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Joseph John Bevelacqua Contemporary Health Physics Problems and Solutions Second, Updated and Enlarged Edition

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1396vch00.indd III1396vch00.indd III 19.01.2009 23:43:5119.01.2009 23:43:51
Joseph John Bevelacqua
Contemporary Health Physics
Related Titles
Magnetism in Medicine
Hendee, E. G.
Radiation Therapy Physics
Joseph John Bevelacqua
Contemporary Health Physics
Problems and Solutions
1396vch00.indd III1396vch00.indd III 19.01.2009 23:43:5119.01.2009 23:43:51
All books published by Wiley-VCH are carefully produced. Nevertheless, authors, editors, and publisher do not warrant the information contained in these books, including this book, to be free of errors. Readers are advised to keep in mind that statements, data, illustrations, procedural details or other items may inadvertently be inaccurate.
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2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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ISBN: 978-3-527-40824-5
The Author
3-D cutaway view of the compact muon solenoid (CMS) at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (CMS) detector
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This book is dedicated to
my wife, Terry. Her love and
understanding have been of great
assistance to the completion
Preface to the Second Edition
The second edition of Contemporary Health Physics: Problems and Solutions has several new features. There is a new chapter on nonionizing radiation and four new appendixes. The new appendixes provide a compilation of key health physics relationships, a discussion of production equations and their applications, a mathematical review, and a set of radionuclides of health physics signifi cance and their associated data. The text also incorporates a more extensive use of SI units. New problems are cast within an SI format, and a number of fi rst edition problems are converted to SI units.
Additional discussion has been added to Chapters 2–7 to refl ect new health physics recommendations, new reports, and emerging technologies. In the Medical Health Physics chapter, discussion has been added regarding neutron and heavy-ion therapy and the use of alpha-emitting radiopharmaceuticals. Recent recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) regarding shielding in imaging and therapy facilities, and management of radionuclide therapy patients are incorporated into the second edition.
A section on research reactors and an expanded presentation of fusion energy have been added to the University Health Physics chapter. Discussion of open and closed fuel cycles and the Tokai Mura criticality were added to the Fuel Cycle chapter. The Power Reactor chapter has been enhanced by including a descrip- tion of Generation I, II, III, and IV reactors, major instrumentation systems, updated radioactive waste processing approaches, and new NCRP hot-particle recommendations.
The Environmental Health Physics chapter has been expanded to address the isotopes and pathways associated with reprocessing options in open and closed fuel cycles and the intentional dispersal of radioactive material. A presentation of muon colliders and associated neutrino doses, synchrotron light sources, cascade reactions, the Large Hadron Collider, and ALARA aspects of shielding high-energy accelerators have been added to the Accelerator Health Physics chapter.
The problem and solution set was expanded from 375 to over 500 entries including nonionizing radiation questions. This expansion further develops the text material and provides additional practical application examples. These problems also attempt to capture the evolving nature of the Part II American Board
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of Health Physics Certifi cation Examination. Detailed solutions are provided for all problems.
In addition to new NCRP and International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Reports, a discussion of updated internal dosimetry models, including the human alimentary tract and the human respiratory tract models, have been incorporated into Appendix IV. Appendix IV has also been revised to include a discussion of the 2007 Recommendations of the ICRP. Appendix V has been expanded to incorporate a discussion of the BEIR VII Report that evaluates health risks from exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation.
Since one of the purposes of this text is to maintain the technical focus for students preparing for the American Board of Health Physics Certifi cation Exami- nations, the majority of the problems were derived from questions that appeared on previous examinations. As a prior panel member, vice chair, and chair of the Part II Examination Panel, I would like to thank my panel and all others whose exam questions have been utilized in formulating questions for this textbook.
The author is also fortunate to have worked with colleagues, students, mentors, and teachers who have shared their wisdom and knowledge, provided encourage- ment or otherwise infl uenced the content of this text. The following individuals are acknowledged for their assistance during the author’s career: Dick Amato, John Auxier, Lee Booth, Ed Carr, Paul Dirac, Bill Halliday, Tom Hess, Gordon Lodde, Bob Nelson, John Philpott, Lew Pitchford, John Poston, John Rawlings, Don Robson, Bob Rogan, Mike Slobodien, Jim Tarpinian, Jim Turner, and George Vargo. The continuing encouragement of my wife Terry is gratefully acknowledged.
I would also like to thank the staff of Wiley-VCH with whom I have enjoyed working, particularly Anja Tschörtner, Ulrike Werner, Hans-Jochen Schmitt and Dr. Alexander Gross mann. The advice and encouragement of George Telecki of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. is also acknowledged.
Richland, Washington USA Joseph John Bevelacqua, PhD, CHP
June 15, 2008 President, Bevelacqua Resources
Preface to the Second Edition
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Preface to the First Edition
This book contains over 375 problems in health physics and discusses their practical applications. It assumes that the reader is familiar with the science of radiation protection and is either an active participant in that fi eld or interested in learning more about the health physics profession. In particular, this text is particularly useful to individuals preparing for the American Board of Health Physics Certifi cation Examination.
The fi rst part of this book provides an overview of the scientifi c basis for the fi eld of health physics. The reader is provided with a comprehensive set of refer- ences supplemented by appendices that outline selected concepts required to fully appreciate the specialized Part II material. Over 130 problems and their solutions are provided to permit the reader to demonstrate a sound knowledge of health physics fundamentals. The problems are set within scenarios that are intended to enhance the reader’s existing knowledge by demonstrating the basic principles in complex situations requiring a sound knowledge of both theoretical health physics principles and good judgment.
Part II provides the reader with examples of the concepts and calculations frequently encountered in the various fi elds of health physics. Chapter titles are selected to loosely conform to the various subfi elds of the health physics profession – that is, medical, university, fuel cycle, power reactor, environmental, and accelera- tor health physics. The problems are intended to illustrate general concepts within the framework of specifi c areas such as medical or power reactor health physics.
In addition to illustrating the fundamental concepts of health physics, the col- lection includes a large number of detailed problems that are often encountered by the radiation protection professional. Some of these problems involve consider- able effort, whereas others are more simplistic and can be solved from traditional lectures in health physics. In addition, there are problems which address topics not usually covered in existing texts. These problems are not presented as isolated bits of health physics knowledge, but are introduced within a scenario that stimulates an integrated professional approach to the problem. Professional judgment and sound health physics principles are emphasized.
The third part of this book provides the solutions to the problems presented in the fi rst and second parts. Many of these are worked in considerable detail to further illustrate and emphasize the concepts introduced in Parts I and II.
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The present collection of problems is largely based upon the American Board of Health Physics Comprehensive Examination. The author was privileged to serve for four years as a member, Vice-Chairman, and Chairman of the ABHP Comprehensive Panel of Examiners. The experience gained in the development of this examination and the weaknesses of candidates attempting this examination have affected the content of this work.
The author is deeply indebted to the members of the examination panels and the ABHP Board for their professional interaction which greatly expanded the author’s own health physics knowledge. The opinions and interpretations refl ected in this work are the author’s and do not necessarily refl ect those of his current or previous employers.
Wisconsin Electric Power Company Joseph John Bevelacqua
Preface to the First Edition
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A Note on Units
In the United States many regulations, most reporting requirements, and a large portion of practicing health physicists utilize traditional units (Ci, R, rad, rem, etc.). The use of traditional units is currently in confl ict with much of the international community and scientifi c publications which have adopted the SI system (Bq, C kg–1, Gy, Sv, etc.).
The Second Edition of Contemporary Health Physics utilizes both traditional and SI units. Traditional units are selected because they are what the practicing health physicist will most frequently encounter in daily assignments and they can be easily related to their SI counterparts. Traditional units are also utilized to ensure that communications between the health physicist and the health physics technician are clearly understood.
The Second Edition attempts to strike a balanced view of units. All new problems have been recast in terms of SI units. This acknowledges the inevitable adoption of the international set of units. Although many of the existing problems are in traditional units, a number of First Edition problems have been converted to the SI system.
The confl ict of units will remain until the United States adopts the SI system in its regulations. This should be done over a period of years in order to ensure that all health physicists are thoroughly familiar and comfortable with the SI units.
For those that feel more comfortable with the traditional system, the following conversion factors are provided:
SI Unit Traditional Unit
Gy 100 rad
Sv 100 rem
As the reader can quickly note, the choice of units is more a matter of familiar- ity rather than scientifi c rigor. By using these simple factors, the reader should begin to feel more comfortable with either set of units.
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A Note on Units XI
Part I Basic Concepts: Theory and Problems 1
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Scenarios 4 Scenario 1.1 4 Scenario 1.2 4 Scenario 1.3 5 Scenario 1.4 5 Scenario 1.5 7 Scenario 1.6 8 Scenario 1.7 9 Scenario 1.8 9 Scenario 1.9 10
Scenario 1.10 10
Scenario 1.11 11
Scenario 1.12 12
Scenario 1.13 13
Scenario 1.14 14
Scenario 1.15 15
Scenario 1.16 15
Scenario 1.17 17
Scenario 1.18 17
Scenario 1.19 18
Scenario 1.20 19
Scenario 1.21 20
Scenario 1.22 21
XIV Contents
2 Medical Health Physics 47
2.1 Historical Perspective 47
2.3.1 X-rays 51
2.4 Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine 53
2.4.1 Radionuclide Administration 53
2.4.3 Brachytherapy 57
2.9.2 Shielding Calculations 65
2.12 Ventilation Considerations 70
3.1.1 H-3 88
3.1.2 C-14 88
3.1.3 P-32 88
3.1.4 Co-60 89
3.1.5 I-125/I-131 89
3.1.6 Cf-252 90
3.6 Agricultural/Environmental Research 93
3.7 Research Reactors 94
3.7.1 Operational Characteristics 94
3.7.3 Reactor Effl uents 96
3.7.4 Gaseous Effl uents 96
3.7.5 Liquid Effl uents 97
3.8 Particle Accelerators 97
3.10 Fusion Energy Research 98
3.11 Overview of an Initial Fusion Power Facility 100
3.11.1 General Radiological Characteristics 101
3.11.2 ALARA-Confi nement Methods and Fusion Process Types 102
3.12 Scenarios 103
XVI Contents
4.1 Radiation in Fuel Cycle Facilities 119
4.1.1 Occupational Exposure 120
4.3.1 Open and Closed Fuel Cycles 123
4.3.2 Uranium Ore and Chemical Processing 124
4.3.3 Enrichment 125
4.3.6 Laser Isotope Separation 128 MLIS 130 AVLIS 130 4.3.7 Spent Power Reactor Fuel 131
4.4 Thorium Fuel Cycle 131
4.5 Radioactive Waste 132
4.5.1 High-Level Wastes 133
4.6.4 Enrichment of the Fissile Isotope 136
4.6.5 Moderation and Refl ection 136
4.6.6 Neutron Absorbers or Poison Material 137
4.6.7 Consequences of a Criticality Event 138
4.7 Dispersion of Radioactive Gas from a Continuous Source 138
4.8 Dispersion of Radioactive Particulates from a Continuous Source 140
4.9 Fuel Cycle Facilities 140
4.10 Detection of Fuel Cycle Facility Activity 142
4.11 Scenarios 143
Scenario 4.1 143
Scenario 4.2 144
5.1 Overview 157
5.3 Health Physics Hazards 160
5.3.1 Buildup of Filter or Demineralizer Activity 161
5.3.2 Activation of Reactor Components 162
5.3.3 Cladding Failures 163
5.3.5 Hot-Particle Skin Dose 165
5.4 NCRP-130 Hot Particle Recommendations 169
5.5 Health Physics Program Elements 170
5.5.1 ALARA 170
5.7.1 Primary System Monitors 176
5.7.2 Secondary System Monitors 177
5.8 Radiological Considerations During Reactor Accidents 178
5.9 Mitigation of Accident Consequences 180
5.10 Scenarios 181
Scenario 5.1 181
Scenario 5.2 183
Scenario 5.3 185
Scenario 5.4 188
Scenario 5.5 190
Scenario 5.6 192
Scenario 5.7 194
Scenario 5.8 195
Scenario 5.9 196
6.1 Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material 201
6.2 Radon 203
6.2.2 Evolution of Radon from the Household Water Supply 206
6.2.3 Radon Risk Assessments 207
6.3 Environmental Monitoring Programs 207
6.4 Environmental Releases 208
6.6 Pathways Associated with Open and Closed Fuel Cycles 210
6.6.1 High-Level Waste 210
6.7 Regulatory Guidance for Effl uent Pathways 211
6.8 Doses from Liquid Effl uent Pathways 212
6.8.1 Potable Water 212
6.8.2 Aquatic Foods 213
6.8.3 Shoreline Deposits 214
6.8.4 Irrigated Foods 214 Irrigated Foods (Tritium) 214 Irrigated Foods (Radionuclides Other than Tritium) 215 6.9 Doses from Gaseous Effl uent Pathways 216
6.9.1 Annual Gamma Air Dose from Noble Gas Releases from Free- Standing Stacks Higher than 80 Meters 216
6.9.2 Annual Air Dose from All Noble Gas Releases 217 Annual Gamma Air Dose from All Noble Gas Releases 217 Annual Beta Air Dose from All Noble Gas Releases 217 Annual Total Body Dose Equivalent from Noble Gas Releases
from Free-Standing Stacks More than 80 Meters High 218 Annual Skin Dose from Noble Gas Releases from Free-Standing
Stacks Higher than 80 Meters 218 6.10 Annual Doses from All Other Noble Gas Releases 219
6.10.1 Annual Total Body Dose Equivalent from All Other Noble Gas Releases 219
6.10.2 Annual Skin Dose from All Other Noble Gas Releases 219
6.11 Doses from Radioiodines and Other Radionuclides Released to the Atmosphere 220
6.11.1 Annual Organ Dose from External Irradiation from Radionuclides Deposited Onto the Ground Surface 220
6.11.2 Annual Organ Dose from Inhalation of Radionuclides in Air 220
6.11.3 Annual Organ Dose from Ingestion of Atmospherically Released Radionuclides in Food 221
6.12 Pathway Selection 222
6.13 Model Parameters 222
6.15 Protection of the Environment 225
6.16 Scenarios 226
Scenario 6.1 226
7.1 High-Energy Interactions 237
7.2 Radiation Types 239
7.3 Proton Accelerators 239
7.4 Electron Accelerators 240
7.7.1 Antiprotons 245
7.8 Muon Colliders 248
7.8.3 ALARA Impacts of Muon Colliders 250
7.9 Radiation Types of Concern 250
7.9.1 Residual Radioactivity 251
7.9.3 Activation of the Soil 252
7.9.4 Activation of Air 252
7.9.5 Buildup of Radioactive and Toxic Gases in an Irradiation Cell 253
7.9.6 Other Radiation Sources 253
7.10 Shielding 255
7.12 Dose Equivalent Rate from the Accelerator Target 258
7.13 Beam Current 258
7.15 Scenarios 259
Scenario 7.1 259
Scenario 7.2 261
8.1 Sources of Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation 273
8.2 Characteristics of Electromagnetic Waves 274
8.3 Antennas 275
8.5 Biological Effects 279
8.6 Protection Standards 279
8.8 Laser Radiation 281
8.8.2 Properties of the Laser 282
8.9 Biological Effects from Laser Radiation 282
8.9.1 Eye 283
8.9.2 Skin 284
8.10.3 Diffuse Refl ections 286
8.10.4 Nominal Hazard Zone 287
8.10.5 Skin Exposures 287
8.12 Federal Regulations and Laser Standards 289
8.12.1 Laser Classes 289 Limiting Aperture 292 Exposure Time/Maximum Permissible Exposure 292 8.13 Controlling Laser Radiation 293
8.14 Personnel Protective Equipment 294
8.15 Spectral Effectiveness of Ultraviolet Radiation 294
8.16 Scenarios 295
Scenario 8.1 295
Scenario 8.2 296
Scenario 8.3 297
Scenario 8.4 298
Solutions for Chapter 1 311
Scenario 1.1 311
Scenario 1.2 312
Scenario 1.3 313
Scenario 1.4 313
Scenario 1.5 314
Scenario 1.6 316
Scenario 1.7 317
Scenario 1.8 318
Scenario 1.9 319
Scenario 1.10 321
Scenario 1.11 322
Scenario 1.12 325
Scenario 1.13 326
Scenario 1.14 327
Scenario 1.15 328
Scenario 1.16 329
Scenario 1.17 329
Scenario 1.18 331
Scenario 1.19 334
Scenario 1.20 336
Scenario 1.21 338
Scenario 1.22 339
Scenario 1.23 341
Scenario 1.24 343
Scenario 1.25 344
Scenario 1.26 345
Scenario 1.27 348
Scenario 1.28 352
Scenario 1.29 355
Scenario 1.30 356
Scenario 1.31 357
Scenario 1.32 358
Scenario 1.33 359
Scenario 1.34 360
XXII Contents
Scenario 2.1 375
Scenario 2.2 378
Scenario 2.3 381
Scenario 2.4 384
Scenario 2.5 386
Scenario 2.6 388
Scenario 2.7 389
Scenario 2.8 391
Scenario 2.9 395
Scenario 2.10 398
Scenario 3.1 403
Scenario 3.2 406
Scenario 3.3 408
Scenario 3.4 410
Scenario 3.5 412
Scenario 3.6 413
Scenario 3.7 417
Scenario 3.8 419
Scenario 3.9 421
Scenario 3.10 423
Scenario 3.11 425
Scenario 4.1 433
Scenario 4.2 435
Scenario 4.3 438
Question 4.12 439
Scenario 4.4 440
Scenario 4.5 442
Scenario 4.6 444
Scenario 4.7 445
Scenario 4.8 449
Scenario 4.9 452
Scenario 5.1 455
Scenario 5.2 457
Scenario 6.1 475
Scenario 6.2 477
Scenario 6.3 480
Scenario 6.4 483
Scenario 6.5 485
Scenario 6.6 486
Scenario 6.7 488
Scenario 6.8 489
Scenario 6.9 491
Scenario 7.1 499
Scenario 7.2 501
Scenario 7.3 503
Scenario 7.5 504
Scenario 7.6 506
Scenario 7.7 507
Scenario 7.8 510
Scenario 7.9 514
Scenario 8.1 521
Scenario 8.2 526
Scenario 8.3 530
Scenario 8.4 533
Scenario 8.5 537
Scenario 8.6 545
Scenario 8.7 547
Scenario 8.8 549
Scenario 8.9 554
References 563
References 576
References 624
References 638
References 652
References 659
References 671
Appendix IX Selected Data on Radionuclides of Health Physics Interest
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Health physics or radiation protection is the science dealing with the protection of radiation workers and the general public from the harmful effects of radiation. Health physicists work in a variety of environments, including medical facilities, facilities utilizing nonionizing radiation, universities, accelerator complexes, power reactors, and fuel cycle facilities. The health physicist is responsible for the radiological safety aspects of facility equipment and services. Radiological assess ments of plant equipment, facility modifi cations, design changes, employee exposures, or the assessment of radiological effl uents are key functions of a health physicist.
The fundamental tools of the health physicist include the fi elds of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, energy transfer, quantum mechanics. Atomic and nuclear structure, radioactive transformations, and the interaction of radiation with matter are the cornerstones of health physics knowledge. Application of these fundamental tools permits the health physicist to measure, quantify, and control radiation exposures to affected groups.
Introductory health physics texts typically cover these topics in several hundred pages. Because the scope of this text builds upon these fundamental concepts, we will not repeat them herein. The reader is referred to the texts listed as references to this chapter for a discussion of health physics fundamentals. We will, however, provide several appendices that illustrate selected fundamental concepts. Also included is an extensive set of scenarios, including over 160 worked examples, that illustrate the fundamental concepts and permit the reader to assess his or her knowledge of these concepts. Because the fundamentals are needed to fully understand the remaining chapters in this text, a review of the scenarios in this chapter is recommended.
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4 1 Introduction
Scenario 1.1
One of your neighbors, while digging up his back yard to build a pool, has discov- ered some old planks. Another neighbor, who has been investigating the possibility of the existence of a Viking settlement in the area, believes that the planks may be signifi cant. He wishes to conduct an archeological expedition prior to any further construction. You offer to carbon date the wood to help settle the argument.
1.1 Carbon dating is possible because: a. The specifi c activity of carbon-14 in living organisms has changed over
time, and one can identify the era of time the organism lived based on its current specifi c activity.
b. Carbon-14 is in secular equilibrium with its daughter. c. The specifi c activity of carbon-14 in living organisms is relatively
constant through time, but decays after the death of the organism. d. The specifi c activity of carbon-14 in wood increases over time due to
shrinkage of the wood. 1.2 Calculate the approximate age of the wood given the following:
C-14 T1/2 = 5715 years
Specifi c activity for C-14 in a nearby living tree = 1.67 10–1 Bq/g
Specifi c activity for C-14 in the old wooden plank = 1.50 10–1 Bq/g
Scenario 1.2
A nearby hospital has received a shipment of a Mo-99 generator. The shipment contained 1000 mCi of Mo-99 when manufactured. It arrived at the hospital 48 h after its production. The decay scheme is illustrated in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 Decay scheme for Mo-99.
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