contents page analysis

Contents page analysis

Upload: minesh-roy

Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Contents page analysis

Contents page analysis

Page 2: Contents page analysis

NME have used a very effective black and white colour scheme for their contents page to make it stand out and have used red inorder to make certain bits more clearer for the reader such as the page numbers.

A big bold title and the masthead from the front cover it is easily found along with the date, the company’s title is in red inorder to make it stand out and make it clear that this is their magazine.

Most of the page is dominated by an article written by either an editor of the magazine or journalist who has visited and experienced the tour. This article is about the big pink and other artists and includes page references so while reading it you will be picking up on certain pages of interest. The article has been places on top of a black background which looks like the big black boxes bands use to store their instruments so this ties in well.

Above the article is the picture of maybe the writer of the piece and she is presenting us with a tour bus.

The features and regulars have been places in the same place down the right hand side and are separated by big bold sub-heading which makes it very clear to spot each one. The page numbers have been printed in red to stand out from almost everything else on the page.

An advert has been used at the bottom right for subscriptions to this magazine. As nearly everyone who buys the magazine will look at this page it is an ideal place to advertise.

The NME contents page is similar to Kerrang! However kerrang has more pictures into and not as much writing.

Page 3: Contents page analysis

Half of the page is filled up with images, and the text is split up into different pages, easily making it visible to the reader what pages the articles are on and thus making it user friendly.

The contents page also has a section for the editors note at the bottom left side, with an image of the editor just above it, the text going down in a column with the editors signature underneath, making more of a connection between the reader and the magazine, and it shows an insight to the creators of the magazine.

There is Picture of My chemical Romance, which suggests that there maybe a story on them later on in the magazine.

The mini subheadings make it clear which picture they’re with, as well as the reason/who’s in the pictures being displayed.

All of the headings on the page are in capitals, making the text stand out and seem really important, enticing the reader into reading that heading, and making them more likely to carry on reading the context underneath.

The colours used are yellow and white which seems to contrast with each other and make the stand out. The magazine also uses white on a black background and vice-versus inorder to make it standourt even more. The page numbers are in red inorder to make it clear to the readers.

In the bottom right there is a small advert for a subscription for Kerrang directly in front of a known band, connoting that the magazine is up to date and definitely worth buying because of how good the features and who the features are on are.