conflict styles presentation

LEARNING CONFLICT STYLES Ms. Blye’s 8 th Grade English Class

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Page 1: Conflict Styles Presentation


Ms. Blye’s 8th Grade English Class

Page 2: Conflict Styles Presentation

Within the short stories we

have read, we have learned

about many different conflicts

in stories.

Let’s Recap….

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Conflict: is the opposition between forces in a story

Protagonist: the central character

Antagonist: whatever opposing force the protagonist struggles with, such as another character, environment, or something within the protagonist

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Now lets have fun understanding conflict styles a character or person can display in a story.

Later we will relate to the different conflict styles to characters behaviors and ourselves.

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Handling Conflict



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     Accommodating Style   Problem-solving Style R                


L G                


T O                

I             Compromising Style    

O A                   


S L                


I S                

P      Withdrawing Style     Aggressive Stylelow                

importance P E R S O N A L G O A L S          high         importance

       Conflict Styles

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Conflict Styles David Johnson’sCharacteristics animal comparison

Withdrawing - Maintaining relationship Turtle

or getting your way is very important

Accommadating – try to smooth over Teddy Bear

disagreements and give in to keep the peace

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Conflict Styles cont. David Johnson’sCharacteristics animal comparison

Compromising – moderate control for FoxFox

both goals; try to cut a deal

Problem-Solving – Owlsolutions for everyone

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Conflict Styles cont.

Aggressive– Shark

at the expense of the relationship, see

conflict as competitive game; may enjoy

fights as long as you win;

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What Animal Are You…???

The Turtle Turtles prefer to hide in their

shells away from conflict rather than face it. When confronted with conflict, turtles will abandon their own goals and relationships and display passive behaviors. Turtles adopt an avoiding or withdrawing conflict style.

The Shark In contrast to turtles, sharks use

an aggressive and competing conflict management style and want to win at any cost. Personal goals are highly important to the overpowering shark and the needs of others are a low priority.

The Teddy Bear The teddy bear wants to keep the

peace at all costs. Teddy bears need to be liked and will often ignore their own goals when faced with conflict in order to maintain the relationship. The teddy bear uses an accommodating conflict management style.

The Fox Foxes are willing to sacrifice some

of their goals while persuading others to give up some of theirs. Foxes are concerned with both goals and relationships; however, even though the relationship is maintained during conflict, the compromise may result in a less than ideal outcome. A fox deals with conflict by trying to compromise.

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The Owl Owls view conflict as a

problem that needs solving and will work with the other party to seek out solutions and ensure both sets of goals are achieved. Although this conflict management style can take some time and effort, both sides get what they want, and the tension is eliminated. The wise owl will deal with conflict by collaborating

According to David W. Johnson “Every day, we are faced with conflicts, and most of us are fairly limited in how we manage and resolve these conflicts. It is often easier to be aggressive, use avoidance, accommodate or compromise our conflicts. While there may be times when it is appropriate to use these strategies, collaboration generally produces the best long-term results. Instead of throwing gas on the fire, collaboration will help you to learn from your conflict, and the outcome will leave you feeling good about yourself and others.”

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Complete the following slides as follows…

Read the scenario, and match the character(s) to the conflict styles above.

Test your knowledge and see if your answer was right before moving to the next slide

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                               CONFLICT SYLES

100 200 300

400 500 600

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SCENARIO 100This conflict style is illustrated by Victoria in the following scenario.Jasmine and Victoria have been best friends since they were little and planned to best friends until they are old and grey. As their senior year in high school dwindled down, both girls stepped into an unexpected problem. Victoria wanted to go to a History Black College or University while Jasmine saw herself fitting more into a Predominately White Institution. Both girls became annoyed with one another because they expected to go to the same school as they have been doing since Elementary. For weeks this baffled the friends Until Victoria proposed they both applied to schools in Greensboro. Which conflict style is Victoria displaying?

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What is COMPROMISNGconflict style?

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SCENARIO 200This conflict style is illustrated by Sue in the following scenario.

Kyle and Sarah cannot seem to agree on what kind of pet to get. Kyle wants a dog because he claims they are more fun and they could use it as a watch dog. Sarah wants a cat because they are less expensive and easier to take care of. Finally they decide on a parrot instead because they are fun, they can talk to you, they are easy and not too expensive. A parrot will also alert them if someone else is in their home.

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conflict style?

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SCENARIO 300This conflict style is illustrated by Lauren in the following scenario.Katie and Lauren are roommates. They get into a little disagreement about who has the most space in their small dorm room. To end the argument, and to please Katie, Lauren moves her stuff over giving Katie more space in the room.

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conflict style?

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SCENARIO 400This conflict style is illustrated by Chucky in the following scenario.Tristan, Beth, Chuck and Mike enjoy skating. Every Sunday Night, the four friends meet at Starlight Skating Rink to practice new moves and show off their skills. Mike is known around the rink as “Sweet Feet” because of his speed but yet graceful moves. Lately Chucky hasn’t been focused or practicing much of a team player. As head of the group, Mike confronts Chucky to see if everything was ok. Chucky automatically feels threaten and explodes. Chucky feels as if Mike is taking his name as ‘Sweet Feet” and becoming cocky. Mike denies this statement and becomes confused to Chucky’s responses. Disregarding their friendship, Chucky challenges Mike’s title with a skating match.

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conflict style?

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SCENARIO 500This conflict style is illustrated by Sue in the following scenario.Mary and Sue have been really good friends for over 5 years. They are now in their sophomore year in college and are roommates. Outside of their living area, everything is always good between them, but in the room they often have small conflicts over things such as food and cleaning. Their most recent issue occurred when Sue left her dirty laundry in the middle of the room and Mary had company and was very embarrassed to find the room in such a dirty state. Mary tried to talk to Sue about the situation, but each time she brings it up, Sue makes excuses for why she cannot talk at the moment. Every time Mary calls Sue she ignores the call or picks up and is very brief with her. When they are both in the room and Mary brings it up, Sue makes excuses such as she has a lot of studying to do and suggests that they talk later.

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G conflict style?

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SCENARIO 600This conflict style is illustrated by Each Character in the following scenario. *Hint* One Character is displays TWOJoe, Tay, and Richard are brothers. The three of them always find themselves getting into conflicts that are often easily resolved. The last issue between the boys was the trying to decide where to eat because no one wanted to eat the same thing. Richard wanted burgers; Tay wanted something Italian, and Joe wanted chicken. Richard and Tay got into a heated argument in the car over this because Tay claims that Richard always gets his way. Because Tay wasn’t going to put up with Richard anymore, Tay threw a fierce punch. The two continued to argue, while Joe refused get in the middle of his two brothers and ignored the situation and his hunger. As Richard and Tay became winded and tired of fighting, Richard proposes Golden Corral where everyone can be pleased. Although Joe despises Golden Corral’s chicken, he anxiously agrees so the argument can cease and they can finally satisfy their hunger

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Who’s Who

Tay…. Aggression

Joe Withdrawal

Richard Compromises

Joe Accommodates

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Objective 2.01Analyze and evaluate informational materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by:

monitoring comprehension for understanding of what is read, heard and/or viewed.

recognizing the characteristics of informational materials.

determining the importance of information.

making connections to related topics/information.