concordia theological seminary fort wayne, indiana kramer ... · concordia theological seminary ....

CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Fort Wayne, Indiana Kramer Chapel Week of the Second Sunday after the Epiphany 10:00 a.m. T T T Monday 16 January 2017 Stand Morning Prayer LSB 235 Venite LSB 236 C All ! Lectern (left) side @ Pulpit (right) side Sit Office Hymn 572 “In the Shattered Bliss of Eden” Reading Exodus 12:113 A O Lord, have mercy on us. C Thanks be to God. A In many and various ways, God spoke to His people of old by the prophets. C But now in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son. Homily Reverend Professor Carl Fickenscher Stand Benedictus LSB 238 Prayer LSB 241 Stand after the Lord’s Prayer. Please leave the kneelers in place until the conclusion of the Benediction. Benedicamus and Benediction LSB 241 _______________________

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Fort Wayne, Indiana

Kramer Chapel

Week of the Second Sunday

after the Epiphany

10:00 a.m.



16 January 2017


Morning Prayer – LSB 235

Venite – LSB 236 C All ! Lectern (left) side @ Pulpit (right) side


Office Hymn 572 “In the Shattered Bliss of Eden”

Reading – Exodus 12:1–13

A O Lord, have mercy on us.

C Thanks be to God. A In many and various ways, God spoke to His people of old by the


C But now in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son.

Homily – Reverend Professor Carl Fickenscher Stand

Benedictus – LSB 238

Prayer – LSB 241 Stand after the Lord’s Prayer. Please leave the kneelers in place until the

conclusion of the Benediction.

Benedicamus and Benediction – LSB 241


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11 January 2017


Responsive Prayer 2 – LSB 285

Psalm 63 (antiphon v. 3a)

1 O God, you are my | God;

earnestly I | seek you;*

my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for | you,

as in a dry and weary land where there is no | water. 2 So I have looked upon you in the sanctu- | ary,*

beholding your power and | glory. 3 Because your steadfast love is better than | life,*

my lips will | praise you. 4 So I will bless you as long as I | live;*

in your name I will lift up my | hands. 5 My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich | food,*

and my mouth will praise you with joyful | lips, 6 when I remember you upon my | bed,*

and meditate on you in the watches of the | night; 7 for you have been my | help,*

and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for | joy. 8 My soul clings to | you;*

your right hand up- | holds me. 9 But those who seek to destroy my | life*

shall go down into the depths of the | earth; 10 they shall be given over to the power of the | sword;*

they shall be a portion for | jackals. 11 But the king shall rejoice in | God;*

all who swear by him shall exult, for the mouths of liars will be | stopped.

Glory be to the Father and to the | Son*

and to the Holy | Spirit;

as it was in the be- | ginning,*

is now, and will be forever. A- | men.

Antiphon Sit

Reading – Isaiah 53:1–12

Homily – Reverend Professor Jeffrey Pulse

Hymn 454 “Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle” Stand

Kyrie, Lord’s Prayer, Apostles’ Creed – LSB 285

Versicles and Prayers – LSB 286

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Kramer Chapel

Week of the Second Sunday after the Epiphany

10:00 a.m.


Wednesday 18 January 2017

Confession of St. Peter

Reverend Professor Paul Grime Preacher and Celebrant

Communicants at this altar are to be in full confessional fellowship with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. If there are spiritual concerns that may affect your communing here, please contact the Dean of Chapel or President Rast before the service. If you are not communing this day but wish to receive a blessing, please cross your arms over your chest as you kneel at the altar.

Divine Service Setting Three – LSB 184

Stand and turn to face the font. Confession and Absolution – LSB 184 Entrance Hymn 384 “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” (stanzas 1, 3, and 5) The choir sings stanza 1. Salutation and Collect of the Day – LSB 189 Sit Old Testament Reading – Acts 4:8–13 Stand

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Alleluia and Verse (LSB 951) The Alleluia is sung once by all and repeated after the proper verse.

Verse: Whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. Alleluia.

Holy Gospel – Mark 8:27–35 Nicene Creed – LSB 191 Sit Sermon Stand Prayer of the Church Choral Offertory One Thing Have I Desired Heinrich Schütz

One thing have I desired, for that will I seek: That I may dwell in the Lord’s house forever, Beholding the beauty of the Lord, my Savior, And to inquire in His temple. (Psalm 27:4)

Service of the Sacrament – LSB 194 Sit Distribution Hymns

LSB 517 “By All Your Saints in Warfare” (stanzas 1, 10, and 3) Hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord”

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LSB 640 “Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior” setting by Matthew Machemer The choir sings stanza 3. LSB 396 “Arise and Shine in Splendor”

Stand Post-Communion Collect and Benediction – LSB 201


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Wednesday 18 January 2017

5:00 p.m.

Evening Prayer

T In Nomine Jesu T

Pre-Service Music Lord, Let at Last Thine Angels Come Hans Leo Hassler

Versicles After the bell ceases to ring, all stand and face the back of the nave for the procession.

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Phos Hilaron O Light Whose Glory (LSB 891)

Thanksgiving for Light

L We praise and thank You, O God, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, that You have enlightened us by revealing the Light that never fades. Night is falling, and day’s allotted span draws to a close. The daylight which You created for our pleasure has fully satisfied us, and yet, of Your free gift, now the evening lights do not fail us. We praise You and glorify You through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord; through Him be glory, honor, and power to You in the Holy Spirit now and always and forever and ever.

Sit Psalm 141 — LSB 245 The lectern side sing the parts marked !. The pulpit side sings the parts marked @.

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Psalm Prayer — LSB 247

Psalmody Sing to the Lord a New Song (Psalm 98) Johann Pachelbel Edited by Donald Rotermund

Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth, O praise his name so holy. He has done wonders.

With his omnipotent hand and holy arm The Lord has revealed his salvation to the nations. He remembered his love and mercy.

All the earth now has seen his salvation. Shout for joy, rejoice, sing aloud, all you people. Before the nations acclaim him. Sing his praises clear, all you people. Alleluia! Shout for joy to the Lord.

First Reading Ephesians 6:10–20 P O Lord, have mercy on us. C Thanks be to God. Stand Office Hymn 403 O Savior of Our Fallen Race The choir sings stanzas 3 and 5.

Sit Cantata Ein’ feste Burg ist unser Gott (BWV 80) Johann Sebastian Bach

1. Chorus Ein’ feste Burg ist unser Gott, ein’ gute Wehr und Waffen; er hilft uns frei aus aller Not, die uns jetzt hat betroffen. Der alte böse Feind, mit Ernst ers itzt meint, groß Macht und viel List sein grausam Rüstung ist, auf Erd ist nicht seinsgleichen.

A mighty fortress is our God, A trusty shield and weapon; He helps us free from ev’ry need That hath us now o’ertaken. The old evil foe Now means deadly woe; Deep guile and great might Are his dread arms in fight; On earth is not his equal.

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2. Duet (Bass Aria, Soprano Chorale) Alles, was von Gott geboren, ist zum Siegen auserkoren. Mit unser Macht ist nichts getan, wir sind gar bald verloren. Es streit’ für uns der rechte Mann, den Gott selbst hat erkoren. Wer bei Christi Blutpanier, in der Taufe Treu geschworen, siegt im Geiste für und für. Fragst du, wer er ist? Er heißt Jesus Christ, der Herre Zebaoth, und ist kein ander Gott, das Feld muss er behalten. Alles, was von Gott geboren, ist zum Siegen auserkoren. 3. Recitative (Bass) Erwäge doch, Kind Gottes, die so große Liebe, da Jesus sich mit seinem Blute dir

verschriebe, womit er dich zum Siege wider Satans Heer und wider Welt und Sünde geworben hat. Gib nicht in deiner Seele dem Satan und den Lastern statt! Laß nicht dein Herz, den Himmel Gottes auf der Erden, zur Wüste werden! Bereue deine Schuld mit Schmerz, daß Christi Geist mit dir sich fest verbinde,

4. Aria (Soprano) Komm in mein Herzenshaus, Herr Jesu, mein Verlangen! Treib’ Welt und Satan aus, und dein Bild in mir erneuert prangen! Weg, schnöder Sünden Graus! Komm in mein Herzenshaus. Herr Jesu, mein Verlangen!

All that are born of God Are chosen for victory. With might of ours can naught be done, Soon were our loss effected; But for us fights the valiant One, Whom God Himself elected. Whoever is connected with the banner of Christ’s blood, Has vowed at Baptism to remain faithful, And will be forever victorious in the Spirit. Ask ye, Who is this? Jesus Christ it is, Of Sabaoth Lord, And there’s none other God; He holds the field forever. All that are born of God Are chosen for victory. Consider, O child of God, with how much love, Jesus has pledged himself to you by his own blood; How by his blood he has enlisted you for war Against Satan’s army, world, and sin. Do not in your soul Succumb to Satan and vice! Do not allow that your heart Transform from God’s dwelling place on earth Into a wasteland! Repent of your sin with sorrow, so that Christ’s Spirit is closely united with you.

Come into the dwelling of my heart, Lord Jesus, my desire. Drive world and Satan away, and let your image shine forth anew within me. Be gone, despicable horror of sin! Come into the dwelling of my heart, Lord Jesus, my desire.

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5. Chorale Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär’ Und wollt’ uns gar verschlingen, So fürchten wir uns nicht so sehr, Es soll uns doch gelingen. Der Fürst dieser Welt, Wie saur er sich stellt, Tut er uns doch nicht, Das macht, er ist gericht’, Ein Wörtlein kann ihn fällen.

Though devils all the world should fill, All eager to devour us, We tremble not, we fear no ill; They shall not overpow’r us. This world’s prince may still Scowl fierce as he will, He can harm us none. He’s judged; the deed is done; One little word can fell him.

6. Recitative (Tenor) So stehe dann bei, Christi blutgefärbten

Fahne, O Seele, fest, und glaube, daß dein Haupt dich nicht

verläßt, ja, daß sein Sieg auch dir den Weg zu deiner Krone bahne. Tritt freudig an den Krieg! Wirst du nur Gottes Wort, so hören als bewahren, so wird der Feind gezwungen auszufahren, dein Heiland bleibt dein Heil, dein Heiland bleibt dein Hort.

7. Aria (Alto and Tenor) Wie selig sind doch sie, die Gott im Munde tragen;

doch sel’ger ist das Herz, das ihn im Glauben trägt. Es bleibet unbesiegt und kann die Feinde schlagen. Und wird zuletzt gekrönt, wenn es den Tod erlegt.

So stand firmly then, by Christ’s bloodstained

banner, O my soul, And believe that your Head will not desert you. Indeed, his victory will pave your way To your own crown. March joyfully on to the battle. If you listen to God’s Word alone and keep it, the enemy will be forced to depart. Your Savior remains your salvation, Your Savior remains your refuge.

How blessed are they, who carry God in their mouths [i.e., whose conversation is of God] Even more blessed is the heart, Holding on to him in faith. It remains unconquered and can defeat the enemies, And will finally be crowned When it overcomes death.

8. Chorale Das Wort sie sollen lassen stahn Und kein Dank dazu haben. Er ist bei uns wohl auf dem Plan mit seinem Geist und Gaben.

The Word they still shall let remain Nor any thanks have for it; He’s by our side upon the plain With His good gifts and Spirit. (continued)

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Nehmen sie uns den Leib, Gut, Ehr, Kind und Weib, Laß fahren dahin, Sie habens kein Gewinn, das Reich muß uns doch bleiben.

And take they our life, Goods, fame, child, and wife, Though these all be gone, Our vict’ry has been won; The Kingdom ours remaineth.

Sermon Magnificat Setting by Kenneth Kosche

The refrain is sung once by the choir and immediately repeated by the congregation. The congregation sings the refrain where indicated. Refrain

For he has regarded the lowliness of His handmaiden. For behold, from this day all generations will call me blessed. For the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is His name; And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation.


He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and has exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent empty away. He has helped His servant Israel in remembrance of His mercy as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed forever. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever. Amen.


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Kneel Litany — LSB 249

The congregation’s response begins just as the officiant’s petition ends so that the word “Lord” is sung simultaneously. The congregation is invited to sing the response in harmony, with the last note of the response hummed by all as the next prayer bid is sung.

At the conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer all stand, leaving the kneelers in place until the conclusion of the service. Benedicamus and Benediction — LSB 252 Hymn 880 Now Rest beneath Night’s Shadow

Stanza 1 – Women and girls Stanza 2 – All, in harmony Stanza 3 – Men and boys Stanza 4 – All, in harmony Stanza 5 – All

T Soli Deo Gloria T

A freewill offering for the future work of the Schola Cantorum will be received at the door.

CDs of the Seminary Kantorei may be purchased at the CTSFW bookstore

either on campus or at


Evening Prayer from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. Reprinted with permission.

O Light Whose Splendor

Text © 1989 Hope Publishing Co. Used by permission: LSBHymnLicense.NET, no. 100010029.

Lutheran Service Builder was used in the preparation of this service folder.

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Officiant The Reverend Professor Paul J. Grime Dean of Spiritual Formation and Dean of the Chapel Preacher The Reverend Kevin D. Robson Chief Mission Officer The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Lector Seminarian Eamonn Ferguson Organist Kantor Matthew A. Machemer Choir Director Kantor Kevin J. Hildebrand

Soloists Ashley Bickley, alto

Jonathan Busarow, tenor Martha Castillero, soprano

Daniel Eifert, bass


Seminary Schola Cantorum Members of the Seminary Kantorei Members of the Divine Service Choir


Violin I Jason Thompson Emily Ryan Olivia Thompson

Violin II Emily Thompson William Muller Viola Wesley Mui Cello Heather Scott

Bass Jess Gaze Oboe Grant Louvier Pavel Morunov English Horn George Donner Bassoon Alex McCrory Saxophone Kristin Bayer

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19 January 5:00 p.m. Symposia Vespers and Organ Recital

Jacob B. Weber Kantor, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Dearborn, MI

26 March 4:00 p.m. Lenten Choral Evening Prayer

Seminary Kantorei 23 April 4:00 p.m. Easter Choral Vespers

Seminary Schola Cantorum 19 May 3:00 p.m. Graduation Day Organ Recital Paul J. Grime

Music Program Donors

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, is blessed with hundreds of supportive donors to the seminary music department and The Good Shepherd Institute. These donors’ financial gifts support the rich and living tradition of church music at the seminary. We truly value and deeply thank every individual, family, and congregation for their many and various gifts, whether large

or small. We join with the apostle Paul in addressing fellow believers with these words

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership

in the gospel from the first day until now. (Philippians 1:3–5)

You are invited to become a donor of the Seminary’s music programs or Good Shepherd Institute. Checks should be made out to Concordia Theological Seminary and earmarked “Schola Cantorum,” “Seminary Kantorei,” “Good Shepherd Institute,” “Good Shepherd

Institute Endowment,” or “The Rev. Roger M. Goetz Kantor Chair Endowment.” Gifts, which are tax deductible, may be mailed to

Concordia Theological Seminary

Music Department 6600 N. Clinton St.

Fort Wayne, IN 46825

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Our supporters from the past year.

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Albright Mr. and Mrs. Carlan E. Badenhop Dr. Christopher C. Barnekov Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Bascom

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Beltz Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Bender Mr. and Mrs. James H. Beno Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Berry

Miss Edith V. Block Mr. and Mrs. Dewey C. Brockmann

Ms. Helen Bunge Mrs. Mary L. Burgeson

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Busarow Mr. and Mrs. John M. Buszin

Ms. Tamara S. Call Mrs. Patty L. Clark

Rev. R. Thomas Colgrove Ms. Ruth A. Consier Mr. James R. Crouse

Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Davidson Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Oscar C. Decker Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Martin P. Dicke Ms. Kathleen Dinkelman

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Domrow Rev. and Mrs. James A. Douthwaite

Mr. and Mrs. David E. Eifert Ms. Jeannette Endres

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ewert Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Ferber Rev. and Mrs. Charles D. Ferry Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Finch II

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Flandermeyer Mr. and Mrs. James Francis

Rev. and Mrs. Ronald R. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Friedrich

Mr. Gregory L. Gastler Mrs. Marjorie L. Gehrt

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. German Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gieschen

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Goertz Mr. David C. Grabarski Mrs. Roberta M. Greer

Rev. Dr. Paul J. and Dr. Debra L. Grime Ms. Julia G. Habrecht

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hahn Ms. Ruth Hambleton

Mr. Christopher G. Hau Mrs. Dorothy J. Hendricksen

Dr. William E. and Dr. Jane S. Hettrick

Kantor and Mrs. Kevin J. Hildebrand Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Hill

Mrs. Virginia A. Hodnefield Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Hoffman

Ms. Patricia Holtgrewe Ms. Lucille Huslage Ms. Shirley Jaeger Ms. Joanne Jansen

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jobe Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johannes

Mr. and Mrs. Kirk L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Kabitzke

Mrs. Joyce A. Kaldahl Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Willie L. Karsten

Mr. and Mrs. Khamkeo Keopine Mr. and Mrs. John A. Klinger

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Koeneman Mr. and Mrs. Darin D. Koenemann Mr. and Mrs. David H. Krubsack

Rev. James F. Laatsch Ms. Kristin Lange

Rev. and Mrs. Peter K. Lange Rev. and Mrs. George H. Lange Mr. and Mrs. David W. Larsen

Ms. Ruth R. Lawonn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Lehmann Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lenahan

Mr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Lennington Rev. and Mrs. James M. Lewis

Ms. Mary Lingo Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Lohrentz Rev. and Mrs. Richard G. Maassel

Mr. Derron Mayer Rev. and Mrs. Daniel F. McMiller Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McMullen

Ms. Barbara Meissner Mrs. Linda L. Messmann

Mrs. Ann L. Meyer Mrs. Barbara W. Michalk

Mr. and Mrs. G. David Milz Mr. and Mrs. John K. Mischlich

Rev. and Mrs. Martin K. Moehring Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Mueller

Mrs. Rhonda S. Mussman Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neitzke

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Newman Mrs. Cathryn L. Nihiser

Rev. Louis G. Nuechterlein Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Oberheu

Page 16: CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Fort Wayne, Indiana Kramer ... · CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY . Fort Wayne, Indiana . Kramer Chapel . Week of the Second Sunday . after the Epiphany

Rev. and Mrs. Walter D. Otten Mr. and Mrs. John A. Panning

Ms. Harriet L. Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Peters

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Pettijohn Mr. William L. Phipps

Rev. Prof. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Pulse Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Timothy C. J. Quill

Dr. and Mrs. William A. Raabe Jr. Mr. Peter Reichmann

Ms. Karen M. Reinking Rev. Richard C. and Dr. Barbara J. Resch Dr. Robert C. and Deac. Sandra K. Rhein

Ms. Sharon L. Risch Ms. Mary J. Ruffcorn

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rusche Rev. Roger L. Sassaman

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sasse Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David P. Scaer Rev. and Mrs. Timothy J. Scharr

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Scheimann Rev. and Mrs. Scott R. Schilbe

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Schmitt Rev. and Mrs. Michael P. Schuermann

Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Schuler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Schuller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Schultz

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Schultz

Ms. Constance R. Seddon Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Seipold

Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Senkbeil Mr. and Mrs. Rod Silger

Ms. Sandy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Morris D. Snead

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Spaulding Sr. Mr. Zachary Splitt

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Splitt Rev. and Mrs. Edward J. Steeh Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Storm Mr. and Mrs. David J. Stough

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sturtevant Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sutis

Mr. Edwin A. Termuende Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thoelke

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ulrickson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Underwood

Ms. Susan G. Vander Baan Rev. and Mrs. Donald P. Veitengruber

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Viehland Mr. and Mrs. Wendell A. Volkens

Ms. Darlene Vollstedt Mr. Michael D. Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weick Ms. Jane Weihe

Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Wielsma Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Williamson-Link

Deac. Sarah J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Witek Rev. and Mrs. Mark A. Wood

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis H. Ziermann

If you would like to be informed about the schedule of choral services and organ recitals in Kramer Chapel, please call or email the Music Department (260-452-2224, [email protected])

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Fort Wayne, Indiana

Kramer Chapel

Week of the Second Sunday after the Epiphany

10:00 a.m.



19 January 2017

Installation of James A. Baneck

Executive Director, Seminary Education

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod


Morning Prayer – LSB 235

Venite – LSB 236 C All ! Lectern (left) side @ Pulpit (right) side


Office Hymn 730 “What Is the World to Me? The choir sings stanza 3.

Reading – Luke 5:27–32

A O Lord, have mercy on us.

C Thanks be to God. A In many and various ways, God spoke to His people of old by the prophets.

C But now in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son.


Rite of Installation

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Benedictus The refrain is sung once by the choir and then repeated by the congregation.

The choir and congregation sing the verses as marked, with the congregation repeating

the refrain as indicated.


Blessed be the Lord, the God of | Israel;

He has come to His people and re - | deemed them.

He has raised up for us a mighty | Savior,

born of the house of His servant | David.

Through His holy prophets He prom- | ised of old

that He would save us from our enemies, from the hands

of all who | hate us.

He promised to show mercy to our | fathers

and to remember His holy | covenant.

This was the oath He swore to our father | Abraham:

to set us free from the hands of our | enemies,

free to worship Him with- | out fear,

holy and righteous in His sight all the days | of our life.


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You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the | Most High,

for you will go before the Lord to pre- | pare His way,

to give His people knowledge of sal - | vation

by the forgiveness | of their sin.

In the tender compassion | of our God,

the dawn from on high shall break up - | on us

to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shad - | ow of death

and to guide our feet into the | way of peace.

Glory be to the Father and | to the Son

and to the Holy | Spirit;

as it was in the be - | ginning,

is now, and will be forever. | Amen.

Refrain Text: © 1970, 1971, 1975 International Consultation on English Texts, alt.

Music: © 2016 Matthew A. Machemer


Prayer – LSB 241 Stand after the Lord’s Prayer. Please leave the kneelers in place until the

conclusion of the Benediction.

Benedicamus and Benediction – LSB 241


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Officiant The Reverend Lawrence R. Rast Jr.

President, Concordia Theological Seminary

Fort Wayne, Indiana

Preacher The Reverend Dale A. Meyer

President, Concordia Seminary

St. Louis, Missouri

Installer The Reverend Matthew C. Harrison

President, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Organist Kantor Kevin J. Hildebrand

Concordia Theological Seminary

James Baneck

The Rev. Dr. James A. Baneck is a native of Green Bay, Wis. He graduated from

Concordia College (now Concordia University, St. Paul), St. Paul, Minn. in 1983

with a B.A. in music, majoring in organ performance and choral conducting. In

1987, Baneck graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

with an M.Div. Baneck served as pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Kimball,

Minn. (1987–1993) and Messiah Lutheran Church, Mandan, N.D. (1993–2009).

He earned his D. Min. in 2001 from Concordia Theological Seminary, writing a

dissertation titled, “Sacramental Preaching.” Baneck is currently working on his

Th.D. from the University of Helsinki, Finland, focusing on Luther and


Prior to his call as executive director for Pastoral Education, Baneck was serving

his third term as district president of the LCMS North Dakota District. He was

also serving on the Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Board of

Regents. Baneck is married to Myrna (Hall), who is a Lutheran school teacher.

The Banecks lived in Mandan, N.D. since 1993. They are blessed with four chil-

dren and three grandchildren.

Page 21: CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Fort Wayne, Indiana Kramer ... · CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY . Fort Wayne, Indiana . Kramer Chapel . Week of the Second Sunday . after the Epiphany


20 January 2017


Matins – LSB 219

Venite – LSB 220 Sit

Office Hymn 616 “Baptismal Waters Cover Me”

Reading – Isaiah 49:13–16

Responsory for Epiphany

1. The Lord will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you.

2. Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

3. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Homily – Reverend Professor Wilhelm Torgerson

Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Ontario Stand

Te Deum – LSB 223 Kneel

Kyrie and Lord’s Prayer – LSB 227 The Lord’s Prayer is sung according to melody found on LSB 957.

Prayers and Benediction – LSB 227 Stand after the Collect for Grace. Please leave the kneelers in place until

the conclusion of the Benediction.

Today also marks the commemoration of Sarah.


Arise, shine, and the glory of

for your light has come, the Lord has ris - en up - on you.