composition of mismatched web services in distributed service oriented design activities

Composition of mismatched web services in distributed service oriented design activities Muhammad Younas a , Kuo-Ming Chao b, * , Christopher Laing c a Department of Computing, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK b Distributed Systems and Modelling Research Group, School of MIS, Coventry University, Coventry, UK c School of Informatics, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Abstract The composition of heterogeneous web services is a key aspect of usability and applicability of web services in different application domains such as business applications, healthcare, and e-government. Current research has developed different techniques to achieve effective composition of web services. Unfortunately, they fail to ensure a perfect match in the composition of web services. This paper investigates the composition of web services and how to effectively employ web services in the design activities. Objectives of this work are twofold. Firstly, to proposes a new technique that assists users to resolve a mismatch in the composition of web services. Secondly, to implement, validate, and evaluate the proposed technique within the context of design activities thus establishing a workbench called Service Oriented Design Activities (SODA). SODA provides a web-based design infrastructure that allows loosely coupled design teams to collaborate on different services, and to enable them to resolve any mismatch between heterogeneous design services. Other anticipated advantages include interoperability of design services, improving designer capabilities, and the reduction of product development time. q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Web service; Semantic web; Engineering design; Web service matchmaking; Ontology 1. Introduction Web services enable the development of diverse applications using standard technologies and protocols such as extensible markup language (XML), simple object access protocol (SOAP), web services description language (WSDL) and universal description, discovery and integration (UDDI) [1]. Web services are used in different applications such as business, scientific, education, and engineering design [2–4]. Semantic web technologies [5] are used to enhance the utility of web services. Semantic web provides web services with more expressive power, such that software programs can understand the meaning and usage of those services. Generally, if no single web service can provide the required functionality there should be an option to compose existing web services to satisfy a user’s requirements. The issue of composition has drawn a significant attention both from the industry and academic research communities. A considerable amount of research has been invested in developing methods for the automatic composition of web services. These include, service discovery, match making, and the use of workflow languages to coordinate web services. A survey in [7] highlights various methods developed for the automatic composition of web services. The work in [8] develops a LARKS language that enables service matchmaking among agents in the Internet environment. While research in [9] applies Case-Based Reasoning to automatically discovering and composing different web services. Recently, the academic and industrial community have begun to consider the use of Semantic web in engineering design. For instance, WIDE [6], a European funded project has been investigating the application of Semantic web technology in the engineering design activities for information management and knowledge sharing. This project does not consider the composition of heterogeneous and autonomous web services in order to enable collaboration or form composite services. Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153 1474-0346/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2005.05.009 * Corresponding author. Tel.: C44 24 7688 8908. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Younas), k.chao@ (K.-M. Chao), [email protected] (C. Laing).

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Composition of mismatched web services

in distributed service oriented design activities

Muhammad Younasa, Kuo-Ming Chaob,*, Christopher Laingc

aDepartment of Computing, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UKbDistributed Systems and Modelling Research Group, School of MIS, Coventry University, Coventry, UK

cSchool of Informatics, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


The composition of heterogeneous web services is a key aspect of usability and applicability of web services in different application

domains such as business applications, healthcare, and e-government. Current research has developed different techniques to achieve

effective composition of web services. Unfortunately, they fail to ensure a perfect match in the composition of web services. This paper

investigates the composition of web services and how to effectively employ web services in the design activities. Objectives of this work are

twofold. Firstly, to proposes a new technique that assists users to resolve a mismatch in the composition of web services. Secondly, to

implement, validate, and evaluate the proposed technique within the context of design activities thus establishing a workbench called Service

Oriented Design Activities (SODA). SODA provides a web-based design infrastructure that allows loosely coupled design teams to

collaborate on different services, and to enable them to resolve any mismatch between heterogeneous design services. Other anticipated

advantages include interoperability of design services, improving designer capabilities, and the reduction of product development time.

q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Web service; Semantic web; Engineering design; Web service matchmaking; Ontology

1. Introduction

Web services enable the development of diverse

applications using standard technologies and protocols

such as extensible markup language (XML), simple object

access protocol (SOAP), web services description language

(WSDL) and universal description, discovery and

integration (UDDI) [1]. Web services are used in different

applications such as business, scientific, education, and

engineering design [2–4]. Semantic web technologies [5]

are used to enhance the utility of web services. Semantic

web provides web services with more expressive power,

such that software programs can understand the meaning

and usage of those services.

Generally, if no single web service can provide the

required functionality there should be an option to

compose existing web services to satisfy a user’s

1474-0346/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: C44 24 7688 8908.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Younas), k.chao@ (K.-M. Chao), [email protected] (C. Laing).

requirements. The issue of composition has drawn a

significant attention both from the industry and academic

research communities. A considerable amount of research

has been invested in developing methods for the

automatic composition of web services. These include,

service discovery, match making, and the use of

workflow languages to coordinate web services. A survey

in [7] highlights various methods developed for the

automatic composition of web services. The work in [8]

develops a LARKS language that enables service

matchmaking among agents in the Internet environment.

While research in [9] applies Case-Based Reasoning to

automatically discovering and composing different web


Recently, the academic and industrial community have

begun to consider the use of Semantic web in engineering

design. For instance, WIDE [6], a European funded project

has been investigating the application of Semantic web

technology in the engineering design activities for

information management and knowledge sharing. This

project does not consider the composition of heterogeneous

and autonomous web services in order to enable

collaboration or form composite services.

Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153

Fig. 1. Web services architecture.

M. Younas et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153144

Current approaches have developed different techniques

to achieve effective composition of web services. However,

they are unable to ensure a perfect match in the composition

of web services. In this paper, the authors have provided an

in-depth analysis of the possible mismatch between web

services. This analysis is used to define a new approach that

aims to assist users in resolving mismatch between web

services. This approach develops a virtual web service

(VSW) that helps developers to bridge their differences

when composing different web services. The proposed

approach complies with standard technologies of web

services and semantic web. It establishes a workbench

called Service Oriented Design Activities (SODA) [2], and

is implemented, validated, and evaluated using a case study

of ship design [10,11]. A SODA workbench is applied to the

domain of a large and complex engineering design. The

challenge of engineering design is that it involves numerous

design activities, requiring collaborative work among

diverse design disciplines and autonomous organisations

each providing specialised services. The proposed system,

therefore, provides a web-based design infrastructure that

allows loosely coupled design teams to collaborate on

different services. This is motivated by the fact that modern

design infrastructure involves many designers,

manufactures, financial analysts, and so on. Such

infrastructure consists of autonomous and heterogeneous

design systems, which are used to provide different services

required by the design activities. Effective service delivery

capabilities are critical to a viable design infrastructure

wherein design systems can cooperate with each other in

order to provide and receive desired services. For example,

in a ship design process, a Hydrostatic Consultancy will

provide services such as vessel’s buoyancy, stability, and

cargo capacity [10,11]. In order to provide such services the

hydrostatic consultancy generates the required block

coefficient (Cb), midship coefficient (Cm), longitudinal

centre of buoyancy (LCB), and length/breadth ratio (L/B).

It also needs services from the design consultancy such as

hull dimensions: length (L), breadth (B), and draft (T).

The contributions that this work makes are twofold:

On the web services side: it enables an effective

composition process thereby ensuring a higher degree of

matchmaking between heterogeneous web services.

On the application side: engineering design teams can

benefit from the proposed system as it facilitates the process

of system integration and knowledge sharing.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows:

Section 2 provides background information through the

description of related technologies. Section 3 critically

reviews current solutions and defines the nature of the

problem. Section 4 presents the proposed SODA

Workbench. Section 5 illustrates the case study of ship

design within which the proposed system is tested. Section 6

describes the application and testing of the proposed system

using the case study. Section 7 concludes the paper.

2. Background

This section establishes the background of the related

technologies and the composition process. Firstly it

illustrates the web services and their underlying standards

and protocols. Secondly, it describes the semantic web and

its associated technologies. Finally, it explains the

composition process of web services.

2.1. Web services

Web services enable the development of Internet-based

applications using standard technologies and protocols such

as extensible markup language (XML), simple object access

protocol (SOAP), web services description language

(WSDL) and universal description, discovery and

integration (UDDI) [1]. As shown in Fig. 1, these

technologies and protocols are organized into different

layers comprising: network, messaging, service description,

service publication and service discovery layer. Web

services use commonly deployed network protocols such

as TCP/IP, HTTP, and IIOP. Web Services provide a

standard means of integration and communication among

different distributed systems and applications running on a

variety of platforms. For example, different design systems

can be integrated through web services in order to provide

design teams with different services.

WSDL facilitates the process of service description.

Each service provider (e.g. Hydrostatic Consultancy) uses

WSDL in order to define the details of the services it

provides. Through WSDL services are defined as

collections of network endpoints, or ports. In order to

define services WSDL document uses different elements

such as types (used for data type definition); message (typed

definition of the data); operation (describes an action which

is supported by the respective service); binding (defines a

protocol and data format specification for a particular port

type); port (specifies an address for a binding); service

(aggregates a set of related ports).

In web services, messages are communicated between

participating systems (e.g. hydrostatic consultancy and

design consultancy) using XML-based SOAP protocol.

SOAP provides an enveloping mechanism so as to

communicate document-based messages. A SOAP message

is an XML document. It comprises different parts such as

M. Younas et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153 145

SOAP envelope, a SOAP header, and a SOAP body. SOAP

envelope is the top element of the XML document, which

represents the message. Header is used to add features to a

SOAP message. Features are added to the message in a

decentralized manner without prior agreement between the

participating systems concerning the message. SOAP body

is a container for the information, which is sent from the

sender to the receiver of the message. SOAP messages are

extensible thus they can be customised according to the

application needs.

UDDI is used by the service requester (e.g. Hydrostatic

Consultancy) and service provider (e.g. Design Consul-

tancy) in order to publish and search for services. UDDI

uses WSDL documents to publish details of the services and

also facilitates the searching of services. In this respect

UDDI may be considered to be the Yellow Pages of the


2.2. Semantic web technology

The utility of the web services can be enhanced using

semantic web technology [12]. Semantic web provides web

services with more expressive power, such that software

programs can understand the meaning and usage of those

services. It uses an ontology language, called OWL to

represent knowledge about web services [13]. OWL

provides a rich set of constructs with which to create

ontologies and to markup web information so that it is

computer readable and understandable. The definitions of

terms in vocabularies and the relationships between the

terms can be represented explicitly in OWL thereby

avoiding the ambigity. An ontology is the representation

of terms and their interrelationships.

OWL is built upon XML, RDF, and RDF-S, but it

supports more powerful expressive langauges allowing

users to model meaning and semantics of the terminologeis

which are machine interpretable web documents. It provides

the contructs for defining classes, the relation between

classes, their properties, RDF schema, cardinality, etc. The

ontologies represented in OWL can be reasoned with some

ontology tool such as OWLJessKB [14]. OWL is a

specification without provision of a run-time environment.

The ontology tool OWLJessKB (an implementation of

OWL) provides a run-rime environment and reasoning

mechanism to meet users’ needs. OWLJessKB is built upon

Java Expert System Shell (Jess) incorporating a descriptive

logic reasoning for performing the inference with OWL

ontologies. The syntax of OWLJessKB is production rules

like other expert system shells, but supports a rich set of

XML schema data types.


JWSDL [15] contains a set of APIs for reading, writing,

creating, and modifying WSDL definitions and extensibility

elements. Developers can use JWSDL to represent

and retrieve WSDL documents dynamically. It can serialise

and/or de-serialise the extensibility elements in order to

maintain their persistence. In addition, a factory mechanism

supported by JWSDL allows a client code to be written

independent of any particular JWSDL implementation. It

provides an infrastructure for building WSDL at runtime.

JAX-RPC is a Java based web service technology that

enables Java technology developers to build web

applications and web services incorporating XML based

RPC functionality according to the SOAP (simple object

access protocol) 1.1 specification. JAX-RPC uses remote

method invocation (RMI) and Java beans technologies to

facilitate the implementation of the web services. The main

advantage of this mechanism is to allow Java developers to

construct web services under their familiar environment.

2.4. Composition of web services

Web service is a function that is well defined, self-

contained, and does not depend on the context or state of

other services [1,9]. However, if no single web service can

satisfy the functionality required by the user there should be

an option to compose existing web services so as to fulfil the

user’s requirements. Composition of services is defined as a

process that enables the creation of composite services.

Such services should be dynamically discovered, integrated,

and executed such that they can fulfil the users’

requirements [9].

Composition of services enhances the functionality of

web services, automate the service development process,

and enable dynamic interactions between services. In order

to fully benefit from the composition of web services, it is

important to develop an effective matchmaking mechanism.

The authors in [8] define matchmaking as a process of

discovering appropriate service providers that meet the

requirements of the service requester through a third party

(or middle agent). Current research considers various

factors in order to ensure matchmaking in the service

composition. However, it fails to ensure perfect match in the

web services composition, as described in the preceding


3. Related work

Analysis of the related work is classified into two parts:

Composition of Web services, and the application of

semantic Web and services in engineering design activities.

3.1. Composition of web services

The issue of composition has drawn a significant

attention both from the industry and academic research

communities. Different techniques are proposed for the

composition of Web services including manual and

automated composition techniques. Work undertaken in

M. Younas et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153146

[7] provides a survey of methods developed for the

automatic composition of Web services. These methods

are classified as workflow composition and AI planning

methods. Analysis of these methods is presented using a

generalized framework of the Web service composition.

The framework provides a high level abstraction, which is

independent of the underlying language or platform used in

the Web service composition. The authors also illustrate the

process of automatic Web service composition in terms of

(i) Web services presentation/advertisement (ii) translation

of Web services languages (iii) the main composition

process (iv) evaluation of the composite Web services, and

(v) the execution of the composite Web services. This

survey arrives at the observation that a fully automated and

precise composition of Web services may not be achieved

through the existing techniques.

Our own review of the literature supports the above

claim. For instance, [8] develops a LARKS language that

enables service matchmaking among agents in the Internet

environment. LARKS supports both syntactic and semantic

matchmaking of the services. LARKS matchmaking process

is based on different parameters (or filters) including context

matching, profile comparison, similarity matching and

constraint matching. LARKS resolves services’ mismatch

to some extent but is unable to ensure a fuller matchmaking

of heterogeneous services. In [9] a case-based reasoning

technique is used to discover and compose different Web

services. It provides proactive and reactive composition of

Web services. Advantages claimed of this approach are the

reduction in composition cost, service collaboration

and client satisfaction, and efficient service discovery and

composition. Despite these advantages this approach fails to

achieve precise composition of Web services. Work

undertaken in [18] proposes a semantic Web technologies

framework in order to automatically discover and compose

grid services. It is suggested that this approach is able to

support a dynamic workflow composition, and enable users

to share workflows, which may have different level of


The above discussion reveals that current approaches

assume that Web services can be integrated seamlessly

without any needed modification. However, the issue of

mismatch between Web services may still exist, as these

approaches do not provide a perfect match in the Web

services composition. In this paper, the authors intend to

address this issue by developing a system that integrates

Web services and assists users in resolving the mismatch

between Web services, which is otherwise not possible

through the existing techniques.

3.2. Semantic Web and Web services in design activities

Research on the use of Web services and semantic Web

in the engineering design activities is still in its infancy.

WIDE [6], a European funded project, has begun an

investigation into the application of semantic Web

technology in the engineering design activities for

information management and knowledge sharing. The aim

is to provide multi-disciplinary design teams with improved

information management and knowledge sharing in their

workspace. This project appears to be in the early stages and

there are no details available on the approaches taken when

using the semantic Web in engineering design activities.

The approach in [16] employs description logics and

semantic Web in design repositories in order to develop

the representation and reasoning mechanisms. This work

develops an ontology for the representation, classification,

and comparison of electromechanical devices. The work in

[17] develops a conceptual design system in order to

provide collaborative and secure engineering design

environment for geographically distributed design teams.

This consists of the development of a conceptual design

interface, representation of design semantics, and reasoning

mechanism. This representation incorporates OWL

language of the semantic Web technology in order to

share design knowledge between different users involved in

the design process.

The above approaches apply semantic Web technologies

to engineering design activities but they do not give

attention to the composition of Web services, which is the

focus of this paper.

4. The SODA workbench

This section presents the proposed SODA Workbench.

Section 4.1 describes rationale for this research. In

Section 4.2, there is an illustration of the mismatch

identification model and its associated rules. Architectural

aspects of the SODA workbench are detailed in Section 4.3.

4.1. Rationale

The proposed approach aims at resolving mismatch in

the process of composition of Web services. Mismatches

could result from semantic and/or syntactic signature

differences between Web services. When a mismatch

occurs between two Web services, a function is required

to enable them to possess coherent interfaces and semantics

prior to their interaction or composition. Additional Web

services may also be used to bridge the gap between

heterogeneous web services. For example, a mediating web

service, called virtual web service (VWS), could be

introduced to resolve the differences. A web service can

use a single VWS, which includes essential functions for

resolving the differences and to facilitate the

communication with other Web services. Alternatively,

multiple VWSs can be designed for composing different

web services. A single VWS option can bring the advantage

of less communication. However, it may suffer from the

disadvantage of a single point failure. Multiple VWSs have

advantages of averting a single point failure. However, it

M. Younas et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153 147

may result in the communication overhead. Comparison

between single or multiple VWS is out of the scope of this

research. The emphasis is that VWS is a significant tool

towards resolving the incompatibility of web services.

Designing a system to assist users in identifying possible

mismatches and to allow users for facilitating the design of a

VWS in order to resolve the differences between composed

web services is an important research issue. However, what

steps should be taken by users to alleviate the differences? It

is important to have a system in hand that supports users

with analysis and illustration of possible or potential

mismatches between web services prior to composition. A

user-friendly graphical user interface should be designed to

reduce users’ burdens and to prevent manual errors. The

proposed SODA Workbench aims at addressing the

aforementioned issues. It does not automate the design

process, but assist the users in composing web services and

resolving their mismatches in terms of semantics and

syntactic signatures.

In the design activities, the rationale behind the compo-

sition of web services is twofold: meeting long-term or short-

term design requirements. If it is a long-term requirement, the

participating web services need to make changes for firm

integration. If it is a short-term requirement or there are other

requirements, it means the web service can be used for

different scenarios. The web services should be kept intact.

4.2. The mismatch identification model

This section presents the proposed mismatch identifi-

cation model. This model assumes that web services are

annotated with OWL-S and other match making mechan-

isms are used so as to identify a list of possible web services

for composition. It also assumes that there is no perfect

match among the identified web services. This model is

knowledge-based which includes rules and facts. Rules

identify the relationship between concepts. The derivation

of rules is built upon basic definitions of the problems and

related concepts. First we illustrate possible relationships

between concepts. These are then used in the formulation of

mismatch identification rules.

4.2.1. Concept relationships:

Definition 1: AtB

represents a gap between A and B. e.g. A provides width and

length of an entity, but B requires area for the computation.

Definition 2: AzB

A and B have same data types, but have different concepts.

e.g. A and B have float data types associated with a

measurement, but A uses inch and B means centimetre.

Definition 3: AsB

represents same concept, but different data types. e.g. A uses

integer data type to define a measurement, but B uses float

data type to define the measurement.

Definition 4: AIB

A is superclass of B. e.g. ferry is a type of ship.

Definition 5 A3B

A is subclass of B. e.g. Children are a subclass of passenger.

Definition 6: A2B

A is a part of B. e.g. Machinery cost is part of vessel cost.

Definition 7: AhBZC and Cs0

represent an overlap between two objects, e.g. A shares

attributes with B.

Definition 8: A!B

B has more attributes than A.

Definition 9: B!A

B has less attributes than A.

Definition 10: CZAgB and AhBZ0

C can be split into A and B. z denoted as split function. So z


Definition 11: CZACB

C consists of A and B, z(C)Z{A,B}. j denoted as

composition function and j(A,B)ZC.

Definition 12: CZAjB

C is either A or B. F denoted as option and F(A,B)ZA or B.

Definition 13: {A$B$C}

A, B and C must be executed, but without specific order.

Definition 14: {A/B/C}

A must be executed, before B and C cannot be executed

before B.

The production rules for mismatch identification can be

formulated based on the above defined relationship between


4.2.2. Production rules

R1. If DZj(A,B) then A2D & B2D & AhBZ0;

composition rule for composing two concepts.

R2. If DZj((A),D 0) and AZACD 0 then DOA; Recursive

rule for identifying additional required concepts.

R3. If D!A and Dhz(A)s0 then DZz(A); Extracting

rule to extract extra attributes.

R4. If A3C then A3B & B3C; Superclass rule to

determine relationship between two concepts.

R5. If AIC then AIB & BIC; Subclass rule to determine

relationship between two concepts.

R6. If F(z(A)hz(B)) then AhBs0; overlapping rule to

find the overlaps between two concepts and identify the

overlapping concept.

R7. If A3B & B<C then AtC; Gap rule to determine

there is a gap between two concepts.

R8. If T1(A)ZB then AzB; A and B have same data types,

but have different concepts.

R9. If T2(A)ZB then AsB; A and B have same or similar

concept, but have different data types.

T1 and T2 are elements in set T, which contains a set of

transformation functions such as data type and date


The above rules are examples, but not an exhaustive list.

M. Younas et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153148

4.3. Architecture of SODA workbench

This section illustrates the architecture of the SODA

Workbench within which it is implemented. The architec-

ture, presented in Fig. 2, encompasses the above rules and

concept relationships. Those rules combining with the facts

and semantics given by ontologies and web services can

form a knowledge base for reasoning. SODA Workbench

contains a reasoning mechanism, which is built upon a close

world reasoning mechanism and a distiller mechanism. The

reasoning mechanism can reason on the knowledge or facts

given by semantic web and pre-defined rules to identify the

mismatches. One of the main functions for the distiller

mechanism is to extract related WSDL files and translate

them as facts for reasoning. These functions are main

contributors to the mismatch identification model. Thus a

list of WSDL files and profiles in OWL-S representing

different web services have to be loaded on to the SODA

Workbench. In addition, any other, related ontologies

represented in OWL need to be included in the Workbench.

The mismatch identification model can be triggered

when two port names from different web services are

selected for composition or collaboration. The input

message of a port name will be mapped to the output

message of the other port, which resides in a

different WSDL. The reasoning mechanism is provided by

OWL-Jess KB, semantic mismatches are identified by

considering their precondition effects; additional semantics

presented by the ontologies may also be taken into account

in this identification process semantic mismatches by taking

their precondition and effect and additional semantic

presented by the ontologies into account. The facts that

cannot be found are assumed to be false due to the close

world reasoning adopted in the system. Input and

output messages associated with the operations will be

retrieved by a distiller mechanism, which is built upon

Fig. 2. Architecture of S

JWSDL. As a result, the messages to be composed, the parts

and their associated port types can be loaded into Work-

bench for carrying out syntactic signature mismatch


The key purpose of the proposed system is to identify the

mismatches for users’ references. So it is important to

display a list of potential mismatches in terms of semantics

and syntactic signatures if there is any. Once the mismatches

have been identified, an editor should be provided to aid the

users when adding extra code in order to eliminate the

mismatches. As a result, Workbench generates a skeleton of

VWS which includes both WSDL URI and related message

types, port and input and output messages. An additional

port is generated which includes an input and an output

messages. The input message corresponds to one output

message in one WSDL. The output message matches up the

input message of the other WSDL.

Since SODA Workbench employs JAXRPC for

supporting web services, the corresponding Java beans

class is generated. The user can fill the class with

necessary code to bridge the differences. Once the users

have completed the addition of extra code, the system is

ready to generate the VWS. Target name space, binding to

communication protocol and a default partner like type

are added for generating a workable WSDL for VWS. The

Java beans are compiled into executable files. The user

can add to the OWL-S, but not necessarily. The system is

to provide a method to eliminate mismatches between

web services, so the process of composition is left to the

user to decide.

The user can use either a Java client or BPWS4J engine

to execute the composite web services. The Workbench is

implemented in Java and it utilises a number of related

technologies to support prescribed functions. The system is

applied and tested on the case study, which is presented in

the Section 5.

ODA workbench.

Fig. 3. A distributed design environment.

Table 1

Conceptual design requirements and revisions

Crew 15 15 VTrial (VT) 40 Knots

Passengers 600 750 VService (VS) 37 Knots

Lane length 685 m 856m VCruising (VC) 25 Knots

Cars 136 170 EnduranceMiles 400 Nautical


Coaches 6 6 EnduranceDays 1 Day



5 5

M. Younas et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153 149

5. Case study: fast ferry concept design

This section describes a case study of fast ferry concept

design from Armstrong technology associates [10] in order

to test the proposed approach. A ship design process [11]

demonstrating the interoperability of different design

services is presented, and the data flow between design

teams in a distributed design environment is described.

Naval Architecture consists of differing ship design

activities/services, each with differing and competing

design priorities. These design services represents a design

environment [11]. The design of a ship is complex process;

a constrained by technical and economic issues. This design

process may be undertaken concurrently, in which design

teams can be part of a distributed design environment [19].

Each of these design teams will manage their own input and

output data. This interaction is shown in Fig. 3, which

represents a distributed design environment.

Fig. 3 shows the data flows between different teams in the

distributed design environment. In this case study the Prime

Contractor issues a specification to the Design Consultancy.

The Design Consultancy performs some preliminary

analysis, and identifies appropriate hull dimension; Length

(L), Breadth (B), and Draft (T), which are sent concurrently to

the Hydrostatic Consultancy, the Hydrodynamic

Consultancy, and the Shipyard [11]. In this case study,

three performance criteria will apply; service speed (VS),

cargo (passengers and cars) capacity of the vessel (CC), and

transverse stability (GMT). The Hydrostatic Consultancy is

responsible for the vessel’s buoyancy, stability, and cargo

capacity. The Hydrostatic Consultancy uses preliminary data

from the Design Consultancy to generate Block Coefficient

(Cb), Midship Coefficient (Cm), Longitudinal Centre of

Buoyancy (LCB), Length/Breadth ratio (L/B), vertical

Centre of Gravity (KGM), transverse stability (GMT), and

cargo capacity (CC).

The Hydrodynamic Consultancy is responsible for the

vessel’s sea keeping, manoeuvrability and resistance/

propulsion. This Consultancy takes data from the Design

Consultancy, and data from the Hydrostatic Consultancy to

generate a design with the necessary service speed (VS). The

Shipyard uses data from the Design Consultancy to generate

estimates of machinery cost (CM), steel cost (CS) and outfit

cost (CO). The final data flow is back to the Prime

Contractor for analysis and evaluation [11].

The basis ship will operate in competition with an

existing ferry service; but will use the faster service to

attract non-freight (passengers and cars) away from this

existing service [2]. The Prime Contractor uses this

rationale to define the conceptual design requirements

(Table 1); the distributed design process as described above

is initiated, and an initial design will eventually be returned.

However during the design process, revisions to the

conceptual design requirements are often undertaken. In this

case study, it is assumed that the Prime Contactor has

experience of operating a similar service, and that the

introduction of a fast ferry service will generate a demand

not accommodated by the initial conceptual design

requirements [2]. Furthermore this demand will be

experienced throughout the day, and an extra sailing

Fig. 4. User interface of the SODA workbench.

M. Younas et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153150

would not ease the problem. The Prime Contractor estimates

that the cargo (passengers and cars) capacity will need to be

increased by 25% [2]. The design revisions are shown in

Table 1 in a shaded column.

The above case study illustrates the complexity of the

design process, involving frequent interactions between

different design teams/disciplines. This case study high-

lights the need for a new system that ensures the seamless

composition of mismatched design services. The mismatch

between design services may occur in terms of input/output,

data types, functionality, information context, and so on. For

example, design consultancy generates Block Coefficient

(Cb), midship coefficient (Cm), longitudinal centre of

buoyancy (LCB), length/breadth ratio (L/B), and vertical

centre of gravity (KGM). These are required as input by

Hydrodynamic Consultancy which then generates a design

with the necessary service speed (VS). However, the output

generated by the design consultancy may not fully comply

with the input requirements of hydrodynamic consultancy.

Each entity shown in Fig. 3 is a system that employs

different off-the-shelf tools such as CAD systems, decision

support systems and knowledge-based systems as well as

other in-house systems to perform the desired tasks. These

tools are implemented in different programming languages

and support a set of APIs as interfaces for the interoper-

ability with different programming languages (e.g. C,

CCC, Java, etc.). So, the web service technologies are

adopted to wrap the systems for the interaction with the

supported APIs that could alleviate the communication

among these heterogeneous systems. However, each system

requires different input parameters and produces different

outputs. It is difficult to standardise the interfaces to meet

different requirements. The flow of the interactions among

these systems is dynamic. It means that the design flow

cannot be predefined in a static way and a number of iterated

design processes could occur at same time.

This is especially the case in distributed web-based

design environment where the requirements of design

services are pre-determined. As discussed above, current

solutions partially resolve the mismatch between different

services. However, these techniques still need user

involvement to enforce a perfect match in the composition

of services. The Section 6 presents the proposed approach

that addresses these issues.

6. SODA workbench in the ship design

This section describes the application of SODA Work-

bench to the case study presented in Section 5. The aim is to

demonstrate the validity of the proposed workbench within

complex engineering design.

The application of SODA Workbench to the ship design

process is illustrated through the diagram presented in

Fig. 4. Consider that a user needs to create a new project or

open an existing project, before web services can be loaded

into the system. The user selects web services via UDDI or

other means and inputs WSDL web addresses.

The system can start to load the WSDL files. As shown in

Fig. 4, the panel in the left side window contains a list of

potential collaborating web services. These include,

Hydrostatic_WS, Hydrodynamic_WS, Shipyard_WS,

Design_WS and Prime_Contractor_WS. Each web service,

shown as a root, has a list of port types, which are shown as

leaves in a tree. The right side of the panel shows a list of

port types, which could possibly interact with each other.

For example, Hydrodynamic_WS includes 5 ports and each

port type is associated with an operation.

Before the matching process can be carried out, the

related ontologies must be imported into workspace. To

define the relationship between port types, simply drag a

line between them. Once the relationship between port types

has been defined, the mismatch identification model can be

activated. Fig. 5 shows that 4 different port types need to

interact with each other, so therefore 5 VWS are generated

to enable them to communicate seamlessly.

The system shows the possible mismatches between two

port types as shown in Fig. 5. The mismatch identification

message box contains a list of possible mismatches between

two port types by employing OWL JESS KB and Distiller.

In this example, machinery cost is part of vessel tool. The

machinery cost is float data type and vessel cost is complex

data type. The ontology provides the related concepts of

machinery cost and vessel cost. The Distiller identifies the

data type mismatch between these two.

When the mismatches have been identified, an editing

tool, shown in Fig. 6, is used to edit the VWS. In the

diagram a solid box (see Fig. 4) is added automatically and

represented as a VWS sitting between two web services.

The VWS contains a list of message types used by the port

types in web services. In this case, a complex data type and a

float data type are involved. An additional port type, which

Fig. 5. Mismatch identification message box.

Fig. 7. Integrated web services.

M. Younas et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153 151

connects to two selected port types, is created in the VWS.

The target URIs (

shipWS743) and (


Prime_Contractor_WS) corresponding to imported web

services are inserted. An Interface class, Vessel_Cost_Ma-

chineary_CostIF, and a Java bean related to the created port

type are generated. An implementation class needs to be

defined by the users in order to alleviate the mismatches

between the port types. After the Java bean is implemented,

the VWS generator is invoked to complete the process. As a

result, and if there is no error in the implemented Java code,

the WSDL file and the required Java classes are generated.

Following the same steps, the mismatches between web

services are removed by including VWS. The interactions

among web services can be modelled in BPEL4WS or a

Java Client program to control the flow (see Fig. 7). In this

exercise, we used a Java Client program to integrate their


In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the generated

system, we obtain the parameters produced by the system

Fig. 6. Editing tool for bridgine mismatches.

and give them to the CAD system in order to test the output

as shown in Fig. 8. Key parameters such as vessel speed and

passenger numbers are produced as expected. A second test,

using the changed requirement specifications (as noted in

the above case study) is undertaken to examine the system’s

behaviour. The system responds to the change in a

predicable way by producing reasonable parameter values.

Fig. 9 shows the output of the composite web services as

plotted in CAD design tool. The capacity of accommodating

passengers and cars is reflected to the changes consistently.

The lane length is increased from 685 to 856 m.

Before the experiment was carried out, a number of tests

were undertaken to identify the shortcomings of the system.

The mismatching rules in general are sufficient to detect

most conflicted interfaces and semantics. Since the design

flow is dynamic, the order of the executing services and port

types cannot be determined by the system entirely.

Hardwired code and a fixed design flow were introduced

in some places to ensure that the system was carried out in a

desired order. In this problem domain, identifying the

mismatched data types and their associated semantics

within these collaborative services is the key focus.

Therefore, a number of additional functions, implemented

as a set of Java beans have been added to the

Prime_contractor web Service and others in order to

alleviate large functional gaps that exist between them. It

should be noted that the system is unable to deal with the

types of mismatches that are not modelled in the knowledge

base as the system cannot classify them. The system relies

heavily on the knowledge represented in OWL-S for the

web services to carry out the reasoning. Consequently,

Fig. 8. Fast ferry ship.

Fig. 9. Increased capacities for cars and passengers.

M. Younas et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 19 (2005) 143–153152

the appropriate representation of the services interfaces and

their associated semantics are important for the system to

derive right conclusions. A number of mistakes in the

representation and missing semantics were identified in the

early rounds of the tests. These caused the system to behave

unexpectedly. OWLJessKB, a prototype system, is a useful

tool, but its reliability and some essential functions need to

be improved. These problems are either fixed or resolved by

hardwired solutions in order to demonstrate the system.

7. Conclusions

Web service technology, playing a similar role to

CORBA, provides a way of integrating heterogeneous

distributed systems, allowing them to work together

seamlessly. However, issues of semantic and syntactic

mismatches cannot be waived as web service only supports

location transparency and alleviating barriers when using

different languages. The common assumption in existing

match making methods and workflow language approaches

is that composite web services are based on the existence of

a perfect match. The issue of providing against a mismatch

among web services has been neglected.

In this paper, the authors have proposed a SODA

Workbench that includes a set of rules, knowledge (facts),

and a reasoning mechanism to identify mismatches. The

workbench contains a Distiller mechanism to extract WSDL

and form a skeleton of VWS. The VWS plays an important

role in bridging the gap and transforming the mismatches.

The focus of the proposed system is to firstly, provide a

mismatch identification mechanism for facilitating

the elimination of mismatches and secondly, provide a

user-friendly environment to design VWS. A prototype

system is implemented and tested in a ship design process.

The experiment was carried out within a closed environ-

ment; that is prior to the experiment, the number of systems

and their identity have been pre-defined. In addition, the

system is unable to provide support for choosing alternative

services. It is suggested that in order to identify its full

potential and limitations, future work will look at testing the

system in an open environment. In addition further

expansion of the mismatch rules is required to make the

system more flexible.


Thanks to Keith Hutchinson for providing the case study

from Armstrong Technology, Centre for Advanced

Industry, Royal Quays, North Shields Tyne and Wear,

UK. We also would like to express our great appreciation to

the valuable comments made by anonymous reviewers.


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