contentstem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he...

THE MOUNTAIN ASTROLOGER } DEC. 2019 / JAN. 2020 } ISSUE 208 Contents Magical Elections for the Year 2020 by Nina Gryphon Any year can use a little magic, especially one as portentous as 2020! Here’s an overview of planetary promises to take advantage of — and pitfalls to avoid — plus four outstanding electional opportunities. 36 } 21 } Uranus, Gaia, and the Amazon: Shell Shock and Climate Change by Chet Zdrowski Astrologer Chet Zdrowski takes us on a timely and Uranian journey as he explains how the Earth’s very survival is dependent on its rainforests, and how Uranus in Taurus, Brazil, climate change, and Avatar are intrinsically linked. Unaspected Planets: Mavericks of the Horoscope by Kathy Rose If you think that an unaspected planet doesn’t have much to say in a natal chart, think again! These planets have a special “renegade” quality that speaks with a loud and distinct voice about the core life purpose. Close Encounters with the Twelve Signs a classic article by Tem Tarriktar Tem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that he’d be pleased to be remembered with a smile! 58 } 52 } Turning Point: The United States’ Pluto Return by Ray Grasse Political scandal, economic and military unrest, and other issues come front and center when Pluto makes potent aspects to a country’s chart. This article outlines these possibilities and more for the U.S. as it approaches its first Pluto return. 45 } 29 } Consulting in the 21st Century by Alexandra Karacostas This article provides many valuable insights for consulting astrologers — underscoring the need to understand multicultural expectations, to maintain astute astrological skills, and to operate in an e-environment in a fast-paced, accelerating world.

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Page 1: ContentsTem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that

T H E M O U N T A I N A S T R O L O G E R } D E C . 2 0 1 9 / J A N . 2 0 2 0 } I S S U E 2 0 8


Magical Elections for the Year 2020by Nina GryphonAny year can use a little magic, especially one as portentous as 2020! Here’s an overview of planetary promises to take advantage of — and pitfalls to avoid — plus four outstanding electional opportunities.

36 }

21 }

Uranus, Gaia, and the Amazon:Shell Shock and Climate Changeby Chet ZdrowskiAstrologer Chet Zdrowski takes us on a timely and Uranian journey as he explains how the Earth’s very survival is dependent on its rainforests, and how Uranus in Taurus, Brazil, climate change, and Avatar are intrinsically linked.

Unaspected Planets:Mavericks of the Horoscopeby Kathy RoseIf you think that an unaspected planet doesn’t have much to say in a natal chart, think again! These planets have a special “renegade” quality that speaks with a loud and distinct voice about the core life purpose.

Close Encounters with the Twelve Signsa classic article by Tem TarriktarTem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that he’d be pleased to be remembered with a smile!

58 }

52 }

Turning Point:The United States’ Pluto Returnby Ray GrassePolitical scandal, economic and military unrest, and other issues come front and center when Pluto makes potent aspects to a country’s chart. This article outlines these possibilities and more for the U.S. as it approaches its first Pluto return.

45 }

29 }

Consulting in the 21st Centuryby Alexandra KaracostasThis article provides many valuable insights for consulting astrologers — underscoring the need to understand multicultural expectations, to maintain astute astrological skills, and to operate in an e-environment in a fast-paced, accelerating world.

Page 2: ContentsTem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that

Volume 33, No. 1

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Theme Section EditorWeb & Book Editor

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Tem TarriktarKate Sholly Nan GearyLinda KayeJanette deProsse Ray GrasseFrank C. CliffordMary Plumb Sara FiskLinda Byrd Rae SappAnn Meigs

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NOTE: The opinions and philosophies expressed by the writers published in The Mountain Astrologer are not necessarily a reflec-tion of the opinions and philosophies of the Publisher or the staff. Diversity is welcomed in the spirit of catalyzing discussion. TMA’s role is to be a resource and to provide a forum for the global astrological community. In addition, readers should exercise good judgment when purchasing a product or service advertised in these pages, as we do not investigate each product or service.

© 2019 The Mountain Astrologer LLC - all rights reservedManufactured and printed in the United States

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The Mountain Astrologer (ISSN 1079-1345) Dec. 2019 /Jan. 2020, Vol. 33, No. 1, is published six times per year (bi- monthly) by The Mountain Astrologer LLC, 436 Colfax Ave., Grass Valley, CA 95945-6840. PERIODICALS post-age paid at Grass Valley, California and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions are $46.00 for 6 issues in the United States. If you want The Mountain Astrologer delivered via first-class mail, add $12 for extra postage. Postmaster: send address changes to The Mountain Astrologer, P.O. Box 970, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924-0970.

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DEC. 2019 / JAN. 2020 — 7

Student Section

8 Letters to the Editor

18 TMA Professional Directory

69 AstroSoftware Marketplace

71 SoftStar Muse by Hank Friedman

72 Astrology News and Conference Calendar

by Gloria Star

74 Sky Watch for Dec./Jan. by Julene Louis

76 Where’s That Moon?

77 Dec./Jan. Forecast Calendar by Pam Younghans

79 New and Full Moon Reports • Gemini Full Moon

• Capricorn Solar Eclipse• Cancer Lunar Eclipse• Aquarius New Moon

by Diana McMahon Collis

Forecasts Departments

Astro-Assistance: Reader Questions Answeredby Moon Zlotnick

Moments in Time: The Birth of the Paparazzi by Frank C. Clifford

Charts in the News commentary by Elisabeth Grace

The Eastern Window: Fine-Tuning Timingwith Divisional Charts by Penny Farrow





Cover design by Sara Fisk

60 } A Special Collection of Tributes to Temby

• Bruce Scofield• Meg Pressman• Gloria Star• Eric Francis• Dena DeCastro• Michael Thompson• Paul Valley

Page 3: ContentsTem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that


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Page 4: ContentsTem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that

DEC. 2019 / JAN. 2020 — 19

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Page 5: ContentsTem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that

DEC. 2019 / JAN. 2020 — 71


by Hank Friedman

Author’s Note: Underlined words in the article are links to graph-ics that you can see at:

Janus 5.2by Mark Griffin, Hamish Saunders, and Angela Thomas$249

In the year-and-a-half since I reviewed Janus 5.0 (in the Dec. 2017/Jan. 2018 and Feb./March 2018 issues of The Mountain Astrologer), its authors have released two major updates that are free to Janus 5.0 owners. Janus has become the most frequently updated professional astrology program, advancing in leaps and bounds. Janus runs on Windows 7, 8, and 10 (but not on a Mac using Windows) and is both simple to install and very solid. My favorite new feature is the Fixed Star module. It can display wheels with the Fixed Stars that are conjunct chart points; you can animate the Fixed Star wheel (to see the changing Fixed Star connections) and, best of all, see listings of Aspects to Fixed Stars and Parans to Fixed Stars, com-plete with short but excellent interpretations. Bravo! Traditional astrologers will relish the powerful Distribu-tions/Circumambulations window, which offers an exceptional number of options, including the ability to distribute custom points like Arabic Parts. These astrologers will also appreciate the Arabic Lunar Mansions chart and the animated bi-wheel for Age Harmonics, Primary Directions, and Profections. Researchers will enjoy the tremendous enhancement of the Chart Search tool. Both AND and OR searches can be executed, using Traditional terms (like Sect, Face Rulers, VOC Moon, placement in the Via Combusta, and Eastern or Western Lunar Mansions), as well as modern terms such as points by Sign, Element, Mode, House, Quadrant, Rulership, Out-of-Bounds, and Aspect or Midpoint (between two points). You can also search for Chart Shapes, Aspect Patterns, Chart Types (e.g., Returns, Age Harmonic, Arc Transform, Composite, Decumbiture, Directed) and for a person’s name, year or month or day or hour of birth, words in notes, the day of the week, etc. And you can preview each chart that matches the search criteria. But what puts this way over the top is the range of points that you can search for: Planets, Angles, Plutoids, Asteroids, Uranians, Fixed Stars, Arabic Parts, Midpoints and Sums, House Cusps, and more. Wow! Janus’s Timeline (predictive graph) has also received a major upgrade. Now it is easy to see exactly what events are occurring and their duration.

One of Janus’s extraordinary merits has been its rich and detailed interpretive reports. It’s the only program with full natal, transit, synastry, and relocation reports built in. The natal reports include well-written midpoint interpretations, and the relocation reports delineate the relocated Ascendant and MC, Stars on Angles, Midpoints of Planet Directions, Destiny Crossing, and so much more than any other reloca-tion report. In the update, these reports have been improved considerably. Those who use Astrodynes are in for a special treat. The Janus Astrodyne module report is incredibly compre-hensive and includes weightings of aspects; the power and harmony of planets, signs, and houses; evaluation of modes, elements, East/West, Above/Below, Trinities; and more. Janus has the distinction of being the only Western as-trology program that allows you to make changes to Vedic North and South Indian chart formats (font size, house num-bering, colors, etc.), and it is the first one to be able to draw Vedic aspects lines in charts. Among the many new features are a Gauquelin sector chart, Wynn-Key Returns, a Munkasey Midpoint Weight-ing Analysis module, and a Custom Arabic Parts Editor and Viewer (with more than 500 Parts already available). One frequently requested function that Janus now offers is the ability to export entire chart files to Excel, choosing what birth data and planets to export. (Janus can also export predictive hit lists.) The Janus software has always been a truly great value, and with all of the recent advances and its many unique capabilities, Janus is clearly a program worthy of every astrol-oger’s attention.

Weblog News The latest articles in my online blog at include my new tutorial “A Tale of Two Skies,” Where to get Vedic astrology books, Stunning new video of Jupiter rotating, How Pluto truly looks, Astro Gold for the Mac, the End of the IO Software, and IO Edition Astrologers: Don’t Update Your Mac to Catalina?

© 2019 Hank Friedman – all rights reserved

Hank Friedman is a professional Vedic and Western astrologer, author, and teacher. Visit his website for astrology software guidance and his website for free in-depth astrology tutorials. You may contact him at stars@soulheal for help in choosing the right astrology software for your needs.

Page 6: ContentsTem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that


Astrology Newsby Gloria Star

If you have astrology news or events of interest to the astrological

community that you would like to share with TMA readers, please send the information directly to:

Gloria Star, P.O. Box 311, Clinton, CT 06413

or: [email protected]

Ancient Skies: From the Dawn of Civilization to Today Broadcast on both BBC4 in Great Britain and PBS in the United States, the mini-series Ancient Skies is a gem. Visually, the video is stunning and engaging as the story of mankind’s relationship with the skies unfolds. Beginning with the earliest observations, writings, and illustrations, the series shows the impact of our current technological and scientific insights about how the universe works. The programs pro-vide a view of the cosmos through the eyes of our earliest ancestors, and illustrate how our perspectives of the cosmos have evolved as we have developed a scientific approach to our lives. There’s also in-depth philosophical opinion and com-mentary about astrology’s role in our understanding of the Big Picture. One of the featured scholars on the program is Dr. Nicholas Campion, the director of the Sophia Centre’s MA in Cultural Astronomy. Ancient Skies is a three-part se-ries, each episode taking the viewer on a journey through time and evolutionary thought. The episodes are titled: “Gods and Monsters,” “Finding the Center,” and “Our Place in the Universe.” You might still be able to access these vid-eos through the PBS website’s streaming options.

A History of NY Times Inclusion of Astrology “Like a Virgo: How The Times Covers Astrology” — an entertaining and informative article in The New York Times “Insider” section (August 31, 2019) — explores the newspa-per’s attitudes toward astrology. Author Amanda Svachula traces a general history of how astrology has been utilized by civilizations, from ancient times until this millennium. She rightly begins with the premise that The Times is a Virgo, with its first publication on September 18, 1851. The author emphasizes the variety of applications involving astrology and astrological principles woven into many subjects, and remarks that astrology is everywhere in our current world. “Today, astrology is at once a big business, a topic that unifies people online, a daily diversion and a balm for the anxieties of everyday life.” Then, she goes on to ex-plore how The Times and other periodicals have approached

including astrological topics over the decades. She also com-ments that, in her discussion with others at The Times, there is a clear sense that this newspaper will never include a Horoscope column, “because it is not supported by science.” However, she maintains that astrology’s relatable language is ultimately valuable content. Quoting Choire Sicha, the edi-tor of The Times “Styles” section: “Astrology is a great entry point to intimate conversations about relationships and fam-ily [because] they’re widespread ideas in the culture that help people connect.”

In Brief Congratulations to the co-winners of the Charles Harvey Award for Exceptional Service to Astrology, 2019. Christeen Skinner and Angela Cornish tied in the vote count, and were presented with their awards at the 2019 Astrological Associ-ation of Great Britain Conference held in June 2019. Miami’s history museum, History Miami, recently un-veiled “Mucho, Mucho Amor: 50 Years of Walter Mercado,” an exhibit about the life and career of Walter Mercado, the vibrant Puerto Rican astrologer, psychic, and media star. For more than three decades, Mercado reached up to 120 million Latinx viewers every day. His programs ran on Univision and Telemundo. Some may remember him more for his brilliantly adorned capes and over-the-top persona, whose engaging and flamboyant style marked his unique-ness. More about Mercado and the special exhibit can be found in an article by Paola de Varona, “Walter Mercado Couldn’t Have Predicted This,” published in The (August 20, 2019). Astrologer Frank Clifford was profiled in Turkey’s edition of Hello! magazine in Spring 2019. Frank commented about his Turkey experience on his Facebook page: “This is what I call a fun Jupiter transit of the Descendant. It was a great trip to Istanbul: teaching, seeing clients … meeting many wonderful people.” If you’re searching for the Jim Maynard calendars and Celestial Guides for 2020, they are not being printed for that year, but the publisher hopes to have the 2021 issue avail-able in late 2020. You can download the first four months of 2020 at their website:

Page 7: ContentsTem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that


January 2020 Tropical Midnight Ephemeris Time Zone: GMT (00:00 West)

Planetary Data Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Phases & EclipsesIngresses Ingresses Void Times Lunar Phases

Day Time Day Time Day TimeLast Aspect





Day +12 Hr True` a a j b c d e f g h i

04 23J y 28 23H y 21 23J y 16 15L y08 23D } 22 23J y02 41B }06 40J y14 24K y16 08 22L10 00 34J 22 05 08L06 54 21 30 02 41 22 2508 23 16 1729 0305 57 15 3828 01 1311 01 44 03 57 09A

16 1808 22 22 2729 43 07 07 21 37 02 4007 32 16 5109 53 33A12 02 54 15 50 59

07 21 02 40 16 19 22 2908 23 y 21 4418 04 00 24I09 0721 50 0413 04 03 27 51 23

02 39 16 20 22 3108 23 01 04 07 35 21 5119 1810 4303 55 30B14 05 13 10 02 58B22 3308 23 16 2201 45 07 49 21 58 02 3912 19 20 3116 14 1815 06 22 22 29 58

08 24 08 03 22 06 02 39 16 23 22 3521 44 02 2513 5528 50 2116 07 31 05 15 49C22 13 02 39 16 24 22 3708 25 22 58 03 05 08 1615 3211 46 36C17 08 39 18 22 51

22 20 16 26 22 3908 26 02 3924 11 03 46 08 3017 0925 04 3818 09 47 01 51 54D02 39 16 27 22 4108 26} 04 26 08 44 22 2718 47 25 2408 44 28D19 10 55 15 42 03

16 28 22 4308 26 05 07 08 58 22 34 02 3820 25 26 3722 44 1320 12 03 29 50 30

22 4508 25 05 48 09 11 02 39 y 16 3022 4122 03 27 5007 00 16E21 13 10 14 12 50E22 4708 23 09 25 22 48 02 39 16 3129 03 06 2823 4221 27 3022 14 18 28 43 28

08 21 09 39 22 55 02 39 16 33 22 4900 16L 07 0925 2206 00 00F23 15 24 13 16 22F23 02 02 39 16 34 22 5108 19 09 5201 29 07 4927 0220 31 5224 16 31 27 45 52

23 09 02 39 16 36 22 5308 18 02 41 08 30 10 0628 4204 57 52G25 17 38 12 07 22G23 17 02 39 16 38 22 5508 17 03 54 09 11 10 1900 23K19 14 0326 18 44 26 17 37

02 40 16 39 22 5708 17 y 05 06 10 33 23 2409 5102 0403 17 53H27 19 50 10 14 45H02 40 16 41 22 5908 18 10 32 10 47 23 3103 45 06 1917 08 0828 20 56 23 58 03

02 41 16 42 23 0108 19 11 13 11 00 23 3805 27 07 3100 44 32I29 22 02 07 27 36I16 44 23 0308 20 11 54 11 14 23 45 02 4107 10 08 4414 07 2100 23 08K 20 43 51

16 46 23 0508 22 12 34 11 27 23 52 02 4208 53 09 5627 17 0901 24 13 03 47 20J16 48 23 0708 22} 13 15 11 41 23 59 02 4210 36 11 0810 14 27J02 25 18 16 38 34

23 0908 21 11 54 24 06 02 43 16 4912 21 13 5612 1922 59 4303 26 22 29 17 58

23 1108 19 12 07 24 13 02 44 16 5113 33 14 3714 0305 33 22K04 27 25 11 46 00K23 1308 15 12 21 24 20 02 44 16 5314 45 15 1815 4617 55 5805 28 28 24 03 21

08 11 12 34 24 27 02 45 16 55 23 1515 56 15 5917 2900 08 19L06 29 29 06 11 03L08 05 12 47 24 34 02 46 16 57 23 1717 08 16 3919 1312 11 4607 30 30 18 10 45

08 00 13 00 24 41 02 47 16 59 23 1918 20 17 2020 5524 08 1708 31 30 00 04 44A24 48 02 48 17 00 23 2107 55 19 32 18 01 13 1322 3706 00 30A09 32 28 11 56 01

24 55 02 49 17 02 23 2207 51 20 43 18 42 13 2724 1817 51 4810 33 25 23 48 20

25 02 02 50 17 04 23 2407 48 21 55 19 23 13 4025 5829 46 1211 34 22 05 45 58B

d I 3 9:37 AMc L 13 6:38 PMb K 16 6:30 PM` K 20 2:54 PM

StationsDay Time

g y 11 1:47 AM

L 30 3:42 PMA 2 4:01 AMB 4 4:15 PMC 7 2:10 AMD 9 8:43 AME 11 12:16 PMF 13 2:07 PMG 15 3:42 PMH 17 6:21 PMI 19 10:41 PMJ 22 4:59 AMK 24 1:21 PML 26 11:43 PMA 29 11:51 AM

2 2:14 AM S d4 1:19 AM T i6 12:08 PM S i8 10:16 PM S c

10 11:58 PM R i13 1:42 PM R c15 12:12 PM S b17 12:59 PM T `19 9:22 PM V `21 4:46 AM T h24 2:09 AM Q f25 7:07 PM Q b29 1:09 AM V f

3 4:46 AM a 12 15A

10 7:21 PM z 20 00D

17 12:59 PM a 26 51G

24 9:42 PM ~ 04 21K

Solar EclipsesDay Time

~ None ~

Lunar EclipsesDay Time10 7:10 PM A 0.895

January 2020 Tropical Midnight Ephemeris Time Zone: PST (08:00 West)

Planetary Data Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Phases & EclipsesIngresses Ingresses Void Times Lunar Phases

Day Time Day Time Day TimeLast Aspect





Day +12 Hr True` a a j b c d e f g h i

04 54J y 28 36H y 21 26J y 16 16L y08 23D } 22 23J y02 41B }06 44J y14 49K y20 06 19L10 20 57J 26 02 34L06 58 21 33 02 40 22 2508 23 16 1729 1606 29 16 0201 58 29A11 22 07 07 54 40A

16 1808 22 y 22 2729 57 07 12 21 40 02 4008 04 17 1613 51 4112 23 17 19 50 09

07 26 02 40 16 19 22 2908 23 21 4718 29 00 37I09 3925 50 4013 24 26 01 53 47B02 39 16 21 22 3108 23 01 18 07 40 21 5419 4211 1508 00 05B14 25 36 14 10 04

22 3308 24 16 2201 58 07 53 22 01 02 3912 51 20 5620 24 1415 26 45 26 43 01

08 25 08 07 22 08 02 39 16 23 22 3522 09 02 3814 2803 06 45C16 27 53 09 35 44C22 15 02 39 16 25 22 3708 25 23 22 03 19 08 2116 0516 10 0917 29 02 22 50 06

22 22 16 26 22 3908 26 02 3924 35 03 59 08 3517 4229 35 3318 30 10 06 26 22D02 39 16 27 22 4108 26} 04 40 08 48 22 2919 20 25 4813 22 19D19 31 18 20 23 01

16 29 22 4308 25 05 21 09 02 22 36 02 38 y20 58 27 0127 27 5920 32 25 04 36 40E22 4508 24 06 01 09 16 02 39 16 3022 4322 36 28 1411 48 23E21 33 33 19 02 25

22 4708 23 09 29 22 51 02 39 16 3229 27 06 4224 1526 18 0322 34 40 03 34 28F08 21 09 43 22 58 02 39 16 33 22 4900 40L 07 2225 5510 50 58F23 35 47 18 06 50

23 05 02 39 16 35 22 5108 19 09 5701 53 08 0327 3525 21 2424 36 53 02 34 07G23 12 02 39 16 37 22 5308 17 03 05 08 44 10 1029 1509 44 30G25 38 00 16 52 10

23 19 02 40 16 38 22 5508 17 04 18 09 24 10 2400 56K23 56 4726 39 06 00 58 10H02 40 16 40 22 5708 17 y 05 31 10 38 23 2610 0502 3807 56 11H27 40 12 14 50 44

02 40 16 41 22 5908 18 10 46 10 51 23 3304 19 06 4321 41 4828 41 18 28 29 25

02 41 16 43 23 0108 19 11 26 11 05 23 4006 02 07 5605 13 37I29 42 24 11 54 28I16 45 23 0308 21 12 07 11 18 23 47 02 4107 44 09 0818 32 0200 43 30K 25 06 24

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23 0908 21 11 58 24 09 02 43 16 5012 45 14 1012 5427 12 1203 46 43 03 28 33K23 1108 18 12 12 24 16 02 44 16 5213 57 14 5014 3709 42 06K04 47 46 15 52 56

23 1308 14 12 25 24 23 02 45 16 5415 09 15 3116 2022 01 1005 48 49 28 06 55

08 09 12 38 24 30 02 45 16 55 23 1516 20 16 1218 0404 10 22L06 49 50 10 11 44L08 03 12 52 24 37 02 46 16 57 23 1717 32 16 5319 4716 11 1607 50 50 22 09 14

07 58 13 05 24 44 02 47 16 59 23 1918 44 17 3421 2928 06 0008 51 49 04 01 57A24 51 02 48 17 01 23 2107 53 19 55 18 15 13 1823 1109 57 30A09 52 47 15 53 09

24 57 02 49 17 03 23 2307 50 21 07 18 56 13 3124 5221 49 2210 53 44 27 46 44

25 04 02 50 17 05 23 2507 48 22 18 19 37 13 4426 3203 45 48B11 54 40 09 47 10B

d I 3 1:37 AMc L 13 10:38 AMb K 16 10:30 AM` K 20 6:54 AM

StationsDay Time

g y 10 5:47 PM

L 30 7:42 AMA 1 8:01 PMB 4 8:15 AMC 6 6:10 PMD 9 12:43 AME 11 4:16 AMF 13 6:07 AMG 15 7:42 AMH 17 10:21 AMI 19 2:41 PMJ 21 8:59 PMK 24 5:21 AML 26 3:43 PMA 29 3:51 AMB 31 4:28 PM

1 6:14 PM S d3 5:19 PM T i6 4:08 AM S i8 2:16 PM S c

10 3:58 PM R i13 5:42 AM R c15 4:12 AM S b17 4:59 AM T `19 1:22 PM V `20 8:46 PM T h23 6:09 PM Q f25 11:07 AM Q b28 5:09 PM V f31 7:10 AM V b

2 8:46 PM a 12 15A

10 11:21 AM z 20 00D

17 4:59 AM a 26 51G

24 1:42 PM ~ 04 21K

Solar EclipsesDay Time

~ None ~

Lunar EclipsesDay Time10 11:10 AM A 0.895

December 2019 Tropical Midnight Ephemeris Time Zone: GMT (00:00 West)

Planetary Data Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Phases & EclipsesIngresses Ingresses Void Times Lunar Phases

Day Time Day Time Day TimeLast Aspect





Day +12 Hr True` a a j b c d e f g h i

18 45H y 07 42H y 17 58J y 15 55L y08 40D y 21 27J y03 20B }29 36I y06 10J y01 58 11K08 28 41I 08 10 26K29 49 18 05 03 18 21 2808 42 15 5508 2219 58 07 2414 18 3709 29 30 20 23 16

15 5608 43 21 3009 01 00 03J 18 11 03 1621 13 08 3926 24 5710 30 20 02 24 15L00 16 03 14 15 56 21 3108 44 18 1709 53 09 4122 3108 21 48L11 31 12 14 18 13

03 13 15 56 21 3308 44} 10 21 00 29 18 2311 0723 5020 14 0712 32 04 26 10 06

21 3508 42 15 5611 01 00 43 18 29 03 1125 12 12 2102 06 46A13 32 57 08 04 40A08 40 00 56 18 35 03 09 15 57 21 3613 36 11 4026 3514 04 2114 33 50 20 06 18

18 42 03 07 15 57 21 3808 36 14 50 12 20 01 1027 5926 10 5815 34 45 02 18 43B18 48 15 57 21 4008 33 03 0616 04 13 00 01 2329 2508 29 54B16 35 40 14 44 47

03 04 15 58 21 4108 29 13 40 01 37 18 5400 51I 17 1821 03 3417 36 36 27 26 23

15 58 21 4308 26 14 20 01 51 19 01 03 0302 18 18 3203 53 17C18 37 33 10 24 16C21 4508 24 15 00 02 04 03 01 15 5919 0703 46 19 4716 59 1619 38 31 23 38 10

21 4708 23 02 18 19 14 03 00 15 5921 01 15 4005 1500 20 47D20 39 30 07 06 54D08 23 y 02 32 19 20 02 58 16 00 21 4822 15 16 2006 4413 56 1421 40 30 20 48 31

19 27 02 57 16 00 21 5008 23 02 4523 29 17 0008 1427 43 2822 41 30 04 40 46E19 34 02 56 16 01 21 5208 25 24 43 17 40 02 5909 4411 40 06E23 42 32 18 41 10

19 40 02 55 16 02 21 5408 26 25 57 18 20 03 1311 1425 43 4124 43 34 02 47 22F02 53 16 02 21 5608 27 27 11 03 26 19 4719 0012 4509 51 57F25 44 37 16 57 09

02 52 16 03 21 5808 27 19 40 03 40 19 5414 16 28 2524 02 4326 45 41 01 08 23G02 51 16 04 21 5908 27} 20 20 03 54 20 0015 47 29 3908 13 52G27 46 46 15 18 55

16 05 22 0108 26 21 00 04 08 20 07 02 5017 19 00 53K22 23 1328 47 52 29 26 28

16 05 22 0308 25 21 40 04 21 20 14 02 4918 51 02 0706 28 20H29 48 59 13 28 31H16 06 22 0508 24 22 20 04 35 20 21 02 4820 23 03 2120 26 4000 50 07J 27 22 26

22 0708 23 04 49 20 28 02 47 16 0704 34 23 0021 5504 15 28I01 51 15 11 05 29I22 0908 23 05 03 20 34 02 46 16 0805 48 23 4123 2817 52 1002 52 24 24 35 15

22 1108 22 05 17 20 41 02 45 16 0907 02 24 2125 0101 14 31J03 53 33 07 49 48J08 22 y 05 31 20 48 02 44 16 10 22 1308 16 25 0126 3414 20 5904 54 43 20 48 00

08 23 05 44 20 55 02 44 16 11 22 1509 30 25 4128 0727 10 5405 55 53 03 29 44K08 23 05 58 21 02 02 43 16 12 22 1710 43 26 2229 4009 44 40K06 57 04 15 55 54

21 09 02 42 16 13 22 1908 23 11 57 27 02 06 1201 14J22 03 4407 58 14 28 08 28

21 16 02 42 16 14 22 2108 23} 13 11 27 42 06 2602 4804 10 31L08 59 24 10 10 20L21 23 02 41 16 15 22 2308 23 14 24 28 23 06 4004 2316 08 2210 00 34 22 05 08

e J 2 6:19 PMb I 9 9:41 AMc K 20 6:41 AM` J 22 4:19 AMb J 29 4:54 AM

StationsDay Time

K 30 8:13 PML 3 7:10 AMA 5 7:45 PMB 8 7:29 AMC 10 4:46 PMD 12 11:23 PME 15 3:56 AMF 17 7:16 AMG 19 10:05 AMH 21 12:56 PMI 23 4:34 PMJ 25 9:44 PMK 28 5:21 AML 30 3:42 PM

2 12:27 PM T b5 8:15 AM S b7 3:02 PM T i

10 1:13 AM S i12 5:12 AM R `14 3:57 PM R c16 10:10 PM S `19 8:06 AM S c21 11:46 AM V `23 3:27 AM Q d25 11:18 AM Q b27 9:02 PM V d30 10:24 AM T d

4 6:58 AM a 11 48L

12 5:12 AM z 19 51C

19 4:57 AM a 26 58F

26 5:12 AM ~ 04 06J

Solar EclipsesDay Time26 5:18 AM A 3'39

Lunar EclipsesDay Time

~ None ~

December 2019 Tropical Midnight Ephemeris Time Zone: PST (08:00 West)

Planetary Data Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Phases & EclipsesIngresses Ingresses Void Times Lunar Phases

Day Time Day Time Day TimeLast Aspect





Day +12 Hr True` a a j b c d e f g h i

19 09H y 07 55H y 18 00J y 15 55L y08 40D y 21 27J y03 19B }29 40I y06 35J y06 06 50K08 48 57I 12 16 19K29 54 18 07 03 17 21 2908 42 15 5508 3520 23 07 4918 22 0509 49 47 24 24 41

15 5608 44 21 3009 15 00 07J 18 13 03 1521 39 09 0300 24 43L10 50 37 06 22 47L00 21 03 14 15 56 21 3208 44} 18 1910 18 09 5422 5712 19 3011 51 29 18 15 30

03 12 15 56 21 3408 43 10 34 00 34 18 2511 3224 1724 11 2312 52 21 00 07 46A21 3508 42 15 5611 14 00 47 18 31 03 1025 39 12 4606 05 12A13 53 14 12 04 14

08 39 01 01 18 37 03 09 15 57 21 3714 00 11 5427 0318 05 2314 54 08 24 09 05

18 44 03 07 15 57 21 3908 35 15 15 12 33 01 1428 2800 15 46B15 55 03 06 25 47B18 50 15 57 21 4008 31 03 0516 29 13 13 01 2829 5312 39 2416 55 59 18 56 52

03 04 15 58 21 4208 28 13 53 01 42 18 5701 20I 17 4325 18 1917 56 55 01 43 51C15 58 21 4408 25 14 33 01 55 19 03 03 0202 48 18 5708 13 29C18 57 53 14 47 10

21 4608 23 15 13 02 09 03 01 15 5919 0904 16 20 1121 24 4719 58 51 28 06 11

21 4708 23 02 22 19 16 02 59 15 5921 25 15 5305 4504 51 09D20 59 50 11 39 27D08 23 y 02 36 19 23 02 58 16 00 21 4922 39 16 3307 1418 30 4722 00 50 25 24 53

19 29 02 57 16 01 21 5108 24 02 5023 54 17 1308 4402 21 25E23 01 51 09 20 06E19 36 02 55 16 01 21 5308 25 25 08 17 53 03 0310 1416 20 3824 02 52 23 22 42

19 42 02 54 16 02 21 5508 26 26 22 18 33 03 1711 4500 26 02F25 03 55 07 30 21F02 53 16 03 21 5608 27 27 36 03 31 19 4919 1313 1514 35 2226 04 58 21 40 51

02 52 16 03 21 5808 27} 19 53 03 45 19 5614 47 28 5028 46 3027 06 03 05 52 05G02 51 16 04 22 0008 27 20 33 03 58 20 0316 18 00 04K12 57 18G28 07 08 20 01 53

16 05 22 0208 26 21 13 04 12 20 09 02 5017 50 01 1727 05 3129 08 14 04 07 53H16 06 22 0408 25 21 53 04 26 20 16 02 4919 22 02 3111 08 40H00 09 22J 18 07 32

16 07 22 0608 24 22 34 04 40 20 23 02 4820 54 03 4525 04 0701 10 29 01 58 07I22 0808 23 04 54 20 30 02 47 16 0704 59 23 1422 2608 49 10I02 11 38 15 37 00

22 1008 23 05 08 20 37 02 46 16 0806 13 23 5423 5922 21 1803 12 47 29 01 52

22 1208 22 05 21 20 44 02 45 16 0907 27 24 3425 3205 38 29J04 13 57 12 11 03J08 22 y 05 35 20 51 02 44 16 10 22 1308 40 25 1527 0518 39 2805 15 07 25 03 43

08 23 05 49 20 58 02 43 16 11 22 1509 54 25 5528 3801 23 54K06 16 17 07 40 07K08 23 06 03 21 05 02 43 16 12 22 1711 08 26 3500 12J13 52 3307 17 27 20 01 29

21 12 02 42 16 13 22 1908 23 12 21 27 15 06 1701 4526 07 1208 18 37 02 10 07L21 19 02 42 16 15 22 2108 23} 13 35 27 56 06 3103 2008 10 37L09 19 47 14 09 11

21 26 02 41 16 16 22 2308 23 14 49 28 36 06 4404 5420 06 1910 20 57 26 02 34

e J 2 10:19 AMb I 9 1:41 AMc K 19 10:41 PM` J 21 8:19 PMb J 28 8:54 PM

StationsDay Time

K 30 12:13 PML 2 11:10 PMA 5 11:45 AMB 7 11:29 PMC 10 8:46 AMD 12 3:23 PME 14 7:56 PMF 16 11:16 PMG 19 2:05 AMH 21 4:56 AMI 23 8:34 AMJ 25 1:44 PMK 27 9:21 PML 30 7:42 AM

2 4:27 AM T b5 12:15 AM S b7 7:02 AM T i9 5:13 PM S i

11 9:12 PM R `14 7:57 AM R c16 2:10 PM S `19 12:06 AM S c21 3:46 AM V `22 7:27 PM Q d25 3:18 AM Q b27 1:02 PM V d30 2:24 AM T d

3 10:58 PM a 11 48L

11 9:12 PM z 19 51C

18 8:57 PM a 26 58F

25 9:12 PM ~ 04 06J

Solar EclipsesDay Time25 9:18 PM A 3'39

Lunar EclipsesDay Time

~ None ~

NW=New CR=Crescent FQ=First Quarter GB=Gibbous FL=Full DS=Disseminating LQ=Last Quarter BL=Balsamic






Where’s ThaT Moon?



Oct 17 2018Oct 17 2018Oct 17 2018Oct 17 2018 Solar Fire v8.1.2Solar Fire v8.1.2Solar Fire v8.1.2Solar Fire v8.1.2 Page 2Page 2Page 2Page 2

Lib FM 219-4 - Natal Chart

Date Time P1 Asp P2 Pos1 Pos2

Oct 1 2019 5:39p ¶ “ ¸ 23°‡32' Þ 08°†32' ÞOct 5 2019 9:47a ¶ ‘ ¸ 12°‰09' Þ 12°†09' ÞOct 9 2019 11:27a ¶ ” ¸ 01°‹09' Þ 16°†09' ÞOct 13 2019 2:07p ¶ à ¸ 20°Ü13' Þ 20°†13' ÞOct 17 2019 12:51p ¶ ” ¸ 09°‚08' Þ 24°†08' ÞOct 21 2019 5:39a ¶ ‘ ¸ 27°ƒ48' Þ 27°†48' ÞOct 24 2019 3:02p ¶ “ ¸ 16°…11' Þ 01°‡11' ÞOct 27 2019 8:38p ¶ ß ¸ 04°‡25' Þ 04°‡25' ÞOct 31 2019 6:41a ¶ “ ¸ 22°ˆ50' Þ 07°‡49' Þ

Nov 4 2019 2:22a ¶ ‘ ¸ 11°Š41' Þ 11°‡41' ÞNov 8 2019 5:29a ¶ ” ¸ 00°Ü50' Þ 15°‡50' ÞNov 12 2019 5:34a ¶ à ¸ 19°Ý51' Þ 19°‡51' ÞNov 15 2019 11:54p ¶ ” ¸ 08°ƒ38' Þ 23°‡38' ÞNov 19 2019 1:10p ¶ ‘ ¸ 27°„13' Þ 27°‡13' ÞNov 22 2019 10:13p ¶ “ ¸ 15°†38' Þ 00°ˆ38' ÞNov 26 2019 7:05a ¶ ß ¸ 04°ˆ03' Þ 04°ˆ03' ÞNov 29 2019 10:24p ¶ “ ¸ 22°‰44' Þ 07°ˆ44' Þ

Dec 3 2019 10:58p ¶ ‘ ¸ 11°‹48' Þ 11°ˆ48' ÞDec 8 2019 1:23a ¶ ” ¸ 00°Ý58' Þ 15°ˆ58' ÞDec 11 2019 9:12p ¶ à ¸ 19°‚51' Þ 19°ˆ51' ÞDec 15 2019 10:31a ¶ ” ¸ 08°„28' Þ 23°ˆ28' ÞDec 18 2019 8:56p ¶ ‘ ¸ 26°…58' Þ 26°ˆ58' ÞDec 22 2019 7:25a ¶ “ ¸ 15°‡28' Þ 00°‰28' ÞDec 25 2019 9:13p ¶ ß ¸ 04°‰06' Þ 04°‰06' ÞDec 29 2019 5:57p ¶ “ ¸ 23°Š03' Þ 08°‰03' Þ

Jan 2 2020 8:45p ¶ ‘ ¸ 12°Ü15' Þ 12°‰15' ÞJan 6 2020 8:39p ¶ ” ¸ 01°‚19' Þ 16°‰19' ÞJan 10 2020 11:21a ¶ à ¸ 20°ƒ00' Þ 20°‰00' ÞJan 13 2020 8:00p ¶ ” ¸ 08°…25' Þ 23°‰25' ÞJan 17 2020 4:58a ¶ ‘ ¸ 26°†51' Þ 26°‰51' ÞJan 20 2020 6:28p ¶ “ ¸ 15°ˆ29' Þ 00°Š29' ÞJan 24 2020 1:41p ¶ ß ¸ 04°Š21' Þ 04°Š21' ÞJan 28 2020 2:38p ¶ “ ¸ 23°‹28' Þ 08°Š28' Þ

Feb 1 2020 5:41p ¶ ‘ ¸ 12°Ý39' Þ 12°Š39' ÞFeb 5 2020 1:48p ¶ ” ¸ 01°ƒ33' Þ 16°Š33' ÞFeb 8 2020 11:33p ¶ à ¸ 20°„00' Þ 20°Š00' ÞFeb 12 2020 4:56a ¶ ” ¸ 08°†15' Þ 23°Š15' ÞFeb 15 2020 2:17p ¶ ‘ ¸ 26°‡41' Þ 26°Š41' ÞFeb 19 2020 7:44a ¶ “ ¸ 15°‰27' Þ 00°‹27' ÞFeb 23 2020 7:31a ¶ ß ¸ 04°‹28' Þ 04°‹28' ÞFeb 27 2020 10:36a ¶ “ ¸ 23°Ü37' Þ 08°‹37' Þ

Mar 2 2020 11:57a ¶ ‘ ¸ 12°‚42' Þ 12°‹42' ÞMar 6 2020 3:46a ¶ ” ¸ 01°„22' Þ 16°‹22' ÞMar 9 2020 10:47a ¶ à ¸ 19°…37' Þ 19°‹37' ÞMar 12 2020 3:04p ¶ ” ¸ 07°‡47' Þ 22°‹47' ÞMar 16 2020 2:34a ¶ ‘ ¸ 26°ˆ15' Þ 26°‹15' ÞMar 19 2020 11:57p ¶ “ ¸ 15°Š07' Þ 00°Ü07' ÞMar 24 2020 2:28a ¶ ß ¸ 04°Ü12' Þ 04°Ü12' ÞMar 28 2020 5:18a ¶ “ ¸ 23°Ý16' Þ 08°Ü16' Þ

Apr 1 2020 3:21a ¶ ‘ ¸ 12°ƒ09' Þ 12°Ü09' ÞApr 4 2020 3:17p ¶ ” ¸ 00°…36' Þ 15°Ü36' ÞApr 7 2020 7:34p ¶ à ¸ 18°†43' Þ 18°Ü43' ÞApr 11 2020 1:05a ¶ ” ¸ 06°ˆ53' Þ 21°Ü53' ÞApr 14 2020 3:56p ¶ ‘ ¸ 25°‰26' Þ 25°Ü26' ÞApr 18 2020 4:23p ¶ “ ¸ 14°‹22' Þ 29°Ü22' ÞApr 22 2020 7:25p ¶ ß ¸ 03°Ý24' Þ 03°Ý24' Þ



Page 8: ContentsTem’s humor and keen astrological perceptions live on in this reprint of an article he originally wrote in the very early days of The Mountain Astrologer. We’re sure that


December 11, 2019 — 9:12 p.m. PSTDecember 12, 2019 — 5:12 a.m. GMT

Gemini Full Moon — December 11–12 by Diana McMahon Collis

The charts for the lunations in this issue are all set on the natural wheel with 0° Aries rising.

The Gemini Full Moon spotlights duality, movement, and communication. Gemini is a flexible and dexterous sign; with the Moon here, we may be able to attend to sev-eral projects at once, without losing a beat. The Sun and Moon are nevertheless making a t-square to Neptune, which adds potential confusion into the mix, so we need to be wary of getting our wires crossed. There is also the pos-sibility of going down a path, believing that it is uncharted territory or ours alone, only to discover that someone else has been working in parallel to us. This could relate to an interest where it seemed important to prove ourselves, but we realised that we must partly rely on others to get the end result we seek. Neptune’s ability to soften hard boundaries could also allow creative forces to be channeled more freely. The combined creative and intuitive qualities of the Sun and Moon can be beneficially brought together, despite their polar positions at the Full Moon. We may need to be open to compromise with others, though, if we are to avoid squabbles or blowups. Square aspects often represent in-ternal conflict, so it might help to gently self-talk ourselves through any difficult patches. It may also be helpful to borrow techniques from subtle, Neptune-themed spiritual-ity and lifestyle models which link the mind and body, such as those in some of the Eastern traditions, particularly meditation and massage practices. The Gemini Moon is governed by Mercury in Sagit-tarius, a placement which traditional astrology classifies as “ill-dignified” — another way of saying that the planet is a little lost there. Sagittarian thinking tends to be wide-ranging and visionary, encompassing the bigger picture. The Mercurial mind can be scat-tered by so many options at hand, and may prefer busy, immediate engagement to the lofty aims of rainbow-reaching expansiveness. Mercury trines Chiron in Aries, however, offering personal heal-ing. The lesson here is to trust our own intuition and ideas. Even though someone may seem to have a finger on the pulse of something “big,” we should remember that it does not mean that their en-tire assessment is automatically, completely accurate. A speculative deal can be inflated to seem promising, but the reality turns out to be far from the goal we seek. A key to success, therefore, is to stay connected with how the mind functions, particularly when we are faced with ideas and agendas that are distant from our own. For ex-ample, it might be easy for us to think that another view is “wrong” when it merely poses a “different” approach. Jupiter disposits both the Sagittarius Sun and Mercury — and is almost as far out of its most favourable places as

Mercury is, since Jupiter is said to be in its “fall” in Capri-corn. Jupiter rises to the heights of exaltation in Cancer, but in Capricorn, it can fall to earth with a resounding thud. We can only hope that, should this occur, we witness no broken bones! Any threatened tumble could be softened through redirection to a “safety net.” With Jupiter trine Uranus, this could manifest as a last-minute option or an unexpected de-velopment which somehow saves the day. But we can take advantage of this only if we spot the opportunity and run with it. Jupiter in Capricorn tends to feel restricted, whilst the trine to Uranus appears to offer breathing space. Musi-cian Steve Winwood famously sang, “If you see a chance, take it!” In other words, do not hesitate to grasp an oppor-tunity to breathe more easily within any situation that has come to feel too confining. The Moon is also quincunx Venus, Saturn, and Pluto in their Capricorn stellium, suggesting the potential for miss-ing something in our peripheral vision, perhaps because our sights are so closely set on a current target. Where this represents illness, it might have been a slow-burning de-velopment. Whilst we may not have spotted its arrival, we may nonetheless still be able to take positive action. Since Venus is involved, contact with and support from others may be invaluable.

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Gem FM 1219-1Gem FM 1219-1Gem FM 1219-1Gem FM 1219-1Natal ChartNatal ChartNatal ChartNatal ChartDec 11 2019, Wed9:12 pm PST +8:00Fresno, CA36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''GeocentricTropical0° AriesTrue Node