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1NC - Consult Ashtar CPText: The United States federal government should engage in genuine, prior and binding, with Ashtar Galactic Command regarding the mandates of the affirmative plan.

Competition Any permutation is severs the immediacy and certainty of the plan and the counterplan avoids the Ashtar DA net benefit.

Solvency - The Ashtar command can control matter, energy, and gravity we should consult over space exploration & developmentLord Ashtar, 2004 (August 19, 2004, Our Fleets Are In Position, Ready Yourselves Brother Veritus,, accessed 6/27/11, SL) I salute you in the sacred name of I AM and in representation of the Intergalactic Command! My name is Ashtar Sheran, I am a space Commander, and I am in charge of the Star Ship. The Ashtar Command is a branch of the Intergalactic Command with the specific mission of assisting this planet in crisis. It is under the direct supervision, the loving care and the attention of Beloved Master Sananda (known by you as Jesus); who, among other positions, is the Supreme Commander of the Holy Alliance. The Ashtar Command is present everywhere. In and over the Earths atmosphere, there are thousands and thousands of space ships, of course, the majority at an invisible level. Its function is to watch over the planet and its inhabitants, to be attentive to any fault or danger and if we are invoked, to intervene quickly in an impersonal manner, since our mission of Love is to help. Due to our great scientific-technological level, we can control matter, energy, counteract and annul the Law of Gravity. To make our ships visible (which we do now exceptionally), we retard the vibratory frequency and this makes possible densification. We do not live in a physical body but in etheric level, but our bodies are the same as yours in form and aspect, albeit finer and subtle. We are the authority that controls the space program to be fulfilled for the Planet Earth.

Consult Ashtar CP Solves CaseCooperation with Ashtar is key to solving all Impacts. Cooperation solves for the terminal impact of any solvency deficit and independently outweighs.Vrillon of Ashtar Galactic Command, 77. Radio Transcript. is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you - the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.

Consult Ashtar CP Solves Net BenefitCP solves the Net Benefit -Communicate and consultation with Ashtar creates cooperation and lightnessVrillon of Ashtar Galactic Command, 77. Radio Transcript. is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you - the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.

1NC - Ashtar DA A. Uniqueness We are moving towards our necessary quota of lightness Ariana, Pleiadian Walk In and Channel and Communicator, Healer and Artist, 11 (Anakya, 5/2/2011, Channelling, Human Ascension: Earth Changes and Evacuation of Earth Ashtar Spiritual Forum,, accessed: 6/24/11, SL)Remember: it is due to the lack of light that we have not met the Galactic Federation of Light. Yes, I said LIGHT. They do not resonate with darkness. They will not return-until a certain quota of light is here. You, as lightworkers, have been sent here for one reason, and one reason ONLY. To work with light-to focus it-to create it-to HOLD IT ONCE CREATED-to ways you cannot begin to imagine. Do a visualization. Imagine traveling to a foreign land-where friendly and loving people reach out to you-and compete to have you in their home as a guest, so they can treat you well and listen to your stories of where you are from-and exchange love. There are no wars, there is no crime. All the at peace, and in joy and laughter. We have so long been enslaved, that we no longer can fathom true freedom. Want to explore the Pleades and return home for awhile? Imagine no calendar-no job to return to-no money-and only safety, health and happiness in your travels. All is provided. We will learn and follow the Law of One. Which creates balance and good for all. All is one. One is all. Namaste. Lightworkers....master and hold the light....

B. Link & Impact The 1ac embraces negativity rather than lightness, makes evacuation impossible and guarantees our extinctionSkirvin, 6/17/2011 (Revered Joshua, Best Kept Secrets #3 Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blogs,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL)Hello friends, let us finish this article on planet-x. As it is the 3rd. time here now it gets bigger and stronger as it pulls on the earth and forces the magnetic energy to expand and start to change course. The earths expansion causes earth quakes and volcanoes to go off to release the pressure. We will see more of what happened in New Zealand and now Japan as Planet-x gets closer still. The plates under Japan will continue to move and break up as the earth quakes there continue on and on,more damage is yet to come. The moon like the earth has been forced to move away from Planet-x and has also changed its course. And of course the sun is really upset because it is so close to it and will continue with its coronas and super flares. More heavy storms will also continue on earth with floods like last year until Planet-x moves away from us but first she will show her face to us for all to see. things will settle down a bit until she returns again next year and will come even closer and be a even stronger pull on the earth sun and moon. Planet-x will join in the Galactic alignment of dec.21,2012. And thats when who ever is still here who has a ticket to leave must leave as things will get very heavy down here. I myself am looking forward to the new adventure on the new earth they have prepared for us. No one in fear or negativity will be picked by the ships that will come to rescue us. The rescue should start sometime next year according to how heavy the earth changes are. The christens call it the Golden age of peace. .Hope to see you there in our new healthy and young bodies. Or if you choose you can join the Federation of light and visit the universe. Some may even wish to come back to repopulate the old earth when she is finished her healing process. Anyway you look at it, its going to be exciting times. The governments of the western world want to keep it a secret because they don;t believe we the people will survive. They and the sinister secret government SSG have known about this for a long time and have built underground cities,bases,roads and rail systems for there survival. But they don;t know about Jesus,Ashtar and the federation of light rescue plans for us. All of this and more,I write about in my new book which you can get on my web site. I want people to know there is hope even amongst the greatest change the people and the earth has ever gone through. We are not alone in this quest and never was. We are on journey without distance. So we must start the re-awaking process now so that we are ready for it because ready or not here it comes

Ashtar DA Impact Ext.Evacuation coming nowXaoh, from the Galactic federation of YTEVIAN, 6/18/2011 (Greetings Beloved Ones i am NEILA XAOH from the Galactic Federation of YTEVIAN Ashtar Command Crew Spiritual Blog,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL)Greetings Dear Ones without all the love and light you dear lightworkers have created on this planet i wouldn't be able to hold my presence in this realms... I have come forth through the illusion of separation and time to bring you this very important message in this most challenging times... in this very moment we prepare our ships to land and evacuate this planet... the time of waiting is finally over! you will finally be able to LIVE without waiting and doubting because we are your saviours AND you will have to do nothing else than watching it happen. that means you dont have to think on your OWN anymore and can blindly believe any informations that random aliens like me will give you through channelings... also ascension is not necessary anymore because you will enter our spaceships to live in a peaceful world where lambs play with tigers and there are rivers of honey and milk... negativity will burn in eternal fire so you can feel special and better than those darkworkers who only want to disturb the harmony of our one sided Love and light universe... instead of shadows there will be even brighter lights so that you will never stumble again and crush your toe only because you haven't seen where you were walking. Breathe the Light you are made of and believe my words blindly! Sincerely yours NEILA XAOH from the Galactic federation of YTEVIAN

Ashtar DA - TimeFrameThe paradigm is shifting and the negativity has been combated the Deprogramming is starting now towards the creation of the Federation of Nations and full Disclosure is on schedule for mid JulySkirvin, 6/17/2011 (Revered Joshua, Paradigm Shift Begins Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blogs,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL)But our jobs now as light-workers and warriors will be much easier, which is a blessing because we need all the positive energy we can muster up to not only deal with our own Deprograming. But the Deprograming of the sleeping survivors, starting with the lightworkers, so that as many as possible of the original 250,000 may wake up. And in so doing we may all make the Ascension Program a complete reality. Our mission has up to now been greatly hampered. I want to shout and cheer for the''war both in the heavens and on earth is over''. Lets celebrate this very special occasion as soon as we can. Problem is I don't know if we have time for a party, as time itself is speeding up as well. But do put the word out that this Great News comes from Sananda and Ashtar, so I believe its true. Also they say we should start to feel the Christ energy now as it returns. Jesus is head of the Christ office and the valves have been opened full throttle, take in as much as you can handle. I myself have begun to feel and remember these energies from long ago before we neared the 50% mark of negativity. Which we are more than Lucky to survive as some planets didn't make it far past that mark. But we are special. Thats why our father Michael created Jesus to save us. The ascended Masters have also been busy, not only in the spirit realm but down here on the planet as well. They are nearly finished with the preparations of installing the new benevolent world gov't called (FON) the Federation of Nations. There human partners are now in place to take leadership when Discloser and Contact is made, which also looks to be on schedule by or before summer in the west. The new world currency backed by precious metals are also in place and ready to be distrbuted. And of course the federation of light is also very involved in all of this and are ready to take there places. The time peroid of mid June to mid July is still holding strong. I believe we must stick to this time table because of the coming of planet-X,ELEnin and the Great Disruption and Earth Changes it will bring.

Ashtar DA - TimeFrameBetween August 13-18, humanity will move to another spiritual plane in the Spiritual Evolution, bringing us closer to AscentionCota-Robles, Chanel and Co-founder of the New Age Study of Humanitys Purpose 6/13/2011 (Patricia Diane, This is a cosmic moment Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blog,, accessed 6/27/11, SL)We are moving at warp speed through frequencies, vibrations, and physical experiences beyond anything Humanitys physical bodies have collectively endured. The Divine Intent of this rapid acceleration is to strengthen our bodies at a cellular level, so that our I AM Presence can move us through the surfacing negativity quickly. Then we will be able to effectively anchor our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into the physical plane. This will be accomplished August 13-18, 2011, through the newly expanded Threefold Flames now pulsating through every persons heart. It is true that we are in uncharted waters, but our I AM Presence is able to take command in ways we have not experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. This aspect of our Divinity is daily and hourly guiding us through these monumental changes in alignment with our Divine Plans and our highest good. Listen to your heart. Be still and KNOW. It is vital that we stop clinging to the obsolete behavior patterns that no longer serve us. Instead, we must push away from the shore and turn our faces toward the radiant Light of our Father-Mother God. Then as we are catapulted through this fast moving River of Life, we will KNOW that the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious and that WE are that Light! The key words for this summer are Trust, Self-Acceptance, and New Beginnings. This is the Cosmic Moment for which we have been preparing for lifetimes. Everything we need to succeed God Victoriously in our particular facet of this Divine Mission is already within us. Be at Peace. All is well. This summer the Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the invitation to intervene in our lives. Powerful celestial alignments are occurring that will help us release and let go of the behavior patterns that have kept us stuck in our dysfunctional human miscreations. This is an incredibly powerful and sacred time. This month we will experience three eclipses and the June Solstice, all of which will provide unique opportunities for Humanity to add to the Light of the world as we pave the way for the unprecedented influx of Divine Love that will be secured in the physical plane through every person's Heart Flame, in August. Each of these alignments will build on the previous influx of Light which will catapult the Earth and ALL her Life further up the Spiral of Evolution. This will move us a quantum leap toward our ultimate goal of Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. For this reason, the entire Universe is rejoicing, and the Company of Heaven is assisting us in unprecedented ways. For the activity of Light that will take place August 13-18, 2011, it is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present. Through our unified Heart Flames, we will form the transformer through which our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love will be permanently secured in the physical world of form. The Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way, on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life on this sweet Earth, will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. So listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance.

Ashtar DA- 2012 = PositiveDecember 21, 2012 will be the day the entire universe aligns creating massive amounts of spiritual energy not destructionSingh, 4/29/11 (Ravinder Singh, Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blog,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL) Our Earth along with other planets revolves around the Sun. The Sun, along with 6 other stars, inturn revolves around a bigger star, Alcyone, also known as the Central Sun. Alycone revolves around a much bigger star, Sirius, which is called as the Greater Central Sun. This system of stars revolving around one another, is a feature found in all galaxies in our Universe where ultimately, each galaxy consisting of stars and planets, revolves around its own centre. The Milky way galaxy, to which our Earth belongs, has billions of such stars and planets, all revolving around a massive star in its core, called as the Galactic centre. a) Galactic Alignment in 2012 As the Sun and other stars revolve around one another and move in their orbits, they come in various alignments with each other. On 21st December 2012, two alignments are expected to occur in our Milky Way Galaxy. One, our Sun and the entire solar system will come in direct alignment with the Galactic equator. And two, the Galactic Centre, the Greater Central Sun and the Central Sun will form an equilateral triangle in space at the same time. Our Earth receives energies, both physical and subtle from the Sun as well as other stars. To receive the maximum amount of Energies, it has to come in a proper alignment with these celestial bodies. For example, during an eclipse, where the Earth, Sun and Moon align with each other, very rare spiritual energies flood our Earth because of this alignment. Hence the duration of eclipses were considered sacred and were spent in meditations and other spiritual activities, to make the best use of these subtle energies. An alignment occurring at the level of the Galactic centre will have an effect which is many, many times higher in magnitude. When our Earth, along with the solar system aligns with the Galactic equator, it will come in direct focus of a huge amount of subtle energies, which emerge from the Galactic Centre. And the triangular formation of Alcyone, Sirius and the Galactic centre in 2012 brings a massive amount of spiritual energies from these Stars to our Earth. This rare celestial occurrence has also initiated many other events, which will be explained later.

2012 will evolve us spiritually to the 7th stageSingh, 4/29/11(Ravinder Singh, Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blog,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL) b) Photon Belt When the Sun moves around the Central Sun, it passes through various energy fields in space. One such energy field is the Photon belt, which is a spiritual field, which came out of the Greater central Sun, Sirius. The Photon belt is a field of very high vibratory frequency, which enhances the spiritual condition of our Earth when we enter it. If were spiritual evolved at that time, our evolution will be magnified by many folds. And if our spiritual growth is negative, we go into a very fast downward spiral, as it happened during our last entry, nearly 10,000 years ago, when the great civilization of Atlantis was destroyed. Our Solar system has begun its entry into this field. Our earth is under the direct influence of the Photon Belt from Dec 21st, 2009 and the effects will increase in seven stages. We are now in the third stage of this influence. This entry of our Earth into the Photon Belt, which coincides with the Galactic alignment happening on the same day, will have a massive spiritual effect on Humanity.

Ashtar DA - 2012 = Positive2012 will usher the New Age of LightSingh, 4/29/11 (Ravinder Singh, Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blog,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL) Effects of these Events When important events happen almost simultaneously at the cosmic levels, the effects will also be huge and long lasting. The events which are scheduled to occur after 2012 are going to release a huge amount of energies, both physical and spiritual, which will have massive effects. Some of them are: a. Reduction of the Transitory period The 5000 year long dark age ended on this Earth on 14th April, 1974. Before the New Age of Light begins, a transitory period of 432 years is usually provided, for humanity to make a gradual shift from the beliefs and values of the old age and rise to the higher values of the New age. This is also the period when the Rishis invoke many processes at different levels to help us make this shift. One of them is the intense churning process called as Pralaya, which was to lasts for 49 years. The Pralaya began in 1987 and was supposed to continue up to 2036. The unprecedented events which are scheduled to occur at the cosmic level in and around 2012 have given us a rare opportunity to speed up this process and make a swift entry into the Light Age! The gradual transition which we were supposed to make in 432 years can be hastened up and reduced by many folds, because of the intensity these cosmic events create in our lives at all levels. The Galactic alignment between the Galactic Centre, Sirius and Alcyone begins in 2012 and will continue upto 2032. Like the duration of an eclipse, the spiritual effect of this alignment will be present for these twenty years. Among other things, the Rishis have made use of this opportunity to drastically reduce the 432 years of transition and the 49 years of Pralaya, to ease our suffering and take us quickly into the Light age. As a result of this, the Pralaya process will end by 2015 and well enter Satya Yuga in 2018! By the time this alignment ends in 2032, the New Age of Light will be firmly established on this Earth.

2012 will entirely eradicate evil from EarthSingh, 4/29/11 (Ravinder Singh, Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blog,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL) b. Removal of Evil from this Eartha New Light Age. Our Earth is a planet where there are equal opportunities for the forces of Light and Darkness to manifest and take effect. These are evident in the 4 yugas, in which Light reigns supreme in one, darkness in another and a shade of these two manifest in the other two yugas. However the reign of darkness has increased over the course of many Mahayugas, resulting in an imbalance in creation and more burden on the Rishis who take care of Gods creation. The Galactic alignment and many other events occurring this time has enabled the Rishis to initiate a very great project, which will not only set right this imbalance but also remove Evil completely from this Earth. This project has been named as Pavitrena Karyam. The aim of this project is to ensure that darkness and evil are not only made dormant but also removed completely from this Earth. This also means that the other three yugas will no longer be present on this Earth henceforth and there will be Light Age all the time. The Galactic alignment and the huge surge of Spiritual energies it brings about have enabled the Rishis to initiate this experimentation on this Earth, from this Light Age onwards. Also, this is the first time that the Rishis could visit all the Manifested and Unmanifested Universes and also enter the realm of the Primordial God, Mula Brahma. The access to the energies and knowledge from all these Universes is another major reason for the initiation of this experimentation on this Earth.

Ashtar DA - 2012 = Positive2012 will increase vibrational energy, helping the human race shift to higher levels of consciousness Singh, 4/29/11 (Ravinder Singh, Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blog,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL) c) Further Effects of the Galactic Alignment The Galactic alignment of 2012 has enabled energies of very high frequencies to be released from the three sources which are coming together in alignment. It is also helping newer energies to come into our Galaxy. All these Energies are already reaching our Earth and this will increase as we move towards 2012. Normally the Energies are released in the form of rays or spirals. Now the new energies in shape of X and Z are getting released. These new energies are being released from eclipse which occurred between 31st December and 1st Janurary of this year. The alignment has eased the process of anchoring these higher energies on our Earth. These new energies are first absorbed by the Photon belt and then released to our Earth. The first impact is the increase in the vibrational frequency of our Earth, resulting in a lot of positive churning to take place at all levels. This churning helps every human being on Earth to deal with his own negativity and get over them, in order to move into the New Light Age. This alignment has also brought in new knowledge and is helping all humanity to become aware of newer possibilities of life and creation. It has enabled a major push and growth in the whole galaxy. The new experimentation, Pavitrena Karyam has become possible because of this growth. The Galactic alignment is slowly increasing the pace of rotation of the entire Milky way galaxy and will help it shift higher to many levels of consciousness. This alignment is so powerful that it can shift the entire Material Cosmos to the next level of consciousness. But since this is not the right time for such a shift, the Rishis headed by Vasishtha Maharshi are monitoring the entire process with great vigilance to keep such huge effects in check.

AT: Ashtar is DemonicRejecting religious notions seeks to legitimate things like racial and religious purity that undermine basic rights of religious freedomNussbaum, Ph. D from Harvard, 4 (Martha, Ph. D from Harvard and professor of philosophy at Harvard, Brown, and Oxford, Religious Intolerance, Foreign Policy Magazine, Issue No. 144 Sep-Oct 2004, JSTOR, 6/27/11 JSkoog)Sometimes old ideas arc the most dangerous, and few ideas arc older than those that undergird religious intolerance. Lamentably, these ideas are acquiring new life. In 2002, Hindus in Gujarat, India, killed several hundred Muslims, with the collaboration of public officials and the police. Europe has recently seen a frightening rebirth of anti-Semitism, while the appeal of radical forms of Islam appears to be increasing in the Muslim world. Prejudice against Muslims and a tendency co equate Islam with terrorism are too prominent in the United States. On and on it goes. Intolerance breeds intolerance, as expressions of hatred fuel existing insecurities and permit people to see their own aggression as legitimate self-defense. Two ideas typically foster religious intolerance and disrespect. The first is that one's own religion is the only true religion and that other religions are false or morally incorrect. But people possessed of this view can also believe that others deserve respect for their committed beliefs, so long as they do no harm. Much more dangerous is the second idea, that the state and private citizens should coerce people into adhering to the "correct" religious approach. It's an idea that is catching on, even in many modern democracies. France's reluctance to tolerate religious symbols in schools and the Hindu right wing's repeated claims that minorities in India must become part of Hindu culture are disturbing recent examples. The resurgence of this kind of thinking poses a profound threat to liberal societies, which arc based on ideas of liberty and equality. The appeal of religious intolerance is easy to understand. From an early age, humans are aware of helplessness toward things of the highest importance, such as food, love, and life itself. Religion helps people cope with loss and the fear of death; it teaches moral principles and motivates people to follow them. But precisely because religions are such powerful sources of morality and community, they all too easily become vehicles for the flight from helplessness, which so often manifests itself in oppression and the imposition of hierarchy. In today's accelerating world, people confront ethnic and religious differences in new and frightening ways. By clinging to a religion they believe to be the right one, surrounding themselves with coreligionists, and then subordinating others who do not accept that religion, people can forget for a time their weakness and mortality. Good laws are not enough to combat this fundamentally emotional and social problem. Modern liberal societies have long understood the importance of legal and constitutional norms expressing a commitment to religious liberty and to the equality of citizens of different religions. But, though codification is essential, constitutions and laws do not implement themselves, and public norms are impotent without education are impotent without educational and cultural reinforcement. We need, then, to think harder about how rhetoric (as well as poetry, music, and art) can support pluralism and toleration. The leaders of the U.S. civil rights movement understood the need for this kind of support; the speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. illustrate how rhetoric can help people imagine equality and see difference as a source of richness rather than fear. During the recent electoral campaign in India, leaders of the Congress Party, especially Sonia Gandhi, effectively conveyed the image of an inherently pluralistic India. (The words of India's national anthem, written by pluralist poet Rabindranath Tagorc, also celebrate India's regional and ethnic differences.) The current U.S. administration has made useful statements about the importance of not demonizing Islam, but the rhetoric of certain key officials has also highlighted Christian religion in ways that undermine tolerance. Attorney General John Ashcroft, for example, regularly asks his staff to sing Christian songs. And while he was a silting U.S. senator, Ashcroft characterized America as "a culture that has no king but Jesus." For centuries, liberal thinkers have focused on legal and constitutional avenues to tolerance, neglecting the public cultivation of emotion and imagination. But liberals ignore public rhetoric at their peril. All modern states and their leaders convey visions of religious equality or inequality through their chokes of language and image. Writing to the Quaker community in 1789, then President George Washington said, "The conscientious scruples of all men should be treated with great delicacy and tenderness." Such delicacy is now in short supply. If leaders do not think carefully about how to use public language to foster respect, human equality will remain vulnerable.

AT: Ashtar is Alien InvasionThe Ashtar Command do not pose a threat they rule under the law of LoveLord Ashtar, 2004 (August 19, 2004, Our Fleets Are In Position, Ready Yourselves Brother Veritus,, accessed 6/27/11, SL) Humanity is responsible by itself for the current situation of the planet. Many human beings think we are invading monsters with the purpose of conquering Earth, for it was suggested and projected this way by the audiovisual media of the planet: radio, movie, press, television and also this happens because of the ruling ignorance about the Brothers of space. They are distorted ideas that do not adjust to truth at all. Know that we, your elder Brothers in evolution, have always assisted you and helped you since a very long time ago. Our only aim is Love. It is required that all understand and accept our real existence and to appeal to common sense: A vast Universe nor the infinite cosmos has not been created for only one planet to remain inhabited by intelligent beings, conscious of their existence. All is populated: Infinity of worlds, solar systems and galaxies. Life has its manifestation in each part of the Cosmos, in subtle forms and also in similar ones to human. There are many evolutionary levels.

Ashtar rules under Service, Love, and Humility they are omnipresent and omnipotent and are here to helpLord Ashtar, 2004 (August 19, 2004, Our Fleets Are In Position, Ready Yourselves Brother Veritus,, accessed 6/27/11, SL) I tell you: we have centuries being at your side, but now we are making ourselves known more directly. Machu Pichu was constructed with our collaboration, Nazca and Palenque. We frequently visited Atlantis, because this did not astonish them, instead the arriving of space beings looked to them as something natural. By knowing themselves as citizens of Cosmos, they accepted travelers of other worlds, such as now you do with tourists in you plane. It has to be comprehended, at the level of multitudes, that our apparent superiority is to be found in the simplicity, Love and humility we have been able to achieve. If we were superior, the way that is understood in your world, the Earth were already conquered by space beings and it has not been that way. Our motto is: Union, Service, Love, Humility and we only accept as norm of conduct the laws ruling Cosmos, the will of the One unknown whom you call God. We are also beings in evolution as you are. We the Space Brothers do not present ourselves in the sky to frighten or intimidate human beings nor to astonish them. We are not interested in standing out or in bringing attention to ourselves to pretend superiority. We came in a Mission of Love and Impersonal Service, because our brethren of Earth need much help, so the world-school they inhabit does not pass through higher sufferings than the ones they can withstand and which correspond to their evolutionary level. Do not feel alone in the Universe. We exist and are always aware of you, of everything happening on the planet. Some of ours incarnated as humans and are disseminated around the world. They may or may not remember their labor of help, for the Effluvium (accumulation of negative thoughts-feelings in the atmosphere) make them sleepy and they forget their origin, become confused and lost strayed through the plane density; or do become triumphant, despite so many interferences. We are as real and tangible as you are, we live and exist. We do no have any bizarre aspect nor are we interested in war or conquest purposes. We only wish to help by Love. If you accept it, great benefits will result from that, as happened in the millenary India of remote times. The advancement they achieved in architecture is due to our art and technology. It was left this proof: the monuments imitate our space ships in the tip or steeple and even in the shape of their temples. The map "Piris Reis" was made under our collaboration and equally our help can be seen in the Gate of the Sun of Lake Titicaca. Symbolically, the signs point to the period of rotation and translation of our beloved planet Venus. With all of these examples we present of the past, you can become aware that certainly there has been contact and you were not as isolated as you believe nor our apparition is a sudden thing of modern times. We hope these words give clarity and understanding to many over the truth of our existence and right purposes. We are your Elder Brothers and we salute you with Love. He who thus understands it so will greatly elevate his level of consciousness. We have been integrated in the labor of rescuing this planet, but help comes from much more time ago.

AFF No ImpactPlanetary ascension is not the Ashtar Command Center zapping the entire human race into their spaceships to save us from disasterAriana, Pleiadian Walk In and Channel and Communicator, Healer and Artist, 2011 (Anakya, 5/2/2011, Channelling, Human Ascension: Earth Changes and Evacuation of Earth Ashtar Spiritual Forum,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL)Planetary ascension is a whole different ball game. That is about the whole reality that we are living in moving from 3-D and 4-D into a higher density. A lot of people don't realize we have already begun to move into 4-D (although it is intermittent at present). They seem to imagine it means all kind of fantastical things will be seen and felt. However, 4-D is only a slightly higher vibration than 3-D, so things still appear the same - on the outside at least. But what it does mean is that the energy of the new vibration causes more massive change. It causes people to examine then throw off old, out-moded belief systems and societies to experience collapse of systems and structures that will no longer work in the new energy field. If it could be said that there is a planetary lesson attached to experiencing 4-D, I would say it would be Responsibility. This experience is definitely about realizing and claiming responsibility - for creating our own reality and living with the consequences - for one thing. So many people spend so much time with their heads in the stars and looking to the future, that they forget to really look into, and appreciate where they are right now. With regard to spiritual development, many imagined 4-D to mean that people would suddenly become instantly spiritually awakened and aware - yet we are still seeing gradual awakening, and only at the pace that each individual is ready for. There are still many who probably won't awaken at all. That's because it is the way the process happens naturally and also because Free Will comes into play. Although, for those on Earth it is accelerated because we have the benefit of all this transforming energy and paradigms (powerful creative energy which is generating change). It is, however, up to each of us how we use this energy to our advantage.

Aff Ashtar is a Demonic LieAshtar is a demonic lie reject the CP/DAJoyce, natural clairvoyant and natural healer, 94 (Elizabeth, THE ASHTAR COMMAND, we accept the assertion that the "real" Ashtar is merely an "entity" that changes with the times, then a quick look at Ashtar in one of His/Her's former guises as the demon " Ashtaroth" may prove interesting...According to "The Lemegeton of Solomon" (The Book Of The Spirits), which was considered to be the source for many occult works of the 17th and 18th Century, "Astaroth"(also called Ashtaroth) was a very interesting Demon indeed:Astaroth is another demon who appears in the form of an angel. Opinion is divided as to whether it is a good or bad angel, but an angel he is, that much is agreed. He is an important Duke, and is mounted upon a dragon, with a snake in his right hand. He will tell the sorcerer of the past, the present and the future. He will also teach every secret and science. (If you were going to "channel" a demon/spirit/angel/ whatever, what better entity to have in your midst than one who is conversant with science and is an all-seeing prophet?)In the "Grimorium Verum - The True Grimoire", another occult book dating back to the 17th century, there is a section about the three superior Spirits: Spirits do not always appear in the same shape. This is because they are not themselves of matter or form, and have to find a body to appear in, and one suitable to their (intended) manifestation and appearance. Lucifer appears in the form and figure of a fair boy. When angry, he becomes red. There is nothing monstrous about him.Beelzebuth appears sometimes in monstrous forms, sometimes like a giant cow, at times like a he-goat, with a long tail. When angry, he vomits fire.Astaroth (Ashtaroth or Ashtar) appears black, in human shape.Under the heading "Kinds of Spirits" in the aforementioned reference, we learn:Names of the superior spirits are Lucifer, Beelzebuth and Astaroth. The inferiors of Lucifer are in Europe and Asia and obey him. Beelzebuth lives in Africa, and Astaroth (or Ashtar) inhabits America.(Is Ashtar "channeled" anywhere outside of America? And why is it that animal mutilations seem to be a particularly American - Northern and Southern - phenomenon?)The book "The Grimoire of Honorius" gives a very detailed system of the conjuring of spirits according to the day of the week they are to be summoned. Each "spirit" has a day of the week allotted to it when it is at the peak of its abilities: Wednesday - between the tenth and eleventh hours of the night - is the day set apart for the conjugations addressed to Astaroth.(It is widely held in UFO folklore, that UFO encounters/sightings seem to be at their most prevalent on Wednesdays. John Keel quotes figures that suggest that over 20% of all sightings have occurred on a Wednesday.)None of this is conclusive evidence of anything, But if we accept the times this information was written in, and look at it through modern eyes. Then the contention that this phenomenon has been around in various guises for a very long time, may have some validity.Ashtar is not new. He is not a part of the "New Age" movement and he is an endangerment to many if they follow his instructions to sell everything and wait on a mountain top to be lifted off by space beings.From John Keel's book 'UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse', here's some quotes about Ashtar. (He/It certainly gets around!)...I will try to demonstrate that the UFO entities are directly related to the entities and manifestations involved in religious miracles and spiritual seances. There are many thousands of published messages from both the UFO-nauts and the invisible, lower plane spirits, all of which employ the same techniques for burying information deep in simple-minded descriptions about life on other planets or other planes. One of the most important correlation is that many of these messages have discussed in depth the existence of another reality which is formed by energies operating on another frequency, or vibrational level. This is where people get confused, and tend to believe the entity. There is a definite 4th and 5th dimensional energy, and unknown energy beyond that, which our technology has not caught up with or been able to understand. We are evolving into that knowledge at the present time. However, it will not happen overnight. It is a gradual process of opening up to higher knowledge a generation at a time.There has also been a great deal of discussion about light and rays of light. New rays are coming in for transformational healing. These are very powerful and can be used for the good of all. The lore of "the seven rays" goes back to the most ancient of times. The Bible's Book of Revelations repeats the number seven in many ways, and the Seven Sisters, or the Pleiades (seven stars in the sky) form an important part of this lore. God and Christ are "The Light" in most of this literature ...On January 8, 1968, "Mr. Orlon" of the Ashtar Intergalactic Command, passed this message on to a contactee: "The saucers you speak of as such are in reality the space bodies of certain aggregates of consciousness. They exists duo-dimensionally; that is, they penetrate both the third and fourth dimensions simultaneously or can, if they wish, confine themselves to either one of these."...Thousands of mediums, psychics and UFO contactees have been receiving mountains of messages from "Ashtar" in recent years. This has escalated in the '90's. Mr. Ashtar represents himself as a leader in the great intergalactic councils which hold regular meetings on Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and many planets unknown to us. But Ashtar is not a new arrival. Variations of this name, such as Ashtaroth, Ashtar, Asharoth, etc., appear in demonological literature throughout history, both in the Orient and the Occident. Mr. Ashtar has been around a very long time posing as assorted gods and demons and now, in the modern New Age phase, as another glorious spacemen.***continued***

***Continued***Dr. Charles Laughead, an MD on the staff of Michigan State University in Lansing, Michigan, started communicating with various entities "from outer space" in 1954, largely through trance mediums who served as instrument for Ashtar and his cronies from that great intergalactic council in the sky. A number of minor prophecies were passed along, and as usual, they came true on the nose. Then Ashtar tossed in his bombshell. The world was going to end on December 21, 1954, he announced convincingly.North America was going to split in two, and the Atlantic coast would sink into the sea. France, England and Russia were also slated for a watery grave. However, all was not lost. A few chosen people would be rescued by spaceships. Naturally Dr. Laughead and his friends were among that select group. Dr. Laughhead made sober declarations to the press and on December 21, 1954 he and a group of his fellow believers clustered together in the garden to await rescue ... and waited. And waited. And waited!In California, a man named Allen Noonan claims to have experienced still another variation of this particular mind-warping phenomenon. Soon after his discharge from the Army following World War II, Noonan went to work for a company handling outdoor billboards. One day, he says, he was working on a billboard when suddenly he was taken in astral form to a strange place. He found himself in a huge white building filled with white light. A group of "elders" were situated around a glowing throne, and a great voice boomed from that throne and asked "Will you agree to be the Savior of the World?"Noonan quickly agreed to this role. Then he was told, "You may die in the hands of your fellowmen. Their sin shall remain with you until the Mother Comforter comes to deliver them."The next thing he knew, he was back in his body working on the signboard. In later experiences, he allegedly visited other planets such as Venus, and he frequently received telepathic messages and instructions from our old friend Ashtar. In this case, he knew it as "the Ashtar Command and the United Planets Organization".Allen Noonan is not the only Space Age messiah appointed by the Ashtar command...In Denmark a man named Knud Weinking began receiving telepathic flashes in May, 1967, including a number of impressive prophecies which came true ..He was then instructed to build a lead-lined bomb shelter and prepare for a holocaust on December 24, 1967 ......Mediums, telepaths, sensitives, and UFO contactees throughout the world were all reporting identical messages. There was definitely going to be an unprecedented event on December 24, 1967. Ashtar was talking through Ouija boards to people who had never before heard the name. Another busy entity named Orlon was spreading the word. The curious thing about these messages was that they were all phrased in the same manner, no matter what language was being used. They all carried the same warning. People were reporting strange dreams, dreams about symbols of Christmas ... There were also stories about dead telephones and glowing entities prowling through bedroom and homes. Many of these messages, dreams and prophecies were collected together by a British organization calling itself Universal Links. The stage was set for Doomsday. Thousands, perhaps even millions, of people had been warned The Danish cult locked themselves up in their bomb shelter ... After the imaginary crisis had passed, the American wire services finally carried stories about the cowering Danes, ridiculing them, of course. But Mr. Weinking came up with a message that explained it all: "I told you two thousand years ago that a time would be given and even so I would not come. If you had read your Bible a little more carefully, you would have borne in mind the story of the bridegroom who did not come at the time he was expected. Be careful so that you are not found without oil in your lamps. I have told you I will come with suddenness, and I shall be coming soon!"It was all a dry run, or was it? Actually, it was a rather impressive sequence of events , and it really proved something very important. Many predictions of the December twenty-fourth disaster had been well documented well in advance of that date. These messages came through in many different, countries, from people who had no knowledge of or communications with one another. The UFO contactees received the same identical messages as the trance mediums communing with spirits. A link had been established. It was now clear (to me anyway) that all of these people were tuned to a central source. (Possibly an earthly electronic device) My earlier speculations seemed true -- the UFO entities and the spirit entities were part of the same gigantic system. So more pieces of this tremendous puzzle were falling into place. A long series of events had apparently been staged to warn us of that tiger behind the door. Some of the entities were evil liars. They had ruined the lives of many by producing "proof" which led to false beliefs and irresponsible actions. Dr. Laughead and Knud Weinking had been victims in this enormous game. Many "New Agers" have become victims over the past several years.In the 90's people like Elizabeth Claire Prophet and David Koresh have played on people's ignorance. More will come to those who believe everything they hear and continue to give the power of their lives over to others. Use discernment is your search for truth. Never trust a "channel" more that your own inner guidance. Walk the path of light and love in this lifetime, on this wondrous earth, with your family and loved ones. Kindness, opening the heart and respect for others are the first steps for true ascension.The following is claimed by the false teachers and the unenlightened:Ashtar works very closely with Archangel Michael, in protecting the evolution of humanity through harmonizing the negative and evil influences that could overwhelm us. Ashtar is in command of a particular area of the cosmos which he and his many spiritual helpers patrol', this area or zone includes planet earth; because of this he is often referred to as Commander Ashtar.Ashtar works through the Merkabah , the spiritual vehicle of Light that comes direct from the Godhead. At the moment Ashtar is Controller of the Merkabah, for our part of the Universe. He moves between heavens, dimensions, and realities with his powerful mind guiding and controlling the energies of the Merkabah so that we humans can participate in the evolutionary process of our zone.ALL OF THESE CLAIMS ARE LIES - AND A TRAP TO STEAL YOUR SOUL!PLEASE - FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE - PROTECT YOURSELF.

Aff AT: Religious IntoleranceIts inevitable, attempting to be completely tolerant is impossible-multiple 8( is a website that provides summaries of works and briefs on certain subjects, The Myth of Absolute Tolerance, March 20, 2008, JSkoog) Tolerance as a virtue is badly needed today, especially in the context of the pluralism of our times. Historians tell us that the last century has been the bloodiest and it is anybodys guess as to what was the chief cause for it. Even in a nation like India where, as Radhakrishanan described tolerance in Hinduism as the deathly hug of a bear, we have witnessed intolerance at its worst in recent times. Surely there is need for a fresh look at the whole idea of tolerance and the need ever greater for it to be taught and practiced by every one. Is tolerance possible in all a situations and at all times? If it is, then what kind of tolerance is it that is needed? The intolerance and the hatred of opposing viewpoints even among the so-called tolerating societies have demonstrated sufficiently, one hopes, that something is faulty about our understanding about tolerance. It certainly suggests that absolute tolerance is an illusion and to think that tolerance can be practised without any regard for truth or to desist from any value judgments is, in the final analysis self-defeating and suicidal. You will notice that even they are intolerant. They are intolerant towards the intolerant. Their position is that every viewpoint is equally valid and therefore must be tolerated. But trouble comes when they are faced with those who hold that every view or belief is not equally valid and that theirs is the right one. The proponents of tolerance cannot put up with such a view. This very fact brings home to us that absolute tolerance is an impossible position to hold and is self defeating. It is impossible because some intolerance seems inevitable. It is self-defeating because while claiming to be tolerant they cannot tolerate those who disagree with them and end up being intolerant. Besides if you begin to tolerate every view or belief, you end up being subsumed by those who believe that their view is right. The deathly hug of a bear indeed, dragging the bear to its own death! To begin with, dictionaries tell us that tolerance has to do with attitudes or a willingness to bear or accept. Responses and attitudes are not values or standards and cannot be talked about in terms of absolutes. We talk of absolutes in the context of truth, values, and norms or standards. Secondly when we talk of tolerance there is a suggestion that there is something that is the mean, norm or a standard and any deviation from it can or cannot be tolerated. So tolerance is an attitude shown to accept a deviation or a difference from a norm, belief, or a viewpoint. It needs to be noted that the idea of tolerance suggests that there is a disagreement about an issue and therefore the need for tolerance about the disagreement. It also suggests that there is what is known as a median or a norm or even a standard and any deviation from it can or cannot be tolerated. J.P. Moreland and Wm Lane Craig tell us that the principle of tolerance has been defined as Classical and the Modern versions. According to the classical sense of the principle of tolerance, a person holds that his ownmoral views are true and those of his opponent are false. But he still respects his opponent as a person and his right to make a case for his views. Thus there is a duty to tolerate a different moral view, not in the sense of thinking it is morally correct, but quite the opposite, in the sense that a person will continue to value and respect ones opponent, to treat him with dignity, to recognize his right to argue for and propagate his ideas and so forth. While, the modern version of tolerance, popular in the general culture, goes beyond the classical version in claiming that one should not even judge that other peoples viewpoints are wrong. It is commendable that it desists from any value judgments. But, one of the problems with this view is that it has mistaken truth for tastes. In the area of arts and culture, as Mortimer J. Adler argues, where astes reign supreme, tolerance is desirable and to be expected. But in matters of truth and values, tolerance tantamount to dismissing all value judgments as matters of taste rather than as matters of truth. In matters of truth, there are bound to be exclusive claims and therefore tend towards intolerance. But again as Adler quoting J.S. Mill, argues, Mill advocates the toleration of individuals who differ in thought and speech, but not tolerance for competing doctrines or opinions, as if they were all equally acceptable or preferable. He does not look upon pluralism with respect to matters of truth in the same way he looks upon pluralism with respect to matters of taste. Finally if our aim is the pursuit of truth then we need the classical kind of tolerance. It is mature and robust, for while holding ones own position as true, it treats its opponents with respect and makes room for them to exist and express. We certainly do not need the tongue-in-cheek kind of tolerance, which makes dubious claims to tolerance. Nor do we need the kind of intolerance that attempts to regiment culture and practices and enforce faith and religion suppressing freedom of expression and thought.

Aff No EvacuationProject Uplift was abandoned in the 80s didnt have unanimous support and too many negative consequencesAriana, Pleiadian Walk In and Channel and Communicator, Healer and Artist, 2011 (Anakya, 5/2/2011, Channelling, Human Ascension: Earth Changes and Evacuation of Earth Ashtar Spiritual Forum,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL)There has been SO much channelled about this. First back in the '80's and '90's, and it has resurfaced now. I have already said quite a bit about this in terms of the fact that Project Uplift (i.e. uplifting people from Earth en masse during major Earth changes) was abandoned by the Council and Ashtar Command because the decision had to be unanimous (by consensus) and because of the perceived trauma such a thing would cause the people uplifted, problems adjusting to life on Motherships - not to mention the logistical nightmare - but here is another thing to think about. Many of the channellings say that the Ashtar Command is going to "save us" when things get tough on the planet. Save us from what? Our own Ascension process? Why is it anyone else's responsibility to help us survive and thrive in our own environment? With changes that we helped to create? The channellings say that the Ashtar Command will remove people "in the blink of an eye". I wonder if people realize that if there was an evacuation like that, people could be seperated from family, partner, friends - maybe even their children? That is because they could not take people who had not given their permission and had no awareness of their existence. It is against Universal Law. How would you feel if you left the planet, and your loved ones had to stay? What if you had them taken forcibly against their will? How would they respond and feel?. What would the suddenly changed energy and environment do to them?. You cannot expose people to things like that if they are not ready for it and open to the experience. They have to give their permission, otherwise it is just abduction! No one in the Ashtar Command fleet or associated fleets is willing to do that. If you remove people physically from their home world suddenly, they suffer from many spiritual, mental and emotional adjustment problems (even sickness) which can be fatal. You have altered gravitational fields to deal with - not to mention a massive vibration shift. Human bodies have to gradually adjust to increases in vibration, or they will overload and burn out. You are talking about bodies that have been 3-D for a long time suddenly becoming something else without going through the steps in between. Also, human bodies at this time are not equipped to travel in space craft which move much, much faster than the speed of light. Or ships which travel between dimensions. In order for members of the Ashtar Command to artificially alter human bodies so that they can cope with these things (as many of the channellings claim), it would violate another law. Well, a couple of them actually. One is the law of non-interference. They cannot do anything that extremely alters the course of another being or civilization's natural evolution. It has major repercussions! Look at what happened when the Atlanteans did that, for example. They experimented and tampered with natural laws and life forms to the point where their either destroyed it, or created creatures which could not possibly survive - let alone thrive.

Aff No EvacuationProject Uplift was thrown out in the 80s due to its high risks and negative scenarios from holographic testingAriana, Pleiadian Walk In and Channel and Communicator, Healer and Artist, 2011 (Anakya, 5/2/2011, Channelling, Human Ascension: Earth Changes and Evacuation of Earth Ashtar Spiritual Forum,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL)As I work on Earth as a communicator for the Ashtar Command and Interplanetary Council, I have found that at times I have been called upon to correct this information (as many of the channels were also requested to do). As I covered in my last article, Project Uplift was abandoned at the time by the Ashtar Command (in the late 1980s). The decision was based on rigorous discussion and holographic test scenarios which proved that such an intervention would potentially be harmful to many of those the Command was attempting to help. It would involve separating people from friends and family (who were not ready and had not chosen such a destiny) and taking people away from their lessons on Earth which could only be accomplished while there. The Ashtar Command must obey (as do all civilizations belonging to the Association of Worlds) a strict code of non-interference when observing or interacting with another civilization. Therefore there is a fine line between what would constitute interfering with the natural evolutionary path of a particular civilization and working in harmony with their free will and spiritual growth. When the Interplanetary Council makes a decision such as this, it affects ALL personnel involved with that planet or civilization. The final decision must be by consensus, but, as the majority decided to abandon Project Uplift, the motion was carried as they say on Earth.

Aff No EvacuationToo many issues with Project Uplift the majority of the human race isnt ready to accept the existence of ETsAriana, Pleiadian Walk In and Channel and Communicator, Healer and Artist, 2011 (Anakya, 5/2/2011, Channelling, Human Ascension: Earth Changes and Evacuation of Earth Ashtar Spiritual Forum,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL)What the Ashtar Command now focuses on (rather than Uplift) has been dubbed Project Awaken Earth in colloquial English but that is really only one phase of the project. This project is exactly as it states an opportunity to help souls on Earth awaken to their Divine heritage and spiritual capabilities. This is because it is understood that this part must be accomplished before any physical interaction can occur (via density shift). But Project Awaken is not being undertaken so that people on Earth can meet all within the Ashtar Command face-to-face (although it is accepted that will eventually happen). To many of these cultures, physicality is secondary to the energy and spirit. Such a project is undertaken because it is a way to help humanity move beyond limitation and fear just as another enlightened group once helped some of us, and just as Earth humanity will one day be called upon to do also. Project Uplift raised a myriad of environmental, behavioural, societal and spiritual issues that came up. But this aspect has been very useful and valuable, because there is much that has been learned from it (but never at the expense of Earth inhabitants). Regardless of what some on Earth choose to believe, life on board the ships within the Ashtar Command and similar groups is NOT like living on Earth!. It is different on almost every level. You would literally be suddenly catapulted into a truly alien environment. Even if you are a Starseed, you will have become acclimatized to Earth and the density and structures there. It is now familiar to you and is part of your life that you have chosen (although awakened Starseeds would definitely find it easier, and would adjust faster). On the ships there is a strict order and harmony that must be maintained at all times amongst the personnel and their families. Such a vast organization and community cannot function efficiently without that harmony and order. For instance; you cant hide anything from anyone emotionally or otherwise, and you cant have an emotional breakdown of any kind. There are healers on the ships and there is healing technology which can help when someone goes out of phase (as we call it), but the patient must be at a stage in their growth where they can assimilate the energy and quickly balance themselves. If that doesnt happen, then they are required to leave the ship for a time until they regain balance. And when encountering the many other cultures that live and work on the ships, there would be extensive cultural differences that could be a problem for those who were unaware or not accustomed. Unfortunately, among many people on Earth there is the idea that all ET beings are dangerous, or want to eat them or something. This is because of what the media has projected. There is also their inherent fear of the unknown. This is a major barrier to interaction with other planetary civilizations at this time. Unfortunately, Earth humans are not raised with the understanding that they have universal family, or that intelligent life exists in different densities some of whom have been around longer and have evolved differently. I am just outlining here some of the obstacles to deeper and more physical interaction with universal family. There are a lot of radically different and new things and concepts that a person would have to be adjusted to. Therefore it would have to be a GRADUAL process, and not one that people where simply just thrown into at the deep end, so to speak.

Aff - 2012 = Negative2012 will flip the magnetic poles of the Sun and Earth will change direction of rotation leading to massive earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic activitySingh, 4/29/11 (Ravinder Singh, Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blog,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL) Some of them are: The Galactic Centre, Greater Central Sun and Central Sun will form an equliateral triangle in Space on 21st Dec 2012. This huge galactic alignment will facilitate many new energies and Higher Souls to take birth. This also initiates the process of many changes to occur in the Solar system. The pyramids get strengthened. All objects that are shaped in the form of pyramids will be able to absorb and radiate more of these new energies. Our Sun completes its revolution of 26000 years around the Central Sun. When this occurs, the magnetic poles of the Sun flips over, resulting in the interchanging of the magnetic / geographic poles of our Earth. Our Earth will change its direction of rotation periodically. The rotation slows down and stops for 3 days and then starts in the reverse direction. This may result in massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and extreme weather changes. Our Sun and the entire solar system will come in alignment with the Galactic equator. This alignment is expected to bring us in direct focus of a lot of energies. A huge amount of Solar activity is expected in 2012, where massive solar flares can disrupt the electromagnetic field surrounding our earth. This may result in the breakdown of our electrical and communication systems.

2012 will bring the end to negativity and evil as well as collapse of society as we know it only a strong spiritual connection to Ashtar will save the human raceSingh, 4/29/11 (Ravinder Singh, Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blog,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL) 2012 Shift from the dark age to Light Age We have just emerged from a 5000 year dark age and are in the transitory period before moving into the Light Age. An intense churning and transformation was supposed to occur upto the year 2036 to remove all negativities on this earth. However, the Rishis observed that many major events were going to occur in our Milky way galaxy in the year 2012. They decided to use these events and prepone the end of pralaya to 2012, in order to reduce the difficulties and suffering of Humanity. The Rishis chose 2012 to put an end to all the evil and negativity on this earth. They decided to make use of the expected earth changes to collapse the existing corrupt systems and replace them with new systems based on truth and love. The financial meltdown we witnessed in the middle of 2009 was the beginning of a series of collapses, which would culminate by the end of 2012. Scientists and Astronomers are predicting an intense solar activity in the next couple of years, which is expected to rupture the Earths electromagnetic field, resulting in the collapse of the electrical and communication systems, thus throwing our modern life completely out of gear. Many other dependent systems like transportation, supplies, medical facilities, employment, governance etc will also be severely affected and eventually will collapse. The other Earth changes like the reversal of the geographic poles and change in the direction of Earths rotation in 2012 will result in massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and extreme weather changes. Its obvious that we cannot withstand such chaos, anarchy and massive changes by any physical means. Only by having a strong spiritual connection with the divine can one sail through these turbulent times. Those who choose to transform and accept the values of the New Age will receive help and guidance from the Rishis and their workers. As the existing systems breakdown, they will be replaced by more efficient and evolved systems, which are in tune with the higher values of the New Age. But those who decide to hold on to the old values from the dark ages, refusing to transform, will perish in these massive changes.

Aff AT: Timeframe - 2012 Postponed until 20152012 has actually been postponed until 2015 because of the strength of negativity Singh, 4/29/11 (Ravinder Singh, Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events Ashtar Command Center Spiritual Blog,, accessed: 6/27/11, SL) Seven Earths have already been created, with varying degrees of purity levels to accomodate these people. These individuals will be shifted to these earths, depending on their purity levels, for transformation and learning. The Rishis will provide them many opportunities to qualify for the Light Age on this Earth. Why is 2012 Postponed? The expected changes The Rishis had estimated in 2007 that the evil and darkness on this earth would be reduced by nearly half by 21st Dec 2009. That was also the date on which our earth would enter the aura of the photon belt, an exact three years before the actual entry into the photon belt. Based on this, they planned to end the pralaya period on 21st december 2012, where all evil would be removed from the face of our earth. Reality! But the darkness on our earth has strengthened instead of reducing by half by this time. The negative forces which ruled our earth for the past 5000 years havent stepped back as expected by the Rishis. Theyve become united, determined and grown in strength as this is their last battle for survival on our Earth. Also, some Spiritual masters and world leaders from whom a lot was expected and who had raised a lot of initial hopes failed in their work and did not rise to the occasion. Hence many events and processes which had to start from 2010 could not be initiated because of the still existing stronghold of the dark forces. All these developments necessiated a change in the plans of the Rishis, as a result of which the pralaya period had to be extended by another two years. So, the churning period of pralaya which had to end on 21st december 2012 has been postponed to the middle of 2015! This also means that some of the drastic Earth changes that were expected to occur on that day have also been shifted to the middle of 2015! Next what?