concordia st. paul magazine | spring 2013

Concordia St. Paul magazine SPRING 2013 Not Your Granddad’s Dining Hall Donors to help transform 83-year-old Dining Hall

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Not Your Granddad's Dining Hall Donors to help transform 83-year-old Dining Hall


Page 1: Concordia St. Paul magazine | spring 2013

Concordia St. Paulmagazine


Not Your Granddad’s Dining HallDonors to help transform 83-year-old Dining Hall

Page 2: Concordia St. Paul magazine | spring 2013

1282 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104

© 2013 Concordia University, St. Paul11_12_29

About Us Concordia University, St. Paul is a member of the Concordia University System, a national network of 10 colleges and universities of The Lutheran Church– Missouri Synod. Concordia University, St. Paul admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin.

MissionThe mission of Concordia University, St. Paul, a university of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, is to prepare students for thoughtful and informed living, for dedicated service to God and humanity, and for the enlightened care of God’s creation, all within the context of the Christian Gospel.


Office of University Advancement


Rhonda Behm (’88) Jason DeBoer-Moran (’02, MBA ’10) Lindsey (Brown, M.A. ’10) Schieffer

Rusty Seltz (Acad. ’67) WRITING, EDITING, LAYOUT

Lindsey (Brown, M.A. ’10) Schieffer


Tad Dunham


Stephen Geffre Greg HelgesonJustin Oakman PhotographyLee ProhofskyLindsey (Brown, M.A. ’10) Schieffer

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In This IssueSpring 2013


Not Your Granddad’s Dining Hall

A $2.5 million renovation of the 83-year-old Dining Hall will make the student dining experience one that’s expected from 21st-century higher education institutions. Opportunities Seven students capitalized on an opportunity to conduct scientific research and present their findings at the State Capitol. CSP News Class Notes




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A Message From the President

The Concordia Dining Hall has been serving students for more than 80 years in more-or-less the same fashion. Of course, there have been some changes over the decades. Our oldest alumni may remember when meals were served “family style,” with sextas waiting on the tables where quintas, quartas, tertias, secundas and primas were seated in rank order. That system disappeared a very long time ago. Food opt ions g radua l l y changed over the years as well. For example, the addition of a soft drink dispenser in the 1970s, a salad bar in the 1980s, and a soft serve ice cream machine in the 1990s, were each really big in their day. Certainly there have been updates of carpeting, lighting, tables and chairs over eight decades too, but for the most part, the class of 1933 would easily recognize the Dining Hall if they were to walk into it today. That, however, is about to change. This summer the Concordia Dining Hall will be renovated and will have greatly expanded hours of accessibility, greater variety in food offerings and delivery options, and be far more flexible of a space. I predict that the space will become one of the most popular gathering places for students on the entire campus. I look forward to seeing an enhanced sense of community which, studies repeatedly show, directly relates to student retention and success, two themes at the core of our strategic plan. (You can read more about the strategic plan at or in the fall 2013 issue of “Concordia St. Paul” magazine.)

Beyond appealing to current students (traditional and non-traditional alike), we anticipate that prospective students will find the new space attractive. Prospective students are seeing substantially more elaborate and contemporary dining environments at competitor institutions. With enrollment increases as another of our strategic priorities, we believe this

project is just the thing to help us continue the robust growth in enrollment we have experienced during the past 10 years. I would like to lift up those who support us with gifts to The Opportunity Fund, which have allowed us to undertake this project. Thank you! Future gifts to that fund will help us address even more of our strategic priorities. There is much excitement on campus as we prepare to create this more inviting, architecturally-unique and energy efficient space that will be conducive to the communication and engagement style of today’s students. I hope you are able to join us for Homecoming this fall (Oct. 4-5) to check out the completed renovation and

celebrate the impact it will have on our campus. I think you will be impressed, even if you do have some trouble recognizing the old place!

REV. TOM RIES, PRESIDENT • Concordia University, St. Paul

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uch has come and gone from Concordia’s Dining Hall since the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod appropriated $139,000 to build it in 1930. The hall is no longer home to 256 hungry high school and junior college boys, stacks of bowls overflowing with uneaten peanut-butter soup,

heaps of books by the entrance, Sno Weekend festivities and towers of trays just waiting to be taken on sledding trips to Dunning Field. A few things remain the same though—namely the pine green- and almond-colored tiles on the lower half of the walls, the north-facing wooden stage and cafeteria-style environment. Some may even guess the metal “DISH RETURN” sign to be original to the hall too. Perhaps a photo caption in the 1968 “Scribe” yearbook said it best: “The cafeteria…only the faces have changed.” Indeed, the faces have changed. In the hall’s 83-year existence, Concordia has evolved from an all-boys residential academy and junior college with enrollment just shy of 300 to a highly-diverse co-ed university offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees (and soon doctoral degrees*) with an enrollment just shy of 3,000. The hall was the primary space for dining until the Student Union (now the Art Center) was built in 1973. When it opened, it featured a small snack bar on the top floor. In 2003, Union Station was built on the main level of the Student Union, offering enhanced made-to-order and grab-and-go options. The Union Station, which will close this fall, was supplemented with the Commons Café, opening in the Pearson Commons outside the Library Technology Center in 2006. Campus dining trends continued to change after Holst Hall was built in 2008. Residents began cooking in their kitchens and foot traffic shifted more heavily to the northeast side of campus.

“There isn’t really a common gathering space for us,” said Kyle Sorkness, a senior theology major and the president of the student association. “We’re split between the Pearson Commons, which is overflowing; the Dining Hall, which is only open during the two-hour meal times; and the Union Station, which is way out of the way now.” Last fall, a group of students in Renata Mayrhofer’s Managing Teams, Communication, and Projects course took a look at the campus dining issue. William Robinson (’13), Sarah McCarron (’13), Ashley Kluever (’13) and Andrew Fagely (’13) conducted primary research, secondary research, a cost/benefit analysis, a risk analysis and utilized the Plus-Minus-Interesting Chart thinking tool. After exploring multiple options and concluding that a complete renovation of the Dining Hall would be the optimal, they presented their findings and recommendation to administration. Vice President for Academic Affairs Lonn Maly (’81) is pleased that a class project gave students the opportunity to make a real impact on the Concordia experience. “It’s exciting to see another example of students’ work having real-world application,” he said. Associate Vice President for Student Life Jason Rahn (’95) said the students’ project affirmed the changing dining trends the university had been closely monitoring. “For years now, we’ve been seeing a growing demand for a centrally-located dining space that is casual in nature,” he said. “We expanded the Commons Café last year to meet the students’ food demands but we have run out of space to alleviate the overcrowding. Students have spilled over in to the library and adjacent hallway, making those spaces less functional. And, the reality is, we can’t justify having three serving spaces on campus.


Not Your Granddad’s Dining Hall

The $2.5 million renovation of Concordia’s 83-year-old Dining Hall will breathe new life into the antiquated space and increase the value of the Concordia experience.

* See page 7 for more information on Concordia’s plans to offer doctoral degrees.

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We really need to create an appealing space that is conducive to the lifestyle of our student body which has more and more commuter and adult students who are looking for eating, studying and collaborating space throughout the day and well into the evening.” The renovation will begin the week after Commencement and is expected to be complete when residential students return to campus in the fall. “This is an exciting opportunity we are able to capitalize on thanks to supporters of The Opportunity Fund who make it possible for us to address strategic priorities,” said Vice President for Advancement Rusty Seltz (Acad. ’67) who remembers food fights in the Dining Hall during his days as an academy student. But today’s students are more likely to be texting, tweeting and Facebooking with friends than hurling hard biscuits at them. The new space will be updated to help meet the academic and social demands of 21st century students. It will be more energy efficient and have ample electrical outlets, flat-panel TVs, more natural light, and a variety of seating styles to accommodate

everything from studying and eating solo to large student events. The stage will remain intact to keep the space as versatile as possible, but it won’t be used in the way Carol (Abraham, ’52) Meyer remembers. Meyer, who was the first female to receive a Concordia diploma, remembers her and her classmates being called to the stage during

evening meals to pick up their mail. Faculty and the student Dining Hall Committee used a classic chrome microphone on a stand to call students to the stage to pick up their mail and to keep order in the hall. The space will also contain multiple food stations, providing much more variety than the basic meat, potatoes, vegetable and dessert meals Gretchen

(Gienapp, ’67) Beecroft remembers being served in the mid ’60s. “We didn’t have choices,” Beecroft said. “But [the Dining Hall] was always full of students and there was lots of chatter.” Phil Bohlken (J.C. ’66) remembers the same. He would stop there for coffee with friends after returning from his Sunday

This is an exciting opportunity we are

able to capitalize on thanks to

supporters of The Opportunity Fund

who make it possible for us

to address strategic priorities.

The Dining Hall in 1943.

The 1952 Dining Hall Committee making general announcements and calling the names of those who had mail to pick up.

Students enjoying lunch together in the Dining Hall in 1970.

The kitchen staff preparing food for students in 1949.

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morning bike ride across the Lake Street bridge to attend services at Christ Lutheran in Minneapolis. Bohlken went on to attend Concordia Senior College where he said he had to try hard to limit himself to one jelly-filled doughnut per day. “Still, I gained 10 pounds that fall—the same 10 pounds I had lost the summer before riding my bicycle all over St. Paul and Minneapolis,” he said. Like Bohlken, students will continue to have coffee in the Dining Hall, but after the renovation they won’t have to pay for a full meal to do so. The board plan will move away from the traditional meal-based “use it or lose it” model to a points-based system which gives students the freedom to pay for only what they take and to use their points however they wish throughout the year.

Anyone not on a board plan can use cash, including commuter and adult students who now make up a majority of the student

population and continue to push Concordia to record enrollment. “We anticipate this project positively affecting both enrollment and retention which are two of our four strategic priorities,” said President Tom Ries. “This will bring our dining space up to par with competitor institutions and

will help foster the sense of support and community that is critical to students persisting to graduation.”

We anticipate this project

positively affecting both enrollment

and retention which are two of our

four strategic priorities.

Coronation of Sno Week royalty taking place on the Dining Hall stage in 1990.

These Dining Hall buffet lines will soon be replaced by made-on-demand food stations.

Students dining together in the hall’s final year being buffet-style.

Like the Alumni Association Facebook page for updates throughout the renovation.

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Biology Students Present Research at State Capitol

lbert Einstein came to mind when Michael Stoick (’14) reflected on the opportunity he and his classmates had to present their research at the state capitol in February as part of the annual Private College Scholars at the Capitol event. “As Albert Einstein said, ‘The only source of knowledge is experience.’ This event allowed us to take our work and turn it into knowledge,” Stoick said. Stoick, Eryn Johnson (’14), Brittany Kapala (’14) and Kara Pioske (’13) researched and presented on the metabolic

effects of caffeine on the human body, while Lisa LeVoir (’15), Leah Markham (’13) and Danielle Fehrman (’14) shared their findings on whether viable molecules can be retrieved from preserved human brain tissue. “Not only did we solidify our research through interactions with professionals and other research students, we gained a working knowledge of the state capitol and how to network with elected officials,” Stoick said. “The Scholars at the Capitol event is a wonderful opportunity for our students to showcase their research for Minnesota state legislators,” said Concordia’s Dr. Shellie Kieke who, along with Dr. Theodore Sadler, oversaw the six-week student-designed research projects. “Science students from my cell biology course have enjoyed presenting at this event for the past six years.” Alumna and former student participant, Jessica Simmons (’11) said the day she and her classmates presented at Scholars at the Capitol was one of her favorite days while studying at Concordia. “During my years at Concordia, we spent lots if time in the labs doing experiments that our professors had set up for us, but this project was our own,” she said of her and her classmates project titled, “The Effects of Relaxation and Stressor Auditory and Visual Stimulants on Pulse Rates.” “We chose the topic and designed the entire study. There were many times of frustration, stress and starting over, but we prevailed, so the opportunity to share our hard work with others was an incredible honor. Also, we believed that our research could truly benefit people.” Simmons is now studying in the master of nursing program at the University of Minnesota. “Honestly I can say that the professors in the science department at Concordia as well as my classes there are a huge reason why I am where I am today,” she said. “The classes, research, lab time and high expectations of my professors prepared me for this rigorous graduate program as well as my upcoming capstone project.”


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Senator Amy Klobuchar Helps Unveil Volleyball National Championship Banner

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar was on hand to help Concordia unveil its sixth consecutive NCAA Division II National Championship banner during a ceremony between the women’s and men’s basketball games in the Gangelhoff Center on Jan. 12. Klobuchar presented the team with a copy of the official statement she made as part of the 158th U.S. Congressional Record on Dec. 31, 2012 acknowledging the team’s accomplishment. The ceremony also included fireworks and congratulatory presentations from Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference Commissioner Butch Raymond and Concordia President Tom Ries. The Golden Bears also had the opportunity to have breakfast with Governor Mark Dayton in the governor’s residence on March 19. The team captured its sixth consecutive national championship in a five-set thriller against University of Tampa on Dec. 8 in Pensacola, Fla. With the win, Concordia tied the NCAA volleyball record in all divisions for the most consecutive national championships. Four players were named All-Americans, one of whom was also named an Academic All-American.

CSP News

U.S. News & World Report Ranks Concordia Among Best Online Programs Concordia’s online bachelor’s programs ranked 37th on U.S. News & World Report’s 2013 college rankings for best online programs. To compile the rankings, U.S. News & World Report distributed a statistical questionnaire to nearly 2,000 regionally accredited higher education institutions. Aggregate statistical data was then collected from respondents offering online bachelor’s degree programs in the 2012-2013 academic year. Responses were scored based on best practices, graduation rates, learning outcome assessments, class size, retention rates, time to degree deadline, faculty with terminal degrees, tenured faculty, student indebtedness, academic support services and career support services. Concordia’s online graduate business programs and online graduate education programs were also included in U.S. News & World Report’s college rankings.




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CSP News

CSP to Honor Individuals During Commencement During commencement ceremonies on May 10 and 11, Concordia will bestow honors on five individuals for building their respective communities in ways that reflect the university’s values. Ken and Alix Behm will receive the Aeterna Moliri for growing their family bank in to a force for Christian values and business development in Willmar, Minn. The couple supports their community and the university in numerous ways. Rev. Karl Lutze will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Letters for his multi-cultural ministry. As an author, teacher and higher education administrator, Lutze challenges multi-cultural attitudes and encourages the church to find ways to be more inclusive of people from all backgrounds. He has led the development of the Lutheran Human Relations Movement, the Association of Lutheran Older Adults, and the National Indian Lutheran Board. Concordia will award an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters to Rev. John Schmidtke for his urban Christian ministry. He led the formation of Better Living Communities, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to making home ownership a possibility for low-income families. He also leads a growing Christian after-school program, The Better Learning Communities Academy, where he engages and shares the Gospel with children from a public charter school in his St. Louis community. Professional baseball hall-of-famer David Winfield will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters for his contributions to communities in which he played during his 22-year career. In 1977, he established the David M. Winfield Foundation for Underprivileged Youth. When Winfield joined the New York Yankees, he set aside $3 million of his contract for his foundation and funded The Dave Winfield Nutrition Center at Hackensack University Medical Center. The Foundation collaborated with Merck Pharmaceuticals to create “Turn it Around,” the internationally-acclaimed bilingual substance abuse prevention program. The St. Paul native also began a scholarship program at his alma mater, St. Paul Central High School, which neighbors Concordia.

CSP Plans to Offer Doctorate Degrees Concordia’s first entrance into academic programming beyond the master’s degree began in January with the launch of an educational specialist degree (Ed.S.) program. Twenty-six students are enrolled in the program which is a qualification for a K-12 principals or superintendents in Minnesota. The intent is to offer a full doctorate in education program next spring upon completion of the accreditation process. C o n c o rd i a i s a l s o s e e k i n g accreditation for a new doctor of physical therapy education program. Pending accreditation, the degree program’s inaugural class could begin coursework in the fall of 2014. Program Director Dr. Peter Rundquist has designed the program to give students a firm foundation in all aspects of physical therapy clinical practice, extensive clinical education beginning in the first year of the program and service learning opportunities. To learn more about these programs, visit or respectively.

Alumni & Friends Travel to Israel Thirty-eight Concordia alumni and friends traveled to Israel Feb. 6-19. The opportunity was made possible through the Alumni & Friends Travel Program. President Emeritus Bob (Acad. ‘54, J.C. ‘56) and Lynne Holst will lead a group through Turkey and Greece October 2014 and President Tom and Susie Ries will lead a trip to Germany and Prague October 2015 and to Northern Italy fall 2016. To learn more about these travel opportunities, visit

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CSP News

Faculty & Staff HighlightsDr. Sally A. Baas, director of Concordia’s Southeast Asian Teacher Licensure, Hmong Culture and Language, English as a Second Language and Special Education programs, recently had her dissertation, “What does it mean to be Hmong in the Twin Cities of Minnesota?,” published by Lambert Academic Publishing. The publishing company sought her work due to the limited number of academic resources about the Hmong culture. The book, which focuses on the Hmong language, clothing, spiritual life, family respect and leadership, has been released in many countries throughout the world.

Chair of the Biology Department Dr. Leanne Bakke, Associate Professor of Biology Dr. Shellie Kieke and Chair of the Math Department Dr. Rob Krueger will have their paper, “Integrating Biology and Math in an Inquiry-Based Student Research Project,” published in the August 2013 issue of the national, peer-reviewed journal, “The American Biology Teacher.”

A chapel service will be held on Friday, May 3 at 11 a.m. to honor Dr. David Bredehoft as he retires. He started the psychology program at Concordia in 1976 and now chairs the department of social and behavioral sciences.

Rev. Dr. Eugene Bunkowske (Acad. ‘53, J.C. ‘55) retired from Concordia Jan. 1 after having taught Christian outreach for 10 years. A reception and chapel service were held in his honor on Dec. 19, 2012. A Festschrift honoring Bunkowske is available for purchase on

Rev. Dr. Rich Carter, a certified DCE, will retire at the end of this academic year. He taught religion and theology at Concordia for more than 20 years and is serving this last year as interim CSP pastor.

Dr. Bruce Corrie, formerly the dean of the College of Business and Organizational Leadership, is now building community and governmental relationships and developing Concordia’s international programs in his new role as associate vice president for university relations and international programs. Corrie will remain a professor of economics.

Professor Emeritus Dr. John Eggert has published two compositions: “Carols for the Nativity,” a collection of organ preludes for the Christmas season; and “Jesus on the Mountain Peak,” a choral piece for the Festival of Transfiguration for mixed choir, organ and trumpet. The pieces were published by Concordia Publishing House.

Dr. Donald Helmstetter, dean of the College of Education and Science, received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota. The award honors alumni who have distinguished themselves in their careers and communities. Helmstetter was honored for being a “distinguished educator, administrator and passionate advocate for students and educators.”

Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Kinesiology Professor Dr. Eric LaMott was honored with the 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award from the graduate program at his alma mater, Boise State University.

Holst Embarks on Oral History Project in Papua New Guinea

Concordia recently received a grant that enabled President Emeritus Bob Holst (Acad. ’54, J.C. ’56) to conduct an oral history project in Papua New Guinea to learn the Ipili Christians’ memories 50 years after their first contact with the faith. Holst and his wife, Lynne, served in the 1960s as the first Lutheran expatriate missionaries to live with the Ipili people. The formerly animistic area now has large Christian congregations worshipping. Holst joined a full church for Sunday morning worship and also partook in morning devotions attended by a few people ever y other day. For much of his visit, he stayed with the first two Ipili people that he baptized into the Lutheran Christian tradition. “It was very moving to have them thank me for teaching them to read and write so they could become a pastor and clergy spouse,” Holst said.

continued on page 13

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News 1950s

Rev. Dr. Eugene Bunkowske (Acad. ’53, J.C. ’55) retired from Concordia Jan. 1. A reception and chapel service were held in his honor on Dec. 19, 2012.

Bernadene (Wormer, J.C. ’54) Gnan accompanied her granddaughter, Katherine, on a campus tour in November. While Katherine learned more about becoming a Concordia student, Bernie enjoyed flipping through the 1954 “Scribe” which she helped produce.

Rev. Russell Howen (Acad. ’50, J.C. ’52) celebrated his anniversary in the holy ministry with a letter and gift to Trinity Lutheran Church, Morrill, Neb., the parish in which he was ordained and installed in 1957. His gift of $275 was the amount of his monthly salary when he was ordained.


Nancy (Luschen, ’67) Schuller and her grandson, Seifidin, visited campus in December.

On Oct. 14, Rev. Dr. Thomas R Sluberski Memorial Carillon with 28 bells was dedicated at Village Lutheran Church, Bronxville, NY. Dr. Thomas Sluberski (J.C. ‘60) was a full professor at Concordia Bronxville from 1972-2004. He also served as guest professor for Valporaiso University in Russia and Brazil. He was the first LCMS missionary in Russia, serving there for more than two years. Dr. Sluberski served as executive director of the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, on the staff of the Russian-American Press Center and on the faculty of the United States Sports Academy. He has a permanent visa in Brazil and now lives in Florida and Rio de Janeiro.


In August, Terri (Frank, ’83) Albrecht began a position as director of children’s and youth ministry at theAlley Church in Cottage Grove, Minn. She previously taught at Woodbury Lutheran Preschool and Kindergarten with Sandy (Schlobohm, ’80) Johnson.

Louis Johnson (‘86) began a new position with Concordia Plan Services in St. Louis. Johnson also serves on Concordia’s Board of Regents.

Shellie (Bentzler, ’87) Kosmerchock received her M.A. in Education for Administration, K-12 certification from Concordia Nebraska. She is the principal and 7th and 8th grade teacher at Zion Lutheran School in Pierce, Neb.

Peggy (Wornardt, ’81) Kraase graduated from Concordia Wisconsin with a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration in December 2011. She accepted a call to be the principal and 7th and 8th grade morning teacher at Lebanon Lutheran School in Watertown, Wis. Her son, David, recently returned safely from a tour in Afghanistan. Her daughter, Katie, attends graduate school at the Pratt Institute in New York City.


Susan (Shimp, ’96) Charter, was featured in the Faces in the Crowd section of the “Prior Lake American” newspaper on June 30, 2012. The article highlighted her recent career transition from early childhood education to her new position as financial coordinator for one of Prior Lake’s newest businesses, Cosmopolitan Orthodontics. She had taught for 24 years at La Petite Academy in Chanhassen, Minn.

Class Notes

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Martin and Rachel (Utter, ’91) Cornes moved back to Minnesota from England in July 2011. They have three children: Joshua (18), Hannah (14) and Tabitha (10). Martin is the youth and children’s minister at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Bloomington, Minn. He is also earning his DCE certification from Concordia. Rachel is a preschool teacher at Mt. Hope Lutheran Church in Bloomington.

Alumnus and adjunct professor, Michael Lindsay (’99, M.A. ’01), and his daughter, Abby, toured campus in November. Abby is exploring colleges and hopes to play soccer.

Greg and Laurie (Wolfgram, ’95) Mosshammer’s daughter, Taylor, won this sweatshirt at Concordia’s alumni and friends gathering in Denver.

Jose Rodriguez (’91) and his son, Jeremy, traveled from their home in Missouri to visit campus and catch a Gopher hockey game in November.


Marissa (Holcomb ’02, M.A. ’06) Austin was appointed the first executive director of the Palace Theatre in Georgetown, Texas. She began her new post on Jan. 1.

Stephen Batcher (’08) is the sports information director at University of Minnesota Morris. Most recently, Batcher served as the graduate assistant SID at Concordia.

In August 2012, Adam Bulava (’05) accepted a call to be a social studies teacher at the Lutheran School Association High School in Decatur, Ill.

Carmen Cook (M.A., ’03) was appointed assistant professor in Early Childhood Studies at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul. Carmen has served as an adjunct faculty member at Concordia since 2001.

While advocating for StudentsFirst, Tiffini Flynn Forslund (’08) was a panelist for a viewing of “Won’t Back Down,” a movie showing the challenges in our public education system. The panel was moderated by former Minnesota Senator Ember Reichgott Junge.

Richard Gunderson (’01, M.A. ’09) became the vice president of business development at Identifix, Inc., on Oct. 1, 2012. He is responsible for product development, extending sales channels and implementing the long-term strategic business plan including expansion into new domestic and international markets.

Shelly Schwalm (’09) was commissioned and installed on July 15, 2012 as director of Christian education of worship and serving at Risen

Savior Lutheran Church and School in Chandler, Ariz.

Samantha Voeller (’09) and Dr. Jeff Gottlieb published a new book, “The

Story of MICD: Client Words & Insight about Co-Occurring Disorders.” Samantha co-authored the book while doing her Concordia undergraduate

psychology internship at Park Avenue Training Center. To purchase a copy, email Gottlieb at [email protected].

Class Notes

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Lindsey (Nelson, ’06) Weiler was awarded a pre-doctoral fellowship through the National Institute on Drug Abuse. She received a National Research Service Award which will support training in methods and prevention science, as well as support her dissertation research at Colorado State University on the prevention of substance abuse in first-time offending youth.

Weddings, Engagements & Anniversaries


Calvin (’10, M.A. ’11) and Kaytie (Spangler, ’11) Zimmerman were wed on Sept. 28, 2012. The two met when they were on the golf teams at Concordia and now live in St. Paul with their mini goldendoodle, Palmer.

Class Notes

Alumni Featured on DIY Network Show, “I Hate My Kitchen”

Chris (’01) and Kristin (M.A.’11) Fink were recently featured on the Do It Yourself Network TV show, “I Hate My Kitchen,” which gives homeowners economical yet clever kitchen design ideas using new products and tools. TV crews filmed the couple throughout their five week renovation with their episode airing on Jan. 22. The kitchen renovation is just one of many the first-time homeowners have done in their early 20th century St. Paul home they bought as a foreclosure in 2011. “We had become pretty handy,” Chris said, “but the kitchen was a really big undertaking so we were pretty excited about the show.” The show provided ideas for a better layout and updates including a rustic wooden peninsula table, a concrete counter top and a cork floor. The do-it-yourselfers completed the renovation with help from friends and family, including fellow alumni Josh Whitcomb (’01) and Carolyn (Froh, ’76), Ben (’07) and Adam (’09) Fink. Chris, who majored in communication at Concordia, learned about the opportunity to be on the show through his work in the TV industry. He writes for the Food Network show, “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives,” and co-owns and operates the video production company, 651media, with Josh Whitcomb. See more pictures of the renovation at

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In Memory


Rev. Ed Koehler (Acad. ’53, J.C. ’55) went to his heavenly home on July 12, 2012.

Roger Rappe (Acad. ’53, J.C. ’55) went to be with his Lord Jesus on Sept. 9, 2012. Roger left behind his wife, Roberta, six children, 11 grandchildren, two brothers and many nieces and nephews. Services were held on Sept. 13 in Sheboygan, Wis.


Robert Thompson (J.C. ’64) passed away on July 3, 2012 in Des Moines, Iowa. Robert is survived by his wife, Terry; two children, Clay and Jen; and three siblings, Martha, Mary and Clay.


Sergeant First Class Bradley Lahti (’11) passed away on Dec. 11, 2012. Brad was a member of the IBEW Local 292 in Minneapolis and was the Health and Safety Coordinator at Starkey Hearing Technologies in Eden Prairie. He was deployed from 2005-2007 to Iraq with the Alpha Troop, 1st Squadron, 94th Cavalry Regiment, Red Bulls Operation Iraqi Freedom and a second deployment to Kuwait May 2011-May 2012 in support of Operation New Dawn, obtaining the rank of Sergeant First Class and was presented with the prestigious Bronze Star Medal. Brad is survived by his wife, Amada, their two year old son, Preston, and many family and friends.

Class Notes

Adoptions & Births


Rob (’97) and Nicki (Mueller, ’97, M.A. ’06) Nelson recently welcomed their daughter, Liza Salome, to their family. Liza joins her brothers: Gus (8), Felix (5) and Milo (3). Rob is the pastor at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Walled Lake, Mich., and Wixom, Mich. Nicki takes care of their family and teaches private piano lessons.

Zerubbabel James Wolter was born on Jan. 31, 2012 to Rev. Jason (’95) and Tracy (Maas, ’96) Wolter. Zeb is the younger brother to Jacob (10) and Isabella (8). On

Aug. 6, 2012, Jason was installed as the pastor for the dual parish of St. John’s Lutheran church in Tecumseh, Neb., and Immanuel Lutheran Church in Sterling, Neb. This is his first opportunity to serve in the parish full-time. He previously served in Lutheran high schools for 10 years.


Rachel (Ehrhard, ’04) Legonte and family rejoiced in the arrival of a new baby girl, Lydia. She was born on Oct. 22, 2012. She

was 8 lbs., 21.5 inches and had a full head of hair. They are thankful to God for an awesome baby and for all the support they have received.

Steve (’03) and Natalie (McKenzie, ’05) Rowan were blessed with their second child on Aug. 14, 2012. Sydney Rose was born at 5:31 a.m. and was 6 lbs. 7oz. She joins her big sister, Kiera, at home.

Justin (’05) and Lyndsey (Gagas, ’04) Vandenberg are proud parents of Brielle Lee Vandenberg. Brielle was born Aug. 3, 2012 and weighed 6 lbs.


Chris and Lindsey (Brown, M.A. ’10) Schieffer are excited to announce that their first child, Lincoln Joseph, joined the world on a very special day—12-12-12.

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Upcoming Events

Alumni & FriendsGolden Reunion May 9-10 Concordia campus

National Youth Gathering Alumni Reception Wednesday, July 3, 3-6 p.m. Tower of Americas - The Chart House The Bowie Room 601 Tower of the Americas Way San Antonio, Texas

LCMS National Convention Alumni & Friends Reception July 20-23 St. Louis, MOVisit Concordia’s booth for details about the reception.

HomecomingOct. 4-5 Concordia campus More information at

Lutheran Education Association Convocation Alumni ReceptionOct. 24-26 Milwaukee, Wis.Visit Concordia’s booth (#332) for details about the reception.

Alumni & Friends Trip to Turkey & Greece October 2014 More information at

ArtConcordia All-Student Juried Exhibition April 18-May 1 Concordia Gallery

AthleticsVisit for complete schedules.

MusicJubilate Eastertide Vespers Service Thursday, April 11, 7:30 p.m. Graebner Memorial Chapel

Spring Fine Arts Concert Concert Band, Handbell Ensemble, String Ensemble Friday, May 10, 3:30 p.m. Buetow Auditorium

TheatreTickets for theatre productions can be purchased through OvationTix at 866-811-4111 or

Spring Into DanceApril 25-27, 7:30 p.m. April 28, 2 p.m.

E.M. Pearson Theatre

UniversityThe Poehler Lecture Presented by Dr. Jeffrey Burkart Tuesday, April 16, 7 p.m. Buetow Auditorium

Baccalaureate Service Thursday, May 9, 7:30 p.m. Graebner Memorial Chapel

CommencementTraditional undergraduate students Friday, May 10, 7:30 p.m. Adult undergraduate students Saturday, May 11, 10 a.m. Graduate students Saturday, May 11, 2 p.m. Gangelhoff Center

Much to Holst’s surprise, the Ipili people talked openly about their former animistic faith and rituals which had been carefully kept secrets in the past. “Ancient spiritual taboos are gone and even forgotten,” Holst said. “They no longer sacrifice pigs so their wives will have babies. They told me, ‘Our pigs will have piglets and our gardens will grow.’” He also learned that prayer is what drew many to the Christian faith. “Before, they feared their gods; now they talk to God,” Holst said. Reflecting on the trip, Holst hesitates to make judgments or draw sweeping conclusions.

“I learned much, but I just scratched the surface,” he said. “What I did learn, however, strengthened my faith and makes me praise God for knowing such wise and caring people. The people welcomed me with open arms and were eager to share their stories.” Although Bob and Lynne were the first Lutherans to live with the Ipili, Rev. Harvey (’58) and Norita Kath (’58), Rev. Warren Arndt (’60) and Rev. Ron Rall (’67) also served in Papua New Guinea in later years.

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