consumerism affects women

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  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women



  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women





    3. Why Is It Needed

    4. Components Of Consume!sm

    ". Consume #ote$t!on

    %. UN &u!de'!nes fo Consume #ote$t!on

    (. #)t!es !n*o'*ed !n Consume #ote$t!on

    +. Con$'us!on

    , -!'!o/)phy

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    What is Consumerism ?

    Consumerism is an organised movement of citizens and government tostrengthen the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers.

    Consumerism refers to the wide range of activities of governmentbusiness and independent organisations designed to protect rights of the


    Consumerism is a collective consciousness on the part of consumers, business,

    government and civil society to enhance consumer satisfaction and social welfare

    which will in turn benefit all of them and finally make the society a better place to live


  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    Who !S A CONSUMER?

    0A consumer!s ) peson o /oup of peop'eth)t )e the f!n)' uses of podu$ts )nd o

    se*!$es /ene)ted 1!th!n ) so$!)' system.

    A $onsume m)y e ) peson o /oup

    su$h )s ) househo'd. The $on$ept of )

    $onsume m)y *)y s!/n!f!$)nt'y y

    $ontet.5A consumer is defned as someone who acquires goods orservices or direct use or ownership rather than or resale or usein production and manuacturing
  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    5 Components of Consumerism:

    6!st )nd foemost !s self-protection by consumer. Consumes7$ons$!ousness detem!nes the effe$t!*eness of $onsume!sm.Voluntary Consumer Organisationsen/)/ed !n o/)n!s!n/

    $onsumes )nd en$ou)/!n/ them to s)fe/u)d the! !nteests !s)nothe !mpot)nt e'ement of $onsume mo*ement The su$$ess of$onsume!sm '!es !n the e)'!s)t!on of the us!ness th)t thee !s nosust!tute fo *o'unt)y se'f8e/u')t!ons.

    5 Regulation of business troug legislation!s one of the !mpot)ntme)ns of pote$t!n/ the $onsumes.

    5 Consume!sm h)s o*e the t!me de*e'oped !nto ) sound fo$edes!/ned to )!d )nd pote$t the $onsume y eet!n/ 'e/)' mo)')nd e$onom!$ pessue on podu$es )nd po*!des !n some of thede*e'oped $ount!es.

    Consumer needs protection against mal-practices and deceit by sellers.

    Consumer should have adeuate rights and right of recourse to redressalmeasures against defaulting businessmen.

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    !n the Indian system, the consumer has six rightsgiven forhis protection from e"ploitation from the shopkeepers or

    sellers. Consumer exploitationmeans mistreatment or cheating

    with consumer by adulteration, #hagi or in any other unfairform.

    #o prevent consumer from e"ploitation, government havepassed many Acts from time to time.

    Some of them are as follows:-

    $. %rug and Cosmetics &ct, $'()*. +revention of ood &dulteration &ct, $'(. /ssential Commodity 0supply1 &ct, $'(. 2onopolies and 3estrictive #rade +ractices &ct, $'4'. 5tandard of Weights and 2easures &ct, $'644. Consumer +rotection &ct, $'74

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    Why !s !t 8eeded ?Why !s !t 8eeded ?

    %emand-supply imbalance 0demand 9 supply : demand ; supply1%emand-supply imbalance 0demand 9 supply : demand ; supply1

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    >ow >as !t Come &bout ?>ow >as !t Come &bout ?


  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    What !t Creates ?What !t Creates ?

    %emand driven economy%emand driven economy

    5tatus of king for the Consumer5tatus of king for the Consumer

    & more responsive government& more responsive government

    2inimize imperfections on distribution front2inimize imperfections on distribution front

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    >ow !s !t &ffecting =s ?>ow !s !t &ffecting =s ?

    We now have choices.We now have choices.

    3egulatory authorities like@3egulatory authorities like@

    #3&! &5C!#3&! &5C!

    overnment have passed many &cts

    to protect consumers from

    e"ploitation. 5ome of them are as follows @-

    $. %rug and Cosmetics &ct, $'()

    *. +revention of ood &dulteration &ct, $'(

    . /ssential Commodity 0supply1 &ct, $'

    (. 2onopolies and 3estrictive #rade +ractices &ct, $'4'. 5tandard of Weights and 2easures &ct, $'64

    4. Consumer +rotection &ct, $'74

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women



    5 Consumer protection$ons!sts of ')1s )nd o/)n!9)t!onsdes!/ned to ensue the !/hts of $onsumes )s 1e'' )s f)!t)de $ompet!t!on )nd the fee f'o1 of tuthfu' !nfom)t!on !nthe m):etp')$e.

    5 The ')1s )e des!/ned to pe*ent us!nesses th)t en/)/e !nf)ud o spe$!f!ed unf)! p)$t!$es fom /)!n!n/ )n )d*)nt)/eo*e $ompet!tos )nd m)y po*!de )dd!t!on)' pote$t!on fo the1e): )nd those un)'e to t):e $)e of themse'*es.

    5 Consume pote$t!on ')1s )e ) fom of /o*enment

    e/u')t!on1h!$h )!m to pote$t the !/hts of $onsumes.5 Consume pote$t!on !s '!n:ed to the !de) of ;$onsume !/hts;

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    The UN Guidelinesdeveloping policies for

    consumer protection: Physical saety;

    Promotion and protection o consumers economic interests;

    Standards or saety and quality o consumer goods and services;

    Distribution acilities or essential consumer goods and services;

    easures enabling consumers to obtain redress;

    !ducation and inormation programmes;

    Promotion o sustainable consumption; and

    easures relating to specifc areas li"e water# ood and


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    6o effe$t!*e $onsume pote$t!on )

    p)$t!$)' esponse on the p)t of thee

    p)t!es>85 The &o*enment

    5 Consume

    5 The -us!ness

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    Te %o&ernment

    %overnment has accorded top priorityto &'onsumer !ducation# 'onsumerProtection and 'onsumer Awareness$(ndia is a country# which has ta"en alead in introducing progressivelegislation or consumer protection$

    )he most important milestone in

    'onsumer ovement in the countryhas been the enactment o the'onsumer Protection Act# *+,-$

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    Consumer $rotection 'ct( 1)*+

    The A$t ensh!nes )'' the $onsumes !/hts 1h!$h

    )e !nten)t!on)''y )$$epted. As pe the A$t

    $onsume pote$t!on $oun$!'s h)*e een

    est)'!shed )t Cent)' St)te )nd !st!$t 'e*e's

    to pomote )nd pote$t the $onsume !/hts.They )e>

    R!/ht to S)fety

    R!/ht to !nfom)t!on

    R!/ht to Choose

    R!/ht to e he)d

    R!/ht to See: Redess)'

    R!/ht to Consume Edu$)t!on

    ( d t t d t t th i ht d i t t i

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    (n order to promote and protect the rights and interests o consumers# quasi.udicial machinery is sought to be set up at district# state and central levels$

    )he main ob.ect o these bodies is to provide speedy and simple redressal to

    consumer disputes$ (t is one o the benevolent pieces o legislation intended to protect the consumers atlarge rom e/ploitation$

    Consumer Protection Councils

    )he %overnment is authori0ed by the Act to establish by notifcation# councils at the'entral# State 1 District levels to be "nown as 2'entral 'onsumer Protection 'ouncil3#'onsumer Protection 'ouncil 1 District 'onsumer Protection 'ouncil respectively$

    Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies

    (t provides or establishment o consumer disputes redressal orum at district level# statelevel and central levels "nown as 2District 4orum3# 2State 'ommission3 and 25ational'ommission3$ (t also ma"es provisions regarding the composition# .urisdiction# procedureto be ollowed by the District orum# State commission 1 5ational commission$

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    85 &o*enment h)s t):en up nume of )$t!*!t!es )nd

    s$hemes !n $e)t!n/ $onsume )1)eness !n the$ounty )s p)t of th!s Consume A1)eness S$heme.

    5 ,oint Campaign

    The s'o/)n @)/o &)h): )/oB h)s no1 e$ome )househo'd n)me )s ) esu't of the pu'!$!ty $)mp)!/nundet):en !n the ')st 4 ye)s. Thou/h the !n$e)sedthust on $onsume )1)eness !n the Ith 6!*e De) #')nthe &o*enment h)s ende)*oued to !nfom the $ommon

    m)n of h!s !/hts )s ) $onsume. As p)t of the $onsume)1)eness s$heme the u)' )nd emote )e)s h)*eeen /!*en top p!o!ty.

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    5 ,'%RITI-'n initiati&etoars ma/ing an

    informe consumer JAGRITI was organied at

    international polytechnic forwomen in !ew "elhi in

    #e$ruary %&'% for spreadingthe message of consumer


    Consumer Awareness)rogram at !ew "elhi

    Institute of *anagement+!ew "elhi

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    "ulti "eia $ublicity Campaign

    5 #u'!$!ty thou/h p!nt med!) us!n/ ne1s p)pe

    )d*et!sements e'e$ton!$ med!um y te'e$)st of

    *!deo on *)!ous $onsume e')ted !ssues su$h )s&!e*)n$e Redess)' system MR# ISI H)''8M):

    A'ten)te !spute Redess)' system 1e!/hts )nd

    me)sues R!/hts of Consumes et$.

    5 $articipation in Inia International Trae

    0aireep!n/ !n *!e1 the ')/e nume of *!s!tos to Ind!)

    Inten)t!on)' T)de 6)! the ep)tment d!sp')yed !ts)$t!*!t!es thou/h ) st)'' of 0F)/o /)h): F)/o. On the

    spot /u!d)n$e 1)s )'so /!*en to $onsumes du!n/

    the T)de 6)!.

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    5 O00IC# O0 0'IR TR'IDIN%

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    5 2amuna #3pressay 'i Compaignto ma/e consumer aare about teir safety

    ile ri&ing.

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    5 West -en/)' &o*enment h)s')un$hed ne1 pot)' fo ConsumesAff)!s. The pot)' h)s een m)de to

    m):e you :no1'ed/e)'e e/)d!n/Consumer protection')1s )nd to'od/e you $omp')!nts on'!ne yf!''!n/8up ) s!mp'e e/!st)t!on fom.

    The pot)' h)s step8y8step /u!de to'od/e on'!ne $omp')!nts e')teddep)tments pu'!$)t!ons $ont)$tnumes of off!$!)'s )s 1e'' )s 'ots of!nfom)t!*e #6 fom)tted do$uments

    to m):e you :no1'ed/e)'e e/)d!n/0h)dy) ush)n G food )du'te)t!onSt)nd)d m):s 0Upo*o:t) S)h)!:) GConsume )ff)!s :no1 ho1et$.

    $ortal: ttp:44bconsumers.go&.in4 1

    ho1 et$.
  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    CON!U"#R N%Os IN INDI'

    5Consumer %uiance !ociety of IniaConsume &u!d)n$e So$!ety of Ind!)

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    5 'ssociation for Consumers 'ction on

    !afety an 5ealt

    Asso$!)t!on fo Consumes A$t!on on S)fety )nd He)'th

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    5 Consumer Unity an Trust !ociety

    Consume Un!ty )nd Tust So$!ety

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    5 Consumers6 0orum

    Consumes7 6oum !s one the $onsume

    o/)n!9)t!ons th)t e!sted !n Ind!) 'on/efoe the Consume #ote$t!on A$t ,+%

    1)s p)ssed. The m!ss!on of the

    o/)n!9)t!on )t !ts st)t 1)s to pomote

    $onsume!sm y m):!n/ )1)e t)!n!n/

    )nd edu$)t!n/ the $onsumes on the!


  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    Mumbai Graha Pancha!atumbai %raha" Panchayat 6%P7# or 8ombay

    'onsumer 4orum# started as an agitation againstthe increase o consumer prices near estivalseason or air and ree distribution o consumergoods$ %P promotes consumerism by bringingthe consumer to the oreront o the logistics andsupply chain o consumer goods as decisionma"ers# e/ecutors and monitors$ %P&s primaryob.ectives include organi0ing the consumers orcommon causes# educating them and protecting

    consumer interest through legal and othermeans$

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    Graha "hati%raha" Sha"ti wor"s towards creatingconsumer awareness by organi0ing variousprograms# street plays and on shows suchas 9:ello %eleyere$ )he organi0ation hasunderta"en a number o surveys li"e the oneon spurious drugs in coordination with theDrugs 'ontrol Department %overnment o(ndia$ (ts campaign on credit cards ande

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    The #usiness

    )he business #comprising the producers and all

    the element o the distribution channels$ !g=> ?A@S:AAB (t has grown into one o the

    most respected real estate companies in the

    state# reputed or its transparent businesspractices and innovation$ A"shaya launch aconsumer awareness initiative called CA"shaya:ome 4actsC through which the customers are

    educated on all the nuances involved inpurchase o real estate property$

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    'urrently# the 4inancial 'onsumer Agency o 'anada

    64'A'7 underta"es a number o fnancial literacyinitiatives# ocusing mainly on the creation o tools#programs and publications to build awareness anddevelop the fnancial literacy o 'anadians$ )hese

    regulations limit business practices that are notbenefcial to consumers and require the provision oclear and timely inormation to 'anadians aboutcredit products#

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    CONCJUSION (nvariably# consumers are a vulnerable lot or

    e/ploitation# more so in a developing country with theprevalence o mass poverty and illiteracy$

    (ndia too is no e/ception to it$ (nstances li"eovercharging# blac" mar"eting# adulteration#profteering# lac" o proper services in trains#telecommunication# water supply# airlines# etc are not

    uncommon here$ 4rom time to time# the government has attempted tosaeguard consumer&s interests through legislationsand the 'PA *+,- is considered as the mostprogressive statute or consumer protection$

    :owever# consumer awareness through consumer

    education and actions by the government# consumeractivists# and associations are needed the most toma"e consumer protection movement a success in thecountry$

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women


    7I78IO%R'$525 7OO9:-

    7U!IN#!! #NVIRON"#NT 0rancis Cerumlam;5 INT#RN#T !IT#!:-

    5 http>KK111.n)t!on)'$onsumehe'p'!ne.!nK)t)6!'esKF)/!t!8I#W.pdf

    5 http>KK):sh)y)homes.!nd!)popety.$omK!nde.php

    5 http>KK111.onestop!)s.$omK!)s8)t!$'esK!nd!)n8)dm!n!st)t!*e8




    5 http>KK111.oft./o*.u:KO6T1o:K$onsume8pote$t!onK

    5 http>KK111.$ent)'$hon!$'e.$omK/odeF8)pp'!)n$es8')un$hes8


    5 http>KK111.espeson.$omKne1s8of8!nd!)K1est8en/)'8

  • 7/24/2019 Consumerism Affects Women
