congregation or chadash...can experience god 3939 n. alvernon way tucson, az 85718 after night, the...

THE NEW LIGHT Congregation Or Chadash Volume 20 Issue 7 November/December 2018 Table of Contents From the Rabbi .................................................2 From the President ...........................................3 Synagogue Life..................................................4 & 9 Upcoming Events ..............................................5 Multi Faith/Social Justice ..................................6 Chanukah .........................................................7 Religious School ................................................8 Sisterhood/Brotherhood ....................................10 For The Congregation ......................................11 Calendar ...........................................................12-13 Life Cycle ..........................................................14 Donations .........................................................15 1 0 0 M e n o r a h C e l e b r a t i o n a n d F r i d a y N i g h t L I V E ! ( i n a n e w a n d m u c h l a r g e r s p a c e t h i s y e a r ) Friday, December 7th at the St. Francis in the Foothills Celebration Center 4625 E. River Road - southwest corner of River and Swan 5:45 p.m. Latke Nosh 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Bring families and friends and join us as we celebrate Shabbat and Chanukah with food, fun, prayers and songs. Begin with a Latke Nosh at 5:45 p.m. Bring your chanukiot with seven candles to light up the night On the 6th night of Chanukah Celebrate the Festival of Lights with friends and family!

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Page 1: Congregation Or Chadash...can experience God 3939 N. Alvernon Way Tucson, AZ 85718 after night, the light increases. We celebrate with our (520) 512-8500 MISSION STATEMENT To instill


Congregation Or Chadash

Volume 20 Issue 7 November/December 2018

Table of Contents From the Rabbi .................................................2 From the President ...........................................3 Synagogue Life..................................................4 & 9 Upcoming Events ..............................................5 Multi Faith/Social Justice ..................................6 Chanukah .........................................................7 Religious School................................................8Sisterhood/Brotherhood ....................................10 For The Congregation ......................................11 Calendar ...........................................................12-13 Life Cycle ..........................................................14 Donations .........................................................15

100 Menorah Celebration and Friday Night LIVE!

(in a new and much larger space this year)

Friday, December 7th at the St. Francis in the Foothills Celebration Center

4625 E. River Road - southwest corner of River and Swan

5:45 p.m. Latke Nosh 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service

Bring families and friends and join us as we celebrate Shabbat and Chanukah with food, fun, prayers and songs.

Begin with a Latke Nosh at 5:45 p.m.

Bring your chanukiot with seven candles to light up the night On the 6th night of Chanukah

Celebrate the Festival of Lights with friends and family!

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November/December 2018 2

The New Light The Newsletter for Congregation Or Chadash

Congregation Or Chadash A warm and welcoming Community where all

can experience God

3939 N. Alvernon Way Tucson, AZ 85718

(520) 512-8500

MISSION STATEMENT To instill and foster Jewish identity and community, to perpetuate Judaism by being a community of life-long learners, and to enhance the quality of life through the practice of Torah, Avoda (Worship), Gemilut Chasadim (Acts of Loving Kindness) and Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World)

From Our Rabbi

Thomas A. Louchheim Rabbi Janece E. Cohen Cantor Rina Liebeskind Executive Administrator & Director of Youth Engagement Eileen Cook Executive Assistant Jim Liebeskind Events & Facilities Manager Sarah Bollt Clergy Assistant Jim Neal Accounting Manager

Board of Directors Benjamin Vogel President Paul Bartlett First Vice President Elaine Jones Vice President Emily Joseph Secretary Aaron Fisher Treasurer Steve Schuldenfrei Past President

Dana Adler Mitch Karson Gary Kippur

Harriet Kronman Benjamin Goldberg

Lynn Greenberg Steve Groff Melissa Hall

Morris Riback Beverly Sandock

AUXILIARY REPRESENTATIVES Laurie Kassman Sisterhood Richard Marimow Brotherhood

Summer Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.

Friday 9:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. Closed from 12:30—1:30 p.m.

Gift Shop Hours:

Monday 11:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m., 1:15 p.m.—1:45 p.m. Thursday 4:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. Friday 5:30 p.m. — 6:15 p.m.

Sunday 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. by appointment

As we enter the early days of December, the daylight hours are shortest and night is the longest before sunlight returns. In this extended darkness, the sun is in exile and it is not uncommon to feel despair. At this darkest moment, we Jews celebrate Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. We light an increasing number of candles each night for eight consecutive nights. Night after night, the light increases. We celebrate with our

families gathered together in joyful celebration, our celebrations a reminder – for each of us – to turn toward the light, to turn from the darkness of despair, to turn toward salvation and hope, and to lift others toward that light. Some time ago I had lunch with one of my friends. He told me that he and his wife have a tradition of giving seven gifts to their daughter on Chanukah. On the eighth day of Chanukah, it is their daughter’s responsibility to give a gift or to make a donation to a charity. That year, he told me, their tradition changed, not because their finances wouldn’t allow for seven gifts, but because of the increased need of so many in our community, their daughter would receive five gifts and, as a family, they would be providing three days of Chanukah giving to others. May we learn from this example. Let us declare in our actions: Eternal God, we are so grateful for the blessings in our lives. We will share with those who are struggling more than anyone should. This Chanukah we will dedicate our Chanukah lights of hope and of love to bring blessings to those in need. We will provide a joyous holiday celebration for family members gathered at our side and, at the same time, give a helping hand to others. Happy Chanukah Rabbi Thomas Louchheim

Charitable Giving It is hard to believe that it is already November. The final weeks of the calendar year are an excellent time to financially support Congregation Or Chadash. Donations may be made with cash, checks, credit card, and donated stock or IRA transfers. Whatever method of support you choose, you will be helping yourself, your congregation, and future generations with your generosity.

By including Or Chadash in your charitable giving plans, you are really engaging in the Mitzvah of Tzedakah, sustaining and preserving our community, and contributing to the vision and mission of the congregation.

Thank you for your consideration of Or Chadash in your end of the year tax deductible, gift giving plans. Should you have any questions, please contact Rina Liebeskind, our administrator, at 900-7030.

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From Our President

I hope you are all off to a great new year for 5779. Our congregation sure is.

As of the writing of this article, our High Holy Day Appeal is progressing very nicely and there is still time to donate to that fund! The HHD Appeal will run through the end of December.

To all who were able to donate to the HHD Appeal, thank you for your gift of to our community. You have not only helped sustain us financially; but you have also insured that we have a spiritual home where some can come to explore and learn Jewish tradition while others are able to celebrate simchas. This is all made possible by people like you who have generously supported our mission.

We are grateful for your generosity and hope that you will take great pride in the important difference that your gift makes.

As we reach the end of the secular calendar year please consider the tax advantages that can accompany contributions to the congregation. Along with all of the usual expenses to keep our congregation running, we had to treat for a termite infestation at the end of the summer, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated.

That said, a successful congregation does not depend on dues and donations alone. We encourage all members, and friends as well, to PARTICIPATE in our exciting community-building and fun-raising activities. Chanukah is quickly approaching and we would love to see you all for the 100 Menorah Celebration with Latke tasting before services on December 7th. Also, remember to mark your calendars for our RAZZMATAZZ AND ALL THAT JAZZ event on Saturday night, January 12th. This fundraiser will be a fun social event for all, with great food, and live jazz musicians!

Last but not least, we have the good “problem” of experiencing growing pains. Every year we have a number of special events that are just too big to hold within the confines of our community room. We also would like to have a more inspirational place to worship. So, I am happy to report that we are currently going through the process of exploring many options for the future of our worship space. We are looking at the possibilities of expanding the capacity of our Community Room as well as finding temporary facilities off site for our highly attended events. PLEASE REST ASSURED, we will make no decisions before presenting all of the information to the entire congregation at our upcoming Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, November 18, 4:00 pm. A reminder will be sent out in the next couple of weeks. WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER TO ENSURE THE CONTINUED SUCCESS OF OUR BELOVED CONGREGATION. Join us at the Town Hall to share your thoughts.

We really do have a warm and welcoming community where all can experience God and the best way to experience it is to get involved and PARTICIPATE!

Benjamin Vogel President

Chanukah Cantata December 8th 7:30 p.m.

Tucson J, $18.00 per Ticket Register

Cantors and Soloists from seven of Tucson’s congregations include Cantor Janece Cohen and

Sarah Bollt come together to sing a sweeping retelling of the Chanukah story!

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November/December 2018 4

Synagogue Life

"The Golden Voice of Tucson" Katherine Byrnes will be our special guest vocalist at the January 12th fundraiser Razzamatazz and all that Jazz. Katherine brings a quality to the stage all her own. She is an award-

winning vocalist who has toured the world singing Jazz, Broadway, Rock, and Classical genres. She has even been a guest artist with the Tucson Pops Orchestra and local luminaries, Calexico. Ms. Byrnes, accompanied by her band will present an hour long session after the Gatsby inspired multi-course dinner. There will be casino games and an exceptional raffle during the evening. Razzamatazz and all that Jazz will be held at Tucson's old warehouse district at 242 Park. Reservations are required at

Don't tell the mob... There's a lollapalooza of a speakeasy down at the "Joint". Your Or Chadash's Special Events Committee brings you Razzmatazz and all that Jazz on Saturday, January 12, 2019 from 6:30 pm to 10 pm in the Barrio Viejo... Tucson's old warehouse district. The "Frolic Pad" is at 242 Park, a venue right out of the speakeasy era of the Roaring 20's. You and your honey will be teleported back to that great, fun loving time.

There will be plenty of "Giggle Water" at Big Bad Ben’s Bootleg Bar, casino night games and the fabulous award winning jazz vocalist Katherine Byrnes and her band. Included is a gala Gatsby inspired multi-course dinner. An exceptional raffle too.

You will need to knock three times and give the password at the green door side entrance to 242 Park. You will receive your password when you sign up. We don't want the Copper (cops) or crashers spoiling your fun.

Guests are encouraged to dress in period costume. Razzmatazz and all the Jazz is the premiere social event of the Or Chadash season and an exciting way to have the foremost synagogue fundraiser for the year. Details and registration is at

Don't be a "Stick In The Mud" because this will be "The Cat's Meow".

Book Club November 27th noon

Nara is a young Philistine woman who has given up hope of ever finding a husband. No man will take a wife who towers head and shoulders above him. She lives in isolation with her father, until she is discovered by the Philistine

priests December 18th noon

A historical novel of love and survival inspired by real resistance workers during World War II Austria, and the mysterious love letter that connects generations of Jewish families. A heart-breaking, heart

-warming read for fans of The Women in theCastle, Lilac Girls, and Sarah's Key.

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100th Anniversary of Armistice Day

Sunday, November 11, at 11:00 a.m. Community Room

One hundred years ago the most terrible war the world had ever known came to an end. The Allied powers signed a ceasefire agreement with Germany at Rethondes, France, at

11:00 a.m. on November 11, 1918, bringing the war later known as World War I to a close.

Join Rabbi Louchheim and war veterans as they gather to discuss their service to the United States, on this centenary of the war that was to end all wars.

Remembering the Night Friday, November 9th

JCC (3800 E. River Road)

In September 1938, European Jewry numbered over 8 million. By the end of 1945, there were approximately 2 million Jews left

alive in Europe. During the night of November 9th , 1938 and continuing into the next day, there was a scream in the night and a fire seen around the world. The Nazis unleashed a program against the Jews that has not been equaled in the martyrology of our people. Twenty thousand Jews were transported to concentration camps that night, rocks were hurled through windows of virtually all Jewish properties by the Reich. The total glass damage exceeded seven million Reichmarks ($50,000,000 today). That fearsome night was given the name, Kristallnacht, the “night of broken glass.”

On Friday, November 9th, we will join with two other synagogues for a Shabbat memorial service commemorating the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht. The service will be held at the JCC. After our service there will be a kosher dinner served, followed by a special presentation. As this is being held on Shabbat, we combine the somber tone of this memorial to this historical event, but also a hopeful dedication to the cause of just and righteous living which will lead to the future harmony in our world.

This will be the only Shabbat Service that evening. Dinner is free for member families of Or Chadash. You to reserve a space for yourselves.

5:30 p.m. Pre-nosh Oneg 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Shabbat Service 7:00 p.m. dinner followed by our Kristallnacht program Your reservation is required by Friday, November 2 at noon. (520) 512-8500 or [email protected]

Upcoming Events

Join our leadership on Sunday, December 2nd at 3:00 p.m. as we discuss our options for worship space. Contact Ben Vogel for information at [email protected]

Boker Tov Bistro With author & congregant Lauren Grossman

Sunday, December 2, 9:30 a.m. in the Library

We will mingle a bit with award-winning author, Lauren Grossman. We will hear a bit about her three novels, and have some tasty pastries and coffee to

top off the morning. Let us know you will be joining us: [email protected]

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November/December 2018 6

These are the activities of the Social Justice & Action Committee that can use more volunteers.

An afternoon of volunteering at Caridad Community Kitchen, 845 N. Main, Thursday, December 6th, noon to 4PM: There we will package meals to be distributed to seniors and other needy individuals. No advance training necessary and you will be part of the team that provides the approximately 2000 meals/day. Contact: Gary Becker [email protected] to join the Caridad effort.

Ongoing Volunteer Needs:

Casa Alitas - Help asylum seekers as they transition from ICE to their sponsors. Volunteers can help on site and/or contribute clothes and meals. Contact Sherrie Kay [email protected] to help and for more info.

John B. Wright Elementary School –Volunteers are needed to help students with reading and math and to make special presentations on relevant topics. You can volunteer just one time or on a regular basis. Contact Marc Sbar, see below.

To Get Involved With SJAC:

You can join us at our meetings at 1:30pm, the second Monday of the month. Not a meeting person, join us on any of our activities. For more information and to share your ideas, contact: Marc Sbar, chair ([email protected])

Multi Faith/Social Action

Annual Thanksgiving Service Wednesday, November 21st at 6:30 pm, Lutheran Church of the Foothills 5012 North Craycroft Road.

Muslim Community Center Open House Saturday afternoon, December 8th. They have just completed building their mosque and are inviting the Tucson community to the celebration.

Speak to Rabbi Louchheim for information.

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The first night of Chanukah is on Monday, December 3rd. According to tradition, we light one candle (as well as the shamash candle) that night. Each subsequent night we add a candle. The candles are put in from right to left, and are lit from left to right. Below are the Chanukah blessings we recite each evening as we kindle the lights. We recite the first two blessings every night. On the first night only, we recite the third blessing as well.

ברוך אתה, יי אלהינו, מלך העולם, אשר קדשנו במצותיו, וצונו להדליק נר של חנכה.Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha-olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik neir shel Cha-nukah.

Holy One of Blessing, Your presence fills creation, making us holy with Your commandments and calling us to kindle the lights of Chanukah.

ברוך אתה, יי אלהינו, מלך העולם, שעשה נסים לאבותינו בימים ההם בזמן הזה.Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha-olam, she-asah nisim la’avoteinu bayamim haheim bazman hazeh.

Holy One of Blessing, Your presence fills creation. You performed miracles for our ancestors in days of old at this season.

Recite the following blessing on the first night only:

ברוך אתה, יי אלהינו, מלך העולם, שהחינו, וקימנו, והגיענו לזמן הזה.Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha-olam, she-he-cheyanu, v’ki-y’manu, v’higiyanu lazman hazeh.

Holy One of Blessing, Your presence fills creation. You have kept us in life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this moment.

Candle Lighting Practice (Read the article below before lighting your

Chanukah candles.) (Candles available at our Gift Shop)

Each candle should be large enough to burn for 30 minutes. Light your candles when you see the stars come out in the evening. Place the shamash candle in its holder and place one candle on the far right of the chanukiah (also referred to as a menorah). Then say the blessings, using the shamash to light the candles each night. Place your chanukiah on the table or at an outside window. Each night, add one candle, starting on the right (facing the chanukiah) and moving to the left. Light the newest candle, representing the new day, first so that you light the candles from the left.

Suggested Meditation for Lighting The Chanukah Candles

Each night, before lighting the shamash, turn off all the lights, sit quietly in the dark and think of the Di-vine spark of light within you and one other thing that is a light in your life. Focus on them, and when you see them clearly, light the shamash. As you light the candles, say aloud your intention, your kavanah, your commitment to create a light in the midst of darkness, and hope in the midst of depression and despair.

Be the first to email your answers to all these questions and win a prize.

1. Find the hidden dreidel in this issue of the New Light.

2. What is the connection of having latkes and sufganiyot?

3. Is the story of Chanukah in the Catholic Bible?

4. What year did Thanksgiving and Chanukah coincide?

5. According to the English lyrics of 'The Dreidel Song' which children sing at Hanukkah, out of what material is a dreidel made?

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November/December 2018 8

Religious School

Thank you to the Jewish Federation for Religious School Funding

The Federation Board of Southern Arizona has been a strong supporter of Tucson’s Religious Schools for the last several years. Last year, a special committee called Synagogue Funding Group (SFG) was established by the Federation with the overarching goal to create new engagement opportunities for those families with children 18 years old and younger to participate as new or returning attendees in educational programming. Or Chadash is extremely grateful to be able to pursue programming that includes: Teen engagement, outreach to interfaith families (both members and unaffiliated), exploring, enhancing, and improving other programs with the help and generosity of the Federation. On behalf of all of our students, staff, Board members, and congregants at Congregation Or Chadash, I want to thank the Federation for their continued partnership and support of our future generation. Rina Liebeskind

PJ Library Sefer Shabbat

On Friday, November 16th Or Chadash is hosting families with young children in partnership with PJ Library. We will begin with a kid-friendly Shabbat dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by story time. We will then join the main Service for a bit and depart during the sermon to do some fun activities with the children. There is no cost to participate but an RSVP is appreciated so we can plan accordingly. Contact Rachel Hoblitt at 512-8500 or [email protected]

All School Shabbat- Saturday, Dec. 15th

To experience Shabbat at its finest, we invite you to join your students on Saturday, December 15th (last day of Religious School), 9:00-noon. Students in Little Pishers/K through 7th grade, will begin the day at 9:00 a.m. in their classrooms and will join the rest of the congregation for Shabbat Services later in the morning. At the same time, parents will enjoy coffee, bagels, and a short Torah Study session with the Rabbi. We will end the day with a potluck Kiddush luncheon. Watch for a sign-up sheet as we get closer.

Help our children receive a good Jewish Education

As you may know, the ABT Scholarship Fund was established to ensure education is available for all children K through 8th grade in our Religious School. This Fund truly helps in supplementing Religious School Tuition for many families. There is a growing demand for financial aid, and the ABT Fund is not expending at the same rate as the need for it. We pride ourselves on not turning anyone away. As the 2018 year coming to an end, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the ABT Fund to ensure our children receive Jewish Education at Arizona’s only accredited religious school. No amount is too small and doing it is a Mitzvah (a good deed) that would go a long way.

Mitzvah Fair

Sunday, December 9th

Our 3rd-7th grade students will present highlights from various Jewish organizations in our community. This presentation will give our students a chance to learn about and support our local Jewish community through Tzedakah - the Jewish value of giving. Featured organizations include Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, Jewish Family and Children Services, Handmaker Home for the Aging, the JCC and Hillel. Students are asked to bring extra Tzedakah money that day to donate to the organization of their choice.

Twinning We are excited to meet some of the teachers from our Twinning program who will be visiting us from Israel on Sunday, December 9th.

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Synagogue Life

Our Membership Committee

The Membership Committee’s mission is to make sure that our congregation remains a warm, welcoming and spiritual community. Our goal is to help our members, prospective members and others in the broader Tucson Jewish community find their place in enriching their life as each enriches ours. Membership continually promotes our congregation throughout the Jewish community to recruit new members and seeks to weave them early-on into our communal fabric. We’ve attracted 21 new member families this year, bringing our total membership count to 369. We expect more to join before year-end.

We collaborate with other Or Chadash committees to develop activities and programs that engage and connect our diverse membership—Millennials, Seniors, Religious School Families, Empty Nesters and Interfaith, among others. The Taste of Or Chadash series that included: Open House with a pie bake-off with Rabbi Louchheim vs. Marianne Banes, King Fisher’s Pastry Chef, Family Shabbat and Ice Cream Oneg, Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Louchheim where Rabbi discussed “Reform Judaism in our Changing Times” and the final event was a guest speaker, Michael McDonald, Chief Executive Officer of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, he spoke about “Feeding Tzedakah: Charity & Social Justice in Southern Arizona” This was a group of four events, coordinated with the Special Events Committee, that attracted more than 200 members and non-members in August. We also represented Or Chadash with a booth at the JCC Israel Festival in April.

The committee researched our membership data to answer the question “Who Are We?, so we could better understand our various segments and to develop programs to engage all our members. We concluded that our senior members living alone needed more recognition for their involvement and contributions over the years, as well as more opportunities to socialize and learn together. In partnership with the Caring Chavurah, two successful “Solo Seniors” events were held. The first was a special Shabbat service, followed by a Kiddush luncheon and concert with Mark Ross and Klezmerkaba in January. A Solo Seniors presentation in October featured Lynn Rae Lowe discussing “Famous Jewish Artists.” A visit to the Mini-Time Machine Museum for Solo Seniors is being planned for December 8th to tour their Holiday Exhibit, including Menorahs. Rabbi Louchheim will lead a discussion on religious holiday symbols.

We are always open to suggestions on creating new programs or improving existing ones to connect to our members and prospective members. All members of the congregation are welcome on the committee or to volunteer at a specific event. Please contact Elaine Jones, Vice-President and Membership Chair, at [email protected] or leave a message at the Office ( 520-512-8500) to make a suggestion or to volunteer.

Barbara Gretzer Patsy & Michael Shaul

Lauren Garlovsky Elyse & Kevin Marshall Jeff & Dana Gilmore

Donna & Stuart Medoff Sarah & Darryl Landau

Tina Query Sharon Loper

Stephen Goldstein & Melanie McCarty

Eat, Study, Pray Saturday, December 1st 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Room 5

Chanukah: What is Religious Freedom? Join Rabbi Louchheim for a special learning opportunity. The morning begins with lox, bagels, pastries, and coffee. Breakfast is followed by a discussion What is Religious Free-dom? We will then join together for our Shabbat service at 10:00 a.m. One more Eat, Study, Pray opportunity in the spring.

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November/December 2018 10

Relax in our expansive library, and have a cup of coffee and take home some books. Join Rabbi Louchheim or one of our congregants who is a published author. They will help you choose a book on Kabbalah, Jewish humor, or Jewish spirituality.

Have you read learned kabbalists compare notes on the character of meditation, its rhythms and what Judaism and Buddhism share. It is a book for anyone who feels the narrowness of a wholly secular life and who wonders about the spiritual traditions in our worldthat can expand one’s consciousness.


Our September 26th kickoff event was a great success – Lisa Goldberg taught us Israeli Dancing in the Moonlight and Cantor Janece Cohen gave us a lesson on the Sukkot Holiday. We shared who we would invite into our

Sukkah (there were some pretty interesting choices) while enjoying Sangria and a festive potluck style dinner. If you were not there, you missed out on an evening of fun, laughter, & friendship.

We sponsored the Casa Alitas Program on October 2nd and heard from the Representatives of the Casa Alitas Shelter, Rabbi Thomas Louchheim, Lynn Marcus, the Director of the Immigration Law Clinic, as well as James Rogers from the College of Law. They spoke to us about the process the asylum seekers go through when requesting asylum at a U.S. Port of Entry. There is an ongoing need for items for the children such as toys, crayons and coloring books, clothing and so much more. Please contact us if you would like to help.

Gift Shop – You spoke, and we are listening! You have asked for more consistent hours to the Gift Shop and to make that happen we NEED YOUR HELP! We need volunteers, can you spare a few hours while your child is in class? Or maybe before or after your own class or you are just looking to get out of the house? There is no experience necessary, we will train you, but we need YOU to help make the Gift Shop a success. Please let us know how and when you can help.

We have some beautiful new items coming for Hanukkah – buy a Menorah and get a gift of candles! We have some unique jewelry, Mezuzahs, Menorahs, plates, dreidels, candles and so much more. Stop in soon to see the new items and while you are there check out the select Tallitot and kippot that we have on sale at 75% off. SAVE THE DATE AND LOOK FOR MORE INFORMATION: November 18th Girls Night Out December 5th White Elephant Hanukkah Party December 9th Kindness Bags & Mitzvah Fair December 9th Hosting Villa Hermosa Latke Party If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Yours In Sisterhood, Laurie A. Kassman Sisterhood President 520-603-9241 (c) 520-299-2054

On 11 Tishrei 5779 the strapping men of CHAD ASH Brotherhood assembled under the sail of the Sukkah for another year. Pictured above from L-R are the following volunteers: Keith Trantow, David Bilgray, Kahuna Rick Marimow, Howard Paley, Ken Sandock, Steve Schuldenfrei, and Azriel Gorski. We then celebrated with Men’s Night Out at Sweet Tomatoes. Other recent MNOs are HiWay Chef, Besties, Café Desta, American Eat Co., and Scordato’s. Come along and share the fun/Ken Sandock. Photo by Howard Paley.

Summary of August Board Meeting

The religious school enrollment is currently 60 students, two more than were projected in the budget. At least 5 more families are making inquiries! One of the new families has children with severe allergies to nuts, so the campus is now nut-prohibited. The school and community room have been thoroughly cleaned to allow our children to safely join our community.

The treasurer reported we are currently on track with our beginning-of-year receivables, and the accounting manager has successfully collected $8,000 in past- due receivables from last year. The board accepted a proposal from him and the facilities manager to have the school treated for termites and some repaired damage.

The board had a presentation and discussion about a voluntary commitment model of membership. A number of URJ congregations have successfully switched, with an average increase of 4% in membership and 4.4% in income. A team was appointed (led by VP & Membership Committee Chair Elaine Jones) to do more research and bring a detailed report to the board.

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Call For Nominations

It's your time! Nominations for a seat on the Congregation Or Chadash Board of Directors for 2019 - 2020 year are underway.

Your synagogue is looking for members who believe in what we do and are willing to be an active participant in the policy making function. Your experience and involvement in our community is an asset to your fellow members.

Applications are being accepted right now.

If you would like to be considered for a seat on the Board, please contact Steve Schuldenfrei, Nominating Committee Chair, at [email protected] or 520 344-7769.

For the Congregation


Yahrzeit/Memorial Plaques

"Feel" your loved one’s presence each time you come to synagogue.

It is a widely observed Jewish tradition to commemorate those who have departed on a dedicated memorial wall. At Congregation Or Chadash, such a wall graces our Community Room. Plaques are inscribed with the English and Hebrew names of the departed along with the date of passing. Beside each plaque is a memorial light, which is lit on the Yahrzeit Date and at Yizkor services. All this is available for a donation of $400. For additional information, please contact the office at 512-8500.

Be a Service Leader

Sundays, November 4, 18, & December 2 11:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.

It has long been the custom of Congregation Or Chadash to welcome congregants to the Bimah (pulpit) to share their thoughts or to help lead services. We are offering this class to help prepare lay leaders to participate and contribute in this meaningful way. Hebrew reading ability is helpful but not required. This program is only open to members of Congregation Or Chadash.

The best way to send birthday and anniversary greeting to your Congregation Or Chadash family and friends. As an extra bonus, proceeds will benefit Congregation Or Chadash.

Monthly calendars are sent out in e-blast and they list the birthdays and anniversaries of our members. Simply circle the event you want to acknowledge and mail your calendar and check (only $1 per event) to:

Roberta Greene 2612 N. Vuelta Vista Antigua, Tucson, AZ 85715

Do you have marketing, communication, and/or social media experience?

Contact Rina at 900-7030 for details

Your one source for printing, mailing & signagesolutions for your marketing needs.

Peter & Cyd Marcus • 520.325.5770 •

Page 12: Congregation Or Chadash...can experience God 3939 N. Alvernon Way Tucson, AZ 85718 after night, the light increases. We celebrate with our (520) 512-8500 MISSION STATEMENT To instill

November/December 2018 12

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 4:30 PM Hebrew School

5:30 PM Adult Beginning Hebrew

6:30 PM RS Staff Meeting

7:00 PM Adult Choir


6:30 PM Friday Night LIVE!Shabbat Service

3 8:30 AM Torah Study 9:00 AM Torah Cantillation 10:00 AM Shabbat Service

4 7:00 AM Tour De Torah

9:30 AM Religious School

11:00 AM Be A Service Leader 12:15 PM Introduction to Judaism

5 12:00 PM Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Louchheim 1:30 PM Social Justice & Action Meeting 6:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting


7 5:00 PM Special Events Committee Meeting

8 4:30 PM Hebrew School 5:30 PM Adult Beginning Hebrew 7:00 PM Adult Choir

9 5:30 PM Pre Oneg Nosh 6:00 PM Shabbat Service, Dinner & Kristallnacht Memorial (JCC)

10 8:30 AM Torah Study 9:00 AM Torah Cantillation 10:00 AM Shabbat Service 10:45 AM Primavera

11 9:30 a.m. Religious School Schmooze & Service

11:00 AM 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day

12:15 PM Intro to Judaism

5:00 PM Nominating Committee


Office Closed

13 7:00 PM

Dues Structure Task Force Meeting


5:45 PM Sisterhood Board Meeting

6:30 PM Membership Committee Meeting


4:30 PM Hebrew School 5:30 PM Adult Beginning Hebrew


6:30 PM Family Shabbat Service with B’day & Anniver-sary Blessing

17 8:30 AM Torah Study 9:00 AM Torah Cantillation 10:00 AM Shabbat Service

18 9:30 AM Religious School Brotherhood 11:00 AM Be a Service Leader

19 12:00 PM Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Louchheim 1:30 PM Mitzvah Magic 6:00 PM Executive Board Meeting

20 5:30 PM Dues Structure Task Force Meeting 7:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting

21 5:00 PM Special Events Planning Meeting

22 Thanksgiving No Hebrew School

Office Closed


6:30 PM Shabbat Shuvah With SHIREI SIMCHA Office Closed

24 8:30 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Service


No Religious School


12:00 PM Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Louchheim 1:30 PM Mitzvah Magic 5:30 PM Dues Structure Task Force 5:45 PM Ritual Committee 7:00 PM Board Meeting

27 12:00 PM Book Club


29 4:30 PM Hebrew School 5:30 PM Adult Beginning Hebrew

30 6:30 PM Shabbat Service

November 2018

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November/December 2018 2


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8:30 AM Torah Study

9:00 AM Eat, Study, Pray Torah Cantillation

10:00 AM Shabbat Service


9:30 AM Religious School

Schmooze & Service

Boker Tov Bistro

11:00 PM Be a Service Leader 3:00 PM Town Hall Meeting

3 12:00 PM Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Louchheim


5 6:00 PM Sisterhood Chanukah Party

6 4:30 PM Hebrew School 5:30 PM Adult Beginning Hebrew 7:00 PM Adult Choir

7 5:45 PM Latke Nosh 6:30 PM Friday Night LIVE!

and 100 Menorah Celebration at St. Frances in the Foothills River & Swan

8 8:30 AM Torah Study 9:00 AM Torah Cantillation 10:00 AM Shabbat Service 10:45 AM Primavera 1:30 PM Solo Seniors 7:30 PM Chanukah Cantata

9 9:30 a.m. Religious School & Mitzvah Fair

12:15 PM Intro to Judaism

3:15 PM RS Chanukah Program at Handmaker

5:30 PM Sisterhood Event


12:00 PM Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Louchheim

1:30 PM Social Justice Committee

6:00 PM Executive Committee

11 5:30 PM Dues Structure Task Force

7:00 PM Finance Committee

12 5:45 PM Sisterhood Board Meeting

6:30 PM Membership Committee Meeting


4:30 PM Last Day Hebrew School

7:00 PM Adult Choir


6:30 PM Family Shabbat Service with B’day & Anniver-sary Blessing

15 8:30 AM Torah Study

9:00 AM 6th Grade Family Class and all School Shabbat

10:00 AM Shabbat Service

Last Day of Religious School

16 No Religious School 9:30 AM Brotherhood

12:15 PM Intro to Judaism

17 12:00 PM Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Louchheim

5:30 PM Dues Structure Task Force

5:45 PM Ritual Committee Meeting

7:00 PM Board Meeting

18 12:00 PM Book Club

19 5:00PM Special Events Meeting

5:30 PM Lilith Salon (off Site)

20 No Hebrew School


6:30 PM Shabbat Service With SHIREI SIMCHA

22 8:30 AM Torah Study

10:00 AM Shabbat Service


No Religious School


Office closes at noon

25 Office Closed


27 No Hebrew School

6:15 PM Men’s Night Out

28 6:30 PM Shabbat Service

29 8:30 AM Torah Study

10:00 AM Shabbat Service

30 No Religious School

31 New Year’s Eve

December 2018

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NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 Ronald Feller Benjamin Goldberg 2 Sharon Dahm Beulah Kaye Amy Kublin Rebecca McLane 3 Jeffrey Goldberg Neil Simon 4 Susan Deflorian Elaine Nathanson 5 Annette Hillman 6 Steve Lampert 8 Michael Levy Sylvia Paley Sally Trattner 9 Lisa Youngerman 10 John Velez 11 Laurie Grana Alan Taylor 13 Richard Marimow 14 Andrew Kassman 15 Stephen Troner 16 Tracy Levy 17 Ken Sandock Benjamin Vogel Lorie Wolf 18 Yoram Levy Beverly Sandock Michael Steinberg 19 Todd Rothman 21 Karen Tauber 22 Kenneth Makler Rosalyn Stein Stuart Ulanoff 23 Barry Baker Ida Kaplan Tony Zinman 25 Arlene Kutoroff 26 Essie Nadler 27 William Berk Samuel Devore Gerry Tumarkin 30 Elaine Mami NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 2 Joel & Karen Heller Lenny Rosenblum & Elka Eisen 5 Ed Baruch & Dana Narter 6 Gary & Pam Opper 7 Gavin & Shannon Weidman 11 Doug & Elyse Wexler 13 Larry & Goldie Goldstein 16 James Howell & Ariel Tinney 17 Steve McMillan & Amy Charles 18 Myles Beck & Iris Posin 22 Gary & Tandy Kippur Morris & Paula Riback Steven & Sara Zadorozny 25 Jeff & Fran Katz Howard Waldstein & Julie Konigsberg 27 Aaron & Megan Winter 29 Rick & Diana Friedman

Life Cycle

December BIRTHDAYS 2 Edward Jackson 4 Donna Goldberg Carol Goldsmith Joan Rosenblatt 5 Shari Gootter Samuel Yalkowsky 6 Barbara Esmond 7 Leonard Rosenblum 8 Judith Rosenfeld Joy Williams 10 Lisa Sisk Goldberg 11 Barbara Champion Amy Lederman 12 Lenore Ballen Roberta Greene Stuart Medoff 13 Patrice Brown Chad Stadheim 14 Missy Driggers Debora Meyers Lilah Wiseman 15 Andrea Fleisher Gary Opper Pamela Treadwell Rubin 16 Michael Campbell 17 Brad Strizver 18 Leslie Cohen 19 Valeria Peace 20 Richard Kestler Carol Koretz Gail Leiken Donna Moser 23 Ronald Gold 24 Todd Abelson Seneca Erman Lynn Rae Lowe 27 Iris Posin 28 Jack Cole Linda Wahl 29 Peter Biava Jennifer Fisk David Meyerson 30 Brenda Landau Lee Medovoi 31 Susan Broder Lisa Israel DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 6 Ian Bishow & Geneva Briggs 12 Ed Jackson & Judith Millstone 16 Gary & Sherrie Kay 17 Jason & Emily Freed 19 Lanny & Joyce Colton 22 Gail & Larry Leiken 26 Howard & Bobbi Paley 27 Chad & Suzie Stadheim Alvin Tarlov & Janet Belkin 29 Marc & Debbie Sandroff 31 JR & Tamar Bergantino Stuart & Donna Medoff

A big Thank You to all who contributed so far towards our High Holy Day Appeal

Lester & Sybil Abelson Todd & Marcia Abelson Evan & Renee Adelstein Ira & Dana Adler H Wayne Aderson & Mireille Algazi Eva Bacal Gary & Pat Becker Moshe & Julie Ben-Yeoshua JR & Tamar Bergantino Bill & Debra Berk Lew & Corrine Blum Esther Blumenfeld Paula Bressler Steve & Roberta Breton Robert & Ava Brook Howard Brown & Lenore Ballen Patrick Butler & Debbie Goodman Michael Campbell & Suzanna Pollak Sheldon Clare Lanny & Joyce Colton David & Liane Cooper Helene Corney Fritz & Susan Deflorian Samuel Devore Ira & Marilyn Dorfman Yetta Dritch Annique Dveirin Keith Dveirin & Julie Feldman Mike & Nancy Finkelstein Libby Fischer Aaron Fisher Carrie Flax Em Fletcher Kenneth & Marilyn Freed Leonid Friedlander Ben & Lisa Goldberg Jeffrey & Donna Goldberg Ken & Carrie Goldhoff Laurence & Goldie Goldstein Jerry & Lynn Greenberg Barbara Gretzer Benjamin Gross Trudy Haggard David & Anne Hameroff Linda & Larry Harris Louis & Charlotte Hegwer Joel & Karen Heller Matt & Brooke Hotez Kenneth & Mary Lou Iserson Gary & Lisa Israel Marilyn Israel Elaine Jones Emily Joseph Martin & Belle Kass Gary & Tandy Kippur Frederick & Patricia Klein Scott & Terri Krasner Leonard & Harriet Kronman Arlene Kutoroff Steve & Heather Lampert Marc & Nancy Lappitt Amy Lederman Larry & Gail Leiken Melissa Levine Zandra Lindblad Steven Liss Kim Mantz

Elaine Marcus Richard & Theresa Marimow David & Andrea Markzon Gail Martin Joy Miller-Frilot Debra Milner Donna & Hans Moser David & Linda Nathanson William & Joy Page Sylvia Paley Florence Peress Morris & Paula Riback Rachel Rivera Fay Roos Norman & Judith Rosenfeld Mark & Bari Ross Barnett & Helene Rothstein Kathylynn Saboda & Missy Driggers Art Sanders & Debra Huffman Betsy Sandlin Beverly & Ken Sandock Marc & Debbie Sandroff Stephen & Rachel Sattinger Marc & Helene Sbar Lee & Paul Schoenbrod Fran Schonwit Steve & Joan Schuldenfrei Jay Silverman Susanne Simpson Celia Slatzer Roz Stein Keith Trantow & Joan Morris Sally Trattner Stephen & Clydean Troner John Velez & Sheila Peress Velez Richard & Linda Wahl Renee Weintraub Marc & Carol Weiss Dan Weisz & Rochelle Abell James Whitehill & Jane Rodda Bert & Susan Winkler David & Faye Wolsky Samuel & Linda Yalkowsky Janice Yost Martin Zeldin & Jean Lee Martin & Arlene Zuckerman



It is not too late to help us reach 100% participation from all of our congregants.

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Acknowledging donations made since our last publication And the work of tzedakah shall bring peace. – Isaiah 32:17 No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. Aesop

Please consider making a donation to honor friends or family members celebrating a simcha or in memory of a loved one.

GENERAL FUND Offsets the ongoing operational cost of your synagogue

In loving memory of: My grandfather , Gershon Flyer and my grandmother, Lena Weiss by Dave Flyer My mother, Bertha Gold by Philis & Ron Gold Our sister, Irene Lloyd by Larry & Linda Harris and Gene Meyers

In appreciation of: Shaul & Mabel Cohen

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND For charitable and education purposes, and for synagogue programming

In loving memory of: My husband, David Palmer by Norma Palmer My father, William Kaplan by Robert Brook My father, Donald Brown by Patrice & Ron Brown

In appreciation Edward Smallman Melissa Levine

NEW SANCTUARY FUND A restricted fund that will help finance our new sanctuary

In appreciation Yetta Dritch


Provides music, material, equipment & special musical programming

In loving memory of: My husband, Allen Slatzer by Celia Slatzer My sister, Rosalie Baker by Celia Slatzer

In appreciation Ida Kaplan Seneca Erman

ONEG FUND $150 acknowledges you as the oneg sponsor at a Shabbat Service; to reserve your oneg, call Eileen, 512-8500

In honor of: By Seneca Erman & Cantor Cohen

BIMAH FLOWER FUND To enhance the beauty of our Bimah on Shab-bat and holidays

In loving memory of: My mother, Ernestine Levy by Fay Roos My father, Bennett Shaw by Andrea

Markzon My sister, Janice Moganroth and my husband, Buck Lowe by Lynn Rae Lowe

In honor of: Jeff Jacobson being installed as Supreme

Master of AEPi by Cantor Cohen, Zachary Cohen, James Whitehill Andi & Chuck Elkins anniversary

CARING CHAVURAH FUND Supports programs of our Caring Committee

In loving memory of: Florence Peress by Sylvia Paley My mother, Ruth Brenner by Roz Stein

In honor of: Speedy recovery for Lynn Rae Lowe by Roz Stein Our anniversary by Dan Weisz & Shelly Abel

DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Provides material, equipment, and special programming for synagogue Students

In loving memory of: My brother, Seymour Vernick by Rhoda Mindes

SPECIAL NEEDS INCLUSION FUND Allows for congregants with special needs to fully participate in the congregation In loving memory of: My father, William Feller and my mother, Francine Kopet by Ron & Jacquelyn Feller

SOCIAL ACTION FUND Promotes social action on behalf of Or Chadash in the general community

In loving memory of: My father-in-law, Joseph Stein by Roz Stein

In honor of: Melissa Levine

ABT Scholarship Fund Provides religious school scholarships for our children, K-8

In loving memory of: Harold Hirshberg by Hans & Donna Moser My father, Harry Yampol by Donna Moser My mother, Clara Bilgray by Dave Bilgray My sister, Kate Vernick by Rhoda Mindes My father, Joseph Goldberg and my mother, Jean Goldberg by Barbara Esmond

In honor of: The birth of Abram Benjamin Peress by Hans & Donna Moser Rabbi Louchheim officiating at our wedding by Tony & Stacy Zinman

In appreciation: Melissa Levine

ENDOWMENT FUND Provides a base for the continued financial stability of the synagogue

In appreciation Melissa Levine

BUILDING MAINNANCE FUND Helps maintain our Congregation’s home

In appreciation H. Wayne Anderson & Mireille Algazi Moshe & Julie Ben-Yeoshua Mark & Judith Cohen Amelia & Amy Cramer John & LeeAat Dehnert Karen Erenberg Leonid Friedlander Azriel & Nora Gorski Barbara Gretzer Daryl & Sarah Landau Helaine Levy Sandy Lindblad David McClain & Helene Barab Stuart & Doonna Medoff Anderew Pawlicki-Sinclair Michael & Patsy Shaul Garrett & Cori Smith

Gail Schwartz on the upcoming wedding of Jessica & Advi

The following births: Pamela Drell and Alan Kalmikoff on the birth of their new granddaughter, Ida Kalmikoff

Sheila Peress Velez and John Velez welcomed their new grandson, Abram Benjamin Peress

Rabbi & Marcia Louchheim and Bobbi & Howard Paley, became aunt & uncle to Boden Samuel Gelman

Tandy & Gary Kippur welcomed their first granddaughter, Hayden Estelle Yoder

Fay Roos great grandmother to her new great grandsons, Asher Roos Hall & Moshe Hall

Calling all volunteers

who have marketing, communication, and/or social media experience.

Contact Rina at 900-7030 for details.

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November/December 2018 16

Congregation Or Chadash

3939 N. Alvernon Way

Tucson, AZ 85718

Casino Night 2017 Habitat for Humanity 2017

Rollin’ with the

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