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  • 7/29/2019 compute application


    Computer Application in Business Data and Information



    Introduction to computing and data representation

    Module -2

    Semester III

    Subject CAB

    Complied by Anita Walia

    Learning outcome

    What is Data and information

    Types of Information , Types of Reports Database : Data entities,

    DBMS: Introduction to DBMS,

    Introduction to Data Warehouse , Data Mining , Data

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    Computer Application in Business Data and Information


    What is Data and information


    Data is the raw material from which useful information is derived. The word Data isthe plural of Datum. Data is commonly used in both singular and plural forms. It is

    defined as raw facts or observations, typically about physical phenomenon or business

    transactions. Example: A sale of a machine tool or an automobile would generate a lot ofdata describing, those events.

    Data are objective measurements of attributes (the characteristics) of entities (such aspeople. place, things . and events). These measurements are usually represented by

    symbols such as numbers, 'words, codes, composed of a mixture of numerical,

    alphabetical and other characters. It takes a variety of forms, including numeric data, text,

    voice and' images. '

    Data is the collection of facts, which is unorganizedbut can be organized into useful

    information. The term data and information come across in our daily life and are often

    interchanged. Example: Dates, weights, prices, costs, number of items sold, employees'

    names, product names etc.


    The data which has been converted into a useful and meaningful form is information.

    As already mentioned, the terms data and information are used interchangeably.

    Data are raw material resources that are processed into finished information products.

    Information can be defined as data that has been converted into a meaningful and useful

    context for specific end users.

    Data is usually not useful until subjected to a "Value added" process where

    (i) Its form is aggregated, manipulated and organised.(ii) Its content is analysed and evaluated.

    (iii) It is placed in a proper context for a human user.

    Information is processed data, placed in a context that gives it value for specific end users.


    To understand the nature of information and exactly what it is, you must first understand another

    term-data. Data are raw facts that describe a particular phenomenon. For example, the current

    temperature, price of a movie rental, and your age are all data. Information then is simply data

    that have a particular meaning within a specific context. For example, if you're trying to decide

    what to wear, the current temperature is information because it's pertinent to your decision at

    hand (what to wear); the price of a movie rental, however, is not.

    Information may be data that have been processed in some way or presented in a more

    meaningful fashion. In business, for instance, the price of a movie rental may be information to a

    checkout clerk, but it may represent only data to an accountant who is responsible for

    determining net revenues at the end of the month.

    _________ ___ ___

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    Computer Application in Business Data and Information


    Types of information

    Information serves different purposes. In an organization context,

    information is used for three purposes: strategic, tactical, andoperational. Based on these purposes , information put into threecategories : strategic information , tactical information and operationalinformation.

    Strategic Information

    In an organization strategic level is at the top of managerial hierarchy.At this level , strategic information is required to formulateorganization mission, vision and long term objectives, choosingorganizational strategies, and formulating long term policies to provide

    guidelines for organizational actions. Further information is alsorequired for strategic control which attempts to evaluate whether thestrategies chosen by an organization are being implementedeffectively and the organization is progressing in right direction.

    Tactical information

    In an organization , tactical level as below in the figure is at the middleof managerial hierarchy. At the tactical level chosen strategies are putinto action. For putting these strategies , various strategies tactics are

    formulated. Based on these tactics , various short term plans areformulated and implemented which bring intended results. Tacticalinformation is required for formulating tactics and short term plans.Information for control purpose is also required. Tactical information ismostly generated from internal sources though , in some cases ,information is required from external sources like competitiveinformation, raw material supply sources, etc.

    Operational information

    In an organization , operational level is at the bottom of managerial

    hierarchy. At this level various short term plans formulated at the tacticallevel are implemented, for this purpose, weekly / monthly and day to day plans are

    prepared and put into action. Theses plan are executed by operatives. At this level,

    information is required for immediate actions and ensuring that these actions have beentaken properly . such information is generated from internal sources in the form of data

    related to on-going operations.

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    Computer Application in Business Data and Information


    Informationfor difference level of managers

    Figure : different level of management

    Types of Reports


    Reports are designed to convey and record information that will be ofpractical use to thereader. It is organized into discrete units of specific and highly visibleinformation.

    Records are the significant product of an information system . Differenttypes of reports produced are :

    Scheduled reports Produced periodically, or on a schedule (daily,

    weekly, monthly). A scheduled reports are thereports which are generated ate a predeterminedperiod. This reports are generated by the informationsystem on weekly, monthly or daily basis. Thesereports are generally used by the manager at theoperational level. These reports have a regular

    content and format. For example daily sales report ormonthly performance report of the employees.

    Key-indicator report Summarizes the previous days critical activities Typically available at the beginning of each day. This helps managers taking certain decision which

    require immediate attention. For example

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    Computer Application in Business Data and Information


    Demand report Gives certain information at a managers request.

    These reports are also called ad hoc reports atirregular intervals and require analysis of data whoseformat has not been preplanned.

    Exception report Automatically produced when a situation is unusual

    or requires management action. These reports areproduced when exceptional condition occurs , orreports produced periodically which containinformation only about exceptional conditions. Insome cases , the reports are automaticallygenerated. For example, a report is required to beprinted in advance to state the names of theparticipants of a seminar and the location where aminimum of ten participants are not participating isrequired two week prior to the start of the seminar. Acredit manager is provided with report whichcontains information on customers who exceed theircredit limits. Such exception reporting promotesmanagement by exception.

    Database and Database Management

    The concepts of databases and database management were developed to solve the problems of fileprocessing systems. A database is an integrated collection of logically related records and files. It

    consolidates records previously stored in independent files so that it serves as a common pool of

    data to be accessed by many different application programs. The data solved in a database is

    independent of the computer programs using it and of the type of secondary storage devices on

    which it is stored. 'Database Management' involves the control of how databases are created,

    interrogated and maintained to provide information needed by end users and the organisation.


    (i) A database is a collection of data organised to serve many applications efficiently by

    centralising the data and minimising redundant data.

    (ii) A database is a collection of data organised to service many applications at the same time bystoring and managing data so that they appear to be in one location.

    Database : Data entities

    Entity:Person, place, thing, event about which information is maintained Attribute: Description of a particular entity

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    Key field: Identifier field used to retrieve, update, sort a record


    Data concepts Character :the most logical smallest unit which consist of a single alphabetic,

    numeric or other symbol

    Fieldconsist of a grouping of related characters. For example the grouping ofalphabetic character in a persons name may be a form of a name field (last

    name, first name, middle name) Record is made up of related fields e.g student record or an employee record. File: Group of records of same type

    Database: Group of related files

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    Objective of Database ApproachThey provide a guide to the database requirements process and data modeling. The

    database objectives are:

    (i) Availability - Data should be available for use by applications (both current and future) and byqueries.

    (ii) Share ability -Data items prepared by one application are available to all applications or

    queries. No data items are 'owned' by an application.

    (iii) Evolvability - The database can evolve as application usage and query needs.

    (iu) Data independence - The users of the database establish their view of the data and its structure

    without regard to the actual physical storage of the data.

    (u) Data integrity - The database establishes a uniform high level of accuracy and consistency.Validation rules are applied by the DBMS.

    Database Management Systems DBMS

    When an organisation has a centrally controlled, integrated collection of logically organised

    data, it has a database. If the collection of data does not respond to command and queries from a

    central control point, it is not single database; similarly for the part of the definition that calls for

    integration. The various pieces of data within the database must have some logical connections or

    relationships among themselves for the database to be integrated. Eg: Inventory control and

    production planning data are closely related and when put into one database, are a prime exampleof integration. And finally, logical organisation is required that is, the data elements must be in

    specific places and bear specific relationships to each' other for the collection of data to be a

    substantial database.

    DBMS is a collection of programs that enable users to create and - maintain a database. The

    DBMS is hence a general purpose software system that facilitates the processes of defining,

    constructing and manipulating databases for various applications.

    Defining database involves specifying the data type structures and constraints for the data to

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    Computer Application in Business Data and Information

    ________________________________________________________________________be stored in the database. Constructing the database is the process of storing the database itself on

    the storage medium that is controlled by DBMS. Manipulating includes such functions as

    merging the database to reflect changes in the miniworld and generating reports from the data.

    The concept of a database is that data needs to be managed in order to be available for

    processing and have appropriate quality. This data management includes both software and

    organisation, the software to create and manage a data base is a database management system.This system, or set of rules and methods, allows for the definition, creation, updating, reading,

    maintenance and protection of the database. In short, this system is a database management

    system (DBMS).

    DBMS consists of a collection of inter-related data and a set of programs to access that

    data. The collection data is usually referred to as database which contains information about one

    particular enterprise. The primary goal of a DBMS is to provide an environment that is both

    convenient and efficient to use in retrieving and storing database information. The DBMS is the

    interface between the user of application programs on one hand and the database on the other.


    A DBMS provides a secure and survivable medium for the storage and retrieval of data.If the users and applications do not share data among themselves and if the longevity of the data

    is only till the end of the process or application that created it, then there is not much need for a

    DBMS. But in real world, the data is shared and is persistent (that is, the data has a life beyond

    the boundaries of the programs and applications that created it). Also, the real world data have a

    structure. It is related to one another and has constraints. These features are well represented and

    can be efficiently managed using a DBMS. Also, the different users of the data need to

    create, access and

    manipulate the data. The DBMS provides mechanisms to achieve these objectives without

    compromising the security and integrity of the data. Therefore, if the data is shared, if it is

    persistent, if the users want it be secure and easy to access and manipulate, then use of a database

    management system is the best available alternative


    Objectives of DBMS

    The objectives that the management should keep in mind when they design and organize their

    data base management systems are:

    (i) Provide for mass storage of relevant data,

    (ii) Make access to the data easy for the user,

    (iii) Provide prompt response to user requests for data,

    (iv) Make the latest modifications to the database available immediately,

    (v) Eliminate redundant data,(vi) Allow for multiple users to be active at one time,

    (vii) Allow for growth in the database system,

    (viii) Protect the data from physical harm and unauthorised access.

    The Data Base Management System (DBMS) is a set of computer programs that control

    the creation, maintenance and use of the databases of an organisation and its end users. DBMS

    packages are available for micro, mini and mainframe computer systems.

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    Concept of DBMS

    Components of DBMS

    The following are the five components of a DBMS


    Can range from a PC to a network of computers.


    DBMS, operating system, network software (if necessary) and also the

    application programs.


    It maintains , manipulate and organisethe entire database of the



    Instructions and rules that should be applied to the design and use of the

    database and DBMS. The set of rules and relationship that defines and

    governs the interaction among element of the database.


    At least one person who owns and is responsible for the database.

    Includes database designers, DBAs, application programmers, and end-users

    Data Warehousing

    Definition of a Data Warehouse

    A data warehouse is a collection of computerised data that is organised to most optimallysupport reporting and analysis activity.

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    Computer Application in Business Data and Information


    History of data warehousingData Warehouses became a distinct type ofcomputerdatabase during the late 1980's and early


    They developed to meet a growing demand for management information and analysis that could

    not be met by operational systems.

    Components of a data warehouse

    Components in detail:

    Data Sources

    sources refers to any electronic repository of information that contains data of interest for

    management use or analytics. This definition covers mainframedatabases (eg IBM DB2,

    ISAM,etc.),client-serverdatabases (eg Oracle database.), PC databases (eg Microsoft Access),

    spreadsheets (eg Microsoft Excel) and any other electronic store of data.

    Data needs to be passed from these systems to the data warehouse either on a transaction-by-

    transaction basis for real-time data warehouses or on a regular cycle (e.g. daily or weekly) for

    offline data warehouses.

    Data Transformation

    The Data Transformation layer receives data from the data sources, cleans and standardizes it,

    and loads it into the data repository.

    Advantages of Data Warehousing

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    Computer Application in Business Data and Information

    ________________________________________________________________________There are many advantages to using a data warehouse, some of them are:

    Enhances end-user access to a wide variety of data.

    Increases data consistency.

    Increase productivity and decrease computing costs.

    Is able to combine data from different sources, in one place.

    It provides an infrastructure that could support changes to data and replication of the changeddata back into the operational systems.

    Data MiningData Mining Definition

    Mining simply means extraction. It is a computer assisted process of extraction of meaningful

    data from enormous sets of data to predict future trends and to do analysis. It is a process

    establishing hidden relationship and patterns and thereafter predicting future trends.

    Need For Data Mining

    Widespread Deployment of High-Volume Transactional Systems

    Information as a Key Corporate Asset

    Widespread Availability of Scalable Information Technology.

    Application Areas

    Banking & Insurance: Detect fraud, assist in risk assessment.

    Medicine :Predict effectiveness of procedure or medicine.

    Pharmaceutical :Guide research for new treatment (info on chemical compounds &genetic


    Retailers Assess effectiveness of product selection, direct marketing

    Transport Logistics ManagementGovernment Assess crime patterns, predict demographic changes, etc.

    Future Of Data Mining

    Short Term - The results of data mining will be in profitable. Micro-marketing campaigns will

    explore new niches. Advertising will target potential customers with new precision.

    Medium Term - data mining may be as common and easy to use as e-mail. We may use these

    tools to find the best airfare to New York, root out a phone number of a long-lost classmate,


    Long Term DM scope would increase to the extent that Computers may reveal new treatments

    for diseases or new insights into the nature of the universe, etc.


    Although data mining can help reveal patterns and relationships, it does not tell the user the value

    or significance of these patterns. These types of determinations must be made by the user.

    While data mining can identify connections between behaviors and/or variables, it does not

    necessarily identify a causal relationship

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    Dangers of Data Mining

    With every move of every person being recorded the major danger of data mining will be that

    every person will have access to all the data about every other person.

    Data Mart

    A data mart is a repository of data gathered from operational data and other sources that

    is designed to serve a particular community of knowledge workers. In scope, the data may derive

    from an enterprise-wide database or data warehouse or be more specialized. The emphasis of adata mart is on meeting the specific demands of a particular group of knowledge users in terms of

    analysis, content, presentation, and ease-of-use. Users of a data mart can expect to have data

    presented in terms that are familiar.

    In practice, the terms data mart and data warehouse each tend to imply the presence ofthe other in some form. However, most writers using the term seem to agree that the design of a

    data mart tends to start from an analysis of user needs and that a data warehouse tends to start

    from an analysis of what data already exists and how it can be collected in such a way that thedata can later be used. A data warehouse is a central aggregation of data (which can be distributed

    physically); a data mart is a data repository that may derive from a data warehouse or not and that

    emphasizes ease of access and usability for a particular designed purpose. In general, a data

    warehouse tends to be a strategic but somewhat unfinished concept; a data mart tends to be

    tactical and aimed at meeting an immediate need.

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