congratulations to our graduates - oak grove united...

May 19, 2013 GRADUATE SUNDAY Dear Class of 2013, You made it! You are graduating from high school. You can add this notch to your belt. High school provided a venue within which you tested your character, your intelligence and your perseverance. Your diploma is a testimony to successful completion of those tests, but today is not a graduation from the school of learning. The good news is you have passed this test. The better news is that there are many more tests ahead of you. I say better news because you will never reach your full potential unless you seek, face and conquer challenges. The uber- rich athletes you see on ESPN are great athletes because they chose to face the most difficult of challenges. They worked out in the weight room extra hours. They pushed harder. They refined their skills longer. Achievement in life comes more frequently to those who work hard than to those who have raw intelligence. So I am glad that you will face many more challenges ahead. Embrace the challenge, rise to meet it, and achievement – however you choose to define that term – will follow. I don’t want to seem unrealistic. I suspect that some of you may stumble along the way. You may stumble because the mountain was initially too high, or you may stumble because common sense or conscience somehow failed you. You may stumble because you were climbing the wrong mountain. If that happens it will be sad, and there will be conse- quences. However, don’t give up. Learn from the fall, then climb again – a little wiser from the experience. For most of you, your next challenge will be college. College raises the academic bar significantly, and again your intellect will be tested. Your professors will introduce you to a wealth of information and require that you show a capacity to master that information. Know this though: the greatest challenges of college are not in the classroom. College tests your character and maturity. Can you organize your life and time such that you can study on your own? Can you balance your desire to kick up your heels with the need for in-depth study? Can you run free and know that even in freedom there are boundaries that should not be crossed? As a person with significant freedom, can you choose a path of faith and morals that contributes to your own development as well as that of others? These are the most significant tests you will face. Your high school teachers, your parents, your pastors, and your church believe you are ready for the challenge, but we also know it will be difficult. We will pray for you, encourage you, and we will help you. Call on us. Today is a great day of celebration. We are proud of you. You are ambassadors of your family, this community and Oak Grove Church. We are proud to have you representing us. Go with God, and go far! Your Pastor, Congratulations to Our Graduates

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Page 1: Congratulations to Our Graduates - Oak Grove United … ·  · 2015-11-05*Processional Hymn Lift High the Cross UMH 159 *Responsive


Dear Class of 2013,

You made it! You are graduating from high school. You can add this notch to your belt. High school provided a venue within which you tested your character, your intelligence and your perseverance. Your diploma is a testimony to successful completion of those tests, but today is not a graduation from the school of learning.

The good news is you have passed this test. The better news is that there are many more tests ahead of you. I say better news because you will never reach your full potential unless you seek, face and conquer challenges. The uber-rich athletes you see on ESPN are great athletes because they chose to face the most difficult of challenges. They worked out in the weight room extra hours. They pushed harder. They refined their skills longer. Achievement in life comes more frequently to those who work hard than to those who have raw intelligence. So I am glad that you will face many more challenges ahead. Embrace the challenge, rise to meet it, and achievement – however you choose to define that term – will follow.

I don’t want to seem unrealistic. I suspect that some of you may stumble along the way. You may stumble because the mountain was initially too high, or you may stumble because common sense or conscience somehow failed you. You may stumble because you were climbing the wrong mountain. If that happens it will be sad, and there will be conse-quences. However, don’t give up. Learn from the fall, then climb again – a little wiser from the experience.

For most of you, your next challenge will be college. College raises the academic bar significantly, and again your intellect will be tested. Your professors will introduce you to a wealth of information and require that you show a capacity to master that information. Know this though: the greatest challenges of college are not in the classroom. College tests your character and maturity. Can you organize your life and time such that you can study on your own? Can you balance your desire to kick up your heels with the need for in-depth study? Can you run free and know that even in freedom there are boundaries that should not be crossed? As a person with significant freedom, can you choose a path of faith and morals that contributes to your own development as well as that of others? These are the most significant tests you will face. Your high school teachers, your parents, your pastors, and your church believe you are ready for the challenge, but we also know it will be difficult. We will pray for you, encourage you, and we will help you. Call on us.

Today is a great day of celebration. We are proud of you. You are ambassadors of your family, this community and Oak Grove Church. We are proud to have you representing us. Go with God, and go far!

Your Pastor,

Congratulations to Our Graduates

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Gathering Music Two Hymn Tune Arrangements E. L. Diemer

Community Life / Ritual of Fellowship Rev. Susan Allen Grady (Please complete and pass the red friendship pad at this time.)

Procession of Graduates �anks Be to God G.F. Handel

*Processional Hymn Lift High the Cross UMH 159

*Responsive Reading See insert Ms. Kate Wildman

A Morning Prayer and �e Lord’s Prayer Ms. Robin Merrill Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Our Tithes & O�erings Come, �ou Fount / I Love to Tell the Story Early American/Fischer Nell McCuen, Hammered Dulcimer & Susan Matteson, Flute

*Doxology UMH 94 Praise God, from whom all blessings �ow; praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

(Following the Doxology, Pre-K, Kindergarten and First Graders may leave for Children’s Church. Pick up in room 202.)

Anthem �is Is �e Day J. Rutter Chancel Choir�is is the day which the Lord hath made: we will rejoice and be glad in it. O praise the Lord of heav’n: praise him in the height. Praise him, all ye angels of his: praise him, all his host. Praise him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars and light. Let them praise the Name of the Lord. For he

shall give his angels charge over thee: to keep thee in all thy ways. �e Lord himself is thy keeper: the Lord is thy defence upon thy right hand; so that the sun shall not burn thee by day: neither the moon by night. �e Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: yea, it is even he that shall keep thy soul.

�e Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in: from this time forth for evermore. He shall defend thee under his wings. Be strong, and he shall comfort thine heart, and put thou thy trust in the Lord. (Psalms 118: 24; 148: 1–3, 5a; 91: 4a, 11; 121: 5–8; 27: 16b)

May 19, 2013 Graduate Sunday (In preparation for worship, please silence all cell phones.)


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Scripture 1 John 2:15–17 Rev. Allen Grady �e Word of God for the people of God. �anks be to God.

Sermon Dream the Dream Dr. Ethridge

Graduate Video

Blessing of the Graduates Dr. Ethridge(Graduates’ families are invited to join them at the altar.) Rev. Allen Grady

*Recessional Hymn Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus UMH 514 (�ose who wish to join the church are invited to come forward.)

*Benediction Dr. Ethridge

Postlude In Christ �ere Is No East or West E. L. Diemer

*Congregation stand as ableUMH: United Methodist Hymnal / FWS: �e Faith We SingLarge print hymnals and bulletins and hearing assistance devices are available from an usher.

Oak Grove Youth Choir


and SupperWed., May 29 – Fellowship Hall

Join the singers as they return from their Youth Music Mission trip to Nashville and Memphis! Hear their wonderful message in song. Bring the whole family!

6:00 p.m. Supper catered by Oak Grove Market

7:00 p.m. Homecoming Concert in Fellowship Hall



Menu: Hamburgers with all the �xings, Chips OR Mac & Cheese, Cookies, Lemonade and Tea

$7 per person ____________

(Please place a NUMBER on the lineof how many meals you want to reserve.)(Reservations due prior to noon on Tuesday, May 28.)

Childcare available at 6:45, upon request. Contact [email protected]

Nursery Reservation ––––––––––––

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Scripture Ms. Kate Wildman

Beloved, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. [Philippians 3:13-14]

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terri�ed; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. [Joshua 1:9)

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. �erefore, my beloved, stand �rm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. [1 Corinthians 15:57-58]

He has shown you what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. [Micah 6:8]

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for other people. [Colossians 3:23]

When you search for me, you will �nd me; if you seek me with all of your heart. [Jeremiah 29:13]

�e fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. [Proverbs 1:7]

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. [1 Timothy 4:12]

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. [Philippians 4:8]

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. �is will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. [Proverbs 3:5-8]

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. [Mark 12:30]

Blessed is the one who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers but delights in the law of the LORD. Whatever he does prospers. [from Psalm 1:1-3]

�e Word of God for the people of God.

�anks be to God.

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OAK GROVE NEWSMay 19, 2013

Oak Grove’s VisionEvery Member will...• Mention Oak Grove Church once weekly.• Invite someone to Oak Grove and offer to meet them at church once quarterly.• Participate in a small discipleship group every year.• Share in a domestic mission project every year.• Participate (as able) in an overseas mission project once every five years.

Kingdom Rock VBS will be held in just a few weeks and we could use your help! We’ll have 300 children and more than 140 volunteers here during the week who will need snacks and drinks. As one of our mission projects, we will again provide and prepare 100 lunches each day to inner city kids through Action Ministries. We’d love help with other general supplies also. If you are able to provide any of the items listed below, please bring them to the Children’s Ministry o�ce by May 24. As always, monetary donations are welcome. We are very grateful for your support!

Supplies for Smart Lunch, Smart Kid: 500 (8oz.) bottled waters; napkins; 500 individu-ally wrapped salty snacks (potato chips, pretzels, Doritos)

Snack and Recreation supplies for VBS: snack, sandwich and gallon sized Ziploc bags; liter of coke, diet coke and other soft drinks; cinnamon rolls, muffins, cereal bars, chips and crackers, gluten-free chips, cookies and candy; antibacterial wipes; LOTS of PAPER cups – 7, 9 or 12 oz.

Decorating Supplies for VBS: Duct tape - silver and black; black, red, orange, purple and blue poster board; gold ribbon; tissue paper- red, orange and yellow; gold, silver, gray and black spray paint; fabric glue; "Great Stuff" brand insulation foam in can; red solo cups; colorful Fabric; sponge brushes; spray adhesive; cardboard; gold wrapping paper; 2 or 3 refrigerator boxes; 100 battery powered tea lights; one bowling ball.Items to borrow: medieval helmets, armor, shields, crowns, suit of armor, etc.; �ashlights.Drop o� all donations to the Children’s Ministry O�ce, room 103.

Supplies Needed for VACATION BIBLE


School will be out in a few days, so it's time to kick o� our 2013 Summer Read to Feed® program. Calling all readers for the summer. If you like to read or like being read to, join our Read to Feed® program. Stop by the library today to register and get all the details. �is program encourages children to read and it bene�ts the Heifer International organization, which OGUMC has supported for over thirteen years. So come on in and get started!

Library News – Read to Feed

at Oak Grove Grief Sharing for anyone grieving signi�cant loss• Led by: Linda Bailey, Licensed Professional Counselor• When: Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. in room 219

Support Groups

Rebuilding for women dealing with divorce or the ending of a relationship • Led by: Karon Ferguson, Licensed Professional Counselor • When: Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 p.m. in room 219

�ere is no charge and newcomers are always welcome. Contact Louis Miller at the church for more information.

We also want to recognize all the children who participated in the 2012 Read to Feed program. Stop by the library on Sunday, May 19, to receive your certi�cates and special recognition. �anks again to all our readers, their parents, and sponsors for supporting this worthy cause. We look forward to seeing you in the library and to another great summer of reading!

Aerie Experiences, Kids Enabled, Learning Rx and Autism Foundation of Georgia are partnering with Our Children. Our Future for this incredible concert featuring: Grammy Award winners Karen Clark Sheard (, Jars of Clay (, Sanctus Real ( and CeCe Winans (

�e 2013 Annual Concert in support of Children with Autism will take place on Saturday, June 29, at the Atlanta Civic Center. Proceeds will bene�t families of children with autism and learning di�erences providing scholarships for school, camp and cognitive therapy.Please visit their website at for more information, or email [email protected].

Join your Oak Grove Familyfor a HUGE Summer Concert

Jars of Clay

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Oak Grove MemorialsIN MEMORY

TO THE BUILDING FUND IN MEMORY OF Kathryn Benton by Phil & Beth Benefield Marty Counts by Smoky & Zoe Hicks Phil & Beth Benefield Gordon Robbins by Phil & Beth Benefield

TO THE MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF Connie Whitley by Ann Culpepper

TO THE MUSIC MINISTRY FUND IN MEMORY OF Gladys Mansfield by Smoky & Zoe Hicks Lanny & Kristen Nixon Ed & Rosemary Ramsey

TO THE SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY FUND IN MEMORY OF Kathryn Benton by Smoky & Zoe Hicks Thelma Jean Robertson by Smoky & Zoe Hicks

TO THE YOUTH MINISTRY IN MEMORY OF Kathryn Benton by Charles & Katherine Pursley Marty Counts by Charles & Katherine Pursley J.D. Rankin by Charles & Katherine Pursley

BlessingtheA gift to �e Blessing

has been made: in memory of Van Cannon by Jamalyn Cannon

Applications for the 2013 Oak Grove Memorial Scholarship are currently being accepted in the church o�ce. Oak Grove UMC should receive the application, transcripts and letters of recommendation by Monday, June 3, 2013. Application forms are available online at, or they may be sent to you via email. Please contact Dale Smith with your request, 404-636-7558 or [email protected].

Oak Grove 2013Memorial Scholarship Awards

Scholarship Opportunitiesfor Rising High School Seniors

Saving for a College Education

Upper Rooms for Homebound Members

As a member of the United Methodist Church, there are scholarships available for graduating high school students. Most of the deadlines have passed for the upcoming school year, but this is good information for high school juniors to know.

�e United Methodist Connectional Federal Credit Union o�ers four $1000 scholarships. For more information, visit

�e General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) of the United Methodist Church o�ers several scholarships and some loan opportunities. �e Fall 2014 GBHEM on-line scholarship application is open January 6, 2014 - March 5, 2014 at this Web page:

Applications for ALL Scholarship Programs must be completed by midnight of March 5 for consideration. �e GBHEM O�ce of Loans and Scholarships is partnering with a company to provide an on-line application and database for our programs. International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. (ISTS) is a firm that specializes in managing sponsored scholarship programs. �e application eliminates any paper submission by the applicant or reference. During the awarding process, ISTS will be in touch with you on behalf of GBHEM. �ere will remain one place to apply for programs, update your contact information, and check status of missing items for all GBHEM programs. For more information, see their website

�e United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF) is a non-pro�t foundation that has been helping students pay for college since 1965. UMHEF is committed to support-ing the dreams of students who want to attend college at a United Methodist college, univer-sity or seminary of their choice. Sometimes students and parents need a little help covering the rising costs of tuition – that’s where we come in! Our scholarships help students o�set those costs by awarding scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $4,000. Each year we assist over 1,000 students with their tuition through programs such as Dollars for Scholars. We partner with schools, United Methodist congregations and our donors to provide �nancial support in the amount of over $2 million annually to students all over the country. For more informa-tion, see the website at

A public university education will cost a student about $22,500 per year. A moderately-priced private school education will cost about $43,500, and an education at a well-known private school will cost about $58,000 per year. �ere are many scholarships available, but in almost all cases the family is expected to contribute through loans and contributions. One of the best ways to save for a college education is a College Savings Plan, called 529 Plans. Contributions to 529 Plans are made with after-tax dollars and are allowed to grow tax deferred with tax-free distributions for quali�ed college education expenses. “Quali�ed expenses” include almost all collegiate education-related expenses, with the exception of room and board. Contributions must be made in cash with limits set by individual state plans, usually $200,000+ per bene�-ciary. Donors may even “frontload” these plans by contributing up to 5 years’ worth of annual exclusion gifts in one year ($14,000 for 2013 x 5 years = $70,000). Additionally, many states o�er tax deductions in varying amounts for residents contributing to their state’s plan. Invest-ment options vary among plans. A helpful website is

Upper Room devotional booklets are made available to our members on a bimonthly basis by the Congregational Nurture Ministry. In connection with this, copies are

mailed to our homebound members who wish to receive them. If you or someone you know is homebound (private home or nursing facility) and would like to receive “�e Upper Room” booklet by mail, please contact Louis Miller at the church ([email protected] or 404-636-7558). Please also indicate whether the standard print size is su�cient or the large print edition is desired. We feel this resource is a blessing to adults of all ages and don’t want any to be denied.

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5/12/2013Our O�erings Month-to-Date Year-to-Date Operating Budget (fund 001) Actual Income $86,537.05 $844,138.30


Oak Grove O�ce Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. M–F Sunday, May 19, 201312:00pm Summer SS Teacher Meeting Kid's Clubhouse 3:00pm UMW Tea for Kristin Fair Parlor 4:30pm Youth Choir Rehearsal (Tenor & Bass) Rm 201 5:00pm Youth Choir Rehearsal (All) Rm 201 Monday, May 20, 201310:00am Seekers Bridge Group Rm 11410:30am AARP Meeting Fellowship Hall 7:00pm Finance Committee Meeting Rm 216 7:00pm Service Ministries Meeting Rm 114 7:30pm Adult Volleyball Heritage Hall Gym Tuesday, May 21, 2013 1:00pm Mobile Soup Kitchen Prep Kitchen 6:30pm Aerobic Exercise Class Heritage Hall Gym 6:30pm Grief Sharing Group Rm 219 Wednesday, May 22, 2013 9:30am Mobile Soup Kitchen Delivery Away 9:30am WOW Group Rm 219 6:30pm Disciple I Rm 216 6:30pm Disciple II Rm 212 7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Choir Rm 201 7:30pm Boy Scout Court of Honor Sanctuary �ursday, May 23, 2013 5:00pm Youth Music Mission Rehearsal Parlor 6:00pm Rebuilding Support Group Rm 219 6:30pm Aerobic Exercise Class Heritage Hall Gym 7:00pm Sanctuary Singers Rehearsal Choir Rm 201 7:00pm Cub Scout Leaders Meeting Room 215b 8:00pm 9:35 Band Rehearsal Fellowship Hall Friday, May 24, 201312:00pm Youth Music Mission Send-o� Fellowship Hall

In the Hospitals...A.G. Rhodes – Bill Bar�eldBudd Terrace – Martha Deming, June RowEgleston (CHOA) – Joshua GillilandGolden Living – Jane WhiteAt Home... Dottie Bonnell, Foye Chapman, Barb Connelly, Eugenia DeMore, John Glaze, Matt Hudson, Dorothy North, Bill Peacock, Morris Perkins, Melissa Sizemore, Bernice WattsContinued Prayers... Lisa Bowling, Sara Bowles, Joe Brooks, Jr., Edna Bryan, Jim Carson, Mary Disbrow, Bob Garlow, Bess Ginn, Chuck Green, Doug Guedry, Louise Guy, Tom Jewell, Betty Lanman, Burke Linder, Ornette Lord, Pauline Pullen, Jack Sims, Jackie Smiley, Alan Smith, Marvin Smith, Jerry Spratte, Joy Trotti, Rob White, Nancy WoodallServing in Our Armed Forces... Captain George Parks Bunch, Lt. J.G. Alexander Cody, Petty O�cer Steven Jones, Captain Bryan Lee, Lt. David Lee, Karen Lee, Lt. Michael Lee, PFC Anita Carol Lucas, Major Chuck Parks, Sgt. Josh Portwood, Col. Janet Seufert, Col. Steve �omas, Lance Cpl. Cory �ompson, Captain Steven ToebbenNew Baby... Congratulations to Eric and Lindsay Garling-house on the birth of their daughter, Scarlett Swan Garlinghouse on April 18, 2013.Sympathy... Oak Grove extends its deepest sympathy to Linda and Chick Sward on the death of Linda’s mother, Louise McDonald.

Sedolia “Dolie” Perrett May 11, 2013

Record of Our Faithfulness

�ere are a few open spots in our Toddlers and Pre-K programs. Contact Heather Howard – [email protected] for more information.

Openings for 2013-14 school year

Our Presence May 12, 2013Church School 4448:30 Service 1959:35 Service 19311:00 Service 522Total Worship this Week 910

Welcome New Members!Collin & Mary Cook

Children: Augusta, Evelyn Grace1408 Vista Leaf Drive

Decatur, Georgia 30033678-492-3636

�e Oak GroveUnited Methodist Women

cordially invite �e Women of the Church

to a Tea honoring

Kristin FairFiancée of Andrew Ethridge on Sunday, May 19, 2013

in the Parlor from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Lunch Bunch

Tuesday, June 4, 8:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.We are going north to Roswell and Alpharetta with our old friend, tour guide Jim Howe. We will visit a beautiful antebellum home, Bulloch Hall, and the rich horse country of Alpharetta. We will lunch at Alpha Soda (lunch is on you), and our tour will continue through the beautiful countryside returning to the church at 2:30 p.m.Reservations (with $25 payment and medicalinsurance form) are due by Monday, June 3, 2013, 10:00 a.m. Call Rachel in the church o�ce (404-636-7558).

The Oak Groove Festival has been rescheduled to May 19.




�e food donated to the Toco Hills Community Alliance food pantry from our Spooky To Be Hungry collec- tion last October has all been distributed to individuals and families in need in our community. What a blessing “Spooky” has been to the Toco Hills ministry and others! But the poverty around us remains, and the need for food in the Toco Hills pantry is ongoing. You are invited to donate canned goods and other staple items to this and the Caring for Clarkston (C4C) ministry whenever possible by bringing them to the church and putting them in the respective collection cabinets across from the Fellow-ship Hall restrooms. �ank you for caring and sharing!

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5/12/2013Our O�erings Month-to-Date Year-to-Date Operating Budget (fund 001) Actual Income $86,537.05 $844,138.30

Sunday Night Community Groups: Snack Dinner is served at 6:00 p.m. and pick up time is at 8:15 p.m.• June 9 – Summer Kickoff in the Fellowship Hall• June 23 – Movie Night in the Youth Café• July 7 – Pool Party at Leafmore Pool & Tennis Club• July 21 – Justice, End It Movement in the Youth Café• July 28 – A Night of Service in the Youth Café• August 4 – I Am Second Night in the Fellowship Hall

Back-to-School Events:• Middle School Block Party – Friday, August 16, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. on Front Lawn of OGUMC• High School Party – Saturday, August 17, 1:00 – 10:00 p.m. Six Flags Christian Music Concert • 2013-2014 Community Groups Kickoff – Family Pot Luck Dinner Sunday, August 25, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall For more information on any of these events go to:

Wednesday Night Righting the Wrongs: A Youth Community Prayer Time & Bible Study. Meet in the Youth Café from 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. • June 12• June 19• June 26• July 10• July 24• July 31

Thursday Lunch Bunch & Open Building: Meet at the Youth Café at 11:30 a.m. to depart at 11:45 a.m. Bring $$ for lunch.• June 13 @ Mo’s Pizza• June 20 @ N’lake Chick-Fil-A• June 27 @ Panda Express• July 11 @ Fellini’s Pizza• July 25 @ Moe’s SW Grill• August 1 @ North Druid Hills Chick-Fil-A

Fun Fridays: (register on-line)• Atlanta Fest at Stone Mountain Park June 14, 2013, 3:30 – 11:00 p.m.$50.00 per person (tickets are good for June 12 – 15) On June 14, when we go together as a group, the price includes dinner.• Malibu Grand Prix June 28, 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. $25.00 per person• Braves vs. Cardinals Baseball Game July 26, 2013, 5:00 – 11:30 p.m. $30.00 per person

Oak Grove United Methodist Church’s Youth Group

1722 Oak Grove Road • Decatur, GA 30033

r e v o l u t i o nt h eA Student Community of Jesus Followers

Saturday Community Service: C4C Food & Clothing Pantry:Meet at Youth Café at 8:00 a.m. and will return around 12:00 noon. • June 22• July 27• August 24

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Church O�ce 404-636-7558Emergency Contact After Hours ext. 9www.ogumc.orgDr. Glenn Ethridge – Senior Pastor ext. 211

Rev. Susan Allen Grady – Associate Pastor ext. 212Rev. Louis Miller – Nurture and Service ext. 210Rev. Mary Lou Gilbert – Senior Adults

Music Ministry – Janet Johnson ext. 226Organist – Dr. Susan Matteson ext. 223Youth Ministry – Robin Merrill ext. 203Orchestra – Bucky Johnson ext. 226

Director of Administration – Dale Smith ext. 225Children’s Ministry – Kim Cody ext. 218CDC (Child Development Center) 404-636-5476YCS (Young Children’s School) 404-636-7951

8:30am Traditional Worship Sanctuary 9:35am Sunday School Various 9:35am 9:35 Contemporary Worship Fellowship Hall11:00am Traditional Worship Sanctuary



Today’s Worship Servants

Sound: (8:30) Billie Williams

O�ering Counters: Fred Andrieni, Kim Cody, Linda Lee Saye, Mike Smith

Ushers: Scott Bazemore, Tom Branch, Harold Chambliss, Dick Haas, Je� Je�ares, George Je�ares, J.C. McBee, Ed McCarvey, Bob McCreary, David Morgan, Ruth Primm Penland, Mary Riddle, Ray Roper, Avery Severt, Matt Stambaugh, Brian Steed, Sam Still, Mike Ulven, Alfred Walker, Bob Walton, John Weatherford, George WilkersonAltar Guild: Regina Haynes, Sally Houghton, Margaret Maxwell Children’s Church: Allison White, Chip White