call.  Below  the  future  activities  of  the  FI-­‐Impact  partners:    SFC  coordinates  the  SmartAgriFood  and  EuropeanPioneers  Accelerators.    Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  1  European  Pioneers   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  

first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

SmartAgriFood   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

 Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  2  European  Pioneers   End  of  M13  (July  2015)  –  For  the  selected  

proposals   of   the   second   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

SmartAgriFood   No  other  call  planned    Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  3  European  Pioneers   No  other  call  planned  SmartAgriFood   No  other  call  planned    IIMC  coordinates  the  FI-­‐C3,  CEED-­‐Tech,  FInish  and  SpeedUp  Europe  Accelerators:    Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  1  FI-­‐C3   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  

first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

CEED-­‐Tech   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  

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first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

FInish   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

SpeedUp  Europe   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

 Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  2  FI-­‐C3   End  of  M13  (July  2015)  –  For  the  selected  

proposals   of   the   second   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

CEED-­‐Tech   M18   (December   2015)   –   For   the   selected  proposals   of   the   second   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

FInish   M14   (August   2015)   –   For   the   selected  proposals   of   the   second   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

SpeedUp  Europe   No  other  call  planned    Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  3  FI-­‐C3   End   of   M20   (February   2016)   –   For   the  

selected   proposals   of   the   third   call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the  part  A  (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and   ask   to   their   selected   proposals   to  

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compile  the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  CEED-­‐Tech   No  other  call  planned  FInish   No  other  call  planned  SpeedUp  Europe   No  other  call  planned    JSI  coordinates  the  FI-­‐Adopt  and  FRACTALS  Accelerators.    Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  JSI  –  Call  1  FI-­‐Adopt   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  

first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

FRACTALS   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

 Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  JSI  –  Call  2  FI-­‐Adopt   ASAP  –  ASAP  –  For  the  selected  proposals  

of   the   second   call:   request   to   Accelerator  to   compile   the   part   A   (core   questions)   of  FIWARE   Assessment   and   ask   to   their  selected   proposals   to   compile   the   part   B  (full  questionnaire).  

FRACTALS   No  other  call  planned    Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  JSI  –  Call  3  FI-­‐Adopt   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  

third   call:   request   to   Accelerator   to  compile   the   part   A   (core   questions)   of  FIWARE   Assessment   and   ask   to   their  selected   proposals   to   compile   the   part   B  (full  questionnaire).  

FRACTALS   No  other  call  planned    IDC  coordinates  the  FICHe,  INCENSe,  IMPACT  and  CreatiFi  Accelerators.    Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  1  FICHe   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  

first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

INCENSe   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

IMPACT   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

CreatiFi   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

 Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  2  FICHe   No  other  call  planned  INCENSe   M17   (November  2015)  –  For   the   selected  

proposals   of   the   second   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

IMPACT   M12   (June   2015)   –   For   the   selected  proposals   of   the   second   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

CreatiFi   M16   (October   2015)   –   For   the   selected  proposals   of   the   second   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

 Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  3  FICHe   No  other  call  planned  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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INCENSe   No  other  call  planned  IMPACT   M18   (December   2015)   –   For   the   selected  

proposals   of   the   third   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

CreatiFi   No  other  call  planned    BG  coordinates  the  SOUL-­‐FI,  FABulous,  FrontierCities  and  FINODEX  Accelerators.    Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  1  SOUL-­‐FI   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  

first   call   (Round   A1):   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  M11   (May   2015)   -­‐   For   the   selected  proposals   of   the   first   call   (Round   B1):  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the  part  A  (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and   ask   to   their   selected   proposals   to  compile  the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).    

FABulous   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

FrontierCities   M11   (May   2015)   –   For   the   selected  proposals   of   the   first   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

FINODEX   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  first  call:  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the   part   A   (core   questions)   of   FIWARE  Assessment   and   ask   to   their   selected  proposals   to   compile   the   part   B   (full  questionnaire).  

Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  2  SOUL-­‐FI   ASAP   –   For   the   selected   proposals   of   the  

second   call   (Round   A2):   request   to  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).    M15   (September  2015)   -­‐  For   the   selected  proposals   of   the   second   call   (Round   B2):  request  to  Accelerator  to  compile  the  part  A  (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and   ask   to   their   selected   proposals   to  compile  the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).    

 FABulous   M15  (September  2015)  –  For  the  selected  

proposals   of   the   second   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

FrontierCities   No  other  call  planned  FINODEX   M14   (August   2015)   –   For   the   selected  

proposals   of   the   second   call:   request   to  Accelerator   to   compile   the   part   A   (core  questions)  of  FIWARE  Assessment  and  ask  to   their   selected  proposals   to  compile   the  part  B  (full  questionnaire).  

Accelerators’  Name   To  do  list  of  SFC  –  Call  3  SOUL-­‐FI   No  other  call  planned  FABulous   No  other  call  planned  FrontierCities   No  other  call  planned  FINODEX   No  other  call  planned  

8. Monitoring  the  progress    The  FI-­‐Impact  partners’  role  in  the  data  collection  phase  is  to  contact  the  Accelerators,  manage   the   communication  with   them,   gather   relevant   data   and   information   on   their  call   roadmap   and   on   the   proposals   received,   elaborate   the   data   collected   and  periodically  check  their  progress.  The  Accelerators  role  is  to  provide  the  information  required  by  FI-­‐Impact  partners  and  be  available  to  clarify  any  questions  or  doubts  about  the  calls.    Both   actors   are   in   contact   with   the   FI-­‐Impact   Coordinator   (Richard   Stevens)   who  monitors  their  relation.  If  FI-­‐Impact  partners,  responsible  for  the  monitoring  of  the  progress  of  its  Accelerators,  and   the   Accelerators,   that   have   to   give   feedback   and   provide   data   to   FI-­‐Impact   as  established  in  the  contract,  do  not  respect  the  respective  roles  assigned,  the  Coordinator  

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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intervenes  as  mediator,  speeding  the  practice  and  managing  the  parts  to  get  the  data  in  time.  If  agreements  are  not  reached  also  in  this  way,  the  coordinator  will  have  to  contact  the  Commission.  

9. Conclusions  and  next  steps  Deliverable   3.2   has   defined   the   procedures   used   in   FI-­‐IMPACT   to   gather   relevant  information   and   to  manage   the   communication  with   Accelerators,   the   data   collection  formats   and   the   process   to   elaborate   the   data   collected   and   check   the   progress   of  Accelerators.  These  activities  have  started  in  parallel  with  the  FIWARE  Accelerators'  calls  themselves.  Therefore,   to   timely   collect   and   elaborate   data   from   the   very   first   calls,   the   initial  approach  has  been:  

-­‐ To   propose   a   set   of   relevant   questions   to   the   Accelerators,   to   be   potentially  included  as  part  of  the  first  call  application  templates;  

-­‐ To  collect   the   full   set  of  application  data   in  whatever   format  made  available  by  the  Accelerators.  

Based  on  this  initial  approach,  a  large  amount  of  data  has  been  collected  by  FI-­‐IMPACT  Partners  from  the  Accelerators.  Inevitably  data  were  mostly  not  homogeneous  in  format  and   sometimes   incomplete,   therefore   substantial   work   has   bee   carried   out   by   FI-­‐IMPACT  in  terms  of  data  cleaning  and  data  analysis.  

Nevertheless,  FI-­‐IMPACT  Partners  have  managed  to  collect  relevant  information  on  the  first   calls,   communicating   with   the   Accelerators   successfully   and   establishing   good  relations  with  them.      

In  the  first  calls,  up  to  our  cut  off  date  of  31/3/2015,  the  number  of  the  submitted  and  selected  proposals  was  respectively  4.198  and  538.  WP2  and  WP3  have  harmonized  the  data   coming   from   the  Accelerators  producing   information   in   a   common   format   for   all  proposals.  This  has  allowed  FI-­‐IMPACT  to  show  aggregate  results,  documented  in  WP2,  e.g.,   on   the   number   of   expected   /   started   /   submitted   and   selected   proposals,   the  number   of   proposals   by   accelerators   and   their   geographical   distribution,   the   top   5  countries  of  proposals'  origin  by  accelerator,  the  team  composition,  the  percentage  of  FI-­‐WARE  Enablers  used,  the  market  target  by  proposals  etc.  

WP2  and  WP3  have  worked  also  on  the  duplicates  of  submitted  proposals  and  selected  proposals  with  the  aim  of  understanding  whether  the  same  proposal  was  selected  in  two  or  more  different  calls,  to  avoid  double  funding.  

Although  this  initial  approach  produced  useful  results,  for  the  next  stage  of  the  project  it  is   necessary   to   make   the   communication   with   Accelerators   much   clearer,   easier   and  faster,  focusing  it  on  data  required  for  market  analysis,   impact  assessment  and  scoring  of  the  selected  activities,  according  to  the  methodology  defined  in  WP2.  To  this  purpose:  

-­‐ Accelerators   will   be   asked   to   answer   a   subset   of   core   questions   essential   to  profile  and  forecast  the  target  market  of  the  Accelerator's  sub-­‐granted  initiatives.    

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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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-­‐ Each  single  initiative  will  be  invited  to  respond  to  a  larger  number  of  questions  in  the   self-­‐assessment   tool,   available   in   the   FI-­‐Impact   portal,  which   also   provides  them   with   feedback   on   their   product/service   potential   and   directions   for  improvement.  

The   final   data   collection   approach   and   formats   are   defined   in   this   Deliverable   in   the  chapter   7,   including   the   assignment   of   clear   roles   to   all   involved   FI-­‐IMPACT   Partners  and  their  actions  in  the  process.  The  approach  will  be  applied  starting  from  the  next  two  calls,  where   the   expected  applications   are   respectively   about  2600   for   the   second   call  and  450  for  the  third  call,  resulting  in  about  350  selected  proposals  for  the  second  call  and   50   for   the   third   call.   Furthermore,   the   assigned   FI-­‐IMPACT   partners  will   request  their  Accelerators  to  integrate  their  first  calls  data  according  to  the  final  data  collection  format.  



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FIMPACT—  Future  Internet  Impact  Assurance  -­‐  Project  number  632840    

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ANNEX  I  -­‐  Special  Clause  42    

42.  FINANCIAL  SUPPORT  GIVEN  BY  BENEFICIARIES  TO  THIRD  PARTIES    Where   the   implementation   of   the   action   requires   giving   financial   support   to   third  parties,   the     beneficiaries   shall   give   such   financial   support     in   accordance  with   the   co  nditions  specified  in    Annex  I,  which  shall  at  least  contain:    

(a)  the  maximum  amount  of  financial  support,  which  shall  not  exceed  EUR  60  000  for    

each  third  party  except  where  the  financial  s  upport  is  the  primary  aim  of  the  action  as    specified  in  Annex  I;    

(b)  the  criteria  for  determining  the  ex  act  amount  of  the    financial  support;    

(c)  the  different  types  of  activity  that  may  rece  ive  financial  support,  on    the  basis  of  a  fixed    list;    

(d)  the  definition  of  the  persons    or  categories  of  persons    which  may  receive  financial    support;    

(e)  the  criteria  for  giving    the  financial  support.    The  beneficiaries  shall  ensure  that  the  conditions  applicable   to   them    under  Articles   II.3  (n),       II.9,   II.12,   II.22,   II.23,   II.42,  and  Part  C  of  Annex    II  –  General  conditions  are  also  applicable    to  the  third  parties  receiving  financial  support.