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Matterhorn Business Solutions Tel. 587-350-1082 Email: [email protected] Computer Security Trends Enforcing Digital Security via User Authentication

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Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

Computer Security TrendsEnforcing Digital Security via User Authentication

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

In our day-to-day technical support for Calgary companies, one of the most common I.T. requests is the password reset.

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

The simple text password is one of the most basic forms of authentication. There are, however, many other ways to authenticate access to a resource.

In this article we discuss computer security trends.

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

Authentication is used to

• verify the user’s identity

• to control access to the resources

• to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system, and

• to store system logs about users’ activities.

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

There are two basic modes of authentication:

• Verification (a 1-to-1 comparison)

• Identification (a 1-to-many comparison)

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

There are 3 basic authentication methods:

• Something we know (password, key sequence etc.)

• Something we have (token, smartcard etc.)

• Something we are (biometrics – fingerprints, eye scan etc.)

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

However, passwords can be stolen or tokens can be lost.

Therefore, enter biometrics.

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

Biometric authentication is a process of analysis of someone’s physical characteristics, or behavioral aspects, in order to prove the person’s identity.

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

The phrase biometrics comes from the Greek language: bio (= life) and metric (= to measure).

A well-known concept for biometrics is the use of fingerprints for personal identification, at a police station for example.

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

A good biometric method should possess the following 3 properties:

• Broadness: almost all people should have the characteristic.

• Stability: the characteristic should not change or mutate.

• Exclusiveness: the characteristic of each person should be unique.

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

The biometric authentication can be completed in 2 ways:

• Physical characteristics recognition –based on some physical feature for identification and authentication, like fingerprints.

• Behavioral characteristic recognition –based on some dynamic characteristics, such as keyboard typing, writing, or a hand signature.

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

Common biometric technologies are:

• Face biometrics

• Fingerprint biometrics

• Eye biometrics

• Hand geometry biometrics

• Signature biometrics

• Voice biometrics

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

Less commonly used biometric technologies:

• Keystroke dynamics

• Vein recognition

• Body odor measurement

• Palm-print

• Gait recognition

• Ear shape

• DNA recognition

Matterhorn Business SolutionsTel. 587-350-1082Email: [email protected]://

These are just some of the biotechnologies that we can expect to commonly see in the future.