construction environment...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) cse professor receives...

CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT The Magazine of the Faculty of Construction and Environment No. 1. November 2011

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Page 1: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTThe Magazine of the Faculty of Construction and Environment

No. 1. November 2011

Page 2: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Dean’s Message 院長的話 2Research & Technology Transfer 研究與技術轉移 3Seminar on “Partnering for Construction Excellence – A Reality or Myth?” 3「探討合夥建築項目優越性」研討會

Shenzhen-Hong Kong Energy and Environment Workshop Promotes Research Collaboration between PolyU & Peking University 4深港能源與環境工作坊促進理大與北大科研合作

Collaboration with Industry on Solar Photovoltaic Technology Development 5理大與業界攜手發展太陽能光伏技術

Research Project of BRE assesses revitalization impact 5建築及房地產學系專題研究評估古蹟活化計劃成效

CSE Professors working for blue skies across Asia 6土木及結構工程學系教授協力改善亞洲空氣質素

CSE Professors contribute know-how to safety of China’s high-speed rail 6土木及結構工程學系教授以專業知識協助提升中國高鐵安全

Results of the RGC General Research Fund 2011/12 7研資局公佈2011/12年度優配研究金申請結果

Awards & Achievements 優秀學者 成績斐然 8CSE academics chairs of professional causes 8土木及結構工程學系學者獲委要職

Honors for FCE colleagues 9建設及環境學院教員成績屢獲肯定

CSE Professor co-author of new book 9土木及結構工程學系教授新作面世

FCE hosts recipients of Hong Kong PhD Fellowship 10「香港博士研究生獎學金計劃」得獎人選擇於本院深造 Honourable mention for paper published in Canadian Geotechnical Journal 10土木及結構工程學系論文獲加拿大岩土技術期刊嘉許

Ir Professor Ko Jan-ming recipient of 2011 HKIE Gold Medal after making it to Hall of Fame 11高贊明教授工程師繼晉身「香港工程界翹楚」後再獲「香港工程師學會榮譽大獎」

BRE scholar receives Distinguished Alumni Award 12建築及房地產學系教授獲傑出校友獎

Former Head of LSGI becomes Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in UK 12土地測量及地理資訊學系前系主任晉身英國社會科學院院士

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding 2011 132011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (科研經費 )CSE Professor delivered a prestigious lecture in Nanjing 14土木及結構工程學系教授獲選於南京發表重要學術演講

Academic Programme Development rewarded by BRE 15課程發展工作獲建築及房地產學系嘉許

BRE academic top reviewer of energy journal 15建築及房地產學系學者獲學術期刊讚揚為最佳審查委員

CSE & BSE shine at PTeC Awards’ Ceremony 16建設及地政學院兩學系揚威理大「傑出專業服務獎」頒獎禮

Outstanding PolyU Alumni Awards 2011 172011年「傑出理大校友」頒獎典禮BRE awards instructor for outstanding teaching 20建築及房地產學系導師獲優秀教學獎

CSE Professor receives National Natural Science Award 21土木及結構工程學系教授獲「國家自然科學獎」殊榮

Law publications by BRE academic 21建築及房地產學系學者法學新作面世

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Publication Achievement 2011 212011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版 )CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra S. Desai 卓越獎CSE Professor takes Silver Medal for Eco-invention 22土木及結構工程學系教授憑環保新技術獲國際發明展銀獎

Contents 目錄

Page 3: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Events 活動剪影 23CSE Postgraduate Delegates at the Harbin Institute of Technology for the Small Satellite Scholar Forum in Civil Engineering 23土木及結構工程學系研究生代表團訪問哈爾濱工業大學

The 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering at PolyU 25第十四屆亞洲區岩土力學及岩土工程會議於理大舉行 PolyU hosts the 6th Annual Seminar on Spatial Information Science and Technology (ASSIST’10) 26理大主辦第六屆空間資訊科學及科技研討會

LSGI hosts the 7th Annual Seminar on Spatial Information Science and Technology 26土地測量及地理資訊學系主辦第七屆空間信息科學及科技研討會 PolyU successfully hosted the Third International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment (IPCIE 2011) 27第三屆「基建與環境國際研究生會議」於理大圓滿閉幕

PolyU hosts International Cartographic Association (ICA) Workshop on Theories of Map Design in Digital Era 28理大舉辦國際地圖學會「數碼年代地圖設計理論」工作坊 Faculty Distinguished Lecture 29建設及地政學院傑出學人講座

LSGI Department visited by Scientist from Makerere University, Uganda 29烏干達學者到訪土地測量及地理資訊學系

Seasoned researchers share their tips for getting funded 31資深科研工作者面授申請撥款要訣

The 5th Cross-strait Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering at PolyU 31理大主辦第五屆海峽兩岸結構與岩土工程學術研討會

Visitors from the Hong Kong Construction Association Bone up on Sustainable Technologies 32本院學者向香港建造商會會員介紹最先進持續建築科技

Faculty Public Lectures建設及地政學院公開講座

New Academic Staff 學院新教員 34Student News 學生消息 36Outstanding FCLU Students 36建設及地政學院優秀學生獲校方嘉許

PolyU’s Most Outstanding Student bags another Scholarship 37理大最卓越學生獎得主再獲獎學金

Entry Scholarships for Outstanding Postgraduate Students 38碩士組合課程新生獎學金計劃

LSGI & BRE Students Honoured for their Community Service 39本院同學勇奪社區服務金獎及卓越表現獎狀 PolyU Student at the 16th Asian Games 40理大學生出戰第十六屆亞運會

IRE graduates live up to RICS’ standards 40國際房地產理學碩士課程畢業生通過專業資格考核

CIB Student Chapter at PolyU wins award for 2 consecutive years 41國際建築工程研究與創新理事會理工大學分會連續兩年奪魁

BRE Student Won Best Paper Award at International Surveying Conference 42建築及房地產學系學生國際測量學研討會上勇奪最佳論文獎

LSGI Student wins Swire Polytechnic Scholarship 2010/2011 42土地測量及地理資訊學系學生榮獲2010/2011年度太古獎學金 Faculty Provides Top-Up Funding for Admitting Research Students 43建設及地政學院資助轄下學系錄取博士研究生

Learning Beyond the Campus 44放眼世界-走出課室的學習機會

Alumnus donation to benefit needy FCE students 45熱心校友捐款造福建設及環境學院學生

IRE Programme reaching new heights in its 10th anniversary 45國際房地產課程昂首邁進十周年

Study tour opens eyes of surveying students 46華南之旅讓測量學學生眼界大開

Student Paper Award 2011 46學生論文獎2011 BRE Students awarded for their dissertations 47建築及房地產學系畢業生論文屢獲嘉獎

Orientation Programme for Full-time Taught Postgraduate Students 2011/12 472011/12年度全日制授課式碩士課程迎新活動

Forthcoming Events 最新動向 55

Page 4: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

As you may have noticed, the name of our Faculty has recently been changed from the Faculty of Construction and Land Use to the Faculty of Construction and Environment. This name change occurred officially on 1 September 2011 to coincide with the new academic year, but the process of consultation was conducted over a long period before that. The Faculty’s newsletter has also taken on the new name of Construction and Environment to tie in with the renaming of the Faculty and to broaden its scope and functions. It is envisaged that Construction and Environment can be developed into a bilingual magazine (in Chinese and English) not only for reports on developments in the Faculty but also within the field of construction and environment around the world.

The name change was implemented to ensure that the name of the Faculty accurately reflects what we actually do and what we would like to do in the next period. Over the past decade or so, the environment (and sustainable urban development) has become a pressing concern and is high on the agenda of many top universities. This has also been the case for our Faculty, which has established a significant international reputation in the study of environmental issues.

A number of our existing academic programmes are closely related to the natural and built environment. They include: (1) BSc programme in Environment and Sustainable Development; (2) BSc programme in Environment and Occupational Safety and Health; (3) MSc/PgD in Environmental Management and Engineering; (4) MSc/PgD in Sustainable Urban Development; (5) BEng in Building Services Engineering. Programmes (1) and (4) are recent additions to our list of academic programmes.

On the research front, all four departments of the Faculty have developed substantial expertise in environment-related areas. A great deal of such expertise resides in the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE) and the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (CSE), which have in place two centres specifically devoted to research on environment-related themes, namely the Research Centre for Building Environmental Engineering and the Research Centre for Environmental Technology and Management. The Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics (LSGI) and the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) also possess strengths that contribute to research on the environment and sustainable development (e.g. remote monitoring of environmental changes in LSGI and urban planning for sustainability in BRE). The Faculty has also devoted much effort and resources to research activities in environment-related areas, in particular sustainable urban development, and is in the process of establishing a Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development that would integrate the strengths of all the related areas within and outside the Faculty.

Given the above developments, it is strongly believed that the name change of the Faculty is especially fitting and will position the Faculty to scale new heights in the future. I hope that all our readers will share this view and continue their support for the Faculty as before.


學院改名,是為了更準確地反映學院現時的教學與科研活動,以及未來的發展。近十年來,保護環境 (及可持續城市發展 )已成為刻不容緩的課題,不少一流大學對此極其重視,本院亦然。事實上,我們在研究環境問題方面已建立了良好的國際聲譽。

學院現時開辦的多個課程均與自然及建築環境息息相關,包括 (1)環境與可持續發展理學士課程;(2) 環境及職業安全與健康理學士課程;(3)環境管理及工程學理學碩士 /深造文憑課程;(4) 可持續城市發展學理學碩士 /深造文憑課程;以及 (5) 屋宇設備工程學工學士課程。當中,(1)及 (4)均屬新辦課程。

科研方面,學院四個學系已在與環境領域相關的學科累積了豐富的人才和經驗,尤以屋宇設備工程學系與土木及結構工程學系為甚。這兩個學系分別設有針對環境問題的研究中心,即「建築環境工程研究中心」及「環境科技及管理研究中心」。至於土地測量及地理資訊學系和建築及房地產學系,亦同樣對環境及可持續發展領域的研究貢獻良多 (例如前者的環境變化監測方面的工作以及後者的以可持續發展為目標的城市規劃方面的工作 )。另外,我們亦投放了不少資源,開展與環境相關的各項研究、尤其是可持續城市發展方面的研究。學院正在籌建「可持續城市發展研究所」,以匯聚學院內外從事有關工作的專才,加強該領域的研究。


Prof. Jin-Guang Teng Dean

Faculty of Construction and Environment The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dean’s Message院長的


Page 5: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Seminar on “Partnering for Construction Excellence – A Reality or Myth?”“Partnering” has been recognized and applied worldwide as an innovative management approach to procuring construction services, so as to foster collaborative working relationships and to enhance overall project performance.

On Monday, 27 September 2010, Dr Daniel W.M. CHAN, Associate Professor in the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) at PolyU, conducted a technical seminar on construction partnering at the headquarters of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). Dr CHAN’s expertise is in Construction Project Management, and he has abundant experience in both research and consultancy work on construction partnering accumulated over the past decade. The seminar covered the development and application of construction partnering in Hong Kong. It included its definitions, essential elements, implementat ion processes , benef i ts , difficulties and factors for success. These were supplemented by some case studies for illustration. The seminar was very informative and well received by over 80 attendees. It concluded with some interesting questions and insightful answers.











Technology TransferResearch & 研究與



Page 6: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Shenzhen-Hong Kong Energy and Environment Workshop Promotes Research Collaboration between PolyU & Peking UniversityWho says research has to be a solitary journey? To facilitate the collaboration of like-minded researchers working in the broad areas of Environment and Energy, a workshop was held on 20 December 2010 in Shenzhen University Town’s library. Sponsored by the School of Environment and Energy (SEE) of the Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School (PKUSGS), workshop participants included the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Faculty of Construction and Land Use (FCLU) Dean TENG Jin-Guang and eleven other FCLU professors, leaders from the Nanshan District Association for Science and Technology, US National Academy of Engineering Member Dr WANG Jawkai, the Director of Shenzhen Jawkai Bioengineering R&D Center, Ltd. and around a dozen SEE professors.

The opening ceremony consisted of three speeches by Peking University’s SEE Dean GENG Xu, Nanshan District Association of Science and Technology Vice-President CHENG Kanghou and PolyU FCLU Dean TENG Jin-Guang. All three expressed their desire to further Shenzhen-Hong Kong relations and their commitment to the development of the environment and energy sectors in the region.

Participants in the workshop shared their the latest research advances in areas such as water resources, wastewater treatment, bioenergy, green building technology, solid waste treatment, air quality as well as environmental law and policy. They also had the opportunity to interact with others with similar research interests. This was vital for the workshop’s goal, which was to expand collaboration between PolyU and PKUSGS, encourage free exchange and discussion and, ultimately, form specific collaborations in seven focus areas: green building technology, energy efficiency and conservation, landfill gas filtration and treatment, urban heat islands, environmental

深港能源與環境工作坊促進理大與 北大科研合作誰說科研是條孤單路?去年十二月二十日,深圳大學城圖書館就雲集了多位專家和學者,參加一個有關環境及能源研究的工作






















policy and law, heavy metal pollution as well as atmospheric photochemistry.

For both organizers and participants, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Energy and Environment Workshop was a complete success. New ties were generated and mutually beneficial partnerships were identified. The fruits of the workshop would take some time to grow, but the seeds of collaboration have been sown.


Page 7: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Collaboration with Industry on Solar Photovoltaic Technology DevelopmentThe Renewable Energy Research Group (RERG) in the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE) at PolyU, has started a collaborative venture with Trony Solar Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, a Shenzhen-based and world-leading manufacturer in thin-film solar photovoltaic. On 2 September 2010, a collaboration agreement was signed in the Science Park by Prof. H. YANG, leader of RERG, and Mr Y. LI, company chairman of Trony Solar Holdings, for developing thin-film building integrated photovoltaic panels and advanced solar cells.


與創益太陽能控股 (香港 )有限公司簽訂了合作協議。創益以深圳為基地,是國際首屈一指的太陽能光伏薄膜生產商。儀式假香港




在開發用於建築物的太陽能光伏發電組件及太陽能電池 (特別是染料敏化太陽能電池 )方面,研究小組已建立穩固根基,成就卓著。這次合作將進一步加強我們與業界的聯繫,並再次顯示理大





RERG has developed its strength in the research and development of solar photovoltaic applications in buildings and solar cells, especially the dye-sensitized solar cell. This collaboration with Trony Solar Holdings will further enhance the link between our research and its use by industry. The company has provided us with HKD 1.8 million in research funding through a scheme entitled ‘Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme Research.’ This Innovation and Technology Fund project has greatly enhanced our research and development capability in this area. A number of RERG members are now working on this project, under the leadership of Prof. H. YANG and Dr L. LU of BSE.

From courthouse to college for creative careers昔日法院變身為創意產業人材搖籃

Research Project of BRE assesses revitalization impactOn the afternoons of 30 May and 8 June 2011, more than 40 staff and students of PolyU visited the former north Kowloon magistracy building at 292 Tai Po Road in Sham Shui Po. Organized by the Department of Building and Real Estate, this was part of a public policy research project headed by Prof. Albert CHAN of BRE to assess the social, economic, cultural, and heritage impacts of a plan to revitalize historic buildings through a partnership scheme. The building is now the Hong Kong base of the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), a private American college that has revitalized the historic facility into a place for the study of digital media in Asia. New features in the building include a library and art gallery, computer labs and digital studios, classrooms and lecture halls.

Following the visit, PolyU staff and students had a chance to voice their opinions on the effectiveness of the revitalization partnership scheme in focus group discussions. Although SCAD did a fantastic job of preserving the facility, some skeptics were unconvinced about the success of the original plan to turn the historic structure into a local cultural landmark, since SCAD has an image of primarily serving foreign students and those from privileged backgrounds who can afford its high tuition cost.

建築及房地產學系專題研究評估 古蹟活化計劃成效 本年年五月三十日及六月八日下午,理大逾四十名師生參觀了位















Page 8: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

CSE Professors working for blue skies across AsiaOn 19 April 2011, Prof. Shuncheng LEE of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (CSE) gave a presentation on Hong Kong’s air quality management in Jakarta at the Trisakti University. In the audience were about 100 people, including academics and Indonesian government officials, whose overwhelmingly positive responses have provided the impetus for the creation of an Environmental Training Centre by CSE to train young people in partner countries.

This visit to Jakarta is part of the Blue Sky Asia - Clean Air Exchange Programme that is funded by Fredskorpset, also known as FK Norway, a Norwegian governmental body under the auspices of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its leading partner is the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Center (CAI-Asia). Besides PolyU’s CSE, its other partners are the Clean Air Network Nepal, Clean Air Sri Lanka, Komite Penghapusan Bensin Bertimbel of Indonesia, as well as the Vietnam Clean Air Partnership of the Vietnam Association for the Conservation of Nature and Environment.

Since the exchange programme started in September 2008, PolyU has been able to conduct research on the air quality of many Asian cities, including Hanoi, Kathmandu, Columbo and Jakarta. Under the leadership of Dr Wing Tat HUNG, the programme has enabled the exchange of postgraduates amongst the partner countries to work for 10 months monitoring and managing air quality. CSE has provided all the technical support and relevant training. Other CSE academics involved in this programme are Dr GUO Hai and Prof. LEE, who also attended the programme’s annual review meeting on his recent trip to Jakarta. Under this exchange programme, a memorandum of understanding has been signed with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of

土木及結構工程學系教授協力 改善亞洲空氣質素本年四月十九日,土木及結構工程學系李順誠教授應邀在雅加達

Trisakti University演講,主題是香港的空氣質素管理。演講吸引了近一百位人士參加,當中包括當地學者及政府官員。參加者對



雅加達之行是「藍天亞洲 – 清新空氣交流計劃」的一部分。此計劃獲挪威外交部屬下的公營組織Fredskorpset(FK Norway)撥款,並由「亞洲城市清新空氣行動中心」(CAI-Asia)牽頭,除理大土木及結構工程學系,合作夥伴還包括Clean Air Network Nepal(尼泊爾 )、Clean Air Sri Lanka(斯里蘭卡 )、Komite Penghapusan Bensin Bertimbel of Indonesia(印尼 ),以及「越南自然及環境保護協會」轄下的Vietnam Clean Air Partnership。






另外,學系亦根據上述計劃,與斯里蘭卡University of Moratuwa機械工程系簽訂了合作協議備忘錄。


較研究。由於今年的交流生Agung Muhammad來自印尼,該研究亦因而在雅加達進行。

Moratuwa in Sri Lanka.

Each year, a comparative air quality study has been conducted in the city where the participant is from. Since the current participant, Agung Muhammad, is from Indonesia, a comparative study is underway in Jakarta now.

CSE Professors contribute know-how to safety of China’s high-speed railTwo academics from the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Prof. Yiqing NI and Prof. Jianhua YIN, have been collaborating with colleagues from other PolyU departments in an interdisciplinary research team that studies the use of optical fibre technology in diverse applications. Their work has contributed to the development of the Advanced Fibre Bragg Grating Railway Monitoring System, which can keep track of train speed, axle balance, and vibration data, helping engineers to monitor the condition of tracks and railcars as well as the structural health of the rail foundation. Coordinating the campus-wide research on railway-related projects, Prof. NI has worked closely with Dalian Jiaotong University to install optical sensors for wind pressure measurement on the new generation of high-speed inspection trains for monitoring purposes.

Moreover, Prof. NI and Prof. YIN have partnered with Southwest Jiaotong University to monitor the settlement of rail foundation using another kind of optical sensor, which will lead to a better understanding of foundation safety and related issues. A project on the use of smart damping technology to enhance the stability

土木及結構工程學系教授以專業知識 協助提升中國高鐵安全光纖技術的應用範圍越趨廣泛。有見及此,理大成立了一個跨學













of high-speed trains has also been started with China CNR Corporation, Southwest Jiaotong University and Dalian Jiaotong University. In particular, the dampers developed by Prof. NI have worked exceedingly well in the test bed of Southwest Jiaotong University.


Page 9: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

研資局公佈2011/12年度 優配研究金申請結果研究資助局已於本年六月三十日公佈2011/12年度的優配研究金申請結果,下表顯示了本院七十四項申請獲資助的情況:

按教研人員的人均撥款額而論 (只計算合資格的同事 ),本院四個學系的排名順序為土木及結構工程學系、建築及房地產學系、屋




Results of the RGC General Research Fund 2011/12The application results for the 2011/12 General Research Fund (GRF) were announced on 30 June 2011, and the funding results of the Faculty’s 74 proposals are listed below:

In terms of the amount won per academic staff member (only eligible staff members are counted), the rankings of our four departments are: CSE, BRE, BSE and LSGI, but the differences between the first three departments are small. A comparison of departmental performance over the past 10 years using this indicator is shown in Figure 1.


Proposals Submitted申請宗數

Successful Proposals成功宗數

Success Rate成功率

Total amount of GRF funding (HK$)獲批的優配研究金總額 (港幣$)

Amount per staff member (HK$)教研人員人均撥款額 (港幣$)


21 6 29% $4,572,098 $157,659


18 6 33% $4,593,756 $153,125


23 8 35% $6,786,460 $178,591


12 2 17% $1,268,792 $79,300


74 22 30% $17,221,106 $568,675








$350000BRE 建築及房地產學系

BSE 屋宇設備工程學系

CSE 土木及結構工程學系

LSGI 土地測量及地理資訊學系

11/1210/1109/1008/0907/0806/0705/0604/0503/0402/03Year 年度



of G



nt P






HKU 港大

UST 科大

PolyU 理大


CityU 城大

Share of Total Grant Awarded (%) 2011/12

Within the broad field of construction, we are leading all other local universities by a big margin. In the Civil Engineering, Surveying, Building and Construction (CESBC) disciplines of the Engineering Panel, PolyU has ranked number 1 over the past 8 years in terms of both the number of GRF projects supported and the total grant value won, receiving constantly more than 40% of the all GRF grants allocated in these disciplines. In this round, the Faculty won 20 grants (or 43%) out of the 46 GRF grants awarded in the CESBC disciplines. The distribution of the amount of GRF funding in the 2011/12 round among different universities is shown in Figure 2.








Figure 1: Comparison of Amount of GRF Funding per Eligible Staff Member between Departments

圖一: 本院各學系獲批優配研究金的款額比較(以合資格教研人員的人均數值計算 )

Figure 2: Distribution of GRF Funding in the CESBC Disciplines among Institutions in the 2011/12 Round

圖二: 各大學在2011/12年度獲批優配研究金 (土木工程、測量及建造工程 )的情況


Page 10: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra


者 成績斐然

CSE academics chairs of professional causesDr Eddie Siu Shu LAM, an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, has been elected to serve for a year as Chairman of the Structural Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). He took up his responsibilities as Chairman after the 36th Annual General Meeting of HKIE on 23 June 2011 at the Jockey Club Auditorium of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is also serving as the Chairman of the 2012 Quality Building Award, which is jointly organized by 9 institutions and patronized by leading government officials in Hong Kong.

Professor K.T. CHAU, Chair Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, has been nominated as Chair of the “Elasticity Committee” of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) from 2011. A technical committee meeting was held during the EMI Conference at Northeastern University, Boston, USA on June 2-4, 2011. Currently there are 13 active members in the Elasticity Committee.






程師學會 (ASCE)工程力學研究所 (EMI) 轄下「彈性學委員會」的主席。該委員會於本年六月二日至四日假波士頓東北大學舉行的



At the reception for the Board of Governors of EMI at Northeastern University with Miss Verna Jameson (secretary of EMI), Prof. Alex Cheng (President of EMI), Prof. Ming L. Wang (Chairman of the Organizing Committee of EMI 2011) and Prof. Kam Tim Chau (starting from left to right)工程力學研究所理事會會員於美國東北大學參加工程力學研究所大會招待會。

(左起 ) Miss Verna Jameson (工程力學研究所秘書 ),程宏達教授 (工程力學研究所主席 ),Prof. Ming L. Wang (工程力學研究所大會2011籌委會主席 ) 及周錦添教授


Page 11: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Honors for FCE colleagues2010 was a good year for Prof. WANG Shengwei, Chair Professor of Building Services Engineering in the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Besides the publication of his definitive textbook on intelligent buildings and building automation, accolades for his work have followed one after another. At the China International Industry Fair in Shanghai last November, he won an Innovation Award for his energy-saving technology based on the life-cycle diagnosis and optimization of buildings. In the same month, at the National HVAC and Refrigeration Conference in Hangzhou, his paper titled “Enhancing Building Cooling Load Measurement Using Data Fusion Technique” won the Outstanding Paper Award. Around the same time, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) also shortlisted his work with Sun Hung Kai for the 2011 Building Performance Award.

Other professors recognized for their achievements included Prof. TANG Bo-sin of the Department of Building & Real Estate and Prof. NI Yi-qing of the Department of Civil & Structural Engineering. Prof. TANG received a Faculty Award for his excellent teaching, while Prof. NI received the President’s Award for his prolific research and scholarly activities. Both of them were honored in a ceremony at the Jockey Club Auditorium on 26 November 2010.

Teamwork was also rewarded at the ceremony. Prof. Frank S. C. LEE of the Department of Civil & Structural Engineering and two of his colleagues Dr HO K. F. and Mr Jazz CHAN, along with 2 staff members from the Facilities Management Office (FMO) and 4 from the Health, Safety, and Environment Office (HSEO) were acknowledged for their work on a 5-year project to investigate







地產研發的系統更入圍英國特許屋宇設備工程學會 (CIBSE)「2011年建築性能大獎」的候選項目,足證其成就獲海內外認同。





授,則憑出色的研究及學術活動而獲得「校長特設卓越表現 /成就獎」。



(FMO)和健康安全及環境事務處 (HSEO) 合共六位同事的協助下,展開了長達五年的研究,目的是調查大學校園內地底爆炸性氣體




務 (團隊 )」組別的「傑出表現 /成就獎」。

underground explosive gas and assess the impact of high-risk pollutants emission from laboratories on the PolyU campus. They won a Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in the Team category for their services that led to a change in the

campus policy of allocating centralized laboratories with a specific strategy to deal with high risk laboratories

and ultimately made PolyU a safer place for all.

CSE Professor co-author of new bookA new book titled Moving Loads - Dynamic Analysis and Identification Techniques has been coauthored by Prof. Siu-Seong LAW of PolyU’s Department of Civil & Structural Engineering and Dr Xin-Qun ZHU of the University of Western Sydney. Providing a comprehensive treatment on the interaction phenomenon that is very common between different components of a mechanical system, it is the eighth volume in a series of books published by the CRC Press on structures and infrastructures. Using the vehicle-bridge system as an illustration of the moving load problem, this volume begins with detailed descriptions of the dynamic behavior of continuous beam, beam-slab type bridge deck, and multi-box spline bridge decks under the passage of moving loads. It then addresses moving load identification problems with simple methods for universal application and with specialized techniques. A final chapter treats problems associated with the practical application of moving load identification techniques.

土木及結構工程學系教授新作面世土木及結構工程學系的羅紹湘教授,最近聯同西悉尼大學的 朱信群博士出版了一本新作,取名《移動荷載 – 動態分析及辨識技術》,由CRC Press印行,是該社結構學及基建叢書的第八冊,針對機械系統中不同部件經常產生的互動現象,提出全面的處理









Intended for working professionals and postgraduates interested in such phenomenon, this book will come in handy on the job and in more advanced studies. Kudos for Prof. LAW and his coauthor for shedding light on an important topic in structural engineering.


Page 12: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

「香港博士研究生獎學金計劃」 得獎人選擇於本院深造在2011/12學年,建設及環境學院轄下各學系都最少會錄取一位「香港博士研究生獎學金」得獎人。該獎學金由香港研究資助局設



除了免付學費,他們每月均可獲港幣二萬元 (折合約二千六百美元 )生活資助,以及每年港幣一萬元 (折合約一千三百美元 )會議 /研究活動交通津貼,為期三年。評審小組除了注重申請人的學術



FCE hosts recipients of Hong Kong PhD FellowshipFor the 2011/12 academic year, each department of the Faculty is hosting at least one PhD student who has been awarded a Hong Kong PhD Fellowship by the Research Grants Council. This is the second year in a row that FCE has managed to attract 5 students supported by the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship, which is competitive and only given to the best and brightest minds.

In addition to having their tuition fees waived, Fellowship winners receive a monthly stipend of HK$20,000 (approximately US$2,600) and a conference/research related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year for a period of three years. Students are chosen based on their academic excellence, research ability and potential, communication and


Name of Student學生

Name of Supervisor 導師


SUN Qiong孫琼

Dr Meng NI倪萌博士


LUO Yi Mo羅伊默

Prof. Hongxing YANG楊洪興教授


YU Han于晗

Prof. Siu-lai CHAN陳紹禮教授


ZHANG Anshu張安舒

Prof. Wenzhong SHI史文中教授


Y NithiyanandamProf. Janet NICHOLJanet NICHOL教授

interpersonal skills, as well as their leadership abilities. Below are the names of the students and their supervisors.

土木及結構工程學系論文獲加拿大岩土技術期刊嘉許由殷建華教授聯同鄭俊文、Md. KUMRUZZAMAN及周萬歡撰寫的論文「新混合邊界、測試地質材料三維應力–應變–強度行為的真三軸儀」,成為刊登於2010年《加拿大岩土技術期刊》卷一的首篇文章,並在加拿大岩土技術學會主辦的2011 R. M. QUIGLEY頒獎禮獲得嘉許。獎項以西安大略大學前教授兼《加拿大岩土技術

期刊》前總編輯R.M. QUIGLEY命名,每年頒發予在該刊發表的最優秀論文。







Honourable mention for paper published in Canadian Geotechnical JournalA paper entitled “New mixed boundary, true tri-axial loading device for testing three-dimensional stress–strain–strength behaviour of geo-materials” by Prof. Jian-Hua YIN, Chun-Man CHENG, Md. KUMRUZZAMAN, and Wan-Huan ZHOU was rewarded with an honourable mention in the 2011 R. M. QUIGLEY Awards organized by the Canadian Geotechnical Society. It was published as the first paper in the first issue of the Canadian Geotechnical Journal in 2010. Named after a former Professor of the University of Western Ontario and former Chief Editor of the Canadian Geotechnical Journal, the R.M. QUIGLEY Awards recognize the best papers published by the journal each year.

All co-authors of the paper were MPhil or PhD students from the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering. They have designed an innovative way to test soil in a true tri-axial loading device, which has long been a challenging research area. Their design is considered the best one for a true tri-axial loading device. Moreover, professors from Tsinghua University have paid

two recent visits to the Soil Mechanics Lab of CSE and planned to use the design by Professor YIN and his co-authors to build a large scale true tri-axial loading device for testing coarse soils in mainland China.


Page 13: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Ir Professor Ko Jan-ming recipient of 2011 HKIE Gold Medal after making it to Hall of FameAt the 36th Annual Dinner of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) on 15 March 2011, Ir Prof. KO Jan-ming was honoured with the HKIE Gold Medal, a tribute to his outstanding contributions to the engineering profession. Currently an Emeritus Professor of Structural Engineering at PolyU, where he had a distinguished academic career for more than three decades, he also made a lasting impact in the construction industry with the development of an award-winning Mega-Structure Diagnostic and Prognostic System, now an indispensable tool for structural health monitoring. He is influential in numerous professional organizations, including the Institution of Structural Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, and the Construction Industry Council. His association with HKIE has been long and productive. From 2001 to 2007, he was the Chairman of its Accreditation Board, where he actively promoted the international recognition of engineering qualifications. An ardent supporter of engineering education, his legacy of quality standards will live on in the profession as well as the built environment. Congratulations to Ir Prof. KO for winning a well deserved Gold Medal from the HKIE, which also organized a Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre last December to honour outstanding members.

Not surprisingly, Ir Prof. KO also made the cut to the Hall of Fame with his impressive accomplishments and exemplary contributions to HKIE, the engineering profession, and the community as a whole. Along with 22 other honourees, he was presented with an engraved plaque and a certificate at HKIE’s 35th Anniversary Reception on 2 December 2010. Marking the 35th year of establishment of the HKIE ordinance, the jubilant occasion was attended by more than 300 people, including the

高贊明教授工程師 繼晉身「香港工程界翹楚」後再獲 「香港工程師學會榮譽大獎」為了表揚高贊明教授工程師對工程界的重大貢獻,香港工程師學


譽大獎」。高教授現為理工大學榮休教授 (結構工程 ),服務理大逾三十年,由他的團隊研發的得獎發明「大型結構診斷與預測系


















Ir Prof. Ko receiving the HKIE Gold Medal高贊明教授工程師接過「香港工程師學會榮譽大獎」

Ir Prof. Ko inducted into Hall of Fame高贊明教授工程師獲選「香港工程界翹楚」

Chief Executive of the HKSAR, the Honourable Donald TSANG, and the Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) at PolyU, Ir Prof. TENG Jin-Guang. To coincide with it, a special book documenting the achievements of the inductees was also published. It is hoped that the publication of the success stories of the Hall of Famers will attract new blood to the engineering profession, which has been a great source of fulfilment for Ir Prof. KO.


Page 14: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

BRE scholar receives Distinguished Alumni AwardProf. Bo-sin TANG, Associate Head of the Department of Building & Real Estate, has received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning (CUSUP) of the University of Hong Kong in January 2011.

CUSUP was established in 1980 and renamed as the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management (CUPEM) in 1991. On 1 July 2008, it was restructured with the Department of Urban Planning and Design (DUPAD) in the Faculty of Architecture to continue the teaching of urban planning as well as related areas in housing management and transport. With the reorganization, CUSUP was able to continue its interdisciplinary research in urban studies and planning. The 2010-11 year marks the 30th Anniversary of the founding of CUSUP.

Prof. TANG earned his MSc in Urban Planning with distinction from CUSUP in 1987. He received the Award from the ex-Centre Director, Prof. Peter HILLS, during the CUSUP 30th Anniversary Dinner held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 7 January 2011.


城市研究及城市規劃中心 (CUSUP)頒發「傑出校友獎」。

CUSUP在1980年成立,於1991年改名為城市規劃及環境管理研究中心;2008年七月一日,與港大建築學院的城市規劃及設計系一併重組,繼續從事城市規劃及相關房屋 /運輸管理的教學工作,並對城市研究和城市規劃開展跨學科研究。







Prof. Tang receiving his award from Prof. Hills鄧寶善教授由姚思教授


Former Head of LSGI becomes Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in UKProfessor Allan BRIMICOMBE, formerly the founding Head of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics (LSGI) at PolyU, has been conferred the award of Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in the U.K., for his contribution to Social Sciences.

“The Academy is delighted to confer the award of Academician on Allan. By background he is a quantitative geographer, but has applied his techniques in a cross-disciplinary manner and has got practitioners at home and abroad to adopt them. His contributions in Hong Kong and on the Olympics stand out particularly. It is good to be able to recognise the application of technical knowledge more broadly in social science contexts.”

In 1989, Professor Allan BRIMICOMBE joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where he pioneered the use of geo-information systems (GIS) and environmental modelling as spatial decision support systems. He returned to the UK as Professor and Head of the School of Surveying at the University

土地測量及地理資訊學系前系主任晉身英國社會科學院院士土地測量及地理資訊學系創系主任 Allan BRIMICOMBE 教授,最近獲英國社會科學院頒授院士榮銜,以表揚他對社會科學的貢獻。

該院發表的聲明指出:「我們很高興能頒授院士榮銜予Allan BRIMICOMBE 教授。他出身計量地理學,卻能把技術應用到其他多個學科,成為本國和海外同業的典範,對香港及倫敦奧運研



Allan BRIMICOMBE教授於1989年加入香港理工大學,率先採用地理資訊系統 (GIS)及環境建模技術進行空間分析和決策;1995年,他回國出任東倫敦大學測量學院院長及教授,並在2001年於該校成立地理資訊研究中心。


of East London in 1995 and formed the Centre for Geo-Information Studies in 2001.

Congratulations Professor BRIMICOMBE!


Page 15: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding 2011

Dr CHEN Mingli of the Department of Building Services Engineering has been selected to receive the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding 2011 based on his success in securing external competitive research funding in the last three years (2008-2011). His 3 research grants all came from the Research Grants Council General Research Fund, which have supported the following projects:

1. GRF no.: PolyU 5129/08E Title: New technique for locating lightning based on

single-station observation Funding: HK$0.4M for 2 years starting from 1 Jan 2009

Ground-based lightning detection and location technique has played a critical role in minimizing the adverse effects of lightning. Most commercially available systems, however, requires at least three observation stations separated by several ten to hundred kilometres to work together, making the overall system cost high.

This project aims to develop a new technique capable of locating lightning based on single-station observation. This new technique will be low-cost with a high flexibility for utilization. In particular, it will be very useful for hazard prevention in the private sector and in airports, power systems, and the storage of flammable goods.

2. GRF no.: PolyU 5135/09E Title: New method to obtain the optimum source

direction using a wideband magnetic direction finder

Funding: HK$0.8M for 3 years starting from 1 Jan 2010

Most lightning locating systems are utilizing either the magnetic direction-finding (DF) or time-of-arrival (TOA) technologies. A problem is that the DF is susceptible to inherent azimuth errors, also known as site errors. The existing approach to this issue, however, has obvious defects in that the site errors at a DF station are assumed to be a systematic function of direction but are time invariant. Furthermore, the existing approach, which needs to analyze historical data from a network of at least three DFs, doesn’t work for a stand-alone DF anymore.

2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (科研經費 )「2011年院長特設卓越表現獎」的得主,是屋宇設備工程學系副教授陳明理博士。陳博士獲獎,是因為連續於過去三年 (2008-2011)成功競逐校外的研究經費。他獲得的三筆撥款都來自香港研究資助局的「優配研究金」,現簡述如下:

1. 項目編號 : PolyU 5129/08E 名稱 : 以單一測站數據為依據的新閃電定位技術

撥款金額 : 港幣四十萬元 (2009年一月一日開始、為期二年 )








2. 項目編號 : PolyU 5135/09E 名稱 : 使用寬頻磁方位定向儀尋找最佳源頭方向的新方法

撥款金額 : 港幣八十萬元 (2010年一月一日開始、為期三年 )

大部分閃電定位系統都採用磁測向 (DF)或收訊時間 (TOA)科技,但前者易受內在的方位誤差 (場地誤差 )影響。現時,解決這問題的方法有很多明顯缺點,就是測站場地誤差被假設成非時變的但





有一個測向站的閃電定位系統 (一般會把測向與估計源頭距離的技術結合起來 )。

3. 項目編號 : PolyU 5130/10E 名稱 : 計算閃電定位網絡絕對偵測效率的新統計模型及其


撥款金額 : 港幣一百零三萬元 ( 2011年一月一日開始、為期三年 )

偵測效率 (DE)是衡量閃電定位網絡 (LLN)表現的一個關鍵指標,對閃電數據的使用,尤其是繪製閃電密度圖非常重要。現時,評











院長特設卓越表現獎 (科研經費 )得主除可獲得現金獎港幣一萬五千元外,還可獲發港幣二十萬元研究資助,至於獎狀,會留待



Page 16: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

This project aims to develop a new algorithm that can be incorporated into the DF system to identify and correct site errors in real-time for individual lightning strokes. In particular, this new algorithm can be used in a single-site lightning locating system that usually combines a DF with a technique to estimate the distance of the source.

3. GRF no.: PolyU 5130/10E Title: A new statistical model for computing the absolute

detection efficiency of a lightning location network and its application

Funding: HK$1.03M for 3 years starting from 1 Jan 2011

One important performance characteristic of the Lightning Location Network (LLN) is its detection efficiency (DE), which is essential for the use of lightning data, especially for drawing lightning density maps. Most existing approaches for DE estimation of a LLN are based on comparisons between the lightning data detected by the LLN and those recorded by video systems, which can only give an approximation of the average

DE of the LLN within limited areas for limited time periods.

This study aims to develop a new statistical approach for estimating the DE of a LLN by using the large amount of lightning data reported by the LLN itself. In particular, this new approach can provide the spatial distribution of the DE of individual sensors in a LLN and therefore the DE profile of the whole LLN. It may also be implemented and repeated any number of times for various sets of historical data when necessary. The DE estimated from a set of data, in turn, can be used to correct that set of data for more accurate maps of lightning density, thus increasing the protection from lightning.

The Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding comes with a cash prize of HK$15,000 and a research grant of HK$200,000. The award certificate will be presented to Dr CHEN at the 2011 Faculty Congregation and Prize Presentation Ceremony in November. Keep up the good work, Dr CHEN!

CSE Professor delivered a prestigious lecture in NanjingOn 9 April 2011, Ir Prof. YIN Jian-Hua of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering was honoured to be the first academic from Hong Kong to give the “Huang Wen-Xi Lecture” in Nanjing. The “Huang Wen-Xi Lecture” is named after an outstanding geotechnical engineer and an exemplary scholar, Professor Huang Wen-Xi, who was born in 1909 in Shanghai and graduated with a PhD in the 1930s from the University of Michigan before returning to work at Tsinghua University. In addition to publishing numerous books on geotechnical engineering, he also established the Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering , which has published Prof.’s YIN paper “From constitutive modeling to development of laboratory testing and optical fiber sensor monitoring technologies” in its first issue this year.

The “Huang Wen-Xi Lecture” series has been likened to the “Terzaghi Lecture” in the US and the “Rankine Lecture” in the UK, both top-ranking lectures in the field of geotechnical engineering. Started in 1998, it is now up to its 14th lecture, which was given by Prof. YIN. Previous lecturers have been academicians and distinguished scholars in Mainland China and two of them were Chinese scholars in the US. Congratulations to Prof. YIN for joining these illustrious predecessors after a rigorous selection process by the 80-strong editorial board of the Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.

土木及結構工程學系教授獲選於南京 發表重要學術演講本年四月九日,土木及結構工程學系殷建華教授應邀於南京主講







「黃文熙講座」始於1998年,與美國“Terzaghi Lecture”及英國“Rankine Lecture”齊名,在岩土工程界享有崇高學術地位,而由殷建華教授主講的這一次,已是這系列講座的第十四回。以往的






Page 17: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

課程發展工作獲建築及房地產學系嘉許「建築及房地產學理學碩士學位 /深造文憑」課程獲得2010/11年度建築及房地產學系「課程發展卓越成就獎」。領導課程發展工作







在獲獎前的三個學年中 (即2007/08、2008/09及2009/10年度 ),此課程在下述四方面均有出色的表現:

1.構思及 /或開發新學術課程



4.成功採用 /研發創新的授課及學習模式









Academic Programme Development rewarded by BREThe MSc/PgD in Construction and Real Estate has been recognized by the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) with a departmental award. Led by Dr Daniel W.M. CHAN, Associate Professor of BRE, the programme management team also included Dr Linda FAN, Dr Ann YU, Dr Stanley YEUNG, and Mrs Gracie IP.

This self-financed taught postgraduate programme is designed to provide a learning opportunity for practicing architects, engineers, surveyors, project managers, property managers, town planners, and other real estate professionals to broaden and deepen their knowledge of the construction and real estate sectors. At least 16 cohorts have been recruited since the first intake in September 1995, with an average of 50 students admitted annually.

The programme has made significant achievements in the following four areas in three consecutive academic years immediately before the year of award, i.e. 2007/08, 2008/09 and 2009/10.

1. Initiation and/or management of the development of an academic programme

2. Successful development of new subjects or enhancement of subjects that help to enhance an academic programme

3. Pro-active promotion of academic programmes to potential students

4. Successful implementation/development of innovative approaches to teaching and learning

The strength of this programme has secured a brand name for itself in the higher education market. It has attracted quality students and produced several batches of prominent graduates. For the September 2011 intake, a record 343 applications were received, with 144 for full-time study and 199 for part-time, indicating its high recognition and wide popularity amongst

prospective applicants, especially those from mainland China.

In recognition of their outstanding achievements, members of the winning team will each receive a certificate signed by the Head of BRE, Prof. Geoffrey Q.P. SHEN, and a trophy. Congratulations to the winning team for their continued success.

BRE academic top reviewer of energy journalDr Meng NI, an assistant professor in the Department of Building and Real Estate, has been acknowledged by the publisher, Clare LEHANE, and editor-in-chief, YAN Jinyue, of Applied Energy as their top reviewer in 2010. His exceptional reviews of papers for the journal have helped to maintain its quality. Applied Energy ( ) is a prestigious journal in the area of energy conversion and conservation, the optimal use of energy resources, analysis and optimization of energy processes, mitigation of environmental pollutants, and sustainable energy systems. It’s listed in the Science Citation Index and its impact factor is 3.9.




Clare LEHANE及 總 編輯嚴晉躍教授讚譽為該









Page 18: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

CSE & BSE shine at PTeC Awards' CeremonyOn 11 February 2011, the PolyU Technology & Consultancy Company Ltd. (PTeC) held a ceremony to honour the winners of its Outstanding Professional Services Awards 2010. Two of the Faculty’s departments were in the limelight. The Department of Civil & Structural Engineering (CSE) won two awards: one for being the Most Active Department in terms of the highest aggregated invoiced value during the last financial year (the amount was over HKD 19 million) and one for Maximum Staff Participation, with 53.3% of its academic staff engaged in consultancy work. Not far behind was the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE), which merited an award with 42.9% of staff participation.

Individual awards were also given to two academics from CSE and one from BSE. Prof. NI Yiqing and his team at the Structural Health Monitoring Centre won twice for their consultancy projects for overseas clients. Their design and implementation supervision of structural health monitoring as well as their inspection, maintenance and management system for the Qingdao Bay Bridge had the highest contract value (winner of the Highest International Consultancy) while their development of a structural health monitoring system for the new Shenzhen Stock Exchange headquarters also merited an award.

The other academic from CSE who won a Merit Award for the Most Valued Project was Prof. William H.K. LAM. His speed map panels (SMP) for the New Territories were the result of

建設及地政學院兩學系揚威理大 「傑出專業服務獎」頒獎禮理大科技及顧問有限公司於本年二月十一日舉辦頒獎禮,嘉許一
















方案演算法,並以此研製新界地區快速地圖板 (SMP)。地圖板能夠顯示往來不同路段的估計速度及所需時間。安裝、操作及保養

系統 (八年 )的總造價為港幣七千四百五十萬元,預計可於2012年初啟用,對配運商管理車隊或市民計劃車程都很有幫助。



Prof. Ni (left) receiving the PTeC awards on behalf of his team倪一清教授(左)代表團隊領獎

Dr Fong (left) receiving his award from Prof. Chan方博士接受由陳教授頒發的獎項

Prof. Lam (left) receiving his award from Prof. Wai林教授接受由衛教授頒發的獎項

an innovative solution algorithm he developed in collaboration with Autotoll Ltd. They displayed the estimated traffic speeds and the duration of time required for travel on various road segments. The implementation, operation, and maintenance of the SMP system for 8 years will cost a total of HK$ 74.5 million. The system is expected to be launched in early 2012. It will aid logistics operators in fleet management as well as the general public in planning their daily travel by cars.

Last but not least, Dr FONG Nai-Kong of BSE was named the winner of the Most Active New Consultant Award. He generated the most aggregated consultancy income as a first-timer in the 09/10 financial year.


Page 19: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

2011年「傑出理大校友」頒獎典禮香港理工大學 (理大 )於本年四月十九日假尖沙咀洲際酒店舉行傑出校友頒獎典禮 。這項盛事由理大及理大校友會聯會於1996年底首次舉辦,每兩年一次,旨在表揚在所屬專業成就不凡,並對







崔德剛工程師 香港工業專門學院1959年建築學文憑畢業生










何恆光教授 香港工業專門學院1971年測量學及建築科技高級文憑畢業生

Outstanding PolyU Alumni Awards 2011On 19 April 2011, outstanding PolyU alumni were honoured in a dinner ceremony at the Inter-Continental Hotel. Jointly organized by PolyU and the Federation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alumni Associations since late 1996, this biennial award aims to give public recognition to the outstanding graduates of PolyU for their accomplishments in their professions and their contributions to the community.

Three of the winners for this year’s Outstanding PolyU Alumni Awards were once students in construction-related disciplines at what was then known as the Hong Kong Technical College, the predecessor to the present Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The oldest honoree, Ir TSUI Tack-kong, graduated more than 40 years ago. The other two, Prof. Thomas HO Hang-Kwong and Ir Prof. James LAU Chi-wang, were also outstanding alumni of the Department of Building and Real Estate and the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering respectively at the Faculty Congregation and Prize Presentation Ceremony in November last year. Following are their profiles of excellence.

Ir TSUI Tack-kong Diploma in Building /1959 (Hong Kong Technical College)

Ir TSUI is the Managing Director of T.K. Tsui & Associates Limited. He started his career at the Public Works Department of the Hong Kong Government and the China Light and Power Co. Limited before setting up his own development consulting firm in 1973. He is an Authorized Person, a Registered Structural Engineer and a Registered Geotechnical Engineer with over 50 years’ experience in the construction field. He is a Fellow of The Institution of Structural Engineers and was the First Chairman of its HK branch in 1979.

Ir TSUI is actively involved in local charities. He has been a Director of Pok Oi Hospital and Yan Oi Tong. He is also a consultant to many non-profit making societies. Ir TSUI has given unwavering support to his alma mater over the past decades. He is a Founding Member of the PolyU Development Foundation and has sponsored various fund-raising events of the university. In 2009, Ir TSUI conceived and found the “Wall of Pride” in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his graduation and the early development of the institute. He also serves as a Senior Advisor to the President on various on-going campus development projects.

Professor Thomas HO Hang-kwong Higher Diploma in Surveying/Building Technology (General Surveying) /1971 (Hong Kong Technical College)

After graduation, he was fortunate enough to join the civil service and was sent to the UK for training in all aspects relating to land administration, town planning, law and real estate valuation. His ensuing 19 years in the Hong Kong Government have given him invaluable experience in land administration, land acquisition and land economics. In 1991, he joined the MTR Corporation as their Property Director. The Hong Kong political climate was very uncertain at that time with the interminable discussions on the return of sovereignty. The restriction of 50 hectares of land disposal per annum came into being then. With his professional background and experience in the Government,


Page 20: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

he was able to mastermind large-scale property development projects at the five stations along the Airport Express Railway, getting the consent of not only the then Hong Kong Government, but also the Land Commission of the Joint Liaison Group. That was a pioneer land disposal concept unheard of before his time. He was able to convince the then Hong Kong Government to grant a single lot of land to MTR in advance for development with the land premium payable in phases afterwards. Without that concept, large-scale developments like the International Finance Centre, the Kowloon Station and the LOHAS Park in Tseung Kwan O would not have been possible.

Serving on both the MTR Corporation Board and the Executive Committee, Professor HO has played a key role in developing and managing all properties above and adjacent to MTR stations and depots. His great endeavours in publicizing and realizing the MTR integrated “Rail + Property” development model have not only shaped the urban landscape, but have also brought dignified civilisation to high density development. The concept of seamless integration between railway, road transport and other functions like shopping, living, working and hotels in one-stop shop has inspired many mayors of big cities in Mainland China and the west. Due to the convenience that the underground railway provides, Hong Kong people are fond of living and working directly above MTR stations. As a result, car ownership has been kept at the lowest possible level, i.e. only about half a million, in contrast to other big cities in the world. The rail and property model has greatly helped MTR to finance the capital expenditure of its railway extensions. It is his personal wish that he could export his accumulated skills and experience to places outside Hong Kong where underground railway systems are required.

He is particularly proud of two iconic projects, namely, the 88-storey high International Finance Centre (IFC) at the Hong Kong Station and the 118-storey International Commercial Centre (ICC) at the Kowloon Station, which have now become the gateway of the Victoria Harbour. With the help and understanding of friends and Government officials at the time, it was possible for him to secure the planning permission for these two developments, which have since become a symbol of Hong Kong’s status as a world-class city despite their controversial height.

He is modest about being one of the first outstanding BRE alumni, for he feels many of his friends, colleagues and development partners are more deserving of the award than himself. Without their unreserved support and counsel, he would not have been able to plan, build and complete so many developments along various railway extensions since the early 1990s. He is extremely thankful to the panel of judges of the first outstanding BRE Alumni Award for their recognition, and to the Technical College for nurturing so many professionals in the building and construction industry. He hopes that PolyU will continue to prosper along with the growth of Hong Kong and Mainland China for many more years to come.

Currently, Prof. HO is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, a member of the Organizing Committee of The Community Chest of Hong Kong, as well as an Honorary Professor of the













站及車廠上蓋 /鄰近物業有舉足輕重的影響力。他致力推廣和實踐「鐵路+物業」的「一條龍」發展方向,不但重塑了香港市區的面貌,也令「高密度發展」變得更合符人情。這種以鐵路 /陸路交通樞紐為中心,結合購物、居住、工作和酒店發展的模式,啟發























劉志宏教授工程師 香港工業專門學院1968年結構工程學高級文憑畢業生


Page 21: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra





























Department of Real Estate and Construction of The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He is also an Adjunct Professor at PolyU and strongly supports the Department of Building and Real Estate, where he serves as a member of the Departmental Advisory Committee.

Ir Professor James LAU Chi-wang Higher Diploma in Structural Engineering /1968 (Hong Kong Technical College)

Professor LAU is Managing Director of James Lau & Associates Limited and Fong On Construction Limited. He obtained his Master’s degree in Structural Engineering from The University of Manchester and earned a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of London. Later, he became a Barrister-at-Law from the Gray’s Inn in the UK. Professor LAU’s professional qualifications have enabled him to be a registered structural and geotechnical engineer specializing in construction laws, contracts, and project management.

Professor LAU is a Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and The Institution of Structural Engineers. He was also a former Vice President of the Institution of Structural Engineers. Through active participation on government boards and committees, he has contributed his professional expertise to the community. He is currently a member of the Town Planning Board and the Wong Tai Sin District Council, where he has served for over 7 years. As a District Councilor, he learned that a good engineering design must have three elements: it should be technically sound, cost-effective, and above all, satisfy human needs. In 2009, he was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star. Professor LAU has also been a strong supporter of education, sharing his valuable experience as an Adjunct Professor of several tertiary institutions, including PolyU.

Every time Prof. LAU returns to PolyU, he cannot help but be amazed at the great changes that have appeared on the campus. According to him, there are currently 3 major construction projects at PolyU. These projects all have a very tight time schedule. They have to be completed by June 2012 before the launch of the new 4-year degree programmes. The President has appointed him as one of the Senior Advisors on the construction of these projects, the designs of which are very impressive. By the time they are completed, they will have altered the landscape of the Tsim Sha Tsui and Hung Hom areas. He is very pleased that he has played a part in PolyU’s transformation.


Page 22: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Perhaps because of the opportunities that have come his way, Prof. LAU feels indebted to his alma mater. His teachers have also taught him much when he was studying to be a civil engineer. He treasures the basic training he was given more than 40 years ago. By basic training, he means the basic principles and concepts of engineering, which have served him extremely well in his subsequent work as a design engineer, as a contractor, as a legal practitioner and as an expert witness.

During his career as an engineer, he used to encounter many legal problems, so he decided to get a law degree. After a brief stint as a barrister, he returned to engineering, which was more attractive to him because it allowed him to create, design and build. Over the years, he has designed many hotels and holiday resorts in Asia. Every time he is on holiday in South-East Asia, there is a very good chance that he may be staying in one of his creations. Whenever that happens, he has really enjoyed the experience.

However, he does not regret having a legal qualification. In the many cases where he has appeared in court, he believes that the verdict or award would have been very different if the engineers involved in the dispute have had some basic legal training. He has made this known to the advisory committees of the local universities, which has led to the introduction of a number of law courses to the civil engineering programmes. He has taught law for civil engineers at HKU, a minor degree programme in law for engineers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as well as the MSc programme in construction law and arbitration at PolyU.

Prof. LAU has also supervised the design projects of civil engineering students at HKU. Every year, a group of 7 students has spent one year working on a project chosen by him. He has always selected projects that can benefit the people living in Wong Tai Sin. In his first lecture, he would remind students to remember the human aspects of design. There is no point in designing something that is technically sound and cost-effective if nobody will make use of the final product. He wants students to consult the local people fully before they commence their

BRE awards instructor for outstanding teachingDr M. Jayantha WADU has been selected for a 2010/11 departmental award for outstanding teaching. He has been teaching a range of subjects at the Department of Building & Real Estate since February 2008, including Urban and Construction Economics, Engineering Economics, Economics for Construction and Real Estate, Housing Studies and Measurement, Documentation and Estimating. His teaching philosophy is primarily based on the saying: “Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand.”

Thus, his aim is mainly to get students actively participating in class. To achieve this goal, he uses a variety of methods to motivate and maintain students’ interest in the lesson. Particularly in tutorials, he encourages students to become

建築及房地產學系導師獲優秀教學獎M. Jayantha WADU博士最近獲建築及房地產學系頒發 2010/11年度「優秀教學獎」。他於2008年二月履新,執教的科目包括城市及建築經濟學、工程經濟學、建築及房地產經濟學、房屋研究以








self-motivated independent learners by giving frequent, early, positive feedback that supports students’ beliefs that they can do well. By creating an atmosphere that is open and positive, he empowers students to be valued members of a learning community.





















design, which should be from the bottom-up. In this way there will be less resistance from the local people once the projects are completed.

Having learnt much from serving as a District Councilor, he strongly encourages university graduates to participate in local politics. As far as he is concerned, engineering, serving the people and local politics can work together perfectly well. He hopes that more engineers can become councilors to serve the people of Hong Kong.

The Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all three outstanding alumni, whose accomplishments will no doubt inspire a new generation of students to follow in their footsteps.


Page 23: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Law publications by BRE academicIn 2010, Hong Kong University Press published three books by Mr Stephen D. MAU, lecturer in law in the Department of Building and Real Estate. The three works are as follows:

• Contract Law in Hong Kong: An Introductory Guide• Property Law in Hong Kong: An Introductory Guide• Tort Law in Hong Kong: An Introductory Guide

Some of Mr MAU’s other works have also been published. Kluwer Law International brought out a chapter by Mr MAU entitled “Arbitration in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”, in a special issue of The Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business carrying the title ‘International Dispute Resolution’. Another of Mr MAU’s article, entitled “The Proposed New Arbitration Law of Hong Kong” was published by Construction Law Journal.




• 香港的合約法:入門導論• 香港的產權法:入門導論• 香港的侵權法:入門導論



先 生 的 文 章: 在Kluwer Law International 出版、以「解決國際爭議」為題的《國際商業比照法律年鑑》特刊裡,就刊登了其論文



CSE Professor receives National Natural Science AwardFor their collaborative research conducted over almost two decades from 1988 to the end of 2006, Prof. William Lam of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering and his colleagues from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beihang University, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology received the National Natural Science Award (Second Class) in 2011 which is a highly prestigious award in China. The team of five has made significant and complementary contributions advancing the numerical study of Behavior-based Spatial-temporal Features of Urban Traffic Flow Distribution that has had far-reaching impacts on transportation theories and practices. Based on an explicit understanding of complex traffic behavior, they have established new mathematical models that take into account the spatial-temporal features of traffic flow and proposed highly efficient algorithms for solving various transportation problems in large urban networks. Their

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Publication Achievement 2011Two professors from the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering have been selected for their outstanding achievement in publication this year. Prof. LEE Shuncheng was recognized for his overall performance in citation in the past 10 calendar years, while Prof. LI Xiangdong was rewarded for a highly-cited paper published in March 2005. Its title was “Enhanced Phytoextraction of CU, PB, ZN and CD with EDTA and EDDS.”

The selection of both professors in their respective categories was based on the data from Essential Science Indicators, which track research performance and rank papers/ authors according to the number of citations they receive. Each individual award

2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版)今年獲頒上述獎項的兩位教授均來自土木及結構工程學系。李順


一得獎人李向東教授,就是憑一篇於2005年三月發表,並經常被引用的論文獲獎。該論文題為《利用EDTA和 EDDS 植物修复方法去除污染土壤中的銅、鉛、鋅及鎘》。


的次數把論文 /作者排序,反映了科研人員的整體表現。兩位得獎教授各可獲得現金獎港幣一萬五千元,而由院長滕錦光教授簽


study was successful not only for deriving state-of-the-art and advanced traffic theories that are particularly relevant to cities in mainland China, but also for developing interdisciplinary research, thus enhancing the level of national science research as well as its international academic stature.

土木及結構工程學系教授獲 「國家自然科學獎」殊榮


技大學的四位學者。研究在1988年展開,2006年底結束,對促進 「基於行為的城市交通流時空分佈規律與數值計算」有極大貢獻,對交通理論和規劃亦有深遠的影響。五位學者根據對複雜交

通行為的深切了解,圍繞交通量的空間 -時間特徵,建立了新的數學模型,針對市區大型交通網絡的種種問題提出快速的解決方




includes a cash prize of HK$15,000. Award certificates signed by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. J.G. TENG, will be presented at the Faculty Congregation and Prize Presentation Ceremony later this year.

Ir Prof. William H.K. LAM林興强教授


Page 24: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

CSE Professor takes Silver Medal for Eco-inventionAt the 39th International Exhibition of Inventions held in Geneva from 6-10 April 2011, Prof. CHUA Hong of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering was rewarded with a silver medal for his novel activated sludge eco-bricks manufacturing technology, which turns daily activated sludge from waste water plant into environmentally-friendly bricks that can be used for construction, reducing pollution in the process. Developed for about 5 years in collaboration with WAI KEE Company Limited (a HK Listed Company), the technology addresses the limitations of existing Eco-bricks currently available in the market.

The conventional treatment of excessive sludge requires high capital and operation cost. It also produces secondary pollution during landfill or incineration. In contrast, the advanced manufacturing technology of bricks not only reduces municipal waste, but also provides a cost- and energy-efficient method for making construction materials. The production process can reduce the amount of clay being used in conventional brick manufacturing as well as the coal consumption in brick manufacturing because of high sludge combustion. The heavy metal locked in the bricks also helps to kill the noxious bacteria.

Congratulations to Prof. CHUA and his team!














系與惠記集團 (香港上市公司 )合作研發,至今已接近五年,突破








土木及結構工程學系教授獲 Chandra S. Desai 卓越獎 在本年五月於澳洲墨爾本舉


法與進展協會 (IACMAG)第十三屆會議上,土木及結構


Chandra S. DESAI 卓越獎,再一次印證他在岩土力學的






Chandra S. DESAI 卓越獎是頒發予一至兩位對研究岩土力學計算法有重大貢獻的國際級傑出學者。

CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award At the 13th Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geo-mechanics (IACMAG) in Melbourne, Australia, in May 2011, Professor Jian-Hua YIN of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering was given the Chandra S. DESAI Excellence Award in recognition of his contributions to the experimental study of the nonlinear and time-dependent stress-strain behavior of soils, development and applications of elastic visco-plastic constitutive models, and innovative development of laboratory testing facilities and optical fibre sensing technologies.

The Chandra S. DESAI Excellence Award of IACMAG is normally awarded to one or two distinguished individuals from the international community for contributions in the research of computer methods and advances in geo-mechanics.


Page 25: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra


士及十位代表本系的研究生們 , 應邀出席了哈爾濱工業大學(哈工大)土木工程學院主辦的 哈爾濱工業大學小衛星學者計劃之土木

學子哈爾濱論壇 。此次活動的目的是通過邀請港澳台地區著名大




關係,尤其在土木工程 域方面,哈工大土木工程學院對地方和國







程學系Scott T. Smith副教授,他們互相介紹了香港及內地正在進行中的學術研究。通過演講,兩地研究生們對地震、空間結構、











CSE Postgraduate Delegates at the Harbin Institute of Technology for the Small Satellite Scholar Forum in Civil Engineering Dr Jian-Guo DAI of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (CSE) and ten CSE postgraduate students attended the “Small Satellite Scholar Forum in Civil Engineering” at the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) during 11-16 July 2011. Organized by the School of Civil Engineering (SCE) of the Institute, the event aims to further strengthen the ties among students from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and mainland China through research and learning at mainland universities.

Events 活動剪影


Page 26: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra









望通過兩所大學這種積極的研究合作,可以 國家的建設發展出一



The visits proved invaluable to PolyU students, who are keenly interested in the economic, cultural and social development of mainland China. No doubt these activities have furthered the understanding and friendship between the teachers and students of HIT and PolyU. It is hoped that such close ties between HIT and PolyU will be fruitful for the country. We look forward to further exchanges between HIT and PolyU in the future.

HIT is the most prestigious university in northeast China and enjoys a close collaborative relationship with PolyU, particularly in the field of civil engineering. The SCE of HIT has been playing a very important role in infrastructure development both locally and nationally. During the 6-day forum, students participated in a series of seminars given by several well-known professors, including Prof. Li-lie XIE and Prof. Shi-zhao SHEN, both of whom are members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Prof. Feng FAN (Dean of SCE), Prof. Wen-zhong ZHENG (Cheung Kong Scholar, Vice Dean of SCE) and Dr Scott T. SMITH (Associate Professor of The University of Hong Kong). The design and construction of many famous structures in mainland China were introduced in detail during the seminars, giving CSE students a better understanding of earthquakes, spatial structures, construction materials and concrete technologies.

A joint seminar was also held where postgraduates from both universities presented their research, uncovering different perspectives to learning and thinking. CSE students also visited several advanced laboratories to learn about the research programs, research strengths, exchange student schemes etc. of the HIT.

Besides academic exchanges, the teachers and students of HIT also arranged some leisure and cultural activities for the CSE delegates, who visited the historic St. Sofia Cathedral, the Jingshangjin Museum, the HIT Museum, the Great Northern Wilderness Ecological Park and the Sun Island Resort, etc. A memorable party on the last evening capped off these excursions.


Page 27: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

第十四屆亞洲區岩土力學及岩土工程 會議於理大舉行

土木及結構工程學系聯合香港岩土工程學會 (HKGES),在本年五月二十三至二十七日於理大校園舉辦第十四屆亞洲區岩土力學及






量級人物,順序是理大副校長 (科研發展 )衛炳江教授、香港岩土工程學會會長兼會議籌備委員會聯席主席何毅良工程師,以

及國際岩土力學及岩土工程學會 (ISSMGE)會長Prof. Jean-Louis BRIAUD。最後一位致辭的,是特區政府發展局局長林鄭月娥女士,主題是香港的岩土工程概況。當日在座者還包括理大前副校

長 (科研發展 )高贊明教授、建設及地政學院院長滕錦光教授,以及土木及結構工程學系系主任徐幼麟教授。



Prof. Askar ZHUSSUPBEKOV,以及斯里蘭卡的年輕代表Dr N.H. PRIYANKARA,分別就 ISSMGE的過去、現在和未來,以及岩土力學和岩土工程的發展致辭。



本大地震 /海嘯有關,在現今天災連連的艱難日子,可謂正中要點。大會以岩土工程面對的挑戰和解決方法為主題,此時此刻,






The 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering at PolyU From 23 to 27 May 2011, the campus of PolyU was buzzing with conference participants to the 14th Asian Regional Conference (ARC) on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Jointly organized by the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering and the Hong Kong Geotechnical Society (HKGES), this ARC attracted some 630 participants from many countries and published more than 420 papers, setting a new record for this conference series.

At the opening ceremony in the Jockey Club Auditorium, a one-minute silence for the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan was observed before a traditional lion dance was performed. Welcoming speeches were delivered by Prof. Alexander WAI, Vice President of Research & Development (VPRD) at PolyU, Ir Albert HO, President of HKGES and Co-chair of the Local Organizing Committee, as well as Prof. Jean-Louis BRIAUD, President of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). A speech on geotechnical works in Hong Kong was also given by Mrs. LAM Cheng Yuet Ngor, Secretary for Development of the HKSAR Government. In attendance were Professor J.M. KO, former VPRD of PolyU, Professor J.G. TENG, Dean of the Faculty, and Professor Y.L. XU, Head of CSE.

Following the opening ceremony was the 75th Anniversary celebration of ISSMGE. Dr Za-Chieh MOH, former President of ISSMGE in Asia, Prof. Askar ZHUSSUPBEKOV, Vice President for ISSMGE in Asia, and Dr N.H. PRIYANKARA, a young representative from Sri Lanka, gave speeches on the past, present, and future of ISSMGE as well as the development of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering respectively.

Held for the first time in Hong Kong and covering a range of topics related to soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, the conference established its pertinence to today’s troubled times by having 8 keynote lectures and 1 technical report on the calamitous events in Japan a few months ago. Addressing the challenges and solutions in the field of geotechnical engineering, the theme of the conference was especially timely. Professor J.H. YIN of CSE was a Co-Chair of the Local Organizing Committee from PolyU. A team of 66 volunteers consisting of final year students, research students, assistants and staff of CSE provided much-needed and well-received logistic support for the conference. Thanks to everyone who made this conference a success.

Participants at the conference參加會議的人士


Page 28: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

理大主辦第六屆空間資訊科學及 科技研討會 由土地測量及地理資訊學系主辦的第六屆空間資訊科學及科技研

討會 (ASSIST’10)已於去年九月二十二日圓滿舉行。研討會吸引了70多位來自政府部門、工業界及學界的人士出席,而獲選在會上發表論文或簡報的則有十人,該系系主任丁曉利教授亦有發表揭








PolyU hosts the 6th Annual Seminar on Spatial Information Science and Technology (ASSIST’10)The 6th Annual Seminar on Spatial Information Science and Technology (ASSIST’10) was successfully held by the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) on 22 September 2010 at PolyU. ASSIST’10 attracted more than 70 participants from government departments, industrial sectors, and the academia. Ten authors had been selected to present their papers at the seminar. Prof. DING Xiaoli, Head of LSGI, welcomed all the participants and guests in an opening address.

The presentations and papers covered a wide range of subjects in Spatial Information Science and Technology (SIST). The experts who gave them were from transportation, observatory, architecture, construction, environment monitoring, and university sectors. Their presentations on their latest research and engineering works clearly demonstrated the present wide applications of the SIST in various government departments and industries in Hong Kong.

This annual seminar is an inter-disciplinary platform for leading researchers and professionals from various sectors in Hong Kong to present their latest findings and exchange their views on SIST.

LSGI hosts the 7th Annual Seminar on Spatial Information Science and TechnologyMore than 100 experts in spatial information science and technology from Hong Kong and mainland China gathered at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) on 30 September 2011 for the 7th Annual Seminar on Spatial Information Science and Technology.

Since 2005, this seminar has been organized by the Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics of PolyU. It has brought together scientists, engineers, and research managers from government and industry to discuss the latest advances in spatial information science and technology.

This one-day seminar was officially opened by Professor Xiaoli DING, Head of the Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics of PolyU, and Mr WONG Chung Hang, Deputy










研究成果 、交流心得。」


Page 29: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Director of Lands Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Professor Ding said, “Spatial information science and technology is regarded as one of the most important emerging and evolving fields, which has improved and will continue to have an impact on our lives. We are privileged to be hosting this annual seminar to provide a friendly and relaxed platform for researchers and professionals in Hong Kong and the neighbouring regions to present their latest findings and exchange views.”

Fourteen speakers gave speeches at the seminar. The topics focused on the following themes: Geospatial Information System (GIS) applications in digital city, transportation, weather forecasting, and tree management; remote sensing techniques for deformation monitoring, earthquake data analysis, and urban heat island analysis; applications and new advances in photogrammetric techniques for agriculture lot boundary determination, mobile mapping, and lunar mapping.

PolyU successfully hosted the Third International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment (IPCIE 2011)Organized by a group of 8 postgraduate students from the Faculty of Construction and Land Use (FCLU) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), the Third International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment (IPCIE 2011) was held on 11 to 12 July at PolyU. With support from an Advisory Committee of academic staff, and assistance from the Faculty office, the conference provided a forum for postgraduate students working in the areas of infrastructure and environment to exchange their findings, to develop friendships and to explore potential collaboration.

Since 2006, FCLU had been organizing a local version of this conference in Hong Kong. In 2008, it was decided that the boundaries be extended so that the conference could become international. This year, the Third International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment attracted some 150 participants from 26 universities in 9 countries around the world.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Prof. Alexander WAI, Vice President (Research Development) of PolyU, left no doubts about the university’s commitments to a strong research culture. Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, Dean of the Faculty, delivered the opening speech and highlighted the achievements of the Faculty in research-related areas. Two academics from PolyU, Prof. Shengwei WANG of the Department of Building Services Engineering, and Prof. Kam-tim CHAU of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, delivered keynote lectures.

The conference was conducive to many thought-provoking debates, which had been inspired by the high quality oral presentations. Thanks to the sponsorship of Dalian Jincheng


際研究生會議」(IPCIE 2011),已於七月十一至十二日在大學校園舉行。這項活動得到由本院學者組成的諮詢委員會大力支持,並




揭幕禮上,理大副校長 (科研發展 )衛炳江教授重申大學致力推動「應用為本」的研究文化;本院院長滕錦光教授則重點講述學院的








Surveying & Mapping Enterprise Group and Mr Paul C.W. TSE, three Best Presentation Awards, three Presentation Awards of Merit, and the Most Outstanding PolyU Presenter Award were given to the best-performing presenters as voted by the conference participants.

To see further details of the conference, please visit the following website:


疇:地理空間信息系統 (GIS)如何應用於數碼城市、運輸、預測天氣及管理樹木;用於變形監測、地震數據分析、城市熱島分析的




Page 30: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

PolyU hosts International Cartographic Association (ICA) Workshop on Theories of Map Design in Digital Era More than 30 international participants from about ten countries attended the ICA Workshop, held by the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) of PolyU on 23 and 24 September 2010, on the PolyU campus.

The Workshop, on the theme “Theories of Map Design in Digital Era”, was jointly organized by PolyU and the ICA Commission on Theoretical Cartography. Its opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Alex WAI, Vice President (Research) of PolyU, Prof. William CARTWRIGHT, President of ICA, and Mr WONG Chung-hang, Deputy Director of Lands Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The opening ceremony was followed by two keynote speeches, one by Prof. CARTWRIGHT and the other by Prof. Deren LI, Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering. There were more than 30 plenary speeches and group discussions which were grouped under six sub-themes, namely:

• Special session in memory of Jacques BERTIN, • Cartographic theory and philosophy, • Theory of map design, • Communication and information theory, • Semiotic and symbolization, • Concepts and models.

The ICA Workshop is a valuable platform for researchers on several counts: to discuss state-of-the-art research, problems and issues in the theories of map design in the digital era; to present advanced theories and cutting-edge technology; and to exchange ideas and promote international collaborations.

Over the past 50 years, ICA has had a tradition of co-organizing international workshops with local universities so as to promote the exchange between local professionals and international experts. The organization of the 2010 Workshop under the joint efforts of PolyU and ICA was a valuable opportunity for Hong Kong professionals to share their knowledge and experiences with many international attendees.

理大舉辦國際地圖學會「數碼年代地圖設計理論」工作坊 土地測量及地理資訊學系於去年九月二十三至二十四日在校園舉

辦國際地圖學會 (ICA)工作坊,吸引接近十個國家的三十多位代表出席。



賓計有理大副校長 (科研發展 )衛炳江教授、ICA會長William CARTWRIGHT教授,以及特區政府地政總署副署長 (測繪事務 )黃仲衡先生。

緊接揭幕儀式的是兩場主題演講,講者分別為 ICA會長CARTWRIGHT教授,以及身兼中國科學院及中國工程院院士的測繪學泰斗李德仁教授。在兩天會期裡,全體演講及小組討論環節


• 紀念Jacques BERTIN的特別環節 • 製圖理論及哲學 • 地圖設計理論 • 傳播及信息理論 • 符號與象徵學 • 概念及模型




與 ICA合辦,確實為本地測繪界提供了與國際菁英分享經驗的黃金機會。


Page 31: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

建設及地政學院傑出學人講座我們非常榮幸邀得美國哈佛大學Gilbert Butler環境學教授Michael B. McELROY於本年三月十八日來港,為本院的傑出學人講座擔任主講嘉賓。其講題為「氣候、能源與環境:營造可持續


Prof. McELROY 是世界知名的大氣科學家,以二十九歲之齡獲哈佛大學頒授終身教授榮譽,是該校歷來最年輕的一人,並曾任多

項要職,包括哈佛地球與行星科學系創系主任 (1986-2000),以及哈佛環境中心首任總監 (2001-2004)。他是美國藝術及科學院院士,也是美國科學促進會及美國地球物理聯會

資深會員,曾任中國環境與發展國際合作委員會 (現任主席為副總理李克強 )成員。

Prof. McELROY 的研究涉及多個範疇,如行星大氣學、平流層臭氧、對流層化學、生物地質化學循環及



Faculty Distinguished LectureThe Faculty of Construction and Land Use was honoured to have Professor Michael B. McELROY, Gilbert Butler Professor of Environmental Studies at Harvard University, give a Distinguished Lecture on “Climate, Energy and the Environment: Challenges for a Sustainable Future” on 18 March 2011.

Prof. McELROY is a world renowned atmospheric scientist. He was appointed a full professor at Harvard University at the age of 29, the youngest full professor at Harvard. He has held a number of important posts since, including the founding Chair of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (1986-2000) and the first Director of the Harvard Center for the Environment (2001-2004). He is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for Advancement of Sciences, and the American Geophysical Union. He has served on the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, which is currently chaired by Vice Premier LI Ke Qiang.

His research covers a wide range of topics: planetary atmospheres, stratospheric ozone, tropospheric chemistry, biogeochemical cycles, and global climate. He is the author of more than 250 technical papers and several books, including a recent ly completed book on a low carbon energy future.

烏干達學者到訪土地測量及 地理資訊學系去年九月二十八日至十月一日,土地測量及地理資訊學系接待

了一位遠方來客──烏干達馬凱雷雷大學測量系高級講師Dr Anthony GIDUDU。馬凱雷雷大學是烏干達首屈一指的學府,現正重新規劃其地理 /空間資訊學課程內容。Dr GIDUDU 此行,就是希望向土地測量及地理資訊學系取經,借鏡本院的有關經驗。

訪港期間,Dr GIDUDU為學系的同事及研究生舉行了一場演講,主題是「土地覆被圖的組合分類」。系主任丁曉利教授和其他學者

亦把握這次機會,與Dr GIDUDU討論雙方日後加強合作的可能。

LSGI Department visited by Scientist from Makerere University, UgandaThe Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) of the Faculty of Construction and Land Use was visited by Dr Anthony GIDUDU, Senior Lecturer from the Department of Surveying of Makerere University in Uganda, from 28 September to 1 October 2010. The purpose of the visit was for Dr GIDUDU to exchange experiences with LSGI colleagues in curriculum designs for Geomatics programmes. Makerere University was then in the process of redesigning its Geomatics programme. The curricula of programmes offered in LSGI were thought to be useful to Makerere University for reference purposes.

During his stay in LSGI, Dr GIDUDU also gave a presentation on the topic of “Ensemble Classification for Land Cover Mapping” to LSGI staff and research students. Professor DING Xiaoli, Head of Department, and staff of the Department also had discussions with Dr GIDUDU regarding potential collaborations between his department and LSGI.


Page 32: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Seasoned researchers share their tips for getting fundedOn 23 August 2011, the Faculty of Construction and Land Use (FCLU) held a session on how to write quality research proposals for funding. Sharing their perspectives with more than 15 academic staff were Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Albert CHAN, and Prof. Y. Q. CHEN, a member on the Engineering Panel of the Research Grants Council (RGC), which administers the General Research Fund (GRF) that supports research across a broad spectrum of disciplines. Drawing from his wealth of experience in getting his projects funded by the RGC, Prof. TENG enumerated some attributes of a good proposal, which were echoed by Prof. Albert CHAN in his presentation.

Finally, the review process was demystified by Prof. Y.Q. CHEN, who spoke from his point of view as an Engineering Panel member of the RGC. The session ended on a note of encouragement with some tips, which were most illuminating for all who attended.












Page 33: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

理大主辦第五屆海峽兩岸結構與岩土 工程學術研討會由香港理工大學(理大)主辦、浙江大學及臺灣大學協辦的「第五











• 高層結構• 橋樑結構• 新型結構材料及體系• 結構抗風、抗震及控制• 結構健康監測、評估及加固• 環境土工• 地震工程


• 浙江大學董石麟教授• 中國科學院武漢岩土力學研究所葛修潤教授• 香港大學李焯芬教授工程師• 貴州大學馬克儉教授• 同濟大學沈祖炎教授• 美國林同棪國際集團董事局主席鄧文中教授• 臺灣雲林科技大學校長楊永斌教授• 中國人民解放軍後勤工程學院鄭穎人教授• 理大特別感謝光華同濟土木學院基金大力資助是次研討會。



The 5th Cross-strait Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering at PolyUOrganized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and co-organized by Zhejiang University and National Taiwan University, the 5th Cross-strait Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering was held on the PolyU campus from 13 to 15 July 2011, drawing around 200 participants.

Generously supported by the Kwang-Hua Foundation for the College of Civil Engineering at Tongji University, the three-day conference opened with speeches by three staff of PolyU, Ir Professor Alex WAI, Vice President (Research Development); Professor Jin-Guang TENG, Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Land Use; and Professor Y. Q. NI, co-chairman of the conference-organizing committee.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Professor WAI said, “Nurturing close relationships between the Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau has become more important than ever in today’s globalized world. This large-scale conference therefore provides an excellent platform for structural and geotechnical engineering professionals and scholars to further academic exchanges and cooperation, as well as to review trends in academic development and engineering application.”

Some of the major topics covered in the forum include:

• High-rise Structures• Bridge Structures• Emerging Structural Materials and Systems• Wind-resistant Structures, Seismic Design and Control• Structural Health Monitoring, Assessment and Retrofit• Environmental and Geotechnical Issues• Seismic/Earthquake Engineering

Eight academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering delivered keynote speeches during the conference. They include:

• Prof. Shi-Lin DONG, Zhejiang University, China• Prof. Xiu-Run GE, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China• Prof. Chack-Fan LEE, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong• Prof. Ke-Jian MA, Guizhou University, China• Prof. Zu-Yan SHEN, Tongji University, China• Prof. Man-Chung TANG, Chairman of the Board, T Y Lin

International Group, USA• Prof. Yeong-Bin YANG, President, National Yunlin University of

Science and Technology, Taiwan• Prof. Ying-Ren ZHENG, Logistical Engineering University,


A toast at the conference banquet於會議晚宴上祝酒


Page 34: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

本院學者向香港建造商會會員介紹 最先進持續建築科技本年一月十九日,香港建造商會數位會員到訪理大,聽取本院八




劉維善先生 及黃綺嫦小姐。











Visitors from the Hong Kong Construction Association Bone up on Sustainable TechnologiesOn 19 January 2011, 8 researchers from the Faculty of Construction and Land Use (FCLU) presented the latest building technologies for a sustainable construction industry to some members of the Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA).

In attendance were the Director of Kaden Construction Ltd., Mr Hon Ping CHOY; the Deputy Regional General Manager of Kumagai Gumi Co. Ltd. (HK Branch), Mr Russell JONES; Mr Vincent LAU and Ms Carmen WONG, both from Yau Lee Construction Co. Ltd.

Jointly organized by FCLU and the Management and Executive Development Centre of PolyU, the round table sharing session was composed of brief presentations by academics, a luncheon and lab visits. Presenters included Prof. Geoffrey SHEN, Prof. Heng LI, Dr Andy WONG and Dr Shichao FAN of the Department of Building & Real Estate; Prof. Shengwei WANG and Prof. Hongxing YANG of the Department of Building Services Engineering; Prof. Chi-sun POON and Prof. Jian-hua YIN of the Department of Civil & Structural Engineering.

From technologies for monitoring performance of geotechnical structures to renewable energy technologies to the application of advanced information technologies in the construction industry, the range of topics gave the visitors a broad overview of sustainable building technologies. They also had a chance to visit the Construction Virtual Prototyping Lab, the Concrete Technology Lab, the Solar Energy Lab, and the Intelligent Building Lab, each with their own state-of-the-art technologies


Page 35: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

D r H U Ta o , S e n i o r E n v i ro n m e n t a l Economist, Policy Research Center of MEP Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP), was speaker at a seminar on “Co-control of Air Pollutants and GHGs: what, why and how.” (2 November 2010)

Prof. David J DREWRY, Vice-President, European University Association and Honorary Fellow, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, gave a seminar on “Climate Change - Arctic perspectives.” (5 November 2010)

Dr David FISHER, Chairman, Dynamic Architecture Group, United Kingdom, was speaker at a seminar on “Dynamic Architecture: Design by Logic, Art by Engineering.” (25 November 2010)

Dr Haiying HUANG, Associate professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer ing, Univers i ty of Texas at Arlington (UTA), gave a seminar titled “Advance Sensor Technology for Structural

Health Monitoring.” (20 December 2010)

Prof. W.X. ZHONG, Dalian University of Technology and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave a seminar on “The Role of Symplectic Mathematics in Applied Mechanics and FEM.” (19 January 2011)

Prof. J.H. LIN, Professor, Dalian University of Technology, was speaker at a seminar on “An Ef f ic ient Random V ibrat ion Approach - Pseudo-Excitation Method and Its Engineering Applications.” (19 January 2011)

Prof. Chia-pei CHOU , Dist inguished Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University (NTU), gave a seminar on “Runway Skid Resistance Inspection and Grooving Performance Evaluation.” (19 January 2011)

Prof. Julia KING, Vice-Chancellor of Aston University, UK, gave a seminar titled “Technologies for Sustainable Transport.” (20 January 2011)

Professor Jong-Soo KIM, President, C S Structural Engineering Inc. and Adjunct Professor of Korea University, was speaker at a public lecture on “Recent Progress of Spatial Structures in South Korea.” (14 February 2011)

Prof. Guiwen LIU , Professor, Faculty of Construction Management and Real Estate, Chongqing University, gave a public lecture titled “Real Estate in Mainland China: Market and Operat ion .” (21 February 2011)

Professor Richard FELLOWS, Professor of Construction Business Management at Loughborough University, gave a public lecture on “Managing Across Boundaries: Fragmentation in Construction.” (25 February 2011)

Professor Michael C. FORDE, Carillion P ro fe ss o r , S c h o o l o f E n g i n e e r i n g , University of Edinburgh, was speaker at a public lecture on “Nondestructive Test (NDT) Methods for Evaluation of Concrete in Structures.” (10 March 2011)

Professor Charles T. JAHREN, Associate Professor of Construction Engineering at Iowa State University, gave a public lecture titled “Electronic Modeling and Data Transfer for Automated Machine Guidance.” (11 March 2011)

Dr Herbert BIGGS, Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology, gave a public lecture on “Construction safety: Development of safety competencies and an assessment tool to reduce risk on building sites.” (14 March 2011)

Professor James A. CLAPP, Emeritus P ro fe ss o r o f P l a n n i n g a n d U r b a n Affairs at San Diego State University, was speaker at a publ ic lecture on “The Sustainabi l i ty of Shangri-La.” (1 April 2011)

Dr Irt ishad AHMAD , Professor and Chairperson, Department of Construction Management , F lor ida I nternat ional University, gave a public lecture titled “ICT-induced Integration and Globalization in Construction.” (4 April 2011)

Dr Chunan TANG, Chair Professor and Director, Center for Rock Instability and Seismisity Research (CRISR), Dalian University of Technology, gave a public lecture on “Rock Failure Process Analysis – Modeling and Monitoring.” (20 April 2011)

Professor Zi-Feng MA, Department of Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was speaker at a public lecture on “Opportunity and Challenge of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology in China.” (21 April 2011)

Faculty Public Lectures 建設及地政學院公開講座The Faculty of Construction and Land Use was honoured to have the following speakers giving public lectures at PolyU: 下列講者應建設及地政學院之邀請於理大舉辦公開講座:


Page 36: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

A new col league has jo ined the Department of Civi l and Structural Engineering last December. Dr Yuhong WANG is an assistant professor who received his bachelor’s degree in construction management e n g i n e e r i n g f r o m To n g j i University in China in 1996. He worked for a construction consult ing f irm in Shanghai before furthering his studies in the United States. Dr WANG has master’s and PhD degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky, where his focus was pavement engineering and management. He has worked as a research engineer at the Kentucky Transportation Center as well as taught at Lawrence Technological University in the Civil Engineering Department and East Carolina University in the Construction Management Department. Dr Wang is also a registered professional engineer in Kentucky.

Dr WANG has been a Principal Investigator or key researcher on more than 16 research grants sponsored by various US and international agencies, most of which were in highway

pavement, highway construction and management, and construction management. The total amount of these grants is over US$3 million. In addition, Dr WANG has published many refereed papers, book chapters, and research reports. A member of the Transportation Earthworks Standing Committee, Transportation Research Board and an elected member of the Construction Research Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers, he won first place in the International Data Analysis Contest for Long-term Pavement Performance Study in 2002. Let’s extend a warm welcome to Dr WANG.














New Academic Staff 學院新


Joining the same department this summer is Dr Wendy Y. Chen, an assistant professor who received her PhD in urban forestry from the University of Hong Kong in 2006. Before joining PolyU, she was a research assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong for three years and then an assistant professor at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Her research areas include the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services generated by a variety of natural ecosystems, application and validation of economic valuation methods (such as contingent valuation method, hedonic pricing method, and travel cost method) in the Chinese context, people’s perception and interaction with urban nature,




量化及估值;各種經濟評估法 (如條件評估法、特徵價格法及旅行成本法 )在中國的應用和驗證;人對都市自然的觀感與互動;以及都市環境學。陳博士經常在期刊發表論文,獲引用的超過



Dr Yuhong Wang王予紅博士

Dr Wendy Y. Chen陳艷博士

and urban environmental studies. Dr Chen has published more than 20 cited journal papers and serves many international journals as a referee. She teaches sustainable development and environmental impact assessment, and environmental management.


Page 37: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Another new colleague in the Department of Building and Real Estate is Dr Ryen Zhaomin REN, who joined PolyU after mid-July as an Associate Professor. With more than 20 years of experience, he has worked as a des ign engineer, a project manager, a consultant, a researcher as well as a lecturer. He received his BSc from Tsinghua University in 1989, MSc from the Asian Institute of Technology in 1999 and PhD from Loughborough University in 2002. His main teaching areas are in Project Management, Construction Management, Project Planning and Control, Contractor’s Tender Estimating, Building Information Modelling, and Construction Technology. His

The Department of Building and Real Estate welcomed a new Assistant Prof. at the end of May 2011. Dr Johnny WONG Kwok Wai graduated from the University of New South Wales (Australia) in 1998 with a Bachelor of Building Construction Management and stayed on to complete a Master’s degree in real estate. After that, he worked as a Quantity Surveyor in Australia and Hong Kong before moving to academia in 2003. Dr WONG received his PhD from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2007. Prior to joining the Department of Building and Real Estate, he was a Senior Lecturer in Quantity Surveying at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia.

The main directions of Dr WONG’s research have been towards developing a better understanding of intelligent buildings, and the application of building information modelling in the facility asset management of advanced buildings. His research









research interests are in working collaboratively, measurement of carbon performance of construction activities, artificial intelligence and advanced technologies in construction, as well as international project management. He has served as the regional editor of the Journal of Smart and Sustainable Built Environment.


副教授。他1989年於清華大學畢業,1999及2002年分別於亞洲科技學院 (泰國 )及拉夫堡大學 (英國 )取得理學碩士及博士資格,曾任職設計工程師、工程項目經理、顧問、研究員及講師,擁有






Dr Wong Kwok Wai黃國偉博士

Dr Ryen Zhaomin Ren任兆民博士

also involves stress management, particularly of that arising from cultural differences, occupational stress and productivity. Johnny has a strong track record and has published extensively in a variety of top journals, such as Automation in Construction, Building and Environment , Construction Management and Economics, and ASCE’s Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, etc. He was the Regional Editor (Oceania) of the UK-based journal Intelligent Buildings International (IBI).


Page 38: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Student News學生消

Outstanding FCLU Students The Faculty of Construction and Land Use (FCLU) was proud that the Most Outstanding PolyU Student Award in 2010 has been won by a final year student in the Department of Building & Real Estate, Ms LEE Yeuk Ying, Krystal, who is no stranger to winning awards. Since she began her university studies in 2007, she has won one scholarship after another and was on the Dean’s Honours List twice, a testimony not only to her academic excellence, but also her active participation in numerous extra-curricular activities and community service projects. Her keen involvement in these has developed her leadership abilities, which she first demonstrated in 2006 by attracting sponsorships from a major bookstore and a former member of the Legislative Council when she was Deputy Head of the Department of Communication & Public Relations of the HK International Model United Nations, an organization mostly made up of secondary students.

Since then, she has organized a Service & Exchange Trip to Hangzhou, where she and her team were commended for their Community Service Learning Project. She also served as an Aquatics Assistant in the summer of 2009 in an International Camp Counselor Program in Pennsylvania in the U.S. In the summer of 2010, she went on a Study Tour of the Shanghai Expo. Her overseas experience has made her more independent and confident of herself. Courage, commitment, and consideration have been her personal core values. She is passionate about the built environment. By choosing to study for a BSc (Hons) in Surveying, she hopes to create a better place for all to live in. Krystal is truly a role model for girls who aspire to work in the construction industry.

The Most Outstanding PolyU Student Award came with a cash prize of $5000 and a certificate, which was presented to the winner in a ceremony on 28 February 2011. Before she was selected for this coveted honor, Krystal was chosen to be the Most Outstanding Student in FCLU in the same year. She competed with 7 other outstanding students who had won a similar award from their respective faculty/ school for the Most Outstanding PolyU Student Award.

Other outstanding FCLU students honoured at the ceremony include LAU Tsz-chun from the Department of Building Services Engineering, FUNG Ho-kit from the Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, and ZHANG Anshu from the Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics. They have





慢培養出領導才能。事實上,她早在2006年已初試啼聲,以「香港模擬聯合國會議」(一個主要由中學生組成的組織 )傳訊及公共關係部副主管的身份,成功取得一家大型書店和一位前立法會議






關注建築環境,選擇修讀測量學 (榮譽 )學士課程,就是期望使這個世界成為更適宜人類居住的地方。對有志投身建築業的女孩子












all distinguished themselves in their studies and demonstrated leadership qualities that set them apart from their peers. Undaunted by challenges, they have managed to combine academic excellence with extensive involvement in co-curricular activities and community service. Their success is proof that anything is possible with hard work and determination. Below is a summary of their unique characteristics.


Page 39: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

LAU Tsz-chun劉子俊

FUNG Ho-kit馮浩傑

ZHANG Anshu張安舒

Most unforgettable experience at PolyU在理大最難忘的經歷

Participating in the Entrepreneurship Development Programme參加「企業家培育計劃」

Entering a degree programme after completing a Higher Diploma programme修畢高級文憑後成功銜接學位課程

Adjusting to university life in the first year適應首年大學生活

Secret to success成功要訣

Fearless creativity無懼無畏,勇於創新

Leading with new ideas發掘和應用新意念

Taking responsibility承擔責任

Plans for further studies進修大計

Enroll part-time in a master’s degree programme after working a few years工作數年後再兼讀碩士課程

Will consider them after a few years of work工作數年後再作决定

Pursue a PhD in geographic information technology修讀地理資訊科技博士學位

Career goals事業目標

Work as a building services engineer成為屋宇設備工程師

Work as a civil engineer成為土木工程師

Be a scientific expert成為科研專才

Photo with the President of PolyU與理大校長合照

PolyU’s Most Outstanding Student bags another ScholarshipSuccess has followed PolyU’s most outstanding student of 2010, Ms LEE Yeuk Ying, Krystal, who has been named a recipient of a Sir Edward Youde Memorial S c h o l a r s h i p 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 t o t h e tune of HK$20,000. One of the most prestigious scholarships in Hong Kong, the award aims to re co g n i z e a n d e n co u ra g e academic achievements of full-time undergraduates, diploma and certificate students at post-secondary and tertiary levels in Hong Kong.

Now that she has finished with her studies for the Bachelor of Science in Surveying at the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE), Krystal is honoured that she can serve as an example for other students. According to her, the scholarship application process has been rewarding enough, giving her a chance to reflect on her humble academic start in the Higher Diploma programme in Building Technology and Management at PolyU. After that, she was inspired to make the transition to study for a degree. She strongly encourages others to aim high and follow their dreams.













She would like to take this opportunity to thank her family, friends and mentors who have supported her in her studies, especially Prof. TENG Jin-Guang, Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment, and Prof. Geoffrey Qiping SHEN, Department Head of BRE, who nominated her for this scholarship. To show her gratitude, she has joined the Sir Edward Youde Scholars Association, an organization of past and current award winners who are committed to making a difference in the future development of Hong Kong.


Page 40: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Entry Scholarships for Outstanding Postgraduate StudentsTwo students who were lucky to be supported by an Entry Scholarship for their postgraduate studies have recently graduated. Started in 2009/10, the one-year scholarship covers tuition fees for the study of an MSc programme in the Postgraduate Scheme of the Faculty. Mr Ricky WONG Chi Keung, a MSc graduate in Construction and Real Estate, advises students who would like to succeed academically to work hard from the get-go to avoid having difficulties later. After four years of part-time study, he is currently taking a break, but is planning to continue his studies in the near future.

Another scholarship graduate, Miss Michelle LEUNG Wan Chi, credits the MSc programme in Building Services Engineering for providing her with sound theoretical knowledge and technical skills for her present work. She also had the opportunity to visit Xian on a study tour, thus broadening her horizons with a different learning experience. She thinks it is important for students to have a balanced life and good time management skills. Congratulations to Mr WONG and Miss LEUNG for fulfilling themselves with the entry scholarships, which are














awarded annually to applicants with outstanding academic results who apply to MSc programmes of the Postgraduate Scheme in Construction and Environment before the deadline.

For the 2011/12 academic year, each Master of Science programme can offer a maximum of two scholarships. Below are the 14 successful applicants:在2011/12學年,每項理學碩士課程均可頒發獎學金予最多兩位同學。下表為十四位獎學金得主的名單:

Programme 課程


MSc in Construction and Real Estate建築及房地產學理學碩士

TENG Xuejiao 滕雪蛟

HOU Zhenyan 侯振研

MSc in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution建築法及爭議解決學理學碩士

LI Kit Man 李潔文

FUNG Yu Hang 馮宇恆

MSc in Project Management項目管理理學碩士

WAN Chin Man Davis 尹展文

LUI Wun 呂媛

MSc in Building Services Engineering屋宇設備工程學理學碩士

LEUNG Wai Kin 梁衛堅

YANG Kai Chau楊繼宙

MSc in Fire and Safety Engineering消防及安全工程學理學碩士

MA Yee Ling馬綺玲

MSc in Civil Engineering土木工程學理學碩士

YUNG Yan Yi翁欣怡

MSc in Environmental Management and Engineering環境管理及工程學理學碩士

CUI Long崔龍

SUN Jian孫健

MSc in Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems)測繪及地理資訊學理學碩士 (地理信息系統 )

HUANG Qiaofen 黃巧芬

MSc in Sustainable Urban Development可持續城市發展學理學碩士

LEUNG Po Shan 梁寶珊

The Scholarship will cover the tuition fees for one academic year. Recipients who undertake full-time study without any employment can also apply for a subsistence allowance. 獎學金足以支付一整學年的學費;如上述同學屬全日制的全職學生,更可申請生活津貼。


Page 41: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

LSGI & BRE Students Honoured for their Community Service At the Community Service Learning Award Presentation Ceremony 2009/10 on 19 January 2011, FCLU was well represented by students from two of its departments. The highest honour, the Gold Award, was given to a group of students from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), while students from the Department of Building and Real Estate received a Certificate of Excellence for their outstanding performance in the Campus Improvement Project of Island Hostel of the Hong Kong Student Aid Society.

To develop students’ sense of social responsibility and commitment to the community, LSGI and the Student Affairs Office jointly organized a community service learning project “Lian Us Together” in the summer of 2010. The LSGI team

planned a renovation project for a primary school in Liannan, a hilly remote small town on the northern edge of the Guangdong province populated by the Yao tribe. Due to limited resources, the school’s playground was unsurfaced and students frequently tripped over during school activities. Surveying data were used to generate a simulated 3D model that facilitated the local government’s approval of the project as well as minimized frustration and errors.

Besides improving the school’s infrastructure, the LSGI students also increased their awareness of Yao culture, domestic stress and the need for environment protection in remote areas. Collaborating with students from 8 other academic departments at PolyU, they organized a series of activities for the mainland students. With support from PolyU and help from their advisors, the LSGI students turned a project from conception into reality, making a great impact on the lives of many Liannan school students.

本院同學勇奪社區服務金獎 及卓越表現獎狀 在本年一月十九日舉行的2009/10年度「傑出社區服務頒獎典禮」上,建設及地政學院可說是成果豐盈:先有土地測量及地理資訊


















By serving the community, students of both departments have been able to make practical use of their knowledge and skills, renewing their confidence in the applicability of their learning. For them, it is indeed more blessed to give than to receive.

To see further details of the project for the Gold Award, please visit the following webpage:

LSGI students土地測量及地埋資訊學系同學

BRE students建築及房地產學系同學


Page 42: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

PolyU Student at the 16th Asian GamesFailure is the mother of success. This is true of many things in life, and it is no exception in sports. Countless athletes have suffered the agony of defeat before they tasted sweet success. A similar lesson of trials and tribulations was learnt by LIN Po-Heung, Cyan, a full-time student for the BSc (Hons) in Property Management at the Department of Building and Real Estate. At the Asian Fencing Championship in Seoul in July 2010, her team lost to the Singapore team, but she did not let the disappointment overcome her dream of competing in Guangzhou at the 16th Asian Games. To prepare for it, she went through much intensive training and competitions in Beijing, Shanghai, and Fukien before finally beating her former nemesis at the Asian Games in November 2010 by almost 10 points. Her team was awarded the Bronze Medal in Fencing for the Ladies’ Foil Team Event.



物業管理學 (榮譽 )理學士全日制課程的連寶香同學,就是一個很好的例子。在去年七月於首爾舉行的亞洲劍擊錦標賽中,她與隊







With such promising results, Cyan hopes to continue representing PolyU and the Hong Kong Team in major competitions. She would like to thank all her supporters for making it possible for her to study and compete at such a high level.

國際房地產理學碩士課程畢業生 通過專業資格考核本年四月,十二位修畢國際房地產理學碩士課程的同學通過了長

達一小時的評審團面試,成為英國皇家特許測量師學會 (RICS)會員。RICS 是測量界的專業組織,素以對會員要求嚴謹見稱。







IRE graduates live up to RICS’ standardsIn April 2011, 12 graduates of the MSc in International Real Estate (IRE), a programme offered by the Department of Building & Real Estate (BRE) at PolyU’s Hangzhou Teaching Outpost, passed the hour-long panel interview for membership of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), a professional organization that is known for setting the highest standards of competence among its members.

According to Hebe HOW, Lecturer in the BRE Department, IRE students usually take a 2-day training workshop given by a senior RICS member at the Outpost to prepare for the interview. They can achieve RICS membership through one of two routes. If they have more than 10 years of related work experience, they can choose the Senior Professional route. If their work experience is less than 10 years, they can go on what is known as the Graduate 3 route, where they would be asked only technical questions. Students also need to submit written reports of their projects before the interview.

This is the second cohort of IRE graduates that has passed the gruelling interview. Congratulations for passing it!


Page 43: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

CIB Student Chapter at PolyU wins award for 2 consecutive yearsThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University Student Chapter of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB1), affiliated to the Faculty of Construction and Land Use, has won the prestigious CIB Sebestyen Future Leaders Award 2010.

The foremost purpose of the Award was to enable future leaders of the building sector to have more exposure to the latest developments in building research, so that in later life they would understand the value of supporting good research. The Award also aimed to stimulate collegial cooperation between staff and students in the Chapters, and the free exchange of information between the Chapters.

The proposal from the HK PolyU Student Chapter was entitled “Web-based Visual Platform for Real-time Communication and

Collaboration Among the CIB Student Chapters.” Developed jointly by Mr HONG Yuming, Miss TAO Li, Mr WEI Yigang and other committee members of the HK PolyU CIB Student Chapter, it was devoted to the development of a separate platform for real-time communication and the exchange of ideas among all CIB Student Chapters around the world, which had not been hitherto possible.

In 2011, another proposal submitted by the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) Student Chapter at PolyU also won the Sebestyen Future Leaders Award. Titled “Exploring construction industrialization in China: the status quo and the challenges,” the winning proposal aims to measure the extent of construct ion industrialization, identify the challenges to implementing it, and suggest ways for its implementation.

Beating out three other proposals for the award, the latest submission from PolyU was noted for its likelihood to produce vital information on China’s construction industry by the coordinator of CIB’s Customized Industrial Construction group, Prof. Gerhard GIRMSCHEID. On behalf of the Student Chapter,

國際建築工程研究與創新理事會 理工大學分會連續兩年奪魁附屬於建設及地政學院的國際建築工程研究與創新理事會 (CIB註釋 )理工大學分會,最近獲CIB頒發「2010年 Sebestyen 未來領袖大獎」。










這份建議書擊敗了三份候選作品奪魁,並獲CIB「客製化工業建築小組」統籌主任Prof. Gerhard GIRMSCHEID讚揚「極有可能提供關於中國建築業的重要資訊」。彭毅及洪羽明兩位現時在建築




註釋 : CIB 是 International Council for Building法文舊稱Conseil International du Bâtiment的縮寫;1998年,其英文全名改為 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION,但縮寫不變。

PENG Yi and HONG Yu-ming, the principal investigator and co-investigator respectively, will receive the award, which includes an amount of 2500 Euros to execute their proposal. Both Mr PENG and Mr HONG are studying for their PhD degrees in the Department of Building and Real Estate. The advisor of the CIB Student Chapter at PolyU is Prof. Francis K.W. WONG.

1 CIB is the acronym of the abbreviated French (former) name: “Conseil International du Bâtiment” (in English this is: International Council for Building). In the course of 1998, the abbreviation has been kept but the full name changed into: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION

Key award-winning contributors: From right to left: Mr Wang Hao, Mr Wei Yigang, Mr Hong Yuming, Ms Lisa Tao Li, together with Prof. Francis Wong, an Advisor of the PolyU’s CIB Student Chapter合力撰寫得獎建議書的主要成員包括 (右起 ) 王昊先生、魏億剛先生、洪羽明先生、陶麗小姐及CIB 理大分會顧問黃君華教授。


Page 44: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

BRE Student Won Best Paper Award at International Surveying ConferenceA final year student for the BSc (Hons) in Surveying from the Department of Building and Real Estate, Mr Chris Cheng MA, has won the Best Paper Award in the 3rd RICS-ISM International Surveying Conference for Undergraduates. Held on 18 and 19 March 2011 at the University Sains Malaysia in Penang, this international conference is the first time where a student from PolyU has been honoured with such an accolade.

Jointly organised by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Malaysia and the Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM), the theme of the conference was “Surveyors of the Future: The Challenges of Change.” About 350 surveying undergraduates from 9 local and international universities attended. By providing an open forum and networking platform for students taking the RICS accredited courses in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR, the conference promoted an understanding of contemporary issues in surveying and the environment.

Out of the 18 papers submitted by undergraduates this year, Chris’s paper on speculative bubbles in Hong Kong’s luxurious residential market was selected by a panel of RICS members with strong ties to academe as the Best Paper. Special thanks are due to his supervisor, Dr K.F. MAN, for his invaluable guidance. Chris would also like to express his heartfelt thanks to Dr NG Mei-Ling for her generous support during his 2010 Swire Internship.

建築及房地產學系學生國際測量學 研討會上勇奪最佳論文獎在「第三屆國際測量學大學生研討會」中,建築及房地產學系測

量學 (榮譽 )理學士課程畢業班同學馬成贏得最佳論文獎。該活動於本年三月十八至十九日在檳城的馬來西亞理工大學舉行,是首


研討會由英國皇家特許測量師學會 (RICS)馬來西亞分會及馬來西亞測量師學會 (ISM)聯合舉辦,主題是「新一代測量師面對的挑戰:迎向變革」,有大約三百五十名來自九家當地及海外大學的


港修讀RICS 認可課程的大學生,可藉著這次公開討論的良機,多瞭解測量學及環境學的最新發展,並跟與會者建立跨越地域的








土地測量及地理資訊學系學生榮獲2010/2011年度太古獎學金 最新一屆太古獎學金得主,是土地測量及地理資訊學系一年級生











LSGI Student wins Swire Polytechnic Scholarship 2010/2011Ms NG Wan Yin, a first-year Higher Diploma student of the Department o f L a n d S u r v e y i n g a n d G e o -Informatics (LSGI), was honoured with a Swire Polytechnic Scholarship of HK$31,575.00 that was sponsored by the John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd., which gives out the scholarship annually to first-year Higher Diploma student who excels in academic results and personal achievement in the first semester of study.

Ms NG Wan Yin was a top student in LSGI and earned the highest GPA in the first semester during 2010/2011 academic year. She has a special talent for mathematics, which she has demonstrated in her course work. NG Wan Yin said, “As a student of science, I have a great exposure to Mathematics, which has become my favourite subject and also my strength. In the process of calculation, I can learn much since a mathematical question can be very challenging and also can

train up my logic.3 The scholarship is a testimony of her academic achievements, leadership potential and personal qualities.

Congratulations Wan Yin!


Page 45: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Faculty Provides Top-Up Funding for Admitting Research StudentsThe Faculty launched the One-year Top-up PhD Studentship Scheme in the 2009/10 academic year to encourage FCLU colleagues to use their external grants for the admission of research postgraduate (RPg) students. Under this scheme, a top-up grant for one year of a three-year PhD studentship is provided to a colleague who admits a PhD candidate using his/her external competitive grants (e.g. GRF grants), or other external research grants (provided that such use of funding is permitted by the funding body) to cover the first two years of a three-year studentship. The one-year top-up grant is provided by the Faculty and the department concerned on a 50%:50% matching basis (i.e. with each party contributing $80,100).

建設及地政學院資助轄下學系 錄取博士研究生建設及地政學院在2009/10學年設立「博士生一年制補助獎學金計劃」,鼓勵同事善用校外撥款取錄修讀博士學位的研究生。根

據這項計劃,凡運用校外競爭性撥款 (如教資會的優配研究金 )或外界其他研究資助 (如撥款機構利用款項作此用途 )取錄三年制博士生的同事,都可以向學院申請一年制的補助獎學金,以補前述




The Scheme supported 7 applications in the first round of the 2009/10 academic year and 7 applications in the second round of the 2010/2011 academic year respectively. These 14 successful applications are as follows:

PhD Candidate博士生



Mr CHEUNG Man Wai張文偉


Prof. TANG Bo-sin鄧寶善教授

Ms Angel LAW羅安琪


Dr WONG Chi-ning*黃志寧博士*

Ms CUI Dong Jin崔冬瑾


Dr C.M. MAK麥卓明博士

Ms HU Rong胡榕


Prof. J.L. NIU*牛建磊教授*

Mr MA Tao馬濤


Prof. YANG Hongxing*楊洪興教授* Dr LU Lin呂琳博士 Prof. ZHANG Yin ping (Tsinghua University)張寅平 (清華大學 )

Mr SHI Xiao Feng史曉峰


Dr C.M. MAK*麥卓明博士* Prof. YANG Jun (Institute of Acoustics Chinese Academy of Sciences)楊軍教授 (中國科學院聲學研究所 )

Ms HUANG Du Ruo黃杜若


Prof. K. F. CHUNG鍾國輝教授

Mr LI Bo李波


Dr LAM S.S.*林少書博士*

Mr LIN Jing Hua林敬華


Prof. XU You-Lin*徐幼麟教授* Dr XIA Yong夏勇博士 Dr ZHU Song-Ye朱松曄博士

Ms LIU Kun劉坤


Prof. LAW S.S.*羅紹湘教授* Dr ZHU X. Q. (Queensland University of Technology)朱信群博士 (昆士蘭科技大學 ) Dr XIA Yong夏勇博士

Ms XU Lijie徐立傑


Prof. CHU Wei朱威教授

Mr ZHAN Bao Jian占寶劍


Prof. C.S. POON潘智生教授

Mr SHAHZAD Muhammad Imran穆罕默德 ·艾姆朗 ·沙澤德


Prof. Janet NICHOLJanet NICHOL教授

Mr ZHU Wu朱武


Prof. DING Xiaoli丁曉利教授

* Chief Supervisor*主任導師


Page 46: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Learning Beyond the CampusStudent learning at PolyU is not confined within the boundaries of the university. Opportunities abound for students who are curious about the world-at-large to venture beyond the campus for more vicarious experiences. In the summer of 2010, a group of students from the Department of Building and Real Estate visited Shanghai to attend the Global Forum for College Students. Organized by the Jiao Tong University to promote the exchange of cultures, information, and knowledge, participating students were able to meet students from all over the world and learnt from them.

Students from the organizing university took our students to Chongming Island, an oasis of green efficiency in practice. Towering over the landscape were rows of wind turbines that were reminiscent of the iconic windmills of the Netherlands. Not only was it picturesque, but the island was a prime example of sustainable development. Everything about it was environmentally sound: chemical fertilizers were not used to grow food, wind and solar power provided energy to buildings, waste was recycled etc. Students learnt first-hand that eco-friendly development was not an oxymoron but very much a reality.

Continuing the theme of the progress made by China in its development over the last 30 years was a video that our students saw inside the China Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo, a star attraction of the 8-day trip. The featured exhibition here made it clear to students that China’s urbanization could be sustainable in the future with the deployment of low-carbon technologies.

Students also had a chance to discuss global warming with their peers in a model United Nations conference. Representing the interests of different world powers, students learnt it was not so easy to come to a consensus when resources were not equally distributed. They also learnt about the culture of students from countries like Japan and New Zealand. It was a truly memorable and educational trip.






























Closer to home, a handful of students from the CIB Student Chapter was given a tour of the Youth Square in Chai Wan by representatives of the Home Affairs Bureau, which commissioned its construction. The aim was to create a space for youths to explore and develop their interests. Students learnt about the relationship between form and function as well as their mutual interdependence.

It is evident from these visits that learning opportunities are everywhere. Students only need to be active participants to enrich their university experiences.


Page 47: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Alumnus donation to benefit needy FCE studentsOne of PolyU’s outstanding alumni for 2011, Ir TSUI Tack-kong, has donated HK$600,000 to set up a bursary for local full-time degree and sub-degree students from the Faculty of Construction and Environment. Bursaries of HK$50,000 to HK$100,000 per year will be disbursed beginning in the 2011/12 academic year until the entire donation has been used up. They will mainly be awarded based on financial need, but students also need to have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or above at the time of application. The Student Affairs Office will assist in the administration of the awards, which shall be known as the Ir TSUI Tack-kong Bursaries. Many thanks to Ir TSUI for a most worthy cause.

IRE Programme reaching new heights in its 10th anniversaryThe MSc in International Real Estate (IRE) programme, the only academic programme offered by the Department of Building and Real Estate at the PolyU outpost at Zhejiang University in China, will reach its 10th Anniversary in 2011/12. This programme first started in Hangzhou in 2002. To date, it has recruited nine cohorts of part-time students and produced over 200 graduates who have gone on to become senior business executives, government leaders and high-calibre professional practitioners in the mainland real estate industry. The programme continues to attract high-calibre mainland students who aspire to be Chartered Surveyors after graduation.

The IRE programme provides mainland students with a unique opportunity to learn and experience overseas real estate practices without having to spend the entire study period outside of China. Over the years, the programme has built up its reputation and increased its recognition by seasoned real estate professionals. In November 2010, Mr. K.L. WONG, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Housing Society, flew to Hangzhou and gave a presentation about elderly housing development strategy to IRE students. Other high-profile practitioners who have previously spoken as part of the IRE programme included: Mr. William CHAN, Director of Kerry Properties (Shanghai); Mr. Edmund HO, Managing Director of DTZ (North China); Mr. Henry LI, RICS China Board Chairman; Mr. Alex TSE, Vice President of Pramerica Real Estate Investors, amongst others. All these talks have received overwhelming student responses.

The IRE programme combines traditional classroom teaching with two international study visits to outside universities. In the past, IRE students have visited the United Kingdom in a trip that was organized by the Cambridge International Land Institute of the University of Cambridge. This year, a visit organized by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign exposes students to real estate development practices in Chicago of the United States.





國際房地產課程昂首邁進十周年建築及房地產學系與浙江大學合辦的唯一一項課程 – 國際房地產理學碩士課程,在今年踏入第十個年頭。它於2002年在杭州首辦,至今已錄取了九屆兼讀學員。在逾二百位畢業生中,不少已









邀講學的知名人士,更是不計其數,包括嘉里建設 (上海 )董事陳惠明先生、DTZ戴德梁行華北區董事總經理何衍鈞先生、英國皇家特許測量師學會中國分會主席李旭先生、保德信房地產投資公








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問公司,並且參觀東莞原創金屬結構有限公司 (香港金門建築的附屬公司 )及鴻輝預製件有限公司 (新鴻基地產集團成員 ),深入了解如何透過廠房監管建築安全。








Study tour opens eyes of surveying studentsFrom 2-4 June 2011, 21 2nd year BSc Surveying students went on a study tour of the construction industry in Guangzhou and Dongguan. Sponsored by the Faculty of Construction & Land Use (FCLU) and led by 2 academics from the Department of Building & Real Estate, Prof. Francis WONG and Dr Y.H. CHIANG, tour participants had an opportunity to examine in-depth four selected areas of the construction industry: construction technology, construction safety, surveying practices and the development of the real estate market in mainland China.

In the well-structured 3-day tour, students attended seminars and visited factories as well as a leading real estate consulting firm established by Prof. S.C. LIU, an alumnus and Adjunct Professor of PolyU. The guided tours of the Dongguan Pristine Metal Works Limited under Gammon and the Orientfunds Precast Limited (a subsidiary of Sun Hung Kai Properties) facilitated students’ understanding of construction safety supervision in the factories.

Students were also impressed by the extensive range of applications prefabrication technologies have played in Hong Kong and beyond. The tour concluded with a visit to the Sun Yat-Sen University, where students had an illuminating seminar with Prof. J.P. LIAO, Director of the Institute of Real Estate Studies of the University, in which they learnt about the differences between the surveying professions in China and those in Hong Kong, plus the dissimilarities in the two markets.

The study tour proved to be a big success. Students have learned more than they expected from the trip. Not only did they have a broad exposure to the impressively equipped factories, but they also gained invaluable insights on various issues related to the property sector. They all look forward to having a career in the construction industry one day. Participants of the Guangzhou and Dongguan Surveying Study Tour


Student Paper Award 2011 On 31 May 2011, the Hong Kong branch of the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation presented the Student Paper Award 2011 to Mr LU Hua, a Bachelor Degree graduate of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (CSE). Supervised by Ir Prof. William H.K. LAM, Mr LU’s project was titled an “Estimation of Instantaneous Travel Times on Urban Roads Using Video Detection Data in Hong Kong.”

學生論文獎2011 本年五月三十一日,英國特許公路及運輸學會香港分會舉行頒獎禮,2011「學生論文獎」得主是土木及結構工程學系本科畢業生陸化同學。陸同學的導師是林興強教授,論文題目為《在香港根據視像偵測數

據估計使用城市道路所需的即時交通時間》。Mr Lu and his supervisor Prof. Lam陸同學與其導師林興強教授


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Faculty from the heads of the different departments. They were also introduced to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and how to become a professional member of this respected organization.

During the break-out sessions, students had a chance to chat with their award coordinators, who gave them helpful advice on subject selection and other programme-related matters. Subsequently, a guided library tour was conducted to conclude the half-day Orientation programme.

2011/12年度全日制授課式 碩士課程迎新活動在2011/12學年,建設及環境學院取錄了約一百五十名修讀全日制授課式碩士課程學生,當中七成為內地生。









Orientation Programme for Full-time Taught Postgraduate Students 2011/12For the 2011/12 academic year, about 150 full-time students have been admitted to the taught postgraduate programmes offered by the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), with over 70% of them coming from the Chinese mainland.

To introduce the newcomers to university life, an Orientation programme was held for them on the afternoon of 29 August 2011. Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, Dean of FCE, extended his warmest welcome to the incoming students. During the Orientation, students learnt more about the make-up of the

BRE Students awarded for their dissertationsThree 2010 graduates of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) were honoured earlier this year for their excellent dissertation reports. Mr CHUNG Chi Wa Vincent, a full-time graduate of the BSc(Hons) in Surveying, won the Champion Award in the “Student Project Competition 2010” organized by the Safety Specialist Committee (SSC) of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) as well as a Merit Award in the “Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Best Project Award 2010” competition organized by the Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC). His dissertation was an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Safety Management System in repair, maintenance, addition and alteration works in Hong Kong.

The other winners were Mr CHIU Wing Cheong Gerald and Mr KO Shun Wei Chris, both part-time graduates of the MSc in Construction and Real Estate. The former won the Champion Award in the MSc Degree category of the “Student Project Competition 2010” organized by the Safety Specialist Committee (SSC) o f the HKIE . H is w inn ing dissertation was entitled “Developing a D e c i s i o n S u p p o r t S y s te m fo r Measuring the Safety Performance of Construction Projects Undertaken by Small to Medium-sized Construction Companies in Hong Kong”. The latter won a Merit Award from OSHC for his empirical study of the Pay for Safety Scheme for new public housing projects in Hong Kong. All the awards

建築及房地產學系畢業生論文屢獲嘉獎三位在2010年畢業的建築及房地產學系同學,憑出色的論文報告獲得多個獎項。其中,修讀測量學 (榮譽 )理學士全日制課程的鍾志華更是雙喜臨門,同時贏得香港工程師學會安全工程專責事務

委員會「學生項目比賽 2010」冠軍,以及職業安全健康局「職安健最佳項目 2010」優異獎。其論文主題是「本地維修、保養、擴建及改建工程的安全管理制度成效評估」。



生項目比賽 2010」的碩士生組奪冠,論文題目是「為香港中小型建築公司的建築工程研發用以衡量安全表現的決策支援系統」。


贏得職業安全健康局「職安健最佳項目 2010」優異獎。幾位得獎者都獲頒獎狀及現金獎,而他們的另一共通之處,就是由建築及


came with certificates and cash prizes. The students who won were all supervised by Dr Daniel W.M. CHAN, an Associate Professor of the BRE Department.


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innovative solutions for our customers. Headquartered in Hong Kong for over 50 years, we have built a distinguished reputation for delivering high quality and complex projects throughout Hong Kong, China and Southeast Asia. We are fully committed to building for a better quality of life and living environment in a safe and sustainable manner.

Building in a socially responsible manner Jointly owned by Jardine Matheson and Balfour Beatty

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Joint International Symposium on Deformation MonitoringDate : 2-4 November 2011 Venue : Harbour Grand Hong Kong HotelEnquiriesTel : +852 2766 4350Email : [email protected] :

17th Congregation and Faculty Prize Presentation CeremonyDate : 17-18 November 2011Venue : The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference (APVC)Date : 5-8 December 2011Venue : The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityWebsite :

The APVC is an international refereed conference held once every two years to present and publish the research and development activities related to aspects of dynamic control, sound and vibration, condition monitoring, damping, responses to earthquake ground motions as well as other aspects of dynamic responses for both mechanical and structural engineering systems.

First International Conference on Performance-based and Life-Cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2012)Date : December 2012Abstracts of papers should be emailed to the following address by 15 January 2012: [email protected] :

The 5th International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability (INSTR)Date : 18-19 December 2012, Hong KongVenue : The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityWebsite : http://www.instr2012.orgThe INSTR series is the premier gathering for the world’s leading researchers and profess ionals interested in transportation network reliability. The scope of the symposium includes all aspects of analysis and design to improve network reliability, including: • User perception of unreliability and vulnerability• Public policy and reliability of travel times • The valuation of reliability • The economics of reliability • Network reliability modeling and estimation • Transport network robustness • Reliability of public transportation • Travel behavior under uncertainty • Vehicle routing and scheduling under uncertainty • Risk evaluation and management for transportation networks • ITS to improve network reliability

Important DatesDeadline for submission of extended abstracts (1000 words) 15 January, 2012Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstract 15 March, 2012Deadline for submission of full papers for peer review 15 June, 2012Notification of acceptance or rejection of full paper 15 August, 2012Deadline for submission of full, revised papers for publication 15 Sept., 2012

EnquiriesMs. Connie LamDepartment of Civil and Structural EngineeringThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHung Hom, KowloonHong KongTel: +852-2766-6070Fax: +852-2334-6389Email: [email protected]

Forthcoming Events最新動


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Invitation for Programme Admissions 2012/13

Master of Science (MSc)/Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) 理學碩士 / 深造文憑 DepartmentBuilding Services Engineering 屋宇設備工程學 BSECivil Engineering 土木工程學 CSEConstruction and Real Estate 建築及房地產學 BREConstruction Law and Dispute Resolution 建築法及爭議解決學 BREEnvironmental Management and Engineering 環境管理及工程學 CSEFacility Management 設施管理 BSEFire and Safety Engineering 消防及安全工程學 BSEGeomatics (Geographic Information Systems) 測繪及地理資訊學 (地理資訊 ) LSGIGeomatics (Surveying) 測繪及地理資訊學 (測量 ) LSGIInternational Real Estate (Zhejiang) 國際房地產 BREProject Management 項目管理 BRESustainable Urban Development 可持續城市發展學 FCE

Bachelor's Degree 學士學位 DepartmentBuilding Engineering and Management 建築工程及管理學 BREBuilding Services Engineering 屋宇設備工程學 BSECivil Engineering 土木工程學 CSEEnvironmental and Occupational Safety and Health 環境及職業安全與健康 CSEEnvironment and Sustainable Development 環境與可持續發展 CSEGeomatics (Geo-Information Technology) 測繪及地理資訊學 (地理資訊科技 ) LSGIGeomatics (Land Surveying) 測繪及地理資訊學 (土地測量 ) LSGIGeomatics (Utility Management and Surveying) 測繪及地理資訊學 (管線設施測繪與管理) LSGIProperty Management 物業管理學 BRESurveying 地產建設測量學 BRE

Higher Diploma 高級文憑 DepartmentBuilding Services Engineering 屋宇設備工程學 BSEBuilding Technology and Management (Engineering) 建築科技及管理學 (工程 ) BREBuilding Technology and Management (Surveying) 建築科技及管理學 (測量 ) BRECivil Engineering 土木工程學 CSEGeomatics (Geo-Information Technology) 測繪及地理資訊學 (地理資訊科技 ) LSGIGeomatics (Land Surveying) 測繪及地理資訊學 (土地測量 ) LSGI

Department of

Building and

Real Estate (BRE)


2766-5807/ 5808/ 7770

Department of

Building Services Engineering




Department of Civil

and Structural Engineering




Department of Land Surveying


Geo-Informatics (LSGI)



For programme details, please contact the departments or visit their websites:

如欲查詢詳細課程資料,請聯絡相關學系或瀏覽學系網頁 :

Page 59: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Application Period報名日期*

Master's Degree/ Postgraduate Diploma Programmes碩士及深造文憑課程

Local applicants本地申請人 :

December 2011 – March 2012

Non-local applicants 非本地申請人 :

December 2011 – March 2012

Application closing dates vary between programmes and may be extended.

For details, please visit the website:


Full-time Bachelor's Degree and Sub-Degree Programmes全日制學士學位及非學位課程

Local applicants本地申請人 :

December 2011 – February 2012

Non-local applicants 非本地申請人 :

November 2011 – March 2012

Students applying on the basis of current year Joint Entrance Examination

(JEE) results內地應屆高考生 :

January – June 2012

Part-time Bachelor's Degree and Sub-Degree Programmes兼讀制學士學位及非學位課程

December 2011 – 1 March 2012

* application periods are tentative 報名日期:待定

Programme Entrance Requirements 課程入學要求

Please check the most up-to-date information on the Study@PolyU website at請於Study@PolyU查閱最新資料,網址為

Enquiries on Application and Admission 查詢申請及入學

Admission OfficeAcademic SecretariatThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong



Email電郵 :

[email protected] Master's/ Postgraduate Diploma programmes 理學碩士及深造文憑課程

[email protected] Full-time Bachelor's degree & sub-degree programmes – local applicants 全日制學士學位及非學位課程 – 本地申請人[email protected] Full-time Bachelor's degree & sub-degree programmes – non-local applicants 全日制學士學位及非學位課程 – 非本地申請人[email protected] Part-time Bachelor's degree & sub-degree programmes 兼讀制學士學位及非學位課程

Page 60: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT...2011年院長特設卓越表現獎 (論文出版) CSE Professor receives Chandra S. Desai Excellence Award 22 土木及結構工程學系教授獲Chandra

Editor-in-chief: Ir Prof. Albert CHANExecutive Editor: Nancy C.W. LAIAdvisory Editors: Ir Prof. Jin-Guang TENG Ir Prof. Jan-Ming KO

Editorial Board: Dr Michael YAM Dept. of Building and Real Estate

Dr Vivien Lin LU Dept. of Building Services Engineering

Prof. Kam Tim CHAU Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering

Dr George LIU Dept. of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

We welcome your comments and articles.Please send all correspondence to:

Faculty of Construction and EnvironmentThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2766 5034Fax: (852) 2362 2574Email: [email protected]


總編輯: 陳炳泉教授工程師執行編輯: 黎志華女士顧問編輯: 滕錦光教授工程師 高贊明教授工程師

編輯委員會: 任志浩博士 建築及房地產學系

呂琳博士 屋宇設備工程學系

周錦添教授 土木及結構工程學系

� 劉志趙博士 土地測量及地理資訊學系



電話: (852) 2766 5034傳真: (852) 2362 2574電郵: [email protected]

香港理工大學凝聚智慧 讓你實踐創意

Construction and Environment is published by the Faculty of Construction and Environment for students, staff, alumni and friends of the Faculty. The magazine contains information known as of September 2011. For an electronic version of the magazine, please visit



可於 瀏覽。