
PID Live Class 5 U.S. Government Structure & Function Declaration, Articles of Confederation & U.S. Constitution

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PID Live Class 5 U.S. Government Structure & Function

Declaration, Articles of Confederation & U.S. Constitution

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Unit 2 Lesson 1 & 2: a history and outline of the US Constitution

Outcomes: Know the purpose and general outline

of the Declaration of Independence Know the purpose and the general

outline of the Articles of Confederation

Know the purpose and general outline of the U.S. Constitution

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The Declaration of Independence

Purpose: The declaration and intent to separate from

Great Britain Grievances against Great Britain, specifically the

King, King George Appeal for equality, freedom, and to “the

opinions of all mankind” Officially signed on June 28, 1776, presented

to the Continental Congress, revisions and editing occurred on July 2, 1776 and the final version was passed on July 4. 56 members signed the embossed version

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Format of the Dec. of Indep.

The first sentence of the Declaration asserts as a matter of Natural Law

The next section, the famous preamble, includes the ideas and ideals that were principles of the Declaration

The next section is a list of charges against King George

The next section represents disappointment that attempts made to have the King stop his disputed actions had been unsuccessful

In the final section, the signers assert that there exist conditions under which people must change their government.

Full text of the Declaration of Independence link here

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Articles of Confederation 1777-1781 Our 1st form of government Established the name of the united states Had many problems Unicameral (one house) legislature called

Congress created from representatives of the 13 states

One vote per state Weak central government No national courts No power to tax No money meant no army Important laws had to be approved by at least

9 states

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Articles of Confederation No executive officer to enforce laws No way to control trade between states No way to settle quarrels between

states States had more power They could tax They had courts States could make currency

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U.S. Constitution

A quick review….

For the full text version of The U.S. Constitution (click here)

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Constitutional Convention 1786 Annapolis, MD 1787 Philadelphia Independence Hall George Washington – president Not all agreed Compromises made Virginia plan-large state plan James Madison New Jersey plan-small state plan Ratified 1788

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Preamble “We the People of the United States,

in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

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Article 1

Legislative Branch Purpose

Make laws 2 houses or bodies of Congress

House of Representatives Senate

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House of Representatives 435 members

Based on population (about 1 for every 500,000)

Each state gets at least one representative Term- 2 years

Unlimited terms Qualifications

25 US Citizen- 7 years Resident of state Male or female

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House of Representatives Leader is called the Speaker of the House

currently Nancy Pelosi (D-California) Check & Balance

Power of Impeachment: The House of Reps brings charges against government official - usually the President - if enough there is enough evidence

U.S. House of Representatives for the State of Hawai’i Maize Hirono Neil Abercrombie

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Senate 100 Total Senators 2 from each state Term

6 years, 1/3 every of Senators up for re-election every 2 years

Unlimited terms Qualifications

30 years old Citizen for 9 years Resident of the state Male or female

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Senate Leaders of the Senate

Vice President - Currently V.P.-Joe Biden Senate pro-tempore - Currently Harry Reid

(D., Nevada0 Checks & Balance

Senate has Power of impeachment They are the Jury in the impeachment trial

U.S. Senators for the State of Hawai’i Daniel Inouye Daniel Akaka

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General information about Congress

Congress (with a capital C) is the name for both the U.S. House of Representatives and The US Senate

Both meet in: Capitol Building in Washington DC Paid the same, approximately $174,

000 a year.

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Lawmaking process Job of Congress is to get laws passed to make sure

our country is running smoothly How pass laws

An idea in the form of a “bill” is introduced either in the House of Reps or the Senate

Revenue laws (money laws like taxes, or refunds, etc must start in the House of Representatives

It goes to a committee where it is heard, fixed, and voted on If it is approved in committee it goes to the floor of the

whichever house it started in and gets voted on. If it passes the first house, then it goes to the next house

Example: Bill introduced in the House of Reps, goes to a House of Reps committee, is voted on in committee and passes, then it goes to the “floor” of the House of Reps and is voted on. If it passed then it is sent to the Senate and the same process starts over again.

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Lawmaking Process Bill must be passed by both houses of

Congress Sent to President to sign or veto If President veto’s, need a 2/3 vote in

both houses to over rides a veto If President doesn’t act in 10 days, bill

automatically becomes law Judicial Branch interprets laws to ensure

they are within the limits of the Constitution

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Duties of Congress, not states, Article 1, Section 8 Money-power to raise, borrow, coin

money Defense-power to declare war, to raise

and support military Ex post facto law Congress can’t convict someone of an

act that does not have a law making that act illegal

Postal duties Make treaties

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Federal system (federalism0 Delegated Powers- Powers only

belonging to the federal gov’t Ex.-military, postal system, standards,

copyrights, commerce, immigration, declaration of war

Concurrent Powers- shared federal and state powers Ex.- general welfare, courts, levy taxes,

banks, borrow money Reserved Powers-Powers belonging only

to state gov’ts Ex.-schools, local gov’t, marriage regulations

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General information about Article 1 – The Legislature

Congress can’t tax goods exported from any state

Each citizen must treat citizens of other states the same as their citizens

Webpage to get specifics on the Constitution:

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Article 2 – The Executive Branch

Purpose to Enforce laws Consists of

President Vice President 15 cabinet members

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President Takes office on Jan. 20 following an

election year Term Limits

4 years 2 terms – set by the 22nd amendment

Office located - White House Current President:

Barack Obama

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Qualifications & General information Age at least 35 Natural born citizen Live in US for 14 years Male or female General Info:

Only 1 resigned from office - Richard Nixon

Only 1 appointed to office - Gerald Ford 1st African American – Barack Obama

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How President Elected Candidate announces running for office If more than one person running in a political party then

there is a primary election Primary election is where the political party chooses a

candidate that will represent them in the general election General election when political party nominee’s run

against each other for President Most elections are determined by popular vote – each

person eligible to vote casts one vote and their vote counts individually.

When you vote for president, you are really voting for an elector who has pledged to represent that candidate. The electors chosen by each state are called the electoral college. They are a group of people who officially elect the president and vice president. Each state has as many votes in the electoral college as it has senators and members of the House of Representatives.

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Election of President Electoral college

538 total electoral votes Need 270 to win

If no candidate gets a majority of electors House of Reps decides Each state gets 1 vote

Inauguration Jan. 20

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Presidential duties Can call both houses into special

session Veto power Makes appointments for ambassadors,

judges, 15 cabinet members (they must be confirmed by the Senate)

Commander-in –chief Prepares annual budget

Ready by Jan., presented to Congress 2 biggest expenditures

Defense and Social Security

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Order of succession

Vice President Speaker of the House President pro-tempore Cabinet- Sec. of State

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Cabinet - 15 Sec. of State – foreign affairs Attorney General – chief legal officer Sec. of Defense – defense Sec. of Agriculture – farm programs Sec. of Treasury – coinage and printing of money and

secret service Sec. of Health and Human Service – health and social

security Sec. of Energy – energy programs Sec. of Interior – natural resources and parks Sec. of Labor – settles strikes, working conditions Sec. of Homeland Defense – oversees protection of U.S. Sec. of Education – education Dept. of Transportation – transportation and Coast

Guard Sec. Commerce – industry and business

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Article 3 - Judicial Branch

Purpose-to interpret laws and decide on the constitutionality of laws

Federal court system has 3 courts U.S. Supreme U.S. Appellate or Court of Appeals U.S. District

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Judicial Branch Judges are appointed by the President Approved by Senate

Term for life No qualifications

Supreme court 9 justices Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.

(conservative) Supreme Court Building in Washington DC

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Checks and Balances

Executive Branch- Vetoes Legislative Branch -passes by 2/3

vote in each house Judicial Branch– declares law


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Articles 4 - 7

4 rights of the states 5 how to amend the constitution 6 powers of the constitution 7 how the constitution would be

ratified (approved)

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Amendments-27 1-10 Bill of Rights 1 speech and press 2 bear arms 4 privacy 6 speedy trial 9 enumeration 12 election of president 13 no slavery

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Amendments-27 14 citizenship for blacks 15 black men the right to vote 16 income tax 18 prohibition 19 women right to vote 21 repeal 18 22 president’s term 26 vote at 18

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13 stripes – colonies 50 stars – states Flag hoisted briskly and lowered

ceremoniously Procession in front Treated with respect

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All Unit 2 Assignments Declaration Of Independence Q & A Declaration of Independence Preamble Q & A Articles of Confederation Check for Understanding

Quiz Constitutional Convention Q & A The Basic Principles of U.S. Government Q & A Outlining The Constitution Understanding The Bill of Rights Activity Legislative Branch Quiz Can We Justify The Implied Powers of Congress

Activity Executive Branch Quiz Role of the President Quiz The Judicial Branch Quiz Federalism - The Sharing of Powers Activity Constitution Test