conceptual modeling of line oriented objects lines in fact represent an infinite number of points...

Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects • Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points • how can we represent them • use vector modeling – use of extensional rules – may be explicit – may be implied • in Arc/Info for example all are implied

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Page 1: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects

• Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points

• how can we represent them

• use vector modeling– use of extensional rules– may be explicit– may be implied

• in Arc/Info for example all are implied

Page 2: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Basic idea of representation

• selection of privileged points (data)• several ways to select privileged points

– different representations possible

• given different ways we need to define rules– generating

• mechanisms such as equations through which privileged points can be ‘extended’ to the full set of points

– membership• rules to test to determine if a particular point meets

specifications of object

Page 3: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Ideal and practical schema

• Different rules for selection of privileged points will lead to different representations

Page 4: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Storing line segments

Store “rule” x = xa + t(xb - xa) y = ya +t(yb - ya) o <= t <= 1

Relational representationSEGMENT(Segment-ID, Point1-ID, Point2-ID)POINT(Point-ID, X, Y)+RULE: point-in-segment rule

Page 5: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of


POLYLINE0 (Polyline-ID,Closure-flag)POLYLINE1 (Polyline-ID, Segement-IDSEGMENT( Segment-ID, Point1-ID, Point2-ID)POINT (Point-ID, X , Y)RULE: point-in-polyline by iteration of point-in-segment rule

If represented by set of sorted points then:POLYLINE2(Polyline-ID, Closure-flag)POLYLINE3 (Polyline-ID, Point-ID, Order-of-point)POINT(Point-ID, X, Y)RULE: point-in-polyline by iteration of point-in-segment rule

POLYLINE (Polyline-ID, (Point-ID)*)

Page 6: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Mixit- or mixed form-lines

Page 7: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Spline curve based line structure

Page 8: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Simple polygon structure

POLYGON(Polygon-ID, Point-ID, Order-of-point)POINT(Point-ID, X, Y)RULE: point-in-polygon

Page 9: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Complex isolated polygons

POLYGON(Polygon-ID, Segment-ID)SEGMENT (Segment-ID, Point1-ID, Point2-ID)POINT( Point-ID, X, Y)RULE: point-in-polygon

Page 10: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Irregular tessellation

Page 11: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Polygons delimited by polylines

Page 12: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Tessellations delimited by mixtilines

Page 13: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Oriented polygons

ORIENTED_POLYGON(Polygon-ID, Segment-ID, Orientation)SEGMENT(Segment-ID, Point1-ID, Point2-ID, Left-Polygon-ID, Right-polygon-ID)POINT(Point-ID, X, Y)RULE: point-in-polygon

Page 14: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Hierarchical territories

Page 15: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Graph modeling

EXTREMITY(Edge-ID, Node1-ID, Node2-ID)NODE (Node-ID, Edge-ID)LINKS (Edge-ID, Neighbor-edge-ID) EXTREMITY(Arc-ID, To-node-ID, From-node-ID)

TO-ARC (Node-ID, To-arc-ID)FROM-ARC(Node-ID, From-arc-ID)TO-ARC-LINK(Arc-ID, To-arc-ID)FROM-ARC-LINKS(Arc-ID, From-arc-ID)

Page 16: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

City blocks and land parcels

Page 17: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Land parcels and blocks together

Page 18: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Street and city blocks

Page 19: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Conceptual model of a river

Page 20: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Model for pipes

Page 21: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

• Road structures

Page 22: Conceptual modeling of line oriented objects Lines in fact represent an infinite number of points how can we represent them use vector modeling –use of

Conceptual model for road structure