cooperating teachers and tk20. more tk20 training? feedback survey results 30% requested more...

Cooperating Teachers and Tk20

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Cooperating Teachers and Tk20

More Tk20 Training? Feedback Survey results 30% requested more training

Why Do We Use Tk20? Some of you are returners Accreditation requirement Online storage, secure Work can be uploaded or scored

anywhere, anytime

CT: Getting Started with Tk20 How do I access Tk20? Different than everyone else! Through this website: https://

Login information going out this week

CT: If you cannot login to Tk20 Email [email protected] A new password will be sent to you

What Will I Need to Do?

Field Experience Binder What is this?

Whose Responsibility is the Field Experience Binder? Everyone!

Students submit to it As do supervisors and cooperating


Checklist for CT’s Field Experience Binder (each

placement) Formative Observation Form (at least one,

during middle of placement) Lesson Reflection Sheet (one) Summative Observation Form (one, end of

trimester) Niagara Disposition (one, end of


How Do I Use Tk20? See handout for CT’s


Early Example in Tk20

Helping Students

CT: Helping Students CT and students review their Tk20

accounts Student must know what goes where Don’t his “submit” until all is “saved” Students can see feedback Unlocking FE binders and recalling

assignments Keep student files below 2MB


Communication Lack of communication previously First stop: http://

Second: University Supervisor Third: [email protected] Fourth: Call 660-562-1089


Tidbits What to get from ST website vs. Tk20

CT Payroll Form SPED Verification Form

Use Google Chrome is possible Don’t hit backspace on browser Students not penalized by CT timeliness

Tidbits Using an iPad with Tk20

Log in here first:

Then, login through MyNW If this does not work, contact

[email protected]

Wrap Up Northwest values your work and your

student teacher’s experience Tk20 enriches this experience You are going to do great!

Contact Information Mike McBride 660-562-1089 [email protected]