congratulations to the class of 2014 - colaiste choilm filecongratulations to the class of 2014...

September 2014 Points 500+ 400-495 300-395 200-295 <200 Count 44 70 38 33 16 % 22 35 19 16 8 e Leaving Certificate results of the class of 2014 were exceptional and were yet again ahead of national averages. Seven of our students achieved 600 points or more, 25 students achieved 550 points or more and many students achieved their personal best. e charts below describe the overall pattern but in no way capture the marvellous achievement of individual class members. We wish them well in their future courses and careers and are thankful for the privilege of journeying with them for the past six years. Congratulations to the Class of 2014 (Above) Anna O’Sullivan and Phelim O’Leary celebrate receiving their Leaving Certificate Results. (Right) Deputy Principal Cáit Breath- nach and Classroom assistant Brenda O’Sullivan pictured with Gillian Cronin. (Below)Yearhead Karen Daly pictured with Daniel Byrne, Kevin O’Sullivan, Gavin Foley, Chidera Ebili and Sean O’Donoghue. Pictures: James McSweeney Leaving Certificate 2014 Points Break down Overview of Results 2014 A more detailed view of the results 2014 Coláiste Choilm Ballincollig Co Cork Tel: 021-4873308 Fax: 021-4875626 Email: [email protected] Web: Gaelcholáiste Choilm Baile an Chollaigh Co Chorcaí Guthán: 021-4875625 Fax: 021-4875626 E-phost: [email protected] Greasán:

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September 2014








The Leaving Certificate results of the class of 2014 were exceptional and were yet again ahead of national averages. Seven of our students achieved 600 points or more, 25 students achieved 550 points or more and many students achieved their personal best. The charts below describe the overall pattern but in no way capture the marvellous achievement of individual class members. We wish them well in their future courses and careers and are thankful for the privilege of journeying with them for the past six years.

Congratulations to the Class of 2014

(Above) Anna O’Sullivan and Phelim O’Leary celebrate receiving their Leaving Certificate Results. (Right) Deputy Principal Cáit Breath-nach and Classroom assistant Brenda O’Sullivan pictured with Gillian Cronin. (Below)Yearhead Karen Daly pictured with Daniel Byrne, Kevin O’Sullivan, Gavin Foley, Chidera Ebili and Sean O’Donoghue. Pictures: James McSweeney

Leaving Certificate 2014 Points Break down

Overview of Results 2014 A more detailed view of the results 2014

Coláiste ChoilmBallincollig

Co Cork

Tel: 021-4873308Fax: 021-4875626

Email: [email protected]:

Gaelcholáiste ChoilmBaile an Chollaigh

Co Chorcaí

Guthán: 021-4875625Fax: 021-4875626

E-phost: [email protected]án:

The newsletter gives a glimpse of the 2013/2014 year. We have wonderful memories of the Opera House performance of ‘Whistle in the dark’, the Senior boys’ All Ireland victory, the unforgettable performance of ‘Flashdance’, the official opening of Halla Phádraig and much more. The school community also warmly welcomed the recent overwhelmingly positive Whole School Evaluation report on Coláiste/Gaelcholáiste Choilm. This report greatly affirms the high standards of teaching and learning in our school and the high quality of our student support systems. The report acknowledges the dedication and commitment of staff, parents, students and management. The report also recognises the richness of the educational experience provided by unique model of Coláiste and Gaelcholáiste Choilm.

Many thanks to all who contribute to making the school a vibrant, happy and positive place.

Michelle Sliney Principal

Coláiste / Gaelcholáiste Choilm Teaching Staff 2014/2015

(Above) Cáit Breathnach (Deputy Principal), Michelle Sliney (Principal) and Maria O’Sullivan (Deputy

Principal) Picture: James McSweeney

(Left)First YearStudents


by YearheadKaren Dalyand Deputy

Principal Maria O’Sullivan


The school is led by a highly effective senior management team.

The leadership is characterised, at all levels, by positive working relationships and effective systems of communication.

The questionnaire responses of students and parents showed consistently high ratings for the school and its operation.

A highly motivated, able and dedicated staff has embraced change with optimism.

The school, comprising Gaelcholáiste Choilm and Coláiste Choilm, embodies a rich, unique, and integrated model of educational provision.

The two parts of the school combine to provide a broad and balanced curriculum.

The support systems for students are of the highest quality.

The participation and achievements of students in the very wide range of extracurricular and co-curricular activities are encouraged and celebrated.

The facilities are well maintained and administered by efficient and welcoming staff members.

The teaching and learning observed was of the highest quality.

A professional, informed and reflective approach underpins good teaching practice and a continuous focus on self-evaluation for improvement.

Coláiste/ Gaelcholáiste Choilm students who were awarded scholarships to University College Cork for the Academic Year of 2013/2014. Colman Moloney, Aobha Hickey, Aonghus McCarthy, Dara Ó Flanagáin, Ciara Hayes, Declan O’Brien pictured here with Fergus McCarthy UCC, Principal Michelle Sliney, President of UCC Michael Murphy and Deputy Principal Cáit Breathnach

Coláiste / Gaelcholáiste Choilm Whole School Evaluation

Key Findings:

Academic Scholars 2013/2014

In 2013 ten students from Colaiste/ Gaelcholáiste Choilm were awarded University scholarships, including six to UCC. Our school has been identified as the top feeder school for UCC and for CIT. Out of a total of 203 students who completed the Leaving Certificate, 193 have progressed to third level. Parents, teachers and the whole school are proud of their achievements and wish them well in the future.

(Above) Adrian O’Sullivan who was awarded an Elite Sports Scholarship from University College Cork.

Congratulations to the class of 2013


Drama at Coláiste Choilm

The Year in Drama 2013/2014 – A Review

2013-2014 was another wonderful year in the history of Coláiste Choilm’s Drama Classes and Clubs.

In the last six years, we have either won or finished second in the annual Cork Youth Dramafest, and this time it was “The Staggering Heartbreak of Jasmine Merriwether” that took the honours, following a magnificent ensemble performance of the Senior Drama Club. This followed hot on the heels of a triumphant production of “Stones in his Pockets” which was performed in Cork in March before being taken overseas to our partner school, Blue Coat C. of E. in Coventry, to a rapturous reception.

This itself was but a few short weeks after another wonderful TY musical. Ms. Hutchinson’s “Flashdance” ranks amongst the best TY musicals ever performed in the school. And all this is not to mention the five other plays, which entered the Cork Youth Dramafest, all winning prizes, under the direction of Ms. Casey, Ms. Roche, Ms. Kennefick, Mr Meaney, Ms. Scobie and Mr Holohan, or the London Theatre tour, or the anti-bullying week drama, or the official opening of Halla Phádraig!

A year remarkable for a succession of exuberant comic productions began in quite a different mood, however, In October, the inaugural Drama Exchange group were invited to perform their dark and disturbing play “Whistle in the Dark” at Cork Opera House as part of the “Rebel Week” festivities for the Gathering 2013. I didn’t think I could ever again be so proud as I was at that moment, with a wonderful cast and my co-director Leah Cooke on the Opera House stage, taking a bow as an audience of over 600 gave us yet another standing ovation.

But back in October, I didn’t yet know what the rest of 2013-2014 held in store…!

-Tim Burke.

A Whistle In The dark-Cork Opera House

(Pictures: R. Plaice)


Pictures: James McSweeneyCollage: Ailish Murphy


The parent funded Halla Phádraig is an expression of our belief that nurturing the human spirit is fundamental to the Coláiste/Gaelcholáiste Choilm vision. The integration of the Arts as a rich source for education has proceeded apace over the years. This new venue, designed to be multifunctional, will in the first instance, be a space where Arts in Education will be facilitated and celebrated.

Practically every other space in the school is of necessity timetabled to ensure the needs of the curriculum plan are met. This un-timetabled space is already filled with performance, rehearsal and display in all disciplines but particularly in music, dance, drama and the visual arts.

I have never thought of the Arts other than as an integral part of the school experience. Coláiste choilm without the Arts would be unimaginable. The Arts have been part of us from the very beginning. They have enriched our celebrations, inspired courage and made our tragedies bearable. They have also been a unique source of enjoyment and pleasure. For all these reasons the Arts

are an inseperable part of our students’ journey through school.

Hallá Phádraig is one of many facilities in the school that would not have been possible without parental support. The role of honour includes the Cultúrlann, Spórtlann, Astro turf pitch, dressing rooms, Prayer Room and school buses. Our parents have always been fully committed to assisting teachers to develop fully the capacity of their children, not only to achieve in examinations but to live a life rich in meaning. The new venue will make the lives of so many generous and talented teachers somewhat easier in their quest, as Picasso put it ‘to wash from the soul the dust of everyday life’.

Tá súil agam go leanfaidh sib hag lionadh bearna in anamnacha na ndaltaí sa halla nua seo an fhad is mhairfidh Coláiste/Gaelcholáiste Choilm.

Le mór-mheas,Pat Kinsella.

The Official Opening of Hálla Phádraig

Pat Kinsella officially opens “Halla Phádraig”. Also present are Ted Owens (CEO Cork ETB), Bridget Ryan (Chairperson of the PArents Association), Diandra Ní Buachalla (Chairperson of the Student Council) and Michelle Sliney (Principal). Pictures: Ailish Murphy

An Architecture exhibition from the TY class was held in Ballincollig Shopping Centre during the last week of April and was officially opened on Tuesday by Jerry Buttimer TD. The Architecture in Schools Initiative is a project set up by the Irish Architecture Foundation and the Department of Education to promote architecture in Schools. As part of the project each school collaborated with a local architect. Colaiste Choilm was one of

twenty schools in Ireland selected to participate in the project in 2014. A group of twenty five transition year students were exposed to what architecture is through a series of design workshops and tutorials. As part of the programme the students did field trips to the Glucksmann Gallery, the National Sculpture Factory and the Architecture School; Cork College of Architecture Education on Copley Street.

Architecture in Schools Initiative

Transition Year Students at the exhibition launch with Jerry Buttimer TD, Rachel McAree and Danny Moynihan


Coláiste/ Gaelcholáiste Choilm Student Council has gone from strength to strength over the past few years. Our motto is “By the students, for the students”, hence we all have a strong interest in improving the life of each individual student. We meet once a week for 30 minutes to discuss our ideas on how we can make student life better for our peers.

We consist of a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and our year

representatives, who report to the council on the issues that face their year groups school life. Every year we hold an Energy Awareness week, for which we have won two awards in the past 2 years. We have held a lot of events to promote positive mental health and were delighted to be given the honour of being presented with an ‘Amber Flag’ for positive mental health. To name but a few more events and projects that the student council undertook this year alone, we held an Anti- Litter week, first year cinema trip for St. Vincent de Paul organised student, Travel Cards and Mental Health Awareness Week.

On a personal note, Student Council has helped me in numerous ways. Having been on the council since first year, I have built up a strong

Wrapped Up in Books ‘Wrapped Up in Books’ is a sculpture project by Cork Community Arts Link in association with Cork City Library and the World Book Fest.

For the month of September Coláiste Choilm enjoyed the fifty two papier mache sculptures which represent fishermen, soldiers, women at leisure, children etc. - all enjoying reading.

Each sculpture is wrapped in the text of books:, The Divine Comedy, Stone Mad, Harry Potter, Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Ravenare among the fifty two books featured.

To celebrate World Book Day Ireland on Thursday, March 6th, every student received a €1 voucher towards the price of a book. - as they have for the last few years.

sense of confidence in team work, public speaking, and many other skills that I find neccessary for adult life. It has also given me the amazing opportunity of becoming a member of Cork County Comhairle na nÓg, which feeds into Dáil na nÓg.

Comhairle na nÓg works on the widespread issues that face the youth of Cork today and are recognised as being an integral link between the youth of the country and it’s decision makers.

Student council wants you!! If you want to improve your own personal skills, learn through experience, make a difference, and of course, make friends.. Then the Student Council is what you need.”

- Diandra BuckleyChairperson Student Council

Student Council

To have been in the presence of over 4000 transition year students from all parts of Ireland on Friday October 4th last, and in the beautiful Basilica of Knock was indeed a privilege and a hugely unique experience. Coláiste Choilm was traveling not only to represent our school, but was chosen and asked to provide and minister the liturgical music for the celebrations.

It was a very emotive occasion. To say we were very proud would only begin to share how we felt.

On speaking with the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Charles Brown, who was the main celebrant on the day, he echoed everyone’s sentiments on how beautiful and appropriate the music was for the gathering.

Many thanks to Mr. Holohan, Ms. Falvey, Fr. James, Ms. Costello, Ms. B O Sullivan and Ms. H Casey for their help in various ways.

We are ambassadors of Christ. -Seán Lehane






This year, 19 projects submitted by Coláiste /Gaelcholáiste Choilm qualified for the B.T. young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. Our students won 9 awards in total – a first in the intermediate section, a second in the senior section, 5 highly commended awards, on special award and one display award. The students were marvellous ambassadors for the school throughout the exhibition.

An interview with Hugh O’Callaghan, Y.S.E. Co-ordinator

“We have a very good success rate in the competition. The national average is for one-in-five or one-in-six entries to be selected for the final, but we have about a one-in-four success rate,” he said.

“We won the overall best school in the competition last year due to the standard of the overall projects and the number of awards that our students won.”

We never give out project titles, we let the students come to us with ideas - and they have some fantastic proposals that never fail to amaze me.

“I’m the lead co-ordinator of the competition entries in the school, but we have a number of teachers who mentor the students, working on their differentprojects.”

“The kids get to meet lots of other students and and scientists and the whole event really feeds their imaginations.”

“It’s very hard to predict what projects are going to be successful. There’s been a big leap forward in media and technology applications in recent years. In the past, biology was always thee biggest area.”

“When kids come forward with their own ideas, it’s great because it shows that they’re geuinely interested in the topic.”

Ultimately, whether students win or not, Hugh says it’s worth their while taking part in the competition.”

“It’s great to be part of a national event and have work they’re doing in school displayed and judged a national level. There’s also so many other projects and things going on at the exhibition that their interest in science and technology can’t help but be stimulated. It’s an invaluable experience.”

150 first years travelled to the RDS with their science teachers on Saturday January 11th. All were very proud of their fellow students and were inspired to follow in their footsteps. It is on this annual Saturday trip that the seeds of interest in YSE are sown.

Coláiste/ Gaelcholáiste Choilm’s Success Story – B.T. Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition 2014

Pictures: James McSweeney


22 students from Coláiste Choilm travelled to Bremen, germany for a week from the 6th to the 13th of February for this years German exchange. To get 22 teenagers to the airport for 6.30am is a big ask but by 7am we were ready to head off to Germany.

A long day of travelling awaited us as this would be the first of two long flights that day. After a five hour lay-over in Manchester airport, we arrived in Bremen in the early evening. We met our host families for the first time and headed off to our homes for the week. It was an early start for most, on our first day in German school. From there we took the straßbahn to the Paradise to go ice-skating. For the next few hours there would be many falls, crashes and laughs. After this we were given free rein with some going into the city centre, others heading to people’s houses and others just heading home.

Saturday and Sunday- with nothing planned, it was up to the host families to plan what we did. Some went toHamburg and Bremer-haven, some went on shopping trips while others just stayed around Bremen, During the two days we learned a lot about the German culture and life.

After another early start on Monday, we were given a tour of the school. This was followed by a tour of Bremen city in which we were shown attractions like the Altstadt and the Market square. We learned a lot about Bremen and the history of the beautiful city.

Tuesday started with a tour of the stadium in Bremen. Mini golf lasted for about an hour until everybody started chatting and the golf was soon abandoned.

On Wednesday we left our partners in school and headed off to the university through the Burger Park, the largest park in Bremen. We were allowed to explore the museum in the university, which luckily for us was in English as well as German.

Our final morning was spent sitting in on lessons in the school which ranged from Latin to Biology. After lunch we went back to the houses for the last time to pick up our bags and say our goodbyes. We then travelled back to Ireland, arriving back home in the early hours of Friday morning.

- Fionn Walsh (T.Y. student 13/14)

Guten Tag Deutschland.

Students Experience a Taste of German Culture in Hálla Phádraig

Pictures: R. Plaice

The majority of Irish teenagers will have experienced the Gaeltacht at least once in their lifetime. For anybody who hasn’t, I highly recommend it for not only is it a great way to soak up in some Irish culture but it is one of the best ways to spend the summer. Every year Ms. Hutchinson takes it upon herself to bring her beloved TY’s down to visit her mother, who is a Bean an Tí sa Gaeltacht I bhFeothanach. Most years they are blessed with fabulous weather but unfortunately our weekend was more on the stormy, hurricane side but that didn’t seem to faze us though. Usually Tys spend 3 weeks living in the Gaeltacht but we managed to squeeze it all into one jam packed weekend with the Irish language, the beach, a trip to Dingle, a ceilí, rock climbing, aifreann and Life in the Tigh and many more. The scenic seaside town of Dingle seems to be famous for the 2000+ calorie full battered mars bars,

so of course why wouldn’t we indulge? All in all I think I would give the weekend 10/10. Go to the Gaeltacht! X

-Aisling Broderick(T.Y. Student ‘13/’14)

Gaeltacht 2014

T.Y. Gaeltacht Trip 2014 Picture: B. Hutchinson

German Day - March 4th, 2014


Although Father James, three other students and myself got abandoned and stranded overnight in Dublin, the French Exchange Trip to a beautiful town named Vernon was easily the highlight of Transition Year. I suppose you could say the week was dramatic from the beginning. As we all ran around Duty Free with an annoying amount of ‘T.Y. Energy’, an announcement was made informing us that our flight was delayed and referred to Dublin Airport.

We were almost set to leave – only Aoife, Georgina, Laura and I were left to put our names on the flight, when a staff member of Aer Lingus announced th flight was full. With tears in our eyes, we were soon told to go home and get a flight the following evening with Father James – talk about an anti climax! But after Ms O’Mahony and Ms Collins employed their – always useful- teachers authority, we managed to get a flight from Dublin in the early hours of the following morning.

Between having a sing off of the national anthems with 25 year old Libyians, getting lost on the Metro, watching our Frenchies giving it socks

while Line Dancing and €80 being stolen from James Walsh, the week was full of experiences and memories that I’m sure we’ll never forget.

What felt like 3 stone later and a dramatic farewell to our French Families, we were finally on our way home, which brings me to Airport Disaster number 2.

I think it’s an understatement to say that the French Exchange was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I’ll probably still be recovering from tiredness by the time this article is published!

VIVA LA FRANCE! - Róisín Wilson (T.Y. Student 13/14)

148 Hours in France

A snapshot of a Céilí organised for first year students during Seachtain na Gaeilge Pictures: R. Plaice


Talent Show

Pictures: R.Plaice

Picture: James McSweeney


Saturday the 12th of April 2014 is a day that will go down in the history of Coláiste/ Gaelcholáiste Choilm. It was the day our senior footballers and their coaches John O’Shea and Andrew O’Sullivan won the All-Ireland in Croke Park. We may not have physically filled all 80,000 seats in Croke Park that day but Coláiste/Gaelcholáiste Choilm certainly filled the stadium with our spirit, energy and sheer joy. To get to an All-Ireland final is outstanding, to play the All-Ireland final in Croke Park is better again, to win an All-Ireland final in Croke Park is a thing of dreams and for us this dream came true! We are extremely proud of e a c h member of the team, all who showed great skill, commitment, resilience and bravery on the pitch. Off the pitch each member of the team is a gentleman and a fantastic role model for other students in the school. This team had already won the Simcox Cup and the Munster Championship en route to Croke Park.

On Friday May 9th, a special celebration night was held to honour the 24 members of the panel and their mentors. Special recognition was given on the night to the local clubs who have invested so much over the years to produce such talented players and sportsmen. The guest speaker on the night, Paddy Kelly, a past pupil and Cork senior player, was warmly welcomed. Chairman of the County Board Bob Ryan presented the team with their All-Ireland medals.

Coláiste Choilm - All Ireland Champions

Coláiste Choilm’s Victory in the Simcox Cup FinalWith a half-time score of 1-8 to 0-8, the boys had set themselves up for victory against Macroom’s De La Salle, in the Simcox Cup final. With a magnificent goal from captain Ronan O’Toole in the 30th minute and a low shot in by mid-fielder Aaron O’Raw in the 33rd minute. The real blow for De La Salle came in the 36th minute when corner-forward Cian Kiely created space and converted to bring Coláiste Choilm’s side 3-8 to 0-10.

Although Macroom never gave up the fight, it was Coláiste Choilm’s night. With a fourth goal for Coláiste Choilm by Seán O’Donoghue in the 52nd minute, it sealed a win for Coláiste Choilm with a final score of 4-13 to 1-18. Congratulations to all involved.

Pictures: R.Plaice

Picture: Ailish Murphy11