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Page 1: Compte Rendu 58 / 2011 - INC cin · 2014-01-23 · Blasco Ibáñez 28, e-46010 València (españa / Spain) tel. +34 96386 42 42, fax +34 96386 42 42 e-mail:


Compte Rendu 58 / 2011Publié par le Secrétariat du Conseil

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InteRnAtIonALde numISmAtIQue

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tABLe oF ContentS / SommAIRe

CompoSItIon du BuReAu .........................................................5

StAtutS .....................................................................................7

ConStItutIon ...........................................................................9


Slovenian laws regarding coin finds (Alenka Miškec) ..................... 11

Protection of Cultural Heritage in Turkey (Şule Pfeiffer-Taş) .......... 15

LeS GRAndS numISmAteS ...................................................... 22

Jules Silvestre (François Joyaux)

CoLLeCtIonneuRS CeLeBReS ................................................. 27

Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich (Natalya Smirnova)

HIStoIRe deS CoLLeCtIonS numISmAtIQueS et deS

InStItutIonS VoueeS A LA numISmAtIQue

The Coin and Medal Collection of the Gallo-Roman Museum in

Tongeren (Belgium) (Igor Van den Vonder and Guido Creemers) .... 32

The Yale University Collection of Coins and Medals

(William E. Metcalf) .................................................................... 37

meetInG oF tHe CommIttee

(WInteRtHuR, mARCH 31 And ApRIL 1, 2011) ......................... 43

CompteS du ConSeIL ............................................................. 44

memBReS du ConSeIL

Institutions ................................................................................. 61

Membres honoraires ................................................................... 77

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CommIttee / BuReAu

President / Président:Carmen Arnold-BiucchiHarvard Art museum, division of Asian and mediterranean Art, 32 Quincy Street, Cambridge, mA 02138 (uSA) tel. +1 617 496 9274, fax +1 617 495 5211 e-mail: [email protected]

Vice-Presidents / Vice-présidents:Donal J. BatesonCoin Cabinet, Hunterian museum, Glasgow university, Glasgow G12 8QQ (united Kingdom) tel. +44 141 330 4289, fax +44 141 307 8059 e-mail: [email protected]

Benedikt Zächmünzkabinett und Antikensammlung der Stadt Winterthur, Villa Bühler, Lindstrasse 8, postfach, CH-8402 Winterthur (Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera) tel. +41 52 2675146, fax +41 52 2676681 e-mail: [email protected]

Secretary / Secrétaire: Michael Alrammünzkabinett, Kunsthistorisches museum, Burgring 5, A-1010 Wien (Österreich / Austria) tel. +43 1 52524 4201, fax +43 1 52524 4299 e-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer / Trésorier:Tuukka TalvioCoin Cabinet, national museum of Finland, p.o. Box 913, FL–00101 Helsinki (Finland) tel. +358 9 4050 9540, fax +358 9 4050 9437 e-mail: [email protected]

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Officers / Membres du bureau:Maria Caccamo CaltabianoCatedra di numismatica greca e romana, dipartimento di Scienze dell’ Antichità, università degli Studi di messina, polo dell’ Annunziata, I-98168 messina (Italia / Italy) tel. +39 090 3503397, fax +39 090 3503889 e-mail: [email protected]

Sylviane EstiotHISomA, umR 5189 CnRS – Histoire et Sources des mondes antiquesmaison de l’orient et de la méditerranée, 7, rue Raulin, F-69365 Lyon cedex 07 (France) tel. +33 9 63 27 41 19, +33 4 72 71 58 00 e-mail: [email protected]

Pere Pau Ripollèsdepartament de prehistòria i Arqueologia, universitat de València, Blasco Ibáñez 28, e-46010 València (españa / Spain) tel. +34 96386 42 42, fax +34 96386 42 42 e-mail: [email protected]

Bernward ZiegausArchäologische Staatssammlung, Lerchenfeldstrasse 2, d-80538 münchen (deutschland / Germany) tel. +49 89 21124 449, fax +49 89 21124 401 e-mail: [email protected]

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du ConSeIL InteRnAtIonAL de numISmAtIQue (CIn)AdoptéS Le 30 Août 2009 à GLASGoW

Art. 1.

Objet. Le Conseil internationale de numismatique (CIn) a pour mission de promouvoir la numismatique et les sciences qui s’y rapportent en facilitant la coopération entre individus et institutions dans le domaine de la numis-matique et des sciences qui s’y rapportent.

Art. 2.

Membres. Les organismes suivants peuvent devenir membres du CIn:a. les collections numismatiques publiques,b. les universités, les organisations, institutions et sociétés numismatiques

sans caractère commercial (locales, nationales et internationales),c. les Hôtels des monnaies.Les membres sont admis par le Bureau et doivent payer la cotisation annuelle fixée par le Bureau. tout manquement au paiement entraîne l’annulation d’adhésion. L’adhésion prend effet à partir du paiement de la première cotisation.

Art. 3.

Membres honoraires. Lors de ses réunions et sur proposition du Bureau, le CIn peut élire des personnalités comme membres honoraires. Les membres honoraires ne paient pas de cotisation annuelle mais ont les mêmes droits que les membres ordinaires.

Art. 4.

Assemblées. Le CIn doit tenir une assemblée générale lors des congrès in-ternationaux de numismatique qui, en principe, ont lieu tous les six ans. Si aucun congrès international de numismatique n’a lieu dans un délai de sept ans après le dernier congrès, une assemblée sera obligatoirement convoquée sur décision du Bureau. tout membre ordinaire peut désigner un délégué à l’assemblée générale. un délégué ne peut représenter plus de trois membres ordinaires. Les membres qui ne sont pas à jour de cotisation ne peuvent voter. Les membres honoraires ne votent qu’en personne.

Art. 5.

Bureau. Le Bureau de le CIn est composé de neuf membres représentant dans la mesure du possible chacune des catégories citées à l’article 2. Les membres du Bureau sont élus lors de l’assemblée générale. Leur fonction prend fin à l’assemblée générale suivante: ils ne peuvent être réélus qu’une fois. Le Bureau se réunit au moins une fois par an; il s’organise lui-même, c’est-à-dire qu’il élit son président et répartit les autres charges. en cas de mort ou de démisssion d’un membre, le Bureau a le droit de coopter un remplaçant jusqu’à l’assemblée générale.

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Art. 6.

Charges. Les charges du Bureau sont la présidence, les deux vice-prési-dences, le secrétariat, la trésorerie. Les titulaires de ces charges sont élus immédiatement après l’élection du Bureau et exercent leur charge selon les vœux du Bureau. Lors du changement de Bureau, le trésorier reste en charge jusqu’à la fin de l’année civile.

Art. 7.

Fonctions du Bureau. Les fonctions du Bureau comprennent l’admission de nouveaux membres, la préparation et la publication du budget et des comptes, la fixation du montant de la cotisation, la diffusion de l’information aux membres (notamment par le Compte rendu annuel et les newsletters), le patronage de travaux individuels, de publications et de conférences de numismatique, l’organisation du Congrès international et toute autre activité relative, selon lui, aux objectifs du CIn.

Art. 8.

Finances. Les dépenses d’administration et de publication sont couvertes par les cotisations annuelles, les dons, les legs, et d’éventuelles subventions.

Art. 9.

Siège. Le siège du CIn se trouve au bureau du président.

Art. 10.

Modifications des statuts. toute modification des statuts doit être approuvée à la majorité des deux tiers des votes exprimés à l’assemblée générale. toute proposition de modification doit être signifiée aux membres, par écrit, au moins trois mois avant l’assemblée.

Art. 11.

Dissolution. Le CIn peut être dissoute par la majorité des votes exprimés à l’assemblée générale.

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oF tHe InteRnAtIonAL numISmAtIC CounCIL (InC)Adopted on AuGuSt 30, 2009 In GLASGoW

Art. 1.

Purpose. the purpose of the InC is to promote numismatics and related disciplines by facilitating cooperation among individuals and institutions in the field of numismatics and related disciplines.

Art. 2.

Membership. the following organisations may become members of the InC: a. public numismatic collections,b. universities, non-commercial numismatic organisations, institutions

and societies (local, national and international),c. mints.members shall be admitted by the Committee and shall pay an annual subscription determined by the Committee. Failure to pay the subscription shall terminate membership. membership will commence from the date of payment of the first annual subscription.

Art. 3.

Honorary members. the InC can elect individuals as honorary members at its meetings on proposal of the Committee. Honorary members do not pay the annual subscription but have the same rights as ordinary members.

Art. 4.

Meetings. the InC must hold a General meeting at each International nu-mismatic Congress, which in principle should take place every six years. If there is no International numismatic Congress within seven years after the last congress, a meeting must be organized on a different occasion to be fixed by the Committee. each ordinary member may designate one voting delegate to the General meeting. A delegate may not represent more than three ordinary members. members who have not paid their subscription may not vote. Honorary members may vote only in person.

Art. 5.

Committee. the Committee of the InC consists of nine members if possible including representatives of each of the categories in article 2. the Com-mittee members shall be elected at the General meeting. their term ends at the next General meeting; they can be re-elected only once. the Committee shall meet at least annually. the Committee constitutes itself, i.e. it elects the

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president and distributes other offices. In the event of death or resignation of a member, the Committee shall have the right to co-opt a replacement until the General meeting.

Art. 6.

Officers. the officers of the InC shall be the president, two Vice-presidents, the Secretary, the treasurer. these officers shall be elected immediately after the election of the Committee and shall serve at the pleasure of the Committee. When the Committee changes, the treasurer will remain in office until the end of the calendar year.

Art. 7.

Duties of the Committee. the duties of the Committee shall include admit-ting new members; preparing and publishing a budget and fixing the sub-scription; disseminating information among the membership (particularly through the annual report, in the Compterendu, and newsletters); extending patronage to particular projects, publications and conferences, organising the International numismatic Congress and all other activities consistent, in the opinion of the Committee, with the purpose of the InC.

Art. 8.

Finance. the expenses of administration and publications are covered, by annual subscriptions, by gifts, by legacies and grants.

Art. 9.

Seat. the seat of the InC is the office of the president.

Art. 10.

Change of Constitution. the constitution may be changed by a two thirds majority of the votes cast at the General meeting. notice of proposed changes must be given to the members in writing at least three months prior to the meeting.

Art. 11.

Dissolution. the InC may be dissolved by a majority of two thirds of the votes cast at the General meeting.

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Alenka Miškec


the Cultural Heritage protection Act (official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 16/2008; further referred to as “CHpA”) came into force on march 1, 2008. the act regulates the methods of cultural heritage protection and the related competences for integrated heritage conservation.

the act is very clear on the subject of archaeological objects or remains, including coins. the first paragraph of Article 6 states that all portable ar-chaeological finds or remains, found by any person on or under the surface of the ground, or under water, are state property. Article 3 provides defini-tions of the terms “archaeological find” and “archaeological remain”. An archaeological find is a portable archaeological remain that has been under the ground or under water for at least 100 years. “Archaeological remain” is a wider term that includes all items and any evidence of human activity from past periods. Article 32, paragraph (1) states that searching for archaeologi-cal remains may be carried out only by persons with professional training for carrying out archaeological research and who have obtained permission from the Institute for the protection of the Cultural Heritage1 (further re-ferred to as “Institute”); the use of coin detectors and other technical means is allowed under the same conditions. the second paragraph of the same article provides that coin detector dealers are obliged to inform purchasers that it is prohibited to use them for acquiring archaeological remains. the first paragraph of Articles 26 states that anyone, who accidentally finds an archaeological remain on or under the surface of the ground, or under water, is obliged to ensure that the find is not damaged. the finder must inform the Institute on the find not later than the following working day. this obliga-tion extends to the finder, the land’s owner, other persons entitled to the land by the property law, and the investor or works supervisor in the case of construction works. the penalties stipulated in the CHpA refer exclusively to violations. A person, who does not inform the competent authorities on the find of an archaeological item, will be liable to a penalty of 1,000 to 4,000 euR. A person who uses a coin detector or other technical means for finding archaeological objects will be fined with a penalty of 2,000 to 4,000 euR.

1 the mission of the Institute for the protection of the Cultural Heritage is to provide public service, including diverse administrative and professional tasks in the field of immovable heritage protection and the protection of the movable and living heritage related to it.

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According to the penal Code, Article 219, paragraph 1, damaging or de-stroying things that are of special cultural importance or natural value is a criminal offence and punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment.

However, these provisions are not new since all laws regulating cultural heritage protection after the Second World War – during the period of the Federative people’s Republic of Yugoslavia (until 1963) and that of the So-cialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (until 1991) – similarly provided that archaeological objects found on or under the surface of the ground, or under water, were state property (for instance, after the establishment of socialism, were part of what was called “social ownership”).2 the Republic of Slovenia, established as an independent state in 1991, adopted its first act regulating the protection of the cultural heritage in early 1999; its Article 58 provided that anybody, who finds an object of presumed heritage on or under the surface of the ground, or under water, is obliged to notify the Institute, because the object is state property.

the act specifically regulated the trade in cultural heritage. the first para-graph of article 45 of the CHpA provides that persons who trade in cultural heritage, which belongs to a category of heritage from the list3, must be reg-istered in the Register of traders that is kept by the ministry of Culture. the aim of keeping this register is to gather accurate information on the trade in cultural heritage in order to prevent unlawful trade. every trader must keep evidence of his purchases and sales and other transactions involving cultural heritage. In his registers he shall enter the data on the origin of the heritage, a description and the selling price, the data on the owner or proprietor, and those on the purchaser of heritage. the register’s aim is to ensure traceability of heritage objects, which are sold, to prevent unlawful activities involving them.

Concerning the origin of cultural objects, the Republic of Slovenia is bound by the eu’s legislation, including Council Regulation (eeC) no. 116/2009 of december 18, 2008 on the export of cultural goods. the regulations define national treasures as movables which belong to one of the categories of heritage defined in Annex I to the regulation; their removal or export from the Republic of Slovenia is limited due to their importance and measures are provided for their trade and conservation.

2 the first post-war act from 1948 had a similar provision regulating the protection of cultural and natural monuments in Article 9, the 1958 act in Article 12, and the 1981 Act in Article 53.

3 the list of categories of heritage is determined by the ministry of Culture (CHpA, Article 9, paragraph 7).

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Article 135 of the CHpA was undoubtedly a great novelty: it requires any person, who on the day the act enters into force (march 1st, 2008) is in pos-session of an archaeological find without a certificate of origin, to notify a national or authorised museum on the find within one year. the act indeed provides in Article 53 that any person who keeps an archaeological find or a collection of such finds shall possess a certificate of origin thereof. the notified museum shall issue a certificate of origin including instructions for storage. If the museum establishes that the archaeological find or col-lection is of local or national importance, it must then prepare a proposal to declare the find or collection a portable monument of local or national importance. Article 127, first paragraph, provides that any person who keeps archaeological finds without a certificate of origin is liable to be fined with a penalty of 400 to 1,200 euR. In this way the legislators wanted to legalise all archaeological objects acquired unlawfully in the territory of Slovenia. to explain possible doubts concerning the act and Article 127, the ministry issued a folder entitled “Reporting archaeological finds in private storage4” in June 2008. the folder explicitly mentions old coins, weapons, and tools as archaeological finds.

the provision caused quite a stir among amateur numismatists. the act indeed obliged every collector, who had coins or a collection of coins older than 100 years and who had no specific certificate of their origin5, to report these items. A particular dilemma was how to consider coins a collector had acquired through exchange, since he would have no certificate of origin in these cases. Another objection or principal criticism was that the pro-posals to declare collections portable monuments of national importance would amount to nationalisation of private collections6. Collectors among others raised the question whether, for instance, every ordinary bronze coin of emperor Constantine, minted in Constantinople in 330, excavated somewhere in europe 30 years ago, and which is found on the market in thousands of quite similar quality, matches the act’s definition of heritage or even archaeological find that has to be reported. A collector who has no certificate of its origin would indeed have great difficulties in proving that the find did not originate from unlawful archaeological searches somewhere in the territory of Slovenia.

4 the ministry of Culture indeed ran an advertisement campaign in the media and with jumbo posters, informing the citizens on the option to report archaeological finds

5 A later interpretation issued by the ministry of Culture listed as proof of origin among others certificates of heirship, import permissions, various documents like testaments, contracts, invoices, copies from the register of sales traders are obliged to keep, ex-perts opinions, statements by previous owners or other witnesses, and other forms of documentation – photographs or other pictures, publications, and the like.

6 urban mate, Problematika novega ZVKD-1 in njegovega izvajanja s stališča zbiralcev in muzejskih delavcev, Zborovanje Slovenskega muzejskega društva, Bovec, 1.– 3. 10. 2009, Ljubljana, Slovensko muzejsko društvo 2009, 21– 29.

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Because of these dilemmas, the numismatic Association of Slovenia, joined by private persons, filed a written requisition with the Constitutional Court on december 19, 2008, asking the court to consider the conformity of sev-eral provisions from the CHpA with the Constitution. In its decision (u-I-297/08), issued on April 7, 2011, the Constitutional Court stated that “the first paragraph of Article 6, Article 53, the tenth indent of the first paragraph of Article 127, and Article 135 of the CHPA are not in conformity with the Constitution.” the Constitutional Court criticised the legislator because “the first paragraph of Article 6 of the CHPA is not conform with the Constitution, given that to declare a portable archaeological remain or archaeological find – which is merely assumed to have the properties of archaeological cultural heritage – state property, conflicts with the right provided in Article 33 of the Constitution7. Immovables and movables do not become cultural heritage all by themselves, but through man’s or society’s awareness and assessment. Item 3 of Article 3 of the CHPA indeed states that only professionally assessed and registered archaeological remains become cultural heritage. Objects which following professional examination cannot be considered cultural heritage will therefore be returned to their owner. However, this does not mean that in the sense of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the CHPA an archaeologi-cal remain becomes state property as soon as it is found.” Concerning the controversial Article 135, the Constitutional Court wrote that “the legislator obviously acted on the basis of the awareness that individual objects, which based on the regulations valid before the CHPA came into force, should be part of the archaeological cultural heritage, were acquired unlawfully. However, by using the term “archaeological find” the act also included objects which could not be included in it, either because the owner legitimately had them in private ownership, or because it not possible to retrogressively consider them archaeological finds.”

However, the Constitutional Court added that the contents of the first para-graph of Article 6, Article 53, the tenth indent of the first paragraph of Article 127, and Article 135 of the CHpA were of such nature that “they cannot be repealed. Their repeal would mean that cultural heritage objects would no longer be state property, and it would also mean to repeal the provisions in the specific sense(s) which cannot be declared to be in conflict with the Constitu-tion.” the Constitutional Court therefore established only that they were unlawful and set a deadline for the legislator to remedy the inconformity.

the Constitutional Court ordered the national Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia to remedy the established inconformity within a period of one year after the publication of this decision in the official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia; considering that the decision of the Constitutional Court was published on April 22, 2011, the one-year deadline expires on April 22, 2012.

7 Article 33 guarantees the right to private property and inheritance.


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Şule Pfeiffer-TaŞ

pRoteCtIon oF CuLtuRAL HeRItAGe In tuRKeY

the history of turkish Cultural Heritage protection officially started with the introduction of ‘Asar-ı Atika nizamnamesi’ in 1874. With this regulation, taking goods having historical and cultural value outside of the imperial borders was prohibited and articles pertaining to archeological excavations were introduced. the regulation of 1874 is considered to be a very important protection step and also had a power-limiting effect on the Sultan; yet the distribution in three thirds of the objects from the archeological excavations specified by the article 3: the first part to the excavator, the second to the land owner and the third to the state aroused severe objections at the time. Attempt to modify this regulation on 8 February 1875 failed.

on 21 February 1884, a new regulation was introduced. It stipulated that antiquities were state property and could not be taken abroad, except under special terms.

Some minor changes were made on 23 April 1906 in some articles of this regulation effective for the years after its introduction, and it was used for nearly half a century during the Republican period. It became a basis for today’s law no. 2863 on the protection of cultural and natural heritage.

this regulation did not specify in detail the protection of immovable proper-ties, so an amendement was proposed, the ‘muhafaza-i Abidat nizamnamesi’ bearing the date 28 July 1912.

After the foundation of the turkish Republic following the collapse of the ottoman empire, the constitutions of 1921 and 1924, said that until new laws were introduced, the ones of the ottoman period would remain in effect. In 1951, in addition to these laws, which were still in effect, the High Council of Immovable monuments and Antiquities was founded.

the protection of antiquities was re-arranged by the law on Antiquities no. 1710 introduced in 1973. today the protection and enforcement of natural Heritage is specified under law no. 2863.

the goal of this law adopted on 21 July 1983 is to determine the tasks, ap-plications and legal regulations by establishing definitions of movable and immovable cultural and natural property to be protected.

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the definition of cultural assets identified in this article is determined in article 1 (Var. 14/7/2004 – 5226/1 art.): “Artifacts and monuments from prehistoric and historic periods of science, culture, religion and fine arts, or history in the pre-historic periods, or have been the subject of scientific and cultural aspects of social life with the original value above ground, underground or under water all the movable and immovable assets”.

the protected areas where this property is located have been taken under the protection of article 3 and “site, is a product of the different civilizations from prehistory to the present day, owing to the social, economic, and architectural features that reflect the city and the ruins of the city, where the social life of the cultural property was subject to intense scrutiny or important historical events took place and the determination made of the natural features of these areas to be protected”.

Article 4 brings forth the obligation of informing the local administrator, the village headman or the nearest museum directorship at the latest within three days, in the case of being made aware or just informed of the presence of these assets. the duties and responsibilities of the relevant authorities for the next step in this matter have also been determined in the same article.

Another important matter is related to the subject of property. As stated clearly in article 5, “state, public institutions and organizations and the private law of the immovable property owned by real and legal persons subject to the provisions of the immovables which are known to occur or will occur in the future, movable and immovable cultural and natural property to be protected are owned by the state”.

movable cultural and natural assets to be protected have been identified in article 23, according to which they are defined in clause A (Var. 17/6/1987 – 3386/9 art.) as including documents belonging to geological, prehistoric and historical periods pertaining to geology, anthropology, prehistory, ar-cheology and art history and the social, cultural, technical, and scientific features that reflect the level of cultural and natural assets of all kinds. In addition, each species of animal and plant fossil, human skeletons and small finds, metal objects, pictures, books, documents, medals, coins, equipment and tools are also considered assets to be protected.

one important detail in terms of coins under this article is described as follows: only the coins from the time of the ottoman sultans, Abdülmecit, Abdülaziz, V.murat, II.Abdülhamit, V.mehmet Reşat and Vahidettin accord-ing to this law are not subject to registration and can be traded within the country. It is emphasized that all other coins apart from these are subject to the general provisions of the same act.


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Among the movable cultural properties that should be kept, are some docu-ments and objects belonging to the national Independence War and to the Foundation of the turkish Republic, some items, documents, books and writ-ings and some other movable things belonging to mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

Cultural assets of ethnographic value stated in article 23 can be purchased, sold and transferred within the country, and the details regarding them are set by the regulations.

Similarly, the cultural movable properties belonging to the national In-dependence War and to the History of the turkish Republic and Atatürk, can also be purchased by official institutions. However, regardless of the purpose, the artifacts that will be taken abroad, will be checked by expert staff at the museums affiliated to the ministry, and at some customs gates. After the control, provided that the pieces that cannot be taken abroad are identified and evaluated within the country, they can be given back to their owners. the state has preferential right to the pieces that can be purchased and sold under this regulation.

Article 24 (Change: 17/6/1987-3386/10) states that cultural and natural properties that must be protected must be kept in museums, and that these properties need to be protected and evaluated by the government. Accord-ing to the same regulation, the fact that the pieces in the possession of real and legal persons can be bought by the ministry, has been emphasized.

Article 25 states that the cultural properties must be protected in the muse-ums. the regulations related to museums, private museums and collectors are defined in article 26. only if museums set up by real and legal persons are restricted to the subjects defined by the ministry of Culture and tour-ism, can they keep and display those movable cultural properties, and those museums are also subject to the same obligation in terms of protecting mov-able cultural properties. the purpose, the duty, management conditions, supervision and inspection of these museums are set by the regulations.

Real and legal persons can create collections composed of cultural proper-ties for which permission must be obtained from the ministry of Culture and tourism. However, collectors have to report all their activities to the ministry of Culture and tourism, and also have to keep a record of the mov-able cultural properties in the inventory in accordance with the regulation.

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Necessity to notify

public entities and organizations including municipalities and private prov-ince administrations, foundations, real and legal persons shall be liable to notify the State museums, of the properties and goods to be sold, or of the movable cultural and natural assets and collections to be offered for sale at public auctions, according to article 30. the ministry of Culture and tourism may purchase collections of cultural and natural assets at a price to be established by the committee to be formed. the ones that have been transferred to the treasury and are deemed necessary to be included in museum collections are transferred to the ministry of Culture and tourism, according to the provisions of regulation of State properties. In such cases, cultural assets and weapons and military materials, collections of military history shall be made public and displayed to the General Staff. those cultural assets deemed necessary to be transferred to the treasury and in-cluded in military museums collections shall be transferred to the ministry of defence according to the provisions of regulations on State properties.

Restriction on shipping abroad

Article 32 clearly stipulates that the movable cultural and natural assets required to be protected in the country cannot be shipped to foreign coun-tries. this article only permits temporary exhibition of works of art abroad when deemed appropriate for the interest of the country, provided that they are returned to the country after exhibition, and such permission is subject to the Resolution of the Cabinet ministers to be taken upon the recommendation of a scientific committee to be composed of chairpersons from Archeology and Art history departments, from institutes of higher education to be appointed by the ministry of Culture and tourism and upon the recommendation of the ministry of Culture and tourism. the terms and conditions regarding this matter shall be specified under regulations to be established jointly by the ministry of Culture and tourism, the ministry of national defence and the ministry of Foreign Affairs. Shipping cultural assets from foreign countries is allowed under article 33.

Article 35 of the same law stipulates the requirements to obtain a permit for exploration, drilling and excavation. the right to explore, drill and exca-vate solely belongs to the ministry of Culture and tourism. the exploration permit to turkish and foreign missions and institutions whose scientific and financial competence have been established and accepted by the ministry


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of Culture and tourism shall be issued by the ministry of Culture and tour-ism, while a permit to drill and excavate shall be issued by the resolution of Cabinet ministers upon the recommendation of the ministry of Culture and tourism. the entities responsible for the works, and other details such as duties etc. have been specified under this article. the same article also stipulates the provisions about the regions where the underwater cultural and natural assets are required to be protected. diving for sport purposes in such regions specified by the ministry of Culture and tourism and published under the resolution of Cabinet ministers is forbidden.

Articles 36–49 include other provisions for excavations. Article 41 is about the objects found in excavations, and according to that article, all movable cultural and natural properties that have come to light in excavations have to be transported to a national museum and shown to the ministry of Culture and tourism after the excavations are carried out each year. Institutional arrangements are also specified in this Article.

According to the regulation in article 50, citizens of the Republic of turkey who want to search for treasure, can be given treasure hunt certificates except in places specified in Article 6 of this act as immovable cultural and natural property to be protected and identified; registered and protected areas and cemeteries. However, the same person is not allowed to search in more than one location at the same time, and permission is not transferable to someone else. Another person cannot be delegated for the job. It is also obligatory to specify the date under the supervision of the security officers and concerned museum. other requirements on this issue are determined in this article, too.

the sixth part of the act pertains to rewards and fines. Rewards to finders of cultural properties are specified in article 64, as well as conditions of the regulation. moreover these conditions and the amount of the penalty will be determined by the Culture and tourism ministry.

Article 67 (change: 23/1/2008-5728/410 art.) includes regulations for those who act contrary to the responsibility to report finds and who violate the trade of cultural property. Accordingly:

those who violate the notification obligation on cultural and natural proper-ties without an excuse and on purpose shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.


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those who expose non-declared cultural and natural properties, sell, give, purchase or receive such properties, shall be punished with imprisonment from two to five years or punished to five thousand days of criminal fine. In this case not punished for the offence defined in the first paragraph.

those who do unauthorized trading of authorized trade of movable cultural properties shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

those who violate the ban on exporting abroad are specified in article 68 (change: 23/1/2008-5728/411 art.). According to this article, those who take the cultural and natural properties abroad in violation of this law shall be punished with imprisonment from five to twelve years and sentenced to five thousand days of criminal fine.

According to article 69 of the same act (different: 23/2008-5728/412) those who object to the control of the offices of the people who trade cultural as-sets, and those who violate the act of transportation of all kinds of cultural and natural properties recovered in excavation under article 41 of the law, are sentenced to six months to one year imprisonment and judicial fine.

Article 70 (different: 23/1/2008-5728/413) regulates the assets subject to private property law. According to this, those who violate article 24 of the act are sentenced to one to three years imprisonment, and to three thousand days of judicial fine.

the punishment for those who violate the rules related to excavation, drilling and exploration is specified in article 71 (different:23/1/2008-5728/414). those who violate article 38, 42 and 43 of the act are sentenced to a judicial fine of no less than one hundred days.

According to article 74 (different: 23/1/2008-5728/416), those who perform excavation and drilling without permission with the aim of finding cultural assets, are sentenced to one to five years imprisonment. those who search for treasures without permission are sentenced to three months to two years imprisonment. If the aim is to smuggle the assets abroad, however, or if the crime is committed by the authorities in charge of the security of the cultural assets, the punishment will be doubled.


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According to article 75 (different: 23/1/2008-5728/417), the seized assets are consigned to the museum.

Metal Detectors

According to the relative article of the malta Act, to which turkey is also a part, the use of metal detectors is subject to permission and scientific pre-research obligation even if it is for archaeological purposes. In all other cases, the use of detectors is prohibited.

the preservation of cultural assets in turkey is established by act number 2863 besides article 63 of the present constitution.

Further Reading

on the website of the ministry of Culture and tourism of Republic of turkey ( under ‘Kültür Varlıkları ve müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü İle İlgili mevzuat’ further information and full text of the law about the Heritage Conservation in turkey is provided.

Ahmet mumcu, Eski Eserler Hukuku ve Türkiye. „Ank. Ün. Hukuk Fak. derg.“ XXVI/3-4 (1970), 45 – 78 and XXVIII/1-2 (1972), 41 – 76.

Hubert d. Szemethy, die erwerbungsgeschichte des Heroons von trysa, ein Kapitel Österreichisch – türkischer Kulturpolitik, mit einem Beitrag von Ş. pfeiffer-taş, Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie Band 9, Wien 2005, with further literature.


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LeS GRAndS numISmAteS

François Joyaux

JuLeS SILVeStRe (1841 – 1918)

Jules Silvestre fut le premier grand spécialiste français de la numismatique extrême-orientale. Sa carrière militaire et administrative s’étant exclusive-ment déroulée en Indochine, c’est surtout à la numismatique vietnamienne que son nom est resté attaché. pourtant, il s’intéressa à presque toutes les monnaies d’extrême-orient : vietnamiennes – on disait alors “anna- mites” – , mais aussi chinoises, japonaises, siamoises ou laotiennes. non seulement il les collectionna avec passion, mais aussi les étudia très sci-entifiquement et publia à leur sujet des travaux qui étaient fort novateurs à l’époque. Incontestablement, il ouvrit la voie à la numismatique française relative aux pays d’extrême-orient.

Rien ne le prédestinait à une telle spécialité. né à Rochefort en 1841, d’un père militaire, il s’était tout naturellement destiné, lui aussi, à la carrière des armes. en 1858 – il n’avait que dix-sept ans – il s’était engagé dans l’infanterie de marine, ce qui l’avait amené à un premier séjour en Cochinch-ine, de 1861 à 1864. dès son deuxième séjour, en 1865 – 1869, devenu officier, il était passé dans l’administration coloniale, à Saïgon. puis les séjours à la colonie s’étaient succédés sans interruption, jusqu’en 1886, date de sa mise à la retraite. Il termina sa carrière en tant que directeur des Affaires civiles et politiques du tonkin, de 1884 à 1886, poste fort important en une période cruciale de la conquête – guerre avec la Chine et protectorat sur le tonkin – qui fit de lui un des artisans majeurs de la politique coloniale française en Indochine.

Il rentra définitivement en France en mars 1886, après vingt cinq ans passés entre Saïgon, Sadec et Hanoï, et s’installa dans sa ville de Rochefort. Il con-tinua toutefois à s’occuper de très près des affaires indochinoises. en effet, de 1886 à 1913, il donna à l’ecole libre des sciences politiques de paris un enseignement sur l’Indochine et l’extrême-orient. et dans le même temps, il fut l’un des piliers de la Société de Géographie de Rochefort. Jules Silvestre devait décéder à Rochefort, un mois après l’armistice, le 14 décembre 1918.

Il fut ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler un “orientaliste”, c’est-à-dire un homme de terrain, qui apprit les langues locales, en l’occurrence le vietnamien, les caractères chinois et quelques éléments de malais, s’intéressa à la société, l’histoire, la religion, la littérature, l’art du Vietnam et des pays voisins. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrivent sa collection de monnaies et ses travaux de numismatique extrême-orientale.

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23JULES SILvESTRE (1841–1918)

Jules Silvestre vers 1900

La collection Silvestre compta probablement des milliers de pièces. malheu-reusement, pour l’essentiel, elle a été dispersée en 2007, dans des condi-tions assez regrettables. en fait, bien avant sa vente à l’étranger en 2007, elle avait été quelque peu entamée. Silvestre lui-même avait fait plusieurs dons, notamment au médaillier de la monnaie de paris en 1900 – 1901 et 1904, auquel il offrit de nombreuses monnaies chinoises, vietnamiennes et quelques monnaies japonaises. un autre don avait été fait au musée de Rochefort dès avant 1905. et surtout, Silvestre fit un don majeur à la Société de Géographie de Rochefort, ce dernier ayant été transmis au musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Rochefort.

Aujourd’hui, les deux ensembles les plus importants, conservés dans des collections publiques françaises sont ceux de la monnaie de paris et du musée de Rochefort. Le premier compte près de 450 numéros : il s’agit de la quasi totalité du bas-monnayage chinois de la collection de la monnaie de paris, s’étendant des Han antérieurs (206 av. J.C.-8 ap. J.C.) jusqu’à la péri-ode contemporaine de Silvestre, c’est-à-dire l’ère Guang Xu (1875 – 1908). Le second est constitué par la collection du musée de Rochefort, beaucoup plus riche et varié, qui compte 612 monnaies et jetons. Il s’agit essentielle-ment d’un important ensemble de monnaies vietnamiennes, en particulier

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de nombreuses et belles monnaies d’argent. Les monnaies siamoises sont plus courantes ; en revanche, la collection de jetons monétaires sino-siamois est très originale et peu fréquente dans les collections numismatiques françaises. monnaies vietnamiennes et jetons sino-siamois sont incontesta-blement les deux fleurons de cet ensemble. Les autres éléments de cette collection, monnaies laotiennes, chinoises, japonaises et coloniales, com-plètent avec bonheur ce panorama assez large des différents monnayages d’extrême-orient.

toutefois, les monnaies qui subsistent dans ces deux collections publiques françaises traduisent mal ce que fut cette grande collection qui comptait des spécimens fort rares. Citons, à titre d’exemple, une monnaie-modèle d’étain et des monnaies de zinc encore attachées à leur arbre de coulée, uniques, datant du court règne de l’empereur d’Annam Ki n phuc (1883–84), aujourd’hui dans une collection privée de Hong-Kong.

Monnaie-modèle de Ki n Phuc

Monnaie de zinc de Ki n Phuc provenant de l’atelier de fonte (B c-Ninh?)Ex-collection Silvestre. Collection privée


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Silvestre ne fut pas seulement un collectionneur, mais aussi un chercheur érudit auquel on doit des études fort novatrices pour son époque. A la fin du XIXe siècle, en effet, la bibliographie française relative aux monnaies d’extrême-orient était des plus réduites. en France, c’est à Silvestre qu’on doit les premiers travaux approfondis sur le sujet. Leur ensemble constitue une documentation de plus de 300 pages imprimées en petits caractères, avec références historiques, caractères vietnamiens, chinois et mandchous, nombreuses illustrations, etc. Certes, bien des commentaires, aujourd’hui, peuvent sembler dépassés. Il n’en demeure pas moins que ces publications constituent une oeuvre numismatique tout à fait remarquable pour l’époque. et fort impressionnante si l’on veut bien se souvenir que, par ailleurs, c’est celle d’un homme d’action, engagé dans l’infanterie coloniale à dix-sept ans.

Avec Jules Silvestre, sa collection et ses publications savantes, nous som-mes en face du pionnier de la numismatique extrême-orientale en France.

Travaux de J. Silvestre

– Notes pour servir à la recherche et au classement des monnaies et médai-lles de l‘Annam et de la Cochinchine Française, Saïgon, Imprimerie du Gouvernement. paris, Challamel, 1882, 126 p.

– Notice sur les monnaies et médailles d‘Annam, Rapport au ministre des Finances, paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1900, p. 123–129 (traduction anglaise in American Journal of Numismatics, new-York, vol. 37, 1903, p. 63 – 73).

– Notice sur les monnaies du royaume de Siam, Rapport au ministre des Finances, paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1901, p. 277–284 (traduction anglaise in American Journal of Numismatics, new-York, vol. 37, n° 2,1902, p. 55 – 60 ; n° 3, 1903, p. 92 – 93).

– Notice sur les monnaies de la Chine et dépendances, Rapport au ministre des Finances, paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1905, p. 308 – 331 (Reproduit in Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Rochefort, tome XXVIII, 1906, p. 1 – 24).

– Notice sur les médailles de la Chine et dépendances, Rapport au ministre des Finances, paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1907, p. 319 – 332 (Reproduit in Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Rochefort, tome XXX, 1908, p. 1 – 16).

– notice sur les monnaies circulantes dans les pays d’extrême-orient (1908), Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Rochefort, tome XXXI, 1909, n° 1, janv. – mars, p. 3 – 21 ; n° 2, avril – juin, p. 65 – 82).

JULES SILvESTRE (1841–1918)

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– de la numismatique française, maritime et coloniale, Bulletin de la So-ciété de Géographie de Rochefort, tome XXXVI, 1914, n° 2, avril – juin, p. 65 – 77.

– notes sur les monnaies du Japon et dépendances (après 1912. non pub-liées), Archives du port de Rochefort, 30 p. (Reproduit in Joyaux (F.), Collection numismatique Jules Silvestre, p. 477 – 506. Voir ci-après).

– notes pour servir à la recherche et au classement des monnaies et médai-lles des Indes néerlandaises. (manuscrit non publié). Archives du port de Rochefort, 26 p. (Reproduit in Joyaux (F.), Collection numismatique Jules Silvestre, p. 507 – 533. Voir ci-après).


Joyaux, François, Collection numismatique Jules Silvestre (Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Rochefort), nantes, Société de numismatique Asiatique, 2012, 563 p.


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Natalya Smirnova

GRAnd duKe GeoRGII mIKHAILoVICH (1863–1919)

the Grand duke Georgii mikhailovich (1863–1919) was one of the great coin collectors of his day, the initiator and general editor of ten immense volumes of the catalogue, known as the Corpus of Russian Coins and Medals, printed 1888–1914. this is still the best publication on Russian numismatics.

Georgii mikhailovich was born near tiflis (Georgia). He was the third son of seven children of Grand duke michael nicolaevich and Grand duchess olga Fedorovna, born princess Cecily of Baden. the grandson of emperor nicho-las I and cousin of emperor Alexander III, he grew up in Georgia where his father was the Governor-General of the Russian province of transcaucasia. As he himself mentioned, he started collecting coins in 1877, when he was 14 years old, buying items at the Armenian bazaar. From his childhood he collected only Russian coins and medals.

Georgii mikhailovich was destined for a military career. Just after his bap-tism, he was appointed patron of the 3rd battalion of the Life Guards cavalry and granted the rank of adjutant general, but some permanent damage to the leg prevented his active military career. Georgii mikhailovich moved with his family from the Caucasus to St petersburg when he was 18 years old. there he started collecting seriously, guided by Christian Gil’ (1837–1908), his tutor in numismatics.

Christian Gil’ assisted in enlarging the collection of the Grand duke. In 1882 it included about 3,600 coins. Georgii mikhailovich carefully studied the coins in the collection of the emperor at the Hermitage as well as one of the best private coin collections in Russia which was owned by Count I. I. tolstoy. during this period the Grand duke purchased several coin collec-tions: peter the Great’s coins from davydov, collections from Savelyev and Smirnov in 1883, from Brykin and plakhov in 1884, from Kozlov, Chebarov and Count e. K. Gutten-Chapskii in 1885. the last was the best one and known for its perfect selection of medals which included about 900 pieces and was enlarged in time by the Grand duke to 2,000 specimens.

In 1886 the Grand duke’s collection contained almost 8,000 coins. of these 2,000 pre-dated the reign of peter the Great: the number of silver coins (2,942) was slightly larger and also that of copper coins (2,570). It also contained 437 gold coins and 51 platinum ones. In Georgii mikhailovich’s work, Description and Depiction of certain Rare Coins in My Collection, he published 44 rare coins, the date range of which stretched from the reign of peter the Great to the 1880s. these coins – either rare or even unique

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specimens of their kind and considered by the Grand duke to be of special interest – were being published for the first time. It is worth singling out in particular the silver polupoltinnik (25-kopeck coin) from the reign of peter I (1701) and a poltina (50-kopeck coin) from the reign of Catherine I (1726), found by Grand duke Vladimir Alexandrovich when his palace was being rebuilt in 1876 and then presented as a gift to Georgii mikhailovich on 19th April 1881.

this unique personal collection was to provide the basis for a multi-volume work which was brought out over a thirty-year period – between the 1880s and 1914, when it was interrupted by the outbreak of World War I.

ten issues were published as folio-volumes, each of which was devoted to one of the Romanov dynasty reigns in the 18th and 19th centuries and con-sisted of two parts: (1) descriptions of a large range of coins (virtually all types and variants known at that time), images of which were provided in the numerous plates, and (2) publication of written sources relating to the coin production of the period in question. Some of the issues contained such a large quantity of material that they had to be published in two separate parts: the first containing documentation and the second descriptions and illustrations of the actual coins. twelve volumes were published in all and to this day they have not been surpassed either as regards the range of material or the quality of the academic research.

the real authors of the Corpus of Russian Coins of the 18th–19th centuries were known Russian numismatists – Christian Gil’, who was called upon to present the coins systematically, to provide academic descriptions of the coins and to draw up appropriate plates for them, and also michael demmeni (1859–1920), who carried out the archival part of the work, identifying the documents, selecting those to be included and preparing them for print-ing. during the last stage of the work, when Christian Gil’ was no longer able to work, having almost completely lost his sight, Grand duke Georgii mikhailovich called upon the well-known numismatists and scientists, A. A. Ilyin (1858–1942) and I. I. tolstoy (1858–1916), to complete the volume.

In addition to documents from archives in St. petersburg, moscow and Yeka-terinburg, other archive material is also published in the Corpus – from the Cabinet (personal collection) of peter the Great, the Senate, the Supreme privy Council, the mining ministry (or kollegia), the ministry of Finance, the Coinage Chancellery attached to that ministry, the department for Internal Affairs and other institutions.

this meant that the publication emerged as volumes unique both as regards the detail in the treatment of the main questions concerning the history of monetary circulation and also the minting of coins in Russia during the era of the Romanov dynasty.


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Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich (1863–1919)

The virtually exhaustive and faultless Corpus compiled by Grand duke Georgii mikhailovich contains descriptions of Russian coins not only from his own collection but also from the well-known Russian numismatic collec-tions of p. V. Zubov, A. A. Ilyin, A. n. Lenivov, G. R. Kirkhner, Count I. I. tolstoy and A. m. Chernosvetov. the catalogue contains interesting specimens from the historical museums of Vienna and moscow, the British museum, the Her-mitage museum, the Russian Academy of Sciences and moscow university.

It should be mentioned that one of the rarest Russian coins – a Constantine I silver rouble (1825) – was presented to the Grand duke by Alexander II (1855–1881) on 16th June 1879. this specimen was the lightest of the six known specimens (18.52 grammes, 2 grammes less than the standard weight). the Constantine rouble was included in the Corpus of Russian Coins, in which other rare and even unique coins from the Grand duke’s collection were also published, such as a zlatnik (the earliest Russian gold coin) from the reign of prince Vladimir, a prince Yaroslav srebrenik (the earliest Rus-sian silver coin), issued in the 10th – 11th centuries, Russian silver roubles of the17th – 18th centuries, the so-called “efimoks counter-stamped with a sign”,


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a 1654 rublevik (the new one-rouble coin of the petrine era), a 1714 double gold chervonets (a ten-rouble coin of twice the standard weight – of which there was only one known specimen at the time).

In 1895 Grand prince Georgii mikhailovich was appointed as the most August Governor (director) of the Alexander III Russian museum in St. petersburg. He served in this capacity without remuneration for 22 years entitled to direct access to tsar nicholas II. the Grand duke was involved in assembling the museum’s collection of paintings and sculpture. on 5th december 1898 Grand duke Georgii mikhailovich was elected an honor-ary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was also an honorary member of the orthodox Fraternity of Saint and prince Vladimir in Berlin.

In 1909 Georgii mikhailovich donated his personal collection of coins to the Russian museum of Alexander III on condition a numismatic department be set up in it, to which he also planned to donate his numismatics library. on 12th november 1909 he drew up the documentation for the donation addressed to the tsar himself and it was duly ratified by nicholas II. Given that the building of the museum was not appropriate for the display of such a collection, the Grand duke, in desperation at the thought that he would probably never see the large collection properly housed in the Russian mu-seum, unexpectedly changed his mind on the eve of World War I in 1914 and decided to transfer it to a more reliable home. the Grand duke stored his collection at the State Loan Bank in St. petersburg for safekeeping. dur-ing the Revolution, four of the five crates were smuggled out of the country under mysterious circumstances.

When World War I broke out, the Grand duke went back into the army as a lieutenant general. In 1915, he was appointed as aide-de-camp to the com-mander in chief and nicholas II employed him as supervisor of operations. He also organized a private hospital in his palace in St petersburg. In march 1915, Georgii mikhailovich was appointed patron of the 4th Kabansky Sentry Battalion. In the same year, he was sent on a mission to Japan, then an ally in the war against Germany. At the beginning of 1916, he returned to Russia by Vladivostok, and on his way back inspected the situation in the Far east. Later, he was sent to visit German and Austrian prisoners of war. early in 1917, he was sent to visit the Russian army corps in Bessarabia and Romania.

With the fall of the monarchy, he resigned from his military post on 31st march 1917. He wanted to go to england but the British government had forbidden the entrance of any Russian Grand duke. In January 1918, he was informed that nicholas II and his family had been sent as prisoners to tobolsk. eventually the situation took a turn for the worse: on 3rd April 1918 he was arrested and brought to petrograd under the escort of Red


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Guards. the Grand duke was imprisoned in the peter and paul Fortress by the Bolsheviks and shot in January 1919 by a firing squad, along with his brother, Grand duke nicholas mikhailovich, and his cousins Grand dukes paul Alexandrovich and dimitri Konstantinovich.

there is still much unknown of the history of the coin collection of the Grand duke. part of the collection was stolen in the West. Grand duchess maria Georgiyevna of Russia (1876–1940), the Grand duke’s widow, did receive most of it as well as his daughters nina and Ksenia. the coins eventually made their way from Yugoslavia via Rome, new York, and Berkeley, where the greater part of it was purchased by the millionaire L. dupond. this large and unique collection was donated by his son to the national numis-matic Collection in Washington (Smithsonian Institute), where it has resided since the 1950s. now there are more than 10,000 Russian coins and 1,250 medals. many rare coins also found their way to other collections – to the Bibliothèque nationale in paris, for example, and several medals are now in the State pushkin museum of Fine Arts in moscow. However, the collection of George mikhailovich as once existed is now lost for ever.

Unknown medalist of XVIII centuryPeter I the Great (1672–1725)Award Medal for the Battle at Lesnaya in 1708Gold, weight 16,63 g; size30,5x27,5 mm

Countermarked on the obverse by the owner – E. K. Gutten-Chapskii, purchased by Georgii Mikhailovich in 1885

Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Purchased in 1983 from A. Stakhovich, who bought it at the London Auction in 1950


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HIStoIRe deS CoLLeCtIonS numISmAtIQueS et deS InStItutIonS VouéeS à LA numISmAtIQue

Igor Van den Vonder and Guido Creemers

tHe CoIn And medAL CoLLeCtIon oF tHe GALLo-RomAn muSeum In tonGeRen (BeLGIum)

the Coin and medal Collection of the Gallo-Roman museum in tongeren is the former Coin and medal Cabinet (Munt- en Penningkabinet) of the province of Limburg. It is an important collection, comprising over 30,000 coins and exonumia. the collection reflects the coins produced and in circulation in the region from antiquity to the 19th century and is unique because many were excavated locally.

When the Coin and medal Cabinet was established in 1985, the province’s own collection consisted of the collections belonging to the Royal Limburg Historical and Antiquarian Society (Koninklijk Limburgs Geschied- en Oud-heidkundig Genootschap) and the barons philippe de Schaetzen and Armand de Schaetzen de Schaetzenhoff. these form the core of the collection, to-gether with the collection of the former Small Seminary of Sint-truiden, on loan from the diocese of Hasselt. With the acquisition of several private collections, the Coin and medal Cabinet achieved its target of 10,000 items.

An active collecting policy was implemented and the collection soon doubled in size, largely thanks to gifts. Furthermore, Belgium’s Royal Court made over prince Charles’ personal collection to the Coin and medal Cabinet as a long-term loan. Systematic efforts were also made to acquire the coin hoards found in the region.

At the end of the last century the province of Limburg decided to fully integrate the Coin and medal Cabinet into the archaeological collection of the Gallo-Roman museum. As the museum collects regional archaeologi-cal finds from prehistory to the merovingian period, a passive collection policy for the later periods was implemented. Celtic and Roman coins are presented to the public in an archaeological context as part of the museum story and merovingian coins are to be added in future. the new museum presentation won the european museum of the Year Award 2011, awarded by the european museum Forum under the auspices of the Council of europe.

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the Coin and medal Collection contains a representative selection of re-gional Celtic coins. the real highlights of the collection are the gold hoards from Beringen and Heers. the Beringen hoard1 is a ritual deposition from the second half of the 2nd century BC and bears a strong similarity to the niederzier hoard. As well as one complete and two fragmentary torcs and a fragment of a bracelet, the gold hoard contains 22 rainbow cup staters and three Atrebates staters. According to current data, the Heers hoard2 (Fig. 1) contains 158 staters: 116 belonging to the eburones, 38 to the nervii and one each to the treveri, Remi and Veliocasses plus a flan. on the basis of recent research comparing it to the hoards of maastricht-Amby, Fraire and thuin, the Heers hoard can be dated with certainty to the Gallic wars3. It is likely to have a connection with Ambiorix’s uprising against Caesar in 54–53 BC.

Fig. 1: The Heers gold hoard

Approximately half of the collection is made up of Roman coins, chiefly from the imperial period. As most were found in tongeren, they partially represent the coins in circulation in the Roman city. In the Roman period tongeren was the capital of the civitas Tungrorum with the status of municipium.

1 Van Impe et al. 1998.

2 Scheers / Creemers 2001; 2002 and 2012.

3 Roymans et al. 2012.


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Interesting is a foundation deposit consisting of nine republican and Au-gustan denarii (Fig. 2) in an earthenware beaker from a post hole in a town house from the time of tiberius (14–37 Ad). Another extraordinary item is a military belt with a purse containing 47 late-Roman bronze coins4 from a grave which can be dated to the time of Valentinianus III (425–455 Ad).

Fig. 2: The deposition from Kielenstraat in Tongeren

not all the Roman coins come from tongeren. A number of mainly bronze coins from the imperial period, and to a lesser extent republican denarii, were found for example on a rural cult place in the village of Wijshagen, where in the 1st and 2nd centuries Ad they were deposited in large numbers together with small bronze objects. Also in the collection are a double ses-terce and 80 antoniniani from the Riemst coin hoard5, most of which were saved up at the beginning of postumus’ reign (260–269 Ad) and buried in the turbulent period at the end of postumus’ reign or in the next quarter of the century. the Coin and medal Collection also contains a small number of early-Roman and Greek coins which were never in circulation in the region.

the medieval and later periods are well represented in the collection, par-ticularly by coins from the Southern netherlands and Liège. the Coin and medal Collection manages one of the finest collections of coins from the prince bishopric of Liège (10th to 18th centuries).

4 Van Heesch 1992.

5 thirion 1967, 142; Hombroux 1982.


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Generally speaking, the emphasis is on coins minted in the region or in circulation here. the region was highly fragmented administratively, which meant there were scores of mints coining money6. the collection also con-tains the 17th and 18th-century coin hoards from opgrimbie, tongeren, Lummen, Koersel and eksel. the mid-18th-century hoard from Lummen7 (Fig. 3) is a fine example of a savings hoard. It consists of 91 ducatoons, 169 half and 168 quarter ducatoons struck by the empress maria theresa (1740–1780). A reference collection containing coins from all over the world provides a wider context.

Fig. 3: The Lummen hoard William Metcalf

the Coin and medal Collection also contains an important collection of paranumismatica, such as tokens, medals, insignia and decorations, seals and seal matrices, weights and tools. there is an important collection of 16th and 17th-century tokens and a representative collection of modern Belgian medals, including the almost complete oeuvre by dolf Ledel8 (1893–1976). Furthermore, the Coin and medal Collection contains a collection of 19th-century tools for engraving stamps. So the reference collection of exonumia is extremely important.

6 Hombroux et al. 1981.

7 de Callataÿ / Van Laere 1994.

8 Vandamme [2007].

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de Callataÿ, F. and Van Laere, R. 1994: Een 18de-eeuwse muntschat uit Lummen, tongeren.

Hombroux C. 1982: de muntschat van Riemst: antoniniani van Gordianus III tot postumus, Limburg 61, p. 112–122.

Hombroux, C., pieters, R., Van Laere, R. and Vanthillo, C. 1981: Munt in Limburg, Kunst & oudheden in Limburg 26, exhibition catalogue Gallo-Roman museum tongeren, Sint-truiden.

Roymans, n., Creemers, G. and Scheers, S. 2012 (in print): Late iron age gold hoards from the Low Countries and the Caesarian conquest of Northern Gaul, Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 15 / Atuatuca 3, Amsterdam.

Scheers, S. and Creemers, G. 2001: un trésor de statères gaulois trouvé à Heers (Limbourg, Belgique), Prehistoria 2000, 1, p. 174–179.

Scheers, S. and Creemers, G. 2002: un trésor monétaire des eburons à Heers (Limbourg, Belgique), Lunula. Archaeologia protohistorica 10, p. 80 –85.

Scheers, S. and Creemers, G. 2012 (in print): the gold hoard of Heers, in: Roymans, n., Creemers, G. and Scheers, S.: Late iron age gold hoards from the Low Countries and the Caesarian conquest of Northern Gaul, Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 15/Atuatuca 3, Amsterdam.

Scheers, S., van Heesch, J. and Van Laere, R. 1991: Uitmuntend goud. Catalogus gouden munten van het Munt- en Penningkabinet van de Provincie Limburg, Brussel.

thirion, m. 1967: Les trésors monétaires gaulois et romains trouvés en Belgique, Cercle d’etudes numismatiques. travaux 3, Brussel.

Vandamme, L. [2007]: Dolf Ledel. Filantroop & vrijmetselaar, exhibition catalogue James ensor House ostend, s.l.

Van Heesch, J. 1992: een Romeinse muntschat uit de 5de eeuw gevonden te tongeren (Limburg), Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie 138, p. 164–173.

Van Impe, L., Creemers, G., Van Laere, R., Scheers, S., Wouters, H. and Ziegaus, B. 1998: De Keltische goudschat van Beringen (prov. Limburg), Archeologie in Vlaanderen 5, p. 9–132.


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William E. Metcalf

tHe YALe unIVeRSItY CoLLeCtIon oF CoInS And medALS

Yale’s collection of coins and medals is among the university’s oldest, dating to the early years of the nineteenth century, and is thus older than the Art Gallery which now houses it. Already by 1863 its origins were obscure, but the holdings numbered some 3,000 coins. these were published with three ends in view:

“to help collectors in the arrangement and study of their own coins … this can be only partially gained, owing to the limited space at our com-mand, and to the experimental nature of the undertaking;” “as the most practicable way of expressing our thanks to the donors, and assuring them that their gifts are appreciated and preserved;” “we have desired to bring the collection more seriously to the notice of numismatists and others, in order that they may know wherein it is wanting, and that those so disposed may have an opportunity of adding to its usefulness. The study of coins as aids and illustrations of History and the Arts is daily better appreciated, and there can be no place better fitted for the preservation of a collection for that purpose than a college Library.”

Apparently from its beginnings the coins were housed in the university Library, and when Sterling memorial Library was built in 1930 a dedicated coin room, with walk-in vault, was included. For many years the collection was managed by members of the Classics department faculty, but by 1965 there remained no faculty members with suitable expertise, and the col-lection was put in charge of a part-time, non-staff curator with predictable consequences. In 1996 he departed as well. By the end of the millennium maintenance of the collection had become burdensome to the library, and space was at a premium; the library sought means of managing the col-lection elsewhere on campus, and in 2001 jurisdiction over the collection was transferred from the Library to the university Art Gallery. In 2002 the present curator was named, with a joint appointment in university’s department of Classics. In 2003 the collection, which at first had been part of the Gallery’s department of Ancient Art, was separately constituted as the department of Coins and medals.

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Growth of the Collection

the noble intent with which the collection was formed was clearly mod-ified by an acquisitiveness that would make a modern museum curator proud, and by 1880 the collection of ancient coins alone had grown to over 3,200 pieces, making it perhaps the largest such collection in the united States. Growth continued in various ways through the early 20th century. the bequest of C. Wyllys Betts, (B.A. 1867, m.A. 1871, died 1887) brought to the university a major collection of medals relating to the American Revolution, and his book (compiled posthumously) is still cited today.9 A major acquisition was the collection of Greek and Roman coins of prof. eduard thraemer, whose connection to Yale, if any, is now un-known.10 Somewhat surprisingly, this is exactly the period of e. t. newell’s occupancy of the position of “Honorary Curator”; though he made extensive gifts of seals to the near eastern collection,11 his total numismatic benefac-tions to Yale consisted of about 80 pieces, largely ptolemaic and parthian; this compares with lifetime and posthumous gifts of about 120,000 objects to the American numismatic Society.

In this period the ancient portion of the collection benefited from the inter-est of Alfred R. Bellinger, who went on to become one of America’s leading numismatists (Fig. 1) and William t. owen (Fig. 2), whose interests lay in the modern period. the collection benefited enormously from the partage of coins discovered at dura-europus, where the university excavated for nine seasons; the coins provided fodder for Bellinger’s Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus.12

9 C. Wyllys Betts, edited by William t. R. marvin and Lyman H. Low, American Colonial History illustrated by Contemporary medals (new York, 1894).

10 thraemer was a professor at the university of Salzburg whose major contribution was a 422-page book entitled pergamos. untersuchungen über die Frühgeschichte Klei-nasiens und Griechenlands which is, understandably, absent from modern citations. the collection was acquired with funds from a group headed by prof. C. C. torrey, of Yale’s department of Semitic Languages.

11 the first 695 items in newell’s collection of seals are published by H. H. von der osten, Ancient oriental Seals in the Collection of mr. edward t. newell (oriental Institute publications no. 22, Chicago, 1934).

12 Apart from newell, who was a Yale man (B.A. 1908, Ll.d. 1909) and sometime honor-ary curator of the collection, Alfred Bellinger is the outstanding figure in the univer-sity’s numismatic history. Besides this monograph, Bellinger published extensively on Corinth and five monographs published by the American numismatic Society on hoards from dura, leading up to the Final Report in 1949. He produced other works on excavations at Corinth and troy.

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In June of 1945 the university’s Council on the Library and museums meet in the coin room, and the minutes of that meeting are informative. Apparently Bellinger was asked to rate the various collections in the united States, and he replied that “first in all categories was the collection of the American Numismatic Society while the famous Garrett Collection has the finest speci-mens. The Yale collection has proved of considerable value in the classical teaching field and through the constant publication of its resources.” F. C. C. Boyd, a well-known collector and member of the committee, then noted the contribution of William t. owen, the collections longtime curator, in the American field, where he rated it third in the united States (presumably behind the AnS and the Smithsonian) as far as gold was concerned. He drew attention to the Garvan collection of pioneer Gold and the Brasher doubloon, which owen had acquired from personal funds in 1943. Sadly both these the Garvan collection and the doubloon, as well as the remaining American gold, disappeared in a major theft, still unsolved, in 1964; only the Brasher doubloon subsequently came to light, and after its recovery the university sold it. Yale’s holdings of American gold are now negligible.

Fig. 1 Alfred R. Bellinger Fig. 2 William T. Owen

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the collection grew but slowly during this and the subsequent period, sub-sisting on tiny annual funding and a shrinking base of donors; noteworthy however were acquisitions in the field of the Roman Republic, mainly during the tenure of t. V. Buttrey as Assistant professor of Classics and Assistant Librarian for numismatics (1957–1962). Large additions in recent years have included over 4,000 Greek and Roman provincial coins from the collection of prof. peter R. and Leonore Franke, purchased in 2004. this was formed as a study collection embracing Greek and Roman provincial coins. In 2007 the department entered into a bargain purchase agreement with Ben Lee damsky, who specializes in Roman and provincial coinages; to date some 460 coins have been purchased, with the remainder scheduled to come by gift. And about the same time an anonymous benefactor donated some 400 mainly Greek gold, silver and electrum coins in memory of Israel myers.

today the total of all numismatic holdings is approximately 100,000 pieces; while the collection does not enjoy its nineteenth-century primacy (this figure is now eclipsed by the national collection and by the American nu-mismatic Society) it is beyond doubt the largest collection of any American university. the change in jurisdiction mentioned above meant eventual removal from the Library, and in 2007 and again in 2009 coins were taken from the library to temporary quarters to facilitate their cataloguing and photography. Almost 40,000 coins have now been catalogued, mainly by student help, and are now accessible on-line through the Art Gallery website.


Fig. 3 Bela Lyon Pratt’s medal for the bicentennial of Yale College, 2001.87.1905.

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Fig. 4 Exterior of the new coin room prior to renovation.

the collection will be brought back together in permanent quarters in the spring in 2012, when the Bela Lyon pratt Coin Room, endowed by a descen-dant of pratt’s, will open in the remodeled Art Gallery. (pratt, who studied art at Yale, is best known for his sculpture of nathan Hale, which is iconic on Yale’s old Campus and is also seen outside CIA headquarters in Lang-ley, Virginia; the British executed Hale has a spy in 1775. pratt also had an extensive career as a medalist and sculptor whose commissions included the 1901 medal for the bicentennial of Yale College (Fig. 3) and the last u.S. half- and quarter-eagles, struck 1908–1932.) the coin room will occupy one of the most conspicuous sites in the Art Gallery, on the corner of Chapel and High Streets and adjacent to the bridge connecting the old Art Gallery to Street Hall (fig. 4). An exhibit area outside the room will be permanently dedicated to coins and medals, which will also be displayed in other areas where relevant. the Coin Room itself will accommodate the department’s offices, a classroom with projection, study space and a work area for student help. Work on the online digital catalogue will proceed until completion.

At present numismatics is taught in a biennial technical seminar, and coins are incorporated in many areas of instruction: history, history of art, eco-nomics, mediaeval studies, and religious studies. mr. damsky’s endowment of the curatorial chair will ensure a permanent commitment to the discipline and the collection, and the future of numismatics at Yale is guaranteed.


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Bibliography of works publishing coins from the Yale collection

Adelson, H. L. and Kustas, G. L., “A bronze hoard of the period of Leo I,” ANSMN 9 (1960), p. 139–188.

Bellinger, A. R., “numismatics at Yale: the university coin collection,” Yale Scientific Magazine dec. 1950, p. 11, 28, 30.

Bellinger, A. R., “Coins of the near east in the Yale Collection,” Yale University Library

Gazette 25.3 (Jan. 1951), p. 112–116.

Bellinger, A. R., “Greek Coins from the Yale numismatic Collections. II”, YCS 12 (1951), p. 253–265.

Bellinger, A. R. “Greek Coins from the Yale numismatic Collection. III. A hoard of bronze coins of Cyzicus,” YCS 13 (1952), p. 161–169.

Buttrey, t. V., “new Sutler tokens: Yale university Collection, Numismatist 71.7 (July 1958), p. 806–807.

Buttrey, t. V. “Civil War tokens: additions and corrections from the Yale university collection,” Numismatist 71.12 (dec. 1958), p. 1469–1472.

Buttrey, t. V. “Some Roman Republican Coins at Yale,” NC7 4 (1964), p. 125–132.

Buttrey, t. V., “Connecticut Cent varieties in the Yale Collection,” Colonial Newsletter 3.1 (Jan.–march, 1962), p. 4.

Buttrey, t. V., “Variants of papal coins in the Yale university collection,” AIIN 25 (1978), p. 183–194.

Champion, H., Catalogue of the Cabinet of Coins belonging to Yale College, deposited in the College Library (new Haven, 1863).

edwards, J. Catalogue of the Green and Roman coins in the numismatic collection of Yale College (new Haven, 1880).

Luther, C. F., “Connecticut cents in the Yale Collection,” Numsimatist 48 (1935), p. 502–503.

thompson, m. and Bellinger, A. R. “Greek Coins in the Yale Collection, IV: A hoard of Alexander drachms,” YCS 14 (1955), p. 3–45,

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meetInG oF tHe InC CommIttee

WInteRtHuR, mARCH 31 And ApRIL 1, 2011

present: all nine members were present. Carmen Arnold-Biucchi (president in the Chair), donal Bateson (Vice president), Benedikt Zäch (Vice president), michael Alram (Secretary), tuuka talvio (treasurer), maria Caltabiano, Sylviane estiot, pere pau Ripollès, Bernward Ziegaus.

1. Introduction by the President the president welcomes the members of the Committee and expresses satisfaction at having the full Committee present and that everything was produced in time. She thanks Benedikt Zäch for organizing the meeting in Winterthur.

2. Minutes of the Committee Meeting in Madrid, March 19th and 20th, 2010

the minutes of the meeting in madrid as published in CR 57 (2010), pp. 69–84 are approved.

3. Treasurer’s report: accounts for 2010 and budget for 2011

the treasurer presents the preliminary budget for 2011. the travelling costs for the Committee will be higher because of the Survey meeting in milan, but they are still within the limits. B. Zäch points out that the costs for the Internet should be doubled because the invoice for 2010 still has to be paid. S. estiot mentions that the budget for the newsletter will be around 600 euros, which represents a considerable reduction of costs. the question is raised whether it makes sense to send a flyer to all readers to inform them that we have switched to a sole electronic newsletter. this, however, would be very costly since the newsletter was sent to ca. 2000 addresses in more than 80 countries. most of the readers can be reached by the Compte rendu and the Inen, it was decided not to send the flyer: the effect would be very small, but the cost very high. For the Inen the budget should be about euro 1500 for two issues per year.

the president points out that the budget is in very good shape and con-gratulates the treasurer. m. Caltabiano asks if the scholarships should be raised. the president replies that there is no need at the moment because the scholarships were already raised three years ago. It would be better to wait and make a proposal for the meeting in 2012.

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InteRnAtIonAL numISmAtIC CounCIL

Accounts 1–1–2011 to 31–12–2011

Income and Expenditure Accounts (in Euros)

2011 2011 2010 proposed real real

Incomemembership fees 2011 17,500 17,451.04 17,592.63membership fees, previous years 1,000 1,500.00 730.50Interest 350 470.70 347.86Total 18,850 19,421.74 18,670.99

expensesCompte rendu 4,150 4,143.88 2,993.56Newsletter (2011 only Inen) 1,500 1,280.00 5,980.56Internet site 300 Glasgow Congress 1,500.00Scholarships 2,700 2,700.00 5,100.00travelling costs 2,500 2,257.42 1,811.68meeting costs 300 332.75Banking costs 150 74.25 114.75Surplus of income over expenditure 7,250 8,633.44 1,170.44Total 18,850 19,421.74 18,670.99

Balance sheet 31-12-2011 31-12-2010Council fundsAccount nordea Bank (1) 32,238.11 33,604.67Account nordea Bank (2) 40,000.00 30,000.00Total 72,238.11 63,604.67

Council liabilitiesReserve Compte Rendu 4,000.00Reserve internet site 2,500.00Reserve 2015 congress 8,000.00Reserve grants for the 2015 congress 25,000.00Reserve scholarships 3,500.00Reserves InC 29,238.11Total 72,238.11

Tuukka Talvio, TreasurerLu et approuvé: le Président Carmen Arnold-Biucchi


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4. Membership

the Secretary reports that three membership applications were submitted:1. università della Calabria, dipartimento di Storia, Cattedra di numismatica2. museo de prehistòria di València3. Koninklijk nederlands Genootschap voor munt- en penningkunde (Jan pelsdonk, Secretary)

the Committee examines the applications and approves all three candidates.

the president asks the members of the Committee to contact people in their countries to get new members.

5. Projects under the patronage of the INC

a. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (SNG)

Adrian popescu sent following report:After a year in which no new volumes have been published we are pleased to report that a fourth volume of SnG turkey was printed in 2010. the 541 coins published are from the collection of Selcuk tanrikulu, a collection consisting almost entirely of copper alloy coins struck in the cities of mysia, troad and Aeolis. other volumes are in preparation in the uK, Switzerland, Romania and Russia and will be hopefully sent to the publishers in the near future. progress is currently being made with the upload to the SnG uK database of recently published volumes (SnG Glasgow).

B. Zäch points to the fact that the Committee in reality does not know what is published under the patronage of the InC. After an intense discussion following decision was made: In order to receive the patronage of the InC detailed proposals should be sent to the Secretary by the end of February each year for discussion at the Annual meeting of the Committee. If patron-age is accepted by the Committee an annual report should be send to the Secretary by the end of each year. For a publication under the InC patronage a manuscript may be required for review.

b. SNG Database

Andrew meadows sent following report: technically, there is no SnG database. there is the SnG uK database, which is overseen by the uK committee, of which I was once a member. As far as I am aware, nothing new has been done since I left the uK.

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However, I am now working with a new programmer here at the AnS, and we should soon have a platform ready which could serve as the basis for an international SnG project. this will be discussed with pere pau Ripollès who is now the Committee member responsible for the SnG, and Adrian popescu who is Harald nilsson’s successor as SnG coordinator, and who is also now secretary of the uK SnG committee.

p. p. Ripollès will contact A. meadows to get more information about the SnG database.

c. Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum (ThesCRA) and LIMC

Bertrand Jaeger sent following report:Au cours de l’année 2010, la Fondation a poursuivi ses travaux en vue de la publication du „Troisième Niveau“ du Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquo-rum (thesCRA). C’est un niveau final de synthèse, qui envisage les activités rituelles et cultuelles et, d’une manière générale, le comportement religieux dans la vie quotidienne, aux différents âges de la vie ainsi que dans les principales activités humaines, individuelles ou collectives. environ 80 auteurs d’une dizaine de pays participent au projet. L’ouvrage comportera vingt-six chapitres, formant six parties principales:

T. VI 1. Étapes et circonstances de la vie 1. a. naissance et petite enfance 1. b. enfance et adolescence 1. c. mariage 1. d. Vieillesse 1. e. mort et inhumation 1. f. Santé, maladie, médecine 1. g. Fortune et infortune

2. Activités relatives au travail, à la chasse, au voyage 2. a. Agriculture 2. b. Artisanat, commerce 2. c. Chasse 2. d. pêche 2. e. Voyages terrestres 2. f. Voyages en mer

T. VII 3. Fêtes et jeux


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T. VIII 4. Espace privé et espace public 4.a. privé / public 4.b. Cultes domestiques 4.c. Cultes publics 4.d. Associations et collèges 4.e. Institutions (incl. armée) 4.f. économie monétaire 4.g. droit 4.h. politique, diplomatie 4.i. Guerre 5. Polarités de la vie religieuse 5.a. masculin / féminin 5.b. Inclusion / exclusion

6. Interactions religieuses entre le monde classique et les civilisations voisines

proche-orient, égypte, Gaule et Germanie, monde scythe, thrace, monde ibérique, Afrique du nord

Les tomes VI (env. 475p., 50 dessins au trait, 125 pls.) et VII (env. 300 p., 30 dessins au trait, 35 pls.) sont actuellement sous presse et paraîtront en novembre 2011. Le tome VIII (env. 350 p., 60 dessins au trait, 70 pls.) est en phase finale de préparation auprès de la Rédaction de Bâle; il paraîtra en mars 2012. Les trois volumes seront édités par le J. paul Getty museum, Los Angeles.

Le projet de numérisation des archives de la Fondation s’est poursuivi, grâce au généreux concours financier de la Stavros S. niarchos Founda-tion. La base de données sera mise à la disposition des chercheurs et d’un plus large public sur le site internet de la Fondation pour le LImC ( dans le courant de 2011, au fur et à mesure que seront réglés les problèmes juridiques liés à la mise en réseau électronique de ces archives photographiques. Cette base de données sera plurilingue (français, allemand, anglais, italien, grec moderne). un projet de portail commun au travers duquel il sera possible de consulter parallèlement plusieurs bases de données relatives à l’antiquité est en préparation.

Le Comité de Rédaction s’est réuni en mai et en octobre 2010 à Bâle et paris pour superviser l’état d’avancement du Troisième Niveau du thesCRA. Les actes du colloque organisé à Bâle en novembre 2009 par la Fondation pour le LIMC et le Département des sciences de l’Antiquité de l’université de Bâle sur le thème Grenzen in Ritual und Kult der Antike sont actuellement en préparation.

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d. Lexicon Iconographicum Numismaticae (LIN)

maria Caccamo Caltabiano sent following report: the LIn research project continues to suffer from severe reductions in funding from the Italian Government, in spite of the high recognition of the national Research Committee of the Italian ministry for universities. For this reason the progress of our research is not what we had hoped and the current financial difficulties make it hard for our younger collaborators to proceed.

during 2010 we worked on a Laboratory of Iconography and Visual Communi-cation (LabIcon) based at the university of messina, functional to scientific research, starting with the Lexicon Iconographicum Numismaticae (LIn). In July we submitted a project of cooperation to the J. p. Getty Foundation, which appreciated it is outside their scope of interests.

nevertheless, in terms of methodology the results of our studies are im-portant. they are of primary interest not only to numismatists, but also to archaeologists and historians, as they are focused on the specificity of iconographical imagery.

this approach is centred on the semantics of icon as an experimental at-tempt; the aim is to give the various icons the value of “entries” in a lexicon in which images – like words – are listed and put in reciprocal relationship. A “dictionary of icons” which mirrors the more common dictionary of words.

Katia Longo, of the messina research unit, has published her doctoral thesis (Donne di potere nella Tarda Antichità. Le Augustae attraverso le immagini monetali, Reggio Calabria 2010 (Semata e Signa 5). this study offers an exhaustive survey of the iconic documents related to the person of the em-press as protagonist of the court ceremonial in the IV and V centuries Ad. the analysis of coins as documents combines historical considerations with cultural, political and religious features.

moreover, in the volume Tyrannis, Basileia, Imperium. Forme prassi e simboli del potere politico nel mondo greco e romano (Giornate seminariali in onore di S. Consolo Langher, messina 17–19 dicembre 2007, edd. m. Caccamo Cal-tabiano, C. Raccuia, e. Santagati, pelorias 18, messina 2010), the research units of messina, Bologna and Genoa universities published 12 papers on coin iconographies.

Lucia travaini reports:the milan research unit is suffering as well from the lack of funds for younger researchers. nevertheless, some results of past work have come out. A vast corpus of all saints depicted on Italian coins from the 7th century


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(Lombard tremisses) to the 19th century (circa 190 saints for 128 mints) was the subject of a dissertation by Valerio G. moneta, now published:

V. G. moneta, Santi e monete. Repertorio dei santi raffigurati sulle monete ita-liane dal VII al XIX secolo, con Cd-Rom, (Il Filarete). Collana di Studi e testi, pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’università degli Studi di milano, CCLXII, Led, milano 2010).

more articles have been published by Lucia travaini on portraits and relation-ship between iconography and religion.

e. Numismatic Literature (ANS NumLit)

no report was submitted.

f. Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum (SNS)

Rika Gyselen sent following report:Fin 2010, l’état d’avancement de ce programme se présentait ainsi :

SNS – Paris, Berlin, Vienne :Vol. II : m. Alram, R. Gyselen, Ohrmazd Ier (272–273) – Ohrmazd II (303–309).

Le manuscrit a été déposé en octobre 2010 et accepté par l’Académie Autrichienne des Sciences (ÖAW) pour publication. Il paraîtra en 2011.

Les volumes IV – VI sont en voie de préparation :Vol. IV : n. Schindel, Khusro Ier (531–579) – Wistahm (591/92–597?),Vol. V : C. Cereti, n. Schindel, Khusro II (591-628),Vol. VI : R. Gyselen, Kawad II (628) – Yazdgird III (632–651), et le monnayage arabo-sassanide.

SNS – collections diverses :

R. Gyselen, Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum – Syrie (parution prévue fin 2011)Le catalogue de ce volume qui comprend environ 1500 monnaies est parachevé. Le commentaire est en préparation. Il reste à décider si le trésor monétaire découvert par la mission archéologique polonaise à palmyre va y être intégré.

L. Baratova / n. Schindel, Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum – Usbekistan Ce volume réunit plusieurs collections monétaires d’ouzbékistan. Il com-porte quelque 650 monnaies frappées soit par des rois sassanides, soit


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par des Huns dont les modèles monétaires sont fortement inspirées par le monnayage sassanide. Les matériaux ont été étudiés par L. Baratova (tashkent) dans le cadre d’un projet de coopération entre l’Académie Autrichienne des Sciences et l’Académie des Sciences de l’ouzbékistan. La rédaction ultime du catalogue et le commentaire vont être assumés par nikolaus Schindel.

n. Schindel, Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum – SchaafLa collection privée ‘Schaaf’ est une des plus importantes. elle a été cata-loguée par nikolaus Schindel en janvier 2009. désormais, une publication rapide peut s’envisager.

n. Schindel, Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum – TübingenLa collection du Centre de recherche pour la numismatique islamique du Séminaire oriental de l’université eberhard Karl de tübingen a été examinée par nikolaus Schindel. Il en assure aussi la rédaction du catalogue avec la collaboration de Khodadad Rezakhani (doctorant à l’uCLA).

g. Transcaucasie

Georges depeyrot sent following report:this year we benefited from a special grant from the French ministry of Foreign Affairs to support scientific cooperation. the main activity was the preparation of an inventory of coin finds in Georgia. this inventory includes the hoards and the single finds (or even the finds in excavations) of all the coins from the first ones to the 15th century when the Kingdom of Georgia was divided in feudal territories.

this volume was published at the end of 2010 in the series moneta (, volume n° 112: m. tsotselia, Coin finds in Georgia (6th century BC – 15th century AD), 2010.

unfortunately, there is no possibility to renew the grant. the continuation of the series of volumes will therefore depend on a future grant.

6. Reports from affiliated bodies

a. Centro Internazionale di Studi Numismatici di Napoli (CISN)

marina taliercio sent following report:A. Attività di ricerca

nel settore della ricerca l’attività si è svolta in diverse aree, affrontando aspetti e problemi sia di sistemazione strutturale delle emissioni e sia di circolazione monetaria.


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1. Magna Grecia1a. e’stata portata avanti l’analisi e la revisione critica delle monetazioni incuse della magna Grecia, con particolare riferimento alle zecche di Sibari, di Crotone e di metaponto in età tardo-arcaica e classica, approfondendo assetti strutturali e aspetti della circolazione.

nel contempo è stata avviata la ricognizione della circolazione della moneta di thurii di V secolo raccogliendo ed esaminando ripostigli, dati di scavo, rinvenimenti sporadici, acquisizioni in collezioni pubbliche e private di provenienza nota.

1b. nel filone di ricerca dedicato alla tipologia monetale, l’indagine si è incentrata sui tipi di poseidonia-paestum considerati sotto l’aspetto di fonte privilegiata per la storia dei culti della città. A tale scopo si è effettuata una lettura del linguaggio iconico della moneta, tenendo conto della scelta del tipo e dell’apparato iconografico, del nesso che intercorre tra diritto e rovescio, tra tipo e simboli, tra tipo e iscrizione. I risultati della ricerca sono confluiti nel contributo di m.taliercio mensitieri nel volume sui culti di poseidonia, edito a cura dell’Istituto per la Storia e l’Archeologia della magna Grecia di taranto, in preparazione per la stampa.

2. Area campano-sanniticaLo studio di temi inerenti l’area campano-sannitica, intrapreso con la ri-cognizione e l’edizione sistematica della collezione del museo provinciale Campano di Capua e della relativa documentazione di archivio (v. Compte Rendu 57, 2010, p. 78) riserva particolare attenzione alle emissioni di co-lonie latine. In questa fase della ricerca è stato affrontato lo studio della monetazione di Suessa Aurunca, alla quale è dedicata una revisione cri-tica della documentazione sulla base dell’apporto offerto da rinvenimenti recenti e dal dibattito scientifico in corso (v. R. Vitale, Aspetti e problemi della monetazione di Suessa, in Isti (Aurunci) graece Ausones nominatur, Atti del Convegno, Sessa Aurunca (Ce) 10 maggio 2009, (in corso di stampa); R. Vitale, La monetazione di Suessa: alcuni dati ed interpretazioni, in Orizzonti X, 2009 (ed. 2010), pp. 51–89).

3. Comprensorio vesuvianoL’analisi articolata dei rinvenimenti monetali di pompei da strati anteriori al 79 d.C. (v. Compte rendu 57, 2010, p. 78) ha affrontato un segmento rile-vante della documentazione relativa a contesti stratigrafici dell’area urbana e, cioè, quella recuperata nell’area del Foro e in zone liminari in occasione dello scavo per l’Impianto elettrico di pompei, effettuato nel 1980-2. I ri-sultati preliminari sono stati illustrati nel corso della riunione scientifica organizzata dalla Scuola Spagnola di Archeologia e Storia di Roma (R. Vitale, Contesti monetali dal Foro di Pompei ed altri casi a confronto, di cui si prevede la pubblicazione negli atti de Ebusus Y Pompeia, Testimonios


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monetales de una relación, Reunión científica, 12-13 novembre 2010 Roma, escuela española de Historia y Arqueologìa).

4. Area medio-italicanel filone di ricerca di pertinenza medio-italica, si è dato avvio allo studio dei reperti numismatici provenienti dal teatro romano di Amiternum (S. Vittorino, L’Aquila), a cura di e. Spagnoli.

B. Attività informatica

- Schedatura e archiviazione informatica degli incusi di Sibari, di Crotone e di metaponto, delle serie di V secolo di thurii- Schedatura e archiviazione informatica dei materiali provenienti dall’area campano-sannitica- Schedatura e archiviazione informatica dei rinvenimenti di area vesuviana

C. Pubblicazioni

Cfr. le indicazioni riportate nel corso della relazione.

b. Oriental Numismatic Society (ONS)

peter Smith sent the following report:during 2010 the Society published four editions of its journal – Journals 202 to 205 – together with one supplement. these include many articles covering a wide range of topics on oriental numismatics, over 272 pages. An index of articles in the Society’s journal and its predecessor, the oriental numismatic Society newsletter, is available at the Society’s website (

the Journal is the main way in which the Society communicates with its members. From the beginning in the early 1970s, the newsletters and jour-nals have contained information on the activities of the Society, names of new members, new publications, and news items likely to be of interest to members. From newsletter no. 44 (1976) they have also included an increas-ing number of academic articles on coins and related subjects connected with oriental numismatics. more recently, a number of supplements have also been issued, either devoted to major articles or to papers presented at particular functions.

the Society is organised on a regional basis with regional secretaries or-ganising meetings and membership and distribution of the Society’s journal to members in their regions. Regional secretaries are:


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europe: Jan Lingen, [email protected] and Republic of Ireland: peter Smith, [email protected]: Charlie Karuktis, [email protected]: dr dilip Rajgor, [email protected]: S.m mirza, [email protected] of the World: Robert Senior, [email protected]

Seminars and meetings have been held throughout the year in various regions.

on 9 January 2010 a meeting was at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in new York, during the new York International Coin Show and on 12–15 February the Society participated in an exhibition organised by the municipal Corporation of Calcutta on the subject of Heritage Conservation. on 17 April, a meeting was held at the Ashmolean museum in oxford.

on 8 and 9 may a meeting was held at tubingen university in Blaubeuren, Germany. the Society and the numismatic Society of India presented a seminar in the Sackler Rooms of the British museum in London on 14 and 15 may. the seminar celebrated in 100th anniversary of the founding of the numismatic Society of India. A selection of the 14 papers presented has been published in the supplement to Journal 205. Copies of the supplement and back copies of the Journal and newsletter are available for purchase by members subject to still being available. Anyone wishing to join and obtain these should contact the appropriate regional secretary mentioned above.

on 16 october, the annual onS-meeting in the netherlands was held at the Geldmuseum, in utrecht, and on 13 november a meeting was held in Cologne. As in past years a number of different subjects were covered. At-tendance at the Society’s meetings stimulates the mutual contact among the members across the european Region.

A further meeting was held at the Ashmolean museum in oxford on 5 octo-ber. Following the meeting a reception was held to mark Joe Cribb’s retire-ment from the British museum department of Coins and medals. He was presented with a felicitation volume with contributions from many of those who have benefited from Joe’s guidance over the years. the volume has been edited by Shailendra Bhandare and Sanjay Garg and is to be published by Reesha Books.

the Society has been present with a promotion stand at a few coin fairs: Assen, the Hague in the netherlands and Herentals in Belgium.


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the Society is working to improve its website and hopes to re-launch it soon. meanwhile the index of newsletters and Journals is up to date and valuable

For further information about the Society please contact the Society’s sec-retary, peter Smith, or any of the regional secretaries at the addresses shown above.

c. International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN – AINP)

J. L. Van der Schueren sent the following report: the fight against laws tending to restrict the circulation of coins among deal-ers and collectors world-wide has taken much time, energy and money. And we are afraid that it will be so in the next years. the General Assembly of Reykjavik, Iceland has been a very successful one, despite the ash problems! three new members have been elected: Stephen ALBum Rare Coins and daniel Frank SedWICK, LLC, both from the uSA, and partick GuILLARd eurl, from paris, France. two members have been appointed corresponding members: mm. paul RYneARSon and Lawrence R. StACK, from the u.S.A. the General Assembly has decided to expel the firm Frank SteRnBeRG AG from Zurich, Switzerland.

the book prize for 2009 went to the book from Helmut ZÖttL : “Salzburg, münzen und medaillen 1500–1800”, 2 volumes, Frühwald edition, Salzburg, ISBn: 978-3-9502590-0-1 / -1-8.

the next congresses will be held in edInBuRGH (Scotland, united King-dom) in 2011, and in JeReS de LA FRonteRA (Spain), in 2012.

d. International Committee for Money and Banking Museums (ICOMON)

Hortensia von Roten sent the following report: the XVII Annual meeting of the International Committee of money and Banking museums (IComon) was held from 8th to 10th november 2010 in Shanghai/ China, as part of the XXII Conference of the International Council of museums (ICom). the ICom conference unites museum specialists from all over the world and is held every three years. In 2010 the conference was held from 7th to 10th november 2010 in Shanghai. the conference was located at the expo Centre of the World exhibition 2010 that had just closed its doors. Approximately 3300 museum specialists attended the conference to explore the theme “museum for Social Harmony”.


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For the IComon meeting the more specific theme “money museum and its Cultural Contribution” was chosen. 105 numismatists and museum special-ists from 25 countries attended. It was a special pleasure to greet among the participants the president of the International numismatic Council (InC) Carmen Arnold Biucchi and mr. Wren, General director of the people’s Bank of China. 22 papers were given, half of them by Chinese numismatists or economic historians. thanks to excellent simultaneous translation into english, non-Chinese participants had no difficulty in following what was said. the programme and abstracts of the papers will be put on the IComon website and a selected range of papers will be published in extenso in the IComon e-proceedings on the IComon website.

the IComon meeting 2010 in Shanghai was organized by prof. Huang Xi-quan, IComon committee member 2004–2010 and scientific director at the China numismatic museum, Beijing. We would like to express our deepest thanks to prof Huang Xiquan and his colleagues for the perfect organization and for the overwhelming welcome IComon was given during the visit to the Shanghai Banking museum, to the Shanghai mint museum and to the Shanghai Banknote printing Corporation exhibition Hall as well as at the reception by the Shanghai Branch of ICBC and at the Banquet given by the China Banknote printing and minting Corporation.

the ICom meeting closed with the IComon General Assembly 2010. major point on the agenda were the elections of the IComon Board 2010–2013. Various committee members, namely Angela Aaraujo Velez (Banco de la Repubblica, Santafé de Bogota), Reiner Cunz (niedersächsisches Landes-museum, Hannover), Hortensia von Roten (Swiss national museum, Zurich), Armine Wehdorn (Österreichische nationalbank, Wien), Ian Wiséhn (Royal Coin Cabinet, Stockholm) and Huang Xiquan (China numismatic museum, Beijing) have come to the end of their term on the committee. Christel Schol-laardt from the Geldmuseum in utrecht was elected new IComon Chair.

the new IComon Board 2010–2013 is made up of the following members:

President: Christel Schollaardt (Geldmuseum, utrecht)Vice – President: Walter Bloom (maritime museum, Freemantle/AuS)Secretary: eleni Zapiti (Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, nicosia /Cyprus)Treasurer: Roswitha denk (Kunsthistorisches museum, Vienna)


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Representatives for

National Museums: outi Jaarvinen (national museum, Helsinki) Bank Museums: Jenni Adams (Bank of england, London)Mint Museums: Christel Schollaardt (Geldmuseum, utrecht)Private Museums: marie-Alix Roesle (money museum, Zürich)Africa: Katie eagleton (the British museum, London) Asia West: parissa Andami (money museum, teheran)Asia East: Zhou Weirong (China numismatic museum. Beijing)Latin America: telma Soares Ceolin (museo de Valores, Banco Central de Brazil)Australia & Oceania: Walter Bloom (maritime museum, Freemantle/AuS)

Representation of Regional museums, university museums and north America are vacant.

the next IComon meeting 2011 will be held in nicosia, Cyprus from 10th to 13th october 2011. the theme will be “money museums Communicating with the public”. the meeting will be hosted by the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and organized by eleni Zapiti, curator of the money museum of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation. Call for papers have been sent out in January. deadline for submitting papers is the 30th April 2011. the detailed programme will be set up and available by June 2011 on the information page of the website of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation ( For further information please contact eleni Zapiti ([email protected]).

7. Publications of the INC

a. International Numismatic Newsletter (INN)

S. estiot reports that the newsletter, as decided at the Committee´s meet-ing in madrid will no longer be printed in hard copy; it is replaced by an electronic version the Inen.

b. International Numismatic e-News (INeN)

the Inen no. 10 was sent to 676 addresses in February 2011. S. estiot points out that it was not possible to keep the deadline. Because of the delay some of the news was obsolete. It is imperative to publish on schedule.

We have to improve communication between the Committee in order to be more efficient.


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In future the following deadlines for submission of material to the Inen will be: September 1st, for the issue that will appear in october / november; december 1st, for the issue that will appear in January / February.

In the next Inen (october / november 2011) reports of the meetings in milano and Winterthur will be included as well as news about colloquia, exhibitions and scholarships; also Carly murdoch´s Grant-in-aid report should be included.

c. Compte rendu (CR)

the Secretary reports, that CR 57 has been published in a new design. However, because of a mistake of the printer the corrected version will be ready only in two weeks. It is agreed that for CR 58 the fonts must be darker.

For future articles the following suggestions were put forward:

Law and Practice Regarding Coin finds: France, Italy, Greece, turkey, Slovenia.Great Collectors: n. Smirnova has already sent her text on G. mikhailovich for CR 58. p. p. Ripollès will write on Vives, Famous Numismatists: Svoronos, Luschin , Hävernick.Collections: Basel (m. matzke), Yale (W. metcalf), univ. Valencia (Ripollès)

8. Website:

early in 2011 some new directories were introduced on the website of the InC-CIn ( the website now also con-tains a link to the XVth numismatic Congress in 2015. maria Caltabiano presented the just installed webpage for the Congress in taormina (

the president’s note, which exists in a printed version in the Compte rendu 57, 2010 will be put online in all five languages. the Italian, Spanish and German versions are still outstanding and will be added as soon as possible.

Some new directories have been added to the existing ones: for example notices of numismatic exhibitions, a list of the major coin cabinets, links to coin catalogues online, and to numismatic literature. Short texts describe for example the aim and the contents of an exhibition. All texts will be stored to give an overview of the activities of collections and coin cabinets over the years. the directories will be continued. A downloadable pdF of the Inen


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will be put on the website after distribution. It was decided to continue to add the articles on “Laws” after they appear in the Compte rendu, because it is the subdirectory, that is most frequented. the deadline for the annual scholarship applications will be put and updated on “travel grants/Bourse/Reisestipendium”.

All sections of the website can be updated at the same time in order to send out news without any delay to the user of the website. the aim is to increase the choices in order to obtain more recognition and to make the website of the InC-CIn the official gateway and platform for numismatic activities worldwide.

All the members are encouraged to send information and links to the web-master.

9. INC Scholarship

only one application for 2011/12 was sent to the Secretary.

– dragana eremic, mint of Sirmium – A Roman Imperial Moneta in the 4th Century

the applicant did not meet the age requirements and the application had to be rejected.

the posting of the deadline for the scholarship in the CR is problematic since it normally appears after that date. In future it should only be on the Website and in the Inen.

10. XIVth International Numismatic Congress; Glasgow, 30 August – September 5, 2009

d. Bateson reports that the editing of the proceedings is finished. the proceedings will include 256 articles. the type setting was done profes-sionally and will be ready in two weeks. pdfs will be sent to the authors in April. each author will have time four weeks to return the corrected proofs. In June everything should be ready to go to the printer and in September, only two years after the congress, the proceedings will appear. each author will get a pdf of his article.

the price for the two volumes will be between 50 to 80 pounds. Spink will hold the stock and do the mailing.

the account has not been finalized yet, so far all costs are covered.


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11. XVth International Numismatic Congress; Messina/Taormina 2015

maria Caccamo Caltabiano reports:on 11th February 2011, the first meeting of Italian numismatists was held at the “Istituto Italiano di numismatica” in Rome. the aim was to discuss how to promote Italian numismatic research and to plan a number of initiatives in preparation of the XVth International numismatic Congress in messina/taormina in 2015.

maria Caltabiano, Chair of the scientific Committee, opened the meet-ing: reports were presented by ermanno Arslan and Giovanni Gorini (both past InC Vice-presidents), Silvana Balbi de Caro, Adriano Savio and Sara Sorda (respectively directors of the “Bollettino di numismatica”, “Rivista Italiana di numismatica”, “Annali dell´Istituto Italiano di numismatica”). the presentations were followed by a lively debate. the Assembly discussed the possibility of constituting an Italian numismatic Council for the promo-tion of our discipline in university curricula and in museums, and to raise awareness of the importance of coins as historical documents.

the website of the XVth InC messina/taormina 2015 (21–25 September) is under construction ( the logo of a winged triskelés was inspired by a bronze coin of Agathokles of Syracuse 317–289 BC), and was designed by Cecilia Caccamo. It is a symbol of the Sicilian trinacria, but the image of the three legs also suggests the dynamism and importance of coins as vehicles of historical and cultural transmission. Information about the XVth InC can also be found on:

For the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy (1861–2011) and the Centenary of the publication of the Corpus Nummorum Italicorum (2010), the Workshop Money and Unification of Italy (messina, 6th may, 2011), was organized by maria Caltabiano and daniele Castrizio. It will publicize the forthcoming XVth InC. that Seminar investigates how the coins issued by the Italian States before 1861 reflected unity of culture, traditions and political-economic experiences that may have contributed to the political unification of the nation. the book edited by Lucia travaini, Le Zecche Italiane fino all’Unità, Roma 2011, will be presented by ermanno Arslan.

12. Survey

the editors and Subeditors of the Survey 2008–2013, met in milano on march 29th. they were guests of the università degli Studi di milano and of the Società numismatica Italiana.


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the president and m. Caltabiano will be the General editors. the following Subeditors have been selected:

Ancient: marguerite Spoerri, Roger Bland, Bernward Ziegaus (32%)Medieval / Modern: Lucia travaini and Hubert emmerig (28%) Islamic / Asian / African: Stefan Heidemann and François thierry (15%)Medals: tuukka talvio (15%)General: david Wigg-Wolf and Hortensia von Roten (5%)We will try to find editors for oceania and the new World and add that section.

All contributions will be printed in a single volume not to exceed 800 pages.

the deadline for submission for contributors is 15 April 2014; the deadline for submission of edited contributions for subeditors 15 September 2014.

A second editorial meeting should take place after the deadline of the con-tributors on April 15th 2014.

13. Any other relevant business the Committee agreed to have a new more modern logo for the InC that reflects its new name of Council/ Consejo/ Conseil/ Rat/ Consiglio. A. Furrer and p.J. daganaud will be asked for drafts.

14. Date and place of the next Committee meeting

the president reports that prof. Aleksander Bursche and the department of Archaeology of the university of Warsaw, very generously offered to host the next Committee meeting in 2012. the dates are fixed to may 10th and 11th. two lectures from Committee members would be appreciated; m. Alram and B. Zäch will take over this responsibility.

15. Vote of thanks to hosts

the president and the Committee express their deep gratitude to B. Zäch and the City of Winterthur for their generous hospitality in hosting the meeting.


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memBReS du ConSeIL InteRnAtIonALe de numISmAtIQue


Au 31 déCemBRe 2011

this list includes contact names, together with telephone and fax numbers, of each institution member of the InC. Any additional information (e.g. e-mail addresses), updates or corrections should be sent to the Secretary of the InC for inclusion in the next Compte rendu.

Cette liste comprend la liste des institutions membres de la CIn ainsi que les noms de leurs responsables, leurs numéros de téléphone, de fax et leur e-mail. toute information complémentaire (e-mail, website p. ex.) ou toute correction doivent être envoyées au Secrétaire de la CIn qui les répercutera dans le Compte rendu suivant.


Australian Centre for Ancient

Numismatic Studies

macquarie university, nSW 2109

Contact: Kenneth Sheedy

tel. +612 9850 8807

fax +612 9850 8240

[email protected]


Kunsthistorisches Museum,


Burgring 5, A-1010 Vienna

Contact: Michael Alram

tel. +43 1 52 524 4201

fax +43 1 52 524 4299

[email protected]

Institut für Numismatik und

Geldgeschichte, Universität Wien

Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, A-1190 Vienna

Contact: Reinhard Wolters

tel. +43 1 4277 40704

fax +43 1 4277 9407

[email protected]

Numismatische Kommission,

Österreichische Akademie

der Wissenschaften

postgasse 7, Stiege 2, A-1010 Vienna

Contact: Michael Alram

tel. +43 1 515 81 3511

fax +43 1 525 24 4299

[email protected]

Österreichische Numismatische


Burgring 5, A-1010 Vienna

Contact: Günther Dembski

tel. +43 1 525 24 4221

fax +43 1 525 24 4299

[email protected]

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Association of Baltic Numismatists,

Estonian History Museum

pikk 17, ee-10123 tallinn, estonia

Contact: Dalia Grimalauskaite

c/o national museum of Lithuania,

Arsenalo Str. 1, Lt-01143 Vilnius

tel. +370 5 212 02 50

[email protected]

BeLGIum / BeLGIQue

Association Internationale

des Numismates Professionnels


14 rue de la Bourse, B-1000 Bruxelles

Contact: J.-L. Van der Schueren

tel. +32 2 513 3400

fax +32 2 512 2528

[email protected] (see Switzerland)

Cabinet des Médailles

Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique,

boulevard de l’empereur 4,

B-1000 Bruxelles

Contact: Johan van Heesch

tel. +32 2 519 56 08

fax +32 2 519 56 [email protected] /medailles_fr.html (français) et (néerlandais)

Cercle d’Études Numismatiques

boulevard de l’empereur 4,

B-1000 Bruxelles

Contact: Jean-Marc Doyen

29 rue Fr. Roffiaen, B-1050 Bruxelles

tel. + 32 2 647 1916

Monnaie Royale de Belgique

boulevard pachéco 32,

B-1000 Bruxelles

Contact: Serge Lesens

tel. +32 2 221 07 11

fax +32 2 217 70 64

Société Royale de Numismatique

de Belgique

Cabinet des médailles,

Bibliothèque Royale

boulevard de l’empereur 4,

B-1000 Bruxelles

Contact: Johan van Heesch

tel. +32 2 519 56 08

fax +32 2 519 56 02

[email protected]

Banque Nationale de Belgique,

Collection Numismatique

boulevard de Berlaimont 14,

B-1000 Bruxelles

Contact: Marianne Danneel

tel. +32 2 221 25 71

fax +32 2 221 31 60

[email protected]

Association de Numismatique

professeur Marcel Hoc

Collège érasme, place Blaise pascal 1,

bte L3.03.11, B-1348 Louvain-la-neuve

Contact: Ghislaine Moucharte

tel. +32 10 474882

fax +32 2 3455403

[email protected]

Provinciaal Munt- en Penningkabinet

Kielenstraat 15, B-3700 tongeren

Contact: Guido Creemers

tel. +32 12 670 340

fax +32 12 670 333

[email protected]

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Museu Historico Nacional

praia marechal Ancora, s/n., 20.021-

200 Centro, Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brasil

Contact: Vera Lucia Botrel Tostes

tel. +55 21 2550 9221

[email protected]


The Nickle Arts Museum

the university of Calgary,

2500 university drive n.W.,

Calgary, Alberta t2n 1n4

Contact: Ann Davis

tel. +1 403 220 7234

fax +1 403 282 4742

[email protected]

Bank of Canada

234 Wellington Street, national

Currency Collection, ottawa K1A 0G9

Contact: Paul S. Berry

tel. +1 613 782 8188

fax +1 613 782 8655


Arheoloski Muzej

Zrinsko-Frankopanska 25,

HR-21000 Split

director: Zrinka Buljević

Contact: Maja Bonačić Mandinić

tel. + 38 5 21 329 340

fax +38 5 21 329 360

[email protected]


Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation,

Museum of the History

of Cypriot Coinage

86-90 phaneromenis Str, p.o.

Box 21995, 1515 nicosia

Contact: Eleni Zapiti

tel. + 357 22 677134

fax +357 22 662898

[email protected]


RépuBLIQue tCHÈQue

Česká numismatická spoleČnost

Arménska 1372/10, CZ-110 00 praha 10

Contact: Michal Masek

tel./fax +420 2 71730775

[email protected]

[email protected]

denmARK / dAnemARK

Kgl. Mønt-og Medaillesamling,


Frederiksholms Kanal 12, dK-1220

København K

Contact: Michael Andersen

tel. +45 33 47 31 02

fax +45 33 15 55 21

[email protected]

Dansk Numismatik Forening

Galionsvej 12, 2. th.,

dK-1437 København K

Contact: Preben Nielsen

tel. +45 42 52 19 18

[email protected]

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FInLAnd / FInLAnde

Coin Cabinet,

National Museum of Finland

p.o. Box 913, FI-00101 Helsinki

Contact: Tuukka Talvio

tel. +358 40 1286389

[email protected]

Finnish Numismatic Society

mechelininkatu 15 B 47, FI-00100


Contact: Pekka Säilä

tel. +348 40 747 8931

[email protected]

Suomen Numismaatikkoliitto –

Association of Finnish Numismatic


po Box 36, FI-33541 tampere

Contact: Petri Virolainen

tel. +358 3 3631 480

fax +358 3 3631 480


Association des Amis

du Parc archéologique européen

de Bliesbruck-Reinheim

1 rue Robert Schuman,

F-57200 Bliesbruck

Contact: Berty Schaub

tel./fax +33 3 87 02 25 79

[email protected]

Fédération Française des Associa-

tions Numismatiques (FFAN)

Bp 5, F-37160 descartes

Contact: Jacques Laurent

tél. +33 (0) 247 92 40 65

[email protected]

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

20 place des terreaux, F-69001 Lyon

Contact: François Planet

tel. +33 4 72 10 17 40

fax +33 4 78 28 12 45

[email protected]

Cabinet des Médailles,

Archives Municipales

10 rue Clovis-Hugues,

F-13003 marseille

Contact: Joëlle Pournot

tel. +33 4 91 55 33 71

fax +33 4 91 55 23 38

[email protected]

Musée Dobrée

18 rue Voltaire, Bp 40415,

F-44004 nantes

Contact: Gildas Salaün

tel. +33 2 40 71 03 50

fax +33 2 40 73 29 40

[email protected]

IRAMAT Centre Ernest-Babelon

3d rue de la Férollerie,

F-45071 orléans cedex 2

Contact: Bernard Gratuze

tel. +33 2 38 25 52 49

fax +33 2 38 25 76 88

[email protected]

Les Amis de l’Euro (AD€)

36 rue Vivienne, F-75002 paris

Contact: Olivier Fournier

tél. + 33 (0)6 10 87 97 30

tél. + 33 (0)1 75 43 49 41

fax +33 (0)1 75 43 49 42

[email protected]


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Les Amis du Franc (ADF)

36 rue Vivienne, F-75002 paris

Contact: Franck Perrin

tél. +33 (0)6 18 13 92 33

[email protected]

Amis des Romaines (ADR)

36 rue Vivienne, F-75002 paris

Contact: Laurent Schmitt

tél. +33 (0)1 40 26 42 97

tél. +33 (0)6 10 80 60 32

fax +33 (0)1 40 26 42 95

[email protected]

Direction des Monnaies et Médailles

11 quai Conti, F-75006 paris

Contact: Jean-Luc Desnier

tel. +33 1 40 46 55 25

fax +33 1 40 46 57 09

[email protected]

Cabinet des Médailles de la

Bibliothèque nationale de France

5 rue Vivienne, F-75084 paris cedex 02

Contact: Michel Amandry

tel. +33 1 53 79 83 63

fax +33 1 53 79 89 47

[email protected]



Médaillier de la Banque de France

10-1069 SG – SpAHI,

39 rue Croix-des-petits-Champs,

F-75049 paris cedex 01

Contact: Jean-Renaud Lefeuvre

tel. +33 1 4292 2539

[email protected]

Société Française de Numismatique

Bibliothèque nationale de France,

58 rue de Richelieu, F-75084 paris

cedex 02

Contact: Le Secrétaire

tel. +33 1 53 79 86 26

fax +33 1 53 79 86 28

Musée Numismatique J. Puig

42 av. de Grande-Bretagne, F-66000


Contact: Sabine Castellvi

tel. +33 4 68 62 37 61

fax +33 4 68 34 76 55

[email protected]


Musée Saint-Raymond

musée des Antiques de toulouse,

1ter place Saint-Sernin,

F-31000 toulouse

Contact: Pascal Capus

tel. +33 5 61 22 21 85

fax +33 5 61 22 31 25

[email protected]

GeRmAnY / ALLemAGne

Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen

preussischer Kulturbesitz,

Bodestrasse 1-3, d-10178 Berlin

Contact: Bernd Kluge

tel. +49 30 20905701

fax +49 30 20905702

[email protected]

Griechisches Münzwerk

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der

Wissenschaften, Jägerstrasse 22/23,

d-10117 Berlin

Contact: Ulrike Peter

tel. +49 30 20370501

fax +49 30 20370376

[email protected]


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Staatliche Kunstsammlungen

Dresden, Münzkabinett

Residenzschloss, taschenberg 2,

d-01067 dresden

Contact: Rainer Grund

tel. +49 351 4914 3230

fax +49 351 4914 3233

[email protected]

Institut für Archäologische

Wissenschaften, Abt. II:

Archäologie und Geschichte der

römischen Provinzen sowie Hilfs-

wissenschaften der Altertumkunde

Grüneburgplatz 1 / Fach 136,

d-60629 Frankfurt am main

Contact: Hans-Markus von Kaenel

tel. +49 69 798 32267 (Sekretariat)

fax + 49 69 798 32268

[email protected]

Geldmuseum der Deutschen


Wilhelm-epstein-Strasse 14, d-60431

Frankfurt am main

Contact: Reinhold Walburg

tel. +49 (0)69 9566 6164

fax +49 (0)69 9566 50 6164

[email protected]

Münzkabinett der Museen

der Stadt Gotha

Schlossmuseum, 99853 Gotha pF 217,

d-99867 Gotha

Contact: Uta Wallenstein

tel. +49 3621 8234 14

fax +49 3621 8234 31

Museum für Hamburgische


Holstenwall 24, d-20355 Hamburg

Contact: Ralf Wiechmann

tel. +49 40 428132-2363

fax +49 40 428132-3103

[email protected]

Museum August Kestner,

Sammlung Münzen und Medaillen

Landeshauptstadt Hannover,

trammplatz 3, d-30159 Hannover

Contact: Simone Vogt

tel. +49 511 168 42120

fax +49 511 168 46530


Numismatische Kommission der

Länder in der Bundesrepublik


niedersächsisches münzkabinett,

c/o niedersächsisches Landesmuseum,

Willy-Brandt-Allee 5,

d-30169 Hannover

Contact: Reiner Cunz

tel. +49 511 9807 822

[email protected]

Badisches Landesmuseum,


Schloss, d-76131 Karlsruhe 1

Contact: Katarina Horst

tel. +49 721 92 6679

fax +49 721 92 6 6537

[email protected]

Bayerische Numismatische

Gesellschaft e. V.

Residenzstrasse 1 (c/o Staatliche

münzsammlung), d-80333 münchen 2

Contact: Kristian Nicol Worbs

tel. +49 89 705826

fax +49 89 705849

[email protected]


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Kommission für Alte Geschichte

und Epigraphik des Deutschen

Archäologischen Instituts

Amalienstrasse 73b, d-80799 münchen

Contact: Johannes Nollé

tel. +49 89 28 67 67-73 or 60

fax +49 89 28 67 67-80

[email protected]

Staatliche Münzsammlung

Residenzstrasse 1, d-80333 münchen

Contact: Dietrich O. A. Klose

tel. +49 89 22 72 21

fax +49 89 29 98 59

[email protected]

Verband der Deutschen


Charlottenstrasse 4, d-70182 Stuttgart

Contact: Stefan Sonntag

tel. +49 711 2484 73 69

Westfälisches Landesmuseum für

Kunst und Kulturgeschichte

domplatz 10, d-48143 münster

Contact: Peter Ilisch

tel. +49 251 5907258

fax +49 251 5907210

[email protected]

Germanisches Nationalmuseum,


Kornmarkt 1, d-90402 nürnberg

Contact: Matthias Nuding

tel. +49 911 1331251

fax +49 911 1331200

[email protected]

Deutsche Numismatische


Verband der deutschen

münzvereine e.V.

Hans-purrmann Allee 26,

d-67346 Speyer

Contact: Rainer Albert

tel. +49 6232 65050

[email protected]

GReeCe / GRÈCe

Alpha Bank, Numismatic Collection

Stadiou 40, GR-102 52 Athens

Contact: Dimitra Tsangari

tel. +30 210 3262 460/1

fax +30 210 3262 462

[email protected]

Lydia Lithos, Society for the Study

of Numismatics and Economic History

p.o. Box 3895, GR-102 10 Athens

Contact: Katarini Liampi

[email protected]

Numismatic Museum

Iliou melathron, panepistimiou 12,

GR-106 71 Athens

Contact: George Kakavas

tel. +30 210 364 3774

fax +30 210 363 5953

[email protected]

Research Center for Greek

and Roman Antiquity

the national Hellenic Research

Foundation (KeRA)

48, Vassileos Constantinou avenue,

GR-116 35 Athens

Contact: Sophia Kremydi,

Selene Psoma

[email protected]

[email protected]

tel. +30 210 727 36 86

tel. +30 210 727 36 78

fax +30 210 723 41 45


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Banknote and Coin Collection

of the National Bank of Hungary

Szabadság ter. 8-9, H-1850 Budapest

tel. +36 1 428 2600 ext. 1456

fax +36 1 428 2569 / 2572

[email protected]

Magyar Numizmatikai Társulat,

Société Numismatique Hongroise

Csepreghy u. 4. Fasz. 2,

H-1085 Budapest VIII

Contact: Melinda J. Torbágyi

tel. +36 1 3270 704

[email protected]

Musée National de Hongrie,

Cabinet des Monnaies et Médailles

muzeum körut 14-16, postsbok 364,

H-1088 Budapest VIII

Contact: Melinda J. Torbágyi

tel. +36 1 3277 777

[email protected]


Israel Numismatic Society

the Israel museum, p.o. Box 71117,

Jerusalem 91710, Israel

Contact: Haim Gitler

tel. +972 267 08831

fax +972 267 08906

[email protected]


Università della Calabria,

Dipartimento di Storia,

Cattedra di Numismatica

ponte pietro Bucci, cubo 28/d, I-87037

Arcavacata di Rende CS

Contact: Benedetto Carroccio

tel. +39 0984 49 4472

fax +39 0984 49 4411

[email protected]

Università degli Studi di Bologna,

Dipartimento di Storia Antica,

Cattedra di Numismatica

Via Zamboni 38, I-40126 Bologna

Contact: Anna Lina Morelli

tel. +39 051 2098761

fax +39 051 222706

[email protected]

Museo Civico Archeologico

Via musei 8, I-41024 Bologna

Contact: Paola Giovetti

tel. +39 051 233849

fax +39 051 266516

[email protected]


Circolo Numismatico Ligure

“Corrado Astengo”

c/o Società Ligure di Storia patria,

palazzo ducale, piazza matteotti 5,

I-16123 Genova

Contact: Giuseppe Figari

tel: +39 010 311339

[email protected]

Cattedra di Numismatica,

Dipartimento di antichità,

filosofia e storia (DAFIST)

università di Genova, 4, via Balbi,

I-16126, Genova

Contact: Rossella Pera

tel. +39 010 209 9779/9763

fax +39 010 209 5468

[email protected]

Cattedra di Numismatica greca

e romana, Dipartimento di Scienze

dell’ Antichità, Università degli


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Studi di Messina

polo dell’ Annunziata, I-98168 messina

Contact: Maria Caccamo Caltabiano

tel. +39 090 3503397

fax +39 090 3503889

[email protected]

Istituto di Archeologia,

università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,

Largo A Gemelli 1, I-20123 milano

Contact: Claudia Perassi

tel. +39 02 72342530

fax +39 02 72343908

[email protected]

Università degli studi di Milano,

Dipartimento di scienze dell’antichita,

Cattedra di numismatica medievale e


Via Festa del perdono 7, I-20122 milano

Contact: Lucia Travaini

tel. +39 02 50 31 29 02

fax +39 02 50312904

[email protected]

Università degli studi di Milano,

Dipartimento di scienze dell’antichita,

Cattedra di numismatica antica

Via Festa del perdono 7, I-20122 milano

Contact: Adriano Savio

tel. +39 02 50 31 29 41

[email protected]

Società Numismatica Italiana

Via orti 3, I-20122 milano

Contact: Gian Angelo Sozzi

tel./fax 39 02 9439 1024

[email protected]

Centro Internazionale

di Studi Numismatici

Villa Livia, parco Grifeo 13,

I-80121 napoli

Contact: Marina Talierci0

tel. +39 081 681112

[email protected]

[email protected]


Museo Bottacin

palazzo Zuckermann -

Corso Garibaldi 33, I-35123 padova

Contact: Bruno Callegher

tel. +39 049 876 6959

fax +39 049 877 4671

[email protected]

Soprintendenza Archeologica di


palazzo massimo alle terme, piazza

dei Cinquecento, 67, I-00185 Roma

Contact: Fiorenzo Catalli

tel. +39 06 48020753

fax +39 06 484156

[email protected]

Istituto Italiano di Numismatica

palazzo Barberini, Via Quattro

Fontane 13, I-00184 Roma

Contact: Sara Sorda

tel. +39 06 4743603

fax 39 06 4743603

[email protected]


Cattedra di Numismatica,

Dipartimento di Beni Culturali,

Musica e Spettacolo, Facoltà di


università degli Studi di Roma (tor


Via Columbia 1, I-00133 Roma

Contact: Patrizia Serafin Petrillo

tel. +39 06 7259 5197 ou 5144

fax +39 06 7259 5220

[email protected]


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Università degli studi di Salerno,

Dipartimento di Scienze

del Patrimonio Culturale

Via ponte don melillo,

I-84084 Fisciano (SA)

Contact: Renata Cantilena

tel+39 089 962 113/962 136

fax +39 089 964 399

[email protected]

Gabinetto numismatico

dei Civici Musei di Udine

piazzale del Castello, I-33100 udine

Contact: Maurizio Buora

tel. +39 04 32 271591

fax +39 06 32 501681

Museo di Castelvecchio

Corso Castelvecchio 2, I-37121 Verona

Contact: Paola Marini

tel. +39 045 8062611

fax +39 045 8010729

[email protected]

JApAn / JApon

Currency Museum Section,

Institute for Monetary

and Economic Studies

the Bank of Japan, 2-1-1 Hongoku-cho,

nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, tokyo 103-8660

Contact: Noriko Fujii

tel. +81 3 3279 1111

fax +81 3 3277 1456

[email protected]

LuXemBouRG / LuXemBouRG

Cabinet des Médailles,

Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art


L-2345 Luxembourg

Contact: François Reinert

tel. +352 47 93 30 217

fax +352 47 93 30 271

[email protected]

tHe netHeRLAndS / pAYS-BAS

Teylers Museum

Spaarne 16, nL-2011 CH Haarlem

Contact: Marjan Scharloo

tel. +31 23 5319010

fax +31 23 5342004

[email protected]


postbus 2407, nL-3500 GK utrecht

Contact: Paul Belien

tel. +31 30 2143361

fax +31 30 2910467

[email protected]

Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap

voor Munt- en Penningkunde

p/a Geldmuseum, postbus 2407,

NL-3500 GK Utrecht

Contact: J. e. L. pelsdonk

tel. +31 30 291 04 92

[email protected]

noRWAY / noRVÈGe

Det Norske Myntverket AS

po Box 53, n-3601 Kongsberg

Contact: Turid Djønne

tel. +47 3 73 53 00

fax +47 3 73 62 58

Universitetets Kulturhistoriske

Museer, Myntkabinett

postboks 6762 st. olavs plass,

n-0164 oslo

Contacts: Svein Harald Gullbekk

(Viking age and medieval coins,

orders, banknotes and norwegian

monetary history)

tel. +47 22 85 99 46


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fax +47 22 85 97 69

[email protected]

Håkon Ingvaldsen

(Greek, Roman and Byzantine

coins, oriental coins, medals, modern

norwegian monetary history)

tel. +47 22 85 99 48

fax +47 22 85 97 69

[email protected]

Collection manager, Anette Sættem

(responsible for managing the

numismatic collection and the

collection of classical antiquities)

tel. +47 22 85 99 43

fax +47 22 85 97 69

[email protected]

poLAnd / poLoGne

Komitet Nauk Historycznych,

Komisja Numizmatyczna

Al. Solidarnoşci 105,

pL 00-140 Warszawa

Contact: Borys Paszkiewicz

tel. +48 22 620 28 81

fax +48 22 624 01 00

National Museum Kraków,

Numismatic Cabinet

ul. J. pilsudskiego 12,

pL 31-109 Kraków

Contact: Jaroslaw Bodzek

tel. +48 12 292 64 40

[email protected]

Polskie Towarzystwo Numizmatyczne

ul. Jezuicka 6, pL 00-281 Warszawa

Contact: Mariusz Mielczarek

tel/fax +48 22 831 39 28

University of Warsaw,

Institut of Archaeology

Szkola Glówna,

ul. Krakowskie przedmiescie 26/28,

pL 00-927 Warszawa

Contact: Aleksander Bursche

tel. +48 22 5522827

fax +48 225522801

[email protected]

RomAnIA / RoumAnIe

Societatea Numismatica RomânČ

Biblioteca Academiei Romane,

Cabinetul numismatic,

Calea Victoriei 125, sector 1,

Ro-010071 Bucarest

Contact: Emanuel Petac

tel. +40 723 241303

[email protected]


The State Historical Museum,

Dept. of Numismatics

Red Square 1, Ru-109012 moscow

Contact: Alexander Shkourko


tel. +7495 292 22 69

fax +7495 692 22 69

fax +7495 925 95 27

Igor Shiryakov

(Keeper of Numismatic Department)

tel. +7495 692 28 73

fax +7495 921 53 16

State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

12 Volkhonka st., Ru-119019 moscow

Contact: Nataliya Smirnova

tel. +7495 203 74 14

fax +7495 203 46 74

[email protected]


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The Moscow Numismatic Society

ul. Kosygina, dom 13, kv.149,

Ru-119334. moscow

Contact: Garold A. Shchetinin

tel. +7 495 930 01 21

[email protected]

The State Hermitage Museum

St. petersburg, dvortsovaya nab, 34,

Ru-190000, St. petersburg

Contact: Vitaly Kalinin

tel. (fax) +7812 710 90 06

[email protected]

SLoVenIA / SLoVénIe

Narodni Muzej Slovenije,

Numismatični kabinet

prešernova 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Contact: Peter Kos

tel. +386 61 126 4098

fax +386 61 221882

[email protected]

SpAIn / eSpAGne

Sociedad Numismática Avilesana

Apartado 225, e-33400 Aviles

Contact: Claudio López Arias

tel. +34 93 5563170

tel. +34 93 5523153

fax +34 98 5523153

Asociación Numismática Española

Avenida de les Corts Catalanes 627

pral. 1a, e-08010 Barcelona

Contact: J. Pellicer

tel. 34 93 3188245

fax +34 93 3189062

[email protected]

Gabinet Numismàtic de Catalunya,

museu nacional d’Art de Catalunya,

palau nacional, parc de montjuïc,

e-08038 Barcelona

Contact: Marta Campo

[email protected]

Contact: Albert Estrada

[email protected]

tel. +34 93 622 03 60

fax +34 93 622 03 74

Societat Catalana d’Estudis


Carrer del Carme 47,

e-08001 Barcelona

Contact: Xavier Sanahuja

tel. +34 3 4573876

fax +34 3 4579277

[email protected]

Fundación para el Fomento de los

Estudios Numismáticos FONUMIS

c/ orfila 18, e-28010 madrid

Contact: J. Cayón

tel. +34 91 5228030

fax +34 91 5233585

Departamento de Numismática y

Medallistica, Museo Arqueológico


c/ Serrano 13, e-28001 madrid

Contact: Paloma Otero

tel. +34 91 5777912-224

fax +34 91 4316840

[email protected]

Museo Casa de la Moneda

F. n. m. t., Jorge Juan 106,

e-28009 madrid

Contact: Juan Teodoro

tel. +34 915 666 533

fax +34 915 666 809

[email protected]


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Departamento de Arqueología

e Historia antigua

Centro de estudios Históricos, Consejo

Superior de Investigaciones Científicas,

duque de medinaceli n° 6,

e-28014 madrid

Contact: Maria Paz Garcia-Bellido

tel. +34 91 4290626

fax +34 91 3690940

[email protected]

Sociedad Iberoamericana

de Estudios Numismáticos (SIAEN)

c/ Jorge Juan 106, e-28009 madrid

Contact: Julio Torres

tel. +34 91 5666536

fax +34 91 5666809

[email protected]

Departament de Prehistòria i

Arqueologia, Universitat de València,

Facultad de Historia y Geografia

Avda Blasco Ibáñez, no. 28,

e-46010 València

Contact: Pere Pau Ripollès

tel. +34 96386 4124

fax +34 96398 3887

[email protected]

Museu de Prehistòria de València

Corona 36, e-46003 València

Contact: Helena Bonet Rosado

tel. +34 963 883 587

fax +34 963 883 536

[email protected]

SWeden / SuÈde

Kungl. Myntkabinettet /

Royal Coin Cabinet

Sveriges ekonomiska museum

Box 5405, Se-114 84 Stockholm

Contact: Ian Wiséhn

tel. +46 8 519 553 44

fax +46 8 4112214

[email protected]

Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen /

Swedish Numismatic Society

Banérgatan 17 nb, Se-115 22 Stockholm

Contact: President

tel. +46 8 6675598

fax +46 8 6670771

[email protected]

Uppsala University Coin Cabinet

Box 256, Se-751 05, uppsala

Contact: Hendrik Mäkeler

tel. +46 18 471 17 22

fax +46 18 471 75 69

[email protected]


Historisches Museum Basel,


Steinenberg 4, CH-4051 Basel

Contact: Michael Matzke

tel. +41 61 2058 600

fax +41 61 2058 601

[email protected]

Bernisches Historisches Museum

Helvetiaplatz 5, CH-3005 Bern

Contact: Daniel Schmutz

tel. +41 31 350 77 31

fax +41 31 350 77 99

[email protected]

Inventar der Fundmünzen

der Schweiz

Aarbergergasse 30,

postfach 6855, CH-3001 Bern

Contact: Rahel C. Ackermann

tel. +41 31 311 34 24


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fax +41 31 311 34 25

[email protected]

Schweizerische Numismatische


c/o Jean-pierre Righetti, Route de

Fribourg 54, CH-1724 Ferpicloz

Contact: Jean-Pierre Righetti

tel. +41 26 413 02 16

fax +41 26 413 02 15

[email protected]

Musée d’Art et d’Histoire,

Cabinet Numismatique

rue Charles Galland, Case postale

3432, CH-1200 Genève

Contact: Matteo Campagnolo

tel. +41 22 4182600

fax +41 22 4182601

[email protected]

Musée Monétaire Cantonal

place de la Riponne 6, palais

de Rumine, CH-1014 Lausanne

Contact: Anne Geiser

tel. +41 21 3163990

fax +41 21 3163999

[email protected]

Cabinet de Numismatique

de Neuchâtel,

Musée d’Art et d’Histoire

Case postale, CH-2001 neuchâtel

Contact: Gilles Perret

tel. +41 32 7177920

fax +41 32 7177929


Münzkabinett und Antikensammlung

der Stadt Winterthur

Villa Bühler, Lindstrasse 8, postfach,

CH-8402 Winterthur

Contact: Benedikt Zäch

tel. +41 52 267 51 46

fax +41 52 267 66 81

[email protected]

Freie Vereinigung

Zürcher Numismatiker

c/o münzkabinett, Schweizerisches

nationalmuseum, museumstraße 2,

pF, CH-8021 Zürich

Contact: Hortensia von Roten

tel. +41 44 218 65 16

fax +41 44 211 29 49

Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum,

Landesmuseum Zürich, Münzkabinett

museumstraße 2, pF, CH-8021 Zürich

Contact: Hortensia von Roten

tel. +41 44 218 65 16

fax +41 44 211 29 49

[email protected]


National Museum of History

49 nan Hai Road, taipei

Contact: Director

tel. +886 2 2361 0270

fax +886 2 2331 1086

unIted KInGdom / RoYAume-unI

de GRAnde-BRetAGne

The Barber Institute of Fine Arts,

Dept. of Coins, The University of


edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2tS

Contact: Eurydice S. Georganteli

tel. +44 121 414 7332

fax +44 121 414 3370

[email protected]


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The Fitzwilliam Museum,

Dept. of Coins and Medals

Cambridge CB2 1RB

Contact: Adrian Popescu

tel. +44 1223 332949

fax +44 1223 332923

[email protected]

The National Museum of Wales, Dept.

of Archaeology and Numismatics

Cathays park, Cardiff CF10 3np

Contact: Edward M. Besly

tel. +44 29 2057 3291

fax +44 29 2057 3321

[email protected]

National Museum of Scotland

Chambers Street, edinburgh eH1 1JF

Contact: Nicholas Holmes

tel. +44 131 247 4061

fax +44 131 247 4070

[email protected]

Hunterian Museum

the university, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Contact: Donal J. Bateson

tel. +44 141 330 4221 or 4289

fax +44 141 307 8059

[email protected]

The British Museum,

Dept. of Coins and Medals

Great Russell Street,

London WC1B 3dG

Contact: Philip Attwood

tel. +44 20 7323 8260

fax +44 207 323 8171

[email protected]

Royal Numismatic Society

the British museum, Great Russell

Street, London WC1B 3dG

Contact: Nicholas Mayhew

tel. +44 207 323 8228

fax +44 207 323 8171

Ashmolean Museum,

Heberden Coin Room

Beaumont Street, oxford oX1 2pH

Contact: Chris Howgego

tel. +44 1865 278063

fax +44 1865 278057

[email protected]

The Royal Mint

Llantrisant, pontyclun,

mid Glamorgan CF7 8Yt

Contact: Graham Dyer

tel. +44 1443 222111

fax +44 1443 228799

British Numismatic Society

the Warburg Institute, Woburn

Square, London WC1H 0AB

Current president: Roger Bland,

Keeper of portable Antiquities

& treasure, British museum,

uK-London WC1B 3dG

tel. +44 20 7323 8611

Contact: The President

[email protected]

Oriental Numismatic Society

9 Grandison Road, London SW11 6LS

Contact: Peter Smith


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tel. +44 207 228 6826

[email protected]

British Numismatic Trade Association

p. o. Box 2, Rye,

east Sussex tn31 7We

Contact: Rosemary Cooke

tel. +44 1797 229988

fax +44 1797 229988

[email protected]

unIted StAteS oF AmeRICA /

étAtS-unIS d’AméRIQue

Harvard Art Museums,

Division of Asian

and Mediterranean Art

32 Quincy Street, Cambridge,

mA 02138, uSA

Contact: Carmen Arnold-Biucchi

tel. +1 617 496 9274

fax +1 617 495 5211

[email protected]

website with collection online:

Yale University Art Gallery,

Dept. of Coins and Medals

p o Box 208271, new Haven, Ct

06520-8271, uSA

Contact: William E. Metcalf

tel. +1 203 432 1801

tel. +1 203 432 0982

fax +1 203 432 6019

[email protected]

The American Numismatic Society

75 Varick Street, floor 11,

new York, nY 10013, uSA

Contact: Andrew Meadows

tel. +1 212 571 4470 extension 111

fax +1 212 571 4479

[email protected]

Princeton University Library

one Washington Road, princeton,

nJ 08544, uSA

Contact: Alan M. Stahl

tel. +1 609 258 9127

fax +1 609 258 2324

[email protected]

The John Max Wulfing Collection,

Kemper Art Museum

Washington university in St. Louis,

CB 1189 – Kemper 210, one Brookings

drive, St. Louis, mo 63130-4899, uSA

Contact: Sarantis Symeonoglou

tel. +1 314 935 4519

[email protected]

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library

1703 32nd Street nW, Washington,

dC 20007, uSA

Contact: John W. Nesbitt

tel. +1 202 339 6993

fax +1 202 339 6419

[email protected]

Ancient Coin Collectors Guild

po Box 911, Gainsville,

mo 65655, uSA

Contact: Wayne G. Sayles

tel. 417 679 2142

[email protected]


Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana,

Gabinetto Numismatico

Cortile del Belvedere,

V-00120 Vatican City

Contact: Giancarlo Alteri

tel. +6 698 79 406,

fax +6 698 84 795

[email protected]


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HonoRARY memBeRS / memBReS HonoRAIReSAu 31 déCemBRe 2011


Hans-Sachs-Straße 1,

d-60487 Frankfurt/m., Allemagne

tel. +49/(0)69/7073157,

[email protected]

ARSLAN, Ermanno A.

Via privata Battisti 2, I-20122,

milan, Italie

tel. +39.025512901

[email protected]

BATES, Michael L.

Curator emeritus of Islamic Coins,

1334 River Road, Apt. 3, edgewater,

nJ 07020-1424, états-unis d’Amérique

[email protected]


dinklagestrasse 31, d-48145 münster,


BHATIA, Pratipal

e-7/7 Vasant Vitar,

new delhi 110 057, Inde

[email protected]


Höltystr. 4, d-37085 Göttingen,


[email protected]

BUTTREY, Theodore V.

dept. of Coins and medals, Fitz-

william museum, Trumpington Street,

GB-Cambridge CB2 1RB,

Royaume-uni de Grande-Bretagne

[email protected]

FRANKE, Peter Robert

Landshuter Allee 154/1, d-80637,

munich, Allemagne


State History museum,

numismatic department, Red Square,

1, Ru-09012 moscow, Russie

[email protected]

GEDAI, Istvan

magyar nemzeti muzeum, muzeum

Körut 14-16, postbok 364, H-1088

Budapest, Hongrie

GEIGER, Hans-Ulrich

Rötelsteig 9, CH-8037 Zürich, Suisse

[email protected]

JENSEN, Jørgen Steen

den Kgl. mønt- og medaillesamling,

nationalmuseet, Frederiksholms Kanal

12, dK-1220 København K, danemark

[email protected]

KLUGE, Bernd

münzkabinett, Staatliche museen zu

Berlin, preussischer Kulturbesitz,

Bodestrasse 1-3, d-10178 Berlin,


[email protected]

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LE RIDER, Georges

35 rue Vieille-du-Bourg,

F-69700 Givors, France


odenvägen 5,

S-181 32 Lidingö, Schweden

[email protected]

Metcalf, Michael

Heberden Coin Room, Ashmolean

museum, Beaumont Street, GB-oxford

oX1 2pH, Royaume-uni de Grande-



CnRS, Centre d’histoire et civilisation

de Byzance, Collège de France,

52 rue du Cardinal-Lemoine,

F-75005 paris, France

[email protected]


44 metochiou Avenue, 1101 nicosia,



2 rue de paradis, F-75010 paris, France

[email protected]


30 Heyden street, GR-Athènes 104 34,


PARISE, Nicola

Via dei delfini 24, I-00186 Roma, Italie,

[email protected],


Zerbster Str. 52, d-12627 Berlin,


SCHULTZ, Hans-Dietrich

Rödelstrasse 6, d-10318 Berlin,


[email protected]

SKAARE, Kolbjørn

universitetets Kulturhistoriske museer,

myntkabinett, postboks 6762, St olavs

plass, n-0164 oslo, norvège


Institut d’Archeologie et d’ethnologie,

Academie polonaise des Sciences, Al.

Solidarnosci 105, pL 00-140 Warszawa,


[email protected]


c/Corsega 351-2, e-08037 Barcelone,


WEILLER, Raymond

Résidence de l’Avenir, 40 rue de

l’Avenir, L-1147 Luxembourg


Hällbygatan 36A,

Se-752 28 uppsala, Suède

[email protected]