contract management system & · chapter 10...

Chapter 10 Contract Management System & LMIS, version 1.0 - 11/08/2013 Page 1 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM & LMIS CONTENT: 1. User Guide for LMD’s Contract Management System 2. LMD’s Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) 10

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Chapter 10 Contract Management System & LMIS, version 1.0 - 11/08/2013 Page 1



1. User Guide for LMD’s Contract Management System

2. LMD’s Logistics Management Information System (LMIS)


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(Version 3 September 2013)

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Chapter 10 Contract Management System & LMIS, version 1.0 - 11/08/2013 Page 3


1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Starting CMS as a LMD staff member ................................................................................................... 4

3 Adding/Editing Contract Details............................................................................................................ 6

4 Adding/Editing Payment Details ......................................................................................................... 12

5 Generating Reports ............................................................................................................................. 13

6 Setting ................................................................................................................................................. 14

7 About ................................................................................................................................................... 17

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Chapter 10 Contract Management System & LMIS, version 1.0 - 11/08/2013 Page 4

Introduction The Logistics Management Division (LMD) of the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) has

developed a Contract Management System (CMS). The aim of this System is to provide a clear overview

of when (and in which quantities) commodities are expected to arrive at (and be despatched from)

LMD’s central and regional warehouses and the District warehouses thus leading to more efficient use

of staff as well as better warehouse and distribution management. It will also provide an overview of

payment processes and processes in relation to customs clearance and approval/acceptance/tests of the

commodities and the dates for all of these actions.

For the DoHS’ divisions and centres and the Districts’ warehouses, this will allow them to identify when

their commodities will be received and to plan/mitigate their activities accordingly. For the DoHS’

finance unit, a contract management IT system will improve the cash flow, which in the end will ensure

more speedy delivery from the suppliers and for contract managers to spend less time explaining late

payments to the suppliers.

This paper provides guidance for those who are responsible for entering data into the CMS and those

who are generating reports based on the CMS.

CMS is an internal LMD tool. Some data will be visible on LMD’s web-site. Access will only be with a

username and password provided by LMD. The main data placed on LMD’s web-site will be data-related

to the expected time and place of delivery of drugs and health equipment in the supply chain. Among

the main users of this information will be LMD’s warehouse staff, district warehouse staff, Divisions and

Centres under Department of Health Services (DoHS) as well as UN organisations and NGOs who are also

supplying drugs and health equipment to districts in Nepal.

Data can only be entered by a select group of LMD staff – mainly the Contract Managers. Access will be

provided through the use of a username and password. Pre-defined reports can be generated very easily

by a larger group of LMD staff, but where the type of reports for each group will vary. Only LMD’s

management and Contract Managers will have full access to generate all types of pre-defined reports.

Due to this, LMD staff will also be provided with a username and password.

Starting CMS as a LMD staff member

The CMS is placed at a host server (a PC) in LMD. Through the LMD internal network, all LMD staff

situated at Teku can open the CMS. It is also possible for many users to add and edit data at the same

time, as well as generate reports. A client version (interface section) of the CMS will be installed in

respective computer to access the features of CMS. Moreover, the user shall have MsOffice installed in a

version that also includes Microsoft Access Database.

Users of the CMS open the system from their own laptop/computer. The CMS administrator will provide

the user IDs and passwords and will administer these, if changes are required.

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As the contract management system is an offline database system, user's pc will be installed with a client

version of the CMS. Double click on the icon of CMS to open the Contract Management System. When

you click on the icon, Screenshot 1 appears. To get started type your ID and password, then click ‘Log In’.

Screenshot 1

When you have logged in, the Screenshot 2 appears:

Screenshot 2

This site gives you a range of opportunities. You will have to choose what you want to do. In the bar,

you will see five options:

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Chapter 10 Contract Management System & LMIS, version 1.0 - 11/08/2013 Page 6

1. Contract Details (for adding/editing the contract information and other information

2. Payment Details (for adding/editing information related to payment (such as bank guarantee

and payment details)

3. Reports (provides a large range of possible report, that are available)

4. Settings (for adding prerequisite information to operate the CMS).

5. About (Developer Information)

Depending upon which level of access you are granted, you might not be able to access all the options,

but only a few, or even only one.

Of these five options, only the CMS administrator will be able to access all five. LMD’s Contract

Managers will be able to access the first three (adding/editing the information and payment details and

generating reports). All other LMD staff will only be able to access ‘Reports’.

To the right are two other buttons; ‘Upload Data’ and ‘Quit CMS’. The first is for the CMS administrator

to use when uploading certain data to the web-based part of the CMS on LMD’s web-site. As time goes

by, it is expected that the LMD’s Contract Managers will be trained in performing uploads. The ‘Quit

CMS’ button is for all to use, as it will close down the CMS.

Adding/Editing Contract Details As mentioned above, adding and editing of contract information is a task reserved for the LMD’s

Contract Managers.

When clicking on the button ‘Contract Details’ in Screenshot 2’s bar, Screenshot 3 comes up.

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 3 shows the table in which the Contract Manager will start entering the data from the actual


The following detailed picture of the right side of the Screenshot 3 shows what the different buttons are


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Clicking the "Up arrow key" button, will select the first contract details.

Clicking the "Down arrow key" button will select the last contract details.

Clicking the "Search" button will select the contract details as per the value provided in the search textbox.

Clicking the ‘Close’ button, will lead you back to Screenshot 2.

To the right of Screenshot 3, there is, for each contract to be entered, a field, where it says ‘Details’. When

clicking this field, Screenshot 4 appears. In this Screenshot, you are able to enter the details of the contract.

In some cases, there will be a drop down menu, which will save you time, while in others you will have to

enter the data yourself.

Screenshot 4

When you want to start entering data for a new slice in a contract, click the button in the upper right corner

‘Add New Slice’.

Down Arrow Key Button

Up Arrow Key Button

Search Text

Box Search Button Search Button

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Under ‘Contract Quantity’, the full quantities for all of the DoHS’ divisions/centres are mentioned.

However, to assist with information about which division/centre is the ‘owner’ of how much (quantity),

please go to the upper right corner and click ‘Divisionwise Quantity’. When you click on this button, you

are led to what here is called Screenshot 6 (see below)

However, if we continue to look at Screenshot 4 for a little longer, you will see that at the bottom of

Screenshot 4, there is a possibility to add ‘free text’. This means that you can write whatever remarks, you

might have about this contract – and in particular about this exact slice.

Marked in a grey colour is the button ‘Delivery Details’. This refers to the delivery details of this specific

slice of the contract. When this button is clicked, it leads you to Screenshot 5, which you can see below.

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 5 allows you to enter the expected delivery date(s), quantity and site for a certain year. As LMD

often uses multi-annual contracts, this site allows you to enter for further years. Select the first, second or

third year as option in the year combo box, as per the delivery date. You can enter multiple dates

corresponding to the supply year as per the contract.

As mentioned above under Screenshot 4, a click on the button ‘Divisionwise Quantity’, will lead you to

Screenshot 6 (see below). This is where the data should be entered concerning which Division/Centre

under DoHS will receive which Quantities over the contract period.

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Screenshot 6

When the contract is signed between LMD and the supplier, the two parties agree to when the first delivery

will take place. In many cases, it is also agreed when later deliveries will take place. These dates are entered

at the site shown above as Screenshot 5.

However, in many cases, the suppliers run into problems with the delivery schedule (or LMD are not able to

pay the agreed advanced payment leading to a delay). The supplier should inform LMD about an amended

delivery date, but it is always in LMD’s interest to make contact with the supplier from time to time to

ensure that LMD has the correct up-to-date information about the delivery date(s).

If an amended date for delivery is accepted by LMD, this change leads to several changes in the CMS. As

the changes mainly relate to an ‘extended date’ and not to the delivery being too early, the CMS uses the

term ‘extended date’ for such changes.

To change the delivery date, go back to the site shown in Screenshot 2 (click the button ‘close’, if you are

somewhere else in the CMS than at Screenshot 2). When clicking the second button under ‘Contract

Details’ called ‘Extend Date’, you are taken to the site shown in Screenshot 7.

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Screenshot 7

Screenshot 7 provides you with the possibility of changing the delivery date in the system. This can be done

both when the date is ‘extended’ and being ‘earlier than planned’.

The ‘Requested Date’ means the date that the Supplier informed LMD that he would like to change his

delivery date. The ‘Decision Date’ means the date that LMD agreed to allow this change.

For invoking ‘Liquidated Damages’, you have two choices; ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. In both cases, it is suggested that

you write a comment on this, such as background for the Yes/No and for the ‘Yes’ information about the

reason and the amount.

This page also provides you with the possibility to enter a remark(s). It is suggested that you always write

the reason why the Supplier requested the change. You can also note who you have informed about this

change, such as the relevant DoHS Division(s)/Centre(s).

If you now close Screenshot 7 and go back to Screenshot 2, when clicking the third button under ‘Contract

Details’ called ‘Actual Delivery Date’ you will be are taken to the site shown in Screenshot 8.

Under Screenshot 8, you can state the actual date on which the Supplier delivered. This date, you will

receive from the Warehouse Managers. This demands that LMD’s Warehouse Managers make contact with

the Contract Managers when they actually receive the commodities. It is advisable for LMD management to

set up such procedures. However, the responsibility for getting the correct date lies with the Contract


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Screenshot 8

To the right in Screenshot 8 there is a field for ‘Dakhila No’ and a field for ‘Invoice Number’. These two

fields cannot be filled until delivery has taken place. The ‘Dakhila No’ will be filled, right after delivery, when

the Contract Managers receive this number from the warehouse. The ‘Invoice Number’ will not be filled

until the Contract Managers receive the invoice from the supplier.

If you now close Screenshot 8 and go back to Screenshot 2, when clicking the fourth button under

‘Contract Details’ named ‘Pre-shipment Details’, you will be taken to the site shown in Screenshot 9 below.

Screenshot 9

Under Screenshot 9, you can state whether a pre-shipment inspection is due to take place. Sometimes this

will have been decided up-front in the Contract, but in many cases this is extra information, which has to be

added later. This site provides you also with the possibility to enter remarks related to the use of this

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Inspection Agent. It is suggested that you do use this opportunity. The remarks can relate to the report

(such as the date of the report sent by the Inspection Agent to LMD), to the quality of the Inspection Agent,

or anything else that you find is important to record and remember.

If you now close Screenshot 9 and go back to Screenshot 2, , when clicking the fifth button under ‘Contract

Details’ named ‘Post-shipment Details’, you will be taken to the site shown in Screenshot 10 below.

Screenshot 10

Under Screenshot 10, you can state all details about the post-shipment inspection (or acceptance check).

For this information, the Contract Managers have to work together with the Warehouse Managers and the

Biomedical Engineers. This page provides you also with the possibility to enter remarks about what

happened, what problems the inspection encountered, what the result was, and a reference to the report

made. It is suggested that you do use this opportunity.

Adding/Editing Payment Details If you now close Screenshot 10 and go back to Screenshot 2, you will find in the top bar, as number two

button, ‘Payment Details’. When you click on this button, a list of buttons will appear on the screen

(currently two buttons). These are: ‘Performance Guarantee’ and ‘Payment Details’. All these relate to

money and payment issues.

If you click the first button under ‘Payment Details’ named ‘Performance Guarantee’, you will come to

Screenshot 11 below:

Screenshot 11

This is only to be used, if the Supplier is required to provide LMD with a Performance Guarantee. This

should be a requirement for most procurement by LMD.

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Under Screenshot 11, you can state all details about the ‘Performance Guarantee’. You can also state, if the

Performance Guarantee has been extended in case of late delivery. Again you will find the possibility of

writing remarks and you are encouraged to do so if anything unusual happens but also to write the reason

for the extension of the date of the Performance Guarantee.

If you now close Screenshot 11 and go back to Screenshot 2, and click on ‘Payment Details’ in the bar, you

will return to the list showing two buttons ‘Performance Guarantee’ and ‘Payment Details’. If you click on

the latter, Screenshot 12 will appear which you can find below:

Screenshot 12

Under Screenshot 12, you have to state all particulars of the ‘Payment Details’. This is not something you

can do in advance when you receive the contract. Some of this information, you cannot enter until you

receive the invoice from the Supplier.

Again you will find the possibility of entering remarks and you are encouraged to do so.

When you are finished with this page, just click ‘close’ and you are back to the site, which we here call

Screenshot 2.

Generating Reports If you now close Screenshot 12 and go back to Screenshot 2, you will find in the top bar, as number three

button, ‘Report’. When you click on this button, a list of possible standard reports to be generated will

come up. The ‘reports’ are easy for you to generate, as the developer of the contract management system

has prepared a range of commonly required reports, where you just have to click which of the reports you

would like and then enter which supplier, goods, time period, etc. this report should focus on.

The administrator/designer of the CMS can at anytime add more standard reports according to the need of


When you click the button ‘Report’, it will lead you to the Screenshot 13.

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Screenshot 13

Screenshot 13 will show you a list of possible reports. At the moment, you have 14 possibilities, but this

number will expand as the work on the system progresses and more data is captured. Whenever you have

a requirement for a new type of report, the administrator will assist in setting this up for easy use. The

reports will be structured under heading depending of their topic.

Setting If you now close Screenshot 13 and go back to Screenshot 2, you will find in the top bar, as number four

button, ‘Setting’. What you see, when pressing this is shown in Screenshot 14. This is where you will enter

the essential information or data to run the system like supplier details, supplier authorized person details,

division name and fiscal year without which reports cannot be generated.

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Screenshot 14

When you in Screenshot 14 click on ‘Supplier Details’ it leads you to Screenshot 15.This is where you enter

the contact details of the supplier. It is important that the contact data of all suppliers and the authorized

persons are entered at the time of the contract signing.

Screenshot 15

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If you go back to Screenshot 14 and click ‘Supplier Authorized Person Details’, you come to Screenshot 16


This is where you add the information of the person, who the supplier has authorized to deal with LMD. It is

of high importance that the contact data of the authorized person/persons are entered at the time of the

contract signing. If during the contract period, the authorized person/persons are changed, then you can

edit in the same form.

Screenshot 16

If you again go back to Screenshot 14 and click ‘Division Name’, you come to Screenshot 17 below:

Screenshot 17

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Under Screenshot 17, you can add or edit the name of division under Department of Health Services (DoHS)

in the Ministry of Health and Population.

Now again go back to Screenshot 14 and click ‘Fiscal Year’ . This will lead you to Screenshot 18 below:

Screenshot 18

Under screenshot 18, you can add or edit the fiscal year. You can add the English fiscal year and its

corresponding Nepali fiscal year. Without specifying the fiscal years in this form, fiscal years will not be

listed in contract details, so it is important to add the years. By adding both the English and the Nepali fiscal

year you ensure that those searching can use either version when entering the data for the report


About If you now close Screenshot 18 and go back to Screenshot 2, you will find in the top bar, as number six

button, ‘About’. This will contain information about the CMS and about who developed the system, as

shown in Screenshot 19.

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Screenshot 19

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10.2 LMD’S LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (LMIS) LMD’s Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) was designed and implemented in 1994 as part of the MoHP’s Logistics System Improvement Plan. USAID assisted MoHP in it’s development. The system was pilot tested in four districts of the Eastern region. By 1997, it was in use throughout Nepal.

In 2001, the LMIS unit created a logistics data bank by archiving all previous years’ LMIS data. The compiled data shows trends over time, which are used by the DoHS Divisions and Centres to conduct long-term forecasting and quantification of health commodities on a semi-annual and annual basis. It is also used extensively to monitor the stock situation for seven key commodities at district and health facility levels.

In 2008, with the increasing access to the internet in the districts of Nepal, LMD decided to integrate the LMIS with the supply chain of goods, thereby creating a computerized logistics information system. The idea was that this system should be accessed through a web-based interface.

When implementing a web-based LMIS, at the same time LMD implemented an inventory management system. This was achieved with the technical and financial support from USAID-funded NFHP II and DELIVER Project. The system now covers the two central stores, the five regional medical stores (RMSs) and the 75 district public health office (DPHO) medical stores. Thus, the system contributes to a decline in stock-outs at health facilities.

The data is compiled to show trends over time, which can provide powerful insights for decision-makers at the national level. The information is used by different programme divisions for long-term forecasting and quantification of health commodities on a semi-annual and annual basis. It is also used extensively to monitor the stock situation for seven key commodities at district and health facility levels.

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Linking the Inventory Management System (IMS) to the LMIS supports the LMD in monitoring the stock levels in all 75 districts and to guide districts on key issues of inventory management. This process also helps maintain the practice of updating inventory data regularly in the districts.

Today, the LMIS is an integrated system, tracking 206 items at the district level, including family planning, maternal and child health, vaccines, cold chain accessories, surgical and miscellaneous items from nine different programmes:

Family Planning Programme (five contraceptives)

Expanded Programme on Immunizations (eight vaccines plus immunological agents)

Malaria/Kala-Azar Programme (five anti-malarial drugs)

Tuberculosis (TB) Programme (23 TB drugs as well as glass slides and sputum containers)

Control of Diarrhoeal Disease Programme (oral rehydration salts and zinc sulphate)

Acute Respiratory Infection Programme (Cotrim Pediatric and Cotrim)

Nutrition Programme (vitamin A, iron tablets, and Albendazole)

Leprosy Programme (four leprosy drugs)

Essential Drugs (56 standard plus other essentials drugs).