convenioanti t-rex-p-p ingles 2014

15/05/22 1 Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast) Revelation chapter 17; 1-17 Revelation Chapter 18; 1 to 18 Matthew: 24; 15 DANIEL: 11; 31 LUCAS: 11; 31 Revelation chapter 19; 1 to 19 Chapter 22; 1-21 Chapter 21

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Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (the beast reptilian) Is of vital importance for the protection and integration world against the! New world order, the "CODEX ALIMENTARIUS!" and other light bringer’s agendas for the rest of the world and in developing countries..... We already know the situation that occurred with Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, Iraq, etc. and especially with Venezuela, with 20 thousand deaths a year. In defenselessness suffering from anti-war populations of the developing world and progressives of the planet; and because of our military and war, vulnerability to the military might of Neo-liberal oligarchies and global neo-colonialism; retrograde obsolete regimes and the repeated violations of international treaties and human rights of peace and the UN.


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Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

Revelation chapter 17; 1-17

Revelation Chapter 18; 1 to 18

Matthew: 24; 15 DANIEL: 11; 31 LUCAS: 11; 31

Revelation chapter 19; 1 to 19 Chapter 22; 1-21 Chapter 21

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Protection against the Predator Universal

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (the reptilians beast)

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We already know the situation that occurred with Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, Iraq, etc. and especially with Venezuela, with 20 thousand deaths a year.

It’s of vital importance for the protection and integration world against the! New world order, the "CODEX ALIMENTARIUS!" and other light bringer’s agendas for the rest of the world and in developing countries.....

In defenselessness suffering from anti-war populations of the developing world and progressives of the planet; and because of our military and war, vulnerability to the military might of Neo-liberal oligarchies and global neo-colonialism; retrograde obsolete regimes and the repeated violations of international treaties and human rights of peace and the UN.


Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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To protect us against Neo-alienating oligarchies and predators of the Universal law

Since the UN became obsolete! And has no authority to defend us. we should implement it already to protect our national sovereignty and Universal to the predatory threat of fascist imperialist alienating Neo-oligarchs! It’s now or never!. !!

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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DescriptiónDescriptiónA Convention of integration will be convened and Defense Security citizen Universal, with the powers that might have military war; in order to trade strategic may be allies to safeguard security personal, social, economic and legal persons and the allied countries...

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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To ensure you have raw materials, with commitment to help us in our strategic weaknesses in personal, social, economic, legal and military security. And may include among others: Iceland, Sweden, Spain, Canada, Germany, Russia, China, India, Australia, Middle East, etc.

Supported with satellites, radar, aircraft, submarines, etc.

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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Threats as the "CODEX ALIMENTARIUS!" transgenic diets and other agendas light bringers with violation of the Constitution and human rights, electoral, civil, of the rights of opinion and all the powers, as happens today...

We compose a powerful Alliance and real!

To be able to truly defend ourselves together and strong to avoid that they are violated our sovereignty and our children and women, with greater impunity fascist and tyrannical oppressors and alienating as the "CODEX ALIMENTARIUS!" and other militarist regimes by light bringers agendas…

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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We have our natural resources and our human talent, as absolute guarantees for our allies.

Not continue waiting for courtesy of the neo-alienating oligarchies of the regime!

If we have only the value of our students and the people; fascist neoligarcas light bringers reptilian will be massacred with impunity as cannon fodder by the mercenary hordes...

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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We have seen it happen so many times in the We have seen it happen so many times in the past. With Argentina, Chile, Panama, Nicaragua, past. With Argentina, Chile, Panama, Nicaragua, and now Venezuela, as the second most and now Venezuela, as the second most dangerous nation in the world with two hundred dangerous nation in the world with two hundred thousand unpunished deaths in 10 years. thousand unpunished deaths in 10 years.

We have greater integration achieved so far. MERCOSUR and UNASUR is vital to restructure them urgently; "The Council of public safety" to be able to monitor, choose and control the optimal leadership to avoid other Honduras...

Este debe ser el próximo tema urgente de reunión para el análisis de la injerencias externas y otros asuntos afines…

No dejemos pasar el momento...

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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With organic and holistic technologic view. With organic and holistic technologic view. New technologies will be used for the benefit of the welfare of our peoples. Together we will be invincible seize which have already been adopted lately. Our efforts are more beneficial

Without forgetting the internal strengthening of personal safety, Social, economic and legal; Or we move together, or we sink!... We should implement urgently; "The Security Council" to monitor, choose and control: the judiciary, the legislature, the General Comptroller of the Republic, the General Prosecutor of the Republic, and the Council Supreme Electoral; as independent, apolitical and academic bodies, transcending all partisan alienating political ideology of any kind, to avoid falling into the same mistakes forever!. While retaining the independence of critical powers...

Leaving the obsolete and acquiring medical and welfare equipment with organic and holistic technologic view.

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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With the equipment of the key areas With the equipment of the key areas

This Convention will be supported with the

natural reserves of the regions, for the resources

allocated to it, by agreement of the heads of State elected by the

Member States and approved by a majority

in the National Assembly

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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ProceduresProcedureswith the equipment of the key areas, support and technical

services internal and external, to guarantee; the four basic needs satisfaction of: food, social welfare, housing and

education; with non-transgenic and organic products

domestically and international.

With the meeting of the heads of member countries, will define a specific location, for the realization of a document procedures and other related priorities...

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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CalendarioCalendarioRevisar las fechas clave del calendario


Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov Dic

Fase 1Fase 1

Fase 2Fase 2

Fase 3Fase 3


Especificar lugares de contactos, para elaborar un calendario detallado (y otros documentos relacionados)

Convocatoria y preparación de actividades prioritarias para la convención

Definición de áreas criticas a proteger

Firma de tratados y convenios claves

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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InInt he sight of the t he sight of the Neo - oligarchies light Neo - oligarchies light bringers reptilian...bringers reptilian...

Summarizing the situation; we are in the eye of the sight, with respect to the calendar layout, since resources are

depleted and scarce ever more agreements.

Already some progress has been made in certain areas, in which the objectives are

being met.

However, we need more preparation to unexpected problems, such as alienating

and tyrannical, light bringers, fascist foreign interference in the identification,

education, health and the army...

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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Related documents Related documents Marketing Plan

Start inviting interested Nations to the first urgent call. Treaties will

then be presented to agree and will define one yields to the meeting in order to have the location of your

own, to carry out the plan of Defense.

Interested parties will contact by e-mail of the union:. and contact


Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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The difference in procedure with the normal projects of this kind, is that it will include the protection and defense of the national and international sovereignty of the Chemtrails, waves harp, and neurotoxic as fluoridation, aspartame, GMO, and other poisons of mass consumption; the separation of powers, judicial, electoral and defense, with intercontinental satellite equipment, GPS and ins, for using new technologies.

Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

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Convention on Universal Security ANTI-T-REX (The reptilians beast)

Revelation chapter 17; 1-17

Revelation Chapter 18; 1 to 18

Matthew: 24; 15 DANIEL: 11; 31 LUCAS: 11; 31

Revelation chapter 19; 1 to 19 Chapter 22; 1-21 Chapter 21