computational models for imaging analyses

Computational models for imaging analyses Zurich SPM Course February 14, 2014 Christoph Mathys

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Computational models for imaging analyses. Zurich SPM Course February 14, 2014 Christoph Mathys. What the brain is about. What do our imaging methods measure? Brain activity. But when does the brain become active? When predictions have to be adjusted. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Computational models for imaging analyses

Computational models for imaging analyses

Zurich SPM Course

February 14, 2014

Christoph Mathys

Page 2: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

What the brain is about

• What do our imaging methods measure?

• Brain activity.

• But when does the brain become active?

• When predictions have to be adjusted.

•So where do the brain’s predictions come from?

• From a model.

Feb 14, 2014 Page 2

Page 3: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

What does this mean for neuroimaging?

If brain activity reflects model updating, we need to

understand what model is updated in what way to

make sense of brain activity.

Feb 14, 2014 Page 3

Page 4: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

The Bayesian brain and predictive coding

Model-based prediction updating is described by Bayes’ theorem.

the Bayesian brain

This is implemented by predictive coding.

Feb 14, 2014 Page 4

Hermann von Helmholtz

Page 5: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Advantages of model-based imaging

Model-based imaging permits us

• to infer the computational (predictive) mechanisms underlying neuronal activity.

• to localize such mechanisms.

• to compare different models.

Feb 14, 2014 Page 5

Page 6: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

How to build a model

Feb 14, 2014 Page 6

𝑢 𝑥Sensory input Hidden states


Inference based onprediction errors

Fundamental ingredients:

Page 7: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Example of a simple learning modelRescorla-Wagner learning:

Page 7

Previous value (prediction)

Learning rate

Prediction error ()

New inputInferred value of

𝜇(𝑘)=𝜇(𝑘−1)+𝛼 (𝑢(𝑘)−𝜇(𝑘−1))

Feb 14, 2014

𝜇(𝑘−1) 𝜇(𝑘) 𝑢(𝑘)


Page 8: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

From perception to action

Feb 14, 2014 Page 8

𝜇 𝑥

Sensory input

Truehidden states

Inferredhidden states





Generative process

Inversion of perceptualgenerative model

Decision model

Page 9: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

From perception to action

• In behavioral tasks, we observe actions ().

• How do we use them to infer beliefs ()?

• We introduce a decision model.

Feb 14, 2014 Page 9

𝜇 𝑥

Sensory input

Truehidden states

Inferredhidden states





Page 10: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Example of a simple decision model

• Say 3 options A, B, and C have values , , and .

• Then we can translate these values into action probabilities via a

«softmax» function:

• The parameter determines the sensitivity to value differences

Feb 14, 2014 Page 10

𝛽=0.1 𝛽=0.6

Page 11: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

All the necessary ingredients

• Perceptual model (updates based on prediction errors)

• Value function (inferred state -> action value)

• Decision model (value -> action probability)

Feb 14, 2014 Page 11

Page 12: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Reinforcement learning example (O’Doherty et al., 2003)

Feb 14, 2014 Page 12

O’Doherty et al. (2003), Gläscher et al. (2010)

Page 13: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Reinforcement learning example

Feb 14, 2014 Page 13

O’Doherty et al. (2003)

Significant effects of prediction error with fixed learning rate

Page 14: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Bayesian models for the Bayesian brain

Page 14Feb 14, 2014

• Includes uncertainty about hidden states.

• I.e., beliefs have precisions.

• But how can we make them computationally tractable?

𝜇 𝑥

Sensory input

Truehidden states

Inferredhidden states





Page 15: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

State of the world Model


of tendency

Gaussian random walk with constant step size ϑ

p(x3(k)) ~ N(x3



towards category “1”

Gaussian random walk with step size exp(κx3+ω)

p(x2(k)) ~ N(x2

(k-1), exp(κx3+ω))

Stimulus categoryx1

(“0” or “1”)

Sigmoid trans-formation of x2

p(x1=1) = s(x2)p(x1=0) = 1-s(x2)






𝜅 ,𝜔











The hierarchical Gaussian filter (HGF): a computationally tractable model for individual learning under uncertainty

Feb 14, 2014 Page 15

Page 16: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Δ𝜇𝑖∝�̂� 𝑖−1


• Inversion proceeds by introducing a mean field approximation and fitting quadratic approximations to the resulting variational energies (Mathys et al., 2011).

• This leads to simple one-step update equations for the sufficient statistics (mean and precision) of the approximate Gaussian posteriors of the states .

• The updates of the means have the same structure as value updates in Rescorla-Wagner learning:

• Furthermore, the updates are precision-weighted prediction errors.

HGF: variational inversion and update equations

Page 16

Prediction error

Precisions determine learning rate

Feb 14, 2014

Page 17: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

HGF: adaptive learning rate

Feb 14, 2014 Page 17

Simulation: 4.1 ,2.2 ,5.0

Page 18: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Individual model-based regressors

Feb 14, 2014 Page 18

Uncertainty-weighted prediction error

Page 19: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Example: Iglesias et al. (2013)

Feb 14, 2014 Page 19

Page 20: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Example: Iglesias et al. (2013)

Feb 14, 2014 Page 20

Model comparison:

Page 21: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Example: Iglesias et al. (2013)

Feb 14, 2014 Page 21

Page 22: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Example: Iglesias et al. (2013)

Feb 14, 2014 Page 22

Page 23: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Example: Iglesias et al. (2013)

Feb 14, 2014 Page 23

Page 24: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

How to estimate and compare models:the HGF Toolbox

Feb 14, 2014 Page 24

• Available at

• Start with README and tutorial there

• Modular, extensible

• Matlab-based

Page 25: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

How it’s done in SPM

Feb 14, 2014 Page 25

Page 26: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

How it’s done in SPM

Feb 14, 2014 Page 26

Page 27: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

How it’s done in SPM

Feb 14, 2014 Page 27

Page 28: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

How it’s done in SPM

Feb 14, 2014 Page 30

Page 29: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

How it’s done in SPM

Feb 14, 2014 Page 31

Page 30: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Take home

Feb 14, 2014 Page 32

• The brain is an organ whose job is prediction.

• To make its predictions, it needs a model.

• Model-based imaging infers the model at work in the brain.

• It enables inference on mechanisms, localization of mechanisms, and model comparison.

𝜇 𝑥

Sensory input

Truehidden states

Inferredhidden states





Page 31: Computational models for imaging analyses

Model-based imaging, Zurich SPM Course, Christoph Mathys

Thank you

Feb 14, 2014 Page 33