contents of kr0505 cruise - godac data site … 1-1. dt-4000 with the efos-10 consisting of...


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Page 1: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 2: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Contents of KR0505 Cruise (主担当者) 1. Introduction・はじめに (歌田)

研究目的・調査概要など 2. Participants・乗船研究者および乗組員リスト (溝田) 3. 調査記録 (溝田) 4. Electric Field Observation System(EFOS-10)・地球電場観測装置

4-1. 装置 (一北) 4-2. 測定パラメータ (一北) 4-3. 回収時の ROV による作業手順 (一北) 4-4. 装置の回収の様子について (一北) 4-5. 回収後の装置の状況や諸情報 (後藤・清水) 4-6. 取得データ例

5. Proto-type EOS・プロトタイプ地球電場観測装置(一北) 5-1. 装置について (一北) 5-2. 装置の回収の様子について (一北) 5-3. 回収後の装置の状況や諸情報 (一北)

6. OBEM・海底電位差磁力計 (後藤) 6-1. はじめに 6-2. 装置 6-3. OBEM-TT5 の回収

7. Summary and Conclusion・まとめ (歌田) 謝辞

付録 (清水・溝田) かいこう潜航記録 研究者観察記録 ビデオ・デジタルカメラリスト

Page 3: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Cruise report KR05-05 (May 13 – 22, 2005)

1. Introduction The present investigators have been developing an instrument to measure the electric

field of the earth at the ocean bottom by using a long (10-100 km) cable. System development has been made in a three-year project by collaboration of JAMSTEC and Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), the University of Tokyo. A test model with a 10 km long cable was installed by the Natsushima cruise NT04-04 to make a long-term, in situ experiment in the deep ocean. The aim of this cruise is to recover the instrument by using ROV KAIKO-7K.

The electric field of the Earth recorded by using the present system can be composed of three major signal sources: the electric field of toroidal magnetic mode penetrated out of the outer core, the electromotive force induced by ocean current, and the externally induced electric field that reflects electrical conductivity distribution within the Earth. Although each of three kinds of signal is equally of scientific importance, the present observation system is specially designed for detecting the first signal, i.e. the electric field of core origin. Runcorn (1960) suggested that such an electric field signal could be detected as difference in ground voltages at two distant points on the Earth surface if one uses a cable of a planetary scale (1000 km long). In recent years, several attempts have been made to make a network of decommissioned submarine telephone cables to record the electric field of the Earth (e.g., Lanzerotti, et al.). Long-term observation by using this network will be efficient, but provides only a limited geographical coverage over the globe.

The system in the present investigation is designed to enable us, with the use of JAMSTEC’s deep-tow and ROV technology, to make such an observation wherever we need. We call the system EFOS (Earth’s electric Field Observation System. Our final goal is a system with 100 km long cable, which is supposed to be necessary length to detect the core signal as was estimated by our theoretical study (Shimizu and Utada, 2004). The instrument with a 10 km long cable, which we call the EFOS-10 (Earth’s electric Field Observation System with 10 km cable), was deployed in the Natsushima cruise NT04-04 by using the 4000m DEEP-TOW system (DT-4000, photo 1-1) in May 2004 for one-year long test. The aim of this cruise KR05-05 is to recover the EFOS-10. The 10 km long cable was installed in S40E direction. The direction is almost parallel to the TPC-2 cable so that we can make a direct comparison of the electric field obtained by using cables of different lengths in the same direction. This experiment is an important step toward the completion of system development.

We try to recover the EFOS by using ROV Kaiko-7K. We plan to remove the ROV connector that connects 10 km cable and the instrument. The instrument is to be recovered by self pop-up after releasing the anchor. The cable with a ROV connector at one end will be left on the seafloor to be used future experiments. We also plan to recover an Ocean Bottom Electro-Magnetometer (OBEM; Photo 1-2) that was deployed near the system to make another comparison of electric field data measured over a different scale. There is another instrument to be recovered in this cruise: the prototype instrument which was failed to be installed in NT03-05 by an unexpected cable break. In summary, following experiments are planned in this cruise: 1. Day 1: Recovery of an OBEM. 2. Day 2: Kaiko-7K dive to cut ropes and remove a ROV connector from the EFOS-10. 3. Day 3: Recovery of the EFOS-10 deployed in 2004. 4. Day 4: Kaiko-7K dive to recover the prototype system deployed in 2003. 5. Day 1-4: Mapping by SEA-BEAM around the installation site. 6. Days 5: Spare for rough weather. More detailed cruise plan and results will be shown in the following section. All experiments and dives are done in the same area as that of NT03-05 and NT04-04 (Fig. 1-1)

Page 4: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Figure 1-1. Research area in the NT04-04 cruise.

Page 5: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger


Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference observation of 3 components of magnetic and 2 components of

electric field variations.

Page 6: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

2. Participants (乗船研究者及び乗組員リスト)

Research Group Scientist名前 Name 連絡先 乗船期間


歌田久司 Hisashi Utada 5/13-22東京大学地震研究所

後藤忠徳 Tadanori Goto 5/13-22海洋研究開発機構 地球内部変動センター海洋底ダイナミクス研究プログラム

清水久芳 Hisayoshi Shimizu 5/13-22東京大学地震研究所

師 学明 5/13-22東京大学地震研究所

一北岳夫 Takeo Ichkita 5/13-22テラテクニカ

馬場祐太 Yuta Baba 5/13-22東京大学地震研究所

Marine Technichian溝田あゆみ Ayumi Mizota 5/13-22

日本海洋事業(株) 海洋科学部

Kairei Crew

湯川 修 船長 平田和好増島宏明 一航士 植木光弘 一等潜技士菊池政明 二航士 三浦豊司 二等潜技士大川輝将 三航士 瀧下 清吉川博美 機関長 若松 誉 二等潜技士

福田明光 一機士 瀬底秀樹 二等潜技士

野口和徳 二機士 柴田雄介黒瀬 航 三機士 田山雄大那須東輝登 電子長高楠憲二 二電士伊藤英洋 三電士安部正市 甲板長細川清次 甲板手阿部和夫 甲板手

  神崎 進 甲板手徳永 藏 甲板手大端正則 甲板手永井大誠 甲板員益永政幸






電話番号 住所








Kaiko team


Page 7: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

3. 調査記録(調査船操舵室記録より抜粋)

Date Time Comment.1 Comment.213,May,05 9:30 研究者乗船 05/013 12:00(JST)

11:15 三菱重工 本牧出港 35-19N,139-43E13:00 船内生活レクチャー 曇, NE-5

調査海域へ向け航行 風浪・うねり:2, 0視程:8mile

14,May,05 終日,調査海域へ向け航行中 05/14 12:00(JST)29-38N,135-40E曇, E-6風浪・うねり:4, 2視程:8mile

15,May,05 6:00 調査海域着 05/15 12:00(JST)6:18 XBT計測 25-42N,133-15E7:00 OBEM回収作業 曇, NE-59:15 地球電場観測装置測距 風浪・うねり:4, 29:41 MNBES調査 視程:6mile

16,May,05 8:58 かいこう7000吊揚(Dive#333) 05/16 12:00(JST)11:07 ビークル着底 25-35.88N, 133-00.60E 25-36N,133-01E11:53 ビークル離底 晴, NE-513:21 かいこう7000揚収完了 風浪・うねり:4, 414:30 MNBES調査 視程:10mile

17,May,05 -05:31 MNBES調査 05/17 12:00(JST)8:44 かいこう7000吊揚(Dive#334) 25-36N, 133-01E

11:04 ビークル着底 25-35.88N, 133-00.60E 晴, E-512:41 ビークル離底 風浪・うねり:3, 215:38 ビークル着底(再潜航) 視程:10mile15:58 ビークル離底17:26 7000揚収完了19:20 音響測距(地球電場観測装置)22:00 音響測距(地球電場観測装置)

18,May,05 3:50 音響測距(地球電場観測装置) 05/18 12:00(JST)7:00 音響測距(地球電場観測装置) 25-36N,133-00E8:46 かいこう7000吊揚(Dive#335) 曇, SE-5

10:39 ビークル着底 25-36.03N, 133-00.48E 風浪・うねり:3, 211:05 ビークル離底 視程:8mile12:46 かいこう7000揚収完了13:30 プロトタイプ地球電場観測装置揚収14:50 音響測距(地球電場観測装置)19:00 音響測距(地球電場観測装置)22:00 音響測距(地球電場観測装置)

19,May,05 8:44 かいこう7000吊揚(Dive#336) 05/19 12:00(JST)10:39 ビークル着底 25-35.88N, 133-00.60E 25-36N,133-01E12:34 ビークル離底 晴, SSE-414:20 かいこう7000揚収完了 風浪・うねり:2, 1

15:46-17:57 MNBES調査 視程:10mile17:57- 横須賀向け発航

20,May,05 終日,横須賀へ向け航走中 05/20 12:00(JST)30-37N,134-27E晴, NE-3風浪・うねり:2, 1視程:8mile

21,May,05 横須賀港へ向け航走中13:00 機構岸壁着岸


Shipboard Log & Ship Track(KR05-05) Position/Weather/Wind/Seacondition (Noon)

Page 8: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

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4. Electric Field Observation System (EFOS-10)・地球電場観測装置

4-1 装置

地球電場観測装置(GES-804-OBE)は海水中で 2 本の測定用電極に通電メッキすることにより銀-


4-1-1 アンカーフレームの概要

本装置アンカーフレームの概観を写真 4-1-1 および写真 4-1-2 に、寸法を図 4-1-1、仕様を表 4-1-1 に


写真 4-1-1 前面から見たアンカーフレーム

写真 4-1-2 背面から見たアンカーフレーム

フレームは A6063 アルミアングルを溶接加工したものである。直径 17 インチのガラス製耐圧容器が

2 つ取り付けられており、1 つには電極メッキおよび地球電場測定記録装置が、もう 1 つには測定記録


装置全体は水中重量電極線ケーブルを展長する際のアンカーとして機能し、回収時には ROV コネク


カーフレーム前面には電極線ケーブル引留部と直径 10 インチの補助ブイが 2 個付いており、浮上時に

Page 9: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

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は写真 4-1-3 のように補助ブイ側を上にして水面に浮かぶ。

補助ブイ側から見て、右側のサイドプロテクターにはビーコン発信機、左側には ROV コネクタ→通


ーを取り付ける。上面にはケーブル余長部を 8 の字型に収納するポリプロピレン製のトレイがある。

切離フック部を含めた吊り下げ機構は 上部のU字ボルトから 下部の鉛ウエイト付き台座まで直接

加重を支える機構になっており、全て SUS 製である。

写真 4-1-3 アンカー部浮上時の姿勢(水槽試験時の写真)

Page 10: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

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図 4-1-1 地球電場観測装置アンカー部の寸法

表 4-1-1 アンカーフレームの仕様

4-1-2 地球電場観測装置回路部の概要

地球電場観測装置(GES-804-OBE)は海水中で 2 本の測定用電極に通電メッキすることにより銀-


部の概観を写真 4-1-4 および写真 4-1-5 に、仕様を表 4-1-2 に示す。

写真 3-1-4 回路部前面

上段左上から通信用 RS232C コネクタ、電極コネクタ、

動作モニター用 LED、下段は電源コネクタ

全体の空中重量 233kg

全体の水中重量 75kg

上部フレームの空中重量 125kg

上部フレームの浮力 19kg

音響式切離装置 日油技研製 MODEL-LG-H(改)

切離装置のコード 3-A

切離装置電池寿命 2 年間

Page 11: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

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写真 4-1-5 回路部背面

右側に PC カードスロットがあり、PC カードタイ

プアダプタにセットした CF カードを挿入する。

外形寸法 240mm(横)×220mm(縦)×125mm(高さ)

重さ 1.5kg

電源 +7V, ±15V

消費電流 メッキ時: 6mA(+7V), 8mA(+15V), 2mA(-15V)

測定時 :10mA(+7V), 2mA(+15V), 2mA(-15V)

測定レンジ ±10V

測定分解能 0.1mV

測定間隔 10秒(固定)

測定方式 8Hzサンプリングしたものを10秒間で単純加算平均

記録メディア 256MB CFカード(約2年半記録可能)

通信インタフェース RS232C(表2参照)

表 4-1-2 回路部の仕様

回路部の設定や動作モニターなどは RS232C 通信ケーブルによって、回路部と PC を接続し、専用ソ

フトあるいはターミナルソフトを用いて行う。RS232C の通信パラメータを表 4-1-3 に示す。

ボーレート 38400bps

ビット長 8ビット

パリティ なし

ストップビット 1ビット

表 4-1-3 RS232C 通信パラメータ


Page 12: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

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それぞれ電源、電極、PC に接続される。回路部および耐圧容器を含めた配線仕様を図 4-1-2 に示す。

図 4-1-2 回路部および耐圧容器の配線仕様

回路部は設定された起動時間になると、メッキ用の-電極(P 電極)を負極、測定用電極を正極とし

て海水中で 2~3mA の電流を通電する(定電流回路)。 初に測定用+電極(H 電極)、次に測定用

-電極(L 電極)にそれぞれ 24 時間ずつ通電し、銀線に塩化銀をメッキすることで銀-塩化銀電極を

作る。メッキ終了後は 10 秒間隔で測定および記録を開始する。


れている。不測の事態で電源がオフになり、復帰することがあれば、 CF カードに記録されている動


4.1.3 地球電場観測用ケーブル

地球電場観測用ケーブルの構造を図 4-1-3 に、そのケーブル性能を表 4-1-4 に示す。本ケーブルは、

外径 0.5 ㎜の銅導体を耐圧殻であるステンレスパイプの中に配置し、その外側に密着性ポリエチレンお



DSUB 9ピン オスHDEB-9P

DSUB 9ピン メスHDEB-9S


ヒロセ角 8ピン メスS-1608A


ヒロセ角 8ピン オスP-1608BA







ヒロセ角 8ピン オスP-1608BA


ヒロセ角 8ピン メスS-1608A





水中 4ピン メスIL4F

水中 1ピン オスRMA-MP x 3

水中 4ピン オスIL4M

水中 4ピン オスIL4M

水中 1ピン メスRMA-FS x 3

水中 4ピン オスIL4F

DSUB 9ピン メスHDEB-9S



















Page 13: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

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図 4-1-2 ケーブル構造

表 4-1-4 ケーブル性能

項目 性能

外径 4.5mm

導体抵抗 91.3Ω/km 以下

絶縁抵抗 1000MΩkm 以上

空中 23kg/km

水中 7.1kg/km 概算重量

海水中 6.6kg/km

破断荷重 約 1176N(120kgf)

沈下速度 0.4km/h

4-2 測定パラメータ

設置時に設定したメッキおよび測定記録に関するパラメータを表 4-2-1 に示す。

測定用+電極メッキ期間 2004/05/13 00:00 UT~ 2004/5/14 00:00 UT (24 時間 )

測定用-電極メッキ期間 2004/05/14 00:00 UT~ 2004/5/15 00:00 UT (24 時間 )

測定開始時間 2004/05/15 00:00 UT

測定間隔 10 秒(固定)

平均操作 8Hz 測定値を±5 秒間平均

本体電池寿命 430 日間:電池容量をカタログ値の 80%ととして計算

表 4-2-1 測定記録に関するパラメータ

4-3 回収時の ROV による作業手順


Page 14: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

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信号による切り離しを行い浮上させなければならない。アンカーフレームには ROV コネクタが取り付

けてあるが、それを引き抜くまでに下記のような手順を経なければならない。アンカーフレームの ROV

によるロープの切断、ピンの引抜箇所を写真 4-3-1、写真 4-3-2 に示す。また、ケーブル切り離しの手

順を表 4-3-1 に示す。

写真 4-3-1 アンカーフレームのケーブル展長側

C はロープの切断、P は引抜を示す。

写真 4-3-2 アンカーフレームの ROV コネクタ側

Page 15: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

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① 写真右側の電極線引き留め部(白いプラスチック製)に鉛直方向に通して固定している 2 本のステンレスピ

ンがあり、ピンの下側の穴に通しているロープ(直系 4mm のクレモナロープ)のフレームと結んでいる側

を切断する(C1)。このロープを切断することによって ROV コネクタケーブルの余長部を吊り上げている

ロープ(直系 4mm のクレモナロープ)も開放される。

② ケーブルのモールド部分がホルダー(写真右中の白いプラスチック製ホルダー)から外れないように抑えて

いるロープ(直系 4mm のクレモナロープ)を切断し(C2)、モールド部分を開放する。

③ 2 本のステンレスピンの下側通しているロープの 初に切断した(C1)のと反対側の端をスーパーボールを


④ 電極線引き留め部に通している 2 本のステンレスピンをスーパーボールを掴むなどして上方向に引き抜く


⑤ 電極線引き留め部の上部分(ラッパ状のケーブルストレートナーが取り付けてある部分)を前方に引き抜く


⑥ フレーム側面の ROV コネクタを引き抜き(P5)、電極ケーブルをフレームから切離す。

表 4-3-1 電極線ケーブル切り離し手順

4-4 装置の回収の様子について

2005 年 5 月17 日、4-3 の手順通りに「かいこう 7K」を用いて ROV コネクタを引き抜き、地球電場

装置の南側約 5m の位置に設置したホーマー付コネクタホルダーに挿入した。

2 本のステンレスピン下部を貫通しているロープの片側(C1)を切断し、反対側に取り付けてあるス







ナーの SUS 製固定具を摑み引き抜いた。スライド部分には固有の摑む部分を必要とする。また、上部

分は横向きの 2 本の SUS 製ピンに沿ってスライドするが、ピンに対して斜めにケーブルに張力のかか

っている状態では摩擦により引き抜きにくいため、ガイドピンは 1 本にするのが良いと考えられる。

ROV コネクタ引き抜き後、「かいこう 7K」の揚収作業を開始し、「かいこう」水深 1000m に達し


認し、「かいこう」水深 700m に達した時点で切離コマンドを送信した。




Page 16: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

- 9 -


地球電場観測装置が浮上していないと判断した。急遽、揚収作業中の「かいこう 7K」を再度海底に降


2005 年 5 月 19 日、「かいこう 7K」のマニピュレータにより、装置の上部フレームに力を加えてみ

て浮上しないことを確認した上で、フックをフレーム下部の隙間に挿入し、下部台座中央部の U 字ボ

ルトにはめ込んだ。またもうひとつのフックをフレーム上部の吊り下げ用 U 字ボルトにはめ込んだ。

両者のフックから伸びるロープは途中で結合した上で、「かいこう 7K」下部の緊急浮上用バラストに


台座から分離し、「かいこう 7K」およびケーブルに被害を与えないようにするためである。

「かいこう 7K」を A フレームにて回収し、装置を吊り下げているロープの保持を「かいれい」側に


あった。「かいこう 7K」台車を格納庫内に収納後、A フレームを用いてフレームおよび台座を回収し


4-5 回収後の装置の状況や諸情報







度音響装置で切離して浮上させて回収し、再度設置した。錘つき台座を 1 式しか用意していなかった

ため、プラスチック製パレットに U 字ボルトを取り付けて台座を船上で作成した。上部フレームの振


片側へ引っ張られて、台座の U 字ボルトがフレームの中心から大きくずれて、フックを横から押し付



認したところ、下記のように装置の方が約 1 年間で 6 秒遅れていた。

OBE の時刻(UT) : 05/05/19 07:09:40, → PC の時刻(UT) : 05/05/19 07:09:46

また測定は 2004 年 05 月 15 日 00:00:00 UT から 2005 年 05 月 19 日 07:08:40 UT まで行われた。

Page 17: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

- 10 -

4-6. 取得データ例

図 4-6-1. 2004 年 11/6 00:00UT~11/12 23:59UT の 1 週間の時系列データの例。上から順に、EFOS-10、

TPC2、OBEM の電場 2 成分(磁北方向に回転)、柿岡の地磁気 3 成分(真北方向を x 軸)。

Page 18: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

- 11 -

図 4-6-2. 2004 年 12/1 00:00UT~12/31 23:59UT の 1 ヶ月間の時系列データの例。上から順に、EFOS-10、

TPC2、OBEM の電場 2 成分(磁北方向に回転)、柿岡の地磁気 3 成分(真北方向を x 軸)。

Page 19: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

- 12 -

図 4-6-3. 2004 年 5/1 00:00UT からの 385 日間の時系列データ。上から順に、EFOS-10、TPC2、OBEM

の電場 2 成分(回転していない生データ)、柿岡の地磁気 3 成分(真北方向を x 軸)。

Page 20: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

- 13 -

5. Proto type EFOS・プロトタイプ地球電場観測装置

5-1 装置について

本装置は Electric Field Observation System (EFOS-10)・地球電場観測装置の試作機である。回路部



5-1-1 耐圧容器

耐圧容器はアルミ製円筒型である。空中重量、浮力ともに約 22kg である。

片側(A 側)に水密コネクタ 1P のものが 4 つ、もう片側(B 側)には 1P と6P のものが1つずつ付い



耐圧容器 A 側コネクタ


1 H 電極

2 L 電極

3 メッキ用電極

4 NC

耐圧容器 B 側コネクタ


1 NC

2 制御 BOX

耐圧容器 A側コネクタ配置図

2 1

耐圧容器 B側コネクタ配置図

Page 21: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

- 14 -



制御 BOX のコネクタ


1 RS232C(9P)


ボーレート 38400

ビット長 8bit

パリティ NONE

ストップビット 1bit


+7V 3.9V Li 電池 16 本

+15V 3.9V Li 電池 8 本

-15V 3.9V Li 電池 8 本

5-1-2 アンカー

アンカーの構造を図 5-1-1 に、寸法・重量を表 5-1-1 に示す。アンカー上部にはアンカー切離し時

のケーブル切断事故を防止するため、ケーブルを 8 の字状に収納する。ケーブルは引留部で引留



Page 22: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

- 15 -









図 5-1-1 アンカー構造

表 5-1-1 アンカー主要項目

5-2 装置の回収の様子について


さ 20m 程度で切断された電極ケーブルは装置の周囲の海底に円を描くように取り巻いていた。「かい


ムの U 字ボルトにフックをかけた。このフックのロープは「かいこう」緊急浮上用のバラストに接続




項 目 数 値

寸法 1134(W)×635(H)×1042(D) mm

重量 120kg

Page 23: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

- 16 -

5-3 回収後の装置の状況や諸情報


ころ、下記のように装置の方が約 2 年間で 30 秒遅れていた。

OBE の時刻(UT) : 05/05/18 05:32:15 → PC の時刻(UT) : 05/05/18 05:32:45

また測定は 2003 年 05 月 28 日 15:00:10 UT から 2005 年 05 月 18 日 05:30:10 UT まで行われた。

Page 24: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

6. Ocean Bottom Electro-Magnetometers

6-1. Introdution

Ocean bottom electromagnetometers (OBEMs) are necessary to obtain reference data for the newly

developed instrument for the electric field measurement by using a long cable. Electromagnetic (EM) data

obtained by the OBEM can be used for a component analysis of electric field induced by oceanic current and

geomagnetic field. They can be also used to elucidate a conductivity structure of the crust and the mantle

below the seafloor. These analyses give us interpretations on the electric field data obtained by the long cable.

In this cruise, we recovered OBEMs in the survey area. An OBEM (named TT5), deployed in the NT04-04

cruise (May 2004), was successfully recovered in this cruise. In the NT04-04 cruise, we had recovered another

OBEM (named JM2) with one-year continuous EM data, so that the continuous seafloor EM data at this site was

finally obtained during these two years by two OBEMs.

6-2. Instrument

The OBEM-JM2 and OBEM-TT5 can measure magnetic and electric fields on the ocean floor. The

attached sensors and electronics are summarized in Fig. 6-1. It can store one-year data of the three-component

magnetic field and two-component horizontal electric field to a memory with 1 min sampling rate. A Li battery

pack is installed in another glass sphere. An acoustic unit to release a lead weight is also packed with the

battery pack. Major differences between OBEM-JM2 and OBEM-TT5 were summarized in Table 6-1. The

Ag-AgCl electrodes for electric field measurements were originally designed by Scripps Institution of


Table 6-1. Major difference between the OBEM-JM2 and OBEM-TT5

OBEM-JM2(2003-2004) OBEM-TT5 (2004-2005)

* Recovered in this cruise

Sensor and recording unit “OBEM2001" by Tierra Techinica “OBEM99” by Tierra Techinica

Memory size 128MB (Compact Flash Card) 16MB (Flash ROM)

Removable Memory? Yes No

Data Dump Method RS232C(a part of data)

Compact Flash (all data)

RS232C (all data)

Acoustic Transponder Kaiyo-denshi

Tx: 13.501 kHz

Rx: 11.029 kHz



Tx: 10.24 kHz

Rx: 9.6 kHz – 10.4kHz

Code: 3-C

Page 25: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Fig. 6-1. Side and top views of the OBEM with approximate dimension. The total weight in air is 130kg.

Page 26: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

6-3. Recovery of the OBEM-TT5

The OBEM-JM2 deployed in May 9, 2004 (JST), was successfully recovered in May 15, 2005. The acoustic

transponder attached on the OBEM-TT5 was not adjusted to the ship’s SSBL system, so that we used a portable

transducer soaked into the sea from the starboard side for sending a release command and pings. After sending

the release code to the OBEM-TT5, we tried to predict up-coming time of the instruments to the sea surface.

We measured the slant range and the horizontal distance between the ship’s position and the landing point of TT5

before sending the release command several times, calculated the depth of the instrument, created a graph

immediately (Fig. 6-2), and predict the surface time of the instrument. At last, the OBEM-TT5 come to the sea

surface and was picked up on board.

Fig. 6-2. Predicted depth of OBEM-TT5 coming up to the sea surface.

The OBEM-TT5 recorded almost one-year EM data successfully. The internal clock in the TT5 is earlier

than the GPS- synchronized clock with about 28 seconds. The record was started at 03:01 UT on May 9,

2004, and terminated at 01:45 UT on May 15, 2005. An example of raw EM data is shown in Figs. 6-3 to 6-8.

We can see a correlation between the magnetic and electric fields obviously. This correlation implies induced

electric field in the sea water.

Page 27: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Fig. 6-3. Time series example of geomagnetic data for a week (00:00 UT on Nov 6, 2004 - 23:59UT on Nov 12,

2004). Top to bottom: the magnetic field obtained by OBE-TT5 (raw data with coordinate rotation

but without the tilt correction), and the magnetic fields at Kakioka.

Page 28: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Fig. 6-4. Time series example of geoelectric data for a week (00:00 UT on Nov 6, 2004 - 23:59UT on Nov 12,

2004). Top to bottom: electric field obtained by TPC2, two horizontal electric field by OBEM-TT5

with coordinate rotation, total magnetic field at Kakioka, tilts and instrument temperature of


Page 29: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Fig. 6-5. Time series example of geomagnetic data for a month (00:00 UT on Dec 1, 2004 - 23:59UT on Dec 31,

2004). Top to bottom: the magnetic field obtained by OBE-TT5 (raw data with coordinate rotation

but without the tilt correction), and the magnetic fields at Kakioka.

Page 30: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Fig. 6-6. Time series example of geoelectric data for a month (00:00 UT on Dec 1, 2004 - 23:59UT on Dec 31,

2004). Top to bottom: electric field obtained by TPC2, two horizontal electric field by OBEM-TT5

with coordinate rotation, total magnetic field at Kakioka, tilts and instrument temperature of


Page 31: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Fig. 6-7. Time series example of geomagnetic data for 385 days from 00:00 UT on May 1, 2004. Top to

bottom: the magnetic field obtained by OBE-TT5 (raw data with coordinate rotation but without the

tilt correction), and the magnetic fields at Kakioka.

Page 32: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Fig. 6-8. Time series example of geoelectric data for 385 days from 00:00 UT on May 1, 2004. Top to bottom:

electric field obtained by TPC2, two horizontal electric field by OBEM-TT5 with coordinate

rotation, total magnetic field at Kakioka, tilts and instrument temperature of OBEM-TT5.

Page 33: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

7. Summary and Conclusion Dives and experiments in the research area were carried out during the period May 15 – 19, 2004. Locations of instruments recovered either in this cruise or in NT04-04 were shown in Fig. 7-1 and Table 7-1. Details of each dive and experiment can be referred to previous chapters, and to logs and records in Appendix. Here is given a summary of this cruise. May 15, 2005 (Cloudy)

Recovery of OBEM The ship arrived at the OBEM site at 6:00. After XBT measurement, recovery was started

at 7:00. Ascent of OBEM was recognized by ranging at 7:15. OBEM was found at the surface at 8:45 and was retrieved on the deck at 9:15. Then, the 10km-cabled instrument was called and a clear reply was obtained. The OBEM observation was found to be successful with full retrieval of data for 371 days long deployment.

MNBES (Sea-Beam survey) After the recovery of OBEM, a Sea-Beam survey was conducted. The survey area is a square bounded at 132 50-133 20E and 25 25- 25 45N. Survey was continued during whole night but was not completed.

May 16, 2005 (Fine, partly cloudy) Dive of Kaiko-7K to disconnect the cable from the instrument

This operation was failed because a trouble of manipulator of Kaiko. May 17, 2005 (Fine)

Dive of Kaiko-7K to disconnect the cable from the instrument (2nd trial) By using the manipulator, 10 km long cable was disconnected from the recording instrument of EFOS-10. The ROV connector was placed in a holder on the sea floor. When the launcher of Kaiko-7K reached the depth of 1000 m, a release command was transmitted to EFOS-10, but the slant range did not change even after a signal of completion of release was received. We have decided to make another dive of Kaiko to find the cause of this trouble. View from the TV camera clearly shown that the hook of the release system did not drop.

May 18, 2005 (Fine) Dive of Kaiko-7K to recover the prototype system

Soon after the Kaiko vehicle landed on the sea floor, the prototype system was found both by TV and sonar. A rope with a hook was connected to the U-bolt of the system, and then the vehicle floated back to the launcher carrying the prototype system by rope. The system was found to have been working for the past two years. The error of its system clock was as small as 30 seconds.

May 19, 2005 (Fine) Trial of recovery of EFOS-10 by Kaiko-7K

Suspending both the recording unit and the anchor below the vehicle by a rope, Kaiko-7K successfully retrieved EFOS-10. Recording was confirmed to be working after retrieval and error of its system clock was only 6 second over one year. The quality of data was excellent.

Table 7-1. Locations of instruments recovered in 2004 and this cruise.

Instrument Latitude Longitude depth OBEM-JM2 25°35.72’ N 133°00.31’ E 3360m OBEM-TT6 25°35.8871’N 133°00.2701’E 3350 m EPOS-10 25°35.8833’N 133°00.6070’E 3350 m Prototype 25°36.0335’N 133°00.4807’E 3350 m

Page 34: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Fig. 7-1. Locations of instruments recovered in 2004 and this cruise: OBEM (red dot), EPOS-10 (blue dot) and Prototype system (pink triangle). Blue and red lines are tracks of the mother ship Natsusima and DT-4000, respectively, during the installation.

. Conclusion

The main purpose of this cruise (recovery of EFOS-10, OBEM and the prototype system) was finally successful. Its recovery on May 17 was not successful because of the trouble of the acoustic release system. Though we think this release system is reliable from our long experience of using it, we should re-examine its reliability after this cruise. For establishing a total reliability, we also need to reconsider whether the system should be of self-pop-up type or not. The prototype system retrieved in this cruise after two years confirmed the recording system is suitable for a long-term deployment. Data quality obtained by EFOS-10 clearly proved that the measuring system, especially its method of electrodes installation provides sufficient stability and sensitivity to detect the Earth’s electric field from the outer core. Through the three-year project of system development, we can conclude that most of the basic technology has been established for building a system to measure the electric field of the Earth with 100 km cable. Therefore, we can proceed to the next phase of system development, i.e., to build EFOS-100.

Considering the high performance of EFOS-10 shown in this experiment, there is another direction, in which our future research is going to proceed. The direction is to use EFOS-10 as a sensor for further geophysical experiments. The 9.3 km long cable with a ROV connector left on the seafloor, for example, can be used for further long period magnetotelluric sounding to explore the electrical conductivity in the mantle, including its anisotropy. The cost for 10 km cable and EFOS recorder is less than that for an OBEM. Combined use of EFOS-10’s and OBEM’s or OBM’s in an array will provide us a new tool for mantle conductivity study with a little financial effort.

Page 35: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

Acknowledgment We would like to express our sincere thanks to the captain Mr. O. Yukawa, officers, engineers, and all the crew of R/V Kairei, and to the chief operator Mr. K. Hirata and the KAIKO team. The EFOS-10 and itsprototype system could not be recovered successfully without their great efforts. Also we are grateful to JAMSTEC for providing us ship time to carry out Kaiko operations in this cruise. This work was partially supported by JSPS grant in aid for scientific research (#14204041). Finally we thank following members participated in this project who extensively supported this cruise on land.

N. Hibiya Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Univ. Tokyo M. Uyeshima ERI, Univ. Tokyo H. Mikada Kyoto Univ. K. Kawaguchi JAMSTEC (Now at MBARI) T. Nishida OCC N. Onishi Tierra Technica

Page 36: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 37: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 38: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 39: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 40: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 41: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 42: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 43: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 44: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 45: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 46: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 47: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 48: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 49: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 50: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 51: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference
Page 52: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference


取得データ 提出媒体

Seabeam CD-RXBT CD-RSOJ CD-RSOQ CD-RCTD CD-R潜航映像(TV1) S-VHS潜航映像(TV2) S-VHS潜航映像(TV3) S-VHS潜航映像(デジタルカメラ) S-VHS潜航写真(デジタルカメラ) CD-R潜航ダイジェスト mini-DV潜航ログ 紙

OBEM浮上時音響測位記録 紙













Page 53: Contents of KR0505 Cruise - GODAC Data Site …...Photo 1-1. DT-4000 with the EFOS-10 consisting of the cable bobbin (right) and the data logger (left). Photo 1-2. OBEM for reference

KR05-05 Dive# Camera Start time End time TOTAL メディア

2005/5/16 333 デジタルカメラ映像 1/1 10:45 ~ 12:05 1:20 S-VHS

TV1 1/1 10:45 ~ 12:05 1:20 S-VHS

TV2 1/1 10:45 ~ 12:05 1:20 S-VHS

TV3 1/1 10:45 ~ 12:05 1:20 S-VHS

写真 1/1 10:45 ~ 12:05 1:20 CD-R

2005/5/17 334 1/2 10:22 ~ 12:26 2:04 S-VHS

2/2 12:27 ~ 12:51 0:24 S-VHS

1/2 10:22 ~ 12:26 2:04 S-VHS

2/2 12:27 ~ 12:51 0:24 S-VHS

1/2 10:22 ~ 12:26 2:04 S-VHS

2/2 12:27 ~ 12:51 0:24 S-VHS

1/2 10:22 ~ 12:26 2:04 S-VHS

2/2 12:27 ~ 12:51 0:24 S-VHS

1/2 10:22 ~ 12:26 2:04 CD-R

2/2 12:27 ~ 12:51 0:24 CD-R

334 (2) デジタルカメラ映像 1/1 15:06 ~ 16:11 1:05 S-VHS

TV1 1/1 15:06 ~ 16:11 1:05 S-VHS

TV2 1/1 15:06 ~ 16:11 1:05 S-VHS

TV3 1/1 15:06 ~ 16:11 1:05 S-VHS

写真 1/1 15:06 ~ 16:11 1:05 CD-R

2005/5/18 335 デジタルカメラ映像 1/1 10:24 ~ 11:17 0:53 S-VHS

TV1 1/1 10:24 ~ 11:17 0:53 S-VHS

TV2 1/1 10:24 ~ 11:17 0:53 S-VHS

TV3 1/1 10:24 ~ 11:17 0:53 S-VHS

写真 1/1 10:24 ~ 11:17 0:53 S-VHS

2005/5/19 336 1/2 10:18 ~ 12:18 2:00 S-VHS

2/2 12:19 ~ 12:35 0:16 S-VHS

1/2 10:18 ~ 12:18 2:00 S-VHS

2/2 12:19 ~ 12:35 0:16 S-VHS

1/2 10:18 ~ 12:18 2:00 S-VHS

2/2 12:19 ~ 12:35 0:16 S-VHS

1/2 10:18 ~ 12:18 2:00 S-VHS

2/2 12:19 ~ 12:35 0:16 S-VHS

1/2 10:18 ~ 12:18 2:00 CD-R2/2 12:19 ~ 12:35 0:16 CD-R






