computer history


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Post on 06-May-2015




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Page 1: Computer history
Page 2: Computer history

THE ABACUS:The ‘first’ computer

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In 1642 Blaise Pascal invented the first calculating machine.

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In the early 1800’s, Charles Babbage designed the first

modern computer: The Analytical Engine.

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The Univac

The Univac was the first computer sold to a business. This was in 1951.

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The First Generation ~ 1950’s

Computers in the 1st generation used vacuum tubes for energy, entered data with punch cards, and stored

information on magnetic tape.

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The 3rd Generation ~

Early 1960’s – Mid 1970’s

This generation was the first to use integrated circuits. These circuits, called

“chips” are made of silicon.

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The 4th Generation ~ Mid 1970’s – Present

This was the first generation to use a “microprocessor”. A microprocessor can

hold up to a million transistors!

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What does the future hold?

Some believe that the 5th generation of computers will have AI. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. This would give

computers the ability to think and reason on their own.