contents page analysis

Contents page analysis work!

Upload: mitchelsey

Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Contents page analysis


The only figure on the page is a woman looking quite sexy. She has bare legs and a tight top on. She has her legs up in the air and is also wearing heels. She looks quite vulnerable, but inviting at the same time so it gives off that this is a magazine for women. She is looking fairly classy and therefore it seems to be some sort of a fashion magazine. – This is highlighted by the fact it does actually say fashion as a heading. However, the image runs straight through the centre of the page showing that she is in control, and outmost power. Her facial expression shows she is a vulnerable woman, but at the same time, it also shows is powerful by being just her in the picture.

The way contents is written is really modern and stylish. The way it’s written on three separate lines looks really nice with such a simple font. The lines going through the font take some realism out of the page as it shapes a V. The pictures color changing as the image moves down gives a nice shade to the page as it gives some variety, rather then just doing one color all the way through.

The writing is small, but the headers are bold. The writing is broken up into sections by small and barley visible lines running between the categories. I think this contents page is really smart, and simple. I think that the one image on the page is not amazing enough to keep other images from the page, so therefore, I feel it is a little boring, and missing some smaller items such as other pictures.

There is one big image going along the right hand side of the page. It is a large image, yet I feel that it’s really boring. The picture is a nice image, however it is not good enough to justify having only one image on the page. The color on the image is nice though, but I feel that there should have been other images scattered purposely across the page.

The writing on the side of the page is neatly placed in red white and black. I think that it looks nicely done, however, I feel that there is not enough writing explaining the sub categories, however, it does look nice and neat. I feel that the color scheme does go well as those 3 colors (red, black and white). These colors all go well as it maintains its simple image, and well organised approach.

I feel that this contents looks good, but is boring, and not particularly interesting.

I feel that some additional images would make the page look much better!