computational dynamics edited

COMPUTATIONAL DYNAMICS Jesan Morales ME 195 Supervised by Dr. Goyal University of California Merced Dec 22 2013

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Jesan MoralesME 195

Supervised by Dr. GoyalUniversity of California Merced

Dec 22 2013

Page 2: Computational Dynamics edited

Pendulum problem• Forward Euler Method • Simulink• Linear Statespace • Backward Euler • Newton methodParticle problem• Euler methods• Newton method• Non-linear Statespace• Generalized Alpha methodStatic Rod Model


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Pendulum problem

�̈�=−𝑔𝐿 sin (𝜃)

𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Ѳ

Figure 1. Pendulum.

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Forward Euler Method

𝑦 𝑖+1=𝑦 𝑖+ �̇� 𝑖h

�̇� 𝑖+1= �̇� 𝑖+ �̈� 𝑖h

Graph 1…


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Step size

• The step size h was increased to h=0.002 Smoother and no speed loss

Graph 2…

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Figure 2. Simulink model.

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Simulink Statespace

[ �̇�1�̇�2]=[ 0 1−𝑔𝑙 0 ] [𝑥1𝑥2]+[00][𝑢1𝑢2]


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Comparing error with different methodshold on• plot(time,theta,'r'); >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> euler• plot(timesimulink,pendulumsimulink,'g');>>>> Simulink• plot(time,real,'b');>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by hand• plot(timesimulink,Statespace,‘dot'); >>>>>>> state space

Graph 4. Method Comparison Graph 5. Method comparison (close-up)

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Particle problem• A particle is traveling with an acceleration described with this

non-linear second order differential equation = The initial conditions of (0) = 0 and y(0)=0.2 are given

• Find the position of the particle at any given time t

Figure 3.

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Graph 6.Damping.

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• Critical damping (ζ = 1)

• Over-damping (ζ > 1)

• Under-damping (0 ≤ ζ < 1)


• Under-damped}

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Graph 7. Underdamped Oscillations.

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Forward Euler Method

Image 4. Forward Euler Method

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Forward Euler MethodResults : h=2

Graph 8. Step 2

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Forward Euler Methodh=1

Graph 9. Step 1

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Results (cont.) h=0.2

Forward Euler Method

Graph 10.Step 0.2

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Results (Cont.) h= 0.02

Forward Euler Method

Graph 11. Step 0.02

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Results (cont.) h= 0 .002

Forward Euler Method

Graph 12. Step 0.002

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Forward Euler MethodResults (cont.) h= 0 .002

Graph 13. Step 0.002 Zoomed-out

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Backwards Euler method

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Backwards Euler Method (cont.)

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Newton Method f(x) = f’(x)=

• Guess a value of Iterate with a tolerance of

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Symbolic vs. Discretize • Symbolic functions

• Takes about 5 minutes

• Anonymous functions• About 20 seconds

• Discretized • Takes a few seconds

Graph 12.

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Non-Linear Statespace

y’’ =( -y’/3 - 8sin(y) +.2)/3

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Euler Statespace

• g(x)==

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Euler Statespace• g’(x)=• g’(x)=

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General Alpha Method

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Euler Statespace

Image 5. Euler Satespace h=.002

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General Alpha Method (cont.)

• =

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Non-Linear Statespace

y’’ =( -y’/3 - 8sin(y) +.2)/3


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General Alpha Method (Cont.)g(x)=


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General Alpha Method (Cont.)

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Newton with General Alpha Method

• h=.001

Image 6.Newton with General Alpha Method

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Magenta = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

Red = (0.3, 0.1, 0.3)

Graph 14. Different .

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General Alpha Method

Graph 15. Generalized Alpha Method


Magenta = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

Red = (0.3, 0.1, 0.3)

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Origin error

Graph 17. Origin Error


Magenta = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

Red = (0.3, 0.1, 0.3)

Is this from the alpha method??
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Magenta = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

Red = (0.3, 0.1, 0.3)

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Magenta = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

Red = (0.3, 0.1, 0.3)

menton what method is and in th esecond heading say that is a zoomed out so is more clear and follows pattern of presentation this would be graph 19... font size 10
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Magenta = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

Red = (0.3, 0.1, 0.3)

label graph and same add heading and subheadingthis wold be graph graph 18... font size 10
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Magenta = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

Red = (0.3, 0.1, 0.3)

label graph and same add heading and subheadingthis wold be graph graph 19... font size 10
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Step h= 0.001


Magenta = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

Red = (0.3, 0.1, 0.3)

label graph and same add heading and subheadingthis wold be graph graph 20... font size 10
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General Alpha methodThe second-order accuracy for the generalized-α method requires

• Unconditionally stable

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General Alpha method

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Forward Euler and Generalized Alpha Method

• If 0

• and

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Forward Euler and Generalized Alpha Method

• If and • Then • Therefore it is not second order accurate

• Since

• Is not true then it is not unconditionally stable

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Backward Euler and Generalized Alpha Method

• If

• and if

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Backward Euler and Generalized Alpha Method

• If and • Then • Therefore it is not second order accurate• If • Then is satisfied and

• Backward Euler is unconditionally stable

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Static Rod Model

• The following equation describe the rod model

• Non-linear differential equations govern the formation of the beam and lead to loop deformation

Image 6.

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• These equation represent the following system• Where s is along the rod• Unshearable and inextensible

Image 7.

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• Internal force along the cross section fixed reference

• Moment vector applied to the cross section

• Curvature third component is twist

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Constitutive Relationship

• These equations show the relationship between the moment and the curvature which will be helpful in solving for the linear and non-linear equations:

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Pure Torsion

Image 8. Pure Torsion

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Pure Moment

Image 9. Pure Moment

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Pure Shear Force

Image 10. Pure Shear Force

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All Applied Equally

Image 11. All applied equally

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Static Rod Model• Here are the step taken to derive the equations.

• Linearized equations about :

X= >>>>>>> =X= >>>>>>> =

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Linear Rod Model=


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Static Rod Model

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Static Rod Model• ,

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Static Rod Model

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Linear Rod Model

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Thank you for your timeAny Questions?