concourse type specimen

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  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    RoxyLabs Up 83% in IPOLocal company surges; typography creditednew yorkRoxyLabs, the local chew-

    toy manufacturer, had a spectacular firstday on the nasdaq. Shares of RoxyLabs,priced at $20 each, rose to a high of $40.25before closing at $36.60. RoxyLabs endedthe day with a market capitalization of closeto $517 billion, making it very prestigious.

    CEO Vanessa Manganese took the news

    in stride. Our performance today showsthat investors believe in our strategy of tak-ing a scientifically insignificant product andsurrounding it with a lot of hype and un-verifiable claims, she said. And of course,impressive typography. next page

    the estern los feliz

    QUILL & GRAVERyour news source still only

    critic at large: hadleigh goff-plinkington

    Angeleno Society Demolishes HelicoptersThe Angeleno Society went down in flamesthis past Friday with the debut of MichaelBrodericks new play Black Helicopters.

    How bad is it? By the end of the first act,merely bad wouldve been a welcome kind-ness. By the end of the second act, the au-dience, myself included, was reconsideringthe value of free speech in our society.

    Broderick (directing, to use an optimisticterm, from his own script) stars as PotipharTewkesbury, a character who is himself aplaywright and director. Autobiographical?You might think so, except that the play issetinexplicably, unbearablyin the year2605. This serves largely as a pretext forthe cast to wear no contd on page

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  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    clarity, personality, simplicity, warmth.

    Author William Zinsser, in his book On Writing Well,

    identified these as the four indispensable qualities of greatwriting. Why indispensable? Because the best writing is

    an expression of the writers humanity. These qualities

    allow that humanity to shine through. As a writer, I find

    Zinssers argument persuasive. And as a typographer,I find that his argument analogizes well to design. The

    designers role is to take mundane items and fill themwith warmth and humanity. For instance, a font. What

    is it, really? Just a set of tiny black shapes. Yet, as every

    reader knows, those little shapes can express a huge range

    of emotions and possibilities. This contrast betweenconstraints and possibilities is what anchors my enduring

    fascination with typography. Type possesses a strangemagic. One reason I embark on new type-design projects

    is to understand that magic better. Another reasonis to have some better fonts. concourseis my firstnew sans serif design in nearly years. Hopefully, Ive

    learned a few things. Perhaps most important amongthem is that drawing letters is the lowest form of type

    design. The magic inhabits the spaces in betweenon

    the page, but also between us as readers & writers. Type

    builds a bridge that spans time and space, that connects

    us through the written word, that lets us share warmth

    and humanity. Theres nothing else like it. mb

  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen

















  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen



    SPOTING CLUBuately ebes Event


    WEDS SEPT 297:30 P

    its the bantaweight

    battle of the season

    Solomon'Ice' Berg

    This scappy fighte fo ainehas ipoved geatly since

    ecent huiliations.


    EletzlThe ystey an fo Zihuatenejois alost undefeated and

    uoed to be tige.

  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    the geometric sans serif typeface has been a staple ofthe typographers toolkit for nearly a hundred years. The first in thecategory was Erbar, the face that inspired dozens of others,including the still ubiquitous Gill Sans and Futura. In the late s,Erbar also inspired American designer W. A. Dwiggins to create Metro.

    Born in , Dwiggins started out as a

    book designer and illustrator. Hes

    credited with coining the term graph-

    ic designer in . He would go on to

    become an influential type designer too.

    Metro, his first typeface, unabashedlyrode on the coattails of the trendsetting

    geometric sans serifs from Europe. But

    Dwiggins considered those faces to be

    overly rigid. His goal for Metro was to

    blend the geometric style with more

    warmth and personality.

    My affection for Metro, however, began

    long before Id learned the name Dwig-

    gins. As a teenager, I discovered Spymagazine. Spyas designed by Stephen

    Doyle and Alexander Isleyopened my

    eyes to typography. The two fonts Spy

    used the most were Garamond and

    Metro. I totally had a crush on them.

    Still do.

    It was the s, however, so Spywas us-

    ing the earliest digital version of Metro,

    which had many shortcomings. I always

    hoped that some Dwiggins fanand

    among American type designers, there

    are manywould create a reconsidered

    version of Metro.

    No one did. So two years ago, I began

    Concourse, with the idea of reviving the

    original Metro.

    What I like about Metro, and the other

    geometric sans serifs of its era, is their

    unusual adaptability. They can come

    across as historical or contemporary,

    depending on how theyre used. Likethe best dinner-party guests, they add

    personality to the conversation without

    dominating it. This is why they remain

    valuable tools for typographers.

    design notes

    If you dont get your type warm it will be

    no use at all for setting down warm human ideas.

    Id like to make a type so full of

    blood and personality that it would jump at you.

    w. a. dwiggins
  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    But when I started studying original

    samples of Metro, a funny thing hap-

    pened. Though there was much I liked

    about Metro (e.g., its distinctive figures),there was also much I disliked (e.g., its

    ungainly lowercase). The disappointing

    truth emergedas it often does with

    teenage enthusiasmsthat the reality of

    Metro didnt measure up to my idealized


    Sorry, Metro. Its not you. Its me.

    But parting ways with Metro sharpenedthe design brief for Concourse: it would

    be a sans family that drew on my affec-

    tion for Metro and its era, but that didnt

    skimp on versatility, warmth, or person-

    ality. For instance

    Six weights. In many of todays sans

    families, intermediate weights are made

    by mathematical interpolation. This buys

    consistency, but to my eye, comes at the

    cost of too much personality. So I drew

    each weight of Concourse individually,

    to elicit more personalityelegance

    at the lighter end, cheerfulness at the

    heavier end.

    Small caps. Sans serifs look great in

    all-cap settings. So why are small caps

    such a rare feature in sans serif families?

    Concourse has small caps for all sixweights, stored in separate fontsthe C

    series. The C series fonts have the same

    uppercase characters as the T series

    (used for standard text), but their

    spacing has been optimized for all-caps


    Real italics. Traditionally, sans serif

    italics are based on sloped versions of

    the regular styles. This approach makes

    them less useful foremphasis. Its also

    a little dull. I took a more vigorous

    approach with Concourses italics,

    adding flared ends and sharpened bowls

    that add contrast and visual interest.

    G a r t e rA v e r s eR e c i t eT r i b a l

    E s t a t eR e e l e d
  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    Major & Ray Quit Golfingajor ay uiGoinor Ry it oling

    Duplexing. In type, duplexingmeans

    matching the widths between styles

    so that each character occupies the

    same space on the page. This way,you can easily change the weight and

    style without affecting your layout. In

    Concourse, weights , , , and are

    duplexed to each other. (For this reason,

    the three lighter weights all use weight

    as their bold style by default.) Every

    italic is also duplexed to its roman,

    including weights and .

    Stylistic sets. I checkedtheres no

    rule that says a font always has to look

    the same. So Concourse has groups of

    alternate glyphs that are invoked via

    OpenType stylistic sets. Use them as

    ready-made options for text and display,

    or as a construction kit to assemble your

    own creative variations. (More samples

    on the next page.)

    Figures & fractions. Concourse has

    lining figures by default, but also

    oldstyle, proportional, tabular, super-

    script, and subscript figures, plus a fullset of single-digit fractions.

    Widely compatible. Concourse can be

    used with nearly all modern document-

    layout programs, from InDesign to Pages

    to Microsoft Office, Windows or Mac.

    No-hassle embedding. The standard

    license allows Concourse to be

    embedded in PDFs, e-books, apps, andwebsitesno extra charge.

    A companion for Equity. If you have my

    text face Equity, youll find that it pairs

    well with Concourse. (And if you dont

    have Equity, you can get it together

    with Concourse at a friendly rate. See

    page .)



  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    Standard ModeNot long ago, I discovered that it onlytakes a small number of alternate glyphsto give a headline or block of text a no-ticeably different texture.

    That finding led me to add six Open-Type stylistic sets to Concourse(three of

    which appear here, and the othersEast-ern Mode, French Mode, and SwedishModeappear on page ).

    In body text, stylistic sets arent meantto make a dramatic difference. (In fact,you might initially find it difficult to spot

    the differences between these four sam-

    ples.) Instead, they let you make subtlechanges to the texture and mood of thetext, which add up over multiple pages.

    In headlines and display settings, stylis-tic sets can have a pronounced effect.

    Throughout this type specimen, I usedifferent stylistic sets for both text anddisplay.

    Briish odeNo on ao, I discovered ha i onyakes a sma number o aernae yphso ive a headine or bock o ex a no-iceaby dieren exure.

    Tha ndin ed me o add six Open-Type syisic ses o Concourse(hree o

    which appear here, and he ohersEas-ern ode, French ode, and Swedishodeappear on pae ).

    In body ex, syisic ses aren meano make a dramaic dierence. (In ac,you mih iniiay nd i dicu o spo

    he dierences beween hese our sam-

    pes.) Insead, hey e you make subechanes o he exure and mood o heex, which add up over muipe paes.

    In headines and dispay seins, syis-ic ses can have a pronounced eec.

    Throuhou his ype specimen, I usedieren syisic ses or boh ex anddispay.

    Swiss odeNo lon ao, I discovered ha i only

    akes a small number o alernae lyphso ive a headline or block o ex a no-iceably dieren exure.

    Tha ndin led me o add six Open-Type sylisic ses o Concourse (hreeo which appear here, and he ohersEasern ode, French ode, and Swedishodeappear on pae ).

    In body ex, sylisic ses aren meano make a dramaic dierence. (In ac,

    you mih iniially nd i dicul o spohe dierences beween hese our sam-

    ples.) Insead, hey le you make sublechanes o he exure and mood o heex, which add up over muliple paes.

    In headlines and display seins, sylis-ic ses can have a pronounced eec.

    Throuhou his ype specimen, I usedieren sylisic ses or boh ex anddisplay.

    ermn ModeNot long go, I discovered tht it only

    tkes smll nmber o lternte glyphsto give hedline or block o text no-ticebly dierent textre.

    Tht nding led me to dd six Open-Type stylistic sets to Concorse(three owhich pper here, nd the othersEst-ern Mode, French Mode, nd SwedishModepper on pge ).

    In body text, stylistic sets rent mentto mke drmtic dierence. (In ct,

    yo might initilly nd it diclt to spotthe dierences between these or sm-

    ples.) Insted, they let yo mke sbtlechnges to the textre nd mood o thetext, which dd p over mltiple pges.

    In hedlines nd disply settings, stylis-tic sets cn hve prononced eect.

    Throghot this type specimen, I sedierent stylistic sets or both text nddisply.

  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    RoxyLabs paper st los angeles ca

    Pedro Hyacinth

    MegaBankers Inc.

    1534 S. Broadway

    New York NY 10041

    Dear Mr. Hyacinth:

    RoxyLabs, the leading chew-toy research facility in

    the Western Los Feliz area, is looking for a banking

    partner to help us considerstrategic business

    alternatives andventure financing.

    Of course, were familiar with your work on the IPO last quarter. I think you will

    find that RoxyLabs isuniquely well positionedto

    leverage its competitive advantage in multiple market


    With very best wishes for the upcoming holiday,

    Vanessa Manganese

    CEO, RoxyLabs

    vanessa manganese

    ceo chairman of the boardviolet


    RoxyLabs paper st los angeles ca

  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    Prudes e Fugues, op. 7: B major

    Esquisses, op. : C major

    3 Le Tombeau de Tieouze, op. 3 Chora e Fugue, op. 57

    5 Variaions sur un vieux No, op.

    6 Corge e Lianie, op. 9 no.

    7 vocaion, op. 37:Aegro deciso

    Deuxime Symphonie, op. 6: Preudio

    9 pihaame en mineur

    Enre, Canzone e Sorie, op. 6

    Le Chemin de a Croix, op. 9

    Miserere Mei, op. 6:Adagio

    3 Psaume XVIII, op. 7

    Pome Hroque (avec orchesre), op. 33

    5 Offrande a Vierge, op.

    robox produit par elaine junipero


    DUPR lli s dst. fran o is

    lyon franc

    Ask your doctor to fulfillyour irrational desire for

    side effects may include fatigue, alertness,nausea, hunger, and sleepy-foot syndrome.

    not approved in wyoming or new zealand.

    You feel healthy nowBut who can put a priceon peace of mind?

    We just did.




    e has uneashed

    ps mos misbe-r rea ciy: hear Gri.ou woud be oNo, Fye doesncrashes hrouh

    wors resaurann hemisphere.oud e you ounmiiaed di-

    he waer. Ise pink. Who everIs his how heyIay? I doub i.

    nches every dishavoress saucemake i sop?

    is he ocaion,ure comin back. Oherwise, i

    ny choice a a,ar away.

    pace ha ony serves sushi and douhnus?

    Down he hach, I uess, because is deicious.

    Hamachi ro wih coconu-chocoae aze.

    The Thirsy onser Top oor, Hoe NA (323-555-2663)

    This midown hospo is he aes rom nih-

    cub impresario J. B. Amberon. Pary up, hen

    wak i o. Waer; chicken nibbes.

    Hans Bix Pizza

    432 Bismuh S. @ 14h (213-555-6758)No, he owner is no he ormer UN weapons

    inspecor. Thouh he es ha a o. Deicious

    sices served in he radiiona Swedish sye.

    Braised reindeer wih peso; mush-n-pep.

    Veben Cucina 67 Herkimer Ave. @ Sronium (917-555-1478)

    Che Thorsen Veben serves he mos exqui-

    sie ried-cheese sandwiches in he ciy. Okay,

    hey sar a $68 and run o over $450. uaiy

    is aways worh i. The Painum Gruyre.

    iesauran 14B Fakenbur Paza (213-555-9157)

    An innovaive eih-course WiFi menu served

    in he Souh American sye. Ea beore you

    oi be a on nih. Giabis; erabis.

    LAure Poseur Tha minima a 25h 3rd (213-555-4561)

    French-ineced cookin by way o onpeier,

    Vermon. Be warned: even i you book a abe

    in advance, you si need o ip he hos $20

    o e seaed. Even hen, worh i. Fromaes ecracoes; es bananes aux poissons.

    PLACIBRA(dihydrogen monoxide)

  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    exit a Wes Isinham 18 km

    Emergency & FireVehicles Only



    NEXT 350 MI

    etro North Local 250ft

    Immigration &

    Passport Control

    estimated4-hour waitfrom here

    Pll hndle to flsh



  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    regular bold same as tc

    Concourse T2 Had Ringlets Had Ringlets

    Concourse T2 italic Had Ringlets Had Ringlets

    Concourse c Had Ringlets Had Ringlets

    Concourse T3 Had Ringlets Had Ringlets

    Concourse T3 italic Had Ringlets Had Ringlets

    Concourse c Had Ringlets Had Ringlets

    Concourse T4 Had Ringlets Had Ringlets

    Concourse T4 italic Had Ringlets 012 Had Ringlets

    Concourse c Had Ringlets Had Ringlets

    Concourse T6 Had Ringlets

    Concourse T6 italic Had Ringlets

    Concourse c Had Ringlets

    Concourse T7 Had Ringlets

    Concourse T7 italic Had Ringlets

    Concourse c Had Ringlets

    Concourse T8 Had Ringlets

    Concourse T8 italic Had Ringlets

    Concourse c Had Ringlets

    ST YLES t series c series six weights
  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    uppercase A B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    lowercase a b c d e f g h i j k l mn o p q r s t u v w x y z

    punctuation , . ; : ! ? -

    ( ) [ ] { } ' " & * / \ @ _

    figures 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 5 6 7 9



    numerics $ # % + = < >

    symbols | ^ ~

    CHARACTERS t series
  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    uppercase A B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    lowercase a b c d e f g h i j k l mn o p q r s t u v w x y z

    punctuation , . ; : ! ? -

    ( ) [ ] { } ' " & * / \ @ _

    figures 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



    numerics $ # % + = < >

    symbols | ^ ~

    CHARACTERS t series, italic
  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    uppercase A B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    lowercase a b c d e f g h i j k l m

    n o p q r s t u v w x y z

    punctuation , . ; : ! ? -

    ( ) [ ] { } ' " & * / \ @ _

    figures 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 5 6 7 9



    numerics $ # % + = < >

    symbols | ^ ~

    CHARACTERS c series
  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    supported fractions (frac), kerning (kern), ligatures (liga), localized forms forCatalan, Dutch, Polish, and Turkish (locl), numerators and denominators

    (numr& dnom), oldstyle figures (onum), ordinals (ordn), small-capforms (c2sc), stylistic sets (as shown below), superscripts and susbscripts

    (sups&subs), tabular figures (tnum), uppercase forms (case)

    eastern modestylistic set

    M a Metropolitan etropolitn

    british modestylistic set

    M Q R f g l t & &Moorgate oorae Ruislip uisip

    Southfields Souhieds

    french modestylistic set

    E G Q W l t & &LEtoile Loie Quel ue Got o

    swiss modestylistic set

    M Q f g t Martigny ariny Burgdorf Burdor

    german modestylistic set

    G Q a f j u Major Mor Schadenfreude Schdenrede

    swedish modestylistic set

    M Q R W a g j l t u Mjlby by Hgans Hns

    alt arrowsstylistic set

    all small capsstylistic set in c series

    Weve seen 83 Speckled Wumpuses!

    weve seen speckled wumpuses

    please note OpenType features, including stylistic sets, will only

    work if your text-layout program also supports the features you want

    to use. Check your manual or support website. Even if certain features

    arent supported, the fonts will still work in their default mode.

    OpenType features can be accessed using either the standard OpenType

    fonts or the OpenType TT (TrueType-compatible) fonts.

  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    the aneleno society presents


    written directed by

    michael broderick

    Potiphar Tewkesbury Michael Broderick

    Silas Tewkesbury,his father Jacues Reoit

    Rene,potiphars wife Lorraine Wardly

    Vera Montaue Jill Eversham

    Nick Bishop,renes suitor Kenneth Arua

    Hamish Fowler,renes cousin Stu Hodkins

    Fido Himself

    act . kitchen of tewkesbury manor

    act . renes studio, connecticut

    act . basement of tewkesbury manor

    time: autumn, a.d.

    there will be two -minute intermissions

    please no smokin, munchin, or fidetin

  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    years of great achievements in web typography


    1984 Colombin Wrthog Annl Jnssen, Ed.

    The A Prorammin Lanuae Sucie & Lin

    BAD BOYS &SOFT TOYS Teddy Bearstone




    o he Upper Los Aneles River

    Seemed Like a ood Idea k.s. nystedt

    travelers guide to esperanto



    Doyles Encyclopdia ofUnusual Perspiration Re





  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    28 Frnkrt Drmstdt HeidelbergMnnheim

    Sttionen E113







    Frnkrt(M) Hb. . bFrnkrtLois . . . .Ne-IsenbrgM.N.B. .Sprendlingen-Bchschl. .Lngen (Hessen) . .Egelsbch . . . . . . . .

    Erzhsen . . . . . . . .Wixhsen . . . . . . .Arheilgen . . . . . . . .DrmstdtHb. 125. n




    ClnHbh. 126

    } b

    Wiesbden18 bMinz Hb. b



    DrmstdtHb. 125. bDrmstdt Sd . . . . .

    Eberstdt 251 b . . . . .Hhnlein . . . . . . .Zwingenberg . . . . . .Aerbch . . . . . . . .

    Bensheim }248 d { n bHeppenheim . . . . . . .Ldenbch (Bden) . .Hemsbch . . . . . . . .

    Weinheim {245c . . .246d . . .

    roschsen 247e . . .Ldenbrg . . . . . . . .FriedrichseldM.N.B.. n







    Friedrichseld} bMnnheim . . n

    |Friedrichseld . . . . bSchwetzingen . . . . n

    KrlsrheHb.. . . . nStttgrt293 . . . . n

    |Friedrichseld } s..298 bWieblingen . .Heidelberg n


    Postverbindng nch dem Odenwld.W Nr Werktgs.S Sonntgs im Oktober nd m 1. November.Hlt nr nch Bedr.

    Fortsetzng der vorhergehenden Seite

  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    available only

    basic standard

    T regular c regular

    T italic

    T bold c bold

    T bold italic

    T regular c regular T regular c regular

    T italic T italic

    T bold c bold T bold c bold

    T bold italic T bold italic

    Tregular c regular


    T bold c bold

    T bold italic

    T regular c regular T regular c regular

    T italic T italic

    T regular c regular T regular c regular

    T italic T italic

    T regular c regular

    T italic

    distinct styles fontswith equity

    distinct styles fontswith equity

  • 8/10/2019 Concourse Type Specimen


    File ormasConcourse is deliv-ered in OpenType and Open-Type TT (TrueType-compaible)ormas. Eiher orma can beused wih Windows or ac.

    Lanuae supporArikaans,Albanian, Basque, Caalan,he Celic lanuaes (Welsh,Cornish, Breon, Irish, ScoishGaelic, anx), Croaian, Czech,Danish, Duch, Enlish, Eso-nian, Finnish, French, Galician,

    German, Hunarian, Icelan-dic, Indonesian, Irish, Ialian,Lavian, Lihuanian, alay,alese, Norweian, Polish,Poruuese, Romanian, Slovak,Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili,Swedish, Taalo, Turkish

    LicenseConcourse is licensedon a per-person basis, wihunlimied compuers per person.The license is reundable or days. Discouned muli-userlicenses available. Oher condi-ions applyor he ull license,see

    This specimenwas made inAdobe InDesin. All he ype isConcourse.

    uesions? Email me [email protected].

    on the subject of e

    Im a wrier, yporapher, andlawyer in Los Aneles.

    I wroe he websie andbook Typoraphy or Lawyers(,or which I received he LealWriin Insiues GoldenPen Award. In , I creaedhe web-based book BuericksPracical Typoraphy(

    y oher ons include HeraldGohic, Wessex, Hermes, Alix,and Equiy (

    Aer ein my deree invisual & environmenal sudiesrom Harvard Universiy, Isared my career as a ypedesiner and enineer, workinor he Fon Bureau and a-hew Carer.

    A he beinnin o he Inerneera, I moved o San Franciscoand ounded Aomic Vision, awebsie desin and enineerinsudio, which laer became paro Red Ha, he open-sourcesoware company.

    Laer, I wen o UCLA lawschool and became a member ohe Caliornia bar in .

    I live in Hollywood wih my wieJessica and our boxer, Roxy.

    For heir help wih Concourse,I hank Josh Korwin, IndraKuperschmid, Andr ora, andErik van Blokland.

    Dedicaed o my rs

    yporaphy eacher,

    Gino Lee (

    ahew Buerick

    dbaB Type[email protected]://users/MB/Library/Caches/Adobe%20InDesign/Version%207.5/en_US/InDesign%20ClipboardScrap1.pdfhttp://users/MB/Library/Caches/Adobe%20InDesign/Version%207.5/en_US/InDesign%20ClipboardScrap1.pdf[email protected]://