consultation flow · that problem. what results will you have? ask them how bad they want it....

Consultation Flow © 2015 Ali Rittenhouse |

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Page 1: Consultation Flow · that problem. What results will you have? Ask them how bad they want it. Remind them of their selfish reason. Offer a Solution Give them ONE solution that they


Flow © 2015 Ali Rittenhouse |

Page 2: Consultation Flow · that problem. What results will you have? Ask them how bad they want it. Remind them of their selfish reason. Offer a Solution Give them ONE solution that they

Welcome! One way to begin to establish your self as the expert and to help promote your business is by landing interviews from others.

When going through the consultation, take notes and use their wording in your notes. Don’t take too many notes that you miss what they are really saying.

Start of Consultation CallHi! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me today.

I’d love to know where you are located at!

We only have X minutes so if it’s Ok, let’s go ahead and dive in.

Address The PainWhat’s the #1 thing that I can help you with today? OR Ask them about the #1 struggle they may have entered when applying to chat with you.

Why is fixing this pain or struggle important to you?

What’s your selfish reason for for wanting this fixed. Always a fun question to ask.

© 2015 Ali Rittenhouse |

Page 3: Consultation Flow · that problem. What results will you have? Ask them how bad they want it. Remind them of their selfish reason. Offer a Solution Give them ONE solution that they

Confirm the PainConfirm that you have it right, repeat their reason // need // pain in their words.Let them know that you understand exactly what they are going through.

Address What Happens if They Change Nothing

Remind them that nothing changes without action by having them see what will happen if they change nothing, if they don’t take action.

What do you envision happening if you don’t take action steps towards fixing that problem.

What results will you have?

Ask them how bad they want it. Remind them of their selfish reason.

Offer a Solution Give them ONE solution that they can implement immediately, make sure they have paper to write it down. Breakthroughs are about to happen. Give them something that will truly help them. You want them coming back for more.

© 2015 Ali Rittenhouse |

Page 4: Consultation Flow · that problem. What results will you have? Ask them how bad they want it. Remind them of their selfish reason. Offer a Solution Give them ONE solution that they

Think about how it leads into how can you help them solve their problem or get over their struggle to continue further with one of your programs.

How does that feel?Bring it back to them by asking them how they feel about the one solution that you offered them. Does it feel good? Doable? Difficult? Unachievable? Get them talking so you can continue to walk them through the problem + solution. Do they have any questions?

Pitch or Pitch-Free?Is this a Pitch-Free Call? If so, leave it there. Honor their time by not presenting one of your services, UNLESS THEY ASK! And be prepared for them to. This happens often, that is why I am always prepared with really knowing what they said in their application to chat with me! If it is Pitch-Free, then use a Follow-Up series of emails checking in on them and then offering them a service of yours.

Open to pitch? This is where you want to make the best decision in what program or service you should offer them. You never want to throw 3 different options at them on the phone. It will confuse them because they don’t have a visual to look at and potentially overwhelm them into purchasing nothing.

Have an idea of what is the best option for them for what you have to offer! Let them know why it is perfect for them and how it will be more of the solution to their problem. Tell them that you would love to get them signed up and what the next steps are.

© 2015 Ali Rittenhouse |

Page 5: Consultation Flow · that problem. What results will you have? Ask them how bad they want it. Remind them of their selfish reason. Offer a Solution Give them ONE solution that they

Be confident. Believe in what you are offering. Explain it clearly.

They give you a YES!Thank them, welcome them. Explain the next steps and more of how it will flow. Any pre-work that needs to happen can be gone over now too.

They give you a Maybe.Ask them what is stopping them from taking the next steps and let that guide you through.

Do they need to chat to their spouse? Set up another time to chat in a few days to follow-up.

Do they need to allocate the funds? Get a start-date, give them time to get it together while getting them excited for their decision.

They need to think about it. Make sure that you answer ANY questions they have NOW! While you have them on the phone. Reassure any concerns they have. Remind them about how their self-ish reason can’t happen unless they solve the pain. Summarize how your service // product is going to help create the solution to their pain, problem or struggle.

© 2015 Ali Rittenhouse |

Page 6: Consultation Flow · that problem. What results will you have? Ask them how bad they want it. Remind them of their selfish reason. Offer a Solution Give them ONE solution that they

Hard No.Ask them why they feel it isn’t a good fit for them.

Thank them for their time, remind them of the action steps you offered them to take immediately after the call and let them know you are available via email if they change their mind or when they are ready.

Ending the CallThank them again for their time and signing up to chat with you, confiding in you with their problem and remind them of their action steps.

Keep your notes from your call so that you can follow-up with them on how they are doing.

© 2015 Ali Rittenhouse |

Page 7: Consultation Flow · that problem. What results will you have? Ask them how bad they want it. Remind them of their selfish reason. Offer a Solution Give them ONE solution that they

About Ali

Ali Rittenhouse is a Business Coach, Strategist and Digital Diva. She has a talent for unpacking digital marketing mysteries and putting them into simple steps. Over the past nine years, Ali has helped thousands of entrepreneurs from all over the world master their online domain—setting up functional & beautiful websites with sales funnels that convert, launching digital programs + products, sharpening systems + customer flow, and making clients’ businesses tick, 24-hours a day.

A digital media + blogosphere favorite, Ali was named to StartupNation's Leading Moms in Business and has been featured on Fox Business, eHow, NASA, ChicCEO, Dayton B2B, The Sidney Daily News, and was a speaker for Good Morning America’s Tory Johnson’s Spark & Hustle tour. You can see and hear her weekly on Hits 105.5 Radio Show and Living Dayton Television Show.

Her latest online venture, GenXo is an online community for a new generation of women entrepreneurs building powerhouse online businesses.

© 2015 Ali Rittenhouse |