controlling microbial growth. vocabulary bactericidal: bacteria-killing bacteriostasis: bacterial...

Controlling Microbial Growth

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Controlling Microbial Growth

Vocabulary• Bactericidal: Bacteria-killing

• Bacteriostasis: Bacterial growth inhibiting

• Disinfection: Destruction of vegetative pathogens

• Antisepsis: Destruction of vegetative pathogens on living tissue

• Aseptic: Absence of a pathogen from an object or an area

Vocabulary Cont.

• Sanitation: Reduction of pathogens on eating utensils, etc. to public health standards

• Antiseptic: chemical used for disinfection of skin or mucous membranes

• Disinfectant: Chemical used on inanimate objects to kill or inhibit bacterial growth

• Sterile: Without life, free of microorganisms

Measuring the effectiveness of bacterial control methods

• Not all genera of bacteria are equally susceptible to a given method of control.– Example: • E. coli bacteria are highly susceptible to heat and die

quickly when they reach boiling temperatures.• Pathogens that create endospores on the other hand,

can survive long periods of boiling.

• How do we determine how hot and how long we need to keep a microbe at to kill it?

Three acceptable ways to measure microbial tolerance to heat

1. Decimal reduction time (DRT): time in which 90% of the population of bacteria at a given temperature will die.

2. Thermal death time (TDT): Time in which all cells in a suspension are killed at a given temperature.

3. Thermal death point (TDP): The lowest temperature in which all microorganisms will be killed in 10 minutes.

Death Curve

Microbes die at a constant, logarithmic rate when treated.

Death Curve

What is the DRT for the above graph?What is the TDT?

Physical Methods of Controlling Microbial Growth

Moist Heat Methods

• More effective than dry heat• Kills by coagulation of proteins• Three methods: boiling, autoclaving,


Boiling• 100 C for 10 min: kills vegetative bacteria,

most viruses, and fungal spores. – Endospores and some viruses (hepatitis) can

survive for long boiling periods. • Good for making drinking water and food safe

for consumption. – Unreliable for sterilization of surgical equipment

(endospores survive without stomach acid to kill them). Free flowing unpressurized steam is equivalent to boiling.


• Pressurizing of steam to make it hotter. 1 atm temp = 121 C kills all organisms and their endospores. Most effective and most preferred method of sterilization. Steam must contact all solid surfaces since solids don’t have convection currents like liquids do.



• Mildly heating food products to kill particular spoilage microorganisms or pathogens. 72 C for 15 seconds with refrigeration needed afterwards. Many heat resistant bacteria survive pasteurization but these are unlikely to cause disease.

• Ultra high temperature pasteurization 140 C for 3 seconds sterilizes milk.

Dry Heat

• Kills and sterilizes by oxidation effect.• Direct flaming or incineration• Hot air sterilization (170 C for 2 hours)


• Filters are made of cellulose or plastic polymers with pores of about .2 micrometers. Viruses can still get through.

• There are filters with pore size as small as .01 micrometers for viruses but filtration is very slow.

• Filters are important when you can’t heat something up because you’ll destroy what you’re trying to keep.


• Cold is bacteriostatic• Slow freezing is more harmful as crystals can

set up better.• Deep freezing is quick freezing at temp

between -50 and -95 degrees. This is usually done to preserve the specimen.


• Desiccation is the absence of water. Microbes need water in order to grow and reproduce. However, microbes in a desiccated state can be viable for years. When water is added, they can resume growth.

• Desiccation is bacteriostatic, though the ability to survive varies by species.

Lyophilization (freeze drying)

• A suspension of microbes is quickly frozen at temp between -54 and -72 C and water is removed by high vacuum. Microbes can be stored for years in this state.

Chemical Methods for Controlling Microbial Growth

Test Guide to Chemotherapy

• Different strains of microbes have different levels of susceptibility to different chemotherapeutic agents.

• Susceptibility of a microorganism can change over the course of a treatment.

• Physicians need to know the sensitivities of the pathogen before treatment can be started. Various tests are employed to give Physicians the knowledge they need.

Methods for Testing Disinfectants

• The American Official Analytical Chemist’s Use-dilution method (Use-Dilution Method)

• The Disk-diffusion Method• Three bacteria, Salmonella, Staphylococcus,

and Pseudomonas, are used as standards to examine the effectiveness of a given disinfectant.


• Small stainless steel cylinders are dipped and coated with these bacteria and than allowed to dry.

• The cylinder is than dipped into one of several dilutions of the chemical agent to be tested for 10 minutes, removed, rinsed with water, and placed into a tube of nutrient broth.

• Chemicals that prevent growth at the greatest dilutions are considered to be the most effective.

Example Results

Disinfecting AgentsDilution Ratio Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent 31:1 - - -1:10 + - -1:50 + - +1:500 + - +

+ indicates growth- indicates no growth

Disk-diffusion (Filter Paper) Method

• Most common testing method.• Small disc of filter paper is soaked with

chemical and placed on surface of agar plate that has been previously inoculated with the test organism.

Disk-diffusion Cont.

• The chemical is concentrated in one area, and as it diffuses out, it is less concentrated. The effectiveness is based on how big of a circle “kill-zone” or zone of inhibition is around where the chemical is introduced.

• Multiple chemicals can be tested against one bacteria at a time with this method.

Example Results

Chemical Disinfectants

• Can kill in three ways:– Damage of Plasma Membrane– Inactivate Enzymes– Denature Proteins

Phenol and Phenolic

• Phenol: First used by Joseph Lister in an operating room. It proved too toxic for skin and had a terrible odor.

• Phenolic: Adapted version of phenol that is less potent and more useful.

• Kills in all three ways.

Iodine (a halogen)

• Kills by inactivating enzymes by attaching to the amino acid tyrosine.

• Effective against bacteria, endospore, fungi, and some viruses.

• Iodine is available as tincture solution (in solution with alcohol). Tincture solutions often stain and patients may develop hypersensitivity to it.

• Iodine can come in Iodophor (combined with an organic molecule for slower releasing).

Chlorine (a halogen)

• Chlorine is mostly just a disinfectant. Chlorine turns to hyochlorous acid, its active form, when it’s added to water.

• Kills by deactivating enzymes. The acid oxidizes cellular molecules into inactive forms.

Alcohol (ethanol and isopropyl)

• Alcohols work in two ways: by denaturing proteins and dissolving lipids (plasma membrane).

• Effective against bacteria and fungi but not endospores and non-enveloped viruses. Alcohol is most effective when it is diluted by water. (ethanol 70%, isopropyl 90%). Non-watered alcohol doesn’t carry into cells very well.

Don’t drink isopropyl alcohol.That is all.

Heavy Metals

• Gold, silver, copper and zinc are germicidal. Silver nitrate is used in infants’ eyes.

• Selenium and zinc in shampoos control fungi that cause dandruff.

• Heavy metals combing with –SH groups to denature proteins.