conversations with buddha, how the eightfold path is relevant for today


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The Introductions, Forward and two lessons from the book of new information from Buddha.


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Conversations with BuddhaHow the Eightfold Path is

Relevant for Today

Channeled by Dianna Gutoski

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© 2011 by Dianna Gutoski

ISBN-13: 978-1468049251ISBN-10: 1468049259

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including

scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

We ask in the spirit of Creator Parent’s Christ White Light that you respect the copyright of this work. Feel free to share

our website with anyone you think would benefit from the information we provide.

Author’s Note: The dates found in the text are the actual dates the message was channeled.

First Printing, 2011Printed in the United States of America

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Table of ContentsThe Eightfold Path for TodayThe Eight-Fold Path for TodayForwardA Life of PeaceKarmaMeditationEnlightenmentMaster Ananda, Buddha’s #1 DiscipleStanding the Test of TimeThe Relevance of the TeachingsThe Right ViewLife Means SufferingAdjusting the TeachingBecoming a ReligionBeginning the TeachingsThe Right SpeechThe Right IntentionThe Game of LifeThe Importance of MeditationQuestion for BuddhaThe Right Action/ConductCommunicationThe TeachingsHelping OthersAll Experience is Preceded by MindBeing a TeacherPerspectiveThe Right MindfulnessTeachingThe Right EffortThe Right LivelihoodRight Concentration for TodayBe Your MasterRight Concentration and SamadhiAbout the Author Siddhartha Gautama BuddhaDianna Gutoski

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The Eightfold Path for TodaySpoken by Master Gautama Buddha

We wanted to do this book for the people of today who may not be familiar with my teachings. Buddhism became a religion but it did not start out that way. My Intention has always been to help all people understand the reasons for their pain and suffering. I then shared my observations on how to live a life that is balanced and peaceful.

Circumstances vary all over the world and I first spoke these teachings over 2,000 years ago. But man’s core being and feelings have not changed. You still have many emotions that can cause you unhappiness, fear and stress. And it does not matter where you live or in what time period. What I tried to teach so long ago is still very valid for today. These lessons have stood the test of time. You do not have to be in a temple or with a group to learn and practice these lessons.

The Eight Fold Path is a logical progression of living your life. It cannot be forced on anyone, but a genuine seeker will find it a very useful path to follow for a better life. A spiritual seeker will have a deeper

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understanding of the path that I have laid out that I have based on my own experience.

Start with the first “Right” lesson and when you have achieved that you can then move on to the next one. Each one builds on the previous one and soon you will be amazed at your progress. You will be viewing and experiencing the world and yourself in a whole new way. You really can find Peace and Balance in life no matter how crazy it gets all around you.

As you read my lessons, if you sincerely desire a better enlightenment of them, call to either Ananda or Me and we will help guide you to a better understanding of the lessons. We are Teachers of the Light and in any time period we choose to help individuals find the path to spiritual growth and a more joyful life.

Thank you for joining us on this Path.–Buddha

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The Eight-Fold Path for TodaySpoken by Master Ananda

As an early follower of Buddha, I had to learn all of these lessons and then be able to teach them to others. In any time period they are not easy to embody. It is always a struggle to control your emotions, fears, and egotistic thoughts.

You must first have a real desire to change your life. Do you want to continue to live in pain and drama? It is always your choice how you want to live your future time as you. No one else can make that decision for you or make the necessary changes. No amount of money can buy it, so rich or poor makes no difference.

The desire must come from your own heart when you feel you must make a change. You must decide that you can no longer live the way that you have been. Yes, it will require effort on your part. Yes you will have to give up certain things that you desire but you will replace them with other things that bring you more peace and joy. Most material desires are fleeting and do not bring you lasting happiness.

What we propose is a new way of looking at life and your purpose here on earth. Once you develop this new view of life you will begin to see it all around you and desire to make some changes in your own life. Our Eight Fold Path gives you a road map to follow for the rest of your life. You will get out of it what you put into it. Some may start out strong and then decide it takes too much effort. Maybe they are not ready to give up all their carnal desires.

Those of you who are meant to go down this path will feel its Truth in your heart and soul. Every step will “feel” right to you and soon you will be enjoying a

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more balanced life. You will be able to smile in the face of adversity.

Take our hands and we will help lead you along this path. You will never have to travel alone.

In Love and Light–Ananda

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ForwardSpoken by CREATOR PARENT

The teachings of Buddha are extremely important and helpful in any time period or place. These lessons are not just dogma to believe or to follow. Buddha devoted his life to finding truthful answers on how to help humanity awaken and relieve their pain. You might say that Buddha was my partner in this venture as I must work through physical beings to teach man.

Over the years Buddha accumulated many valuable teachings but most of them were beyond the comprehension of average man. His concept and development of the Eightfold Path has made it very easy to understand in any age or language. This is not a religion that tells you what to believe. It is a way to understand your life and strive to live in accordance with it. These basic truths will lay out a clear path to follow in order to awaken to your true self and spirituality. It gives you logical ways to perceive life so that you can understand how to coexist calmly with the chaos all around you.

These basic ways of living your life are exactly how I would want humanity to live and if everyone did, it would change the world to a better place. Taken step-by-step it teaches a process to follow that will help you change your life to one of more centered balance and joy. These ideas are in “no time” and will be valid in any age. You change your perspective and you will change your life. This book will show you how to do so.

There is a logical way to achieve enlightenment and Buddha has not only found it, he is sharing it with all of you. I guarantee you that if you read this and apply it, you can change your life and ultimately bring more

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light onto this planet. This project has my sincere blessing and support in order that more of us will awaken and grow in the light.

I thank you for seeking the light and the answers.–CREATOR PARENT


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A Life of PeaceSpoken by Master Gautama Buddha

Life is a mirror—what you think and project is reflected back to you. You create your own reality. Many create a world filled with pain and sadness. It is their own reflection of their inner self. I always tried to teach people that it does not have to be that way. If it is so that we do create our own world—state of being—then why not create one filled with peace and joy? It is possible for all humans to transcend pain but each one must do so of their own volition.

People look to others to make them happy. They join religions to have someone tell them how to think and what to believe. Searching all through their life for that elusive feeling of love and joy that at heart we all know exists. But why can’t we find it? Everyone has brief glimpses of this state but it does not last and you cannot will it back. So where did it go? Why is it hidden from man as they so desperately seek some happiness and peace?

When the world around you seems to be falling to pieces and it is so easy to fall into despair and fear—you can learn to transcend all of it. It is indeed possible to live in the world but not be caught up in it. That is what I was trying to teach people. I spent my earthly life trying to find this on my own. I had many teachers but they were all trying to find the same thing. No one really had any answers as to how to do this. We tried many things—not knowing any real truth. I just knew that there had to be a way to not spend your life in pain.

It was really so simple and accessible to all of us. Attachment—humans place value on earthly things and cling to ideas, items and other humans. This is the major source of all pain. As I said before; be in the

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physical world but not attached to it. I am not saying to give it all up and do without. I am saying to step back and “use” life around you and realize that in the whole of reality these things do not matter. That way when you lose something, it will not cause you painful emotions. You can be thankful for the time that you spent with any particular thing and then let it go.

All of life is in motion and is transitory. In order to grow, one must flow with the energies and not cling onto anything. One thing will always be replaced by another, whether material or beliefs. Welcome change in your life as an opportunity for growth and learning. Physical life can be wondrous and rewarding when you stay balanced and let it unfurl around you. Watching and listening to the glory of the world you are living in.

Yes, we need certain material things to live with. I found out that depriving oneself of all was not the answer. Humans were never designed to live that way. They need food and shelter in their life just to exist. Even all of the creatures of the earth know that food and shelter are essential to live. But observe these creatures. They do not obsess about acquiring more than they need to survive; they enjoy just being alive. Man could learn a lot from the creatures that walk among us. They live in pure joy by “being” in moment and experiencing life. They do not dwell on when or how they will die. Yes, they know that any day may be their last but the circle of life will go on.

Humans are also a big part of that circle of life. We as spirit beings go on and on in the ever changing wheel of Eternal Life. Sometimes in body—most times in spirit. If you can become aware of that while you are still in body, you can enjoy your time on earth so much more. Life begins to have some meaning and relevance to it. Too many people waste their lifetimes or spend it on pursuits that are detrimental to the spirit. They care

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not because they think that this life is all there is, so why not do as you please?

The people that spend their life chasing power or physical pleasures have no peace or joy in their life. They keep chasing it in the wrong direction and as they lay old and dying; they wonder why man should have to live a life like that. Many do not question life’s purpose until they are close to death. Then they have regrets about how they chose to spend their years. They think about all the people they have hurt and all the uncaring acts they performed.

Why does it have to be this way?I spent my life trying to tell people that there is

another way to live. I tried to give them basic guidelines as to a better way to experience life for themselves and others. I could not totally express how I had found it and give the whole truths that I had learned. I thought it to be more important to help people learn to live a more joyful life among all of the adversities a human must go through.

Jesus said in later years “I am the Way.” Well I was trying to be an example for them to follow, just as he was. When you find this wisdom you want to share it with others. Such basic truths about life can change the world that we live in. I tried to teach people basic truths to live by that would make life easier to live and enjoy.

My teachings, as did Jesus’, reached many people. Some understood, many did not. Either way we both influenced many and still do. Our teachings took a different approach to get to the same place. Neither one is better than the other as in reality, all are equal. They are just different approaches to the Truth that we discovered and chose to share with the world.

How we came to these truths was also a different path as each human must find their own path to the Truth and Light. There is no one way for everyone, so there must be tolerance for others that choose a

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different path. That is the hardest trait for a human to possess—Tolerance.

There will always be Teachers of the Light helping others find peace and understanding of their physical existence. But there is so much more to it than just reading the texts and thinking about it. No matter which path is chosen, there are no short cuts. It all depends on how much you really want to achieve in a given lifetime. How important is it to you?

There is a final destination—just many different roads leading to it.


KarmaSpoken by Master Gautama Buddha

Dianna: Buddhism speaks of karma as a part of life. Did you believe that to be true when in body and do you believe it to be true now?

When I was in body in that lifetime, the Indian Hindu religion was very much followed. I was born and raised in India under those traditions. Karma was an unquestioned belief. It just made sense to all of us and I always said not to believe anything if it does not make sense to you. No one can force you to believe anything.

When I was awakened and tried to talk with the people, I wanted to keep it simple. Yes, there are many writings that are attributed to me. My main focus was always on teaching people how to deal with life on earth. They did not have to know why. They did not have to know what happens after death. They did not need to know how the universe works. All of those things would be hard for some to understand and most did not even care. All the people really wanted was a

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way to live their life and be happier no matter what their circumstances.

Yes, I did teach about reincarnation because the concept was not new to the people. It was something everyone accepted but did not care to know the details about. Teaching the concept of karma—cause and effect—fit right in with the belief of multiple lives. It was a way to control people’s behavior on all levels. It added wariness to life that made people think about their actions. It balanced well with my doctrines of how to be a better human and live a better life. I too believed it because I never questioned it.

When I became Enlightened, I was able to see how the whole process worked and it was the basis for all that I taught. Even then I did not know all of the answers, but I knew enough to know what was real and that there was a better way to live.

Karma as humans see it does not exist. Our Creator is not judgmental and every action happens for a reason. There are no good actions or bad actions except in the human mind. Mankind made the laws to control man, just as they did with Christianity. If people believe that they will eventually have to pay for bad actions then I say let them believe it whole heartedly.

Mankind cannot control themselves or their actions. If this concept helps to keep the world safer and saner, then let it remain. Those of us who do know the truth would not be inclined to do harmful acts anyway. Some beliefs are better off left in place considering the alternative.


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