congratulations upward bound graduates! - upward bound graduates! kelsey adamson ......

2016 Congratulations Upward Bound Graduates! Kelsey Adamson Kelsey Adamson will be at- tending CSC in the fall. She wants to pursue a career in the medical field and is hoping that CSC will be able to help nar- row her choice. I have met some amazing people while being in Upward Bound and am grateful for the chance to have been apart of it. Take advantage of all the help your advisor gives you.Badres Andres Badres Andres plans on attending WNCC or CSC in the fall. Ashley Giger Ashley Giger has chosen to serve our country in the United States Air Force. We appre- ciate her sacrifice and dedication to help continue to make this a great coun- try. My advice is to follow your dreams and do what Tearza tells you.Maui Lakabung Maui Lakabung plans on attending WNCC in the fall and working on a de- gree in Social Work. Upward Bound helped me prepare for college and I re- ally enjoyed it.Noni Nowlan Noni Nowlan will be attending the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, in Curtis, NE and studying to be a Vet Tech. Upward Bound was a great op- portunity for me because I found new friends and visited some great colleges.

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Page 1: Congratulations Upward Bound Graduates! - Upward Bound Graduates! Kelsey Adamson ... TEARZA’S TOP 10 MUST HAVES FOR DORM LIVING 10. Cup of Soup 9. Dustpan & hand broom you


Congratulations Upward Bound Graduates!

Kelsey Adamson

Kelsey Adamson will be at-tending CSC in the fall. She wants to pursue a career in the medical field and is hoping that CSC will be able to help nar-row her choice.

“I have met some amazing people while being in Upward Bound and am grateful for the

chance to have been apart of it. Take advantage of all the help your advisor gives you.”



Badres Andres plans on attending WNCC or CSC in the fall.



Ashley Giger has chosen to serve our country in the United States Air Force. We appre-ciate her

sacrifice and dedication to help continue to make this a great coun-try.

“My advice is to follow your dreams and do what Tearza tells you.”

Maui Lakabung

Maui Lakabung plans on attending WNCC in

the fall and

working on a de-gree in Social Work.

“Upward Bound helped me prepare for college and I re-ally enjoyed it.”

Noni Nowlan Noni Nowlan will be attending the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, in Curtis, NE and studying to be a Vet Tech. “Upward Bound was a great op-portunity for me because I found new friends and visited some great colleges.”

Page 2: Congratulations Upward Bound Graduates! - Upward Bound Graduates! Kelsey Adamson ... TEARZA’S TOP 10 MUST HAVES FOR DORM LIVING 10. Cup of Soup 9. Dustpan & hand broom you

Brad Gaston-Crawford H.S.:

It has been a wet, snowy month in Crawford which has affected the sports activities at the school. Golf has been can-celled and postponed, track meets moved and all for the best for students.

Our History Day stu-dents did great at state and Brady gets to go to Nation-als.

Golfers are doing great on limited practice. Travon, Lewie, and Marc are all having fun competing.

Tracksters are working out mostly inside but still getting workouts in. Alys-sa, Kristyna, Natalee, Ema, and Joclyn are work-ing hard trying to better their personal best throws and times . Best in the West track meet has been moved to May 2nd.

Prom is Saturday April 30th. Fun to be had for all the upper classmen to make life long memories. Coro-nation will be at 9 in the Community Building.

Pop Concert is set for May 9th at Crawford High School .

Honors Night is May 12th at Crawford. What a special night to honor our students.

Graduation is May 14th. What an accomplishment for these young adults! Congratulations!


Heather Barry-Chadron H.S.:

The school year is coming to an end and I can’t believe how fast it went. Chadron High students, especially the seniors are counting down the few days they have left. It will be a whirlwind couple of weeks filled with activities in-cluding:

*Spring concert – May 5th at 7 p.m. There will be an ice cream social fundraiser, hosted by the Cardinal Singers, immedi-ately following the concert. Scoops of ice cream will be served for just $1.00.

*Kiwanis Honors – May 3rd at 1:45 p.m.

*Prom – May 7th – Theme is “007 – Dia-monds are a Girls Best Friend”

*Baccalaureate – May 8th at 7 p.m.

*Honors Night – May 9th at 7 pm.

And graduation – scheduled for Saturday, May 14th at 1 p.m. Congrats to all our graduates!

For everyone else, the last day of school will be Friday, May 20th. School will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. that day and an all-school picnic will follow.

Saturday, May 21st will be the Girls on the Run 5K. Good luck to all of our students and run buddies who will be participating!

Tearza Mashburn-Alliance H.S.:

The End is in sight!! Con-gratulations to all the seniors who will have the opportunity to cross the stage and receive their diplomas. You have spent 13 years of your life working towards this moment, breathe it all in, be proud of yourself, and understand that your hard work has paid off. With the school year coming to a close, there is still plenty of going 'Ons' Honors Night Tuesday May 3rd @ 7pm in the PAC Vocal Awards Night Monday May 9th @ 7pm in the PAC Band Honors Tuesday May 10th @ 7 pm in the PAC Senior Breakfast Wednesday may 11th @ 8 am in the PAC District Track Thursday May 12th GRADUATION SUDNAY MAY 15TH @ 2pm BULLDOG STADIUM LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Thursday MAY 20st


FOR DORM LIVING 10. Cup of Soup

9. Dustpan & hand broom – you will drop your makeup

8. Febreeze – for when the shirt you want is buried at the bottom of the basket

7. Instant Coffee

6. Sewing Kit

5. Three whole paper puncher – yes, you will use it!!

4. Power Strip

3. 13 gallon trashcan

2. Extension cords – 3 is good.


Academic Advisor Update

Page 3: Congratulations Upward Bound Graduates! - Upward Bound Graduates! Kelsey Adamson ... TEARZA’S TOP 10 MUST HAVES FOR DORM LIVING 10. Cup of Soup 9. Dustpan & hand broom you

Where Are They Now?

Brady Shimp—South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

I'm currently finishing off my fourth semester at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City. I'm studying for a bachelors degree majoring in computer science (programming) and minoring in applied mathematics, set to get my degree on a four year track, so only two left, and seriously considering pursuing a masters in computer science and robotics directly after. My future career goal is working in data integrity and information security, which is like a contracted, completely legal form of profes-sional hacking. There is an upcoming career fair at the school and I'm looking at software design internships for the summer. Out-side of school right now, I have a part time job as a sales associate at GNC in the Rushmore mall. College life is fine, I was able to complete last semester only having to pull 6 all-nighters to work on programs and projects and I've now finished calculus 1, 2, and 3 so I should never have to do calculus again. Food sucks and is overpriced unless you make it yourself. A note and bit of advice to high school students who are looking to go on to college: the best part about college classes is that you can skip them whenever you want, but the worst part about college classes is that you can skip them whenever you want. Always go to class. Always. Just look at the credit fees for each class and you'll be motivated to have perfect attendance. As far as the interests I'm pursuing, Upward Bound only helped me out in one way. One summer there was a math class offered by Mr. Rick Darnell that went over some basic math formulas for encryption algorithms and that really sparked my interest for encryption/security.

Misty Shoop—CSC College is going well. I now attend CSC for criminal justice. Upward Bound taught me a little about what to expect for college life. For example living on campus and what classes will be like.

Cierra McKibben – Full Sail University Online School is going well. I'm currently study computer animation. upward bound has helped with my time management skills that des-perately needed improvement.

Brittany Dunkel—CSC Upward bound did a lot for me, honestly. Taught me a little bit about being an adult, and the importance of taking responsibility of my own future. College is going good for me. I decided to major in early education and have been attending CSC online for the last semester. If you aren't prepared for college, it will kick you in the butt though. It's a lot of responsibility and you have to figure out how to manage your time and tell yourself what to do because your parents aren't there to do it.

Taylor Dudley – UNC, Greeley, CO transferring to WNCC in Alliance next semester . Upward Bound helped prepare me for college by teaching me to manage my time better and I learned that most of the work is done outside of class during the summer program. Also the help I received with filling out the FAFSA along with other scholarships greatly helped with affording a more expensive school. College life isn't too bad as long as you keep yourself focused on your school work. Some advice would be to definitely save money. I thought that $500 would be enough to keep my dorm filled with needed groceries for a while but that only lasted a few months so save as much as you can! College is intimidating at first but once you make it past the first semester it's so much easier. Don't forget to have fun and experience new things but don't let it affect your schooling!

Sierra Armstrong – CSU, Fort Collins, CO Upward Bound helped me find my dream college, Colorado State University. I owe it to my two advisors that pushed me to achieve a multitude of things, including honor roll, president of key club, student government, and TA for the arts classes at Alliance High. Instead of coming to college not knowing what to expect, I came already familiar with the dorm life and with the drive to take on college and it's many challenges. I'm finishing up my first year of college, perusing an electronic arts degree with a computer sci-ence minor. I've also recently made the decision to join the Army National Gaurd while continuing college. I owe it to Upward Bound where I am today at CSU.

Sara Tompkins – CSC I'm doing great. I was on the deans list last semester and hope to be on the presidents list this semester. College life is awesome! I have met so many new people. I love participating in all of the events CSC has to offer. I got the chance to participate in a fear fac-tor contest where I had to eat a bunch of gross stuff and do somewhat embarrassing things in front of a crowd of sleep deprived col-lege students for money. I love college, it's so worth it! I defiantly would not be as involved and outgoing as I am now without Up-ward Bound. The program gave me confidence academically and socially. I would not be as far as I am today without it!

Paige Parkins – EWC College has been kinda hard to transition into it has its perks which I have made new friends that are in different majors then I am which is cool cause then we can talk about different things. One thing that has been a struggle for me though is getting the motiva-tion to go to class and do homework its harder than high school because I have to work most nights so it limits my time to do things and that were I think upward bound has helped me. The summer program gave me the feel of waking up going to class and have fun but it also showed me that when I procrastinated I didnt get to do a lot of the fun activities that people that had there stuff done got to do. I am thankful that I did the upward bound program cause it also made me do better on my writing from doing all those sakais!!

Page 4: Congratulations Upward Bound Graduates! - Upward Bound Graduates! Kelsey Adamson ... TEARZA’S TOP 10 MUST HAVES FOR DORM LIVING 10. Cup of Soup 9. Dustpan & hand broom you

MiaKayla Koerber—May Student of the Month

TIP OF THE HAT Ashley Giger has chosen to proudly serve her country in the United States Air Force. Thank you for your devotion to our country!

Marque Crowe was chosen as Honora-ble mention in the All-Western Confer-ence basketball team!

Tia Love received a Gold at State FCCLA and will be going to San Diego to represent the Bulldogs at the National FCCLA convention!

Tilie Vaughn & Marque Crowe have joined the ranks at the Big Blue Bay Swimming Pool!

Brady Aschwege qualified for National History Day!

Joclyn Staman for making Quiz Bowl!

Chadron High boys golf team – including our very own Gabe Ramos – placed 3rd at the Alliance Golf Invite!

Miakayla Koerber – earned a red ribbon at state FFA in Nursery and Landscaping and placed 10th at state FBLA for Agribusiness!

True Thorne – placed 2nd in shotput and discus at the Twilight Track Meet!

Caleb Hill – placed 4th in the 1600 at the Twilight Track Meet!

Julian Ramos – placed 3rd in the 300 intermediate hurdles at the Twi-light Track Meet!

Jodi Watak, Nate Watak, and Miakayla Koerber - Gold Honor Roll students!

Miakayla Koerber is a sophomore at Chadron High School. She participates in FFA, FBLA, high school band, and is on the girls’ golf team. She was recently inducted into the National Honor Soci-ety. Outside of school she participates in youth group, Girl Scouts, and hangs out with friends. Miakayla has a younger brother James, who is in the 3rd grade.

Miakayla is unsure what she wants to be when she grows up but she knows she wants to attend UNL. She is looking forward to our campus visit next fall!

Miakayla is glad she joined Upward Bound as she has made many new friends, including Vada. She enjoys coming to the quarterly meetings.

“Miakayla is an outstanding student! She is a straight A student who ac-tively participates in Upward Bound, as well as many other activities. She is a sweet girl with a fun personality! I look forward to helping her plan

her future after high school.” – Heather Barry, Chadron High UB Advisor

5/1-Chloe Hererra 5/3-MaKayla Davidson 5/30-Stephanie Stroup

April Sakai Stars:

Dadi Serres and

Kristyna Parkins