cooperation for child rights in the asia pacific region 4-6 november 2010, beijing reforming child...

Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia Pacific Region 4-6 November 2010, Beijing Reforming Child Protection and Welfare Systems in Pakistan Presentation by: Her Excellency Mrs. Samina Khalid Ghurki Minister for Social Welfare & Special Education

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Page 1: Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia Pacific Region 4-6 November 2010, Beijing Reforming Child Protection and Welfare Systems in Pakistan Presentation

Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia Pacific Region 4-6 November 2010, Beijing

Reforming Child Protection and Welfare Systems in Pakistan

Presentation by:

Her Excellency Mrs. Samina Khalid Ghurki

Minister for Social Welfare & Special Education GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN

Page 2: Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia Pacific Region 4-6 November 2010, Beijing Reforming Child Protection and Welfare Systems in Pakistan Presentation

• Say Yes to Child Rights Movement in Pakistan (2002-04)

• Declaration of the Year 2004 as the “Year of Child Welfare and Rights”

• Juvenile Justice System Ordinance (JJSO 2000)

• Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance (2002)

• Child Labour Laws

• National Plan of Action for Children



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• Regional Consultation on Violence against Children (2005)

• South Asia forum for ending Violence Against Children (SAF) 2006

• South Asia Initiative for ending Violence against children and women (SAIEVAC) 2010

• Minimum Care standard for child care institutions

• National Strategy and Plan for Action for vulnerable children and women in Earthquake Affected area

• Cabinet Committee overseeing the issue of child camel Jockeys (Repatriation and Rehabilitation of 900 camel Jockeys children



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• Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children Act, 2004

• Child Ombudsman – Federal and Provincial Levels.

• Reformation of laws through consultations

• National Core Group on Child abuse

• National/provincial governing bodies for Child Protection and Welfare

• Children parliament and Forums

• Help Lines (Public & Private sectors)



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How progress achieved

• By undertaking effective legislative, policy,

administrative and programmatic interventions

including capacity building and sensitization.


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• Current systems are yet to made fully compliant with CRC and in the best interest of the child

• Lacks coherence and functional coordination

• Partially responsive to actual child’s rights to protection and welfare

• Current system yet to made effective and more efficient


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• Legislative frameworks in process of reformation need urgent completion

• The institutional and administrative structures (governance) have limited powers and authority to implement the required reforming public policies, strategies, programmes.

• The actual capacities and capabilities of the child protection and welfare professionals are insufficiently developed.


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• Political will and leadership

• Actors: policy makers, decision makers, professionals, families, communities, CSOs & Children (Alliance building and Capacity)

• Resources: human and financial/Budget and budgeting processes

• Partnership – Regional & International

• Research and data analysis – Child Protection & Management Information System for evidence based policies and advocacy

• Management of the resources: Roles, monitoring and information systems, referrals and coordination mechanisms 7

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• Review domestic legislation for its compatibility with current challenges.

• Implementation of the LEGAL AND POLICY PROVISIONS

• Compatibility of different legal provisions (codes, jurisprudence)

• Security situation and natural calamities (Earthquake, flood, Sunami)


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Partnership South-South

• Sharing and replication of best practices

• Enhancing future collaboration

• Promotion of regional efforts to address the issue of child and women trafficking

• Adopting Conventions for Child Protection Welfare and Rights.

• Learning & using the experience of already existing mechanisms in the Region. (SAARC mechanism & Conventions on Children, South Asia Initiative for Ending Violence Against Children SAIEVAC)


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Partnership South-South

• Sharing of best practices, lessons learned and experiences.

• Foster stronger and expanded cooperation


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Conclusion• Reforming Child Protection and Welfare Systems

takes time (an average of 10 yrs)

• Pakistan has been initiating the reforms recently (in a systematic way since 2000)

• Making the systems work is a prerequisite to make justice to children, particularly to those who are now excluded, living in poverty, marginalized and powerless.

• The HLM is an indubitable proof that the wellbeing of children is on the public agenda of the governments of the countries in Asia 11

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