concurrent systems agenda - department of … · concurrent systems nebenläu ge systeme xiv....

Concurrent Systems Nebenläufige Systeme XIV. Pickings Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat February 7, 2017 Agenda Recapitulation Concurrent Systems Perspectives Parallel Systems Computing Equipment Further Education © wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Recapitulation 2 Outline Recapitulation Concurrent Systems Perspectives Parallel Systems Computing Equipment Further Education © wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Recapitulation 3 Content of Teaching and Cross-References transactional memory PFP elementary operations critical sections simultaneous (concurrent/interacting) processes concurrency BS HBS ParAlg CC RA TRASYS SP lock semaphore monitor deadly embrace guarded sections non-blocking synchronisation progress guarantee © wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Recapitulation – Concurrent Systems 4

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Concurrent SystemsNebenläufige Systeme

XIV. Pickings

Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat

February 7, 2017


RecapitulationConcurrent Systems

PerspectivesParallel SystemsComputing EquipmentFurther Education

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Recapitulation 2


RecapitulationConcurrent Systems

PerspectivesParallel SystemsComputing EquipmentFurther Education

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Recapitulation 3

Content of Teaching and Cross-References

transactional memory






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deadly embrace

guarded sections

non−blocking synchronisation

progress guarantee

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Recapitulation –Concurrent Systems 4


RecapitulationConcurrent Systems

PerspectivesParallel SystemsComputing EquipmentFurther Education

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives 5

Main Research at the Chaircomposability and configurability

application-oriented (varying, type-safe) system softwarespecialisation

dedicated operating systems: integrated, adaptive, parallel

reliabilitygentle fault and intrusion tolerance

thriftinessressource-aware operation of computing systems

timelinessmigration paths between time- and event-triggered real-time systems

concurrencycoordination of cooperation and competition between processes

↪→ “concurrent systems” is more or less cross-cutting thereto. . .

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives 6

Main Research at the Chaircomposability and configurability

application-oriented (varying, type-safe) system softwarespecialisation

dedicated operating systems: integrated, adaptive, parallel

reliabilitygentle fault and intrusion tolerance

thriftinessressource-aware operation of computing systems

timelinessmigration paths between time- and event-triggered real-time systems

concurrencycoordination of cooperation and competition between processes

↪→ “concurrent systems” is more or less cross-cutting thereto. . .

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives 6

Main Research at the Chaircomposability and configurability

application-oriented (varying, type-safe) system softwarespecialisation

dedicated operating systems: integrated, adaptive, parallel

reliabilitygentle fault and intrusion tolerance

thriftinessressource-aware operation of computing systems

timelinessmigration paths between time- and event-triggered real-time systems

concurrencycoordination of cooperation and competition between processes

↪→ “concurrent systems” is more or less cross-cutting thereto. . .

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives 6

Main Research at the Chaircomposability and configurability

application-oriented (varying, type-safe) system softwarespecialisation

dedicated operating systems: integrated, adaptive, parallel

reliabilitygentle fault and intrusion tolerance

thriftinessressource-aware operation of computing systems

timelinessmigration paths between time- and event-triggered real-time systems

concurrencycoordination of cooperation and competition between processes

↪→ “concurrent systems” is more or less cross-cutting thereto. . .

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives 6

Latency Awareness in Operating Systems

latency preventionlock- and wait-free synchronisationintegrated generator-based approach

latency avoidanceinterference protectionrace-conflict containment

latency hidingoperating-system server coresasynchronous remote system operation

experiments with different operating-system architecturesprocess-/event-based and hardware-centric operating-system kernelsLAKE, Sloth

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants

1 → Research projects → LAOS©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 7

Latency Awareness in Operating Systems

latency preventionlock- and wait-free synchronisationintegrated generator-based approach

latency avoidanceinterference protectionrace-conflict containment

latency hidingoperating-system server coresasynchronous remote system operation

experiments with different operating-system architecturesprocess-/event-based and hardware-centric operating-system kernelsLAKE, Sloth

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants

1 → Research projects → LAOS©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 7

Latency Awareness in Operating Systems

latency preventionlock- and wait-free synchronisationintegrated generator-based approach

latency avoidanceinterference protectionrace-conflict containment

latency hidingoperating-system server coresasynchronous remote system operation

experiments with different operating-system architecturesprocess-/event-based and hardware-centric operating-system kernelsLAKE, Sloth

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants

1 → Research projects → LAOS©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 7

Latency Awareness in Operating Systems

latency preventionlock- and wait-free synchronisationintegrated generator-based approach

latency avoidanceinterference protectionrace-conflict containment

latency hidingoperating-system server coresasynchronous remote system operation

experiments with different operating-system architecturesprocess-/event-based and hardware-centric operating-system kernelsLAKE, Sloth

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants

1 → Research projects → LAOS©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 7

Coherency Kernel

event-based minimal kernelcache-aware main-memory footprinthyper-threading of latent actions

featherweight agreement protocolsoverall kernel-level synchronisationfamilie of consistency kernels

problem-oriented consistencysequential, entry, release consistencyfunctional hierarchy of consistency domainsmemory domains for NUMA architectures

implementation as to different processor architecturespartial or total, resp. {in,}coherent shared memory

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers (1 FAU, 1 BTU)

2 → Research projects → COKE©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 8

Coherency Kernel

event-based minimal kernelcache-aware main-memory footprinthyper-threading of latent actions

featherweight agreement protocolsoverall kernel-level synchronisationfamilie of consistency kernels

problem-oriented consistencysequential, entry, release consistencyfunctional hierarchy of consistency domainsmemory domains for NUMA architectures

implementation as to different processor architecturespartial or total, resp. {in,}coherent shared memory

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers (1 FAU, 1 BTU)

2 → Research projects → COKE©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 8

Coherency Kernel

event-based minimal kernelcache-aware main-memory footprinthyper-threading of latent actions

featherweight agreement protocolsoverall kernel-level synchronisationfamilie of consistency kernels

problem-oriented consistencysequential, entry, release consistencyfunctional hierarchy of consistency domainsmemory domains for NUMA architectures

implementation as to different processor architecturespartial or total, resp. {in,}coherent shared memory

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers (1 FAU, 1 BTU)

2 → Research projects → COKE©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 8

Coherency Kernel

event-based minimal kernelcache-aware main-memory footprinthyper-threading of latent actions

featherweight agreement protocolsoverall kernel-level synchronisationfamilie of consistency kernels

problem-oriented consistencysequential, entry, release consistencyfunctional hierarchy of consistency domainsmemory domains for NUMA architectures

implementation as to different processor architecturespartial or total, resp. {in,}coherent shared memory

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers (1 FAU, 1 BTU)

2 → Research projects → COKE©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 8

Coherency Kernel

event-based minimal kernelcache-aware main-memory footprinthyper-threading of latent actions

featherweight agreement protocolsoverall kernel-level synchronisationfamilie of consistency kernels

problem-oriented consistencysequential, entry, release consistencyfunctional hierarchy of consistency domainsmemory domains for NUMA architectures

implementation as to different processor architecturespartial or total, resp. {in,}coherent shared memory

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers (1 FAU, 1 BTU)

2 → Research projects → COKE©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 8

Coherency Kernel

event-based minimal kernelcache-aware main-memory footprinthyper-threading of latent actions

featherweight agreement protocolsoverall kernel-level synchronisationfamilie of consistency kernels

problem-oriented consistencysequential, entry, release consistencyfunctional hierarchy of consistency domainsmemory domains for NUMA architectures

implementation as to different processor architecturespartial or total, resp. {in,}coherent shared memory

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers (1 FAU, 1 BTU)

2 → Research projects → COKE©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 8

Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Multi-Processing

GPU-centric resource managementtimely predictable run-time system

run-to-completion kernelpriorisation and isolation of GPU tasks

scheduling according to execution coststrade-off handling as to throughput and response time

RAM-centric run-time executive for heterogeneous processorsapplication-specific and problem-orientied memory managementrun-time adaptation and relocation of dynamic data structures

tailor-made system software for heterogeneous image systemssupport of an incremental improvement of visual qualitypatterns for adaptive detail adaptation of geometry or textures

DFG: 1 doctoral researcher, 1 student assistant

3 → Research projects → RAMP©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 9

Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Multi-Processing

GPU-centric resource managementtimely predictable run-time system

run-to-completion kernelpriorisation and isolation of GPU tasks

scheduling according to execution coststrade-off handling as to throughput and response time

RAM-centric run-time executive for heterogeneous processorsapplication-specific and problem-orientied memory managementrun-time adaptation and relocation of dynamic data structures

tailor-made system software for heterogeneous image systemssupport of an incremental improvement of visual qualitypatterns for adaptive detail adaptation of geometry or textures

DFG: 1 doctoral researcher, 1 student assistant

3 → Research projects → RAMP©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 9

Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Multi-Processing

GPU-centric resource managementtimely predictable run-time system

run-to-completion kernelpriorisation and isolation of GPU tasks

scheduling according to execution coststrade-off handling as to throughput and response time

RAM-centric run-time executive for heterogeneous processorsapplication-specific and problem-orientied memory managementrun-time adaptation and relocation of dynamic data structures

tailor-made system software for heterogeneous image systemssupport of an incremental improvement of visual qualitypatterns for adaptive detail adaptation of geometry or textures

DFG: 1 doctoral researcher, 1 student assistant

3 → Research projects → RAMP©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 9

Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Multi-Processing

GPU-centric resource managementtimely predictable run-time system

run-to-completion kernelpriorisation and isolation of GPU tasks

scheduling according to execution coststrade-off handling as to throughput and response time

RAM-centric run-time executive for heterogeneous processorsapplication-specific and problem-orientied memory managementrun-time adaptation and relocation of dynamic data structures

tailor-made system software for heterogeneous image systemssupport of an incremental improvement of visual qualitypatterns for adaptive detail adaptation of geometry or textures

DFG: 1 doctoral researcher, 1 student assistant

3 → Research projects → RAMP©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 9

Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Multi-Processing

GPU-centric resource managementtimely predictable run-time system

run-to-completion kernelpriorisation and isolation of GPU tasks

scheduling according to execution coststrade-off handling as to throughput and response time

RAM-centric run-time executive for heterogeneous processorsapplication-specific and problem-orientied memory managementrun-time adaptation and relocation of dynamic data structures

tailor-made system software for heterogeneous image systemssupport of an incremental improvement of visual qualitypatterns for adaptive detail adaptation of geometry or textures

DFG: 1 doctoral researcher, 1 student assistant

3 → Research projects → RAMP©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 9

Run-Time Support System for Invasive Computing

Octoborrowed from the designation of a creature that:i is highly parallel in its actions andii excellently can adapt oneself to its environmentthe kraken (species Octopoda)

can operate in parallel by virtue of its eight tentacleis able to do customisation through camouflage and deimatic displays andcomes with a highly developed nervous system

in order to attune to dynamic ambient conditions and effects

POSabbrv. for parallel operating system

an operating system that not only supports parallel processesbut that also functions inherently parallel thereby

DFG: 2.5 doctoral researchers, 1 research/3 student assistants

4 → Research projects → iRTSS©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 10

Run-Time Support System for Invasive Computing

Octoborrowed from the designation of a creature that:i is highly parallel in its actions andii excellently can adapt oneself to its environmentthe kraken (species Octopoda)

can operate in parallel by virtue of its eight tentacleis able to do customisation through camouflage and deimatic displays andcomes with a highly developed nervous system

in order to attune to dynamic ambient conditions and effects

POSabbrv. for parallel operating system

an operating system that not only supports parallel processesbut that also functions inherently parallel thereby

DFG: 2.5 doctoral researchers, 1 research/3 student assistants

4 → Research projects → iRTSS©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 10

Run-Time Support System for Invasive Computing

Octoborrowed from the designation of a creature that:i is highly parallel in its actions andii excellently can adapt oneself to its environmentthe kraken (species Octopoda)

can operate in parallel by virtue of its eight tentacleis able to do customisation through camouflage and deimatic displays andcomes with a highly developed nervous system

in order to attune to dynamic ambient conditions and effects

POSabbrv. for parallel operating system

an operating system that not only supports parallel processesbut that also functions inherently parallel thereby

DFG: 2.5 doctoral researchers, 1 research/3 student assistants4 → Research projects → iRTSS

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 10

Power-Aware Critical Sections

scalable synchronisation on the basis of agile critical sectionsinfrastructure load-dependent and self-organised change of

protection against race conditionslinguistic support preparation, characterisation, and capturing of

declared critical sectionsautomated extraction of critical sections

notation language for critical sectionsprogram analysis and LLVM integration/adaptation

power-aware system programmingmutual exclusion, guarded sections, transactionsdynamic dispatch of synchronisation protocols or critical sections, resp.

tamper-proof power-consumption measuringinstruction survey and statistics based on real and virtual machinesenergy-consumption prediction or estimation, resp.

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants

5 → Research projects → PAX©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 11

Power-Aware Critical Sectionsscalable synchronisation on the basis of agile critical sections

infrastructure load-dependent and self-organised change ofprotection against race conditions

linguistic support preparation, characterisation, and capturing ofdeclared critical sections

automated extraction of critical sectionsnotation language for critical sectionsprogram analysis and LLVM integration/adaptation

power-aware system programmingmutual exclusion, guarded sections, transactionsdynamic dispatch of synchronisation protocols or critical sections, resp.

tamper-proof power-consumption measuringinstruction survey and statistics based on real and virtual machinesenergy-consumption prediction or estimation, resp.

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants

5 → Research projects → PAX©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 11

Power-Aware Critical Sectionsscalable synchronisation on the basis of agile critical sections

infrastructure load-dependent and self-organised change ofprotection against race conditions

linguistic support preparation, characterisation, and capturing ofdeclared critical sections

automated extraction of critical sectionsnotation language for critical sectionsprogram analysis and LLVM integration/adaptation

power-aware system programmingmutual exclusion, guarded sections, transactionsdynamic dispatch of synchronisation protocols or critical sections, resp.

tamper-proof power-consumption measuringinstruction survey and statistics based on real and virtual machinesenergy-consumption prediction or estimation, resp.

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants

5 → Research projects → PAX©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 11

Power-Aware Critical Sectionsscalable synchronisation on the basis of agile critical sections

infrastructure load-dependent and self-organised change ofprotection against race conditions

linguistic support preparation, characterisation, and capturing ofdeclared critical sections

automated extraction of critical sectionsnotation language for critical sectionsprogram analysis and LLVM integration/adaptation

power-aware system programmingmutual exclusion, guarded sections, transactionsdynamic dispatch of synchronisation protocols or critical sections, resp.

tamper-proof power-consumption measuringinstruction survey and statistics based on real and virtual machinesenergy-consumption prediction or estimation, resp.

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants

5 → Research projects → PAX©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 11

Power-Aware Critical Sectionsscalable synchronisation on the basis of agile critical sections

infrastructure load-dependent and self-organised change ofprotection against race conditions

linguistic support preparation, characterisation, and capturing ofdeclared critical sections

automated extraction of critical sectionsnotation language for critical sectionsprogram analysis and LLVM integration/adaptation

power-aware system programmingmutual exclusion, guarded sections, transactionsdynamic dispatch of synchronisation protocols or critical sections, resp.

tamper-proof power-consumption measuringinstruction survey and statistics based on real and virtual machinesenergy-consumption prediction or estimation, resp.

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants

5 → Research projects → PAX©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 11

Power-Aware Critical Sectionsscalable synchronisation on the basis of agile critical sections

infrastructure load-dependent and self-organised change ofprotection against race conditions

linguistic support preparation, characterisation, and capturing ofdeclared critical sections

automated extraction of critical sectionsnotation language for critical sectionsprogram analysis and LLVM integration/adaptation

power-aware system programmingmutual exclusion, guarded sections, transactionsdynamic dispatch of synchronisation protocols or critical sections, resp.

tamper-proof power-consumption measuringinstruction survey and statistics based on real and virtual machinesenergy-consumption prediction or estimation, resp.

DFG: 2 doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants5 → Research projects → PAX

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 11

Latency- and Resilience-Aware Networking

real-time capable network communicationtransport channel for cyber-physical systemspredictable transmission latencyin a certain extent guaranteed quality criteria

deterministic run-time supportAuffassung von der kausalen [Vor]bestimmtheitallen Geschehens bzw. Handelns (Duden)latency-aware communication endpoints, optimised protocol stacksepcialised resource management, predictable run-time behavior

in time (phase 1) and energy (phase 2) respect

DFG: doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants (1 FAU, 1 Uni SB)

6 → Research projects → LARN©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 12

Latency- and Resilience-Aware Networking

real-time capable network communicationtransport channel for cyber-physical systemspredictable transmission latencyin a certain extent guaranteed quality criteria

deterministic run-time supportAuffassung von der kausalen [Vor]bestimmtheitallen Geschehens bzw. Handelns (Duden)latency-aware communication endpoints, optimised protocol stacksepcialised resource management, predictable run-time behavior

in time (phase 1) and energy (phase 2) respect

DFG: doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants (1 FAU, 1 Uni SB)

6 → Research projects → LARN©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 12

Latency- and Resilience-Aware Networking

real-time capable network communicationtransport channel for cyber-physical systemspredictable transmission latencyin a certain extent guaranteed quality criteria

deterministic run-time supportAuffassung von der kausalen [Vor]bestimmtheitallen Geschehens bzw. Handelns (Duden)latency-aware communication endpoints, optimised protocol stacksepcialised resource management, predictable run-time behavior

in time (phase 1) and energy (phase 2) respect

DFG: doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants (1 FAU, 1 Uni SB)

6 → Research projects → LARN©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 12

Latency- and Resilience-Aware Networking

real-time capable network communicationtransport channel for cyber-physical systemspredictable transmission latencyin a certain extent guaranteed quality criteria

deterministic run-time supportAuffassung von der kausalen [Vor]bestimmtheitallen Geschehens bzw. Handelns (Duden)latency-aware communication endpoints, optimised protocol stacksepcialised resource management, predictable run-time behavior

in time (phase 1) and energy (phase 2) respect

DFG: doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants (1 FAU, 1 Uni SB)

6 → Research projects → LARN©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 12

Latency- and Resilience-Aware Networking

real-time capable network communicationtransport channel for cyber-physical systemspredictable transmission latencyin a certain extent guaranteed quality criteria

deterministic run-time supportAuffassung von der kausalen [Vor]bestimmtheitallen Geschehens bzw. Handelns (Duden)latency-aware communication endpoints, optimised protocol stacksepcialised resource management, predictable run-time behavior

in time (phase 1) and energy (phase 2) respect

DFG: doctoral researchers, 2 student assistants (1 FAU, 1 Uni SB)

6 → Research projects → LARN©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Parallel Systems 12

Multi/Many-Core Processor Poolcores per domain domainfaui4* clock physical logical NUMA tile


2.9 GHz 8 16 2 – Xeon

9big01 2.5 GHz 6 – 8 – Opteron9big02 2.2 GHz 10 20 4 – Xeon

1.2 GHz 6 12 2 – Xeon9phi01 1.1 GHz 57 228 2 – Xeon Phi

1.5 GHz 4 2 1 – Xeonscc 800MHz 2 – – 24 Pentium

3.5 GHz 8 16 2 – XeonInvasIC 25MHz 4 – 6 LEON/SPARC

budgeted acquisition: further n-core systems, transactional memoryOctoPOS n ≥ 64, in 2015

PAX n ≥ 16, in 2016, plus several multi-core micro-controllers

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Computing Equipment 13

Multi/Many-Core Processor Poolcores per domain domainfaui4* clock physical logical NUMA tile


2.9 GHz 8 16 2 – Xeon

9big01 2.5 GHz 6 – 8 – Opteron9big02 2.2 GHz 10 20 4 – Xeon

1.2 GHz 6 12 2 – Xeon9phi01 1.1 GHz 57 228 2 – Xeon Phi

1.5 GHz 4 2 1 – Xeonscc 800MHz 2 – – 24 Pentium

3.5 GHz 8 16 2 – XeonInvasIC 25MHz 4 – 6 LEON/SPARC

budgeted acquisition: further n-core systems, transactional memoryOctoPOS n ≥ 64, in 2015

PAX n ≥ 16, in 2016, plus several multi-core micro-controllers

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Computing Equipment 13

Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral Thesis

©wosch CS (WS 2017, LEC 14) Perspectives – Further Education 14